The interior of the pigsty. Livestock for a pig farm

A mini farm for many today is becoming an excellent option for a home business. That is why their popularity is growing more and more. This also applies to the pig industry. How to build a mini farm for pigs with your own hands, as well as what it is for and what it looks like, we will understand this in more detail.

What do they look like and what are they for?

Such a concept as a mini farm is familiar to many today. At the same time, it is found in almost every branch of animal husbandry. When it comes to pig production, small farms are increasingly becoming the choice of beginning farmers. However, a mini farm is also a great option for livestock. Just a dozen pigs can provide the whole family with delicious meat and the opportunity to profit from the sale.

Today, the concept of a mini farm for pigs includes a fairly wide range of possibilities. This is an ordinary household for a dozen or several dozen animals, and a full-fledged complex with hundreds of animals. However, under this concept it is more correct to mean a farm that does not exceed a few dozen livestock, as in the video. That is, this is a small, but very profitable, economical and cost-effective economy.

As a rule, a mini-farm has the appearance of an ordinary capital pigsty of a rectangular or hangar shape, located on a separate piece of land. If you have the opportunity, then such a small farm can be placed on your own plot in the form of an ordinary barn. For example, if there are no more than 15 pigs. Thus, it is possible to organize a very profitable home business for the production and sale of meat products.

Advantages of a small pigsty

  • financial accessibility for beginning farmers;
  • low need for capital investment and investments;
  • no need to have a lot of staff;
  • high profitability;
  • does not require a lot of space;
  • ease of construction.

How to create a mini farm?

In order to properly build a mini pig farm with your own hands, you need to know some basic rules. Firstly, regardless of the quantity, the room must be capital and insulated. Animals in it should feel comfortable. Secondly, the premises should be divided into special areas with a separate range: for keeping adult pigs, wild boars, as well as sows and young animals. All this is taken into account when developing a plan and drawing.

To create a mini farm, of course, first of all, we need a suitable site. It can be bought or rented. If possible, you can allocate a personal plot for your farm. We begin the construction with the creation of a drawing, we suggest looking at it at the end of the article. We determine the size, taking into account the number of animals. See the video for more details.

The subtleties of the pigsty

Any available dry and warm materials are suitable for building a mini farm. For example, it can be wood or brick. The floors are made of adobe or concrete, taking into account the flow of slurry into special compartments. In cold regions, the walls of the pigsty must be insulated, for example, with foam or sawdust. The roof can be made single-pitched and double-pitched, which allows you to save space for storing supplies.

Of course, even the smallest pig farm must have a walking area. It also needs to be divided into compartments for walking sows and young animals, and separately for adult pigs. You need to equip the paddock with your own hands, fence and make the right flooring. For convenience, all walks and compartments of the room must be communicated. See drawings for more details.

It is not necessary to rebuild a pigsty if you already have a barn on the site. With its proper construction and placement, it is possible to equip an already finished building. For example, make a special slatted floor, insulate it, change the entrance if necessary, or add windows. It happens that it is necessary to complete the construction of utility rooms for storing food and bedding. For the quick construction of a mini farm, you can use modern sandwich panels.


Even a do-it-yourself mini-farm cannot do without mandatory arrangement. If you will breed pigs, be sure to take care of the heating system. Sows and especially piglets are very sensitive to low temperatures. In winter, it must be maintained within 20 degrees. It is desirable to have running water or at least a well with a pump.

Another, but very important point is the way pigs are kept. The mini farm plan will depend on this. The simplest option is two compartments for piglets and adults, as well as a separate area with pens for sows. You can also choose a system of separate placement of animals, for example, in special cages, as in the video.


Having even a small farm for pigs, you need to take care of the proper storage of feed and supplies. So, from the necessary buildings, you will need a granary, a sennik, a workshop or closet for tools, a department for cutting and storing meat products. It is not necessary to allocate separate buildings for all premises. For example, a barn can be allocated as a separate compartment in the pigsty itself, hay can be stored under a roof, and so on.

However, this is only suitable if you have no more than a dozen pigs. In other options, it should be borne in mind that in order to harvest a large amount of feed and hay, an entrance to equipment and a truck is needed. Therefore, it is better to place these premises with access to the street and with a good entrance. Why do we need a workshop, as well as a room for cutting and storing meat, we think everything is clear here.

Machinery and equipment

In order for your mini-farm to be profitable and profitable with your own hands, you need to acquire at least the smallest equipment. Firstly, it is a grain crusher, without which the proper feeding of pigs is simply impossible to imagine. Secondly, a small tractor with a trailer for transporting hay, fodder, manure. Also, from automatic systems, automatic drinking bowls and automatic feeders may be useful to you. But you can save money on this for a mini farm, as shown in the video.


Drawing of a home pigsty with paddocks

Drawing arrangement of a mini farm for pigs

Module plan for 5 (a) and 10 (b) main sows

Video "Domestic Pigs"

In this video, we offer to see how cute and funny domestic pigs are. Perhaps this video will inspire you to create your own mini-farm.

In view of certain economic factors, such an industry as pig breeding is currently one of the most promising areas of animal husbandry. It's all about the demand for the final product, that is, meat and fat, as well as the relatively low cost of acquiring equipment and animals, the maintenance of which is also very inexpensive.

Currently, the organization of a pig farm is available to almost everyone, the main thing is the desire, certain knowledge and the availability of a material base for renting or buying land, livestock and the required equipment. The best option for a beginner livestock breeder would be a mini pig farm that does not require a large area and is spacious enough to contain from 200 to 400 pigs. There are many options for organizing and equipping a mini-farm for pigs, but then the so-called Canadian technology will be considered.

Neighbor experience

Frame-tent hangars-pigsties today are common in North America, Europe and Australia. Such a mini-farm for pigs is easy to assemble, has a large capacity and an ideal microclimate for the growth and development of animals.

Structurally, a pigsty hangar is a frame-type structure, covered with an awning or other dense moisture and windproof fabric.

The frame of the hangar is built from prefabricated arches connected by bolts. The final dimensions of the hangar may be different, but ideally should not be less than 12x30x3m. Frame arches are installed on a strip or pile foundation, depending on the dimensions and weight of the structure, as well as the type of soil at the construction site.

After installation, the arched frame is covered with pieces of dense material on a woven polyester base and equipped with sliding gates. If the question of how to build a mini farm for pigs with your own hands, or rather, how to build a hangar, remains open, then it’s worth adding a little specificity.

Stages of building a mini farm

The construction of the farm is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1:

  • preparation and marking of the construction site. At this stage, the construction site is cleared, the points of location of the support nodes and the main elements of the future structure, such as gates and ventilation windows, are marked.
  • calculation of the cost and purchase of components necessary for construction (arched modules, awning, tools, fasteners). Next, the cost of purchasing building materials, tools and, if necessary, ordering special equipment is calculated. On average, for the maintenance of a livestock of two hundred pigs, at least 360 m2 of area or 1.4 m2 per animal is required. Do-it-yourself mini pig farm will cost less if all calculations are made correctly, even before construction begins.
  • pouring a strip foundation or installing piles. It would be more economical to use tubular piles as the foundation of a mini-farm, installed in pre-drilled wells and fixed with a reinforced concrete screed. In contrast to the strip foundation, in this case, the savings are due to the rejection of a large amount of concrete.

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

When shopping, do not forget about such things as ear tags for pigs, with the help of which not only the livestock is controlled, but also the age and degree of development of the individual is calculated. Also a useful thing is a rattle on the neck of a pig, the purpose of which can be different.

Material costs, statistics, profit

Now that the technology for the construction and arrangement of a frame-tent hangar-pigsty has been theoretically studied, the time has come for the material and economic part. Various mini-farms for pigs, the price of which can reach up to several million, differ from the proposed option in that already during operation they require many times more investments than a pigsty hangar.

The calculation of investments for the purchase of livestock, the construction of a hangar, the payment of bills, the purchase of feed, as well as the calculation of profit from one hangar for a period of 160 days, is given below:

  1. Construction of a hangar - 580,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of piglets (220 rubles / kg) weighing 25 kg at the age of 24 months - 1,100,000 rubles (200 heads * 25 kg).
  3. Forage (9 rubles / kg) - 864000 rubles (200 heads * 3 kg * 160 days).
  4. Bioadditives (40 rubles / kg) - 384000 rubles.
  5. Depreciation of equipment, electricity, general expenses (excluding transport and salaries for maintenance personnel (1 person)) - 66000-75000 rubles.
    TOTAL EXPENSE (one hangar, 160 days) - 2225400 rubles.
  6. The average weight gain for a cycle of 160 days is 6800 kg.
  7. Profit from the sale of meat - 2596000 rubles (11680 kg * 220 rubles).
  8. Net profit - 370,600 rubles (per cycle, excluding transport costs and salaries for maintenance personnel).

Based on the figures presented, it follows that one hangar used as a pre-feeding department is capable of bringing up to 400 thousand rubles. in a cycle lasting 160 days, a total of up to 2.5 cycles per year can be carried out, and the number of hangars and livestock depends on the available space and logistics capabilities.

The question of how to open a pig farm from scratch can be solved in a bank that subsidizes the development of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Having understood and mastered the principles described above and having a sufficient financial base, the question of how to open a pig farm becomes irrelevant. Other issues are being updated, such as how to properly care for pigs, what kind of feed is better, and a feeder, and so on.

Starting a pig breeding business is not difficult if you approach things with sense and arrangement.

It is quite realistic to build a room for pigs in which they will feel comfortable and give healthy offspring. To build a pigsty for 10 heads with your own hands, you will need a fairly wide area, ordinary construction tools and materials.

Comfortable keeping of pigs contributes to large gains.

Before drawing up a preliminary design of the pigsty and the corresponding drawings, you should take into account several requirements that the structure must meet. They relate to the area of ​​the pigsty and the internal conditions for a comfortable stay of animals:

  • Comfortable area per animal is 3-5 square meters. Accordingly, when building a standard pigsty for 10 heads, a minimum of 30-40 m 2 of space will be required - in appearance it will resemble a large hall (or like 2 large rooms without a ceiling wall). At the same time, the boar also needs approximately the same space for keeping.
  • Animal walking area should be located directly in front of the exit from the pigsty. Its area is calculated based on 10 m 2 per 1 adult. When constructing a pigsty for 10 heads, it is optimal to take into account a site of at least 100 m 2.
  • When planning the height of the pigsty, it is important to consider that the machine is placed higher than the height of the pig - optimally at the level of 180-190 cm.
  • If it is planned to build not one, but several machines, a passage is required between them (at least one and a half meters).
  • An area should be provided so that the room can be conveniently cleaned at any time, storage space for inventory.

There should be no bright lighting in the pigsty so that the animals do not worry.
  • Be sure to take into account the space for the installation of gutters, through which waste and dirt will be removed.
  • For pigs, as for most animals, it is better to equip several windows in the walls, but there should not be too many of them - animals can start to behave restlessly in too lit rooms. Therefore, you need to focus on moderate lighting, for which, in the case of a pigsty for 10 heads, 2 medium windows are enough.
  • The roof is always assumed with a slope (1 or 2). The ceiling is made at a height of at least 2.5 meters so that the air in the room is well ventilated. The preservation of internal heat, especially in harsh climatic conditions, is of great importance - therefore, the walls are almost always reinforced with insulation and a layer of vapor barrier.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the floor - it must be both warm and durable.

Even at the design stage, it is important to take into account not only the location of the pigsty, but also its sufficient area, the internal organization of the space, as well as the optimal choice of wall and floor materials so that normal temperature and humidity are constantly maintained indoors. requires a thoughtful approach and some knowledge.

Equipment and materials

For the construction of a pigsty, an edged board and a slab are suitable.

The manufacture of a small pigsty for 10 heads is carried out using improvised means, as well as using conventional building materials. In fact, we are talking about the construction of a reliable shed that can be operated for many years. If you choose the right materials and withstand the construction technology, it will be possible to keep pigs indoors for decades.

You will need the usual construction tools:

  • hammer, nails;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts, screws, metal corners;
  • saw;
  • axe;
  • building level and tape measure;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator.

As for materials, it all depends on the construction technology. However, in any case, you will need:

  • concrete to create a foundation;
  • wooden bars and blanks for creating internal floors, space divisions;
  • wooden roofing, roof decking;
  • sand, crushed stone, gravel;
  • insulation and vapor barrier.

The floor in the pigsty is concreted, and the walls are insulated and sheathed with boards.

The roof is traditionally made of wood, and as for the floor and wall material, the choice often leans towards cinder blocks, bricks and foam blocks. The fact is that due to the constant action of moisture, waste wood cannot last too long. In addition, they themselves can begin to gnaw racks, spoil the floors.

The floor is made on a concrete base if the climatic conditions are mild enough. Such a surface will last a very long time, because it is durable and does not rot.

Attention! In the case of severe winters, it is optimal to choose a mixture of expanded clay with lime, which is laid directly on the ground. Such a base is not only resistant to moisture and waste, but it will also give a lot of heat due to the good thermal insulation of expanded clay.

Another option is to create a brick floor, but it is less durable, so it will quickly become unusable. And the wood will serve its life even faster, which can not only be mechanically damaged, but also rot from the constant action of moisture.

Before you start: choosing a location

The pigsty should be located in the corner of the site and have a range.

At the design stage, it is important to decide how to build a pigsty, namely, where to place this entire economic complex. Here it is necessary to take into account several factors at once:

  • It is necessary to select the location of the pigsty from considerations of its area, as well as the area of ​​​​the walking area, to which the animals could get immediately at the exit.
  • The location should be as high as possible. If there are only lowlands, they must be raised and an embankment made. The fact is that prolonged exposure to moisture is harmful both for pigs and for the premises itself - this is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi.
  • Finally, the barn is located as far as possible from the house - a minimum distance of 15 meters. The reason is not only sanitation, but also that pigs are often quite noisy animals. It is undesirable to place them near any barn with birds.

Construction of a pigsty: step by step instructions

For a pigsty, it is easier to fill in a strip foundation.

From the point of view of technology, the construction of a pigsty does not fundamentally differ from the creation of an ordinary insulated barn and includes the same stages - pouring the foundation, creating walls, roofing, ceilings and interior finishing work.

Foundation construction

The foundation is constructed, as a rule, of a tape type, since the loads of the walls and animals are not so great as to make it monolithic.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • In accordance with the project, all contours of future trenches are outlined on the surface of the earth. The soil along the contour is freed from vegetation and debris.
  • The trenches are dug to a minimum depth of 0.5 meters and reinforced.
  • A layer of sand and gravel is poured (10 cm each), then concrete is poured or stones, iron blocks are installed - depending on the choice of technology.

Attention! In order for the concrete to mature better and form a smooth surface, it is covered with plastic wrap immediately after pouring and kept for 2-3 days.

Walls and roof

The walls of the pigsty are laid out from a block or made of wood.

The walls are built from cinder blocks or wooden structures - depending on the material, the technology will have its own characteristics.

Attention! Working with cinder blocks will turn out pretty quickly, but they withstand moisture worse and do not store heat as well as wood.

Often they mount a wooden structure:

  1. First, support posts and intermediate supporting structures are erected.
  2. The lower trim, supports and upper trim are mounted.
  3. Fastenings are carried out with metal corners, self-tapping screws and are reinforced with additional fastenings of the type of a rigid triangle.

Attention! Before work, the wood must be impregnated with an antiseptic, treated with stain and varnished in at least 3 layers. Such simple measures increase the service life of the material by at least 2 times.

The roof for the pigsty can be combined with a canopy for protection from rain and sun.
  1. The roof is built according to traditional technology, depending on which type is chosen: single or gable. It is covered with slate and necessarily insulated with roofing felt.
  2. A vapor barrier is always used in the roof and walls - this is a special layer of artificial material that protects the wall itself, as well as the insulation from the harmful effects of moisture.
  3. Warming is usually carried out using sawdust or mineral wool. The use of foam and other artificial materials is undesirable - they practically do not allow moisture to pass through, as a result of which it will be very stuffy inside the pigsty, and moisture will begin to destroy the roof and walls.
  4. If in winter the temperature regularly drops below -20 ° C, then the installation of the ceiling is mandatory. For this, wooden flooring is made, which is also supplied with vapor barrier and insulation.

floor laying

The floor of the pigsty is done with a slight slope.

Although it is easier to make a solid floor, this option is very inconvenient from a practical point of view: it is much easier to clean the pigsty if it is equipped with a slatted floor. The construction of the floor is planned at the stage of laying the foundation.

To effectively remove manure, concrete baths are constructed - like conventional baths with a drain plug. They are recesses that run along the entire length of the room. In the center of the surface, they lean towards the drain plug, which opens when cleaning is done.

If there is no opportunity to create such structures, then ordinary flat concrete floors should be built, from which waste is removed by flushing.

Internal arrangement of the pigsty

The interior of the pigsty includes separate boxes for pigs and a corridor.

After carrying out all the construction, insulation work, the installation of internal floors is carried out to organize space for queens with piglets and boars. FROM Lighting and ventilation systems are being built to maintain normal microclimate conditions:

  • The internal space is divided by wooden partitions and tension nets, taking into account which part of the space will be allocated for the uterus, which part for the boars.
  • The pigsty is equipped with a natural ventilation system, for which special pipes of large diameter (about 40-50 cm) are mounted. In the case of accommodation for 10 pigs, it is enough to have 2 such pipes.
  • Wiring is being laid, lamps are being installed with the expectation that one 60 W lamp will illuminate 3 square meters well. For piglets, special heating lamps must be taken into account.
  • If the winters are too harsh, you need to take care of additional heating - from air heaters to the installation of an additional stove.

Creating a pigsty for 10 animals is quite a feasible task, which can be completed in less than a season, even if you work together. In the end, the investment will pay off pretty quickly.

In the video, a farmer explains how a pigsty for several pigs is built and how it is maintained:

I have a particular passion for raising pigs. In recent years, he has tried various options for their fattening and developed his own system for keeping piglets - at 3 months of age they weigh 40, at 7 months - 110 kg.

The pigsty consists of two sections with paddocks. I built it from various building materials - logs, boards. The floors were made of concrete (30 cm thick), and tarred boards were laid on top in two rows. I installed double walls, insulated them with foam. The roof is wooden, shed. Above

He covered it with roofing felt and slate. The pigsty was located with windows and doors to the south. Arranged and paddock - put a flooring from the boards there.

In the first compartment I keep adult pigs, in the second - weaners or a sow with offspring, a boar. I prefer to raise boars for meat, although I do not refuse pigs either.

The main food on my farm is food waste, which I divide into meat, fish and bread, vegetables. I prepare yeast food from most of the food waste - I add 10-15 g of yeast to a bucket of thick mixture (they should come up). In summer, I mix yeasted waste with finely chopped nettle and maral root leaves: for 1 kg of waste I put 0.4 kg of green nettle and 0.1 kg of maral root leaves. To this mixture I add table salt (daily rate up to 30 g), sifted bone ash (up to 20 g) and trace elements.

I feed 3 times: at 8, 14 and 20 hours. After feeding, I release the pigs for walking. In summer, there are always troughs with drinking water and green grass, which adult pigs eat up to 8-10 kg per day. While the animals are on the run, I clean the rooms, sprinkle the floor with small sawdust. In extreme heat, I install a large iron trough (140X70 cm) with water (5-7 buckets) on the paddock for swimming, adding 1-2 g of potassium permanganate to it. Once a week I wash the pigs with a brush, watering them with warm water from a watering can. At this time, I feed them waste from the garden and garden - a carrion of apples, pears, overripe cucumbers, tomatoes, small potatoes, fruit pomace.

I start fodder harvesting in June. I dry for the winter brooms of nettle, amaranth, maral root leaves, which I feed in mash. After the first frosts, I collect mountain ash (I store it frozen in winter). In winter, I feed hay 0.5-2 kg per head per day in a mash, adding vitamin B3 oil concentrate to it, one drop per piglet per day. I also grow Jerusalem artichoke for feed for pigs - I get 5-7 kg of tubers from a bush. I also plant 100-150 kuusica plants and harvest 600-800 kg of root crops in autumn, not counting the green mass. I sow 5-7 beds of carrots for animals and harvest its 70-110 kg. A valuable addition to the mash is maral root. This is a perennial plant with large leaves, reaching a height of 2 m. Its greenery increases the vital activity of the body, but in terms of nutrition it is not inferior to clover and alfalfa.

It is known that pigs are easily stressed - during the weaning of piglets from the sow, rearrangement in an unfamiliar room, due to noise and other reasons, and maral root regulates the action of the nervous system.

Feeding the green mass of maral root with the addition of its decoction is a good prophylactic against all diseases, not only nervous ones. I get an aqueous decoction from 6-10 g of dry crushed roots, which I pour with a glass of boiled water, close the lid and heat over low heat for 20-30 minutes. An hour later, the decoction is ready. I add it to feed or drinking water at the rate of a quarter cup per day per pig. After two weeks, I take a ten-day break. A week before slaughter, I exclude the maral root from the diet.

For the prevention of stress, I also use an aqueous infusion of valerian officinalis. Unlike maral root, valerian has a calming effect. I give her water infusion in the intervals between the use of maral root. I prepare the infusion as follows: pour 8-10 g of dry crushed valerian roots with two glasses of boiling water, close it with a tight lid, and let it cool. Daily dose - 100 ml of infusion per pig.

They will say: "It's too troublesome, a pig can be raised easier, there would be plenty of feed." Often you see in the market - pork is on the counter, and the meat on it is in the finger, but the fat is in the palm of your hand. If you ask the seller what he fed the pig, the answer in most cases is the same - potatoes, compound feed. Of course, this is relatively cheap in the presence of a large infield, but you need to consider what you want to get from pigs. I want more meat, not fat. I do not claim that my system is the best. But for many, it can become a guide in a useful business - raising pigs.

Pigs can be fattened without compound feed. In early spring I harvest the roots of dandelions, reeds, young shoots of nettles, duckweed. I add one tenth of the steamed crackers to the greens mash. I also feed finely chopped steamed zucchini, pumpkin and overgrown cucumbers. I give boiled potatoes, previously mixed with grains of corn, wheat, peas. Pigs are very fond of fodder beets, which I grow in the garden. I drink water an hour after feeding. In general, I give piglets more root crops: carrots, turnips, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes. 2 months before slaughter, I exclude grass from the diet, otherwise the fat turns yellow.

Pumpkin seeds are used in the treatment of piglets from worms. From the crushed seeds I prepare a decoction and drink it 0.5-1 hour before meals. At this time, I reduce the diet by half. I burn the litter so as not to infect healthy animals. Tansy flowers also help with worms. Or another remedy. I take out the stomach from the carcass of the bird, separate the thin film located on the inside, dry it, grind it. I dilute the powder in water and feed the piglets 1-2 cups before meals until they are fully recovered. For the prevention of worms and for appetite, I give every day a clove of garlic, infusions of St. John's wort, wormwood, hops, dandelion, juniper, mountain ash, cumin, onion. With severe diarrhea, with the release of blood, I make decoctions and infusions from marshmallow, bergenia, green mountaineer, elecampane, oak bark (young), horsetail, celandine.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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  3. Comfortable conditions on a home farm improve the well-being of animals, and therefore increase productivity. For this purpose, it is advisable to equip pig yards with combs. The easiest way is to dig in several ribbed pillars, and also equip "goats" below the height of the pigs ...
  4. I want to talk about the winter feeding of rabbits. I'm preparing for this ahead of time. Early in the spring, I mow nettles (before they bloom), tie them into bunches and dry them in the shade. I prepare up to 400-500 such nettle brooms. counting on...
  5. Is it necessary to allocate a lot of land in the garden to feed a piglet? What is the best way to plant this land? It is important to know this now in order to stock up on seeds. And yet, how to find out how much a piglet weighs if there are no scales on the farm? ...
  6. Needles are an excellent top dressing, which reduces the lack of many vitamins in the winter season. It has long been known that when feeding needles, productivity improves, the general condition of the animal is easier to molt. Rabbits, goats and sheep use pine needles without preparation....
  7. We have places where grass will not be born, and the livestock breeder has to rely on reeds or reeds. Well! And this is some kind of food for cows, sheep, goats. Moisture-loving plants in favorable years give a significant ...
  8. Sosnovsky's hogweed is one of the giant herbs, the trunk of which is 10 centimeters in diameter and thicker. Its huge leaves are strongly dissected into large parts. The height of the herb hogweed is 3 - 4 meters, and the mass of its stem with ...
  9. Who raised and fattened them will say: excellent pigs. The fertility of the uterus is 11-12 piglets per farrow, the offspring is even, grows well, weaned at the age of two months, weighs an average of over 20 kg. On intensive fattening of gilts through...
  10. Advice on how to feed animals and birds with duckweed. It turned out that today this type of pasture is used quite widely. That is why it is worth drying the duckweed in the fall for the winter or laying it in a barrel with clean water (then you need it ...

For many, today they are becoming an excellent home business option. That is why their popularity is growing more and more. This also applies to the pig industry. How to build a mini farm for pigs with your own hands, as well as what it is for and what it looks like, we will understand this in more detail.

Such a concept as a mini farm is familiar to many today. At the same time, it is found in almost every branch of animal husbandry. When it comes to pig production, small farms are increasingly becoming the choice of beginning farmers. However, a mini farm is also a great option for livestock. Just a dozen pigs can provide the whole family with delicious meat and the opportunity to profit from the sale.

Today, the concept of a mini farm for pigs includes a fairly wide range of possibilities. This is an ordinary household for a dozen or several dozen animals, and a full-fledged complex with hundreds of animals. However, under this concept it is more correct to mean a farm that does not exceed a few dozen livestock, as in the video. That is, this is a small, but very profitable, economical and cost-effective economy.

As a rule, a mini-farm has the appearance of an ordinary capital pigsty of a rectangular or hangar shape, located on a separate piece of land. If you have the opportunity, then such a small farm can be placed on your own plot in the form of an ordinary barn. For example, if there are no more than 15 pigs. Thus, it is possible to organize a very profitable home business for the production and sale of meat products.

Advantages of a small pigsty

  • financial accessibility for beginning farmers;
  • low need for capital investment and investments;
  • no need to have a lot of staff;
  • high profitability;
  • does not require a lot of space;
  • ease of construction.

How to create a mini farm?

Of course, even the smallest pig farm must have a walking area. It also needs to be divided into compartments for walking sows and young animals, and separately for adult pigs. You need to equip the paddock with your own hands, fence and make the right flooring. For convenience, all walks and compartments of the room must be communicated. See drawings for more details.

It is not necessary to rebuild a pigsty if you already have a barn on the site. With its proper construction and placement, it is possible to equip an already finished building. For example, make a special slatted floor, insulate it, change the entrance if necessary, or add windows. It happens that it is necessary to complete the construction of utility rooms for storing food and bedding. For the quick construction of a mini farm, you can use modern sandwich panels.


Even a do-it-yourself mini-farm cannot do without mandatory arrangement. If you are, be sure to take care of the heating system. Sows and especially piglets are very sensitive to low temperatures. In winter, it must be maintained within 20 degrees. It is desirable to have running water or at least a well with a pump.

Another, but very important point is the way pigs are kept. The mini farm plan will depend on this. The simplest option is two compartments for piglets and adults, as well as a separate area with pens for sows. You can also choose a system of separate placement of animals, for example, in special cages, as in the video.


Having even a small farm for pigs, you need to take care of the proper storage of feed and supplies. So, from the necessary buildings, you will need a granary, a sennik, a workshop or closet for tools, a department for cutting and storing meat products. It is not necessary to allocate separate buildings for all premises. For example, a barn can be allocated as a separate compartment in the pigsty itself, hay can be stored under a roof, and so on.

However, this is only suitable if you have no more than a dozen pigs. In other options, it should be borne in mind that in order to harvest a large amount of feed and hay, an entrance to equipment and a truck is needed. Therefore, it is better to place these premises with access to the street and with a good entrance. Why do we need a workshop, as well as a room for cutting and storing meat, we think everything is clear here.

Machinery and equipment

In order for your mini-farm to be profitable and profitable with your own hands, you need to acquire at least the smallest equipment. Firstly, it is a grain crusher, without which the proper feeding of pigs is simply impossible to imagine. Secondly, a small tractor with a trailer for transporting hay, fodder, manure. Also, from automatic systems, automatic drinking bowls and automatic feeders may be useful to you. But you can save money on this for a mini farm, as shown in the video.


Video "Domestic Pigs"

In this video, we offer to see how cute and funny domestic pigs are. Perhaps this video will inspire you to create your own mini-farm.