I don’t want to do anything even though I have to. Why I don’t want anything and what to do about it

What to do if you don’t want anything? If every morning you barely wake up, there is emptiness inside. Neither joy nor anger. Then everything is automatic, as you are used to. Next - things to do, other people, responsibilities.

Another Groundhog Day. Evening with the same program as yesterday. Somehow everything is unclear and uncertain. Here a person lives like everyone else, but he feels not like everyone else, completely differently, or rather does not feel anything at all.

Why don't you want anything? Why is nothing interesting? What should you do if apathy constantly accompanies you? No thoughts arise in the head, but a feeling of meaninglessness appears, some kind of suffering arises, and the emptiness expands. Today a question arose - why don’t you want anything, and tomorrow, if you don’t answer it, your soul begins to ache.

And here it is again, Groundhog Day, and everything repeats itself. Only each time the feeling of emptiness becomes greater and greater. Questions begin to arise about the meaning of life. And it would be nice to understand and correct this condition, but how? In any situation, a person feels that he is alive and what is happening to him - but here there is nothing but inner emptiness.

And it makes no difference whether to leave the house or not, to work or not. It doesn’t matter what happens next, when the question is: “What to do if you don’t want anything?” - the only thing that worries me. Lost interest in life, but why? There is no desire for anything. If they kick you, you'll go, if they don't kick you, you won't go. Relatives begin to demand something. They say that the reason for everything is laziness. But this is not laziness, this is a desire for something else, for something that I could not find at work, at home or when communicating with other people. Something that will instantly fill all the inner emptiness.

What does such a person want? Something that does not lie in the plane of ordinary life. Why does he need this? He himself does not know - is it possible to find what he is looking for? Can!

Why you don’t want anything: the reason

Let's turn to the essence of such people. Such people, according to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, have a sound vector. A vector is an innate set of desires and properties for their implementation. There are 8 vectors in total. It is people with the sound vector who experience a state when they don’t want anything and nothing is interesting. More on this later.

Let's tell you a little about sound people: these are people who are aimed at understanding themselves and the world around them. To do this, they are naturally given abstract intelligence, and their desire is aimed at understanding the very essence. They look for meaning everywhere, so the professions of people with such a desire are very diverse, for example: physicists, programmers, scientists, chemists, psychologists, and so on.

Since ancient times, such desires and the special structure of the intellect pushed a person to discover physical laws and search for philosophical answers. And if we summarize all this, it turns out that such people were looking for an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of life?” And they were satisfied with their search, working and realizing themselves.

What is it that gnaws at a person with a sound vector in our time?

After all, now this question has become especially acute, which the greatest minds of mankind have tried to answer. But they couldn’t, stopping at some gap, or at the top - while discovering new laws, they passed their baton to new and younger people.

And now the time has come for the younger generation to answer the question about the meaning of life. But the scourge of modern society - apathy and a state where nothing is wanted and nothing is interesting - overcomes such people. Why?

The answer is simple. Man is designed in such a way that he has desires and he must fill them with the help of his properties and abilities. But it happens that a person does not fulfill his desires and begins to suffer from this. For example, he wants to have an expensive car, but does nothing to achieve his goal, and suffers from this.

So a person with a sound vector suffers and asks the question: “What to do if you don’t want anything?” - if his desire to unravel the essence of what is happening is not fulfilled. A person consists of many desires, the same person with a sound vector may want both a car and a family, but the sound desire is dominant, and if it is not fulfilled, then other desires do not appear. It's like they're under a dome.

From the outside it looks like laziness, but at the root of it is a state of hidden depression. A person stops wanting everything and feels a desire for something incomprehensible and unknown, begins to try this and that, but nothing fills him. Emptiness pushes him away from all material concerns in favor of something that will turn his whole life around.

What to do if you don’t want anything? And how to get rid of apathy?

The answer is obvious. Fill yourself with meaning.

From a state of hidden depression, which manifests itself with questions: “Why don’t you want anything? Why is there no goal in life?”, a state that repels the entire outside world, you can reach a state of awareness of yourself and your desires. Then no depression will take the sound artist, because by answering his internal questions, he fills the emptiness that is in him. And, as a result, his thoughts change.

This can be done with the help of the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan. After him, people were able to get out of the deepest depressions and most difficult conditions. Register.

Here is a video of several results of those who completed the training:

As Zhvanetsky said: “I exchange pleasant memories for fresh impressions.”

Life force

Life force is a certain energy that guides and moves our lives.What feeds her? First of all, a healthy lifestyle, positive thoughts, good mood. And also, regular contact with what you like, with something valuable. This is living a life that suits me and is based on reality.

Living in a state of compulsion, a sense of duty, or experiencing constant pressure takes away strength and moves you away from yourself and your true desires. Desires are vital engines that promote the flow of life, not stagnation. They make something stir inside us and motivate us to take action, miraculously revealing vitality. So, the main thing for life is “to want.”

Lack of energy, desires, the feeling that “you don’t want anything” is a very common request in psychotherapy. “I don’t want anything.” It has different meanings at different ages. At the end of life, if it was still full, such an expression may even be natural. As Zhvanetsky said: “I exchange pleasant memories for fresh impressions.”

And if real life is just beginning or is in the very middle, such a statement may sound like a sentence: life is over. Was she there? What part do I take in it? What do I do to make me want to return to life and continue to participate in it. It would probably be more correct to talk about those people for whom this phrase sounds like a challenge, like a call to think. If it’s just laziness and the person doesn’t see this as a current problem, then you can leave him to be with it. In the end, any of our states carries a certain meaning, it comes to us for some reason. Laziness can be a simple accumulation of energy for the next new action.

“I don’t want anything” = a time of reassessment of values, that is, what I previously wanted is no longer needed, and something new has not yet arisen.

Life has been given to us, but for what? Few people think about it, but we all have the task of responsibly shaping our lives. The question of the meaning of life is very deep and sometimes incomprehensible. Where to start then? For example, you can express your attitude towards life: Do I like my life? - If not, then why? The question “why” here is addressed to me personally, it is only about me. The answers seem difficult only at first glance. Why do I do something or not do something, why don’t I like anything, why don’t I want anything? If we talk about what is missing in my life, then these will be some needs, deficits, and the question of their satisfaction will arise. How can I do this if I don't want anything? What do you mean nothing? Something always remains, physiological needs, needs for food, for sleep. It is very important to find and retain even the smallest desire in yourself in order to regain the ability to desire something else, something more.

“I don’t want anything” = I have no energy. First, you need to look at where the energy flows, what it is spent on, and why it is not replenished. It’s worth taking a careful look at my life, where am I now, what is the situation? What do I spend my energy on? Maybe it’s a job you don’t like, an uninteresting study, some painful relationship, or maybe it’s the consequences of a bereavement or some traumatic situation, etc...

Why else does life energy leave? How long has this been going on? After all, in everyone’s experience there was a time when they wanted and could. Children, for example, have a lot of desires, even if not all are fulfilled, they are filled with fantasies. I have not yet seen a single child who does not have energy, it is seething over the edge. Another observation about energy loss. It happens that there is a feeling of a surge of strength and emotions, but this is always not enough, as if there is a hole in the life vessel, where everything that it is filled with constantly flows out. If so, then this is already a question of psychotherapy, perhaps these are some kind of wounds or traumas that have pierced the integrity of the individual.

Life force, as its name suggests, is found in life itself.

When we move away from life, it’s like moving away from an energy source; the further away, the smaller the signal. This state is experienced, for example, in depression, where this connection is practically interrupted, and consequently, the remnants of vitality are lost - this is already a frozen life.

“I don’t want anything.” There is still some kind of freedom and faith that this can be changed, because here we are talking only about me. I may want this, I may not want it. This means that it is in my power and my power to want. It’s unlikely that anyone can make us want if it’s not temptation (Advertisers’ slogan “You don’t know what you want until it’s offered to you”). But this will not be our personal desire, but an imposed one; it may not bring life-giving energy, or for a very short time.

“I don’t want anything” = I have no desires. How does desire arise? Probably, when something surprises us, touches us (Aristotle said that “knowledge usually begins with surprise”). There must be some kind of experience regarding something or someone. An experience or a feeling is already a movement, the movement of life inside. This is precisely the vital force that pushes us towards what arouses interest. Desires are always aimed at something good for us (pleasure principle: we are mainly aimed at obtaining pleasure or avoiding displeasure). Desires are associated with the experience that I “like” it, it is valuable for my life, it fills my life with some content and gives it a certain meaning.

I don’t want anything = I don’t see values, those guidelines and motives for life. I have lost my feelings about something that is valuable to me.

The experience of value nourishes me, gives me a feeling of completeness, enriches my feelings, strengthens my relationship with life and at the same time it is the basis for my relationship with life.

Values ​​attract us, we are drawn to touch them: read an interesting book, do fitness, meet friends. Ask yourself a question: what is there right now at this moment that attracts me? Where am I now experiencing this magnetic force that will help me start moving? It's something that I like, that I love, that interests me. If I have been separated from something or someone for a long time, then some kind of melancholy arises (A. Langle)

“To be imbued with the energy of a value, you need to be internally close to this value, let this value touch you. If it's beautiful music, we want to “sort of” absorb it. If the food is good, tasty, we want to taste it thoroughly. We want to hug and kiss our friends in order to experience intimacy. We want to be filled internally with what we experience as value, this is very valuable energy. To prevent valuables from disappearing, you need to take care of them. A holiday is always about caring for value. For example, when we celebrate a birthday: what value is there - that you were born on this day! When we celebrate the successful passing of an exam, or the successful completion of some task, we celebrate success and the fact that life goes on. When we take care of valuables, we enjoy them. Enjoyment is an exercise in deepening value. After all, there is so much that we can enjoy: the soft air of the coming spring, delicious food, conversation, of course, art, music. Or even just the presence of another person. How does pleasure happen? For this we need feelings.”(A. Langle)

The trouble of our time is its incredible speed. There is too much superficiality and automatism in work, in relationships, in everyday life, and even in dealing with oneself. And feelings need time to be born and grow.

In order for feelings to penetrate into us, we need to be able to surrender to them, not casually, but let them touch us thoroughly and deeply. There is a good example with food as the simplest and most accessible pleasure. You can't turn this into a simple habit. This can be made a time of truly enjoying every piece of delicious pie, every sip of a pleasant drink: coffee or wine.

Even such little things pleasantly nourish us not only physically, but also emotionally.

Let's say there are desires, but there is no strength to fulfill them. This is a matter of your capabilities and will. Will is real power. If we ourselves don’t want to, then no one can force us to change our will. There is will in our every act of action and inaction. This is an order to yourself to do something (or not to do). To find vitality, you need a desire to do something about it, you need motivation.

Why do I need this, why do I need energy, for what?

I will not mention situations of compulsion, pressure, where our will is subject to pressure. This is a separate and large existential theme of living unfreedom. We don't do it, why? Because fear gets in the way, there is no strength, as in depression, or when a person is dependent and he has to do something he doesn’t want every time. Such problems indicate an inability to follow one's will.

I want to get up and do something, but I don’t have the desire, I feel so bad, I’m so depressed. I feel remorse for not getting up again. Thus, a depressed person cannot follow what he believes to be right. Or an anxious person cannot go where he wants

About opportunities. I can only want what I can do. Those. will, it is realistic, you cannot entrust yourself with something that I am not capable of, even if I have a desire. These are restrictions that help relieve unnecessary stress regarding achieving what I cannot do. We should not want more than what we can (this is also paralyzing and takes away energy). Knowing our capabilities helps free up life force for more realistic goals.

But understanding the will alone is not enough to begin active actions. The will must be constantly strengthened and trained. For example, ask yourself questions: Why can what I do be good? What are the benefits of not doing this?

(very often all addicted people usually stop here; they don’t stop drinking; smoking is experienced for them as something better than giving up bad habits) To strengthen your willpower, you can turn to the experience of experiencing something good, something you’ve already done before and it was beneficial . What broader meaning does my specific action take on now (this increases the motivation and importance of the actions taken).

It is possible and necessary to restore vitality and energy only through contact with life itself, through the experience that I like something, through the feeling that it is good for me. My personal choice comes from the fact that it is important and right for me. It may seem that vital energy is born from selfishness, but this is not so. There is another important experience that “it will be good for me if it is also good for others” (ethical code). When we do something that can offend, hurt, harm someone, it will not add energy to us, will you agree?

Take care of yourself, never give up your life, show attention and care to your feelings and moods. This will be the best prevention of apathy, melancholy, loss of energy and other more serious mental disorders.

There is a clear decline in your life right now. And it’s not a matter of age at all; the source of everything that happens to us, as well as the strength to help ourselves, is always within us. Believe me, this happens to everyone. You can handle it, everything passes, you just need to try a little and find a way to switch to something positive, bring yourself joy by any means, give relief, an outlet for negative emotions. All problems are actually in our heads, we create them ourselves, believe them, and then heroically overcome them. Remember this expression - whether a person is happy or not depends on what he himself thinks about it? Think about it too. Think about your lifestyle. You live without mood, joyful emotions (this is a direct risk of disease). You lack a positive start. You don’t allow yourself much, thereby depriving yourself of an outlet for emotions; you are squeezed. There is little joy from the phenomena of the surrounding world, pleasant surprise, a feeling of delight from events, satisfaction from one’s physical, intellectual or other capabilities. All this makes our life happier, fills it with meaning, colors it in different colors. A person himself can influence how he will live. You just need to choose the right life guidelines, because as a rule, we ourselves, with our behavior, appearance, and desires, give a certain message to the world and people around us. Change your attitude, first of all, towards yourself. Find the positive in yourself and your situation. Try to switch to something that is quite serious, important, necessary and brings stable pleasure. This could be your new personal project, hobby, new job, sports, additional training in courses, trainings. It is better to have several such activities at the same time. But there is absolutely no need to fight with yourself. Who told you that right now you have to be an active lively person? You don’t owe anyone anything, you don’t have to explain or make excuses. If you want to lie on the sofa, please. Listen to your body, have pity on it, take care of it. The human body is an amazing self-regulating system. Yours chose exactly this method to show that you are not behaving correctly, to attract your attention and respect for him, to feel sorry for him. Physical and mental health are closely related, interdependent, interpenetrated. Everything that happens to our body and psyche is mutually conditioned and is a reflection of our thoughts, experiences, emotions, desires and prohibitions to experience them, and satisfaction of needs. Live with pleasure, do constantly, every day, what brings you joy - this is the most important thing, what you need to put all your efforts into now, because happy people do not experience insecurity and negative emotions, they have no time, they enjoy life. Find these activities and start today. It is a stable feeling of joy that will allow you to perceive the world around you differently. Don’t forget about the need to laugh plenty and from the heart - laughter makes us happier, humor not only lifts our spirits, but also helps to establish contact with people, defuse tense situations, focus on the positive yourself and switch others, laughter really makes us happier (proven by scientific research ). Give joy, positive emotions and they will definitely return to you. Start to slowly act, move, try for yourself. No one will pull you out of this whirlpool for you, unless you undergo a series of consultations with a psychologist, then - yes (I suggest). In the meantime, let's try it ourselves. Give yourself more attention than you've ever had before. Remember that employment is the best and most effective (according to Dale Carnegie) medicine for depression as well. All this will allow you to get to know yourself better, learn to feel people, build competent connections with them, and positive emotions, new opportunities, people will appear in your life, new paths will open. Look for yourself in different types of activities, you will definitely find something that makes you happy and brings pleasure. Breathe into life, let it into you, believe me, there is a lot in it that gives you drive, that can cause delight, a surge of vitality. You can restore harmony with yourself and with the world much faster with the help of a specialist, he will help you understand everything and find ways out of the current situation. All the best to you. Contact us via chat It wouldn't hurt to have at least one consultation. Don't forget to rate the answers.

Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer “There is a clear decline in your life now. And it’s not at all about age, the source of everything that happens to us...” to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

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What to do if you don’t want to do anything. The question is quite serious, as everyone faces it at least once in their life. Naturally, the reason is individual. It can be one thing, or it can be complex. Let's consider, of course, a variety of options.

I’ll start with high expectations, when you want to get everything here and now.

Whether at business trainings or psychological trainings, people often look for a pill. I took it once and everything changed.

Of course, at the same training we can get quick results, it can serve as a strong stimulus for growth, cause large-scale life changes, but... This is a situation I often encounter in my practice.

A person comes to training and wants to get from point A to point B, let’s call it that. He came to point A with a baggage of certain problems that prevent him from getting to point B, even with the route before his eyes. Everyone has their own luggage, some have a couple of chips in their pocket, and others have hundreds of stones in a backpack behind their back.

And so a person throws off a dozen stones during training, and, of course, it becomes easier for him, he can even jump, although there is a bag of stones on his back, but since the weight has become less, a feeling of lightness appears. Time passes, and the person expects that now life has changed once and for all, and this is partly true, since he is no longer at point A, because he has taken a step forward, but also not at point B, since there is still a load hanging behind his back...

What's the result? Each of us has our own amount of work, in order to sort through all this cargo that we have accumulated over our lives, naturally, we will have to work more to get to point B. But what often happens in reality? A person, instead of continuing to work on himself, becomes despondent or simply gives up working on himself.

This applies to both material and spiritual tasks. This happens in building a business, in sports, in working on yourself, in working on changing your thinking, on the path to your happiness...

Don't torture yourself!

Don’t choke yourself with worries that right now you are not satisfied with the result, that life is unfair or that fate has deprived you of something. Everything is fine with you, everything is fine with the world around you, you just have a certain amount of work in front of you for your soul, body, psyche, depending on what your goal is.

Take a closer look at what a huge amount of energy is spent precisely on going negative due to the fact that right now your desire is not fulfilled, because it is quite possible that this desire is either harmful to you, or if you receive it quickly and effortlessly, then you won’t get the experience you need and won’t see the true value in what you received.


The mindset of laziness and lack of desire to do something is formed in the process of our lifestyle and outlook on life.

Being determines consciousness. Look at what you eat, how you spend your days, in what environment and information field - and perhaps you will immediately unravel the secret of what is happening to you.

Does food make you healthy, give you energy, or does it make you sick and take away your energy? In order to create something and act, the necessary physical energy is needed, maybe the dog is buried in this.

If you watch TV, communicate with whiners and negative people, lead a sedentary lifestyle, surf the Internet at night and do nonsense there, then it is understandable why you have such a state of mind.

What time do you go to bed? What time do you get up? What are you doing in the morning? How much stress is there in your day?

Look at your life. It helps you have the strength to do something or it is obvious that your lifestyle needs to be changed urgently.

Picture of the world.

I wrote a separate article about this and once again I want to note that how you see the world on key issues will depend on your mood, happiness, and amount of energy.

In what light do you see this world? How do you imagine the meaning of your life? Who are you in this world? What is your purpose? What is your nature?

The answers to the above questions are the foundation of your life. Whatever the answers are, such is life.

Low amount of energy.

On a physical and energetic level. The rough body is clogged with toxins, poisons, and so on... I spoke about this above. Energy shells are full of resentment, hatred, malice....

Where does the desire to do something come from? Is it possible to find a pill to instantly fix the situation? Obviously, the problems accumulated over the past years of life cannot be solved in an hour. It takes time, desire and patience, although it should be noted that you can get the first results quite quickly if you take care of your body and psyche.

Life period.

Our body and subconscious are not directly under our control; at least we do not see a linear connection. It happens that the influence of planets, energies and other circumstances creates in us a mood that we need to live correctly. What does right mean? Gain experience, draw conclusions, charge your batteries.

It happens that we are so mentally exhausted that the subconscious begins to block external activities in order to save the psyche and the body as a whole.

Perhaps you just need rest, but not just sitting on the couch and staring at the wall, but restorative rest. Minimum stress, maximum joy, trust in life, peace...

In order to correctly assess what you personally need in such a period, awareness is required. And this again means working on cleansing your body, psyche, and the ability to listen to your body and heart.

Or a change in life period. There will be experience in profession, relationships, physical or mental travel, material achievements and new experiences are required. Which? This is already a question of your purpose and awareness.

You are busy with something other than your own business, you are not in the plane of your destiny.

This may well be the case. Often we decide to engage in any type of activity not because we want to do it, but because we want its fruits or with the help of this type of activity we are trying to get rid of fears.

The prestige of the activity, the opportunity to travel, passive income, planned good profits... All these messages make us go against ourselves. Our essence wants one thing, and we believe that life requires another, but it’s not life that demands, but we decided that it is impossible to do otherwise.

I recently wrote an article about how to find your purpose. I recommend reading it.

Banal laziness?

Or maybe all philosophy is passing by because we are simply lazy. We believe that first you need to get inspiration and strength to do something, but in reality, you often need to start doing something for strength and inspiration to come.

Laziness doesn't come out of nowhere. There are reasons. The way of life and thinking gave birth to it. Nutrition, physical activity, routine. Or maybe you started to slack on little things and ended up drowning in a swamp.

Do I have such moments?

OF COURSE they do! What am I doing? Two options: I’m looking for an activity that will work, or the SZIV method.

The first option is a change of activity and rest. Reading books, walking, playing sports, I do not fight the condition, but look for what the body wants. Where will the energy or inner peace go? As an artist looking for inspiration, I try to understand what I need at a given time.

There are times when I clearly understand that I need rest in nature, and sometimes I understand that I need to introduce creativity into my life, that I now need to trust life, circumstances and relax. Then thoughts, ideas come and action begins.

I try not to do it, just for the sake of doing it. You know, sometimes it seems that if you keep yourself busy with something, exhaust yourself and get tired, then the problem will go away and it really will go away due to the fact that you simply don’t have the strength left to think, assess the situation... It’s not difficult to overload yourself with things, but to understand What you really need to do is more difficult, and sometimes it is necessary to be inactive for some time so that THAT VERY thought comes that you will begin to embody.

Well, or the SZIV method (grit your teeth and move forward) also helps. I use it if I understand that inaction now is simple laziness, and it will do me more harm than good. I begin to act through strength - and inspiration comes.

The answer is “What should I do?” Only you yourself know.

In recent years, I have learned to listen to myself well. When I really don’t want to do anything, it means it’s not easy. Most often, I need to trust this state, study it, and then get to work on my projects with renewed energy, but for me this is fair, since I live a corresponding lifestyle. Clean food, bright thoughts, lack of stress, a certain way of thinking and a picture of the world. I didn’t come to this in one day, so first of all, as Carlson said: “Calm, just calm.”

I would like you to take away the most important message from this article: there can be many reasons for your condition, and these reasons are very individual, so, first of all, you need to awaken your intuition and begin to study yourself.

Take care of nutrition, lifestyle, mental and physical health, get to know yourself and your purpose, then you will be able to consciously decide for yourself what to do when you are in the mood, when you don’t want to do anything.

In any case, try to perceive this state as a Gift that tells you the direction of movement or as an opportunity to get to know yourself, gain new life experience and ultimately find inner balance.

Video version of the article:


Vyacheslav Churinov 27.04.2016

As always, an article at the right time. Most often, I fall into such a state when someone or something knocks me out of my daily routine.

Usually this is an incomprehensible hustle and bustle at work, an urgent matter, someone’s call, meaningless negative emotions from surrounding people, etc.

Everything suddenly falls out of hand; I don’t want to do anything at all. At such moments, a short distraction from everything, a walk, humor, physical activity helps me. And then it is advisable to immediately do at least something from the to-do list, at least start...

And somehow everything naturally returns to the right direction.

This article and video also greatly helped to overcome the loss of strength at the moment.

Thank you, Mikhail.

P.S. If possible, I will take part in the May stream of KR21, for the third time


    Admin 04/27/2016

    Tatyana 04/27/2016

    Hello, Mikhail! I really like reading your articles. Such a subtle understanding of the essence of things is rare to find in anyone. I read and understand that I am not the only one who is “problematic”, a clear understanding of what, where, why and how, and most importantly, answers to the questions “What to do?” help to live consciously, without extremes. Thank you for that!


    Lyudmila 04/27/2016

    Anna 04/27/2016

    Just now I’m getting out of a state where I have neither physical nor mental strength. I analyzed myself for each of the proposed versions - I can’t say that I found a clear answer. It seems to me that in my case these are several reasons superimposed on each other. In any case, there is something to think about)). Thank you, Mikhail. On time as always!

    I found a very important idea in the title about high expectations. Indeed, apparent obstacles on the way to a goal can be part of this goal. To achieve and then maintain, you need to overcome them. I’ll re-read the article about laziness again, this is the third time I’ve returned to it). And there is a reason to review the regime again...

    Our constant work in the Transformation CD helps a lot to listen to ourselves. The answer rarely comes right away, but it usually does. Sometimes it helps if you listen to others; sometimes the Universe speaks through other people))


    Alexander Shakhvorostov 28.04.2016

    Igor 04/28/2016

    Mikhail, thanks for the article! I have long suspected that I am not busy with my own business, that I am not in the plane of my destiny. It is very difficult. Every day you have to force yourself to go to work, at work you have to force yourself to start doing something. This is very tiring and by the evening there is no strength left - neither physical nor mental. Going to work just for the paycheck is becoming more and more difficult. More and more often I want to change my job, but I have no idea what I would like to do. Or rather, there are certain desires, but there is no understanding of how successful it will be. You correctly noted that you want to have everything here and now. Besides, you don’t want to lose what you already have. You have to somehow combine it, try to move towards the goal and pull this backpack with stones behind you, throwing out one at a time. It takes a long time and sometimes you want to quit. I thank God for pointing me to you through the Startup training. I learned a lot of new and interesting things, I even made my own small website. True, now there is not enough time, energy and knowledge to develop it further))) But I hope for the best. I often find confirmation of my thoughts in your articles and trainings. You know, as it is written in the Bible: “God said once, and twice I heard it, that with God is the power”... When you hear confirmation from the outside of what God has already told you inside, this serves as a kind of incentive to start doing something and that change something in your life. I signed up my wife for the Reality Constructor training in May. This will be very useful for her. Special thanks to you for such a discount. At full price I couldn't afford it. I will watch how she goes through it, if possible))) I think that I will also learn a lot of useful things for myself.

Apathy. I don’t want to do anything, just lie there, look at the ceiling, not think about anything. Do you feel familiar? Today we’ll tell you how to get out of the whirlpool of idleness and continue living.

Laziness, procrastination, emotional exhaustion, and depression can be hidden behind the reluctance to work. ? It's not too late to find a way out. The main thing is to pull yourself together, identify the reasons and fight them!

What to do when you don't feel like doing anything

You need to find out the reasons for your reluctance to do something. Fatigue, a huge number of accumulated urgent matters, lack of clear goals, loss of interest in work, profession, leads to only one result. Tasks are piling up, desire and strength are running out.

The reason may be hidden in simple laziness.

If you are tired, take a rest, go on vacation or a weekend tour. A change of scenery, new acquaintances, and physical activity will bring you to your senses.

In addition to laziness, there are other serious reasons: procrastination, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome. They appear against the backdrop of rush jobs at work, loss of interest in the profession, and wrong goals in life. In such situations, a banal rest will not help.

Chaos at work?

Start small. Don't rush to start the first task you come across. Tidy up your desk. Wipe off the dust, sort out the papers on the table, remove unnecessary files from the computer.

Engage in monotonous work that does not require attention and knowledge. The main thing is to start doing something.

Make a list of urgent tasks on your calendar to clear up the mess. Thus, you will see that everything can really be taken apart. Remember, there will always be urgent matters!

Don't have the strength to get started?

Maybe it’s worth changing your profession, introducing new cases and tasks into the service? A change in activity has a positive effect on your mood.

Remember, when you come to a new workplace there is no time to be bored and sad. You need to delve into the work and get to know the team. And after six months, a year, everything returns to normal, interest is lost, the passion for work disappears. Change job responsibilities regularly, do not allow stagnation.

Target doesn't light?

Is this your goal? Sincere or imposed by society?

Prestigious profession, apartment, house, car. Maybe in your heart you want to give up everything, take a photography course and travel? Stay alone with yourself, throw away your thoughts and honestly admit what you want to achieve in life?


As a rule, passivity and lack of zeal for work are called laziness. From a biological point of view, this state is completely natural. A lazy person simply saves energy so that he can spend it on something else later. In other words, laziness is the body’s desire to rest. If you are terribly tired during the day, and now you don’t want to go wash the dishes, let them sit until the morning.


You put off problems for later and never force yourself to get down to business. Procrastination differs from laziness in that a lazy person does nothing and enjoys it, while a procrastinator suffers from the inability to get down to business.

What to do when you don't feel like doing anything?

  • "Eat the frog"

The most unpleasant things should be done at the beginning of the day. After all, if you finally write a complex letter in the morning, you can devote the remaining time to what you like.

  • Motivate yourself!

Decide what will stimulate you. Think about how your rival colleague has already solved the problems, or dream about how you can buy a car with the money you earned today. Remember: bad motivation is better than no motivation!

  • Give yourself permission to be imperfect

Often people who procrastinate do not start work because they are afraid of doing it imperfectly. “Why bother? It still won’t turn out perfect!” they think. Allow yourself to complete the task to the best of your ability and begin.

  • Break complex goals into steps

It is mentally difficult to get down to business knowing how much needs to be done. It’s difficult to overcome yourself and get down to business, especially without knowing where to start.

Break down a complex task into small steps. This technique will allow you to see quick results without losing the main goal. Small victories will inspire you to great achievements.

  • Set a reward

Do you work a lot and don’t treat yourself to anything for your success? The body understands this and stops giving 100%. What for?

If there is no pleasant result, work turns into endless wear and tear of strength and health. Allow yourself rewards after each completed milestone. Go to the cinema, buy a new pen, skirt, dress, notebook.

  • Find like-minded people

It's more productive to work in a team. Even doing different tasks, but together. Healthy competition never hurt. It forces you to go with the flow, not to stop, to conquer new heights.

If you don’t have this opportunity at work, join a professional club or create your own. Communicating with people who want to achieve a lot and are doing their best will invigorate you and make you look at what is happening with different eyes.

Burnout syndrome

If work responsibilities involve constant communication with people, the reason for reluctance to work is burnout syndrome. Nothing and no one makes you happy, you get angry at others, you begin to be too critical of yourself.

Why don’t you want to do anything in this case? It's simple - you're tired. Moral exhaustion does not contribute to increased performance.

How to fight?

  • Learn to relax

Take a warm shower after work, periodically treat yourself to a new book or a good movie, eat your favorite food - in a word, don’t forget to give yourself pleasure.

  • Update your workspace

Rearrange the organizer, bring a bright flower in a pot, place a photo of your loved one next to the computer. Now that the situation has changed for the better, work will be much more pleasant.

  • Go study

Often emotional exhaustion occurs because a person begins to lack professional knowledge. This leads to self-doubt, stress and loss of self-esteem. In this case, obtaining a second higher education or advanced training courses will allow you to strengthen your professional position, expand your circle of acquaintances and, finally, take a break from work.


The most difficult stage of doing nothing. Depression is generally described as a painful condition accompanied by feelings of melancholy, despair, physical and mental inhibition. A person becomes indecisive, passive, avoids contacts, refuses work and entertainment.

It is important to understand that depression is not a manifestation of bad character or laziness, but a real illness; special treatment is prescribed to combat it.

It includes medications prescribed by the attending physician and psychotherapy. Communication with a therapist is a mandatory stage, since during the sessions the patient can understand the causes of the illness and learn to effectively cope with stress.

If you notice signs of depression, do not self-medicate - consult a doctor.

Now you know what to do if you don’t feel like doing anything. Sometimes it is enough to fully rest or realize the usefulness of work, but otherwise you should consult a doctor.