The procedure for certification of welders in Russia. Passing the certification of welders naks Which welders are not subject to certification



On approval of rules for certification of welders and welding production specialists

Document with changes made:
by order of Rostekhnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588 (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 283, 12/07/2012).

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia


1. Approve the Rules for the certification of welders and welding production specialists*.
* Gosgortekhnadzor has assigned the designation PB 03-273-99 to the “Rules for Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists.” - Database manufacturer's note.

2. First Deputy Head of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia E.A. Malov, within a week, approve the revised, taking into account the comments and suggestions made, measures to put into effect the Rules for the Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists.

3. The Department for Boiler Inspection and Supervision of Lifting Structures, by December 1, 1998, must prepare a draft resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on the development of regulatory documents for the certification of welding technology, welding materials and equipment.

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 4, 1999.
Registration N 1721

RULES for certification of welders and welding production specialists

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
dated October 30, 1998 N 63

I. General provisions

1.1. The rules for the certification of welders and welding production specialists (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” dated July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ * and the Regulations on the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 18.02. 93 N 234 **.
* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588.

** Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 8, art. 657.

1.2. Certification of welders and welding production specialists is carried out in order to establish the sufficiency of their theoretical and practical training, test their knowledge and skills and grant the right to welders and welding production specialists to perform work at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.3. The certification system for welders and welding production specialists (CASv) is a set of requirements that define the rules and procedure for the certification of welders and welding production specialists engaged in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of equipment and facilities, supervised by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.4. SASv defines:

- levels of professional training of welding production specialists;

- structure and principles of formation of certification bodies;

- requirements for education and special training of welders and welding production specialists;

- procedure for certification of welders;

- procedure for certification of welding production specialists;

- the procedure for maintaining the register of the certification system.

1.5. SASv establishes four levels of professional training:

Level I - certified welder;

Level II - certified master welder;

Level III - certified welding technologist;

Level IV - certified welding engineer.

Assignment of a level does not cancel the assigned qualification category according to the current system according to the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (OKZ 016-94), put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 N 367.

1.6. Certified welders and welding production specialists are allowed to perform those types of activities that are specified in their certification certificates.

1.7. Welding production specialists participating in the work of certification bodies must be certified for the right to carry out work on the training and certification of welders and welding production specialists.

1.8. These Rules use the basic concepts, terms and definitions for welding production and certification of welding personnel given in Appendix 1.

II. Organizational structure of the certification system for welders and welding production specialists

2.1. The organizational structure of SASv includes:

- Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

- National Certification Committee for Welding Production (NAKS);

- head certification centers (GAC);

- certification centers (AC);

- certification points (AP).

2.2. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia:

- establishes the procedure for training and testing the knowledge of industrial personnel (main professions) and specialists of controlled enterprises and facilities on the issues of safe work and monitors its compliance;

- paragraph deleted from December 18, 2012 - .

order of Rostechnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588..

2.3. NAKS is an organizational and structural part of SASv. Its activities are determined by the requirements of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” dated January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ *, the Charter and Regulations on NAKS, approved and registered in the prescribed manner.
* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 145.

When implementing the certification system, NAKS in accordance with the Charter ensures:

- development and submission to the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for approval of regulatory and methodological documents for the certification of welders and welding production specialists;

- conducting expert examinations of the created certification centers;

- methodological and consulting assistance to the activities of certification centers;

- generalization of the experience of certification centers and international experience in the certification of welders and welding production specialists to develop proposals for improving the certification system.

2.4. Head certification and certification centers are organizations that test the knowledge and skills of certified welders and welding production specialists in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. Centers are established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In their activities, the centers are guided by the requirements of the Charter and Regulations on certification centers approved and registered in the prescribed manner.

The paragraph was deleted from December 18, 2012 - order of Rostechnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588..

2.5. Certification of welders is carried out at the production base of the certification center or its certification points. Certification point is a CAC body within the certification center that provides certification exams for welders and operates on the basis of the Regulations on the certification point, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.6. Acceptance of certification exams is carried out by certification commissions.

The composition of the certification commissions of certification centers is formed from qualified specialists in welding production of levels II, III and IV who have been certified for the right to work in certification bodies, then examiners.

The paragraph was deleted from December 18, 2012 - order of Rostechnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588..

2.7. The certification commissions should include:

- when certifying welders at level I - at least one specialist of level IV and two specialists of level III and/or II;

- when certifying specialists for levels II and III - at least one specialist IV and two specialists III;

- when certifying specialists at level IV - at least three specialists at level IV.


1. The certification commission should not include representatives of the employing organization, as well as persons who provided training (special training) to certified welders and welding production specialists.

2. Upon the proposal of its territorial bodies, on the basis of the expert opinion of NAKS, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia may allow individual enterprises (organizations) to include in the certification commissions for the primary and extraordinary certification of welders specialists from this enterprise, certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, provided that the chairman of the commission is an independent representative of the certification center.

3. For the above-mentioned enterprises (organizations), it is possible to conduct additional and periodic certification of welders working at this enterprise (organization) by certification commissions formed from employees of this enterprise certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. Additional certification is carried out according to the welding method for which the welder was certified during the initial certification.

2.8. Candidates applying for a level of professional training have the right to apply to any certification center. Certification certificates issued by centers to certified welders and welding production specialists are valid throughout Russia.

III. Requirements for professional training of welders and welding production specialists

3.1. A candidate applying for any level must have general education and professional training in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix 2, Table. 1.

3.2. Before certification of welders and welding production specialists, special training must be carried out.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 18, 2012 by order of Rostechnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588.

Programs should be drawn up taking into account the level of professional training of specialists and the areas of their production activities and include sections on welding equipment, basic and welding materials, welding technology, quality control of welded joints, defects in welded joints and methods for their correction, as well as rules for the safe performance of welding work.

By decision of the commission, welding production specialists who have undergone special training independently in accordance with the approved program may be admitted to certification.

3.3. Requirements for the required industrial work experience in the specialty of certified welders and welding production specialists are given in Appendix 2, Table. 2 and 3.

IV. Certification of welders

4.1. Welders are subject to certification for the right to perform welding and surfacing work using specific types (methods) of fusion welding, carried out manually, mechanized (semi-automatic) and automated methods when working at facilities controlled by the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia.

These Rules can be applied when certifying welders performing welding and surfacing work with other types (methods) of welding, for which certification bodies have developed methodological certification documents, for example, on resistance welding, restoration and reinforcing surfacing, soldering of metals, welding of non-metallic materials, etc. .

4.2. After certification, the welder is assigned level I of professional training (certified welder).

4.3. Certification of welders is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

4.4. Welders who have not previously had access to welding and/or surfacing (hereinafter referred to as welding) of connections of equipment, structures and pipelines controlled by the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia undergo primary certification.

For welders certified according to the Rules for Certification of Welders, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on March 16, 1993, the primary certification is considered to be the first one in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, which they undergo upon expiration of the validity period of the old-style certification certificate.

4.5. Welders who have passed the initial certification undergo additional certification before being allowed to perform welding work not specified in their certification certificates, as well as after a break of more than 6 months in performing welding work specified in their certification certificates. During additional certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.6. All welders undergo periodic certification in order to extend the specified validity period of their certification certificates for performing the relevant welding work. During periodic certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.7. Welders must undergo extraordinary certification before they are allowed to perform welding after their temporary suspension from work for violation of welding technology or repeated unsatisfactory quality of production welded joints made by them. During extraordinary certification, welders pass general, special and practical exams.

4.8. Welders who have:

- the category is not lower than that specified in the guidelines and normative-technical documentation for welding of objects controlled by the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia;

- the required minimum work experience in the specialty;

- certificate of completion of special theoretical and practical training in the certified area of ​​activity.

If the welder has experience in manual welding, then his experience in manual welding is allowed to be counted in his work experience when certifying for welding using mechanized and automatic welding methods.

If the welder has experience using mechanized welding methods, then his work experience using mechanized welding methods is allowed to be included in his work experience when certifying for welding using automatic welding methods.

If a candidate independently submits an application for certification, he must have a rank of at least 4.

4.9. A certified welder must be able to perform welding work in compliance with the requirements of technological documentation and safety rules.

4.10. The procedure for the certification of welders is set out in the Technological Regulations for the Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists.

V. Certification of welding production specialists

5.1. Certification of welding production specialists of levels II, III and IV is carried out in the direction of their production activities in the manufacture, installation, reconstruction and repair of equipment, pipelines and structures controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

5.2. The types of production activities of welding specialists for which their certification is carried out are:

- management and technical control of welding work, including work on technical preparation for welding work, development of production, technological and regulatory documentation;

- participation in the work of bodies for the training and certification of welders and welding production specialists.

5.3. The list of welding production specialists subject to certification and the required level of professional training are determined by the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia upon the recommendation of the employer or candidate for certification.

The following specialists are subject to mandatory certification:

- at level II: specialists whose written or oral instructions are mandatory for welders to carry out when carrying out welding work (foremen, foremen, etc.);

- at level III: specialists who are heads of individual departments of the enterprise that ensure the implementation of welding work, and whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the use of documents at the enterprise that define the technology for carrying out welding work (heads of departments, laboratories, sectors, technical bureaus, heads of working groups and etc.);

- at level IV: specialists who are managers of the welding service of an enterprise (organization), whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the management of the enterprise (organization) to approve guidelines and regulatory documents for the performance of all types of welding work (chiefs, their deputies, etc.).

5.4. Engineering and technical workers who meet the requirements of subsection 4 are allowed to undergo certification.

5.5. Certification of welding production specialists at levels II, III and IV is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

5.6. Welding production specialists undergo primary certification before they are allowed to perform the work specified in clause 6.2.

The primary certification is the one carried out for the first time in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

5.7. Welding production specialists who have passed primary certification undergo additional certification in the following cases:

- admission to types of production activities not specified in their certification certificates;
After confirmation of payment, the page will be

To determine the preparedness of specialists, both in theory and in practice, professional certification is carried out. Welders are no exception. Since it is certified welding specialists who can carry out their activities at enterprises that are under the control of the Rostechnadzor division. Because the employees of this regulatory body simply will not allow a worker who has not passed the knowledge test to work.

Purpose of certification

Thanks to timely certification, it is possible to determine the professionalism of the welder, as well as the safety of work processes. Therefore, regardless of qualifications, welders must undergo scheduled training once a year and pass exams on the topics covered. After which, appropriate certificates are issued, according to which certified specialists can be allowed to perform work. The types of work that a welder can perform are indicated in the issued certification certificate.

It should be noted that welders subject to certification are required to undergo special training in advance. In addition, they must have production experience and at least a vocational education. In the case of successfully completed gas welding work, they have every right to carry out their welding activities at various enterprise facilities that are controlled by government agencies.

Certified workers receive the theoretical part of knowledge at training centers, or directly at the enterprise in training centers. To conduct exams, a commission is created from the following persons:

  • chairman. Typically, this role is performed by a technical supervisor or the head of a training facility;
    who has the right to control the execution of welding work;
  • representative of the organization's labor protection service.

The certification exam consists of a large number of oral or written questions to the welder on the topics of the production and safety nature of the work performed.

In addition, the worker being examined must demonstrate to the members of the commission his practical skills, which consist of the ability to weld the provided material in the specified position and at various angles.

Obtaining a certification certificate for a welder is a certain clearance that is necessary for the further implementation of one’s professional abilities. In addition to the certificate, a specialist of this profile must obtain a certificate in fire safety and a document confirming permission to work at heights.

If an employee does not pass the professional suitability exam the first time, he may do so within thirty calendar days.

And employees who pass the exam positively receive a corresponding document signed by the chairman of the certification commission, which is sealed with the wet seal of the institution where the certification was carried out.

Required documents

In order for workers to be certified in a special institution, first of all, the head of the organization needs to submit a proper application. It is worth considering that the form of such an application is the same for both legal entities and individuals. It is recommended that this document be prepared on the provided form, which should be free of errors and corrections. The statement of intent to conduct certification must be accompanied by the details of the enterprise according to which the agreement will be concluded.

For organizations with a legal form of ownership, the following must be indicated in the details:

  • Business name;
  • financial account;
  • information about state registration.

For individuals it is necessary to display:

  • taxpayer identification number;
  • information specified in the passport;
  • method of payment for services received.

The application must be drawn up in two copies, since one sample remains at the certification center, and the second registered version remains with the applicant.

Along with the application, copies of documents certifying the right of the welder to perform work of the appropriate level are also provided. In addition to the above documentary acts, you must provide the following documents:

  • information about the availability of relevant education;
  • a document from the organization proving the length of service of the certified employee;
  • a certificate issued by a medical institution indicating recommendations on the ability to work
  • welder according to health status;
  • a statement written by the candidate, in which he agrees in writing to the processing of his personal information by a third party;
  • photos. For each educational institution, the number and size of photographs may vary.

After providing the required package of documents, the employer or immediate supervisor must do the following:

  • agree on the terms of training and the date of taking the exam;
  • make an advance payment for the service provided (if provided for in the contract);
  • guarantee the presence of the previously agreed number of certified welders, according to the established date;
  • provide the opportunity to undergo theoretical and practical training;
  • repay the full financial amount to the institution that conducted the certification;
  • obtain or organize the receipt of certificates for employees of the enterprise.

Do not forget that the package of documents provided may differ, it all depends on the institution that provides certification services.

Conditions for certification

In almost all training centers that conduct certification, the participation of state technical supervision specialists is mandatory. The program according to which pre-certification training is carried out must be approved by the state technical supervision of the Russian Federation.

Typically, a welding specialist training program includes:

  • level of professional organization;
  • direction of professional activity;
  • welding production points and equipment;
  • welding quality control sections;
  • safety rules when performing work duties.

Members of the commission have the legislative right to admit to certification professionals who have undergone special training on their own in accordance with the approved procedure.

The process of learning and testing knowledge in most cases occurs in four stages:

  • The first stage involves training workers according to a specially developed and approved program by government agencies, which allows them to raise their professional level and skills. This training is carried out by qualified and certified employees in government agencies;
  • the second stage is directly to test knowledge. This stage is one of the main ones. Since the exam shows how well the certified welder has mastered the material covered;
  • the third stage regulates the members of the commission to make a decision on passing certification of a particular employee associated with welding work. At this stage, the presence of the state technical supervision body is mandatory;
  • the final or fourth stage involves the issuance of certificates to certified workers. Which indicates the level of qualification of the certified person, as well as the validity period of the issued document.

This procedure allows not only to increase the knowledge of working welders, but also to increase the number of highly qualified specialists. All this entails success and prosperity in the future of any self-respecting organization.

Only those welders who have:

  • a corresponding category that allows certain types of welding work to be carried out at enterprises,
  • controlled by state technical supervision;
  • certain work experience in this profession;
  • a document confirming completion of training in special vocational training in
  • educational institutions.

The list of persons who are subject to certification or re-certification is compiled and controlled by officials of the state technical supervision departments of the Russian Federation. Such a list is formed on the basis of data provided by the manager of welding work at a particular enterprise.

In contact with

Only qualified welders with a NAKS certificate are allowed to weld critical areas. The certificate is issued by the National Welding Control Agency and can be level 1, 2, 3 or 4.

What is the difference between the levels of NAKS certificates?

Each level gives the employee access to new types of work and positions and is assigned separately.

How each of them is deciphered:

  • The first level is assigned to NAKS welders. This electric gas welder certificate gives the right to weld any complex structures.
  • The second level is master welders. The employee has the right to supervise the work of other welders and give instructions during the work, verbal or written.
  • The third level is required for technologists. These specialists control all welding operations carried out at the enterprise.
  • The fourth level is needed by engineers. Engineers manage welding services and approve regulatory documentation - instructions, regulations, maps, etc.

Types of welder certification

The National Agency certifies employees in three cases:

  1. Primary certification. This is an option for specialists who did not previously have a NAKS certificate.
  2. Re-certification. After the next welding course, the employee must confirm his qualifications and take the permit exam again.
  3. Extraordinary certification. It is carried out if the regulatory authorities doubt the professional suitability of the welder and his right of access to critical areas.

The purpose of any type of certification is to confirm the qualifications of workers and allow only those who can actually cope with the task to perform complex work.

What documents does a welder need for certification?

You can obtain a certificate at training centers that are in the NAKS register and have the right to certify employees. A package of documents is required to be prepared by the time of the qualifying exam.

What you need to provide to the commission:

  • Application for certification.
  • Medical certificate.
  • An extract from the work record book to confirm work experience in your specialty.
  • Documents on education or professional retraining.
  • Safety inspection protocols
  • Photos size 3x4 cm.

A signed NAKS certificate gives the right to perform complex welding operations or perform the role of a foreman, technologist, or engineer at the enterprise - depending on the level.

NAKS is the National Welding Control Agency and is a structural subdivision of SASv - the welding production certification system.

Certification is based onrules for certification of welders and specialistswelding production.

  • NAKS level 1 from 45,000 rub*
  • NAKS level 2 from 45,000 rub*
  • NAKS level 3 from 50,000 rub*

Exact prices for NAKS certification are calculated upon application.

Registration No. 1721


I. General provisions

1.1. SASv installs four levels professional training:

  1. I level– certified welder;
  2. Level II– certified master welder;
  3. Level III– certified technologist – welder;
  4. IV level– certified engineer-welder.

Assignment of a level does not cancel the assigned qualification category according to the current system according to the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (OKZ 016-94), put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367.

1.2. Certified welders and welding production specialists are allowed to perform those types of activities that are specified in their certification certificates.

1.3. Welding production specialists participating in the work of certification bodies must be certified for the right to carry out work on the training and certification of welders and welding production specialists.

III. Requirements for professional training of welders and welding production specialists

3.1. A candidate applying for any level must have general education and professional training in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix 2, table. 1.

3.2. Before certification of welders and welding production specialists, special training must be carried out according to programs approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. Programs should be drawn up taking into account the level of professional training of specialists and the areas of their production activities and include sections on welding equipment, basic and welding materials, welding technology, quality control of welded joints, defects in welded joints and methods for their correction, as well as rules for the safe performance of welding work. By decision of the commission, welding production specialists who have undergone special training independently in accordance with the approved program may be admitted to certification.

3.3. Requirements for the required industrial work experience in the specialty of certified welders and welding production specialists are given in Appendix 2, table. 2 and 3.

IV. Certification of welders

4.1. Welders are subject to certification for the right to perform welding and surfacing work using specific types (methods) of fusion welding, carried out manually, mechanized (semi-automatic) and automated methods when working at facilities controlled by the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia.

4.2. After certification, the welder is assigned level I of professional training (certified welder).

4.3. Certification of welders is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

4.4. Primary certification Welders who have not previously had access to welding and/or surfacing (hereinafter referred to as welding) of connections of equipment, structures and pipelines controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia are undergoing training.

4.5. Additional certification Welders who have passed the initial certification pass before their admission to welding work not specified in their certification certificates, as well as after a break of more than 6 months in performing welding work specified in their certification certificates. During additional certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.6. Periodic certification All welders pass in order to extend the specified validity period of their certification certificates for performing the relevant welding work. During periodic certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.7. Extraordinary certification welders must pass before they are allowed to perform welding after their temporary suspension from work for violation of welding technology or repeated unsatisfactory quality of production welded joints made by them. During extraordinary certification, welders pass general, special and practical exams.

4.8. For initial certification welders are allowed who have:
– the category is not lower than that specified in the guidelines and normative-technical documentation for welding of objects controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;
– the required minimum work experience in the specialty;
– certificate of completion of special theoretical and practical training in the certified area of ​​activity.

4.9. Certified welder must be able to perform welding work in compliance with the requirements of technological documentation and safety rules. 4.10. The procedure for the certification of welders is set out in the “Technological Regulations for the Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists.”

V. Certification of welding production specialists

The following specialists are subject to mandatory certification:
– at level II: specialists whose written or oral instructions are mandatory for welders to carry out when carrying out welding work (foremen, foremen, etc.);
– at level III: specialists who are heads of individual departments of the enterprise that ensure the implementation of welding work, and whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the use of documents defining the technology of welding work at the enterprise (heads of departments, laboratories, sectors, technical bureaus, heads of working groups and etc.);
– at level IV: specialists who are managers of the welding service of an enterprise (organization), whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the management of the enterprise (organization) to approve guidelines and regulatory documents for the performance of all types of welding work (chiefs, their deputies, etc.).

VI. Registration of certified welders and welding production specialists

6.1. Certified persons receive certification certificates in the established form.
The validity period of the certificate during initial certification for welders is 2 years, for welding production specialists of levels II and III - 3 years, and level IV - 5 years.

6.2. The procedure for registering welders and welding production specialists is given in the “Recommendations for maintaining a register of the certification system for welders and welding production specialists.” Upon expiration, the certification certificate can be extended by the certification center that conducted the initial certification and issued the certification certificate in the prescribed manner. The certificate can be renewed without the examination procedure no more than two times. It is prohibited to renew an expired certificate.

Monitoring compliance with these Rules is carried out by the bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia by conducting periodic inspections of the work of certification centers and points.

Candidate preparation requirements

Level Minimum total


Professional training

in welding production

I Average;


Training in vocational schools, at special courses (including at the place of work) according to programs approved in the prescribed manner.
II Secondary, secondary technical; higher technical Training in advanced training centers according to programs approved in the prescribed manner, as well as independently in the process of work in the field of welding.
III Higher technical; secondary technical in welding production Advanced training in advanced training centers. The necessary knowledge can also be obtained independently by persons with higher and secondary technical education in the process of working in the field of welding.
IV Higher specialized in welding production *) Advanced training in advanced training centers or independently while working in the field of welding.

1. Higher specialized education in welding production for persons with higher technical education can be obtained through professional retraining at universities or advanced training institutes in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated January 13, 1996, No. 12-FZ (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation , 1996, No. 3, Art. 150).
2. Level IV can be obtained by persons who do not have a higher specialized education in welding production, but have academic degrees of candidates or doctors of technical sciences in the welding specialty.

Requirements for the minimum work experience in the specialty required to admit a welder to primary certification

* By decision of the certification commission, the minimum production experience can be reduced, but in any case it must be at least six months for certification for access to manual and semi-automatic welding and at least three months for certification for access to automatic welding. To perform welded joints of non-critical structures, in agreement with the bodies of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia, graduates of vocational schools or training plants who do not have industrial experience may be admitted to the initial certification.

Requirements for the minimum work experience in the specialty required for admission of a welding specialist to primary certification

General education Work experience, months
Level II certification Level III certification
uncertified Level II specialist uncertified
Higher technical degree in welding production 6 6 18
Secondary technical in welding production 9 9 24
Higher technical, secondary technical 12 12 36
Average 36

(-) – the candidate cannot be certified to the appropriate level.

Registration objects.

– Registration objects are subject to registration and accounting in the register in the following sections:

  • – organizational and methodological documents of SASv
  • – decisions of the governing bodies of NASv
  • – licensed bodies of SASv
  • – certified SASv personnel

Objects of registration are entered into the register on the following grounds:

  • – SASv guidelines– based on the order of the President of NAKS on approval of the document;
  • – certification centers– on the basis of a license from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and a certificate of conformity issued by NAKS;
  • – certification points– based on the written submission of the certification center and the expert opinion of NAKS;
  • – specialists of I, II and III levels of professional training– based on information from the certification center or the head certification center about their certification;
  • – specialists of the IV level of professional training– based on the submission of the head certification center about their certification;
  • – certified experts– on the basis of the protocol of the Governing Scientific and Technical Council of NAKS on the approval of the expert;
  • – certified examiners– on the basis of the protocol of the certification center that conducted their certification;
  • – decisions on suspension or exclusion from the register of objects of registration- based on the order of the President of NAKS.

After certification by NAKS and successfully passing the exam, the trained specialist receives:

  • certification certificate of a welding production specialist of a certain level (certified welder);
  • welder certification protocol;
  • certificate of completion of special training.

You can check the legality of the documents we issue by using the ID number and protocol; a trained specialist will be able to find himself in the NAKS register. To do this you need to go to this link and you will be included in the NAKS register.

Without a registration number of the register, certification certificates of welders, specialists and examiners, experts, decisions on recognition, decisions on suspension or exclusion from the register of objects of registration are considered invalid.

Tickets for certification of welders NAKS (welding certification) can be obtained by writing to our email info@site

If you passed Nax training in 2017 year and not only, you can find yourself using this link by entering only your ID number. Check yourself in the NAX register and find tax by welder's mark number you can follow the link.

The National Welding Control Agency (NAKS) is a self-regulatory organization created to monitor the welding certification system. The organization has developed principles for voluntary certification of welding production employees.

Voluntary certification solves several problems, namely:

  • ensures the safety, quality, reliability of goods and services of welding production, since it confirms the compliance of specialists with the requirements of standards and codes of practice;
  • creates conditions for organizations and entrepreneurs to participate in international trade and economic cooperation, to work in the commodity market of Russia and the EEC countries within the framework of common standards;
  • protects consumers from unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers;
  • allows consumers to competently evaluate the quality of products, services, and work performed in the field of welding production;
  • increases the competitiveness of the entire Russian welding industry and its products.

Certification levels

Why do you need a NAKS certificate? Today, its presence is a necessary condition for a specialist to perform welding work. The procedure and rules for certification that a welder undergoes are established by documents developed by NAKS. The procedure is carried out by certification centers, which are regional representative offices of NAKS. The certification commission includes certification experts who are certified and included in the NAKS register of experts, as well as representatives of Rostechnadzor. The received certificate confirms the professional level of the welder to perform specific work.

As part of the certification, the welder goes through several levels:

  1. Welder;
  2. Master welder;
  3. Welding technologist;
  4. Welding engineer.

Specialists of levels 2, 3 and 4, who are part of the management of enterprise divisions, must undergo mandatory certification. Specialists who need permission to work in hazardous or difficult conditions also undergo mandatory certification.

How to get a certificate

Any specialist who has the appropriate education, qualifications and the necessary professional training can undergo certification.

  • The candidate submits an application, documents on education and qualifications, and a certificate of employment to the certification center.
  • Within 3 days, makes a decision on approval of the application. If the application is rejected, the certification center will notify you in writing of the reason for rejecting the application.
  • consists of testing knowledge of welding theory and practical skills of a specialist. For level 1 certification, the test includes at least 15 theoretical questions, for welders of levels 2, 3 and 4 - at least 20 questions. Theoretical knowledge is tested using a computer or in writing using teaching materials developed by the certification body. An additional interview may also be conducted. The theoretical part is considered passed if the candidate answers 80% of the questions correctly.
  • When testing practical skills, they are guided by NAKS and GOST documents, which regulate the conduct of practical tests. The test is passed if the specialist has completed a practical task in accordance with the declared area of ​​certification. A candidate who successfully passes the test is issued a certificate.
  • If a candidate fails the theory or practical skills test, he has the right to retake this part within 3 months at the same certification center. A candidate who does not pass the re-test is considered to have failed the certification and receives a written refusal of certification.
  • The certificate number of a certified specialist is entered into the NAKS register. Using the registry, you can find out when the certification was carried out, the scope of certification, and the validity period of the document.

For welders the certificate is valid for 2 years, for welding production employees of levels 2 and 3 it is valid for 3 years, for level 4 - 5 years.

Types of certification

There are four types of certification for welding employees.

  1. Primary. For employees who do not have permission to weld.
  2. Additional. For employees who want to obtain access to work not specified in the certification certificate.
  3. Periodic. Carried out to extend the validity of documents.
  4. Extraordinary. For welders who have been suspended from work for any reason to obtain a new permit.

Types of certification of welders also differ according to the areas of the national economy that include technical devices. This can be NGDO (oil and gas production equipment), GO (gas equipment), OKhNVP (equipment for chemical, petrochemical, fire and explosion hazardous industries), KO (boiler equipment) and others. NAKS specialists independently develop methodological materials for the certification of employees who are involved in the installation and repair of NGDO, GO, OHNVP, KO and other equipment. In addition, the procedure for certification of welders and the types of welding work carried out at oil and gas production facilities are regulated by federal and industry regulations of Transneft OJSC. Since during certification the theoretical knowledge of oil and gas production facilities is tested, information about the necessary regulatory documents can be obtained on the website of Transneft OJSC or certification centers.