Where do we spend our time or why quit our cushy job? Is it worth going “to nowhere”? Whether to leave work for nowhere.

We spend years doing things we don't like. We can hardly stand the shift, we come home completely exhausted, and in the morning we trudge off to work again without any enthusiasm. We constantly complain, but don't try to change anything. Everyone has different reasons for inaction. Some are afraid of losing stability. Others set themselves up for failure in advance. Some people hope for a miracle. Someone has an “impossible” dream that is difficult to achieve. And many simply don’t know what they want.

But life passes. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to continue to sit on your hands. It's time to decide to change! We tell you how to overcome your fears, get off the ground and start looking for the job you love.

1. Look closer

Office employees often dream of a free schedule and creative everyday life; they imagine themselves as freelance artists, photographers or writers creating masterpieces in a coffee shop by the sea. These fantasies seem so impossible that only a few dare to make them a reality.

Most people have been dreaming about global changes for years, but remain in a job they don’t like. Daredevils who still take risks are often completely disappointed in this choice. Instead of understanding their true desires and needs, they simply try to escape from their old life, guided by the principle “the further the better,” and this usually does not lead to anything good.

If you have been wanting to quit your job for a long time, but are afraid that you will have to look for yourself in some other field, radically change your life and start all over again, don’t worry: this is not at all necessary. Your sphere is not limited to either the organization in which you currently work, or the format to which you are accustomed. No matter how tired you may be, you shouldn’t immediately give up your specialty and accumulated experience. It is important to understand what exactly “sicked” you, and what else makes sense.

Imagine as if you have just now entered your profession. What would interest you? What topics would you find attractive? Who could be a role model? Read about new trends, best companies and bright names. Look at everything with fresh eyes. Think about how else you can apply your knowledge and skills: go into a related field, become a lecturer, or, for example, try yourself as a personal consultant.

Most people can find their calling much closer than they think. If you dream of quitting a job you don't like, first take a closer look at the options available to you right now.

If you are still sure that you want to quit your current profession, but do not yet know where to go, your task is to determine your range of interests. It’s too early to quit, but you can already take the first steps towards a better life.

We often find ourselves in a “professional tunnel”: we become too focused on work and begin to associate ourselves with only one role. We carry out our duties diligently, but at the same time we do not try to develop in other areas and miss new opportunities. When suddenly the desire to change something arises, it turns out that we have no special hobbies.

If you find yourself in this situation, first of all you need to understand what interests you in the first place. Start trying everything in your free time: read about other professions, go to lectures, conferences and master classes, watch educational videos, attend various short-term courses.

Constantly discover new areas of knowledge. This may take several months to a year, but it is worth it. As a result, you will get out of the dead end and understand where to move next.

As you can see, there is nothing to be afraid of. At this stage, no decisive steps are required from you. You are just collecting information, gradually approaching the goal.

3. Take action!

You can spend years thinking about your true calling, going through different options in your head, but never do anything. If you already have at least some idea of ​​what you would like to do, don’t waste time thinking too much. You still won’t understand whether it’s “it or not” until you try it.

Relax: you don't have to make a lifelong decision. There is no one purpose that you need to decide on once and for all. The smartest thing to do is to simply follow your passions. Of course, interest is not everything. It is important that you consider your work meaningful. If your hobby doesn't seem all that worthwhile to you, it's unlikely to turn into your dream job.

So, have you already started to form some kind of picture? Don't be surprised, but it's still not necessary to quit. You can go to work and at the same time develop in an area that interests you. Choose professional literature, educational courses, trainings and seminars that will prepare you well and give you a more complete understanding of the new field.

Don't try to make a clear plan for several years in advance. So far you have little information for this. Move step by step, periodically look around, evaluate the knowledge gained and think about what to do next. Improvise. If at some point you want to change direction again, don't ignore your desire.

Parting words from the author of the book “100 Ways to Change Your Life” Larisa Parfentyeva: “Try one thing, then another, then another. Be honest: if you don’t like it, leave it. Mix it up. Do it. Leave only what really lights you up and start working hard.”

4. Take your dream test drive

If you have a long-standing dream that your thoughts often turn to, but which you have never tried to achieve, it's time to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, twenty, thirty, forty years will pass - and you will greatly regret that you didn’t even try.

First, take a short test drive. This is best done on vacation. Are you dreaming of a career as a director? Find intensive courses and make some short films. Do you want to publish a collection of your stories someday? Force yourself to write a certain number of words or pages every day. Are you planning to open a mini-hotel? Check into a hotel for two weeks, meet the owners and staff, and learn the business from the inside.

If everything turns out to be approximately as you imagined, you can get down to business seriously (see previous paragraph). Or arrange another test drive to completely dispel doubts.

Perhaps the dream will not pass the test and you will be disappointed in it. This is also a step forward. The main thing is not to give up. Move on, keep trying new things - and you will definitely find yourself.

5. Get rid of fears

No matter how long you put off this moment, sooner or later you will have to leave your unloved job. Even if you've already figured out what you'd like to do next, test drive your dream, and learn a lot about a new field, the fear of change can stop you.

We are very afraid of losing stability. Here and now we have an employment contract, social insurance, a permanent salary, and usual responsibilities. And in the future there are only vague prospects and uncertainty.

Career strategy specialist Elena Rezanova responds to this with a very apt comparison. “At least some kind of stability” in an unloved job is similar to an unhappy marriage with an alcoholic. “At least some” family.

Yes, it's scary to take risks. But what is familiar, familiar and understandable is not always the best. Try to see uncertainty as exciting opportunity rather than danger. Deciding to make a change is like going on an exciting journey along an unfamiliar route, where many interesting discoveries, incredible adventures and vivid emotions await you.

Another common fear relates to finances. Many people are worried about a possible decrease in income. But really, you can’t do without another beautiful dress or a new phone (at least for a while)? To feel happy, you need to do what you love, spend evenings and weekends with your family, go for walks, chat with friends, and gain knowledge. This doesn't require money.

Still worried? Think about this: if you start enjoying work and investing energy in what you really like, you will increase your chances of success, including material success, several times.

There is another strong fear that paralyzes us. We are afraid that nothing will work out. We worry that we have taken on something too grandiose. Discard these thoughts. If every person thought so, our world would never see great writers, athletes, scientists, businessmen, actors, musicians... You must try to realize yourself in the business that you love and consider important. Everyone will benefit from this: your colleagues, clients, acquaintances.

Take note of the great advice from the book “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone”: “Think about what you want, not about what you fear. Keep your spirits up by taking full responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you. Give up whining and complaining. Concentrate your thoughts and energy on what you can do now to improve your life. The rest will follow."

If you don’t try to do what interests you, then you risk missing out on your own life, wasting it on trifles. And that's the only thing that should really scare you.

Of course, not everything will be smooth sailing. It’s easy and perfect only in dreams. But failure is part of a successful and happy life. And if you want to achieve anything, you have to accept that there will be days when you are ready to give up. First of all, take them for granted.

Don't be discouraged if things don't work out. Do not give up. Failure is good for success. Surely you have heard the phrase: “Experience is the best teacher.” Do you really think that we are only talking about positive experiences? Can you imagine how many achievements you have for every failure?

There are no victories without mistakes. Take almost any success story. Now that you read it, it seems quite logical. But her hero certainly didn’t see a coherent plot in the process. He doubted, experienced fears, stumbled, experienced bad days and saw only one step ahead. None of this stopped him. He managed to achieve something only because he studied, made conclusions and tried again.

7. Think about what will happen to you in 10 years

If your work responsibilities do not charge you with energy, but, on the contrary, only drain it, you definitely need a change. Still lacking the motivation to quit your boring job and do something else? Then imagine what you will be like in 10, 20, 30 years if nothing changes. What tasks will you be doing? Will you be able to feel happy? For clarity, look at your colleagues who have moved ahead on the career ladder. Inspiring? Do you want to be just like them?

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The situation when you are so tired of work that you are ready to give it up is familiar to many first-hand. People may have a variety of reasons for wanting to quickly find a new job. Often they decide to take a desperate act, even without any backup options. The fact that a woman quit her job to nowhere will surprise no one. Sometimes circumstances are so difficult that a person simply has no other choice.

You can't leave, you can't stay

For some, work turns into real hard labor due to constant friction in the team, others run away from a boss who tries to overwhelm them with work overtime, and others are simply disappointed in their chosen field of activity. Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to find a suitable vacancy, especially if the choice is limited to offers in a specific specialty. Deciding to quit your job for nowhere is very difficult; most often it happens out of despair or a feeling of hopelessness.

A difficult situation may be aggravated by the following circumstances:

  • advanced age (“it is always more difficult for an old person to find a suitable place);
  • lack of psychological support for a loved one.

To understand whether it’s worth quitting your job to nowhere, you need to honestly set your priorities and understand what is more important now. It is important to determine which values ​​come first:

After analyzing such criteria, it will become clear what inconveniences can be tolerated. After all, there is no ideal job and, as a rule, something doesn’t suit you. Often people are willing to put up with many disadvantages just because they enjoy the activity they are doing.

The most important factor is health. Sometimes workers overestimate their own strengths and do not take into account the negative impact of work on the body or peace of mind, but no amount of money will bring joy if their well-being worsens. When your health (physical or mental) suffers greatly, you should definitely leave, even if it’s a dismissal for nothing.

To make the right decision, you should compare the pros and cons. If the negative aspects outweigh, there is no point in staying. Often people feel unhappy for a long time only because they do not dare to refuse a disgusting position for a long time, experiencing fear, powerlessness and self-doubt. All this becomes a tangible obstacle and prevents you from taking a decisive step. A person rushes between two options and cannot settle on one of them. In such a situation, it is better to seek help from a psychologist, if, of course, finances allow.

Today's employers are completely different from those in Soviet times. Often, management representatives demonstrate uncompromisingness and even some cruelty towards subordinates. For them, achieving the required result comes first, and they view personnel only as a means of getting what they want.

Sometimes you can hear how the person conducting the interview speaks of applicants as weak-willed, lazy, impatient, quarrelsome and unable to do quality work. Unfortunately, such a point of view is by no means uncommon. So, for those who are planning to leave, it is important to think about how they will explain their dismissal at the next interview.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give a definite answer to the question of what to do. Everyone must make a decision for themselves, based on real circumstances. Of course, we must always remember that those who do not take risks will certainly not be able to change anything.

When thinking about whether to quit your job, it's important to understand the downsides of quitting your job. As a rule, there are many more of them than advantages. After making a decision, most likely you will have to face the following difficulties:

  • uncertainty (you can never know for sure how long the search for a new place will last);
  • lack of stable income and related benefits (especially important for those who provide for the well-being of the family);
  • a blow to ambition (when you start looking for offers from employers and are faced with a lack of viable options, you begin to feel insecure and powerless);
  • Difficulty of choice (strictly limit your spending until you find something worthwhile, or accept the first position that comes your way and ruin your life again).

However, those who show courage and really decide to leave have a much greater chance of changing their lives for the better. This is an opportunity to find yourself, find alternative skills that were previously hidden, as well as gain new knowledge and valuable experience.

It’s better to look for a new place without leaving your old one, but sometimes the situation is so critical that you have to leave urgently. At first glance, there can be nothing good in this, however, you can still find its advantages here:

Some job seekers are afraid to quit because they will not be able to quickly find a worthy replacement and a large gap will appear in their work record, which will subsequently be perceived negatively by potential employers. However, such worries are usually completely groundless. A few months of break will definitely not be evidence of professional unsuitability. Most likely, such a break will be accepted loyally and nothing will have to be explained.

Sometimes a person shouldn't quit. Before you make the final decision to leave, you need to think carefully about what keeps you in the workplace. These are often good prospects.

If you now have to work as an assistant sales manager and carry out difficult negotiations with difficult clients, you should pay attention to what your superiors are doing. Does the manager go to meetings? How often does he receive calls? Does he feel nervous after another conversation? Or does he only teach new recruits the art of sales, draw up plans and handle reporting?

As you grow in your career, your tasks also change. And if there are no big differences between the responsibilities of a junior and senior salesperson, then the manager in the same store will be doing completely different things.

You need to think about whether there are any prospects for this job. It’s worth remembering how often someone in the department gets promoted. You can compare yourself with a previous candidate who was transferred to another position, and based on this, objectively analyze your own chances.

We should not forget about the possibilities of so-called linear career development. If there is no opportunity for growth in the organization, there may be good vacancies in related departments that may be of interest. It is often customary in companies to give high positions to employees who have already proven themselves, because it is always easier to train your own people.

First of all, work is money. As paradoxical as it may sound, the less pleasure you get from an activity, the higher it is paid. You can try to evaluate your own responsibilities in monetary terms by calculating how much one working hour, week, month costs. For example, after spending a couple of hours on reporting, you need to calculate how many days you can eat for this money. So, preparing a week-long project, for example, can provide the necessary amount to pay for utilities or kindergarten.

If work does not bring you joy, but allows you to have a good income, you can work for a salary. Well, if you want to change something, it would be advisable to prepare a financial cushion. By the way, this is an excellent additional stimulating factor for better performance of one’s own responsibilities and, as a result, higher income. So, having earned a decent amount by the time of dismissal, which is enough for six months of comfortable living, you can sign your resignation letter with peace of mind.

Often, an organization provides its employees with certain pleasant bonuses that it would be a shame not to take advantage of. This could be free food, a corporate fitness card, water and freely available coffee and tea. It’s worth thinking about your prospects and understanding what skills you lack to realize your career plans. For example, it would be a good idea to get additional education, and the company sends you to appropriate free training. Of course, this is an excellent opportunity to improve your professional level at the expense of your employer.

When something is given for free, people often devalue it. But if you do the math, it may turn out that you would have to spend up to 30% of your salary on these “little things.” So, if topping up your mobile account and getting a free gym membership make any difference, it’s worth assessing how beneficial it is to wait to quit.

When everything is in order with your health, there is no desire to think about sick leave and other compensation. But still, the realization that even in case of illness the income will remain, may be a motivation to stay in a job you don't like. This is especially true for girls planning motherhood.

While there is no child, the amounts of compensation may seem ridiculous, but during maternity leave every penny becomes important. Among other things, for three years, until the baby goes to kindergarten, the woman’s job will remain, unless, of course, the company goes bankrupt. Quitting a job is always much easier than finding a new one where you can safely go on maternity leave.

In times of crisis, people prioritize stability over a comfortable workplace or high salary. There is no time for whims and many are ready to endure significant hardships, just so as not to be fired. If the job is not at all pleasing, but at the same time provides a stable income and a high salary, it may be worth “waiting out the crisis” by putting aside personal claims.

Sometimes staying in an unloved place for a long time is caused by the fear of ruining your professional reputation. So, if this moment is really important, it is worth working in the company for at least a few months. Sometimes the name of the organization in which you worked forms a reputation much better than the high position you hold.

Thus, before quitting your job, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Each case is individual and there is simply no universal answer. When trying to make an error-free decision, you need to remain honest with yourself and understand your own values ​​and priorities. There is nothing reprehensible in wanting to quit a job you don’t like, but it’s still better to have at least some kind of backup option.

Losing a job is extremely stressful for a person. Psychologists put it in second place after the death of a loved one. People react to stress differently. For some, weeks of lack of money and the hungry eyes of children will become

Losing a job is extremely stressful for a person. Psychologists put it in second place after the death of a loved one. People react to stress differently. For some, weeks of lack of money and the hungry eyes of children will become an incentive to take active action, while for others it will be the first step towards alcoholism and other personality degradation. How to check which category you belong to? Write a statement “of your own free will”!

Pros of dismissal

Even if you are dissatisfied with your working conditions, the very fact of having at least some kind of work gives you a feeling of stability - they say, “everything is like other people’s.” Therefore, many job seekers prefer to look for a job without leaving their previous job. However, there are benefits to being fired.

  • With feeling, with sense, with arrangement. You will have time for active employment. You can freely plan your schedule and schedule multiple interviews per day. Otherwise, you will have to lie to your superiors, take time off from work in order to “meet your second cousin from Melitopol,” take a vacation or sick leave - in general, somehow get out.
  • Ready to fight! You can immediately start a new job without working the legally required 2 weeks in your old place. Many employers need to fill a vacancy quickly, and your “readiness to fight” will be an advantage.
  • "Subscriber unavailable..." It’s a paradox, but a fact: in companies where employees are treated like pigs, they really don’t like it when these employees start looking for a better life. The management is trying to “make a mess” of them in the end: not to pay wages and vacation pay, to spoil the work record, or simply to fray their nerves. If you quit, you will save yourself a lot of nerve cells.

Do you agree to everything?

There is an opinion that a job seeker who changes jobs has a chance at an interview to “get” a more substantial salary than an unemployed candidate. The logic of employers is this: if a person now receives nothing at all, he will agree to any money.

Of course, this is not true. The size of the future salary depends on the applicant’s self-esteem, his professional skills and ability to defend his own interests.

I announce a break!

Some workers are afraid to quit “nowhere” because the search for a new job may take a long time, and a significant gap will form in the work record. This “hole” will grow every day, and employers will probably think: “If he is so wonderful, then why hasn’t he been able to get a job for a month (two, three)?”

I can reassure you: today employers are loyal to breaks in work experience, so 3-4 months without work will not be proof of your professional incompetence.

* * *


How I gave up everything

First, you sit at home for two or three months, unsuccessfully searching for a new job. Then you eat the “stash.” And one day the day comes when you are ashamed to look your family in the eyes, because you have nothing to buy bread with. And only then, finding yourself in complete despair, do you finally think: have you still been doing your own thing? And you start to act.

I didn’t hold on to my job: they paid me little, the attitude towards the staff was boorish. Therefore, when the boss once again said: “We don’t hold anyone by force, if you don’t like it, leave!”, I did just that. Gone "to nowhere".

For four months I looked for a decent job with a salary of at least $1000. And I found out - my family was literally on the verge of starvation. And then I remembered my first, long-forgotten specialty. And he became a home-based worker. It was hard to change myself, because I was used to being a “manager, working in an office.”

But the first client, the first order and the first fee appeared. I remember how, having received the $200 I had earned with my own hands, I dropped into the supermarket and rushed along the shelves with wide eyes, not knowing what tasty treat to buy for my family.

Then there were more orders and fees. After about six months of this kind of home work, I began to receive the coveted “thousand bucks.” But by that time I had assessed both my strengths and “my” market, and knew that I could easily earn twice as much. Well, of course, not “easy”. I went through nights of not sleeping and smelling like a child.

What kind of frog are you?

Three years have passed. Now I earn four times more and do not intend to stop there. And all it took was one day to find yourself “nowhere” and hang out there until you completely re-evaluate yourself. And start all over again.

I deliberately do not name my specialty or the industry in which I work. Because I am convinced: every reasonable person in good health is able to ensure a normal existence for himself.

So if you're fed up with your job, here's my advice: quit. But immediately start thinking about the future. You will have several months left until the last ruble set aside for a rainy day runs out. And then - as in that story about two frogs: either you will drown in sour cream or you will knock off a piece of hard butter with your paws and jump out of the pot.

In articles about personal development, the same advice appears: if you are tired of work, do not waste another minute of your precious time on it. There is only one life, and there is little time, so quit immediately and go do what you truly love.

Sounds tempting? The day you wake up and think you're tired of your job because it's boring, you're slow to progress, or you're not adding value to the world is possible.

1. Because no one but you will make work interesting.

Quitting a job because “it’s not interesting” means running away from a problem, not solving it. Where is the guarantee that the new job will be better? There is no such guarantee, because any work sooner or later becomes routine.

The only way not to lose interest is to rekindle it yourself. Talk to your manager, initiate a new direction, take responsibility for responsibilities that the company never has time for. Find out if it is possible to take a training course at company expense. Start passing on your knowledge to new employees: for example, maintaining a manual of processes within the company. What needs to change to make work interesting? How will this benefit the company and colleagues? Formulate these two points - and go to the manager.

It’s easier to initiate an expansion of responsibilities at your current job rather than starting from scratch. And it will take even more time if you want.

And then the next point is relevant.

2. This work can be used as a transfer point

Especially if you are planning to move into another field of activity. In this case, you will need a reserve of time and money: while you are just getting your first experience, let your current job be a safety net, where your salary and experience are constantly “dripping”. You will literally have to work for two people, but quitting “nowhere” and starting from scratch without a stable income is also not at all easy.

3. Because with this job you have a stable salary

If at work you receive a stable white salary, then you should definitely think 10 times before deciding to quit. Compare your current earnings with average salaries in the industry: maybe there’s nowhere to quit?

Another important factor is your personal financial plan. If you plan to take out a loan or mortgage in the near future, you will have to confirm to the bank your solvency - that you regularly receive a salary. What other major expenses are you planning for this year? Car maintenance, new insurance policy, repairs, surgery? Perhaps it is simply unprofitable to quit.

4. Because sometimes the social package covers all the disadvantages

Make a list of all the bonuses that your company has. Starting with little things like tea, coffee, cookies and ending with a discount on sports, a library of business literature, English training, voluntary health insurance and compensation for expenses on transport or a mobile phone.

We often don't appreciate what we get for free. If a company provides a gym and a French tutor, calculate how much you would spend on them yourself: for example, in Moscow it costs more than one hundred thousand a year.

Also, evaluate how “white” your company is. Maybe you are going to go on maternity leave after some time? Or apply for a tax deduction for training or treatment - without an official 2-NDFL certificate from work they will not give it to you. Do you have a white salary? Are sick leave paid? All this is also a bonus of your work. You can quit quickly, but finding a company from which you can safely go on maternity leave is much more difficult.

5. Because there are more opportunities for career growth here.

It’s easier to prove yourself where you know everyone. Typically, new employees are taken seriously only a year after starting work. By this time, you have already met your colleagues and shown how responsibly you take tasks.

If you suddenly become bored, this is a reason to set new goals for yourself and take on more responsibilities. It's easier to do this at your current place of work. It’s also easier to raise your salary where you work for at least six months.

6. Because being fired without cause won't make your resume look good.

Before leaving, consider how it will affect your resume. Remember that any HR manager treats “flyers” with suspicion. How will you explain your dismissal at your next interview? “The relationship with the team didn’t work out” and “it was just not interesting” - this sounds infantile.

Those who have worked in the company for only a few months should pay particular attention to this point. A short period of work is one of the filters by which employers screen out candidates. For a nice line on your resume, two or three years of work in a company is enough: you work, learn everything, and leave because there are no career prospects.

7. Because sometimes it’s better to “sit out” difficult times.

Finding a job is not that easy at all. Sometimes it's important to just have a stable way to earn money. Yes, let’s say this work doesn’t make your eyes sparkle. But they need your help and every month they transfer you a salary for it.

Look at your work from the outside. Write a list of pros and cons. Evaluate him soberly: maybe it’s not about work at all? If you're tired of commuting to the office for a long time, try agreeing that you will work remotely at least one or two days a week. If you want to do something else, talk about it with your manager directly - maybe you will be able to give up some of your boring responsibilities and replace them with new ones. Maybe you just feel a constant Groundhog Day in your life and are tired of the repetitive home-work-home rhythm? Then it’s definitely not about work: you just need to try to bring more experiences into your life, for example, going on an excursion or planning a vacation.

In any job, a large percentage of routine duties. Any position with an exciting title will require you to sort through mail every day, issue invoices, tinker with closing documents, check the work of others, and so on. Everyone has their own routine.

Let work remain the place where you earn money for a living. And let life be your main business.

The situation when even a favorite (not to mention unloved) job becomes unbearable hard labor is very, very common. The reasons why people are disappointed in their place of work are numerous - an inadequate manager, “black sheep” in a more or less normal team or “the whole team is against you,” etc.

Considering the fact that it is difficult to find a job, especially in a specialty, a person asks the question: is it worth quitting “for nothing”, is it really going to be better this way, or do you still need to stupidly endure it if there is nowhere to go?

You can't leave, you can't stay

Needless to say, the situation is not easy. And sometimes it is aggravated by many circumstances - there is no support in the person of a husband and wife, he is already a considerable age, and no one will take the “old man”, his health is such that it will not allow him to either run around looking for a new job, or run around at a new job, if it turns out to be one . And so on and so forth. And here a very important point is setting priorities. For some, it doesn’t matter where they work, as long as the team is normal, others get along well with everyone, but they have to travel far away, and the salary is small. Alas, there will always be disadvantages of this kind, and a person’s task is to decide for himself what is more important, what evil is the least.

From this point of view, before you need to sort out all the pros and cons of your existing work according to criteria:

  • wage,
  • distance from home,
  • own resistance to stress and the presence of stress, their quantity,
  • adequacy of the team and management,
  • the impact of work on health,
  • prospects,

The last criterion is the most important for many - for the sake of the work they love, they are ready to endure any difficulties. Health is a very important criterion. Many people overestimate their strength and do not take into account the negative impact on their physical and mental state, but no amount of money or position can bring joy if their health is destroyed. If your current job only gives you negative health results, you definitely need to leave - no one will give you back your peace of mind and good physical condition.

The question “to quit or not to quit” should remain open until you understand for yourself that this job has more disadvantages for you personally than advantages.

Many people, not finding an answer to the question “what to do,” remain in this situation for a long time, and this ultimately makes them unhappy. Fear, lack of self-confidence, lack of sufficient energy - all this stops a person, and he rushes around in search of a solution, unable to settle on any of the options. Here, of course, the help of a psychologist is desirable. Whether or not to contact a psychologist is everyone’s business, because this is also associated with many difficulties - first of all, time and money.

What to do?

The employer’s view of a job seeker who has left work for nothing is interesting. Yes, employers in our time are not the loyal Soviet leadership, they are business-like, sometimes tough and often uncompromising people who care about the result and do not care about the personnel through whom this result is achieved. You can often hear the opinion of the head of the personnel department who is interviewing applicants for a job: people are lazy, do not want to work, are quarrelsome, weak-willed, impatient, and, in general, unattractive in the eyes of the employer. Alas, such an opinion is not uncommon, and for those who decide to go nowhere, it is better to prepare at least a more or less clear and favorable explanation for why they left their previous job.

No one will give you the answer to the question “what to do”; you need to look for it based on the realities around you. Most importantly, remember: without taking risks, you will not change anything. Well, as they say, risk is a noble cause!