What are the responsibilities of a sales manager? Job description of a sales manager, job responsibilities of a sales manager, sample job description of a sales manager. What are the responsibilities of a sales manager.

Manager is a very popular and in-demand position. Not a single enterprise, firm or organization today can do without a manager. This profession has existed as long as commodity-money relations. At all times, their main task was and is to attract customers, successful sales, and maintain the status of the enterprise.

Manager – specialist of a wide profile

A manager is a leader who holds a permanent position in an organization that operates in market conditions. He is vested with certain powers in the field of making management decisions on issues of divisions or the organization as a whole. A manager is a hired workforce, hired on specific terms to carry out activities. The main guideline for him is the plan and the amount of resources at his disposal. The main job responsibilities of a manager are to make decisions and make efforts to implement them.

Perhaps the most in demand today is middle management. This includes a sales manager, customer service manager, recruitment manager and many others. People are very interested, and at the same time unclear, what are the job and functional responsibilities of a manager? What advantages does this profession have? And is it worth choosing?

Required qualities

First of all, it is worth knowing that a manager is a manager who has professional knowledge in organizing and managing production and has a higher education. He knows how to plan personal work, that is, set goals and determine ways to achieve them, set priorities. The manager can conduct business negotiations, identify factors of unproductive work and apply measures to eliminate them.

To date, a list of requirements for a modern manager has been developed:

  1. Mental capacity. These include creative creative thinking and the ability to give adequate assessments.
  2. Attitude towards others. That is, he must be able to work in a team, be sociable, friendly, and treat every person in the company with respect, regardless of social status and position.
  3. Personal traits. That is, strive for success, have internal motivation, a hobby.
  4. Attitude to work. The initiative in decision making must come from the manager, must be receptive to pressure, capable of delegation, and organized.

The full and fruitful work of a manager directly depends on several factors. This is the atmosphere in the team, working conditions, rational organization of the workplace. It is important to be able to get out of conflict situations and be patient.

  1. Manages the work process. At the same time, it uses computer technology, communications, and ensures systematic production, focusing on the production plan and supply agreements.
  2. Identifies and masters technical innovations, best practices, and methods for increasing labor productivity.
  3. Engaged in the development of calendar schedules for production and release of products, while focusing on the plan.
  4. Keeps daily records of how activities are progressing. This is monitoring the availability and condition of products, developing daily norms according to plan, and ensuring the rational use of transport.
  5. Fills out, takes into account, regulates the execution of orders.

Head of Department

The work of a department manager is quite interesting and intense. A person in this position must be active, quick to make decisions, and responsible. It is important to be able to update sales strategies, motivate employees, and be optimistic.

The responsibilities of the department manager are as follows:

  1. Adjusts production and delivery schedules, develops and implements standards for operational planning.
  2. Controls the entire production process. Fills out technical documents with his own hands, monitors the availability of tools, materials, products, transport, loading facilities, prepares equipment for new products.
  3. Prevents and, if possible, eliminates any violations during the production process.
  4. Organizes activities to improve planning, introduce more modern and modernized technology, and means of communication.
  5. Manages the work process in the warehouse, department employees, and dispatch units.
  6. Conducts systematic inventory.

Project Manager: Job Responsibilities and Responsibilities

Customer satisfaction is the main goal in a manager’s work. Searching for orders, sponsors, performers - the project manager is responsible for all this. Job responsibilities mainly include activity planning, reserve management, and the ability to take risks. His work also includes:

  1. Market analysis: studying the competitive environment, collecting information about consumers, their preferences and desires.
  2. Finding new and maintaining old relationships with customers.
  3. Development of a strategic plan, monitoring its implementation.
  4. Active promotion of activities on social networks.
  5. Managing projects and events from start to finish.
  6. Working with mail - receiving, processing and responding to letters, technical documentation.

Account Manager

This is perhaps the most communicative position in management. Daily communications with customers, their service, building relationships - all these are the main functions of a manager. It is extremely important to interest a person, to offer a product or service that will fully satisfy his needs.

Responsibilities of the client manager:

  1. Friendly communication with clients, good developed speech.
  2. Knowledge of the product or service being manufactured.
  3. Attracting new clients and maintaining old ones.
  4. Maintaining a mailbox. This is the systematic distribution of notifications and responses to letters.
  5. Communicating with clients through communications: receiving calls, communicating on Skype, etc.
  6. The ability to find an approach to each client and provide them with everything they need. If the product is out of stock, find an analogue.

HR manager

A recruiter is a specialist with a wide range of responsibilities. His main task is recruiting personnel for the company. This person must be able to correctly compose questionnaires, ask the right questions, provide consulting services, be self-possessed and impartial. The HR manager's responsibilities are:

The profession of a manager will always be relevant and necessary. Its great advantage is the opportunity for career growth, and, consequently, receiving a decent salary. It is important not only to know the job responsibilities of a manager, but also to be able to apply them to the benefit of the company.

How in demand is a sales specialist?

In the modern world, the position of sales manager is considered promising and popular, because it is such an employee who cares about the financial stability of the company. The responsibilities of a sales manager are numerous, but his main tasks are selling the company’s goods and services, working with clients and partners. The sales manager negotiates to achieve the goals set for him, works in the office with a computer and documents, goes to meetings, and talks on the phone. This position is in demand: it is found in almost every company or company that is engaged in any type of trading activity. Let us note that depending on the direction of the company’s activities, both the functional responsibilities of the sales manager and his work will differ. So, you can be a sales manager for windows, real estate, equipment, cars and auto parts, furniture, services and more. This list can be continued endlessly, since today a huge number of product groups are sold in different spheres of life. At the same time, despite the specifics of the product, the essence of the work of such a manager remains unchanged: to sell, maintain sales at a certain level or increase them, ensure the presence of clients, partners and regular customers.

A little history

Sales manager is a very ancient profession. In fact, it appeared with the advent of trade, but such people were called differently at different times: traders, merchants, barkers, and so on. In the modern world, they have come to be called sales managers, but again the essence remains the same - to sell a product, find customers.

Key responsibilities of a sales manager

So, in most cases, a sales employee performs the following duties:

  • Increases sales.
  • Searches for and attracts clients, enters into contracts with them.
  • Maintains relationships with regular partners and clients.
  • Prepares and maintains reports on his work.
  • Provides consultations on products and services.
  • Receives merchandise and maintains its display in retail premises.
  • Conducts presentations of new products and promotions, takes part in exhibitions.

The sales manager's instructions, as mentioned above, differ depending on the specific company and the product being sold.

Requirements for applicants for the position

A person who wants to become a sales manager must have a higher education. In some cases, incomplete higher education in the specialty “Management” or “Advertising” is allowed. In addition, you must be able to work with a computer, navigate office programs and quickly learn to work with various new programs. Active sales skills preferred. Very often, in advertisements for employees, employers indicate such requirements as having a driver's license (less often, having a personal car), experience in sales, and skills in working with documents. In general, if a person who comes for an interview looks ready to develop and learn new things and at the same time meets the basic requirements, he will definitely be given a chance to prove himself. The main thing is to perform the functional duties of a sales manager efficiently and work for the benefit of the company.

Reading time: 11 minutes. Views 7 Published 05/27/2018

The service sector is one of the most promising areas of the economy, due to its high demand and the constant introduction of new technologies. This factor had a positive impact on the popularity of the specialty of product sales manager. This official has many functions and acts as a link between the customer and the trading company. It is important to note that representatives of this profession are responsible performers, which leaves its mark on their professional activities. Below we propose to consider what the responsibilities of a sales manager are.

Sales manager is one of the most popular professions, because it is this specialist who, in fact, ensures the financial well-being of the company

Getting to know the profession

Each organization conducting trading activities has a representative of the profession in question on its staff. The responsibilities of this official include drawing up a plan for the financial development of the company and developing a product sales strategy. SM (sales manager) must have public speaking skills and the gift of persuasion in order to interest a potential buyer and formalize the contract. It is important to pay attention to the fact that these managers “accompany” the client even after signing the contract, providing consulting services. As practice shows, representatives of this direction are in high demand in the field of wholesale sales.

The employees’ task is to create new marketing channels and tools aimed at attracting the attention of potential audiences to the products offered.

Products produced by a trading enterprise are distributed through intermediaries, who redirect the goods to smaller outlets. To organize the right sales market, the manager needs to build competent relationships with each link in this chain. It is important to note that there are excessive demands on representatives of this profession. First of all, they relate to personal qualities and the desire for constant self-development. As the managers themselves say, this profession is a calling and a state of mind. Developed public speaking skills, the gift of persuasion, knowledge of buyer psychology and analytical abilities allow many people to reach professional heights and realize their potential.

Manager's responsibilities

The functional responsibilities of a sales manager may vary depending on the size of the trading enterprise. As a rule, the manager not only communicates with the company’s clients, but also collects various information that is closely related to the chosen market niche. Preparation of documentation, concluding contracts and developing various tools for promoting goods are the main functions of such an employee. In most cases, a manager is an office employee who makes deals while at his workplace. It is important to note that in the area under consideration there is a kind of hierarchy, which explains the connection between the rank of an employee and his job responsibilities.

The job description of a representative in this area includes many different functions, from calling potential clients to interacting with specific points of sale of finished products. In this area, the well-coordinated work of the team is the main criterion for the productive activities of the entire company. The volume of sales and revenue depends on managers. The job description of a sales manager is divided into four conventional sections:

  1. Activities aimed at increasing the customer base and sales volume. This section also includes the development of tools used to obtain maximum benefit from the sector where work is carried out.
  2. Development of a product promotion strategy, analysis of the company’s activities and profit planning.
  3. Transactions.
  4. Support and control of the implementation of each stage of the contractual relationship.

The main task of the manager is to sell the company’s goods and services, expand the circle of clients and maintain partnerships with them

Also, the job responsibilities of a sales manager depend on his rank. Additional functions include the constant expansion of the company’s customer base, negotiations, processing of incoming requests and calls, and consultation with regular customers. In addition, the manager needs to constantly maintain the level of relations with wholesale buyers and offer them “special” conditions for concluding additional transactions. The responsibility for developing a system of discounts and other bonuses for regular customers also rests with representatives of this profession.

It should also be noted that not all managers enter into contracts while in the company’s office. Quite often, specialists have to travel to the consumer’s premises. The result of the specialist’s work is positive feedback from the customer and an increase in sales volumes. To do this, the employee needs to find an individual approach to each potential customer and develop a personal offer. In this matter, it is very important to properly motivate the end consumer for fruitful cooperation. For this purpose, activities are carried out to collect and process information about potential clients.

To increase the client base, the manager must work not only with large organizations, but also with individuals. It should be separately mentioned that when concluding transactions with individuals, a number of features of such agreements must be taken into account. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the responsibilities associated with the reception and assessment of product quality.

The responsibilities of the product sales manager include monitoring the display of products in retail outlets. This official is responsible for formulating the pricing policy and checking the expiration date of the products offered. To create an optimal pricing policy, a detailed analysis of the potential of a specific outlet is required. After developing this plan, forecasts are created related to the amount of expected revenue.

Those managers whose activities are focused on increasing sales volumes are required to conduct various trainings and master classes aimed at developing professional qualities among lower-ranking employees. Such specialists are developing a structure for holding various presentations and exhibitions where advertising of the company’s products will be carried out. It is thanks to such advertising that the volume of concluded transactions and the level of potential consumers increases.

Regardless of rank, a product sales manager must constantly study the market segment in which the company operates in order to timely implement measures aimed at optimizing the production process. To do this, competing organizations, their advantages and disadvantages are carefully studied. Every month, the management department prepares financial statements, which indicate the volume of sales of goods and list the work performed.

A negligent attitude towards one's own labor obligations can lead to the loss of major clients, which will affect the financial stability of the company. This means that the manager's job responsibilities have an important role in the operation of the entire company. First of all, this applies to the relationship between representatives of this profession and customers. For example, let’s look at the list of requirements for an employee in the field of food sales or small household appliances:

  1. Tasting of new assortment and holding various promotional events.
  2. Control over the display of products on the counter of a retail outlet.
  3. Development of trainings dedicated to the products sold and their features.
  4. Active assistance to merchandisers.

As practice shows, job descriptions are closely related to the activities of the company.

A sales specialist spends most of his working time in negotiations (telephone or personal)

Most employers develop their own documents regulating the functions of managers. This can be either “cold calls” or on-site negotiations with clients. Above, we have listed the main functions of representatives of this profession. In practice, the range of official powers can be significantly wider. To increase sales volume and personal growth, managers need to constantly undergo training. As a rule, finding clients ready to cooperate is only the first stage of work. It is very important to be able to develop the right strategy that will allow you to retain the client and encourage them to use additional services of the company. This task can only be performed by a true professional in his field, who has all the necessary skills and personal qualities.

Product sales manager ranks

The responsibilities of a sales manager vary depending on their rank. Let's look at the most common specializations in this profession. First of all, these are active sales specialists. Such employees work away from the office, carrying out various events aimed at increasing the interest of potential audiences in the company’s offer. Often these employees have to make cold calls to replenish the client base.

A passive sales manager has similar responsibilities. This specialist interacts with an existing customer base. Also, a passive sales specialist often communicates with potential buyers who have completed an “introduction course” to the activities of a trading company and are interested in their offer. This employee must make a presentation, the purpose of which is to convince the client of the bilateral benefits of the agreement.

The specialty of a direct sales manager has a high degree of similarity to the position of an active sales manager. This employee holds personal meetings with each potential buyer, which leaves a unique imprint on the requirements for the employee’s personal qualities. First of all, he must have a presentable appearance, have oratory skills and the gift of persuasion. In this matter, a special role is given to flexibility of character and the ability to adapt to the interlocutor. Most representatives of this profession know all the intricacies of marketing, know how to use various psychological techniques and have increased resistance to stress.

Telesales is a fairly young and promising area. These employees are engaged in active sales using a telephone customer base. The task of representatives of this direction is to interact with existing customers to advertise new products and collect feedback on the purchased product. This means that such managers are engaged in distributing new products among the company's existing clients.

The position of sales manager is available in any company, firm or organization engaged in one or another type of trading activity.

Senior manager is an intermediate rank between the head of a department and an ordinary employee with high sales figures. The task of this official is to organize and coordinate the work of the department. Often, a representative of this specialty exercises control over the work of the entire department. The main responsibilities of a sales manager at this rank are related to optimizing the work process in order to ensure the financial stability of the company. In order to obtain this position, you must have a higher education and solid work experience in the field in question. Before assuming authority, a manager must undergo a refresher course at a specialized institution.

Development manager is a universal position that combines a number of standard powers and the functions of a company director. Strict requirements are imposed on representatives of this area. The task of this official is to develop a product sales strategy. To accomplish this task, the employee must constantly monitor market changes and develop new ways to optimize the production process in order to increase the profitability of the company's assets. For this purpose, various promotions, product exhibitions and other events are held.

Wholesale transaction specialist - this employee’s task includes concluding various transactions. It is important to note that these employees are not engaged in attracting new clients. All work is carried out with existing client companies. In order to realize your potential in this direction, you need to know all the intricacies of marketing and be able to predict changes in the market.

Office sales is one of the most interesting areas of management. As a rule, such employees work only in the office and prepare various documents. The main function of the office sales manager is cross-transactions that are concluded with clients who contact the company independently. The responsibilities of this official include the development of presentations advertising manufactured products. In addition, such employees carry out various activities aimed at improving the quality of customer service.

Sales and purchasing specialist is one of the most specific specialties. At the stage of formation of the company, this person develops a procurement plan. After creating this plan, the employee proceeds to filling the warehouse and drawing up financial documents. In addition, the task of this employee is to resolve various conflicts that arise between the company and suppliers. Representatives of each of the above specialties must have basic knowledge in this area.

Assistant manager is an assistant who performs all the routine work for the senior manager. The responsibilities of this person include drawing up reports, filling out contracts and preparing commercial proposals. In addition, assistants have the right to independently sell products. It is important to note that there are strict requirements for assistant senior managers. This category of workers must understand various legal aspects of the chosen field of activity and be able to analyze changes in the market.

People with any education can master the skills of a sales manager

Requirements for candidates for the position of manager

Having considered the functions of a sales manager, we can highlight a list of skills and personal qualities that an applicant for this position must have. Personal qualities include increased resistance to stress, public speaking skills and the gift of persuasion.. Since this position involves constant interaction with potential clients of the company, the manager must have a presentable appearance and be able to competently express his thoughts.

Many employers prefer to hire workers who have practical experience in this field and are able to work in the 1C program and electronic catalogs. Also among the mandatory requirements for applicants, one should highlight the presence of a higher education and the ability to draw up various documents.

In contact with

Job description and job responsibilities of a sales manager.


1.1. Real job description defines job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities sales manager.

1.2. A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. The sales manager is hired and dismissed by order of the general director on the recommendation of the commercial director and the head of the sales department.

1.4. The sales manager reports directly to the head of the sales department.

1.5. A person who has a higher (secondary) vocational education in the specialty “management” or a higher (secondary) vocational education of another profile and additional training in the field of theory and practice of management is appointed to the position of sales manager. A candidate for the position of sales manager must have at least six months of experience in similar positions.

1.6. In his activities, the sales manager is guided by:
- regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;
- the charter of the organization;
- internal labor regulations of the organization;
- orders and instructions from the commercial director and head of the sales department;
- this job description for a sales manager.

1.7. A sales manager must know:
- federal laws and by-laws regulating the conduct of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;
- basics of pricing and marketing;
- the fundamentals of a market economy, market conditions, features and specifics of the market of the corresponding region;
- basics of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales;
- basics of taxation;
- assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products sold;
- conditions of storage and transportation of products;
- psychology, ethics of business communication, rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations;
- the procedure for developing business plans, commercial agreements, contracts;
- structure of the commercial service and sales department of the organization;
- rules for working with a computer and operating office equipment.

1.8. The sales manager reports directly to ___________________________.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the sales manager, his job responsibilities are assigned to ______________.


The sales manager's responsibilities include:

2.1. Organization and management of sales:

Search for potential clients;
- working with first-time clients, with their subsequent transfer to the leading sales manager, depending on the client’s territorial affiliation;
- conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the organization;
- prompt response to information received from customers and bringing it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and head of the sales department;
- identifying customer needs for products sold by the organization, coordinating the order with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of assortment in the organization’s warehouse;
- motivating customers in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.

2.2. Planning and analytical work:

Drawing up a monthly sales plan;
- analysis of statistical data on sales and shipments of the organization’s clients;
- providing reports to the leading sales manager and head of the sales department based on the results of work.

2.3. Sales support:

Reception and processing of customer orders, preparation of necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the organization’s clients assigned to the sales manager, as well as for clients assigned to the corresponding leading sales managers when they are out of the office;
- informing customers about all changes in the assortment, price increases and decreases, promotions to stimulate demand, and the time of product arrival at the warehouse;
- final agreement with the client on the terms regarding prices, shipping dates and methods of delivery of products;
- transferring requests for product delivery to customers to the logistics department;
- participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department;
- interaction with other departments of the organization in order to fulfill assigned tasks;
- participation in work meetings;
- maintaining working and reporting documentation;
- maintaining up-to-date client data in the organization’s client information database.

2.4. Control:

Shipment of products to customers;
- financial discipline of the client based on documents received from the trade accounting department.


3.1. The sales manager has the right:

Raise the question to management about increasing wages and paying overtime in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the remuneration system for employees of the organization;
- submit proposals for improvement of their work and working conditions for consideration by management;
- request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and employees reports and documents necessary to perform official duties;
- require the head of the sales department to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights;
- demand from management to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.


4.1. The Sales Manager is responsible for:

Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in these instructions;
- within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- committing offenses in the course of their activities;
- within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the organization - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


Every manager or entrepreneur has had to recruit sales managers at least once. Even if you don't employ any staff, you probably work with independent sales agents who serve as sales specialists. After all, sales are something that interests every businessman without exception; it is a guarantee of a positive balance and stable profits.

So, what functions should be assigned to the manager who will be involved in sales? What needs to be checked when hiring a sales manager, what qualities should he demonstrate? What should a salesperson do besides selling directly? Read about this in this article.

Initially, we note that your sales manager must carry out what you write in the job description. You can download a sample job description on the Internet from reputable sites, you can add into it everything that you consider important, you can exclude what you will never need. In any case, the instruction is a kind of agreement between the entrepreneur and the employee. By signing the job description, the employee agrees that he will carry out everything that is recorded in it. Therefore, draw up this document more carefully, first draw for yourself the entire sales scheme at your enterprise, and in accordance with it, write down all the functions of a sales specialist.

Qualities of a sales manager that will increase your profits

1. Ability to learn, analyze information, technical literacy

Anyone can learn information about a product and tell it clearly without hesitation. But this is not enough with modern sales. Now both the product and the services are becoming quite complex, and it is impossible to do without special skills in analyzing the properties of the item of sale. If previously the client could only say “whether I’ll buy it or not,” now more and more often he provides his own set of requirements for the product. And the manager must make him exactly such an offer, understand what the client wants, whether it is possible to comply with his conditions in technical terms, whether it is possible to offer the client a technical alternative with a similar set of options.

To achieve such mastery, a sales manager must be easy to learn, read a lot, and understand even complex technical schemes for product production. Continuous training can greatly help a sales manager achieve high sales. In order to motivate managers to study and research the product, many companies constantly conduct certifications and test knowledge about the product. Immediately explain to managers that this is not a way to fire this or that specialist, but a method of sharing knowledge about the subject that is being sold.

2. Ability to communicate positively and effectively

In order to successfully sell products to customers of various levels, social statuses, ages and interests, you need to be able to communicate with different people. If a manager works in the b2b sector, then the need for these skills increases significantly! Business clients need not only to be told about the product competently and professionally, but also to have an individual approach and respect for individual interests. To do this, the manager must be able to prepare for a meeting with a demanding client, develop a plan for the conversation, identify the goals of the negotiations, tasks, as well as the stages in the order of bringing the conversation to the desired result. To do this, each manager must, before the meeting, be able to collect information about the potential buyer, his needs and wants, even about family affairs, hobbies, and interests.

In addition, the manager must competently keep a diary of his meetings, and it is best to do this electronically, in any CRM program. Such programs are perfectly adapted to the tasks of any production; you can add any sections and items to them. Such a program includes the entire customer base, data on goods and services, assortment, prices, invoice forms, etc. Access to sections can be limited, for example, the entire customer base can be visible only to commercial and general directors. The main thing is that such a program has a clear interface so that even non-advanced users can work in it.

3. Literacy in office work

Every sales manager should be able to write a business letter, compose a response to a request, register it, draw up a competent commercial proposal, and collect accounts receivable. In addition, the manager must be able to work with e-mail and other programs for exchanging information. Copying, scanning, printing, text formatting, and much more - all this should also be on the list of sales manager skills.

4. Legal literacy

Each sales manager is required to work with contracts, acts, invoices and other documents. Clients often make amendments to contracts, and the manager must quickly accept or reject them. A manager, as a rule, can draw up a protocol of disagreements by agreeing with his supervisor. After this, he controls the signing of the contract and the implementation of all its points. Of course, a manager does not need to know all the legislation of the Russian Federation in full, but all the nuances of contractual work must be studied thoroughly.

5. Knowledge of accounting documentation

A good sales manager does not need accounting services for his transactions at all. He can issue an invoice, invoice, invoice, sales receipt, reconciliation report, and much more. If unified accounting programs are used, then even a beginner can cope with the documentation. If the company has a paper workflow, then skills in working with accounting documents are very important, and when hiring such an employee, it is necessary to find out the level of knowledge of accounting documentation.

When applying for a job, you should ask about their experience in solving difficult and non-standard problems. It is also important to have a systematic approach to work, logical chains when communicating with clients. But work experience in numerical terms will tell you much less information about the employee. Let the applicant tell you about his best projects, about his workday routine, about accounting and reporting systems, let him show his notes, even just in his work notebook. From them you can see a systematic approach or lack thereof in work.

A resume can also tell a little about the applicant. But a personal conversation, reasoning about a specific situation (case), real business proposals based on cases - will most clearly show how professional the employee is. In addition, only in a personal conversation can you find out whether a given person is suitable for working in your team. Relationships are very important in every production, and especially in the sales structure. Therefore, put the ability to live calmly and loyally in a team first, because only in a team can you achieve the highest success.

What are the main responsibilities of a sales manager

  1. The main task is to increase sales, obtain the largest number of orders and maximum financial profit. As a rule, the manager is assigned a certain territorial sector to work in; it is in this sector that one should strive to increase profits, increase the number of clients, etc.
  2. Searching for new clients, interviewing them, receiving orders and completing documentation.
  3. Maintaining accounting and reporting documents.
  4. Working with existing clients, sending out offers, expanding the average bill.
  5. Conducting consultations on service, new products, and the availability of product lines.

Additional functions for sales managers

  1. Receiving goods and products
  2. Control of display in the sales area
  3. Participation in exhibitions and conferences
  4. Conducting product presentations
  5. Organization of trainings and master classes
  6. Preparation for tenders, collection of documents
  7. Study of competitive offers and market conditions
  8. Accounting for the work of sales representatives, from drawing up plans to recording gasoline consumption
  9. Development of schemes and techniques for finding new clients, attracting new segments of the target audience
  10. Control of payments under contracts, in compliance with deadlines
  11. Preparation of all documentation in case of counter inspections
  12. Conducting business correspondence, conducting business telephone conversations, signing contracts
  13. Participation in the assessment of commercial work, analysis of the economic activities of the entire enterprise and the sales department in particular
  14. Development and preparation of routes for sales representatives
  15. Drawing up contracts and making adjustments and changes depending on changes in conditions, assortment, prices, etc.
  16. Formation of proposals on indicators of plan development by sales representatives
  17. Formation and maintenance of a client base, constantly replenishing it
  18. Control of the return of invoices and other documents, signed assets, etc.
  19. Registration of powers of attorney for various types of activities
  20. Search and formation of groups of data of various directions, analysis of results and development of proposals for strategies
  21. Monitoring after-sales service for your clients

What additional skills should a sales manager have?

A sales manager must be able to work much more than 8 hours a day, more than five days a week. And he must organize this working time independently, without anyone’s commanding hand. He decides for himself how much and where to work; the main thing in his work is the end result. In addition, a manager cannot be an active, energetic, or interesting person. He constantly learns, develops, strives for new heights and goals. And he must do all this creatively, because in the modern world there is almost no “war” of goods, but a very vivid “war” of sales managers. They buy from someone who is more interesting, more active, and more convincing. And it is very important at this moment to work differently from everyone else, to be different from others.