Sample letter of gratitude to the lawyer for resolving the case. Letter of thanks from a law firm

If there is a need to express gratitude to any organization, then it is convenient to do this with the help of a letter of gratitude. This is a business thank you letter that can be sent to your partner in person, by mail, or online. You can download a sample letter from the link at the end of the article.

How to write a thank you letter?

If it is written by one organization with the purpose of expressing gratitude for something to another organization, then it is logical to draw up this document on company letterhead. This will make the letter look formal and businesslike.

The structure of a thank you letter is discussed in detail in this article. You can read it.

When addressing a letter to an organization, you must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the head of this organization, as well as the name of the enterprise itself.

The text should also indicate what the organization is grateful for. As a rule, one organization can thank another for long-term relationships, mutually beneficial partnerships, successful negotiations, hospitality during a personal visit, timely services and work, timely delivered goods, etc.

A letter of gratitude drawn up in this way must be signed by the head of the organization that compiled the document.

A sample thank you letter might look like this:

Dear Pyotr Nikolaevich!

Letter of gratitude from the organization

Letters of thanks between legal entities are also common and accepted as written thanks addressed to people. Their content is distinguished by a business style, restraint and fairly strict formality.

In this case, the formatting of the text of the letter must obey certain rules. What rules you need to follow when writing a text can be read in the article: How to write a thank you letter.

Letters of gratitude to the organization can be responsive or proactive.

If you need to write a thank you letter to an organization, we offer several text writing samples.

1. Text of the letter of gratitude from the organization for conducting employee training.

Dear Valery Nikolaevich!

JSC "Gamma" expresses gratitude to the consulting company "Garant-consulting" for the training of employees in the field of "industrial processing of non-ferrous metals".

As a result of the training, the level of professionalism of employees has significantly increased, which has a positive effect on labor productivity, as well as production safety. As a result of training, our employees:

  • Increased your competence in production issues
  • Developed skills to work with the latest equipment
  • Mastered effective techniques for performing technological operations.
  • OJSC Gamma expresses hope for further cooperation with your company and recommends that all enterprises in the industry conduct employee training with the involvement of the Garant-Consulting company.


    OJSC Gamma O.A. Sysuev

    2. Sample text of a letter of gratitude addressed to the organization for participation in the event

    The administration of the city of Avachinsk expresses its sincere gratitude to the management and staff of Sochielectrostoy CJSC for their participation and full support of the “Do good in your native land” campaign held at the beginning of summer. Thanks to the professionalism and spiritual impulse of the team of JSC Sochielectrostoy, the action attracted a record number of participants and achieved its goal, namely, uniting people from different social strata in helping those in need.

    Head of Administration Z.K. Zaitsev

    3. Sample letter of gratitude to the organization for cooperation

    The management of the Trans-Stroy-Export company notes with a feeling of deep satisfaction that for 20 years, on mutually beneficial terms, it has been closely cooperating with Vagondetal OJSC. Over the course of all these years, not only business relations have developed between our companies, but also relations of mutual understanding and mutual assistance in the difficult conditions of a market economy. Joint participation in various charity events and events brought our teams together.

    The Trans-Stroy-Export company thanks Vagondetal OJSC for its long-term cooperation and expresses confidence in the continuation of this cooperation in the future.

    Chairman of the Board

    "Trans-Stroy-Export" N.S. Deryagin

    A thank you letter is a business document that can be addressed to an organization or a specific person. In this article we offer several options for writing a letter of gratitude for a legal entity - an organization.

    As a rule, a letter is written from another organization with the purpose of thanking for the reception provided, a sincere meeting, active participation in a joint event, successful negotiations, long-term cooperation, timely delivered goods, well-done work or services provided. It can also be a response to a letter of invitation or a letter of congratulations.

    There are many reasons for writing such a document; usually partners write letters of gratitude to each other, this allows you to be more loyal towards each other and improves the image of the companies.

    A letter of gratitude to the organization is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead.

    On a note! We also offer options for formatting a thank you letter for cooperation - download. for an employee - download.

    Texts of a letter of gratitude to the organization

    1. Text of the letter of gratitude for the hospitable welcome

    Dear Pyotr Nikolaevich!

    Thank you for the warm welcome and hospitality provided during our visit to you.

    We hope that the negotiations held during the reception will contribute to the further strengthening and development of partnerships.


    Director of Alpha LLC Nikolaev A.A. Nikolaev

    2. Text of the organization’s letter of gratitude for timely delivery of goods

    Alliance LLC expresses its sincere gratitude to Mebelshchik LLC for the fast and timely delivery of upholstered furniture in 2014.

    We express confidence in maintaining and strengthening existing business relations, and hope for long-term and successful cooperation.

    Director of Alliance LLC Popov A.A. Popov

    3. Text of the letter of gratitude to the organization for cooperation

    Interplus LLC expresses sincere gratitude to Forestry LLC for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation in 2014.

    Thank you for your individual approach and uninterrupted work in 2014.

    We hope to continue our cooperation and strengthen our relationship.

    Director of Interplus LLC Ivanov V.A.Ivanov

    You can read how to write a thank you letter in this article. where you will find useful recommendations and tips for preparing this document.

    Letter of gratitude from the organization

    A thank you letter is a type of formal letter expressing gratitude for some assignment, help or service. When compiling it, you do not need to follow strict rules; if possible, it is better to print it on your organization’s letterhead.

    Sample letter of gratitude to an organization

    2. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to the organization for cooperation.

    To the Director of Neftetruboprovodtekhnika LLC Dolzhansky D.A. Dear Denis Alekseevich!

    I, as the head of the company KonsaltResurs CJSC, would like to express my gratitude to you for the mutually beneficial cooperation and timely payment of your orders. I hope next year we will continue to cooperate fruitfully and our partnership will strengthen. I would like to wish your company new large-scale projects that will make your company even more successful and bring you greater profits!

    Application, Act, International passport, Resume, Characteristics, Receipt, Autobiography, Order ↓

    Letter #1:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] expresses gratitude to [name of organization] for their professionalism and dedication in their work.

    Our firm has repeatedly turned to specialists from [name of organization] for legal advice and support, and has always received qualified assistance from lawyers.

    A flexible approach and responsibility in work helped our company minimize financial and legal risks and improve the legal support of the company’s activities.

    We wish you further success and look forward to fruitful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] has been cooperating with [name of organization] for several years now. All this time, [name of organization] has successfully provided qualified services to represent interests in the courts.

    The specialists of the company [name of organization] demonstrated excellent knowledge of the law and the ability to apply new progressive legal and economic technologies.

    We express our deep gratitude for the effective work and hope for further successful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the staff of the law firm [name of organization] for the high quality and efficiency of the services provided. The main advantage of employees is the ability to quickly, skillfully and conscientiously perform assigned tasks, as well as the commitment and accuracy shown in the process of work.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the employees of the law firm [name of organization] for their professional and prompt assistance in resolving corporate issues in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

    With hope for further fruitful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #5:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to all the specialists and employees of [name of organization] for the timely services provided in bringing the constituent documents into compliance.

    We thank you for your cooperation and wish further growth and prosperity to your company!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #6:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to the law firm [name of organization] for resolving issues in the field of legal support for the activities of companies, providing clients with qualified assistance in the process of opening accounts for legal entities, as well as quality and high professionalism in their work.

    We hope for further fruitful cooperation and wish further prosperity to the company.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #7:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] expresses sincere gratitude to company [name of organization] for the professionalism and quality of services provided.

    In the process of working together, we became convinced of the high qualifications of the employees of [organization name], which allows them to successfully solve problems of any complexity.

    We hope that you will not change your chosen policy of communication with clients and will remain a reliable and trustworthy partner for a long time.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #8:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the employees of [organization name] for their services. It is pleasant to note the qualifications and professional competence of the lawyers, attentiveness and accuracy when preparing documents.

    I would like to continue mutually beneficial partnerships with your company and wish you success in your professional career.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #9:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank [name of organization] for their professionalism and competence. It is pleasant to emphasize that the company’s employees have such qualities as commitment, punctuality, and the ability to quickly navigate in the most difficult situations.

    We wish your company continued success and look forward to continuing to work together.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #10:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] thanks the employees of [name of organization] for their professionalism, competence, attentiveness and accuracy when working with clients. [name of organization] has established itself as a serious company that clearly fulfills its tasks and is results-oriented.

    We hope to continue cooperation in the future!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #11:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    The management and team of [organization name] sincerely thanks you for the competent, professional assistance provided in resolving the company’s legal issues.

    I would like to note the prompt response to all the nuances that arise during the work process. We especially note lively human participation and interest in achieving results.

    Thank you for your fruitful work and your individual approach to our company. We hope to continue the existing business relationship.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #12:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [organization name] would like to thank the staff of [organization name]. The high qualifications, professionalism and commitment of our lawyers allowed us to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues in the field of legal support for our company.

    We hope for further fruitful cooperation and sincerely wish prosperity to your company!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #13:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to all the specialists, employees of [name of organization] and personally to the lawyer [last name, first name, patronymic] for business cooperation and prompt solution of the assigned tasks.

    Letter #14:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Let me express my sincere gratitude to the team of [name of organization] for the qualified legal assistance provided.

    We highly appreciate the quality of services and professionalism of your organization’s lawyers.

    We hope that further cooperation will be just as effective and fruitful.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #15:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    With this letter we express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the professional and legal support provided to our company.

    In the market for the provision of legal services, your company has established itself as one of the best and reliable organizations capable of efficiently and competently organizing the work of an enterprise in the field of legal and economic activities.

    Good luck, success and growth in your professional activities!

    A low human bow to him that there are still such highly qualified lawyers who serve people and give hope to live and think that not everyone in our country is corrupt and God bless you and your team. Once again, sincere words of gratitude that there are noble, honest, decent specialists in our city. With respect to you, the Antonov family. Letter of gratitude Dear Yakovlev Andrey Yuryevich, I express my sincere gratitude to you for the professional legal assistance you provided. You proved yourself to be an excellent lawyer during the preliminary investigation and representing my interests in court. I would like to note your professionalism. competence, honesty, integrity. Thank you very much! Sincerely, Davydenko Roman Olegovich. Chairman of OOKA-1, st. Lenin 15 to Malfanov Sergei Aleksandrovich from citizen of the Russian Federation Azimov Ali Ramizovich 01/13/79.

    Letter of thanks from a law firm

    It was very pleasant to feel the efficiency and technically competent attitude to work on the part of your company’s employees during the entire period of our cooperation. I would like to especially note the contribution of manager Ivan Pavlovich Gorelikov. His professionalism and deep knowledge of the matter allowed us to reduce the time required to complete the work and significantly reduce costs.

    We look forward to further successful development of our business relations. We wish you and your company new achievements and financial well-being! General Director K.F. Sporochkin Letter of thanks - another sample design Public organization "Krasnoyarsk Kopytsev A.F.
    Regional Federation of Tourism and Sports" st. Dugovaya, 189 Krasnoyarsk, 620024 st. Kommunistov, 87,

    Thanks to lawyers

    Director of Interplus LLC Ivanov V.A.Ivanov Letter of thanks for cooperation Contents Letter of thanks for cooperation is a business letter that expresses gratitude on behalf of the head of the organization to his partner for the high-quality and timely delivery of goods, work performed, services rendered. How to write a letter of gratitude for cooperation A letter of gratitude for cooperation has the same details as a business letter: Write the position, surname and initials of the employee of the organization to whom words of gratitude for cooperation are addressed. An optional element of a thank you letter – indicated as necessary.

    • Appeal.

    Write down the last name, first name, and patronymic of the person to whom gratitude is expressed.

    Reviews and thanks

    Letter No. 4 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, I, the General Director of LLC, together with my entire team, express my sincere gratitude to the Stroy Master company. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Luxury shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example of quality and professionalism. We hope that we will collaborate with your team many times in the future.


    Best regards, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 5 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, LLC is in a hurry to thank you for your cooperation. We are sincerely glad to have the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for your decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

    We will try to ensure that our partnerships remain mutually beneficial and fruitful in the future.

    How to write a thank you letter - sample design

    Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #7: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, [name of organization] expresses sincere gratitude to the company [name of organization] for the professionalism and quality of services provided. In the process of working together, we became convinced of the high qualifications of the employees of [organization name], which allows them to successfully solve problems of any complexity. We hope that you will not change your chosen policy of communication with clients and will remain a reliable and trustworthy partner for a long time.

    Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #8: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, We thank the employees of [organization name] for the services provided. It is pleasant to note the qualifications and professional competence of the lawyers, attentiveness and accuracy when preparing documents. I would like to continue mutually beneficial partnerships with your company and wish you success in your professional career.

    Letter of thanks for cooperation (samples)


    She handled my case competently and professionally helped me correct a long-standing mistake. According to Nikolai Konkov, there are no random people among Oryol lawyers. People who truly care about the misfortune of others and are dedicated to their work work here.

    2016 To the President of the Bar Chamber of the Oryol Region Malfanov Sergei Aleksandrovich Kiyutin Viktor Viktorovich LETTER OF THANK YOU Dear Sergei Alexandrovich! I express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the lawyers of the Oryol Central Bar Association Olga Aleksandrovna Obraztsova and Liliya Viktorovna Komolova for the successful defense of my rights in the European Court of Human Rights.


    Also indicated as needed.

    • Text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation Contains words of gratitude for cooperation and an expression of hope for the further development of partnership relations.
    • Signature. Signature of the head of the organization, which expresses gratitude for cooperation, his position, surname and initials.
    • Sample letter of gratitude for cooperation Real LLC expresses deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to MebelOpt OJSC for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture in 2012. Stable shipments allowed us to carry out our activities uninterruptedly and attract regular customers. We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations and hope for further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.

    Sample gratitude for cooperation

    We sincerely hope to cooperate with you many times in the future! Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, I, General Director of LLC, together with my entire team, express my sincere gratitude to the Stroy Master company. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Luxury shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example of quality and professionalism. We hope that we will collaborate with your team many times in the future.
    Best regards, Petr Ivanov. Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, LLC is in a hurry to thank you for your cooperation. We are sincerely glad to have the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for your decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

    Thank you letter for good work sample form

    The high qualifications, professionalism and commitment of our lawyers allowed us to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues in the field of legal support for our company. We hope for further fruitful cooperation and sincerely wish prosperity to your company! Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #13: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, We express our gratitude to all the specialists, employees of [organization name] and personally to the lawyer [last name, first name, patronymic] for business cooperation and prompt solution of the tasks. Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #14: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, Let me express my sincere gratitude to the team of [name of organization] for the qualified legal assistance provided. We highly appreciate the quality of services and professionalism of your organization’s lawyers. We hope that further cooperation will be just as effective and fruitful.

    Text of gratitude to an employee sample form

    You, Elena Anatolyevna, direct all your knowledge to providing legal assistance to your clients, devote yourself completely to your professional activities, without reserve, and therefore deserve the highest praise. Sincerely, Anisimova Zinoida Egorovna. 08/10/2011 To the Chairman of the Presidium of the Oryol Regional Bar Association, Orel, st. Lenin. 15 Attesting witnesses of Roman Nikolaevich Statement. I was convicted under Art. by the magistrate of the Zavodsky district of Orel. 112 and art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, I was sentenced to three years in prison. For legal assistance, I turned to the lawyer of the regional bar association, Evgeniy Valerievich Ulanov. Having studied the case materials, lawyer E.V. Ulanov informed me about the illegality of this verdict and the need to appeal it. Ulanov E.V. a complaint against the sentence was filed. Based on the results of the consideration of the complaint, the case was again considered by the magistrate court.

    Sample gratitude to a lawyer

    And more Victories in the courts of Russia, with the goal of ensuring that citizens are never again accused of illegal criminal prosecution. 05/20/2014 Azimov A.R. Dear Sergey Alexandrovich! I sincerely congratulate you and your colleagues on your professional holiday - Lawyers' Day. I would like to wish you success in your work, good health and all the best. I also want to thank you for the fact that we have real legal professionals working in our city. The lawyer Yuri Vladimirovich Yakovlev, who joined and represented my interests, competently and professionally studied all the intricacies of the case and helped me. Thanks to this wonderful professional, I believed in the justice and legality of the Russian court. I ask you to encourage Yuri Vladimirovich Yakovlev for his responsible approach to work and high professionalism. With sincere respect and best wishes to you.

    Let it not be the one who provided the service, but the one who received it, who speaks about the service.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

    This section presents reviews of my work and letters of gratitude received from clients and partners, namely.

    Reviews from individuals on legal assistance

    I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for your legal assistance in solving a complex housing issue, representation of interests in court and advice on various legal issues.

    Thanks to your professionalism and focus on achieving results on all the issues with which I approached you, I was able to achieve resolution of these issues in my favor.

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    I express my deep gratitude to you for the competent legal advice on issues related to labor legislation, as well as the conscientiousness, commitment and accuracy shown in the process of work.

    Thanks to the fact that you prepared legal opinions on labor issues that interested me in a timely manner and in the most accessible form, I was able to understand a difficult situation and, following your recommendations, achieve a fair court decision.

    It is pleasant to note the competence, clarity and attentiveness in the preparation of documents.

    I would like to wish you not to change your chosen policy of communication with clients and achieve many more achievements in the professional field.

    I express my deep gratitude to the wonderful lawyer and business consultant Alexey Dudin for his qualified legal support for the purchase of an apartment in a new building by assignment, when moving to a permanent place of residence in another region of Russia.

    Alexey Dudin checked the offer of the assignment agreement, identified important shortcomings and errors that were corrected during the signing of the agreement. Alexey also provided competent legal advice on the process of concluding the agreement, as well as on the documentation that should be received by the buyer after the transaction.

    Alexey Dudin showed real legal literacy and knowledge on the topic of my appeal.

    I wish Alexey Dudin not to rest on his laurels and success in his current and future projects.

    With this letter I would like to note the professionalism of Alexey Sergeevich Dudin, who helped successfully win two administrative cases in the magistrate’s court against the district traffic police department. I received prompt assistance in preparing for the case, both in terms of consultation on legal issues and direct participation in the hearing of the case.

    It is worth noting the individual approach to consideration of aspects of the case and business integrity.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to lawyer A.S. Dudin. for assistance and highly qualified assistance in the litigation against the regional court. Also note the competence and professionalism demonstrated during the work.

    Thanks to all these qualities, Alexey defended my interests and achieved a fair court decision.

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!
    You have repeatedly provided highly professional assistance to me and my family in solving difficult life situations.
    Back in 2008, you helped obtain a refund from the store for a laptop that was repeatedly subject to warranty repairs and was never properly repaired.
    In 2015, solely thanks to the documents you prepared and the legal support provided, I won a lawsuit related to the termination of a contract for the sale of construction and finishing materials and the collection of a penalty from an unscrupulous supplier.
    In 2017, you helped resolve our family problem in court related to the recognition of ownership of a residential building (unauthorized construction). For all this, THANK YOU so much! And thanks from all members of our family!
    In any difficult situations that arise in our life, my family and I can completely rely on you!

    Alexey, I want to express my deep gratitude to you for your legal support and qualified assistance in drawing up documents for going to court. Thanks to your professionalism, I managed to win a rather difficult case in court.
    I wish you further success and prosperity.
    I will be glad to contact you again.

    Alexey, thank you for your advice on legal issues and preparing documents for going to court on a labor dispute.

    It’s a pleasure to work with you - everything is clear, clear, professional.

    Thanks to your professionalism, I was able to resolve complex conflict situations.

    Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of CAD and PC of Volgograd State Technical University

    Alexey Sergeevich!

    Thank you for the consultations and representation of my interests in court on the issue of determining the order of communication with the child.

    The legal support you provided helped me achieve the desired fair result in a complex legal process. I would especially like to note your literacy, punctuality and professionalism.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Alexey Sergeevich Dudin for regular legal advice. Alexey Sergeevich always gives clear and competent advice. He carefully delves into the situation and helps resolve the issues that arise most quickly and competently. He is a positive and open person. It's a pleasure to talk to him. I highly recommend him as a specialist and person.

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    You prepared a statement of claim and a package of documents for the Svetloyarsky District Court of the Volgograd Region to review the decision of the territorial administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to refuse to grant me a preferential pension. The court hearing took place on March 2, 2018.

    A high level of legal competence, professionalism, oratory skills, persuasiveness, and the ability to build consistency in the presentation of facts and documents during the trial ensured a positive result and the court made a decision in my favor.

    I express my gratitude to you, Alexey Sergeevich, for the legal assistance provided, as well as for the respect and kindness shown.

    Reviews from legal services and business consulting companies


    Alexey Sergeevich!

    Thank you for your consultations on legal and management issues.

    I would like to note the professionalism, punctuality and constructive communication style.

    I will be glad to continue cooperation.

    Best regards, project manager

    Project “ – cars in the regions”

    On behalf of the entire team of the “ - cars in the regions” project, I express my sincere gratitude to lawyer and business consultant Alexey Dudin for the consulting and legal support provided.

    Thanks to Alexey’s qualified and timely assistance, it was possible to resolve a number of important issues that arose in the first stages of opening an Internet business:

    • consultation was provided on issues of the organizational and legal form of business
    • an analysis of an important agreement with one of the largest payment gateways in Russia was carried out
    • a universal contract for the provision of services on the website has been developed
    • recommendations and advice were given on issues of copyright protection on the Internet

    Additionally, Alexey provided free of charge for free publication unique materials on vital issues of automobile law for every motorist.

    Alexey's openness and active life position allowed us to establish friendly and mutual cooperative relationships that continue to this day.

    I recommend Alexey to my friends and colleagues with joy and peace of mind for the result:)

    Project Manager “ – cars in the regions”

    I express my deep gratitude to the lawyer and business consultant Alexey Sergeevich Dudin for the training and consultation on methods of organizing and improving the management of my business, forming a clear strategy for my further advancement as a freelance photographer.

    The information presented by Alexey Sergeevich is clear and structured, aimed at a joint search for new methods of business development, searching for new approaches to working with clients, recommending looking at your business from the outside, finding the pros and cons, disadvantages and advantages in business. Subsequent processing of the information received allows you to make the right decisions and find the right ways for further business development.

    During the period of training and consulting, there was a sharp leap in the development of my business as a freelance photographer!

    I will be glad to our further cooperation!

    Photographer Alexey Ivanov (Madhourse)

    Volgogradservice LLC

    For the period 2006-2010 Dudin A.S. More than 20 internal audits of the Integrated Management System (IMS) of Volgogradservice LLC were conducted, based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007.

    A significant part of internal audits was carried out by Dudin A.S. conducted as the head of the audit team.

    The audits conducted by A.S. Dudin are characterized by the depth and thoroughness of the study of the work of the enterprise's divisions.

    A feature of the work of Dudin A.S. as an auditor is the ability to clearly plan an audit, establish contact with the audited employees of the enterprise, collect and verify the necessary information, while maintaining a normal working atmosphere.

    As the head of the audit group of Dudin A.S. distinguished by the ability to rationally distribute responsibilities between members of the audit team and effectively coordinate their interaction during the audit.

    Department head
    Integrated Management System
    Volgogradservice LLC

    Letter of gratitude to A.S. Dudin from CJSC Business Consulting Center Povolzhye, which organized the holding of Dudin A.S. on November 26, 2010. practical seminar “Receivables management and working with debts” in Tolyatti

    On behalf of the participants, organizers and myself personally, I express gratitude to lawyer Alexey Sergeevich Dudin for the high-quality conduct of the legal seminar “Managing accounts receivable and working with debts,” which took place on November 26, 2010 in Tolyatti.

    According to reviews from most participants, the overall level of the seminar was rated as high.

    I would like to note the high professionalism of the presenter, his positive attitude, and ability to clearly, clearly, and logically present complex material.

    Throughout the seminar, Alexey skillfully maintained a calm, friendly working atmosphere in the group, which undoubtedly contributed to better assimilation of new information.

    The presentation of theoretical material was illustrated with a large number of examples, including from the practice of the participants themselves. This was also facilitated by high-quality author’s handouts.

    The practical applicability of the information presented at the seminar and a systematic approach to its presentation allowed participants who have insufficient experience in this area to obtain all the necessary knowledge, and those participants who are already qualified specialists in the field of debt management to structure their existing knowledge and receive new tools for work.

    As the organizer of this event in Tolyatti, I would like to characterize Alexey Dudin as a very competent, professional lawyer and a decent, pleasant person to talk to. When working with Alexey, I want all partners to be as highly organized and reliable.

    I wish Alexey Dudin further professional growth, interesting projects and joy from their implementation! We hope to continue our mutually beneficial cooperation!

    General Director of CJSC BCC "Povolzhye"
    V.V. Mudrik

    Staffguide LLC

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    We thank you for the legal assistance provided in collecting large accounts receivable, as well as legal support for the process of unscheduled inspection by the Roskomnadzor Office for the Volgograd Region.

    Thanks to your professionalism, our company was able to achieve the necessary legal result in the designated cases.

    General Director of Staffguide LLC
    Nazimova M.V.

    LLC "Kati-Volgograd"

    Kati-Volgograd LLC thanks lawyer and business consultant Alexey Dudin for the legal support provided, as well as the analysis and optimization of a number of internal processes.

    During joint cooperation on legal issues, problems related to:

    • analysis and preparation of contract documentation
    • registration of labor relations with employees
    • protection of the company's interests in the courts
    • and so on.

    As part of business consulting, an analysis of the company's document flow and its corporate culture was carried out. The results of the analysis allowed us to see the situation in the company on these issues with a fresh look. The recommendations received from Alexey Dudin after the analysis made it possible to more clearly debug the company’s document flow, as well as outline a number of activities necessary for a more targeted and comprehensive formation of corporate culture.

    Additionally, I would like to note that Alexey Dudin is a positive person with whom it is pleasant to communicate and work.

    We will be glad to continue cooperation.

    General Director of Kati-Volgograd LLC
    Bednyakov A.F.

    LLC "Communication Technologies"

    Communication Technologies LLC expresses gratitude to lawyer Alexey Dudin for legal support in the process of increasing the authorized capital and changing the composition of the company's participants.

    The interaction took place in a constructive style. Consultations were given clearly and to the point of the questions asked, documents were prepared promptly and accurately.

    We will be glad to continue cooperation in the future.

    Director of Communication Technologies LLC
    Tislenko A.V.

    Public organization "Volgograd Regional Federation of USHU"

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    On behalf of the NGO “Volgograd Regional Federation of USU,” I would like to express my deep gratitude for your professional support in solving the difficult tasks life has set for our organization. Let me express our admiration for your skill and professionalism. We also highly appreciate your human character traits, such as responsiveness, kindness and desire to help people, which makes you, as a lawyer, a specialist with a capital letter.

    Member of the Presidium of the Public Association ARFU"
    Skripnik O.P.

    Web studio "Inretweb" (IP Tulin K.G.)

    I express my gratitude for the many years of legal support for the work of our company. For professionalism, understanding, responsiveness.

    Special gratitude for the three cases that were won in court.

    Web studio "KlikOn" (LLC "KlikON")

    The ClickOn web studio expresses gratitude to lawyer and business consultant Alexey Dudin for qualified legal assistance and advice on organizational issues.

    Thanks to his consultations and prepared documents, our company has successfully solved various problems related to:

    • settlement of current organizational and legal issues,
    • conclusion and execution of contracts,
    • protecting the interests of the web studio in court and other regulatory authorities.
    • minimizing possible legal risks.

    Separately, I would like to note that Alexey Dudin is an open, friendly person with whom it is a pleasure to work. We thank him for his professional approach, positive attitude and productive collaboration.

    We will be glad to further cooperation.

    Director of ClickOn LLC
    Trushkin S.A.

    LLC "ASU"

    ASU LLC thanks lawyer Alexei Dudin for his professional assistance in resolving legal issues.

    Consulting and preparation of documents are always carried out efficiently and promptly.

    ASU LLC appreciates the existing cooperation with lawyer Alexey Dudin and recommends him as a reliable partner and consultant on legal issues.

    Director of ASU LLC Rastokin K.V.

    Public organization "Volgograd Regional Hapkido Association"

    The public organization "Volgograd Regional Hapkido Association" (hereinafter referred to as the NGO "VRAH" or the Association) expresses gratitude to the lawyer and business consultant Dudin Alexey for organizational advice and legal assistance to the NGO "VRAH".

    In the course of joint work with Dudin, Alexey managed to successfully solve such problems as:

    • Preparation of documents for registration of the Association
    • Development of an action plan for the development and promotion of the Association
    • Preparation of documents for receiving sponsorship from commercial organizations and reporting documentation on the use of sponsorship
    • Preparation of contract documentation
    • and so on.

    The positive experience of cooperation with Alexey Dudin allows us to recommend him as a qualified and responsible specialist in the field of legal and organizational issues.

    Vice-President of the NGO "VRAH"
    Demyanov A.V.

    LLC "Keramika-Volga-Pyatigorsk"

    Keramika-Volga-Pyatigorsk LLC thanks lawyer Alexey Dudin for the legal support provided.

    As a result of applying the advice received during the consultations, it was possible to minimize possible legal risks of the business, and thanks to the prepared documents, to defend the interests of the company in court.

    We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

    Director of LLC Keramika-Volga-Pyatigorsk
    Yakimenko P.V.

    RSU-0712 LLC

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    Thank you for your well-prepared response to the claim brought against RSU-0712 LLC, as well as the professional defense of the organization’s interests in court.

    You fulfilled all your obligations clearly and in a timely manner.

    As a result of the legal support you provided, RSU-0712 LLC was able to achieve victory during the trial.

    RSU-0712 LLC will be happy to continue cooperation with you in the future, and is also ready to recommend you as a reliable partner and professional to other organizations.

    Director of RSU-0712 LLC
    F.R. Abdelmanov

    Prometheus LLC

    Prometey LLC expresses gratitude to lawyer Alexey Dudin for the legal assistance provided. As part of our joint work, the overdue debts of a number of debtor clients were successfully collected in court.

    Communication and consultation were conducted in a constructive style, documents were prepared efficiently and promptly.

    We will be glad to further cooperation.

    Director of Prometey LLC
    Belousov V.V.

    Electronic media “Volgograd on the net”

    Electronic media “Volgograd on the Internet” (Certificate El No. FS77-20654 dated May 30, 2005) thanks lawyer and business consultant Alexey Dudin for preparing articles, notes and interviews for the columns “Lawyer on-line”, “Business”, “Psychological Advice”, “Fight Club”, as well as preparing answers to readers’ questions on various legal issues in within the heading “Lawyer on-line”.

    Electronic media “Volgograd on the web”
    Trushkina Yu.G.


    MKL LLC expresses gratitude to lawyer Alexey Dudin for the legal assistance provided.

    Consulting, legal analysis and drafting of documents were always carried out efficiently and within the agreed time frame.

    Director of MKL LLC
    Merzlikin A.V.

    Public organization "Volgograd regional studio of oriental dance, music and yoga "Naila"

    The public organization “Volgograd Regional Studio of Oriental Dance, Music and Yoga “Naila” (the abbreviated name of the NGO “VRSVTMI “Naila”) thanks lawyer Dudin Alexey for his assistance in preparing documents for registration of the NGO “VRSVTMiI “Naila”” and advice on legal issues.

    We will be glad to continue working together.

    Chairman of the Board of the NGO "VRSVTMI" Nailya"
    Shuvaeva N.A.

    Fitness center "V.I.P. Persona" (IP Lushin E.A.)

    Fitness center "V.I.P. Persona" (IP Lushin E.A.) invited lawyer Alexey Dudin to cooperate to resolve a number of legal issues related to the activities of the fitness center.

    The cooperation took place on the following topics:

    • Consulting on legal issues of doing business
    • Legal analysis of fitness center documents
    • Preparation of contracts with counterparties - organizations
    • Development of forms of employment contracts with fitness center staff
    • Representation of interests during business negotiations.
    • And etc.

    The results of Alexey Dudin’s work allow us to recommend him as a reliable partner and professional in his field.

    If issues arise in the future that require qualified legal assistance, we will be happy to continue cooperation with Alexey Dudin.

    Head of the fitness center “V.I.P. Persona"
    Lushin E.A.

    NFP Talan LLC

    NFP Talan LLC thanks lawyer Alexei Dudin for the legal assistance provided.

    The assigned tasks were successfully completed within the agreed time frame.

    Thanks to the developed documents and the consultations received, it was possible to optimize processes and reduce possible legal risks in contractual relations with customers, as well as labor relations with employees of the enterprise.

    And about. Director of NPF Talan LLC
    Zorina T.F.

    Reviews from companies and individuals on seminars and trainings

    Municipal budgetary institution "Children's health camp "Chaika" of the Svetloyarsky municipal district of the Volgograd region

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    We thank you and the members of your team “Apt Word” for conducting “Successful Speaker” classes in August 2018 for children vacationing at the MBU DOL “Chaika”. This kind of workshop is an invaluable contribution to the speech development of children and adolescents. Your professional competence, creative determination, openness and friendliness in communication captivated the children participating in the lesson and set them up for further self-improvement. We will be glad to further cooperation!

    Municipal budgetary institution
    "Children's health camp "Chaika"
    Svetloyarsk municipal district
    Volgograd region

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    On behalf of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry we express our gratitude to you for the professional holding of a seminar for employees of the Volgograd branch of Omsktekhuglerod LLC on June 26, 2018 on the topic “Time Management”.

    Based on the results of the seminar, students noted the optimal balance between practicing practical skills and presenting theoretical material. Comprehensive advice and recommendations, informative handouts, structured presentation of information and maintaining a friendly atmosphere contributed to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to optimize professional activities.

    An important result of the seminar was to increase the motivation of students for further development and achievement of high results.

    The Volgograd Trade and Industrial Board wishes you further professional growth and development, interesting projects and their successful implementation.

    We will be glad to continue our partnership!

    President of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    V.E. Tkachenko

    Group photo taken after the end of the seminar by Dudin A.S. “Time management”, organized on June 26, 2018 by the Union “Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry” for employees of the Volgograd branch of Omsktekhuglerod LLC.

    Department of Youth Affairs, Culture, Sports and Tourism
    Administration of the Svetloyarsky municipal district of the Volgograd region

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    We thank you and the members of your “Metkoe Slovo” team for organizing and conducting “Successful Speaker” classes for workers of cultural institutions, youth policy and volunteers from April 2018 to July 2018 for workers of cultural institutions, youth policy and volunteers of the Svetloyarsk municipal district of the Volgograd region.

    The classes helped participants structure their existing knowledge about working with audiences, obtain new useful information on preparing and conducting public speaking, and also improve their level of public speaking skills by performing a large number of practical exercises.

    The training participants noted the professional competence demonstrated by you and your team members during the work process, as well as the openness and friendliness in communication.

    We will be glad to further interaction and cooperation!

    Department of Youth Affairs, Culture, Sports and Tourism
    Administration of the Svetloyarsk municipal district
    Volgograd region
    E.A. Kumskova

    Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    Thank you for the high level of professionalism during the master class “Effective preparation and successful conduct of public speaking” as part of the Open Day at the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    President of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    V.E. Tkachenko

    Collage with photographs taken by Dudin A.S. during the master class “Effective preparation and successful conduct of public speaking” on April 26, 2018 as part of the Open Day at the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

    We thank you for the high level of professionalism in conducting a series of training sessions on business planning and legal aspects of business as part of the state program for involving youth of the Volgograd region in entrepreneurial activity “You are an entrepreneur.”

    We wish you further prosperity and professional victories.

    President of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    V.E. Tkachenko

    Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    The Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a corporate training for its employees on the topic “Time management and personal effectiveness.” Business consultant Alexey Dudin told the training participants how to most effectively organize their personal and work time.

    The training participants learned to apply in practice the techniques, rules and laws of time management theory. During the training, a lot of time was devoted to individual and group exercises, discussions, and brainstorming. Participants of the event, led by Alexey Dudin, tried to find a balance between work and rest, practiced effective goal setting, identified time sinks and ways to deal with them.

    The training allowed us to bring together the knowledge that the participants already possessed and add the knowledge that they lacked. Using the theory and practical skills acquired during the training, each participant will be able to improve their personal time management system.

    Conducting the “Time Management and Personal Efficiency” training at the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry was another step towards improving the professional level of employees in order to work more effectively to complete assigned tasks, meet the expectations of partners or even exceed them.

    A graphic copy of the note about the seminar published on the website page of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as a collage by Alexey Dudin with photographs from the event.

    “Southern Business Bulletin” (No. 312 (11) dated December 28, 2016, p. 6) about the open master class of A.S. Dudin. “Effective preparation and successful conduct of public speaking”, organized on November 29, 2017 by the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    The Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a master class for its partners on the topic “Effective preparation and successful conduct of public speaking.” The author and presenter of the master class is Alexey Dudin, a business consultant with more than 12 years of active practice.

    The ability to speak in front of an audience is one of the key business skills that is necessary for both ordinary employees and managers. Without it, it is unthinkable to effectively conduct presentations, meetings, speeches at exhibitions, forums, round tables and other business events. But it is a well-known fact that many business people are afraid of public speaking. Sometimes it seems easier to jump with a parachute, climb Mount Everest, or dive into the depths of the sea with scuba gear than to give a speech in front of a group of people. Such strong negative emotions are primarily due to the fact that speakers do not know how to properly prepare for the upcoming speech and how to conduct the public speech itself. Anyone who has this knowledge and knows how to apply it in practice conducts effective public speaking and does it with pleasure.

    Representatives of the Volgograd business community were able to understand the problematic aspects of public speaking and improve their speaking skills at an open master class by Alexey Dudin on the topic “Effective preparation and conduct of public speaking.”

    What factors determine the success of public speaking? How to competently prepare for a specific public speech? How to get ready for a public speaking and overcome anxiety? What points should a speaker take into account and control during a speech? How to answer audience questions? What to do with “difficult” listeners? How to effectively analyze your public speaking. Part of the master class was devoted to answers to these and other questions. Alexey Dudin illustrated theoretical concepts and theses with simple and understandable diagrams and drawings from personal speaking experience and the work of other speakers.

    In addition to the lecture part, during the master class, all those present were able to take part in practical individual and group exercises and demonstrate their oratory skills. There was a lot of practice! Participants learned to build a clear and understandable structure for preparing and conducting public speaking, overcome fear of the audience, and tried themselves as a speaker. Alexey Dudin revealed some professional secrets and shared new “tricks” and techniques of public speaking.

    A graphic copy of the note about the seminar, published on page No. 6 of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Southern Business Bulletin No. 312 (11) dated December 28, 2016, as well as a collage by Alexey Dudin with photographs from the event.

    Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    On September 17, 2016, the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union organized a practical consulting seminar “Effective negotiations with suppliers” for representatives of the supply service of Omsktekhuglerod LLC (Volgograd branch). The training was conducted by lawyer and business consultant Alexey Dudin. The event was held in a constructive manner and very positive.

    During the training, all important issues of the negotiation process and ways to resolve conflict situations were discussed. The training included both theoretical and practical parts. Alexey Dudin illustrated the theoretical points with examples from practice, visual demonstrations of behavioral and speech strategies used by negotiators in practice, as well as simple and understandable diagrams for participants to facilitate the perception of the material.

    In addition to the lecture part and group discussion of all important aspects of business negotiations, the training spent a lot of time on practical exercises and role-playing games simulating various negotiation situations with suppliers. Typical strategies for the behavior of debtor suppliers and possible options for influencing them during negotiations were also considered.

    Based on the results of the seminar, the participants were satisfied. They structured their knowledge in the field of negotiations with suppliers, received a lot of new information regarding competent preparation and conduct of business negotiations, and also exchanged with each other their experience of interacting with suppliers in conflict situations. All training participants were given a standard certificate at the end of the training.

    The seminar participants noted the high qualifications of A. Dudin, his precise and impeccable work during the training, as well as the quality of his professional knowledge.

    The training was relevant, interesting and necessary. Due to the fact that the training was based on real life situations that took into account the characteristics of the company, employees were able to find in the training what was useful and interesting for them.

    The Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union expresses gratitude to Alexey Dudin for a job well done.

    President of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    V.E. Tkachenko

    Group photo taken after the end of the training by Dudin A.S. “Effective negotiations with suppliers”, organized on September 17, 2016 by the Union “Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry” for representatives of the supply service of Omsktekhuglerod LLC (Volgograd branch).

    Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    Alexey Sergeevich!

    The Committee of Economics of the Volgograd Region, the State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education "Volgograd Business Incubator", the Engineering Center of the Volgograd Region, the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a seminar on March 11, 2016 on the topic "Optimization of personal activities and personal efficiency." On behalf of the participants and the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as the organizer of the event, we express our gratitude to you for the high-quality and interesting seminar.

    The seminar participants rated the degree of satisfaction with the training and the quality of your work as “4” and “5” (on a five-point scale).

    For our part, we would like to note your high professionalism, clarity and clarity of presentation of the material, the practicality of the tips, recommendations and exercises you gave at the seminar, the good quality of the handouts, as well as the maintenance of a friendly working atmosphere among the seminar participants.

    We are confident that the seminar participants received knowledge and skills that will really help them optimize their personal activities and increase personal effectiveness. The Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry wishes you further professional growth and development, interesting projects and their successful implementation.

    We will be glad to continue interaction and cooperation with you.

    President of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    V.E. Tkachenko

    Group photo from the seminar by Dudin A.S. “Optimization of personal activity and personal effectiveness”, taken at the end of the event (unfortunately, not all participants of the seminar were included in the photo), as well as a graphic copy of the note about the seminar, published on page No. 3 of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Southern Business Bulletin "No. 304 (3) dated March 31, 2016.

    Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    Alexey Sergeevich!

    The Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry thanks you for the professionally and interestingly conducted training seminar on April 22, 2016 on the topic “Competent work with accounts receivable.”

    We would like to note that you systematically and consistently covered the various stages of the comprehensive fight against receivables, starting from the establishment of rules in the company for providing clients with deferred payment and checking counterparties before concluding transactions, and ending with methods of debt collection and features of writing off bad receivables.

    The examples from practice you provided, as well as the consultations on problematic situations voiced by the event participants, made the training seminar “alive” and as practical as possible.

    According to the participants of the training seminar, they learned many useful techniques for managing receivables that will allow them to prevent financial losses of their business and, accordingly, increase its profitability and profitability.

    The Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be glad to continue interaction and cooperation with you.

    President of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    V.E. Tkachenko

    Group photo from the seminar by Dudin A.S. “Competent work with the “receivables” done at the end of the event, as well as a graphic copy of the note about the seminar, published on page No. 2 of the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the “Southern Business Bulletin” No. 305 (4) dated April 29, 2016.

    Feedback from participants about the practical seminar by Dudin A.S. “Managing accounts receivable and working with debts”, organized by the company “Art Business Consulting” on October 13, 2012.

    • 8,67
    • 9,58
    • 8,25
    • 8,67

    9,46 points

    The most important and useful was:

    • All - Vitaly Aleksandrovich Shaipan, TD GraSS LLC
    • Methods of influencing a person - Artem Konstantinovich Shetela, sales manager of LLC Trading House GraSS40% of what was heard - Maslova M.V., lawyer at Trading House Slavic Wallpaper
    • Working with contracts - Vasily Vladimirovich Goncharov, head of the economic security service of Mir Products LLC
    • 4 letters, “strings” of the soul - Alexey Vladimirovich Pepelov, head of the sales department of TD GraSS LLC
    • Accounts receivable management, customer verification schemes, methods of influencing debtors - Yulia Vyacheslavovna Drozd, manager of TD GraSS LLC
    • Almost everything - Andrey Nikolaevich Tsevmenkov, TD GraSS LLC
    • Communication strategies - Yulia Vladimirovna Butenko, TD GraSS LLC
    • How to learn to “put pressure” on a person so as not to spoil the relationship, but to “knock out” debts - Alena Sergeevna Stepashkina, customer service manager at TD GraSS LLC
    • Clause 4 of Article 36 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation (possibility of going to court at the place of execution of the contract, if the place of execution of the contract is specified in the contract) - Dina Leonidovna Sirotkina, lawyer of TD GraSS LLC

    New information at the seminar was:

    • Practical training in debt management - Artem Konstantinovich Shetela, sales manager of TD GraSS LLC
    • Direct practice of dealing with debts - Olga Maratovna Zineeva, manager of TD GraSS LLC
    • All information is relevant to me - Maslova M.V., lawyer at Slavic Wallpaper Trade House
    • Explanations of the seminar presenter - Vasily Vladimirovich Goncharov, Head of the Economic Security Service of World of Products LLC
    • “Receivable” as a loan - Alexey Vladimirovich Pepelov, head of the sales department of TD GraSS LLC
    • Impact on debtors - Yulia Vyacheslavovna Drozd, manager of TD GraSS LLC
    • Negotiations and their conduct - Andrey Nikolaevich Tsevmenkov, LLC TD GraSS
    • Letters, practical exercises - Yulia Vladimirovna Butenko, TD GraSS LLC
    • Dialogues, negotiations - Alena Sergeevna Stepashkina, customer service manager at TD GraSS LLC
    • Legal side and negotiations - Dina Leonidovna Sirotkina, lawyer at TD GraSS LLC
    • The visit itself - Vitaly Aleksandrovich Shaipan, TD GraSS LLC.

    Feedback from Anton Tarinsky about the distance learning course by Dudin A.S. “How to manage accounts receivable and work effectively with debts,” as well as video and text materials by A.S. Dudin, dedicated to debt problems and ways to solve them.

    “I work as a legal consultant in one of the companies in the Republic of Belarus. I recently came to my current position, and management immediately assigned me a task in the form of overdue accounts receivable. I didn’t know where to start, but somehow I came across a video from television with your participation. I was very interested in your approach to solving the problem, and then I also studied the material that I received in the form of a newsletter. Now, I have complete control over debtors, so your methods have found practical application in Belarus. Thank you!".

    Feedback from participants in the master class by A.S. Dudin “How to be financially successful” for the Volgograd Social and Pedagogical College, organized by Staffguide LLC on May 19, 2012.

    On average, participants rate the level of effectiveness of the program (on a 10-point scale):

    • Practical applicability, vitality of the material - 9,0
    • Logicality, clarity of material - 9,6
    • Illustrativeness, examples from practice - 9,1
    • Skills, practical training in exercises - 9,1
    • Level of professional competence of the trainer (on a 10-point scale) - 9,08 points

    The most important and useful was:

    • The spirit of collectivism, an interesting and clear presentation of a current topic - Gabrielyan O.A., student.
    • How to properly manage your capital and what can become a source of additional income - Ignatova Yu.S., student.
    • Information about the practical use of time, proper budget planning, additional sources of income - Dudnik N.A.
    • Time management, goal setting - Mitsykh S.N., student
    • Information about the correct spending of money - Malakhova L.S., student
    • How to save money, determine your possible financing - Godorozha V.S., student.
    • Budget planning - Bondareva E.A., student
    • About time planning - Koryavikova O.I., teacher
    • Methods of practical application of the material - Mulyarchuk L.V., student
    • Conclusion: To get something, you have to do something - Blinova A.I., student
    • Spending money correctly, planning - Otinova Yu.V., student
    • Learned new sources of income - Chernyak M.N., student

    • Correct budget allocation and saving - Yu.N. Gushchina, student.
    • Rational distribution of time and finances - Gabrielyan O.A., student.
    • Correct time planning - Ignatova Yu.S., student.
    • Proper distribution of income and expenses - Mitsykh S.N., student.
    • Information about time and managing money - Malakhova L.S., student.
    • Ability to manage time. How to properly manage a personal budget - Godorozha V.S., student.
    • Proper budget planning, saving time - Bondareva E.A., student.
    • Decoding the abbreviation - V.O.D.K.A. - Koryavikova O.I., teacher.
    • The availability (accumulation) of money depends on how you feel about money. - Blinova A.I., student.
    • How to spend money, time, income, expenses correctly. - Otinova Yu.V., student.
    • I received a lot of new information. - Chernyak M.N., student.

    Anna Kuznetsova's review of the distance learning course by Dudin A.S. “How to organize your time profitably”

    “When I saw the offer to subscribe to Alexey Dudin’s distance course “How to organize your time profitably,” I thought: “What could be new for me? I listen to and read Gleb Arkhangelsky, and I attended the MTS OJSC corporate course on time management.”

    However, I decided to subscribe after I remembered the dialogue of my young colleagues: “Yes, the course/book that you recommended to me is terribly interesting, but these are all elementary things!”, “But the fact of the matter is that THIS is so elementary , that many people don’t use THIS.”

    And, indeed, many books/courses/notes/articles provide only theoretical educational instruction, but there are books/courses/notes/articles that instantly motivate action. Such a kind of “magic kick-off”. And Alexey Dudin’s course “How to organize your time profitably” is from this series. I would call it “the main point in a nutshell.”

    I will share my personal positive experience in managing my time after completing a distance course.

    • "Good morning"(excellent, easy article, I enjoyed reading it again!). There was a period when every morning at 05:15 I woke up with one thought: “What day of the week is it today? Oh my God, today is ONLY Tuesday! What an endless day ahead and such an endless week.” I woke up with cheerfulness only when I knew that a large (and very large) amount of work awaited me at work. Now the volume of work has not decreased, but, with the experience gained, the time spent on performing basic duties has sharply decreased, giving time away from work. And now my awakening in most cases does not depend on weather conditions, the day of the week and the countdown to vacation. Waking up with the thought that you can listen to music/read on the train, then walk to your place of work, and back in the evening for 20+20 minutes, pleasant communication with colleagues and interesting work functionality awaits you at work, has become positive and easier. It is a fact.
    • "Time Sinkers" I couldn't fight them. I wanted to quickly do several things at once, advise/help all my colleagues who turned to me for advice, answer all incoming calls, and prepare all important reports! And now: colleagues are waiting for their consultation in the “live” queue. I also try not to answer incoming calls if I understand that they are not so important at the moment. It doesn't always work out, but I try. Now I am struggling with external influences in my office, I try not to hear the radio if it interferes, or I simply turn it off, plus I try to pay less attention to the conversations of my colleagues, although I keep my ears open to keep abreast of all important events.
    • Using a diary, writing papers, automation. I used all this intuitively: I immediately entered all the formulas into EXCEL, then it was enough to copy the report for the next month; small pieces of paper for notes are a life saver when reminding: “hey, friend, there is a little thing that, if you forget about it, will turn into a big problem!”, the diary is very pleasant to keep, it’s nice to cross out completed tasks, it’s convenient to track, for example, which report is for which date I gave up, I note what time I arrived/left (because I arrive earlier, leave later), how many hours were worked and how many days off I can take. It’s a pleasant feeling to hold a diary in your hand, which is completely covered, except for the days of annual leave. I also used the “ABC” priority method urgently/importantly intuitively. Now I use all these tools consciously and with pleasure!
    • Rest. The experience of working in a transport company, then in a bank, and now in MTS OJSC was marked by the fact that there was not enough time to have lunch properly. What can we say about rest? It’s an emergency, it’s an emergency in Africa too. And now stability: a healthy snack at 10:00, five minutes, meeting with colleagues for a fruit break at 16:00. Plus lunch is strictly on schedule. I’m not lazy to climb the stairs to the second floor, and sometimes I even look for an excuse to walk around the office an extra time. In the distance learning course, I especially liked the point about a good option for relaxation - “fooling around”. My colleagues and I practice a game during snacks: one participant thinks of a word, the rest, using leading questions, try to guess the word. The switch is complete! The brain functions perfectly! We exchange e-books with colleagues, cases of exchanging books on psychology have become more frequent, I got the work of the Pease spouses, the girls got the work of Alexei Dudin and Gleb Arkhangelsky. We compete with colleagues and friends to see who can eat lunch for less money, but with a combination of price/quality/nutritional level. “Like children,” many will say. I agree. Only with the results that were obtained in the work - everyone would have such “stupidity”.

    In conclusion, I want to say thank you to Alexey for the fact that his “magic kick-off” in the form of a distance course “How to organize your time profitably for yourself” hit the target!”

    Feedback from Olga Bystrova about the distance learning course by Dudin A.S. “How to organize your time profitably”

    “Dear Alexey!

    Thank you for the course! It really helped me understand why, despite all my desire, I could not achieve 100% of what I wanted.

    It turned out that all that was missing was a properly organized and planned vacation. Due to constant stress, it was not possible to complete things on time, and sometimes there was simply no strength to complete what was planned.

    I considered rest to be laziness and was unhappy that time was not spent on business.

    Now there is a clear picture of how to achieve everything as efficiently as possible while enjoying life.

    There is a plan and action, and the results speak for themselves - everything goes well!”

    Olga Bystrova

    Feedback from participants about the practical seminar by Dudin A.S. “Managing accounts receivable and working with debts”, organized by Staffguide LLC on December 17, 2011.

    • Practical applicability, vitality of the material - 10,0
    • Logicality, clarity of material - 10,0
    • Illustrativeness, examples from practice - 10,0
    • Skills, practical training in exercises - 9,57

    Level of professional competence of the trainer (on a 10-point scale) - 10,0 points

    The most important and useful was:

    • Influence on bailiffs, drawing up complaints - Kuznetsova O.V., Temp-Avto LLC
    • Enforcement proceedings, methods of ensuring obligations - Samoilova N.S., Temp-Avto LLC
    • Collection algorithm - Chirskova D.S., StaffGuide LLC
    • Manipulation in communication with debtors; legal aspects of working with debtors - Muginova N.N., StaffGuide LLC
    • Manipulative techniques in communicating with debtors - Ryzhkov R.I., IP Nazimova M.V.
    • Everything is complete - Shologon V.V., Volgogradtransgaz ORS
    • High percentage of perception of the seminar material - Enukidze G. LLC "Ladoga"
    • Options for responding to aggression and practical training of the material - Fedorova Alisa Viktorovna

    New information at the training was:

    • Enforcement proceedings - Kuznetsova O.V., Temp-Avto LLC
    • Debt write-off; obtaining information about the counterparty; methods of influencing the debtor - Samoilova N.S., Temp-Avto LLC (Rostov-on-Don)
    • Methods of manipulation in communication with the debtor; collection algorithm; legal proceedings - Chirskova D.S., StaffGuide LLC
    • Rules for drawing up a contract; all the “tricks”; working with debts - Muginova N.N., StaffGuide LLC
    • Independent ability to execute court decisions without contacting the bailiff service - Ryzhkov R.I., IP Nazimova M.V.
    • Learned the operation of the mechanism: from the stage of appearance to the stage of collection (or write-off) - Shologon V.V., Volgogradtransgaz ORS
    • A lot - Enukidze G. LLC "Ladoga"

    Feedback from corporate training participants A.S. Dudin “Effective debt collection”, organized by Staffguide LLC on December 16, 2011 for employees of the customer debt management group of the commercial service support department of Rostelecom OJSC (Volgograd region)

    On average, participants rate the level of effectiveness of the program (on a 10-point scale):

    • Practical applicability, vitality of the material - 9,6
    • Logicality, clarity of material - 9,8
    • Illustrativeness, examples from practice - 9,4
    • Skills, practical training in exercises - 9,73

    Level of professional competence of the trainer (on a 10-point scale) - 10,0 points

    The most important and useful was:

    • Additional measures to encourage the debtor to repay the debt - Morozova A.A.
    • Accessible, interesting presentation of the material, its practicality, relevance for my professional activities; practical work in groups - Porokhnenko V.V.
    • I find all the information very useful. The most important strategy for working with a debtor was a training participant who asked not to indicate his full name.
    • Communication with subscribers - a training participant who asked not to indicate his full name.
    • Communication with clients - Bogatyreva G.V.
    • Communication with the client - Kolokolchikova Yu.O.
    • Communication with subscribers - Ponomareva S.Yu.
    • Algorithm for telephone calls - a training participant who asked not to indicate his full name.
    • Methods of psychological manipulation in communication with a subscriber - debtor - Bozhko V.I.
    • Interaction with the subscriber - Salova K.V.
    • Psychological methods of influencing the debtor - Salokhina Yu.D.
    • Improving the practice of communication with subscribers. Gaining confidence in one's own actions in relations with debtors - Kurdineva Y.Yu.

    New information at the training was:

    • The procedure for collecting debts from bailiffs - a training participant who asked not to indicate his full name.
    • Possible psychological manipulations in communication with the debtor - Morozova A.A.
    • Information on the possibility of initiating bankruptcy of the debtor - Porokhnenko V.V.
    • Information about the possibility of initiating bankruptcy of the debtor and much more - a training participant who asked not to indicate his full name.
    • Judicial collection procedure - a training participant who asked not to indicate his full name.
    • Judicial collection procedure - Bogatyreva G.V.
    • Legal basis for collection, communication with debtors - Kolokolchikova Yu.O.
    • New opportunities with subscribers for debt collection - Ponomareva S.Yu.
    • Interesting presentation of the material, replaying situations during training workshops - Tolstolutskaya L.I.
    • Strategy for communicating with the debtor - a training participant who asked not to indicate his full name.
    • The procedure for collecting debts in court - Bozhko V.I.
    • The possibility of using articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation when collecting debts from individuals and legal entities - Salova K.V.
    • Various strategies for communicating with debtors - Salokhina Yu.D.
    • Psychological aspects of working with subscribers - debtors - Kurdineva Ya.Yu.

    We especially note lively human participation and interest in achieving results. The professionalism of your company’s employees, as well as an individual approach, the desire to find a comprehensive solution to the essence of the issue not only makes cooperation with you fruitful, but also humanly pleasant. From the very first moment of contacting, it was impossible not to notice the professional approach to the matter.

    Transgender Legal Assistance Project

    First of all, a paralegal can provide legal advice. talk about the process of obtaining a new birth certificate and replacing other documents; about what certificates must be submitted to the registry office and the court, and what wording should be in these certificates; on interaction with the military registration and enlistment office and other institutions after changing documents; about the family and parental rights of transgender people, as well as much more. In addition, paralegal volunteers can help in drawing up an application for the registry office or (with the proper level of legal knowledge) for the court, if necessary. Of all of the above, initial legal consultations are especially important.

    Film The War of the Roses

    He begins to tell the story of his former clients - the Roses. But one day the relationship between the spouses begins to deteriorate. One evening, coming home after work, the head of the family learns that his wife bought an expensive fur coat and precious jewelry, while they were having some financial difficulties. The man is beside himself with anger, he is not satisfied that his beloved cannot live within her means, so the couple quarrels.

    Thank the lawyer for his help

    I would especially like to note the ability of the firm’s specialists to take on non-standard disputes and find effective legal ways to resolve them.
    In a matter such as legal conflict resolution, a lawyer’s attention to detail and the ability to find creative approaches to protecting the client’s interests are important.
    The company's lawyers demonstrated such skills to the fullest, successfully resolving a number of conflicts. We are pleased with the results of working with Paradigma lawyers and plan to continue our cooperation in the future. Dear Colleagues! On behalf of the company and on my own behalf, I express gratitude and appreciation to the Paradigma Company for their professionalism and fruitful cooperation.

    Thanks to lawyers

    As a result of their support, my rights to obtain citizenship were restored, and I was paid decent compensation by the Russian authorities. The lawyers showed initiative in my case and turned out to be people who were not indifferent to the misfortune of others. Lawyers Obraztsova O.A. and Komolova L.V. They desperately fought for my interests in the European Court, instilled in me hope for the restoration of justice and faith in justice. I highly appreciate the work and dedication of these lawyers to their profession; they are not indifferent to ordinary people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Dear Timoshevskaya Elena Anatolyevna, I express my sincere gratitude to you for the fact that you have consistently and professionally defended my interests in court for a long time. Your undeniable advantage is a high level of knowledge, the ability to determine the only correct path when achieving the right goals.

    Dana has been diagnosed with early childhood autism. At the Prognoz center, children with this diagnosis are given rehabilitation using the Tomatis method. This technique is based on working with the auditory system. It helps children with autism overcome hypersensitivity to sounds.

    Dani’s mother sent us a message from St. Petersburg: “Our family sincerely thanks the Foundation. You helped us a lot. Thank you for allocating such a large amount for Danil’s treatment. His rehabilitation course is intense! Today was the first day - the first step towards a healthy future. Danya is a great guy, he behaved well everywhere and tried his best. Doctors say there is a lot of work, but we will do everything so that the child can cope with autism, become more adapted to life in society and speak!

    Thanks again to all of you who manage the foundation, who allocate funds, who work with people! I wish you all good health and prosperity. Thanks for the welcome.

    I would like to express my gratitude to the lawyers from the M16 Consulting company. The lawyer I contacted listened to me and asked me about my case in great detail. I addressed a personal housing issue and shared property with my ex-husband. My lawyer immediately told me which claims should be waived and what you can count on. In the end, everything was resolved: although I still had to go to court, the judge took my side, since the lawyer helped me draw up claims for the property that legally belongs to me.

    Reviews and awards

    I would like to note the prompt response to all the nuances that arise during the work process. We especially note lively human participation and interest in achieving results. The newspaper “Business Petersburg” sincerely thanks Mikhail Aleksandrovich Boytsov, managing partner of the Rightmark group law firm, for his bright, informative speech at the conference “Innovations in legal support for an enterprise (organization).” Legal assistance from Rightmark group helped our company take a strong position in relations with counterparties.

    Public organization of disabled people Phoenix

    Ph.D. to the director of the ANO "Resource Human Rights Center" and the moderator of the Club of Lawyers of the Third Sector, Maria Aleksandrovna Kanevskaya, for the opportunity to take part in receiving a grant in 2014 for the implementation of the social project: "The work of the legal reception office to protect the rights of citizens." We are always ready to help Our friends free of charge and accept help. We are ready

    Clients and reviews

    Legal support for company security" Thank you for the interesting report. The junior group of GOU 1951 expresses its deep and heartfelt gratitude to MCA “Knyazev and Partners” for conscientious and high-quality work, for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in our group Dear Andrey Gennadievich! Thanks to your active life position, principled and uncompromising service to the Law, high professional qualifications, all members of your legal education worthily bear the high title of Russian lawyer, striving not only to carefully preserve, but also to comprehensively enhance the traditions of the Russian legal profession. Dear Ekaterina Kutuzova! Let me, on behalf of CompuLink system project management, express my sincere gratitude to you for the legal assistance you provided in resolving numerous civil disputes. Presented to Vladimir Arvuvich Kitsing in honor of the 140th anniversary of the formation of the Russian Bar! For conscientious work in providing qualified assistance on a professional basis to individuals and legal entities, high professionalism and skill, long-term and fruitful work to increase the authority of the trade union of lawyers of Russia. The Guild of Russian Lawyers awards a Certificate of Honor to Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kutuzova for the conscientious performance of professional duties to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and in connection with the 15th anniversary of the Guild of Russian Lawyers, the Guild of Russian Lawyers awards a Certificate of Honor to Anton Anatolyevich Lelyavsky for the conscientious performance of professional duties to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and in connection with the 15th anniversary of the Guild of Russian Lawyers, Knyazev Andrey Gennadievich, for providing qualified legal assistance and assistance in the release of serviceman A. Novikov from Chechen captivity. Thanks to the professional actions of the lawyer of the MCA "Knyazev and Partners" Ter-Akopov Georgy Rubenovich, the cassation instance changed the verdict for 250 tr.

    Thank you letter for help (samples)

    Therefore, we will be sincerely grateful to you for any help in the future. I, as the head of the municipal institution “Mercy,” express my sincere gratitude to you for organizing and sponsoring a trip to a health camp for children with cerebral palsy.
    During the week-long trip, children who, due to their physical condition, cannot lead an active social lifestyle, not only improved their health, but also acquired new impressions and acquaintances, which is extremely important for their psychological health.
    Our team expresses our sincere gratitude to you.

    They thank us

    The AK&M information agency thanks Eduard Olevinsky for his active participation in the I All-Russian Conference “Judicial Debt Restructuring. Institute of Personal Bankruptcy in Russia”, which was held in Moscow on June 24, 2010. The non-state pension fund “GAZFOND” thanks the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the legal bureau “Olevinsky, Buyukyan and Partners” Eduard

    Letter #1:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] expresses gratitude to [name of organization] for their professionalism and dedication in their work.

    Our firm has repeatedly turned to specialists from [name of organization] for legal advice and support, and has always received qualified assistance from lawyers.

    A flexible approach and responsibility in work helped our company minimize financial and legal risks and improve the legal support of the company’s activities.

    We wish you further success and look forward to fruitful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] has been cooperating with [name of organization] for several years now. All this time, [name of organization] has successfully provided qualified services to represent interests in the courts.

    The specialists of the company [name of organization] demonstrated excellent knowledge of the law and the ability to apply new progressive legal and economic technologies.

    We express our deep gratitude for the effective work and hope for further successful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the staff of the law firm [name of organization] for the high quality and efficiency of the services provided. The main advantage of employees is the ability to quickly, skillfully and conscientiously perform assigned tasks, as well as the commitment and accuracy shown in the process of work.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the employees of the law firm [name of organization] for their professional and prompt assistance in resolving corporate issues in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

    We wish further professional growth, success and prosperity to your company.

    With hope for further fruitful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #5:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to all the specialists and employees of [name of organization] for the timely services provided in bringing the constituent documents into compliance.

    We thank you for your cooperation and wish further growth and prosperity to your company!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #6:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to the law firm [name of organization] for resolving issues in the field of legal support for the activities of companies, providing clients with qualified assistance in the process of opening accounts for legal entities, as well as quality and high professionalism in their work.

    We hope for further fruitful cooperation and wish further prosperity to the company.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #7:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] expresses sincere gratitude to company [name of organization] for the professionalism and quality of services provided.

    In the process of working together, we became convinced of the high qualifications of the employees of [organization name], which allows them to successfully solve problems of any complexity.

    We hope that you will not change your chosen policy of communication with clients and will remain a reliable and trustworthy partner for a long time.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #8:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the employees of [organization name] for their services. It is pleasant to note the qualifications and professional competence of the lawyers, attentiveness and accuracy when preparing documents.

    I would like to continue mutually beneficial partnerships with your company and wish you success in your professional career.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #9:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank [name of organization] for their professionalism and competence. It is pleasant to emphasize that the company’s employees have such qualities as commitment, punctuality, and the ability to quickly navigate in the most difficult situations.

    We wish your company continued success and look forward to continuing to work together.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #10:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] thanks the employees of [name of organization] for their professionalism, competence, attentiveness and accuracy when working with clients. [name of organization] has established itself as a serious company that clearly fulfills its tasks and is results-oriented.

    We hope to continue cooperation in the future!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #11:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    The management and team of [organization name] sincerely thanks you for the competent, professional assistance provided in resolving the company’s legal issues.

    I would like to note the prompt response to all the nuances that arise during the work process. We especially note lively human participation and interest in achieving results.

    Thank you for your fruitful work and your individual approach to our company. We hope to continue the existing business relationship.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #12:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [organization name] would like to thank the staff of [organization name]. The high qualifications, professionalism and commitment of our lawyers allowed us to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues in the field of legal support for our company.

    We hope for further fruitful cooperation and sincerely wish prosperity to your company!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #13:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to all the specialists, employees of [name of organization] and personally to the lawyer [last name, first name, patronymic] for business cooperation and prompt solution of the assigned tasks.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #14:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Let me express my sincere gratitude to the team of [name of organization] for the qualified legal assistance provided.

    We highly appreciate the quality of services and professionalism of your organization’s lawyers.

    We hope that further cooperation will be just as effective and fruitful.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #15:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    With this letter we express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the professional and legal support provided to our company.

    In the market for the provision of legal services, your company has established itself as one of the best and reliable organizations capable of efficiently and competently organizing the work of an enterprise in the field of legal and economic activities.

    Good luck, success and growth in your professional activities!

    Petr Petrov