Musical fairy tales in kindergarten. Scenario of a theatrical musical fairy tale for children of senior preschool age with speech impairment “Zayushkina Hut” (based on the Russian

Tatyana Allakaeva
Script for a musical fairy tale for children in a new way “Morozko” (musical)

]Program content:

1. Foster a love of music in children.

2. To develop in children the ability to understand the content of musical works of different genres and to respond emotionally to the feelings expressed in them.

3. Develop pitch, rhythmic, timbre and dynamic hearing, creative activity.

4. Develop children's interest in modern music.

5. Teach children to understand the content of songs and the mood of the characters.

6. To arouse children's interest and love for dramatizations of fairy tales.

Preliminary work:

1. Introducing and reading the Russian folk tale “Morozko” to children.

2. Preparation of attributes for dramatization of a fairy tale.

3. Costume making.

4. Individual work with each character in the fairy tale.

5. Selection of music for songs.


1. Costumes: Morozko costume,

stepmother costume, Marfushka costume, Nastenka costume, Matvey costume, Babok-Ezhek costumes (2 pcs., Lady Babka-Hedgehog costume, Storyteller costume.

2. Attributes: bed, table, chair, tablecloth, coffee pot, cup and saucer, stove, kitchen utensils: samovar, cast iron, grip, poker, antique iron; chest, bench; imitation of a snow-capped mountain, two fir trees, a wicker fence, a horse in a harness.

3. Music of songs: “From Vagants”, “Cup of Coffee” by M. Khlebnikova, “To Be or Not to Be” by A. Pugacheva, “Empty Bamboo”, “Lady Perfection”,

“Mom quietly told me” by F. Kirkovrova, “I’m flying away” - gr. “A-studio”, “Stretch the fur accordion”.

Script for a musical fairy tale for children in a new way

"Morozko" (musical)



2 Grannies-Hedgehogs

Lady Grandma-Ezhka


Storyteller: Storyteller: Hello, invited guests, invited guests, welcome guests! We welcome you to our chamber. We will tell you a glorious fairy tale, but not a simple one, but a musical one, put together in a new way, “Morozko” magnified.

Once upon a time, once upon a time, my grandfather lived with another wife. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter. Nastenka is an old woman and Marfushka is an old woman.

To the melody of “Stretch the fur accordion”, cheerful Grandmothers-hedgehogs run out with an accordion,

with a handkerchief. While dancing, they sing:

We heard a legend - a retelling of two sisters,

It seems like a true story, but it seems like a fairy tale - maybe sisters are among us?

Nastya, the youngest, worked and strained herself as hard as she could:

God, without stint, gave her both character and appearance.

Well, he gave the eldest character - a punishment from heaven.

And everyone knew that Martha would not be the best of brides.

Storyteller: Life was not easy for the old man and his daughter Nastenka. Everyone knows how to live with a stepmother: if you turn over, it’s a bitch, and if you don’t turn over, it’s a bitch. The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before daylight.

Nastenka comes in with a bucket and mop and begins to wash the floor. (to the tune of "From Vagants")

I am an unfortunate child, a poor orphan, and it is not my mother who is raising me, but someone else’s aunt.

How sad I am - I can’t say in words,

Cry, dear friends, with bitter tears.

But your old father cannot give you happiness.

You won’t walk down the aisle, orphan Nastasya.

Here I am standing, holding a bucket - I need to scrub the floor. My poor heart is filled with grief and sadness.

The water splashes quietly in the depths of the well,

And my heart - oh, it will soon burst.

Stepmother enters (to the tune of "Cup of Coffee")

Stepmother: (to Nastya) Why do you, slob, like to shovel, and there’s soot in the stove!

And why am I obliged to live with you?

And why am I paying for everything?

For what you eat and what you drink, I pay with interest,

But I don’t want it, I don’t want it!

And they say about you: her soul is much purer than others.

Like, she’s smart and sweet, good everywhere - But I know quiet people like that!

You still snap, you still turn your back!

Please keep in mind that I will not ruin your life - even though I could I would like to drink a cup of black coffee. and move, you weakling - you would have given it

Nastya sets up a chair for her Stepmother and serves coffee.

Storyteller: But the old woman doted on her own daughter, Marfushka. No matter what my own daughter does, she pats me on the head for everything: she’s smart.

Marfusha appears, chewing a French loaf.

(to the tune of "To be or not to be")

Where are my slippers, where are my T-shirts?

No one washed my smart jacket, you didn’t cook my favorite jelly for me, I can’t do this - I’ll die of hunger!

Whether or not, do something.

To be or not to be, to be or not to be.

Marfushka sits down in front of the mirror and looks at it.

The stepmother comes up to Marfusha and admires her.

Stepmother: Oh, you are my berry. Princess, as there is a princess. (rubs Marfusha’s cheeks with beets) No, not the princess. Queen!

Nastenka in response: (motivating “Be or not be”)

Here are your slippers, here are your T-shirts,

I ironed my jacket and washed my clothes.

I cooked the soup, fried the meat,

The bun and compote have been in the kitchen for a long time.

Marfusha to her mother: I beg you, mother, throw this rubbish out, or send him somewhere - even into the darkness - a cockroach.

Stepmother Marfouche: My child, I know there’s no way to live with her. Just be patient a little, we’ll kick her out!

Storyteller: Nothing can please the old woman - everything is wrong, everything is bad. The wind will make noise and then die down, but the old woman will disperse and will not calm down soon.

Matvey appears (to the tune of "Empty Bamboo")

I'm tired of this life, tired of poverty,

I feed four mouths!

And the wife, a bore, sends her daughter away - it’s annoying!

The situation is tense, and a cow is mooing in the barn,

The cold is annoying!

And work doesn’t bring me happiness - it stresses me out!

All newspapers, TV, radio, cassettes are straining,

Strains the horoscope.

They promise, but don’t deliver - they’re annoying!

The days of my life are melting away without a trace, I don’t have time to do anything.

The whole forehead is sweating from problems,

And the sore back again languishes - it strains!

But I am a man, a simple man, a simple village man.

I carry my cross as long as I have the strength - I’m tired of this kind of life!

Matvey: Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh. Eh, Nastenka! My beloved daughter!

Forgive me, your weak-willed father!

Nastenka: What are you talking about, father?

Matvey: Eh, my little blood (puts Nastenka in a sleigh, takes her on a hill with Christmas trees. At the hill

Nastenka jumps off and hides behind the Christmas trees)

No, Nastenka, this will not happen! Theirs was the top, ours will be! (turns around and goes home)

Storyteller: Weeks flew by, snowstorms came, the old man took his dear daughter into the thicket of the forest, not of his own free will, but at the behest of the stepmother. She already reproached him, she already scolded him, she already hammered him, she already sawed him: “I’m wooing Marfushenka, I’m wooing him, and everyone is looking at the damned Nastya. Take her to the forest, worthless, out of sight, out of sight as a snake under the well.”

He takes Nastenka into the dark forest. Granny hedgehogs appear again:

And the weak-willed Matvey took his daughter, Nastya, into the dark forest.

And now it’s time for fabulous miracles.

And in that reserved forest our aunt lived

Oh, the cheerful girl Granny the Hedgehog was!

A young, energetic Baba Yaga appears (to the tune of "Lady Perfection")

I always easily and simply go to the crossroads,

Geese-swans stand motionless in a row, and the bears roar about my beauty!

Lady, uat iz yo neim?

Lady - Baba Ezhka (2 times)

I am perfection itself, I am perfection itself,

From a smile to a gesture - beyond all praise.

Oh, what bliss, oh, what bliss,

To know that I am perfection, to know that I am ideal.

Lady - Baba Ezhka (3 times, lady!

Matvey, heartbroken, walks through the forest to meet Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Oh, he showed up without getting dusty. Why are you wandering here, Matvey, making my forest sad? Ali what happened?

Matvey: The old woman decided to take my daughter Nastenka away from the world. Take her, take her, he says, wherever you want, so that my eyes don’t see her! Take her to the forest, into the bitter cold.

Baba Yaga: (shakes her head and twirls her finger at her temple) Other old women’s old men are also fools, but still not like that. It’s necessary to drag your own daughter into the forest. For Santa Claus's amusement, for hungry wolves to kill.

Matvey: That's me

Baba Yaga: (interrupts him) It’s me, it’s me.

Old man: I’m silent, I’m silent.

Baba Yaga: Eh, old one, the head has a hole! Let’s quickly go look for Nastenka and help her out of trouble! Nastenka sits under the Christmas tree, rubbing her nose and cheeks with her hands.

Morozko appears. (to the tune of “My mother told me quietly”)

My mother quietly told me: why don’t you freeze?

Why was Frost born into the world when you are so hot?

He sees Nastya, comes up to her and shakes her shoulder.

In reality, or perhaps in a dream? What is the girl doing here?

Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one?

Morozko: (Frost runs around the Christmas trees, catching up with the cold). Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one?

Nastenka: Warm, father, warm, Frost.

Morozko: What are you doing here? Ali what happened?

Nastya to the tune of “I’m Flying Away” A-studio:

Impossible to tell

My story is very difficult for you.

I remember like a dream

And it disturbs the soul - how is this possible?

I don’t blame my dear father

Here I am sitting in the forest and freezing.

Morozko: I can’t express how I feel now.

But I am grateful to fate for bringing us together at this hour!

Do you want to become the Snow Maiden, my faithful companion?

I won't hurt you. Here, get dressed quickly.

(gives her a fur coat, takes her away, wrapping her up)

Scene in Nastya's house. The stepmother and Marfusha are fussing around the Christmas tree.

They sing to the tune of “Malinka” Accident:

The Christmas tree, the Christmas tree has prickly needles. Let's decorate the green needles with tinsel!

We sing enough, now we can live without Nastya, there will be happiness, without Nastya it will be good!

Stepmother (takes out a gift): Hey, hubby, here’s a New Year’s gift for you. Matvey hands over a guitar.

Matvey: Why would I need it without strings?

Marfusha: Father, you learn to play, then we’ll buy strings!

Matvey (angrily pushes the guitar back to Marfusha): Ugh

Marfusha snorts offendedly.

Matvey (waving his hand): Come on! That's it, I'm leaving! Better to be a wanderer around the world.

Frost and Snow Maiden-Nastenka, Baba Yaga and Matvey come out.

At the sight of Nastenka, Stepmother and Marfusha, stunned, faint.

Matvey (recognizes his daughter, hugs her): Daughter!

Nastenka: Everything is very simple, father. Morozko met me in the forest and greeted me in his own.

Storyteller: There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

All that remains for us to say is

Thank you all for your attention!

Well, we’ll part with you until a new date!

Granny hedgehogs come out

This is how the fairy tale came out - don’t judge us harshly

We played as best we could, we tried our best for you!

Time flew by quickly, spring has already arrived.

Congratulations and wish you happiness, joy, goodness!

A musical fairy tale with the participation of children and parents of the older group. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (based on the fairy tale by J. and V. Grimm). Scenario

The material will be useful to music directors and additional education teachers.
Goals and objectives: Introduce children to theatrical culture. Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults. To develop children's creative activity through the literary word, music and dance.
Old lady -
Hunter –
Snow White-
Forest animals: Squirrel-
7 Dwarves
Props: musical instruments (drum, tambourine, spoons, rattle, metallophone), hammers for the Dwarves, a broom for Snow White, a basket of apples, table settings, flowers for the Dwarves, a bouquet of fresh flowers for Snow White,
Hall decoration: curtains – forest scenery, stumps, Gnomes room, presentation (ICT)

Progress of the performance

Entrance. To the music, children run after each other and stand in a semicircle.
The storyteller goes to the center of the hall.

Storyteller. Hello my dears! Hello my beautiful ones!
Oh, how smart you are, all rosy and ok!
I am a Storyteller and invited you to listen to my favorite fairy tales.
1 Child. There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny -
And we cannot live in the world without them.
2 Child. Everyone in the world loves fairy tales
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us kindness and hard work,
They say how to live so that everyone around you can be friends!
Storyteller. In a fairy tale, anything can happen, our fairy tale is ahead,
A fairy tale is knocking on our door, let’s say a fairy tale: “Come!”

The song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come!”

3 Child. We begin the performance - we open the doors to a fairy tale.
Maybe you will recognize in someone something that you are hiding from everyone.
Storyteller. A fairy tale is wisdom, magic, and today it is here.
Sit back comfortably and take a closer look at the characters.
Children sit on chairs. Snow White goes behind the column.

The Storyteller comes out to the music.

Storyteller. Listen, and look more carefully,
Don't miss anything!
The doors to a fairy tale open
Our performance begins!

Music is playing.

Storyteller. In one fairy-tale forest lived seven Dwarves.
They have a hundred freckles on their tiny noses.
And if the Dwarf meets you in his forest,
The freckles on your nose will dance with joy.
You can already hear the gnomes walking, singing a song somewhere nearby.

7 gnomes come out.
Dance of the gnomes “Dwarfs – Lilliputians”

1 Gnome. Well, it's time to refresh yourself,
And that is, I really want to.
2 Dwarf. And you and I.

All the Dwarves sit down at the table and eat.

3 Dwarf. It's time for us to get to work.
We guys are masters, we work together in the morning.

The gnomes are leaving.

Storyteller. Meanwhile, in one fairy-tale kingdom, the evil stepmother the Queen decided to destroy her stepdaughter Snow White.
She ordered the Huntsman to take Snow White into the depths of the forest.
And, tying her alive under a pine tree, leaving her there to be devoured by the wolves.
So the Hunter went into the forest and took him so far!
Snow White guessed and, of course, was scared.

Scene from "The Huntsman and Snow White".
Snow White and the Huntsman come out and stop in the “forest.”
The music of the forest sounds, the heroes listen.

Hunter: Baby, do you hear, they ordered
I should kill you in the forest!
And a silver coin
To pay for the crime!
But don't be afraid, no, I won't touch you
I even finger you!
I will let you go, saving you,
Like loving a daughter!
Snow White. Thank you, good Hunter,
That you didn't touch me.
I will never forget
I will remember you.
Hunter. You go straight all the time
You will go out to the Dwarves in the clearing.
Dwarves know everything in the world
Help good people.
Snow White. Thank you friend! Goodbye! (Waves hand)
Hunter. Goodbye and be happy! (Waves back and leaves)

Scene "Snow White in the Forest".

Storyteller. Snow White is alone in the forest and she is very scared...

To the music, Snow White sits on a tree stump and “trembles.”

Storyteller. And here comes Belchonok, agile and fast
In a red, fluffy fur coat.

Belka jumps out to the music.

Squirrel. I jump from branch to branch deftly,

Red back, tail, head.

The Hedgehog runs out to the music.

Hedgehog. I'm a prickly hedgehog, I walk without boots.
I love my friends, I won’t hurt anyone.

The Bear comes out to the music.

Bear. I'm a clumsy bear, in winter I suck my paw,
And in the summer I go out with friends and treat them to raspberries.
Storyteller. In this fairytale forest you can meet the Bunny and the Fox.
They have a lot of fun here, they all live together.

The Fox and the Bunny are jumping hand in hand to the music.

Hare. Snow White, don’t cry, don’t hide your bitter tears.
Believe me, kindness is your best trait.
Fox. We will amuse you and surprise you with an orchestra!

Snow White and the Beasts take musical instruments.
Orchestra of Animals "Forest Orchestra"
They put down their tools and stand around Snow White.

Snow White: Ah, tell me what to do
And where should I go?
Where to find a secluded shelter,
Should I find a new home?!
Squirrel. Don't be afraid, Snow White,
We will find a path in the forest!
Hedgehog. And on the short road
We'll bring you home!
Snow White. Thank you for being so kind!

They walk to the music, holding hands.
The animals lead Snow White to a small house.

Scene "In the gnomes' house"

Snow White. Oh, what a wonderful house!
Who, tell me, lives in it?
Someone short -
Amazing people!
Small children visible
They live here unattended!
I'll help them clean up
I'll put things in order here!
How many unwashed cups are there?
So much dirty laundry!
I'll clean up here now,
And then I’ll rest.
To the music he takes a broom, sweeps and dances.

Storyteller. Lunch hour was approaching, the sound of stomping in the yard was heard...

The whimsical music of the Dwarfs can be heard in the distance. Snow White listens to the Dwarves walking and hides from them.
The Dwarves appear to the music. The gnomes enter the house.

Gnome 1. What a miracle! Maybe I didn't sleep well!?
Gnome 2. Who washed all the dishes?
Gnome 3. And cooked soup in a pot?!
Gnome 4. Who managed without us?
I'll give it to him now! (shakes his fist)
Gnome 5. Still, you have to watch it! –
Suddenly a Bear climbed up to us!
Gnome 6. Yes!.. The bear washed everything here
And I cooked soup in a pot... (laughs)
Gnome 7. Enough brothers, everyone is behind me!
We will find where the stranger is here!

Sneezing, Snow White comes out.

Snow White. Perhaps you live here?
Right, you're coming from the forest?
Gnome 1. That's right, everyone lives here.
What's your name?
Snow White. Called Snow White
People are kind to me.
Just kicked me out of the house
Evil stepmother, scolding.
Don't you drive me away
Shelter with a kind heart!
I will help you
Boil soup, wash clothes.
Gnome 2. We will all be glad to see you! Live forever, we don’t expect a reward!
Here we will protect you and will not let you be offended!
Gnome 3. We won't go hungry anymore! Let's sing and dance!

Dwarf dance with Snow White

Snow White. And now it's time to go to bed,
Oh, how I want to sleep!
Gnome 4. Oh, of course, oh of course,
Well, of course you need to sleep!
Of course, at this time
Off to bed!
Gnome 5. But where is Snow White?
Should we put him up for the night?
We would like Snow White
Give up your bedroom!
Gnome 6. Here we go again! From these women
Nothing but trouble!
Wash your hands and sleep in the closet...
Wonderful days!..
Gnome 7. Stop grumbling! No princess
Put him to sleep in the closet!
We need it out of respect
Give up your bedroom!

The lights go out. Everyone leaves.

Storyteller. The next morning, Snow White accompanied the Dwarfs to work.

The Dwarfs come out to the music, Snow White gives them hammers.
Song of the Dwarfs.

Snow White. Goodbye, my good friends!
All Dwarves. Goodbye, Snow White!

The Dwarves leave to the music.

Storyteller. Meanwhile, the evil Queen found out that Snow White was alive and decided to destroy her. She pretended to be an old woman, took a basket of poisoned apples and went to the Dwarves.

Scene "Old Stepmother and Snow White".
The old woman (hunched over) walks through the hall and approaches the Dwarfs’ house.

Old woman. (Shouts, inviting) Wonderful apples, sweet apples!
Snow White. Hello, kind woman! Give me one apple.
Old woman. Bite it quickly
And make a wish.
Soon the wish will come true,
(to the side) You'll go straight to heaven...
The old woman gives the apple and leaves.

Snow White holds an apple in her hands and looks at it.

Snow White. I wish it soon
The Prince found me in the forest.
To take me to your castle,
He took me to the Altar!

Sad music is playing.

Storyteller. I just started eating an apple... (Snow White bites an apple)
immediately dropped dead... (Bites an apple and falls)
Snow White's soul is tender and bright.
She could not protect herself from evil.
The flower and the blade of grass - everyone feels sorry for the girl.
And sadness shrouded the fairy tale in a haze...

And the gnomes, not knowing about the terrible misfortune,
They dream of a home and delicious food.
And with a song along a cheerful forest path
In the evening they walk home from work.

Scene "Dwarves and the Prince"
The Dwarves walk to the music.

Dwarf 1: (excitedly) What's happened?
Gnome 2. What with her?
Gnome 3. We need to do artificial respiration!
Gnome 4. Or maybe give an injection?
Gnome 5. Or maybe she died?
Gnome 6.(in despair) My heart will burst with grief!
Gnome 7. How will we continue to live, how can we wake you up?
Storyteller. Seeing Snow White sleeping, the Dwarves cried bitterly.

The dwarfs sit around Snow White and cry.

Storyteller: But one clear morning, Prince Charming appeared.

The Prince comes out to the music.

Prince.(I saw Snow White) How fresh and beautiful she is,
As if sleep had shackled her
Like the wind in a clear sky
He bewitched her with sleep.
But I was rushing in vain!
The clouds cry, the wind blows!
Let him touch the beautiful hands
My goodbye kiss!

The prince sits down on his knee in front of Snow White and kisses her hand.
A gentle melody of awakening sounds.

Storyteller. Snow White woke up -
She smiled at the prince.
Snow White.(To the Prince) What a terrible dream I had.
It's good that it didn't come true!

The prince takes Snow White's hand.

Prince: Snow White, be with me, become my wife forever!
Snow White: What about my Gnomes? They will be bored alone.
Gnome 6: Snow White, we agree, don't worry unnecessarily.

The prince leads Snow White to the center of the hall.

Prince. Let the years fly by in a string,
We will never forget our friend!
We will live long and love all our lives,
We will give the light of hearts to people.
Snow White. Open the door to a fairy tale boldly.
You still believe in the miracle of magic!
The world will become stronger, the path will become brighter,
If you'll be a little kinder!
Storyteller. As usual, fairy tales have a happy ending.
And the prince led Snow White down the aisle.

The Prince and Snow White walk in a circle.
All the heroes stand behind Snow White and the Prince, join hands and bow.

Storyteller. Everything happens in fairy tales, miracles happen in fairy tales.
Sleeping princess, beauty maiden.
Cinderellas and princes, witches, kings,
A miracle will happen if you believe.
The fairy tale will teach us how to defeat evil,
How to deal with enemies, how to achieve happiness.
Good friends will always help us,
Faithful hearts will beat nearby.
Children go on stage.
General song and dance “Visiting a fairy tale”
The children leave the hall in an orderly manner.

Kaplan Kalashaov
Scenario of a musical fairy tale for children of senior preschool age “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom”

« Vovka in the distant kingdom»

Kaplan Kalashaov

Scenario of a musical fairy tale for children of senior preschool age« Vovka in the distant kingdom»

Leading. I want to invite you to the clearing fairy tales.

I'm sure you've never been there.

There fairy tales new ones are met every time.

fairy tale« Vovka in the distant kingdom» you'll see now.

Book, book, open up, fairy tale, fairy tale begin!

The curtain opens. The king sits on the throne, the Voivode stands next to him.

Tsar. Oh, how boring, I have no energy! Who would cheer me up?

(To the Voivode) Well, what's new with us? Report to me right away.

Voivode. In neighboring lands, as in distant ones, without fun - everything is normal.

Zmey-Gorynych ate half the herd, he says, no more is needed.

Alyonushka's brother got drunk and turned into a kid!

Tsar. Well, no matter the city, no matter the village - at least something happened!

Previously - lead from everywhere: then Koschey, then Miracle Yudo,

Then the neighbor went to war, as soon as we drive him away, there’s a feast!

And now it’s calm, quiet, there’s no misfortune, no trouble...

Well, go ahead. (The governor leaves.)

The king paints the fence, sings a song to the tune “If only I had gold...”

Tsar. I have mountains of gold, and there is something to eat, and there is something to drink.

But I paint, I paint fences, so as not to be branded as a parasite.

It turns out Vovka.

Vovka. Tsar, oh king, what are you doing here?

Tsar. What kind of miracle is this? Where is yours "Hello"?

Vovka. Well, okay, hello!

He approaches the throne, looks at the king’s crown, and sits down on the throne.

Tsar. Scared me, boy! I was busy with business.

After all, a king must work. You can't be a parasite. Right?

Who are you and why in my granted a fairy tale?

Vovka. I - Vovka! And not royal It's a matter of painting the fence yourself. This

servants must do, but the king needs peace. After all, you have here

You don’t need to do anything, just wish it – and everything will happen to you!

Tsar. And what do you want?

Vovka. Cake, ice cream, chewing gum...

Tsar. Look what you are! Well, okay, I'll give you what you ask, only

first help me paint the fence.

Vovka. What more! It hurts!

Tsar. Well, well... I don't need it in my the kingdom is so lazy.

Hey guards! Catch the parasite and deprive him of his head!

Vovka. Oh, it looks like it's time to leave! (Runs away.)

The guards are trying to catch Vovka, but unsuccessfully.

Decoration: hut, grandmother sitting by a broken trough on the seashore.

Vovka. Hello, grandma!

Grandma. Hello, darling! Listen to what happened to me.

Vovka. I know I know! I I read fairy tales.

Grandma. Oh, dear darling, I’ll ask you Now:

you ask the fish for old ladies trough.

Vovka. First the trough, then the refrigerator,

then - a rich house and a beautiful alarm clock...

Grandma. No, no matter what!

Vovka. OK! Something will think.

He goes to the sea and calls for a goldfish. A fish swims out (planar) .

Fish. Why did you call?

Vovka. I want ice cream! I want some cake!

Fish. What! Have you woven a net? Did you throw it into the sea? You me

caught it? No, I don’t help quitters! (Floats away.)

Vovka. Eh, it didn't work out.

Presenter: Look, friends, what’s in the world is happening:

The beautiful girls came, holding on to their sundresses.

Dance Vasilis to a Russian folk melody "Red viburnum"

Vovka. Wow! Who are you?

Vasilisa 1. Call us Vasilisa.

In Rus' - neither give nor take -

Russian beauties are famous for their work.

Vasilisa 2. I – Vasilisa – beauty, character – kindness,

Antiques Customs are not indifferent to me.

Vasilisa 3. They call me Vasilisa, I like our custom.

I keep traditions in my soul, the culture of the ancient shores.

Vasilisa 4. We - Vasilisa the wise -

Let's exchange wisdom.

What is your name? Hurry up to answer us!

Vovka. I - Vovka. And you, think, are wise!

IN fairy tale You can live without wisdom.

Vasilisa 5. What could we do without wisdom? And if someone in trouble needs help

or to disenchant someone - this is not an easy task!

Vovka. And for me any task is a trifle!

Vasilisa 6. Then try to solve this task:

Under the bushes by the river lived the May beetles:

Daughter, son, father and mother...

Vasilisa 7. On a large sofa, Tanina’s dolls are in a row sitting:

Three nesting dolls, Pinocchio and cheerful Cipollino!

Vovka scratches his head, says incorrectly.

Vasilisa 8. Oh, you braggart! I haven't solved a single problem correctly!

Now I’ll turn you into a frog -

and you will sit in the swamp and croak!

Vovka(scared). In the frog? And in this fairy tale I was unlucky!

We need to get out of here! (Runs away.)

Pinocchio runs in with the alphabet and enters Vovka.

Vovka. Now where am I? Oh, I know this boy.

Hello, Buratino!

Pinocchio. Firework! How do you know me?

Vovka. I saw you on TV! And where are you going?

Pinocchio. Well, dad Carlo bought me the alphabet and sent it to school.

But I don’t really want to go there!

Malvina enters. (or the curtain opens.)

Malvina. That's you I'm looking for! Sit on the chairs, let's study.

Remember five important rules:

You can't get your hands into the jam,

Swallow the cakes whole

Dangle your legs under the table.

You can't pour coffee on the tablecloth,

You can't be naughty at breakfast.

Pinocchio. What is the punishment for?

Vovka. Why do I need this education?

Malvina. I ask for your attention, we will take care of the bill now.

Give me one to eat.

And how many pears do you have left?

Vovka(Turns out his pockets). There is none, as it turns out.

Malvina. Listen carefully!

You have two pears in your pocket,

Give me one to eat.

Pinocchio. I never give my pears to anyone!

Malvina. You are not capable of anything.

Karabas (beret Vovka and Pinocchio by the collar). Here you are, quitters,

Idlers! The audience has already gathered for the performance, and you

you have to look! Well, beware, try mine now

Pinocchio. Run! (Everyone runs away.)

Performance – dance fairy-tale dolls to the song"Pinocchio" from the movie "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio".

Scenery: hut, witchcraft hearth, various utensils of Baba Yaga and Koshchei.

Koschey the Immortal lies on the podium and snores loudly, Baba Yaga stands above him and blows a whistle in between snores.

Baba Yaga. Yes-ah... Sleeping! And he doesn’t take anything from him.

Oh, now as soon as I start drinking, I’ll wake up immediately.

Song of Baba Yaga ( "Who lives in a hut...")

Baba Yaga. (Shouts.) Koschey, get up! (Nothing changes.)

Soooo... The only way to bring him to his senses is to tickle him. He has been afraid of tickles since childhood! (tickles Koshchei).

Koschey. Oh! Ay! Oho-ho-ho! Ha ha! Hee hee! Oh, let go! Oh, leave me alone!

(He fights off Yaga and sits on the chest.) Are you, old Have you completely lost your mind? Don’t you know that I’ve been afraid of tickles since childhood!

Baba Yaga. Oh, I woke up, my beloved little skeleton!

Koschey. I’m asking, don’t you remember that I’m ticklish...

Baba Yaga. How can I not remember, killer whale, I remember everything.

Koschey. Why then are you tickling me to death?

Baba Yaga. Until what kind of death, my immortal?

Koschey. Be silent old! (Rises.) That's it, let's start doing exercises,

terrible witchcraft charge. Line up!

Sports dance with plumes

performed by girls to modern rhythmic music chosen by the music director.

Koschey. So, one, two! One, two! Oh!

Suddenly he freezes in a splayed position, apparently he has sciatica.

Koschey. Oh my back! Come on, old, blow it!

(Gestures to the back.)

Baba Yaga. Which Dunka? (Looks around.) I don’t see any Dunka. At your place

Only Basilisks and Dunkas are on your mind!

Koschey. Yes I'm telling you: blow it!

Baba Yaga. I'm not your Dunka! You yourself are Vanka!

Koschey. Yes, not Dunka, but blow! Blow, they say!

Baba Yaga. Where? For a potion?

Koschey. Blow on your back!

Baba Yaga. Ahh, it’s me in a second! (Climbs onto Koshchei’s back.)

Koschey. Sta-a-paradise! Don't blow with your feet, but with your lips! Blow like that! (Shows.)

Baba Yaga. That's how it would be right away said“Blow!”, otherwise “Doo!”

Koschey. Blow quickly!

Baba Yaga is blowing intensely. Koschey sighs with relief.

Koschey. Oh how good!

Baba Yaga. (Touched by what is happening). I finally woke up, my little bone

sugar! Koscheyushka, you are my beloved!

Koschey. Let me, Baba Yaga, invite you to the swamp to the Serpent

Gorynych to the presentation! Let's eat some teens and chew some frogs.

Baba Yaga. Ahh! Well, then let's spank!

They go backstage. The hut remains standing in the middle scenes.

Vovka. Gee! Where did I end up? And there is a hut here too! As there

V fairy tale Was anything said about her? I remembered! Hut, hut, stand in front of me, with your back to the forest!

A soundtrack of creaking is heard, the hut stretches its legs, does a few awkward test squats, then reluctantly turns to the other side, which looks more like a commercial stall. Vovka laughs.

Vovka. It gives! It looks like our commercial stall. Hut,

hut, give me a lollipop!

Hut. What am I saying, a self-assembled tablecloth or something! She got it all for free. A

I'll just turn my back to the forest for nothing. If you want your lollipop, then pay.

Vovka. And I have no money.

Hut. So, goodbye! (Turns around and leaves.)

Vovka. Here you go fairy tales, here comes the magic!

How disgusting this hut is!

Vovka walks through the hall.

Inscription: “If you go to the left, you will find a wondrous wonder,

If you go to the right, you will find a magic casket,

If you go straight, you’ll find Miracle Yudo.”

Vovka. I'll try to go to the right and find the magic casket.

A casket comes out from behind the scenes.

Vovka. This is a gift to me! The lid of the casket opens, two people in identical clothes look out.

Two. Hello!

Vovka. Hello!

Two. What do you want?

Vovka. Can you do everything?

Two. Yeah!

Vovka. Hey, the two from the casket are identical in appearance! Give me here, in-

first, cakes, second (two bend Vovka's fingers.) You

and bend your fingers for me you will?

Two. Yeah!

Vovka. Fine! Secondly, candy, thirdly, ice cream, yeah

hurry up!

Two. Will be done!

Two people start throwing dummies of candy and ice cream past their mouths Vovki.

Vovka. Stop! Stop! You are everything for me you will?

Two. Yeah!

Vovka. Well, then get back to the casket!

Two are hiding in a chest. The casket leaves.

Scenery: royal palace, throne.

Tsar. Old age is a sad time! I'm feeling a bit chilly this morning.

Voivode. Our father, King Pea, you have become completely weak and bad!

Tsar. Just I'm already old, everything would lie and lie.

It’s not good to be depressed like that, you haven’t tried treatment!

Voivode: There is a wonderful garden in a foreign land,

The birds of paradise are singing there,

There is a Golden Bird there,

I wish I could catch her and bring her!

She will sing like a song -

All your illness will pass forever.

Tsar. This is the remedy I will believe in.

In a dream I actually saw

That miracle bird is not easy,

It's like the sun, golden!

But who will go?

Voivode (points to Vovka/) So he will go and bring the miracle bird.

Vovka. I?

Tsar. Yes, you! And don’t contradict! Or take your head off your shoulders!

Dance "Aty-baty"

A soldier appears.

Soldier. Hello! I am a good soldier and I am always glad to see kind people

to serve. Once I even helped a witch - flint from old

got the hollows. Well, who here needs my help?

Vovka. I! King Pea ordered to find a miracle bird for him.

Soldier. There is a difficult clearing, all golden, like the sun.

And the Firebirds fly there to dance and have fun.

Hide behind the stump and look, don’t move.

Once they finish dancing, you don’t have to yawn.

Dance of the Firebirds to an oriental melody

At the end of the dance Vovka grabs one of the birds and leads him through the hall. The curtain opens. Decoration royal room.

Vovka. King Pea, I came with a bird, get ready to be treated.

As soon as he sings a song, all your melancholy will pass.

You will become like a young man! Golden bird, sing!

Bird song

Tsar. The bird cured me!

I want to have fun again!

(Invite everyone to visit and stand in a circle with me.

We'll dance in a circle and sing together.)

Tsar. Thank you, good fellow! I tried, worked hard!

Now you deserve both ice cream and cake. (Gives a treat.)

Vovka. I thought that in It’s very easy to live in the distant kingdom,

but it turns out that people don’t like lazy people and idle people anywhere.

Leading. Well done! You got it right.

Closing song

Leading. Fairy tale, go back to the book,

book fairy tales, close up!

Theater available both in kindergartens and at home! This informative section contains many scripts for children's plays and theatrical productions - from Russian folk tales that have become eternal classics, to “old stories in a new way” and completely original dramatizations. Working on any of the performances presented here will be a real holiday for your students, and the process of participating in the “revival” of your favorite characters and plots will be true magic.

A real encyclopedia for teachers-“script writers”.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 5200.
All sections | Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, dramatizations

May 2019. Dramatization based on a film"Only old men go into battle." Vorobiev: Comrade commander, the task is completed. Maestro: Sit down. What did you see? Vorobiev: I saw how one smoked great, but I didn’t see how he fell. Maestro: - Not that. On Alyabyev runs out of the stage, Vano. Alyabyev: Comrade....

Contents of developmental substantively-spatial environment: 1. Tales of K.I. Chukovsky. 2. Attributes for dressing up. 3. Masks are symbols for fairy tale heroes. 4. Coloring pages depicting fairy tale heroes. 5. Finger theater, containing the heroes of the fairy tale. 6. Mirror. 7. Children's dishes, furniture....

Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, staging - Stages of organizing theatrical games in preschool educational institutions to form ideas about the traditions of the peoples of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Publication “Stages of organizing theatrical games in preschool educational institutions for the formation...” At the preparatory stage, we recommend creating an exhibition of books: “Tales of the Peoples of the North”, “Burovichok Yugorka”, “Tales of the Khanty People”, “Khanty-Mansi Tales”, “Tales of the Ugra Land”, “Tales of the Ob Ugrians”, “Tales of My Forest: Khanty and Mansi fairy tales”, “My fairy tale! Myths and...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Script for the puppet show “Naughty Masha” Purpose: to introduce puppet theater. Teach children to listen and watch carefully without disturbing the narrator and other children. Develop perseverance. Cultivate an interest in creativity. Create a cheerful mood. Heroes: grandfather, granddaughter, Masha, bear, fox, wolf, hedgehog. Scenario: Presenter:...

Script for the theatrical performance “The Frog Princess” Scenario of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" Characters: Storyteller Tsar Ivan Tsarevich Elder brother Middle brother Vasilisa Boyar's daughter Merchant's daughter of a buffoon Old man - Lesovichok Bear Hare Koschey Nannies Guests at the feast Fireflies Chanterelle Baba Yaga Pike The curtain is closed. Before...

Participants: children, parents, teachers. Educator: Hello, dear guys! I am very glad that everyone came to our holiday today! Today we have the Opening of the Summer Theater. What is theater? (children's answers) Yes, guys, this is a wonderful magical place where adults come...

Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, staging - Photo report “Performance of the theater studio. Staging "Zayushkin's hut"

Every year at the end of the school year, the Klepa theater studio presents musical performances - reports. In September, children independently choose a fairy tale from the options proposed by the teacher. During the entire training period, young artists try themselves in different roles, and then something happens...

Summary of staging the song “Chickens” for young children Topic: “Chickens” Goal: development of children’s speech through folklore works and their dramatizations. Objectives: Educational: continue to introduce folklore works (songs, nursery rhymes, teach them to listen carefully and dramatize them; teach to recognize poultry in toys...

Details Author: Yuzhanina Ekaterina Borisovna music director of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 247" RF, Perm region, Perm city Category: Publications Published: October 28, 2016 Views: 2643


Cat (Vaska) - Timur K.

Dog (Polkan) - Parviz Sh.

The first mouse is Vanya S.

The second mouse is Julia Ch.

Crow - Rita K.


No worries and no hassle

Once upon a time there lived a cat in a village.

He was chasing mice

I was afraid of the yard dog

Yes, he purred all year round -

In general, he was an ordinary cat.



Meow! Meow!


What, thieves?

Things aren't going well?

You can't fool me

Don't let the food pass by!

We will see this later.

First mouse.

All is ready?

Second mouse.

At its best!


What's happened?

Look for yourself!

Cat (scared).

Wait, Polkasha, wait!


Stop, Vasily! Stop, thief!


Searched from all sides.

And where did he go?

First mouse.

Ran off to the neighbor's cat!

Second mouse.

Look there on the path!

Yes, as it should, or not

You are not a dog, but a tail in a coat!


Wish me success!

First mouse.


The dog runs away.

Second mouse.

What fun!

And a lesson for kids -

No one is smarter than us mice!

First mouse.

The dog is pretty stupid

There will be time to frolic!

Second mouse.

Yes, while he's watching,

The cat won't come running back!

Mice (sing in chorus).

If the cat left the house,

The most important thing in the house is the mouse.

Don't look for food - look for food

Take me to the dark hole!

We walk on our hind legs.

If there is no cat in the house,

It's simply beautiful!

First mouse.

All of her!

Second mouse.

She and I are together!


Paws up! Stand still!

Second mouse.

But we have rights!


First mouse.

Catch it first!


Everything is as it should be! All according to plan!

I don’t eat sour cream for nothing.

The cat walks around the hall.


Life of a domestic cat

Busy with important things:

Warm up near the stove,

Rub against your feet,

To drive balls across the floor,

to compose purrs,

Lend everyone's ear

Be a furry darling.

And anyone is ready to admit,

That I am the best of cats!

Music. Cats appear.

First cat.

The best cat in the world is a cat.

You are the owner for now -

Just a waste of milk.

There are mice in my barn

There are no mice in the village.

Do you know why, my light?

Because they are not there!

Second cat.

If I got down to business,

She would catch and eat everyone.

First mouse.

If a mouse makes a mess,

This is a shame for the cat!

Cats (sing in chorus).

In this house, the house of the mouse,

There they are, they are here too

They drag and drag everything and eat it.

Even though the mice scare you,

But they don't respect you.

Who is ready to forgive them everything -

The worst of cats!


Yes, it really seems like

The mice hurt my honor!

First cat.

That's what we're talking about,

We need to take better care of the house.


The cat Vasily got angry

And made a series of efforts

So that everyone in the house penetrates

Respect for him.


For warning and catching,

I'll set mousetraps.

They will want to eat

That's rat poison for them.

The cat takes out a bottle of poison.


Now I’ll take a little nap,

Like all cats... make-believe...

First mouse.

Lay down...

Second mouse.

Closed my eyes...

First mouse.


Second mouse.

The path is clear! The cat fell asleep!


How did I deal with them!

He barely survived!

It will go like this, in two to three days

The mice will move away from me.

I won't regret them

Let them pack their bags.


Open up, you scoundrels.

You are not the mistress of the house here.

Two hours to think,

Then I’ll kick you out myself!


In the meantime, I'll take a little sleep.

Second mouse.

Where is he?

First mouse.

Sleeping on the porch.

Second mouse.

We can't live from him,

You can't pick up crumbs from the floor.

Maybe we'll actually move

To the garden or to the neighbors?

First mouse.

A mouse is just a mouse everywhere -

You can't run away from yourself.

Rinse your mind a little,

The neighbors also have a cat.

Second mouse.

How to be?

First mouse.

The salvation is

So that the cat is not a cat.

Our plan is daring and dangerous...

First mouse.

Let's spray it with varnish!

Second mouse.

And let's paint it!

Mice (sing in chorus).

From the basement to the roof,

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

Away with cat tricks -

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

There are mice in the house! Together

In gray fur coats, in gray slippers

Beauty! Beauty!

First mouse.

Good evening!

Second mouse.

How are you living?



First mouse.

Won't you get off the porch?

We lay down here on the way,

We can't get out, we can't get in!



What's going on, brothers?!

Second mouse.

No need to worry so much!


I'm a cat!

First mouse.

No, you are not a cat

Quite the opposite!



Second mouse.

No! Sit where you are

And look at this.

First mouse.

To the appearance of cats,

Like you, the world is not ready!

Mice (sing in chorus).

Maybe a cat, no doubt

To be white and black

Red, gray, like smoke,

But not yellow and blue!


Is it really me?

My life is over!

The cat faints.

Second mouse.


First mouse.

Still alive!


Oh my God!

If I'm not a cat, then who?

Maybe a mouse?


Probably not!

Second mouse.

He looks like he's delusional!

No matter how angry he gets!

First mouse.

He almost agreed.

He'll get used to it later

Doesn't want to be a cat.


It's still very strange

I'll call Polkan.

He'll definitely figure it out


Hey, who are you?


I am Vasily! Meow!


No! Don't come near!

They are killing! Help!

Second cat.

Did you see it? Polkan is flying!

First cat.

He’s old, but he’s got enough stupidity.

Second cat.

He is now shaking in the bushes.

This is definitely not easy!

First cat.

Maybe he caught a cold?

Second cat.

Yes, while flying from here!

First cat.

You go down and check everything.

Second cat.

There's some kind of animal sitting there!

First cat.

Second cat.

He ate it and took over Vaska's yard!

First cat.

Even his death is a shame!

It’s okay if I drank some milk

Or drowned himself in a river,

No, he was devoured by whoever!


Meow! Meow! Murka! Kitty!

It's me! Do not leave!

I won't harm you!

Second cat.

He's lying! It will devour everything!


I won't eat it!


Ay! It's not fair!

First cat.

It's immediately obvious that he's not local.

Second cat.

These are the ones who eat everyone.

First cat.

There's nothing for us to do here!


Even the cats didn't recognize me.

How will I live now?


Oh, you vile thieves!

First mouse.

You are not a cat!


Sorry, mice.

Second mouse.

We are friends, not enemies.


What should I do?

First mouse.

We'll thank you.


Where's the thank you?

First mouse.



I'd rather be a cat.

Why am I not a cat?

Quite the opposite.

It can't be worse -

You don't need yourself!

Dance "Evil Cloud".


Hey Vasily, why are you sad?

Why don't you catch the mouse?

You can't sing songs

Do you sit and whine?

Even a puddle under you

Became yellow-blue.


No more peas!

I! I'm a cat again!

Or rather, a cat again!

I'm not a cat - on the contrary!

To be an ordinary cat

I'm much more used to it.

First mouse.

Bring the bucket of cookies!


Mouse, I am a cat!

First mouse.

Well, welcome back!


The cat Vasily became a cat.

The fairy tale ended there.

They fought, then they became friends.

And anyone can understand morality -

It's better to be yourself.



Cat (Vaska) - Timur K.

Dog (Polkan) - Parviz Sh.

The first mouse is Vanya S.

The second mouse is Julia Ch.

The first cat (Murka) - Sophia B.

Second cat (Kitty) - Polina G.

Crow - Rita K.

A Crow flies into the hall to the music.


No worries and no hassle

Once upon a time there lived a cat in a village.

He was chasing mice

I was afraid of the yard dog

Yes, he purred all year round -

In general, he was an ordinary cat.

The crow flies away. Insinuating music sounds. The first mouse with a basket peeks out cautiously from the house. A second mouse appears in the window and begins throwing food into the basket. The cat comes out of the house. He stops and starts sneaking towards the mice, makes a jump .


Meow! Meow!

The first mouse puts a basket on the cat's head, the second mouse puts a sausage on the cat's neck.


What, thieves?

Things aren't going well?

You can't fool me

Don't let the food pass by!

The first mouse appears in the window.

We will see this later.

A second mouse appears with a whistle.

First mouse.

All is ready?

Second mouse.

At its best!

The second mouse blows the whistle. A dog barks. Music is playing. A dog runs onto the stage.


What's happened?

First mouse (pointing to the cat).

Look for yourself!

The dog growls and attacks the cat. The cat backs away.

Cat (scared).

Wait, Polkasha, wait!

All wrong! Believe me as a friend...

Chase music plays. The cat runs away. The dog is behind him.


Stop, Vasily! Stop, thief!

Music. A dog chases a cat across the stage. The mice giggle and dance. The dog and the cat are running away. The dog is returning. Runs up to the mice.


Searched from all sides.

And where did he go?

First mouse.

Ran off to the neighbor's cat!

Second mouse.

Look there on the path!

Yes, as it should, or not

You are not a dog, but a tail in a coat!


Wish me success!

First mouse.


The dog runs away.

Second mouse.

What fun!

And a lesson for kids -

No one is smarter than us mice!

First mouse.

The dog is pretty stupid

There will be time to frolic!

Second mouse.

Yes, while he's watching,

The cat won't come running back!

The second mouse blows the whistle. Calls the other mice.

Mice (sing in chorus).

If the cat left the house,

The most important thing in the house is the mouse.

Don't look for food - look for food

Take me to the dark hole!

In gray fur coats, in gray slippers

We walk on our hind legs.

If there is no cat in the house,

It's simply beautiful!

Cautious music sounds. Mice fill a basket with food. The cat watches the mice and then blows the whistle. The dog comes running barking. The mice back away and point at each other.

First mouse.

All of her!

Second mouse.

She and I are together!


Paws up! Stand still!

Second mouse.

But we have rights!


First mouse.

Catch it first!

Music. The mice run away squeaking, the dog barking after them. Mice are hiding in the house.


Everything is as it should be! All according to plan!

I don’t eat sour cream for nothing.

The cat walks around the hall.


Life of a domestic cat

Busy with important things:

Warm up near the stove,

Rub against your feet,

To drive balls across the floor,

to compose purrs,

Lend everyone's ear

Be a furry darling.

And anyone is ready to admit,

That I am the best of cats!

Music. Cats appear.

First cat.

Yes, you're right, but only a little.

The best cat in the world is a cat.

You are the owner for now -

Just a waste of milk.

There are mice in my barn

There are no mice in the village.

Do you know why, my light?

Because they are not there!

Second cat.

If I got down to business,

She would catch and eat everyone.

First mouse.

If a mouse makes a mess,

This is a shame for the cat!

Cats (sing in chorus).

We hear, we hear, we hear, we hear:

In this house, the house of the mouse,

There they are, they are here too

They drag and drag everything and eat it.

Even though the mice scare you,

But they don't respect you.

Who is ready to forgive them everything -

The worst of cats!


Yes, it really seems like

The mice hurt my honor!

First cat.

That's what we're talking about,

We need to take better care of the house.

Music. The cat and cats leave. A crow appears.


The cat Vasily got angry

And made a series of efforts

So that everyone in the house penetrates

Respect for him.

The crow flies away. The chase music from the movie “The Elusive Avengers” plays. The cat leaves the house and sets up a sign with a mouse crossed out. Then he starts setting mousetraps.


For warning and catching,

I'll set mousetraps.

They will want to eat

That's rat poison for them.

The cat takes out a bottle of poison.


Now I’ll take a little nap,

Like all cats... make-believe...

The cat lies down. Music. Mice appear from the house.

First mouse.

Lay down...

Second mouse.

Closed my eyes...

First mouse.


Second mouse.

The path is clear! The cat fell asleep!

Music from the film “The Pink Panther” is playing. Mice quietly sneak around the stage. The mousetrap is triggered. The cat wakes up and chases the mice with a loud meow. Mice run into the house.


How did I deal with them!

He barely survived!

It will go like this, in two to three days

The mice will move away from me.

I won't regret them

Let them pack their bags.

The cat approaches the house and knocks on the door.


Open up, you scoundrels.

You are not the mistress of the house here.

Two hours to think,

Then I’ll kick you out myself!


In the meantime, I'll take a little sleep.

The cat goes to sleep on the porch. Music. Mice appear.

Second mouse.

Where is he?

First mouse.

Sleeping on the porch.

Second mouse.

We can't live from him,

You can't pick up crumbs from the floor.

Maybe we'll actually move

To the garden or to the neighbors?

First mouse.

A mouse is just a mouse everywhere -

You can't run away from yourself.

Rinse your mind a little,

The neighbors also have a cat.

Second mouse.

How to be?

First mouse.

The salvation is

So that the cat is not a cat.

Our plan is daring and dangerous...

Music. The mice whisper and giggle. They run into a hole. They go out. In their hands they have cans of varnish and paint.

First mouse.

Let's spray it with varnish!

Second mouse.

And let's paint it!

Music. Mice are running around the cat. The second mouse blows the whistle and calls the other mice.

Mice (sing in chorus).

From the basement to the roof,

The most important thing in the house is the mouse. Sasha, Anya T., Vika, Vanya S.

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

There are mice in the house! Together

Away with cat tricks -

Claws, poison and mousetraps! Alena Sh., Ilya, Danil

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

There are mice in the house! Together

In gray fur coats, in gray slippers

We walk on our hind legs. Sveta, Polina P., Yulia, Varya

Beauty! Beauty!

There is no longer a cat in the house! Together

The cat wakes up and looks at the mice. Music. The mice, as if nothing had happened, come up to him and say hello.

First mouse.

Good evening!

Second mouse.

How are you living?



First mouse.

Won't you get off the porch?

We lay down here on the way,

We can't get out, we can't get in!



What's going on, brothers?!

Second mouse.

No need to worry so much!


I'm a cat!

First mouse.

No, you are not a cat

Quite the opposite!



Second mouse.

No! Sit where you are

And look at this.

First mouse.

To the appearance of cats,

Like you, the world is not ready!

The second mouse hands the mirror to the cat. The mouse blows the whistle and calls other mice.

Mice (sing in chorus).

Maybe a cat, no doubt

To be white and black

Red, gray, like smoke,

But not yellow and blue!

There are no cats with pink polka dots,

It's impossible to be a cat with a purple tail

And with a blue striped hairstyle too.


Is it really me?

My life is over!

The cat faints.

Second mouse.


First mouse.

Still alive!

Mice fan the cat with leaves. The cat comes to his senses.


Oh my God!

If I'm not a cat, then who?

Maybe a mouse?

The cat looks at himself in the mirror.


Probably not!

Second mouse.

He looks like he's delusional!

No matter how angry he gets!

First mouse.

He almost agreed.

He'll get used to it later

Doesn't want to be a cat.


It's still very strange

I'll call Polkan.

He'll definitely figure it out

Who am I - a cat or not a cat? He and I are almost family.

The cat whistles. Music. Polkan comes running.


Hey, who are you?


I am Vasily! Meow!


No! Don't come near!

They are killing! Help!

The dog runs away. The cat is behind him. They run around the stage. They run away.

The cat is hiding behind a bush. Cats appear.

Second cat.

Did you see it? Polkan is flying!

First cat.

He’s old, but he’s got enough stupidity.

Second cat.

He is now shaking in the bushes.

This is definitely not easy!

First cat.

Maybe he caught a cold?

Second cat.

Yes, while flying from here!

First cat.

You go down and check everything.

Second cat.

There's some kind of animal sitting there!

First cat.

It looks terribly bad - he probably ate Vasily!

Second cat.

He ate it and took over Vaska's yard!

First cat.

Even his death is a shame!

It’s okay if I drank some milk

Or drowned himself in a river,

So, so decorously, without problems,

No, he was devoured by whoever!

Music. The cats are about to leave. The cat runs after them.


Meow! Meow! Murka! Kitty!

It's me! Do not leave!

I won't harm you!

Second cat.

He's lying! It will devour everything!


I won't eat it!

The first cat takes a large basket and puts it on the cat's head.


Ay! It's not fair!

First cat.

It's immediately obvious that he's not local.

Second cat.

These are the ones who eat everyone.

First cat.

There's nothing for us to do here!

Music. The cats are leaving. The cat takes the basket off his head.


Even the cats didn't recognize me.

How will I live now?

What should I do? Who to be friends with?

Music. Mice are leaving the house. Fill the basket with products.


Oh, you vile thieves!

First mouse.

You are not a cat!


Sorry, mice.

Second mouse.

We are friends, not enemies.


What should I do?

First mouse.

Help! Bring my luggage home

We'll thank you.

Music. The mice give the basket to the cat. The cat obediently follows the mice into the hole. They leave the basket there and go back.


Where's the thank you?

First mouse.



I'd rather be a cat.

Why am I not a cat?

Quite the opposite.

It can't be worse -

You don't need yourself!

Dance "Evil Cloud".

Music. The cat becomes himself. A crow appears.


Hey Vasily, why are you sad?

Why don't you catch the mouse?

You can't sing songs

Do you sit and whine?

Even a puddle under you

Became yellow-blue.

The crow flies away. The cat looks at itself from all sides.


No more peas!

I! I'm a cat again!

Or rather, a cat again!

I'm not a cat - on the contrary!

To be an ordinary cat

I'm much more used to it.

Insinuating music sounds. A bucket of cookies is pulled out from the mouse's house onto the porch.

First mouse.

Bring the bucket of cookies!


Mouse, I am a cat!

First mouse.

Well, welcome back!

Chase music plays. The mice run away from the cat. They run away. A crow appears.


The cat Vasily became a cat.

The fairy tale ended there.

They fought, then they became friends.

And anyone can understand morality -

It's better to be yourself.


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