Free programs for small and medium businesses. Sending to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie

Very often, production owners are faced with the task of labeling finished products barcodes- to organize order in the warehouse and sales accounting. For example, in the production of clothing, shoes, furniture, spare parts, radio components, etc., it is with the automation of warehouse accounting that entrepreneurs begin to use the Torgsoft program.

Torgsoft has a function for printing labels with a unique barcode for manufactured products. But that's not all.

Possibilities programs for monitoring and managing the entire production process cycle:

  • Accounting for purchased materials, accessories, packaging, waste, defects; cost accounting for each production operation. All this is written down in the technological map in the program.
  • Accounting for actual materials used and labor costs for the production of a specific batch of goods. Calculation of the cost of the batch and each unit.
  • Automatic accounting of piecework wages for employees and maintaining payment history (payslips).
  • Printing route sheets and production reports with a list of operations, which automatically record the work performed and their performers;
  • Accounting for finished products coming from production to sale: quantity by model (size, color), markup, wholesale and retail price;
  • The price of goods for retail and wholesale buyers, depending on the purchased batch. Printing prices and specifications.

P.S. Every business, and especially production, has its own established management mechanisms and business processes. As practice shows, each type of production requires certain modifications to the program (specific reports, document forms, etc.). All these points are discussed and quite feasible; all you need is a clear idea and vision of the new program mode.

For all questions regarding the use and implementation of the Torgsoft program in production, please contact the Torgsoft Support Service:

Find out more about how the program works in mode Production, using the example of the description of sewing and knitting production in the article Accounting and management of sewing production in Torgsoft or in the video:

The free version of Debit Plus can be used by both entrepreneurs and small businesses. The system allows you to maintain warehouse records and includes a system for interacting with customers. The functions of the system include a balance sheet, fixed asset accounting, and wages. The program is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

Free version of the "Debit Plus" system:

  • Suitable for both entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  • Allows you to maintain warehouse accounting both with and without accounting (at the user's request).
  • Works on various OS - Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and DBMS - PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • It is completely ready to work under the conditions of Ukrainian legislation and is promptly updated in connection with its changes.

The system consists of the Eclipse RCP platform, the Debit+ module itself, which is distributed as a compiled jar and configuration.
The entire configuration is written in JavaScript, the forms are in XML. You can use Eclipse for development.
In fact, only one configuration is free - the one with accounting and small pieces of other sections. The rest are paid.
But no one is stopping you from freely modifying it to suit yourself, especially since the site has quite a lot of documentation and examples.

A pineapple. GNU General Public License is a free software license. Software under this license is free for use for any purpose.

Pineapple is a freely distributed accounting automation platform. The system will help automate purchases, sales, and report generation. This free analogue of 1C has distribution kits for Linux and Windows.

Its own technology. The program is free, but the exact license is not known.

"Own technology"- management accounting platform for small and medium-sized businesses. The basic configuration of the system, which meets the requirements of most Russian companies, is distributed free of charge, including for use in commercial organizations. License Agreement and Terms of Use.

Main features:

  • warehouse accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • accounting and analysis of sales of goods, products, services;
  • conducting mutual settlements with customers or suppliers;
  • accounting of cash flows at the cash desk, bank, ability to download data from the client bank.
  • registration of all necessary primary documents, printed forms that comply with the law;

For all accounting sections, you can generate register statements; in addition, a number of built-in and additional reports are available.
Reports and printable forms can be exported to Excel, Open Office, and also sent by email. It is possible to upload data to accounting programs (if the corresponding additional module is activated).

Benefits of the program:

  • High speed thanks to client-server technology
  • The network version allows a large number of users to work with a single database, which is unique for free programs of this class
  • Multi-company accounting in one database and the ability to work with several databases
  • Flexible reports with custom groupings and filters
  • Possibility of connecting commercial equipment (RS232 or USB emulation)
  • Automatic re-run when correcting old documents

Athena. The program is free, but the exact license is not known.

Development and operation of various accounting tasks (and not only accounting), each of which is created with its own database.

This is a two-in-one system. The developer uses it to build accounting projects, and the user operates the developed projects in it.

The system can be classified as part of the RAD - Rapid Application Development direction, a tool for rapid application development, but on the condition that the developer is not a beginner. The complex, as a tool for developing various accounting tasks, is not so simple. On the pages of this site, beginners will find a lot of information to familiarize themselves with or master the system.

Athena exists in two versions: in the form of single-user and network assemblies.
A project completed using one assembly will work in another.
A few words about the differences between the assemblies are given on the "Download" page.

Athena is distributed free of charge without any conditions or guarantees.

Openbravo. Free ERP system with open source.

Wide, versatile functionality
Rich functional content: End-to-end financial accounting, Sales and CRM, Purchasing, Warehouse, Production, and Project and service management
Built-in extensible environment: Best of Openbravo, third-party modules and vertical solutions for best implementations
Expansion of organizational structure: Simple expansion from a mono-company to a multi-company structure with its own business units and warehouses

True open WEB architecture
Ease of use WEB: Simple and secure access to all functionality associated with WEB services, quick integration with other applications.
Easy to change and update: Most unique modifications are done without programming
Deployment flexibility: Mono or multi-company, on Windows or Linux, at home or at a service provider - you choose the ideal conditions

Low cost of ownership
High returns at minimal cost
Minimum initial investment: The “Pay only for services” model reduces the investment burden and allows you to clearly control the cost of the result obtained
Transparent pricing: Simplicity and clarity, no hidden fees, no license overpayments
Quick start, high results: Quick start with initial functionality and inexpensive cost of developing functionality in the future

GrossBee . GrossBee offers its customers a unique opportunity for such systems - to receive a fully functional single-user version of the GrossBee XXI system for free.

The enterprise management system "GrossBee XXI" belongs to the ERP class systems and is designed for complex automation of trading and manufacturing enterprises of various sizes: from corporations to small companies. The system solves problems of accounting and planning of material and financial resources, production, analysis of enterprise performance indicators, and many others.

All functions of the system are implemented as a set of interconnected modules that actively interact with each other and together form a single, holistic application. The modules are replaceable, allowing you to develop customized solutions for specific businesses.

The modules are combined into subsystems, each of which is used to solve specific problems. For example, the material accounting subsystem “deals” with the movement of inventory items, the cash and non-cash accounting subsystem deals with banking and cash transactions, etc.

The structure of the GrossBee XXI system is shown in the figure (click on the corresponding subsystem for detailed information):

GrossBee XXI includes the following main subsystems:

  • Material accounting subsystem
  • Contract accounting subsystem
  • Material resources planning subsystem
  • Production accounting subsystem
  • Production planning subsystem
  • Cash accounting subsystem
  • Cash planning subsystem
  • Subsystem for accounting for debts and settlements with counterparties
  • Fixed asset accounting subsystem
  • Accounting subsystem
  • Personnel accounting and payroll subsystem
  • Economic analysis subsystem
  • Enterprise economic monitoring subsystem
  • Administrative functions

All subsystems use a common database and exchange information with each other, which makes it possible to create a unified information environment at the enterprise, common to all its divisions. In general, the division into modules is quite arbitrary. For example, the material resources planning subsystem uses both data on the balance of goods in the enterprise's warehouses and information from the accounting and production planning subsystems, the fixed assets accounting subsystem receives data on equipment wear and tear from the production accounting subsystem, etc.

It should be noted that the system continues to actively develop; new modules and subsystems are constantly appearing in it, which are easily connected to others within the overall system architecture.

VS: Accounting. Accounting module - Free!

VS:Accounting is a program for maintaining accounting records for small and medium-sized enterprises. It allows accounting for organizations with both general and simplified taxation systems.

What is included in the Accounting module:

  • General taxation regime and specialized tax regimes of the simplified tax system, UTII.
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses.
  • Tax return according to the simplified tax system.
  • Tax return for UTII.
  • Accounting for fixed assets.
  • Accounting for inventories and services.
  • Accounting for cash transactions and formation of a cash book.
  • Accounting for current account transactions.
  • Accounting for trade operations in wholesale and retail, accounting for goods at sales prices, calculation of trade margins.
  • Accounting for settlements with accountable persons and generation of advance reports.
  • Accounting for settlements with counterparties, generation of reconciliation reports.
  • Formation of a sales book, a purchase book and invoice journals.
  • Formation and uploading of accounting and tax reporting in electronic form.
  • Current reporting forms.
  • Standard accounting reports: turnover sheet, analytical account and others (with drilling function).
  • Different ways of entering transactions: using standard operations, posting documents, manually.
  • Client-bank.

Other paid modules can be found at the office. website.

  • Salary and personnel
  • Personalized accounting
  • Trade
  • Stock


The system began to develop through the efforts of Fabien Pinckaers in 2000. Tiny ERP soon began to be implemented in the public trading market.

Until the end of 2004, Fabien Pinckaers combined in one person the developer, manager, and distributor of Tiny. In September 2004 (when he completed his research), other programmers were brought in to develop and distribute Tiny ERP.

By 2006, the program was successfully used in specialized bookstores, distribution companies, and service companies.

At this time, the TinyForge resource opens. Since then, developers from all over the world have been involved in the development of modules.

A stable version is released every 4-6 months, and a developer version is released every month. In June 2007, in version 4.1.1, a “web client” appeared, allowing you to use all the capabilities of the system using a regular browser.

In July 2008, Launchpad became the platform for organizing the work of the OpenERP community, and the system itself became more open to translators and developers. Also in 2008, the first version of the OpenERP book was written, replacing the system documentation. Since 2009, OpenERP has been included in the Ubuntu and Debian packages.

Technical features

  • Python programming language
  • Server-client interaction is implemented using the XML-RPC protocol
  • The server part uses PostgreSQL as a DBMS
  • GTK-based clients
  • Ajax based web client
  • A web client has been developed to work using mobile devices (currently access through it is read-only)
  • Modular structure


  • Accounting
  • Asset accounting
  • Budget
  • Human Resource Management - HRM
  • Products (goods)
  • Production
  • Sales
  • Procurement
  • Warehouse management
  • SCRUM - project management for software development
  • Order lunches to the office
  • Project management

Official website of the program:


Standard configurations - free

How Tria works

The Tria platform was created in the image and likeness of the most widespread software product in the vast expanses of the former USSR - 1C Enterprise. Just like 1C, the ready-made solution consists of two parts - the platform (launched application) and the database.

Comparison with 1C or a little history

The Tria system was not born out of nowhere. At first, the developers were creating non-standard solutions based on 1C 7.7. As a result of consistent research, a mechanism for business operations was born.

The essence of this mechanism is that the entire logic of document behavior is not contained in code in a programming language, but is specified using a special reference book Business transactions.

As a result, we received the following advantages:

  • The logic of document operation can be changed on the fly, while other users continue to work in the database.
  • The process of making changes to the configuration has been significantly simplified and accelerated, and consequently, the cost of support has been significantly reduced. What a programmer does in 1C in a day can be done in TRIA in an hour.
  • The level of requirements for a TRIA customizer/implementer has been significantly reduced. People who did not know how to program configured the wiring themselves and radically changed the logic of the program. The emphasis in the requirements for implementers has shifted: first of all, specialists must know the subject area, understand the methodology of work, and only then be specialists in TRIA.

Naturally, Tria turned out to be ideologically similar to 1C. The same hierarchical structure directories, documents, document journals, registers. There is no chart of accounts and periodic details yet - it is planned over time. Essentially, this is something similar to the “Operational accounting” or “trade” component in 1C.

Here, of course, I would like to draw a comparison table, especially since 1C is familiar inside and out, but many will consider this as anti-advertising. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to a very brief summary: in 1C you can do almost everything that the user wants. The only question is time, money and a good specialist. Our software is more limited in functionality, but everything that can be done in Tria is much easier and faster, and therefore cheaper. At the same time, programming requires a significantly lesser degree of specialist training.

The main competitive advantage is a significant reduction in costs for the purchase, implementation, modifications and IT support of your software.

The configurations offered in TRIA contain all the experience of successfully running the business of our clients. They receive not only the program, but also constant recommendations and suggestions to increase the profitability of their companies. We are proud of the achievements of our clients, that over 4 years of using TRIA in the Lugansk region, not a single client has stopped their business, but on the contrary, despite the crisis, they are successfully developing.

Tria Specifications

For normal operation of Tria, a Pentium 150, 32 megabytes of RAM, and 15 megabytes of disk space are sufficient. The larger the database size and the volume of entered information, the more power the computer (on which the database is located) is required.

The Tria platform is a portable application - i.e. a program that does not require installation. You can install the program by simply copying the entire directory, and carry your accounting on a flash drive. On any computer you can issue documents or receive information about balances.

The free Firebird SQL server is used as a data storage (there are server versions for both Windows and free operating systems (Linux, FreeBSD)).

For single-user work, by default it is proposed to work with the embedded version of the Firebird server, which does not require its separate installation and administration.

You can read more about Firebird's capabilities here:

  • – manufacturer’s website
  • is the website of the company that took part in the development of this server. Contains a lot of useful information in Russian.
  •, are sites where you can communicate with programmers who operated this server.

Organization of structural divisions
The system can simulate complex multi-level structures of workshops and technological sections. Raw materials, components or semi-finished products can be moved from one site to another. The system has a convenient form for viewing the availability of material assets in any of the divisions or in all areas as a whole.

Technological maps and replacement maps
Each finished product may contain a description of the list of materials, parts and assemblies, as well as the consumption rates per unit of product required for its manufacture. In turn, any constituent components may have their own assembly specifications. For each product or semi-finished product, several options for both components and their consumption rates, the so-called replacement cards, can be defined.

Production documents - assembly and disassembly invoices
When creating overhead assemblies and when selecting a finished product, the program calculates how much of a given product can be produced from the existing inventory at the selected production site, detailing the various assembly options. Invoice assemblies in the system simultaneously receive the finished product and write off the components of the selected option in the quantity specified in the instructions, but the user can enter the actual amount of materials. In the reports you can see deviations from production standards.
Each finished product can have its own unique number, and the composition of a complex product can be controlled down to the serial numbers.
Production of unique products, without prescribing components and their consumption rates
Finished products can be “assembled” without specifying the composition, i.e. create unique products every time. With this assembly option, the program also establishes connections between the finished product and the elements used to make it.

Arbitrary disassembly of the product
This function is convenient for replacing components in a finished product, for example, in the event of eliminating a defect or manufacturing defect. Disassembly is used in technological processes that are essentially similar to cutting, when several parts are obtained from one whole. The disassembly mechanism is the reverse of assembly.

Product cost calculation
In the system, you can make a preliminary calculation of the planned cost of both individual units of production and the entire production cycle. Documentation of production processes forms the actual cost of production, as it takes into account the real cost of consumables, deviations in specifications due to replacements or changes in consumption rates and the number of defects produced. The receipt of finished products at the warehouse can be measured in both standard and actual production costs.

Formation of limit-fence cards
To fulfill the production plan, limit and intake maps are drawn up to determine the need for consumables. Based on limit and intake maps, movements of materials necessary for production are made between warehouses and workshops. Complete documentation allows you to reflect the standard and above-limit quantities of materials used in the production of each type of product.

Formation of production programs
In the system, based on the analysis of sales demand, you can generate orders for the purchase of materials and draw up production programs. The production of interchangeable semi-finished products can be carried out based on forecast demand, and final assembly is carried out as orders are received from customers. Thus, complete control of the technological process is exercised - from orders for the supply of raw materials and components to the release of finished products.

Production reports

  • Production turnover sheet - a report presenting the beginning and ending balances, as well as detailing all movements of inventory items for a selected period, including the release of materials into production and the receipt of finished products from production.
  • The production report shows how many products of the selected product group were manufactured during the specified period with the calculated actual cost, as well as a list of components used for the production of these products in the amount of actual consumption rates.
  • Technological maps - this report presents finished products with a price according to the selected price list and with a list of components, consumption rates, and replacement maps attached.
Tailored Features for Industry Solutions
For sewing production, for example, cutting of a model can be done from precisely defined and marked rolls, and the selection of the required rolls can be optimized. Cutting maps, route sheets, fence maps and other production documents are drawn up.
For instrument-making industries, individual component parts can be assigned a unique code, thanks to which any movement of this material value during the production process and subsequent sale of the finished product can be easily tracked.

The SLS-Production program is designed to automate the planning and accounting of materials at a manufacturing enterprise that manufactures products according to customer orders.

The program covers all stages of the company's work: receiving applications from customers, drawing up a production plan based on them, reserving materials, producing and distributing finished products to customers.

The SLS-Production program makes it possible to timely obtain accurate data for analyzing the movement of materials in production, making decisions on the supply and sale of products. You will know exactly what products are being produced, what quantities need to be produced, what the cost of production will be, what materials are needed to produce these products, and in what quantities they will be needed.

It is important that you can track the implementation of the production plan in the context of a specific workshop, an individual customer request and for each product name.

By optimizing the management of material resources, a manufacturing enterprise can reduce costs while increasing its profits.

The SLS-Production program is designed for enterprises whose operating technology is described by a production cycle limited in time. The production cycle can be of any length, such as a day or a week. During the production cycle, the enterprise must fulfill a certain set of orders from customers. As a rule, a similar production model is used in the food industry, public catering, bakeries, confectioneries, and in the production of cosmetic products.

The main objects of the program that describe the production process are Production plan And Production task.

Each production cycle at the enterprise as a whole is described using Production plan. The production plan contains information about the quantity of finished products that need to be produced during the production cycle, a list of customer accounts for which the plan is generated, and a list of production tasks for the workshops involved in this production cycle.

Each Production task completely describes the production process within one workshop. The production task contains a list of finished products and semi-finished products produced by a given workshop, as well as the raw materials necessary for the operation of the workshop. The production process is monitored within the framework of a production task using acts of acceptance of raw materials or semi-finished products from raw material warehouses or from other workshops, acts of completing finished products and semi-finished products and acts of moving products to other workshops or to a finished goods warehouse.

Within each product - semi-finished or finished product - the technology of its production is described using configuration schemes, showing from which products, in what quantity, this product is completed (produced, prepared), and also reflecting its cost.

Assumptions and limitations:

  • Planning and control in the system is carried out only for material resources (raw materials, ingredients, finished products, etc.). Production resources (labor and equipment) are considered unlimited.
  • One production cycle corresponds to one production plan drawn up in the program. The program allows you to simultaneously control an unlimited number of production cycles, but only one production plan can begin on one day.
  • All ingredients or components used in production enter production at the same time, and all finished products are manufactured by the same end of the production cycle.
  • The production task is formed for each workshop as a whole and does not contain division into work areas, jobs and shifts. Production tasks for workshops can be updated any number of times during the period of implementation of the production plan.
  • In each production cycle, any number of raw material warehouses and production workshops can be involved in the production process, but finished products must arrive at only one warehouse. Each item of raw material, semi-finished product or finished product can be stored or manufactured in only one warehouse.
  • The dates of all documents drawn up for the production cycle must fall within the period of implementation of the production plan describing this production cycle.

Description of the production structure of the enterprise

Before starting to work with the program, it is necessary to describe the structure of the enterprise:

  • raw material warehouses where goods are received from suppliers,
  • production workshops where products are manufactured,
  • warehouses of finished products from which goods are shipped to customers,
  • product range - raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products,
  • configuration schemes for semi-finished and finished products.

For each product that is produced at the enterprise, the program records configuration diagram– a list of other goods from which this product is produced, indicating the quantity required to produce a unit of the completed product, and the cost of the components included in the complete product. Any product produced can be used as a component for another product produced at the enterprise.

Production cycle

The user is offered the following model for using the capabilities of the SLS-Production program to manage resources at the enterprise; the figure shows a general diagram of the production cycle; below is a step-by-step description of the work.

1. Before the start of each production cycle, the user creates a new Production plan for this production cycle.

2. By the beginning of the production cycle, the system must have formed Minimum production plan. The minimum production plan reflects the constant needs of the enterprise for the production of certain products, so that the total quantity of each type of product produced is not less than in the minimum plan. The minimum plan is formed in the system by including in the current production plan preliminary requests from customers, registered in the program as invoices to customers, or according to the preliminary forecast of the enterprise itself for the sale of manufactured products.

3. When the minimum plan is completed, at the user’s command, the system will generate Production targets according to the minimum production plan for workshops and warehouses of the enterprise. Production tasks according to the minimum plan allow all workshops of the enterprise to begin work before all customer requests for the current production cycle are received.

4. During the entire production cycle, the user can accept orders from customers and add them to the current production plan, creating Basic industrial plan.

5. As applications are received, the user can create any number of times Production tasks according to the main production plan and transfer updated production tasks to the workshops. The program can print the following forms reflecting the production process:

  • A production task for a workshop is a list of products produced by the workshop, indicating the planned and actual quantities and the warehouses where they will be transferred.
  • A collection card for a workshop is a document containing a list of raw materials and semi-finished products that the workshop needs to receive from another workshop or warehouse.
  • Packing list - a list of finished products produced by the workshop, indicating the customers for whom they were produced.

6. Planned production process The program reflects documents created automatically when generating production tasks according to the minimum and basic plan:

  • acts of reserving raw materials or semi-finished products for transfer from raw material warehouses or from other workshops,
  • acts of expected completion of finished products and semi-finished products,
  • acts of reserving products for movement to other workshops or to a finished product warehouse.

7. Information about actual production process the user enters manually during the execution of production tasks in the current production cycle, generating the following documents:

  • acts of acceptance of raw materials or semi-finished products from raw material warehouses or from other workshops,
  • acts of actual packaging of finished products and semi-finished products,
  • acts of moving products to other workshops or to a finished product warehouse.

8. In this way, the actual quantities of raw materials consumed and the analysis of planned and actual production costs are carried out.

9. As final products are produced and shipped to customers, the program issues invoices to customers. Customer payments for completed orders and prepayments for upcoming deliveries are recorded.

10. At the end of the production cycle, when all the actual data is entered into the program, the user fills out closing the production plan. The program deletes those planned transfer and reservation operations that were not “closed” by actual operations and are no longer relevant.

The described scheme of working with the program allows the user to monitor in real time the entire production process at the enterprise, analyze material and financial costs, the volume of products produced and the efficiency of workshops. In addition, the program has the ability to generate various reports on the state of inventory in warehouses, in production shops, on settlements with counterparties, on profits and losses of the enterprise as a whole.

The SLS-Production program runs under the Microsoft Windows operating system and is available in single-user and network versions.

You can get more detailed information about the program from our consultants.

Tariffs and prices

All tariffs, except the “Start” tariff, include expert support and sending reports via the Internet

Comfort. Accounting

Comfort. Salary and personnel

Rate. "Start"

The most economical tariff - suitable for practicing professionals or accountants who are looking for an economical solution for simple accounting that does not require expert assistance from BukhSoft specialists on accounting and reporting issues.
Accounting + Salary and personnel - everything you need for work except for electronic reporting.
Taxation regimes: LLC - all regimes, individual entrepreneur - “simplified”.


  • Accounting program
  • (no sending)
  • Multiplayer mode
  • Full import from 1C
  • Integration with online cash registers

Comfort. Accounting + Salary and HR

Full tariff of the BukhSoft accounting program for those who value comfort in work. Internet reporting and expert support service for accounting and reporting are included.
Buying "BukhSoft" with the "Comfort" tariff. Accounting + Salary and HR”, you will no longer need to purchase any additional information services. All information for work is already in your program.
We recommend the modern online version of the program.


  • Accounting program
  • Multiplayer mode
  • Checking counterparties
  • Automatic recognition of primary documents
  • Full import from 1C
  • Integration with online cash registers
  • Integration with banks (Tinkoff, Alfa Bank)
  • Reporting preparation and testing

Comfort. Accounting

For those who do not want to overpay for unnecessary options. Suitable if you do not need to keep salary and personnel records. This is a full-fledged Comfort tariff, with the included service of sending reports via the Internet and expert support on accounting and reporting issues. There is only no block for maintaining salary and personnel records.
Tax regimes: LLC - any regime, individual entrepreneur - “simplified”.
We recommend the modern online version of the program.


  • Accounting program (only the “Accounting” block)
  • Online support (chat, phone, mail)
  • Multiplayer mode
  • Checking counterparties
  • Automatic recognition of primary documents
  • Full import from 1C
  • Integration with online cash registers
  • Integration with banks (Tinkoff, Alfa Bank)
  • Reporting preparation and testing
  • Sending reports via the Internet
  • Accounting help system
  • Reporting preparation and testing
  • Sending reports via the Internet
  • Accounting help system