OJSC Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise Kumap. OJSC Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise



Viktor Novikov, who previously worked as Deputy General Director of the company "DBA - Engineering" (a holding company " United Engine Corporation").
The management of the Russian Helicopters holding company sets urgent tasks for the new managing director of KumAPP, including giving a new impetus to the development of the enterprise. Viktor Novikov will continue to work on reorganizing and increasing production efficiency. The new leader replaced Sergei Mikryukov, who had headed KumAPP since 2008, as managing director.


The Russian Helicopters holding company (a subsidiary of OPK Oboronprom, part of the Rostec State Corporation) supplied the Shanghai Public Security Administration (People's Republic of China) with a Ka-32A11BC civil multi-purpose helicopter produced by the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise. The contract for the supply of this helicopter to China was concluded in 2012.
The Ka-32A11BC is certified in China and has great potential for use in the market of this region, where the demand for universal helicopter equipment is constantly increasing.
In addition to China, the Ka-32A11BC is certified in the European Union, as well as in Chile, Mexico, South Korea, Canada, Australia and other countries. Helicopters of the Ka-32 type of various modifications are successfully operated in Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Switzerland, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China, Brazil and Chile. Today, over 140 vehicles have been built, about half of which are operated abroad.
JSC Russian Helicopters

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Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise (KumAPP)

Russia Russia: Kumertau, Bashkortostan


aviation industry



K:Companies founded in 1962


In 1962, an aviation plant was founded on the basis of the mechanical repair plant. In 1968, the plant produced the first helicopters of the Ka-26 series. In 1972, the company received a new name - Kumertau Helicopter Plant; parent company of Kumertau Aviation Production Association With . Since 2008, KumAPP changed its form of ownership, becoming JSC Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise, part of the Russian Helicopters holding company.


Currently, KumAPP produces the following types of helicopters:

  • Ka-27PS (search and rescue);
  • Ka-28, Ka-29 (transport and combat);
  • Ka-31 (radar);
  • Ka-32A11BC (multipurpose);
  • Ka-226 (light multi-purpose) in civil and military versions
  • Preparations are underway for serial production of a new model - the Ka-226T with Arrius 2G engines from the French company Turbomeca.

see also

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  • official website of the enterprise
  • , news agency "Bashinform"
  • on the website narod.ru

An excerpt characterizing the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise

“Yes, we know, but the evil that I know for myself, I cannot do to another person,” Prince Andrei said more and more animatedly, apparently wanting to express to Pierre his new view of things. He spoke French. Je ne connais l dans la vie que deux maux bien reels: c"est le remord et la maladie. II n"est de bien que l"absence de ces maux. [I know in life only two real misfortunes: remorse and illness. And the only good is the absence of these evils.] To live for yourself, avoiding only these two evils: that is all my wisdom now.
– What about love for one’s neighbor, and self-sacrifice? - Pierre spoke. - No, I cannot agree with you! To live only in such a way as not to do evil, so as not to repent? this is not enough. I lived like this, I lived for myself and ruined my life. And only now, when I live, at least try (Pierre corrected himself out of modesty) to live for others, only now I understand all the happiness of life. No, I don’t agree with you, and you don’t mean what you say.
Prince Andrei silently looked at Pierre and smiled mockingly.
“You’ll see your sister, Princess Marya.” You’ll get along with her,” he said. “Maybe you’re right for yourself,” he continued, after a short silence; - but everyone lives in their own way: you lived for yourself and you say that by doing this you almost ruined your life, and you only knew happiness when you began to live for others. But I experienced the opposite. I lived for fame. (After all, what is glory? the same love for others, the desire to do something for them, the desire for their praise.) So I lived for others, and not almost, but completely ruined my life. And since then I have become calmer, as I live only for myself.
- How can you live for yourself? – Pierre asked heatedly. - And the son, and the sister, and the father?
“Yes, it’s still the same me, it’s not others,” said Prince Andrei, but others, neighbors, le prochain, as you and Princess Mary call it, are the main source of error and evil. Le prochain [Neighbor] are those, your Kyiv men, to whom you want to do good.
And he looked at Pierre with a mockingly defiant gaze. He apparently called Pierre.
“You’re kidding,” Pierre said more and more animatedly. What kind of error and evil can there be in the fact that I wanted (very little and poorly fulfilled), but wanted to do good, and at least did something? What evil can it be that unfortunate people, our men, people just like us, growing up and dying without any other concept of God and truth, like ritual and meaningless prayer, will be taught in the comforting beliefs of a future life, retribution, reward, consolation? What evil and delusion is it that people die from illness without help, when it is so easy to help them financially, and I will give them a doctor, and a hospital, and a shelter for the old man? And isn’t it a tangible, undoubted blessing that a man, a woman and a child have no rest day and night, and I will give them rest and leisure?...” said Pierre, hurrying and lisping. “And I did it, at least poorly, at least a little, but I did something for this, and not only will you not dissuade me that what I did was good, but you will also not disbelieve me, so that you yourself do not think so.” “And most importantly,” Pierre continued, “I know this, and I know it correctly, that the pleasure of doing this good is the only true happiness in life.
“Yes, if you put the question like that, then that’s a different matter,” said Prince Andrei. - I build a house, plant a garden, and you are a hospital. Both can serve as a pastime. And what is fair, what is good - leave it to the one who knows everything, and not to us, to judge. “Well, you want to argue,” he added, “come on.” “They left the table and sat on the porch, which served as a balcony.

Production of multi-purpose helicopters with coaxial rotors Ka-226T and Ka-32A11BC, as well as helicopters for the Navy.

Contact faces

Frolov Nikolay Alekseevich - Managing Director

Historical reference:

The company was founded in 1962 on the basis of a mechanical repair plant. In 1963, KMZ mastered the production of landing and ground aircraft. In 1968, the first product was produced - the Ka-26 helicopter, in 1972 KMZ was renamed the Kumertau Helicopter Plant, and as the parent enterprise it became part of the Kumertau Aviation Production Association (1977). In 1973-89, unmanned aircraft were produced, in 1974-78 - the M-17 aircraft, in 1974-80 - part of the wing of the Tu-154 aircraft, in 1982-85 the plant participated in the creation of the Buran aerospace complex. In 1992, the association was reorganized into KumAPP. In 2008, the form of ownership was changed. It is a city-forming enterprise and the flagship of Kumertau’s industry. The plant has high intellectual and technological potential, experience in serial production of highly complex aircraft equipment, superior in its parameters to domestic and world models.

Participation in associations

Russian Helicopters is one of the world leaders in the helicopter industry, the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia, as well as one of the few companies in the world with the capabilities to design, manufacture, test and maintain modern civil and military helicopters. The Russian Helicopters holding is part of the Rostec State Corporation.

Enterprises in the group: 19

OBORONPROM Corporation is a diversified industrial and investment group in the field of mechanical engineering and high technology. It is part of the state corporation "Russian Technologies" (Rostec). The corporation was founded in 2002. Products: helicopters, aircraft engines, gas pumping stations, air defense systems.

Enterprises in the group: 19

Changes to information about the airline Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise entered: 05/07/2019. You can supplement the information posted or make changes to it by contacting the AviaPort agency.

Newspaper "Kumertau Time"(Kumertau) On August 18, 2017, published an interesting interview with the managing director of Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise JSC (KumAPP, part of Russian Helicopters JSC) Yuri Pustovgarov.

Special congratulations on Russian Air Fleet Day are addressed to the KumAPP team, which is celebrating its 55th anniversary these days. On the eve of the main holiday for aircraft manufacturers in the city, we are talking with the Managing Director of KumAPP JSC, Yuri Pustovgarov, about how the plant lives today and what awaits it in the near future.

One of the Ka-29 transport and combat helicopters (tail number “85 yellow”), which were repaired at Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise JSC (KumAPP), transferred to the Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy. Kumertau, December 2016 (c) Russian Helicopters JSC / VKontakte / vk.com/wall-32199986_1005

Yuri Leonidovich, a conversation with you before Russian Air Fleet Day is becoming a good tradition. And this year the holiday coincided with a significant date for the enterprise - the 55th anniversary of KumAPP JSC. I would like to know with what results the plant has arrived at this date, what are the general results of the enterprise’s work for the first half of this year?

In the first half of 2017, we produced 640% more products than in the same period last year. The growth of physical volume is about 400%. Sales were 238% more than in the first half of 2016. At the end of last year, products were sold for 6 billion 200 million rubles, this year the plan is 13 billion 180 million rubles.

Contracting for 2018 is underway. Next year, a lot of work begins on modernizing maritime helicopters for India. The helicopters will arrive at the plant by the end of the year. We are also starting to repair the Ka-31 for India. At MAKS 2017, additional contracts were signed for this year: two Ka-32A11BC helicopters for China and one Ka-226T for a new government customer. We hope that they will like our helicopter and work in this direction will continue.

We expect the signing of a contract in 2018 for new Ka-226T helicopters with a folding column and new Ka-32A11BC for Korea. For the first time this year, new Ka-32A11BC helicopters were contracted for Thailand. Work with Navy aviation will continue; by the end of the year we should complete the repair and modernization of naval helicopters. In the future, there will be modernization of the entire helicopter fleet.

Thus, we do not see any problems from a financial point of view in 2018. Work on modernizing the Ka-32 for Korea and the Ka-226 for government customers is also promising. As for the workload of the enterprise, there are problems in the workload of the blanking and stamping process. We are currently working to get aviation-related components into operation, for which we are organizing work with the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), and we plan to take part in all “aircraft programs.”

- Are there any plans to cut jobs?

Only pointwise. Activities are being carried out to reduce costs and to outsource the non-industrial complex. The process is very difficult, so you need to act carefully and painlessly. There will only be liberation from functions unusual for aviation production and disposal of unnecessary equipment. This will help raise the average wage of the enterprise to the industry average.

- How has KumAPP changed over the past year and a half?

The authority of the enterprise has increased noticeably. We have turned into a factory that has begun to fulfill its obligations. If we declare that we will do this, the management of the Russian Helicopters holding no longer has any doubts. The attitude towards us has also changed on the part of representatives of customers, naval aviation, JSC Kamov, as we have learned to quickly solve problems that arise.

- What tasks are set for the second half of the year?

We need to deliver 23 helicopters, we have shipped three, two are ready. Now the most important thing for us is the work on repairing and modernizing the Ka-27M. In the middle of summer, we finally received the letter “O1”, without it we could not move these helicopters further, and a state test certificate for this helicopter was signed. Now all that remains is to get the upgrade package. With difficulty, we found the finances to purchase the equipment, the holding company helped, the Ministry of Defense will pay us only at the end of the year, but the work is profitable, and from this point of view we are satisfied with this contract.

In the second half of the year, we should also complete the contract for 2018-19; now approximately 50-60 percent of what we would like has been contracted.

In last year's interview, you spoke about the need to transform the enterprise management structure. What has been done and what remains to be done in this direction?

We began to consolidate our divisions; proposals were prepared about six months ago and are under consideration by the management company. They imply a reduction in the administrative apparatus. As a result, we will move to a four-level management structure. By the way, now the chain consists of five or six links. Naturally, we will increase wages at all levels.

- An increase in workers' wages has already occurred. Will there be a salary increase for employees?

The issue is resolved. The salary increase for engineers and employees will be carried out from September 1, but will not affect employees of the enterprise whose salary is 50,000 rubles or more. In the future, we will carry it out “manually” by reducing costs and “squeezing” the control apparatus and auxiliary functions.

Undoubtedly, plant workers are also interested in issues in the non-industrial sphere, in particular, they are concerned about the issue of food, since after the canteen was outsourced, its quality has deteriorated.

I am aware that the number of people dissatisfied with food has increased. The decision to outsource the canteen was made last year.

Previously, about 300 people visited the canteen, and all their other meals were subsidized. The cost of lunch was much more expensive than it actually cost. We plan to increase the number of visitors by introducing subsidized lunches: everyone who goes will receive 400 rubles. compensation per month for lunch, if it doesn’t work, nothing, but in any case, lunch will cost exactly as much as it costs, and we’ll take the load off the rest of the workers. And with an increase in the number of people eating, there will be a turnover of funds, allowing for an increase in the assortment. By the way, the canteen at the flight test station will offer a wider range of dishes, but lunch there will also cost more.

We will definitely develop the sanatorium into a rehabilitation center for our employees and veterans. We will sell part of the infrastructure and use the proceeds to repair the plant.

Preparatory activities for the celebration of the 55th anniversary are in full swing at the plant - repairs in workshops, creation of an aircraft fleet and others. Tell us more about this.

I hear a lot of talk about this. Let me explain that the money for all these events was taken literally from under our feet. Agreements have been signed for the sale of about 4,000 tons of scrap metal and the sale of surplus goods from warehouses is underway. With this money, work is being carried out to improve the territory, restore order in the workshops, and create a contact fleet of aircraft. This is not related to the 55th anniversary of the plant.

In general, on this score, I will say that if we want to be respected and considered as a serious partner, we must look the part. The Helicopter contact park is a definite contribution to the future, so that everyone can see what a serious job we are doing together. We plan to add helicopters to the exhibited aviation equipment, which will be transferred to us from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. I am firmly convinced that a theater begins with a hanger, and a factory begins with the appearance of the enterprise. The work we are doing now will pay off when a decision is made about the fate of the plant, because a plant that looks to the future is assessed very well by management.

- The question that many people ask in connection with the frequent change of leaders: do you remain in office?

Yes, sure. I like the work that I am currently doing, I see the result that we must achieve, I see the attitude of the holding’s management towards us. And one of our main achievements is that we, being the latest in all indicators at the beginning of 2016, are now the third of five factories. This provides an incentive for further growth. At the end of our conversation, I would like to thank all the plant workers for the work done.

Dear Colleagues! Dear friends! Let me congratulate you on my own behalf and on behalf of the management of KumAPP JSC on the anniversary of the enterprise and Air Fleet Day! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your understanding and devotion. I sincerely wish you and your families good health, happiness, financial well-being and confidence in the future!

KumAPP (open joint stock company "Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise") is a Russian/Soviet aircraft manufacturing plant located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the city of Kumertau. The plant produces helicopters of the Ka-27, Ka-226, Ka-31 types. The number of employees is 4,429 people.

A little history

An aviation plant was built on the basis of the mechanical repair plant in 1962. In 1968, the plant produced the first Ka-26 helicopters. In 1972, the enterprise received a new name - Kumertau Helicopter Plant; since 1977, the main enterprise among the Kumertau Aviation Production Association.

Serial production of UAVs in 1973-1989.

Production of the M-17 “Geophysics” aircraft in 1974-1978.

The plant produced part of the wing of the Tu-154 aircraft in 1974-1980.

The plant took part in the construction program of the Buran transport ship in 1982-1985.

The association was reorganized into KumAPP in 1992.

It was planned to start preparing the Il-112 (transport aircraft) at the plant in 1994, but this was never brought to life.

The plant produced products worth 1286 million rubles in 2006.

Change in the form of ownership of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise to JSC KumAPP; the plant produced 15 helicopters, that is, products worth 2,301 million rubles in 2008.

Manufactured products

Currently, KumAPP produces the following types of helicopters:

  • search and rescue Ka-27 PS;
  • transport and combat Ka-29; Ka-28;
  • radar Ka-31;
  • middle class multi-purpose Ka-32A;
  • multi-purpose Ka-32A11BC;
  • multi-purpose light Ka-226.

In 2013, the Chinese association “Itun” entered into a cooperation agreement with the open joint-stock company “Russian Helicopters”, under the terms of which “Itun” organizes the production and assembly of Ka-32A11BC helicopters. The Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise is planned to be transferred to the category of aggregate production (it will produce only components for the construction of helicopters, which will be produced in China).