Birds in Slavic mythology (Gamayun, Sirin, etc.). Birds in Slavic mythology Gamayun bird in Russian mythology

Alkonost (alkonst, alkonos) - in Russian and Byzantine medieval legends, the bird of paradise-maiden of the sun god Khors, who brings happiness. According to the legend of the 17th century, the alkonost is near heaven and when he sings, he does not feel himself. Alkonost consoles the saints with his singing, announcing to them the future life. Alkonost lays eggs on the seashore and, plunging them into the depths of the sea, makes it calm for 7 days. Alkonost’s singing is so beautiful that those who hear it forget about everything in the world.

The image of Alkonost goes back to the Greek myth of Alcyone, who was transformed by the gods into a kingfisher. This fabulous bird of paradise became known from ancient Russian literature and popular prints.

Alkonost is depicted as a half-woman, half-bird with large multi-colored feathers (wings), human hands and a body. A maiden head, overshadowed by a crown and a halo, in which a short inscription is sometimes placed. In his hands he holds flowers of paradise or an unfolded scroll with an explanatory inscription. The legend about the Alkonost bird echoes the legend about the Sirin bird and even partially repeats it. The origins of these images should be sought in the myth of the sirens. There is a caption under one of the popular prints with her image: “Alkonost resides near paradise, sometimes on the Euphrates River. When he gives up his voice in singing, then he doesn’t even feel himself. And whoever is close then will forget everything in the world: then the mind leaves him, and the soul leaves the body.” Only the bird Sirin can compare with Alkonost in sweet sound.

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Bird Sirin

Sirin [from Greek. seirēn, Wed siren] - bird-maiden. In Russian spiritual poems, she, descending from heaven to earth, enchants people with her singing; in Western European legends, she is the embodiment of an unfortunate soul. Derived from the Greek Sirens. In Slavic mythology, a wonderful bird, whose singing disperses sadness and melancholy; appears only to happy people. Sirin is one of the birds of paradise, even its very name is consonant with the name of paradise: Iriy. However, these are by no means the bright Alkonost and Gamayun. Sirin is a dark bird, a dark force, a messenger of the ruler of the underworld.

Sometimes the beautiful bird Sirin is found in the form of a real bird, without any human components. Her feathers are covered with an invisible mass, symbolizing the Elements. “Her wings were white with blue and red stripes, like caramel, her beak was soft purple, pointed, blade-like, and her eyes were bright, green, the color of young leaves, and wise, benevolent.”

Bird Gamayun

Gamayun is, according to Slavic mythology, a prophetic bird, a messenger of the god Veles, his herald, singing divine hymns to people and foreshadowing the future for those who know how to hear the secret. Gamayun knows everything in the world about the origin of earth and sky, gods and heroes, people and monsters, birds and animals. When Gamayun flies from sunrise, a deadly storm arrives.

Originally from Eastern (Persian) mythology. Depicted with a woman's head and breasts. The collection of myths “Songs of the Gamayun Bird” tells about the initial events in Slavic mythology - the creation of the world and the birth of pagan gods. The word "gamayun" comes from "gamayun" - to lull (obviously because these legends also served as bedtime stories for children). In the mythology of ancient Iranians there is an analogue - the bird of joy Humayun. “Songs” are divided into chapters - “Tangles”.


Phoenix (possibly from the Greek φοίνιξ, “purple, crimson”) is a mythological bird that has the ability to burn itself. Known in the mythologies of different cultures. The phoenix was believed to have the appearance of an eagle with bright red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, he is reborn from the ashes.

According to Herodotus, it is a bird in Assyria. Lives 500 years. Mentioned by many ancient authors. It was generally believed that the Phoenix was a single, unique individual and not a mythological bird species. Later is a symbol of eternal renewal.

Bird Bennu (Ben-Ben)

Bennu (Ben-Ben) - in Egyptian mythology, a bird - an analogue of the phoenix. According to legend, it is the soul of the sun god Ra. The name is related to the word "weben", meaning "to shine".

According to legend, Bennu emerged from a fire that burned on a sacred tree in the courtyard of the Temple of Ra. According to another version, Bennu escaped from the heart of Osiris. She was depicted as a gray, blue or white heron with a long beak and a tuft of two feathers, as well as a yellow wagtail or an eagle with red and gold feathers. There are also depictions of Bennu as a man with the head of a heron.

Bennu personified the resurrection from the dead and the annual flooding of the Nile. Symbolized the solar beginning.

The Firebird is a fairy-tale bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, usually the goal of the hero's search. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision.

Catching the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets to his sons in the fairy tale. Only the kind youngest son manages to get the firebird. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and sun. The firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; When she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, we can compare the firebird with medieval stories about the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature. The firebird is also the prototype of peacocks. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of Phoenixes.

Bird Simurgh

Simurgh is a prophetic bird, originally found only in Iranian myths, but later the Turkic tradition also became its habitat (Simurgh flew there, leading a flock of peris and devas).

In the new place, Simurgh completely settled down, as evidenced, for example, by the fact of his presence in Uzbek dastans. In fairy-tale dastans, Simurgh is a positive image: a giant bird, as a rule, helps the hero by providing him with transport services, for example, taking him to his relatives. In classical Turkic lyrics, the image of Simurgh already carries a different meaning - the mysterious bird lives on Mount Kaf - a mountain range that encircles the earth along the edge and supports the heavens - that is, it lives at the very edge of the world.

The Simurgh is a phantom, no one can see him. In the language of poetry, the expression “to see the Simurgh” means to make an impossible dream come true. This image received further development and a slightly different interpretation in Sufi literature. In “The Conversation of the Birds,” the famous poem by the Persian poet Fariduddin Attar, the Simurgh is an allegorical expression of true knowledge, a symbol of the identity of the creator and the creation. Alisher Navoi presented his version of this poem in the Turkic language, calling it “The Language of Birds.”

In Navoi's poem, the birds go in search of the wise Shah Simurgh, so that he can save them from the suffering of life. Having passed seven valleys (seven steps on the path of improvement), having passed many tests, the birds at the end of their journey reach the lush gardens of unity - the abode of the Simurgh - where in each rose, as if in a mirror, they see their own reflection.

It is revealed to the birds that Shah Simurgh is them, thirty birds (out of a huge flock, only thirty reached the goal). The word “si” in Persian means thirty, “murg” means bird.

The Simurgh and his subjects are united:

He who was raised to unity at once,
The secrets of the one god reached his mind.
The brilliance of the rays of unity will give light to his gaze,
The barrier between “you” and “me” will be destroyed.
(Navoi, “Language of Birds”)

Embodying such abstract ideas, the Simurgh, nevertheless, is not devoid of completely material plumage: the poem “The Language of Birds” tells how, flying over China, he dropped a feather of extraordinary color - sparkling so brightly that all of China (in the poem - the city) dressed in radiance. From that day on, the entire Chinese population acquired a passion for painting. The most virtuoso painter was Mani, the legendary founder of Manichaeism (a religion combining features of Zoroastrianism and Christianity) - in classical eastern poetry Mani is the image of a brilliant artist.

Thus, the Simurgh, in addition to the three above-mentioned hypostases, can also serve as a symbol of art.

The duality of mythological creatures can be traced in all folk cultures. The birds Alkonost and Sirin are guardians of the Slavic Paradise and reflect the cycle of Life and Death in the world order.

general characteristics

Despite their similar appearance, the birds have many differences. They lie in the character and origin of these creatures.

This bird maiden in Slavic mythology is identified with the bright beginning. She is credited with the role of a messenger of joy and prosperity.


The progenitor of the Slavic maiden bird is considered to be the Greek woman Alcyone. According to myths, the girl learned about the death of her husband and rushed into the sea, for which the gods of Olympus turned her into a seabird.

From Greek, alkyone (ἀλκυών) is translated as kingfisher. This breed builds its nests on the seashores and feeds on fish.


The appearance of the creature has changed throughout Russian history. According to surviving images, Alkonost had the following external features:

  1. On popular prints, the bird maiden has a woman's face, breasts and arms, and the creature also holds a flower from Paradise and a scroll that describes heavenly rewards for a righteous life. In these drawings, Alkonost has variegated plumage.
  2. Viktor Vasnetsov in the 19th century. depicted a creature with white plumage, indicating its light essence.
  3. The creature's head is crowned with a golden crown.
  4. The claws on the creature's right paw are golden, and those on the left are silver.

According to legends, Alkonost has both positive and negative character traits. The creature descends to the ground and mourns the fallen warriors with a song. The creature sings happiness and joy in Heaven to the righteous, and promises reward for their actions to sinners. Among the magical features of the creature are:

  1. Messenger of the gods. In some Slavic interpretations, Alkonost, as a bird of Paradise, acts as a messenger of the god Khors or Svarog. With its singing, the creature retold to people the will of the pantheon.
  2. Weather control. According to legends, the creature can raise storms over the sea or calm the surface of the water.
  3. Accompaniment of souls. The creature accompanied the noble ones who died on the battlefield to the gates of Iria.
  4. Intoxicating voice. Alkonost’s songs could captivate an unprepared listener, causing a person to forget about everything in the world. The dope passed away when the bird maiden finished singing.

Despite the bright beginning inherent in the image, Alkonost could also seriously harm a person. According to legend, a bird lays a magical egg on the day of the winter solstice and lowers it to the seabed. During this period, stormy winds and storms subside.

The creature itself watches the surface of the water from the shore and waits for the egg to float to the surface. According to legends, Alkonost eggs can protect from any evil and fulfill wishes, so many people tried to steal the clutch. The stolen egg was hung under the ceiling beam of the church. The bird did not forgive such an insult and pursued the thief until the end of his life. Having found the daredevil, Alkonost took his soul and left it to wander the earth forever.


Alkonost, according to mythology, lives on the banks of the Euphrates River. The bed of this river flows through Iriy (Prav) - the Slavic paradise. The place where the bird lives is called Buyan Island.

On some popular prints, Alkonost is depicted on a tree with the fruits of knowledge, which are guarded by the dragon Ladon.

Bird Sirin

Unlike Alkonost, Sirin is presented as a bird of sadness and sorrow. According to legends, this creature guards Nav - the world of the dead.


The creature's name comes from the Greek word "Seiqmer", which means "sirens". These bird-like creatures that live on rocks in the seas are the progenitors of the image of Sirin. They are also related to the Slavic bird maiden by a dangerous voice that lures sailors.

The first images of Sirin date back to the 10th century. The dark creature was depicted on pottery and door locks. In Russian legends, this creature is a resident of paradise, whose singing mesmerizes any mortal.

Towards the end of the 17th century, Sirin was mentioned in such literary monuments as Physiologists, Chronograph and Azbukovnik. In them, the creature was described as a harbinger of death.


Sirin's appearance has a number of differences from Alkonost. Among them are:

  1. The plumage is dark or gray. Hair is tar, eyes are blue.
  2. After the baptism of Rus', a halo began to be depicted around the creature’s head.
  3. The claws on the creature's paws are covered with silver.

In the pre-Christian period, there are images of Sirin with white plumage as a symbol of rebirth. Through the cry of the bird maiden, souls were cleansed from earthly disputes.

Character and magical abilities

The general character traits of the dark creature have varied throughout culture. Initially, Sirin was a negative creature. The bird maiden befuddled people's heads, causing them to lose their minds and forget about their past life. The voice of Sirin forced the Slavs not to be afraid of death, but the warriors themselves began to crave death. An encounter with a bird of death can result in suicide for a person.

It was possible to fight this creature - Sirin cannot stand noise. According to legend, if a creature descended to earth and began to sing, then it is necessary to ring bells, shoot cannons and rattle weapons. In this case, the maiden bird will be frightened by loud sounds and fly away.

There is another way to overcome her enchanting voice. To do this, you should start singing yourself. If a person’s voice turns out to be more beautiful, the creature will listen and become silent. After this, Sirin can help with advice. But a bad voice will anger the creature, and it will severely punish the daredevil, taking his soul.

  1. With her singing, the bird maiden is capable of creating a whirlpool, which will lead to the death of the ship.
  2. The gift of foresight. The words of the creature's song could often describe the future, positive and negative predictions always came true. For this reason, the Slavs were afraid of the birds singing.
  3. The creature often tests people with its singing. The bird brings reward to those who resist, and death to those who succumb to temptation. This is how the gods tested mortal heroes for their readiness to abandon vicious weaknesses.


In early legends, Sirin's habitat was Nav - the world of the dead. There, the bird maiden mourned the dead warriors with sad songs. The creature was the messenger of the Koschny god, who commands the dead.

In later sources, Sirin lives in Iria, guarding trees and a magical river. The bird occasionally flies to the ground to honor the fallen soldiers with mournful cries.

Legends about Alkonost and Sirin

There are several references to sacred bird maidens in Slavic legends. Some of them belong to the pagan period, others to the Christian period.

Resurrection of Perun

According to the myths of the Slavs, the main god of their religion was given birth to Svarog and Mother Sva. However, in infancy, the deity was stolen by Skipper the Snake, a hundred-headed dragon with a scorpion tail. Together with Perun, the monster also stole his sisters, the goddesses of love, death and life - Lelya and Zhiva.

The serpent skipper buried the sleeping Thunderer in the depths of the underworld. 300 years after the abduction, Mother Swa gathered the brothers of Perun, the Svarozhechs, and ordered them to find the main god.

To speed up the search, three gods turned into birds: Volos - into Sirin, Yarilo - into Alkonost, and Striver took the guise of Stratim. In this form they searched for their brother for seven years. the gods called the Snake Skipper to account, but he tried to hide the truth.

The magic birds did not fall for the dragon's lies and were able to find Perun, who was fast asleep. To revive him, the gods asked the bird Gamayun to bring the magic Surya from a well in the Ripaean mountains.

After the Svarozhichi washed the Thunderer’s face with living water, he woke up. His first feat was the victory over the Skipper-Snake, whom Perun deprived of all his heads and banished to the ends of the earth.

Apple saved

Traditionally, the Feast of Apple Savior is celebrated on August 19. Despite its Slavic roots, this festival also became Christian.

This day marks the end of the summer season, which marks the harvest. According to legend, on Yablochny Savior the joyful Alkonost and the sad Sirin fly from Prav to Yav. In their paws they carry healing herbs.

First, Sirin flies around the gardens and sings sad songs, mourning all the dead and those who lived in lies. For this reason, it is undesirable to eat apples before August 19 - according to legend, those who eat them will face a year full of misfortunes.

After Sirin, Alkonost, the bird of happiness, visits the apple trees. Her singing is full of joy and light, it marks the constant cycle of life and death, the change of seasons and the constant renewal of nature.

The bright maiden bird shakes off the dew from its wings, watering the trees with it. According to legend, after visiting Alkonost’s gardens, apples acquire healing properties. They are given fresh to friends and relatives, and they are also fed to children for future use. This ritual will help people avoid winter illnesses.

The holiday reminds people that the highest values ​​are spiritual. On this day they treat the poor and needy, visit distant relatives and thank the older generation for life. This is due to the fact that the bird maidens Sirin and Alkonost are also guardians of the hearth. The Slavs revered these creatures along with other bereginiyas and asked them to protect the house from quarrels and need.

Other Slavic bird maidens

The same mythological creatures of Eastern Europe may have a number of differences depending on the region. Some creatures acquire similar character traits and abilities.

The Virgin Bird Sva is the ancestor of all Slavs. She emerged from the golden eggs laid by the World Duck, who created the world.

The goddess looks like a bird with a woman's head. Her plumage is multi-colored, her hair is golden, and her eyes are blue. Traditionally, Mother Swa is depicted without weapons, but with her wings she protects all of Rus' from enemies.

The bird is capable of raising the morale of the Slavs, which is why they could win on the battlefield even with a small army. The warriors, blessed by Mother Swa, lost the fear of death and, dying, experienced joy. This makes the goddess related to Alkonost and Sirin, who also sang to the dead about happiness and piety in Prav.

Among the southern Slavs, Mother Swa was associated with the bird Gamayun. According to legend, in this form the goddess appeared before people. In its true form, the creature is depicted in fire, which symbolizes the unquenchable fighting spirit of the Slavs.

In paganism, mother Sva is the wife of the heavenly blacksmith Svarog. Together they gave birth to the entire Slavic pantheon.

The habitat of Mother Swa is the sky. From here the bird maiden illuminates the Russian lands and guards the borders.

The messenger bird is a famous character in many cultures. Gamayun is traditionally considered the messenger of Veles. In the southern regions, this creature is the messenger of Perun.

Gamayun's habitat is Buyan Island. Some legends also mention the Makarian Mountains.

This creature lives on Buyan Island. The creature looked like a snow-white bird with a woman's head. Stratim has no relation to the gods and other worlds. The Slavs described this creature as a powerful chimera that covers the whole world with its right wing.

Stram has a crystal crown on his head, and the main ability of this bird is to control nature. Like Alkonost, this creature is able to calm storms and hurricanes. Unlike the light bird maiden, Stratim causes storms and earthquakes.

Stratim does not belong to the shores. In the understanding of the Slavs, this creature personified the power of nature, to which any person is vulnerable.

The Simurgh combines the head of a lion and the body of a bird. In some images the creature has a human face. According to Iranian mythology, this creature sits under and protects him from evil.

This deity carries the will of the Creators to people, playing the role of a messenger bird. According to legend, Simurgh sings joyfully in the spring, thanks to which trees and plants awaken from sleep. In autumn, this creature sings a sad song, to which the entire living world plunges into winter sleep.

Like Alkonost, Simur is able to control the weather. The flapping of its wings causes the winds to rise, and where the messenger bird flies, it will rain.


Sirin and Alkonost are bird maidens in Slavic mythology, whose connection demonstrates the cycle of Joy and Sorrow, Life and Death. Despite their similar appearance, the creatures have a number of distinctive features.

In the culture of the Slavs, the functions of dual beings were performed by many magical birds - Mother Swa, Gamayun and the Firebird. In the mythologies of many countries you can find references to similar creatures.


The wonderful bird Alkonost, or Halcyon, with a female appearance and similar to a kingfisher, lives either on the banks of the Euphrates, or on the island of Buyan, or in the ancient Slavic paradise of Iria. The fabulously beautiful creature lays its eggs on the seabed, at the edge of the sea, and for seven days, until the chicks are born, according to legend, the weather is calm and windless. Alkonost is a bird of goodness and sadness. It does not pose any danger to humans, but on the contrary, it mourns those killed on the field after the battle. And Alkonost’s singing, similar to love itself, is so beautiful that whoever hears it can forget everything in the world.


Another bird of paradise - Sirina, reminiscent of the ancient Greek Sirens - is usually classified as a dark force. Outwardly, she is very similar to Alkonost and is his frequent companion. However, despite the fact that, unlike Alkonost, Sirin sings songs of Joy, promising soon-to-come bliss, his singing is destructive for people, because after hearing it, you can lose your mind.


The prophetic Gamayun bird is a wise messenger of the Slavic gods and a harbinger of happiness. Her name probably comes from the old word “gamayun”, that is, to lull. Gamayun's cry is good news, and she sings divine songs to people. Gamayun knows about everything in the world, knows the secrets about the origin of the earth and sky and is ready to tell about the future to everyone who knows how to understand the secret. In Slavic mythology, it was customary to turn to her for advice. According to popular beliefs, this miracle bird was born along with our world and its purpose is to remind people of the highest values ​​of existence.


The mysterious and gigantic Stratim-bird, also known as the Straphil-bird, is the archetype of the progenitor, the mother of all birds. She lives on the sea-ocean and holds the whole white world under her right wing. Stratim personified the most terrible and permissive forces of nature. She will flap her wing - the sea will become agitated, she will scream - a storm will rise, and if she will fly - she will cover the white light... Ships will sink in the sea, the deepest abysses will open up, cities and forests will disappear under water.


The most famous and late bird in the world of Russian folk fantasy is the Firebird, which has adopted some properties of many other fairy-tale birds. Its prototype was obviously Phoenix. Resembling a peacock, she also lives in the beautiful Garden of Eden of Iria in a golden cage, from which she flies out only at night. Its golden feathers are capable of shining in the darkness and amaze human vision, but at the same time, the Firebird returns the ability to see to the blind, and its singing heals the sick. At the same time, when she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The Firebird feeds on golden apples, which give her eternal youth, beauty and immortality. Perhaps that is why fairy-tale heroes hunted for her, and musicians and artists sang her in their works.

... “Why don’t people fly like birds?” * Probably everyone knows the feeling of flying - everyone flew in their dreams in childhood. And then all our lives we miss this feeling, and that’s why we envy birds so much. And we readily accept them as mysterious creatures endowed with mystical abilities, capable of predicting the future, bringing happiness or just good luck.

The bird occupies a special and very significant place in Slavic mythology. The supreme deity Rod, the beginning of all beginnings, in his earthly incarnation took the image of a gray duck, which was his symbol and the bearer of his power. It was this duck that laid two eggs - Yav and Nav - the embodiment of good and evil, life and death...

The images of birds that have come down from the depths of time are very diverse, which is explained by the vast territories inhabited by the Slavic peoples. In general, for ease of perception, I would divide the birds endowed with mystical qualities by the popular consciousness into three groups.
The first includes mythical creatures - half-birds, half-people, with the gift of prophecy and the ability to bring people misfortune or happiness, grief or good luck. These include Gamayun, Alkonost, Sirin, Stratim and Phoenix.

Messenger of the Slavic gods, their herald. She sings divine hymns to people and proclaims the future to those who agree to listen to the secret.

In the ancient “Book, verb Kosmography,” the map depicts a round plain of earth, washed on all sides by a river-ocean. On the eastern side is designated “the island of Macarius, the first under the very east of the sun, near the blessed paradise; That’s why it’s so popular that the birds of paradise Gamayun and Phoenix fly into this island and smell wonderful.” When Gamayun flies, a deadly storm emanates from the solar east.

Gamayun knows everything in the world about the origin of earth and sky, gods and heroes, people and monsters, animals and birds. According to ancient belief, the cry of the bird Gamayun foretells happiness.

This is a wonderful bird, a resident of Iria - the Slavic paradise.

Her face is feminine, her body is birdlike, and her voice is sweet, like love itself. Hearing Alkonost's singing with delight can forget everything in the world, but there is no harm from her to people, unlike her friend the bird Sirin. Alkonost lays eggs “at the edge of the sea”, but does not hatch them, but immerses them in the depths of the sea. At this time, the weather remains calm for seven days until the chicks hatch.

The Slavic myth about Alkonost is similar to the ancient Greek legend about the girl Alcyone, who was turned by the gods into a kingfisher.

This is one of the birds of paradise, even its very name is consonant with the name of paradise: Iriy.

However, these are by no means the bright Alkonost and Gamayun.

Sirin is a dark bird, a dark force, a messenger of the ruler of the underworld. From head to waist Sirin is a woman of incomparable beauty, and from the waist she is a bird. Whoever listens to her voice forgets about everything in the world, but is soon doomed to troubles and misfortunes, or even dies, and there is no strength to force him not to listen to Sirin’s voice. And this voice is true bliss!

Ancient legends claim that the Stratim bird - the ancestor of all birds - lives on the sea-ocean, like Alkonost. When the Stratim bird screams, a terrible storm arises. And even if she just moves her wing, the sea worries and sways.

But if the Stratim bird takes off, then such waves rise that the sea sinks ships, opens up the deepest abysses and washes away cities and forests from the shores. In this sense, she is similar to the Sea King. In some tales, she helps the hero get out of a deserted island and fly to land - because he saves and has mercy on her chicks. A strange and mysterious prophecy has been preserved: “When Stratim trembles in the second hour after midnight, then all the roosters throughout the whole earth will crow, and at that time the whole earth will be illuminated.”

(possibly from the Greek “purple, crimson”) - a mythological bird with the ability to burn itself. Known in the mythologies of different cultures. The phoenix was believed to have the appearance of an eagle with bright red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, he is reborn from the ashes.

Of the birds-fairy-tale characters, the Firebird most likely has a direct prototype from mythological birds, namely the Phoenix. This fabulous bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, is usually the target of the hero's search. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision. Catching the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets to his sons in the fairy tale. Only the kind youngest son manages to get the firebird. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and sun. The firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; When she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, we can compare the firebird with medieval stories about the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature. The firebird is also the prototype of peacocks. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of Phoenixes.

The third group includes all birds that do not carry something unprecedented in their appearance, but are simply endowed with fabulous properties to talk, help or harm fairy-tale human characters and are, as a rule, companions of such characters as Baba Yaga or Kashchei the Immortal. These are crows, owls, blackbirds.

Birds are found quite often in Russian literature and painting. In poetry, such poets as Blok and Klyuev turned to the images of mythological birds, in painting - Vasnetsov, Vrubel, Bakst.

*A. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”

DUCK is considered the bird of Rod and the embodiment of Mokosh. The World Duck that gave birth to the World. She lifted the white-flammable stone Alatyr from the bottom of the Milk Ocean. It was she who laid two eggs - Yav and Nav, the embodiment of good and evil, life and death. And she laid magical iron and golden eggs, from which the birds hatched: Mother Swa, Eagle, Alkonost, Stratim, Gamayun, Finist, Rarog, Raven, Resentment, Griffin, Mogol, Sirin.
The duck is depicted on the coats of arms of many Russian settlements.

STRATIM is the embodiment of Stribog. Also his mount. She is also Strophil and Strophilius. She was born from a golden egg laid by the World Duck.
Lives on the sea-ocean. It is believed that we are the mother of all birds. Her cry causes a storm at sea. When Stratim takes off, huge waves rise up, capable of sinking ships, the deepest abysses open up, and cities and forests are washed away from the shores. A mysterious prophecy has been preserved: “When Stratim trembles in the second hour after midnight, then all the roosters throughout the whole earth will crow, and at that time the whole earth will be illuminated.”

Bird Mother Swa

MOTHER SVA is a bird, a hypostasis of Lada, the Great Heavenly Mother. Messenger of God Vyshnya. She was born from a golden egg laid by the World Duck. Patroness of Rus'. Glory. Spirit of the River Glory (Volgo-Don). Often takes the form of Gamayun. In India it is the Matariswan bird. She was depicted in protective armor, with a wing in the form of a shield. Her power lies in the magic word, with which she inspires the warriors and attacks the enemy herself, beating with her wings and striking with her beak.
“The Bird Mother the Fire of Faith, the essence of Vedic Knowledge itself.” (WITH)

EAGLE is the bird of Perun the Thunderer, his hypostasis. Born from a golden egg laid by the World Duck. It is the Eagle that accompanies the Thunderer in the legends of many peoples. Perun can turn into an Eagle, can fly on it, and send it on various errands. The eagle is widespread in heraldry.

GAMAYUN is a prophetic bird, the messenger of Veles, Kryshny, Kolyada and Dazhdbog. She was born from a golden egg laid by the World Duck. Gamayun has a feminine face and a bird's body. Gamayun knows everything in the world about the origin of the earth and sky, Gods and heroes, people and monsters, animals and birds. She sings divine hymns to people and predicts the future for those who agree to listen to the secret. The word “gamayun” means to lull. According to ancient belief, the cry of the bird Gamayun foretells happiness. When Gamayun flies, a deadly storm emanates from the solar east.
There is an opinion that Gamayun and Garuda are one and the same bird.
Gamayun is depicted on many coats of arms of Russian settlements.

RAROG is a fiery falcon, the embodiment of Semargl. Rarog, according to legend, can be born from an egg that a person incubates on a stove for nine days and nights. Rarog has the appearance of a bird of prey with a sparkling body, flaming feathers, a glow, and a fiery whirlwind escaping from its beak.

RESULT - black Swan, bird-maiden of sadness, resentment. Navy is born. Bathing in the clouds and splashing in the blue ocean. Always opposes the Eagle, Falcons - the birds of the supreme light Gods. She is very warlike and is in the retinue of birds accompanying Magura. Fights the enemies of Rus'. Mentioned in The Tale of Igor's Campaign. Depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Yemanzhelinsk, Chelyabinsk region.

MOGUL (aka Magur or Magura, Mogul in fairy tales) - The mighty bird of Indra, his incarnation. Navy is born. Mentioned in the Book of Veles. The word “grave” is derived from her name. When Magura growls like an animal, whistles like a snake, all the ant-grass is swallowed up, the azure flowers fall off, and the dark forests bow to the ground.
The Magura bird is very warlike and is always present on the battlefield. She is akin to Valkyrie. Magura overshadows the fallen hero with wide wings, touches his cold lips with his lips and gives the murdered man a sip of dead water from a silver cup to drink, and then a sip of living water from a golden cup. A warrior who tastes living water from Magura receives eternal immortality and goes to Iriy.

RAVEN (not to be confused with the crow and rook) - one of the creators of the world, created ravines and gorges. Born from an iron egg laid by the World Duck. Raven is the embodiment of the Black Serpent, at the same time the Prophetic bird, the faithful companion of God Varuna. He accompanies the souls of the dead to the Iria Gate and reports what heights they have reached in their development. Raven is the guardian of living and dead water. Odin has two Raven spies: Hugin (“thought”) and Munin (“memory”), who flew all over the world and observed what was happening where, and then told their owner about everything they saw.
The raven appears in Viking heraldry and in Germanic heraldry.

GRIFFIN or NOGAI - half lion, half eagle. Navy is born. Builds a nest on twelve oak trees. Blocks the path to the Riphean Mountains, protects the gold of Iria, apple trees with golden apples, is able to find and secretly store gold. The griffin guards the passage to Pekelo. From his scream, flowers and grass wither, and everyone falls dead.
The griffin was one of the main symbols of Great Tartary.


FIREBIRD - in Slavic fairy tales, a wonderful bird that lives in the thirtieth kingdom. The golden firebird feeds on golden apples, which give eternal youth, beauty and immortality. When she sings, brilliant sparks of lightning scatter from her open beak along with the solemn sounds of thunder.

FINIST - falcon of God Volkh and Yarila. Born from a golden egg laid by the World Duck. A warrior bird, protector of Rus', guardian of borders, able to distinguish truth from lies. Finist's magic pen has miraculous properties, including removing all obstacles along the way. The Greek name Phoenix is ​​a corruption of the Russian Finist.


ALKONOST - the bird of Dawn, the embodiment of Horse and Roof. Half bird, half woman. She was born from a golden egg laid by the World Duck. Controls the winds and weather. Holding a lotus in his hands. Alkonost lays eggs on the seashore and, plunging them into the depths of the sea, makes it calm for six days. Alkonost’s singing is so beautiful that those who hear it forget about everything in the world. There is no harm from her to people.
The Slavic myth about Alkonost is similar to the ancient Greek legend about the girl Alcyone, who was turned by the Gods into a kingfisher.

SIRIN is a dark bird, a messenger of dark forces, born of Navy. Sirin is half-woman of incomparable beauty, half-bird. Lives in Iria. It descends to the ground to hatch chicks. Sirin knows the answer to any question and can fulfill any desire. But whoever hears her voice forgets everything in the world and dies.
Sirin is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Puchezh, Ivanovo region.

Bird Div

BIRD DIV - the embodiment of the god Dyya.
Div knew the fate of those who were doomed to imminent death, and he tried to warn people about the danger, but often remained unheard and misunderstood, so his prophecies did not bring good luck and happiness to anyone.

“In the midst of the battle, he fanned his wings over those who were doomed to defeat, and his cries seemed like a funeral lament, the last farewell to life, to the white light...” (C)
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign":
“Div is calling at the top of the tree...” (C)


CUCKOO - the sacred bird of Zhiva, the goddess of life, and Chislobog.

On certain days and hours she tells people about the allotted time and their sins. In addition, the cuckoo was considered a bird that flew unhindered between two worlds. It is she who brings news from the other world to her family.

“According to Russian beliefs, the cuckoo and the gray tick keep the keys of heaven or the keys to Vyri; with their arrival, the awakened Perun opens the sky and brings down the fruitful seed of rain to the earth.” (c) Vyriy, according to the ideas of the ancients, was on earth, and not in heaven.

Previously, in Rus', a widow was compared to a cuckoo.

There are many signs associated with the cuckoo:
For example, the beginning of the cuckoo's cuckooing meant that it was time to sow flax.
Or, if by July 12 the cuckoo does not stop calling and the rye does not burst into strength, there will be a lean year.

In the fairy tale about the Frog Princess, Vasilisa turns into a gray cuckoo and is carried away by a whirlwind.

The text is compiled using the compilation method.