Wise thoughts about life - from Paulo Coelho. Quotes by Paulo Coelho Paulo Coelho thoughts are material

It's no secret that books contribute to our development. Every book we read must certainly be accompanied by analysis and reflection on the author’s thoughts. One of the most popular authors today is Paulo Coelho. His book “The Alchemist” contains 9 simple truths, which we will talk about now.

1. The secret of life

The secret of living in the present. We too often dwell on the past or think about the future. But you need to think about the present. If we change for the better what we get in the present, we will make the future better.

Forget about the future and live every day with the thought that God loves his children.

2. Biggest mistake

Let's not lose control. You are the master of your life, and only you can manage it. If we once lose control, then fate becomes the main thing. Fate is masterfully ready to give us surprises, good and not so good. You have a choice: submit to it or subjugate it to yourself.

3. Language of the world

In each country, people speak their own language, but there is a language that everyone understands. This is the language of inspiration, the language of love and harmony. This is part of the search that everyone needs. This is faith.

4. What happens after death?

Once we die, we are not gone forever. We become part of the clouds floating above the earth, part of the animals hiding in the forests and water, part of the earth. Our soul becomes the Soul of the World. Every person is important in the world, otherwise he simply would not have been born.

5. The only way to learn

We learn constantly: from our own mistakes and from others, from experience and inaction. Coelho, citing his life lessons in the work, says that the main thing is not to sit still. You need to act, move, travel.

6. Life path

We will never be able to feel other people, because everyone has their own pain, which gives reason for self-denial. But one thing is to feel that you are on the right path, and another is to think that this is your only path.

7. Unusual things

We are looking for something unusual, fabulous and unreal in life. But only a wise person sees the extraordinary in simple things. Look around: is everything so sad? Maybe there is a reason to bring a little fantasy into the world?

8. You have to believe

Thoughts are material, and more than one philosopher has spoken about this. The main thing is to believe in your dream, to believe in what you want. Then the Universe will hear and help you achieve everything.

9. Children's lessons

Children may not be old enough to really understand life, but they can teach adults simple things.

  • to be happy just like that, regardless of the reason;
  • always have something to do;
  • know how to demand what you want.


The last, final lesson that can be gleaned from Coelho's book "The Alchemist" can be formulated this way: you need to take risks. By allowing unexpected things to happen, you can see what a miracle life truly is.

This may seem like incomprehensible nonsense to some, but in fact, the lessons of Paulo Coelho are very powerful. Don't believe me? Find ways to apply them to your own life. And we will leave you with a quote taken from The Alchemist: “No matter what he does, every person plays a central role in the history of the world. But usually he does not know it.”

Love is capable of molding us into every person, transforming our essence and character beyond recognition.

The Universe with its infinity and immensity is accessible to every person. This means that any wish will come true if you really want it. This is the true and hidden purpose of man on Mother Earth. - Paulo Coelho

Everything will invariably be excellent or just good. When things are bad, better times will soon come when the good will prevail over the bad.

The most significant meetings always take place at the turn of events, when the quality of things degenerates and fateful decisions can lead to no return. In an extreme situation, the brain automatically chooses the right path.

P. Coelho Everyone is dissatisfied with their life, but they are not able to improve their destiny as it should. The similarity with the gypsy is obvious - she predicts dreams masterfully, but the fortune teller does not have the courage, strength, talent or skill to turn them into reality.

Love is a rocky road. Either her path drags slowly upward to the heavens, then she quickly flies along a winding path into the abyss to hell.

Without risk there is no complete life. Preparedness for the unexpected gives impetus to accomplishments and actions, then we will get the desired result from life.

The thought is material. A person really wants it - the Universe and Cosmos will fulfill his dreams.

Read the continuation of beautiful quotes by P. Coelho on the pages:

The best way to weaken your opponent is to convince him that you are giving in to him and agreeing with his intentions.

The most profound changes - both in the human soul and in the life of society - occur in a very short time. When we least expect it, life challenges us to test our courage and our desire for change; and does not allow us to pretend that nothing is happening, or to make excuses that we are not ready yet. The call must be answered immediately.

If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty inside you. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

You always need to know when the next stage of your life ends. A circle closes, a door closes, a chapter ends - it doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s important to leave in the past what already belongs to the past...

A person must choose, not accept his fate.

The path that is determined by Your Fate is just as difficult as any other, with the only difference being that your heart will be there.

A crazy person is someone who lives in his own special world.

When God wants to drive a person crazy, he begins to fulfill all his desires.

The sages have long understood that our world was created in the image and likeness of paradise. The very existence of this world is a guarantee that there is another, more perfect one. Alchemist

In sex, it is difficult for one person to deceive the other, because there everyone shows himself as he is.

Losing people I've fallen in love with has hurt my soul before. Now I am convinced: no one can lose anyone, because no one belongs to anyone.

A person always has everything to make his dream come true.

No one lights a candle to keep it behind the door, because light exists to shine, to open people’s eyes, to show what miracles are around.

It’s good to give when asked, but it’s a hundred times better to entrust everything to someone who didn’t ask for anything.

In order to begin a spiritual life, you do not need to go to seminary, fast, be a teetotaler, and avoid women. It is enough to believe in God and accept Him.

Every person on earth, no matter what he does, plays a major role in the history of the world. And usually he doesn’t even know about it.

If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

There is always some incompleteness in desire. For, when fulfilled, it ceases to be a desire.

Instead of cursing the place where you fell, you should try to discover what made you fall in the first place.

There are lesions. And no one in the world is safe from them, moreover, no one can avoid them. Therefore, it is better to fight to fulfill your dreams and lose several battles in this war than to be defeated and not even know what you fought for.

Yes, happiness sometimes comes to us as grace, but much more often it is victory and overcoming.

To live life to the fullest, you need to be in constant motion, and only then will one day be different from the next.

With death, nothing changes... Others took the place of those who were out of action, and life went on.

A person does not understand that, having realized the inevitability of death, he will be able to dare to do more, he will be able to go further in his daily conquests - for if Death is inevitable, then he has nothing to lose.

It is in him, in the present, that the whole secret is. If you give it the attention it deserves, you can improve it. And if you improve your current situation, you will make the future favorable. Don’t worry about the future, live in the present, and let your every day pass as commanded by the Law. Believe that the Almighty takes care of his children. Every day carries within itself a piece of eternity.

The very moment we enter the path we have chosen, all other roads disappear.

No heart suffers when it goes in search of its dreams, for every moment of this search is a meeting with God and Eternity.

The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us into the castle of mediocrity. If we overcome this fear, we will take an important step towards our freedom.

Most primitive civilizations have the custom of burying their dead in the fetal position. “He will be born again, in another life, and we must put him in the same position in which he came into this world,” they say. For these civilizations, death was just another step on the universal ladder. Gradually the world lost its quiet acceptance of death. But no matter what we think, or what we do, or what we believe: each of us will die one day. It is better to do as the old Yakwi Indians did: treat death as a consultant. Always ask, “What am I going to do before I die?”

Money brings... no, not happiness, but money.

“Incompatibility does not mean showing a lack of elitism” (c)

Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that a treasure is buried near your own home.

Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury.

Sex is the art of curbing the unbridled.

“The earth produces enough to satisfy needs, but not enough to satisfy greed.”

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself. And not a single heart suffers when it goes in search of its dreams, for every moment of these searches is a meeting with God and Eternity.

True love does not require reciprocity, and those who want to receive a reward for their love are wasting their time.

There is only one thing that makes fulfilling a dream impossible - the fear of failure.

If things don't go well, there are only two explanations: either your persistence is being tested, or you need to change direction. To discover which of these explanations is correct - especially since they are opposite - use silence and prayer. Gradually things will become wonderfully pure until you have enough power to choose.

Knowledge without transformation is not wisdom.

You have to take risks. The miracle of life can only be fully realized when we are prepared for the unexpected to happen.

A person allows himself the luxury of being crazy only when the conditions for this are created for him.

Everything will happen as planned by God... Troubles happen in our lives, we cannot prevent them. But they happen for a reason. - For what reason? – This is a question that we cannot answer either before or during adversity. Only after having overcome them do we understand why they were needed.

To live life to the fullest, you need to be in constant motion, and only then will one day be different from the next

“I live not in the past or in the future, but now, and only the present minute interests me. If you could always remain in the present, you would be the happiest of mortals... Life would then be an eternal and never-ending holiday, for there would be nothing in it except the present moment.”

There is no escape from unhappiness. We can find a reason, blame other people, imagine what our life would be like if trouble had not happened. But all this does not matter: the misfortune has already happened. From this moment we must forget the fear that it caused in us and begin our rebirth.

Each of us is responsible for the feelings we experience, and we have no right to blame the other for this.

Every day God sends us - along with the sun - the opportunity to change everything that makes us unhappy. And every day we try to pretend as if we do not notice this possibility, as if it does not exist at all, as if today is in every way similar to yesterday and indistinguishable from tomorrow. But those who look closely at their day will find this magical moment.

Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

Sometimes it is easier to achieve an answer by remaining silent than by asking questions.

Why on earth did it suddenly occur to me to save the whole world? After all, I’m hardly able to save myself yet.

In fairy tales, you kiss a toad and it becomes a handsome prince. in life it’s the other way around - you kiss the prince and he becomes a disgusting toad.

This strange thing is LOVE... Yesterday you didn’t know a person yet... and today you can’t live a day without him... you think about him... you wait until you can say a few words to him, or write something... and so on day after day ... But you haven’t even seen this person even once... You just exchanged photographs, gave some advice... and then... and then you suddenly realized that... you need this person more than anything... even more than you need yourself... You probably remember the legend that at one time the Gods divided people into two halves... and for a person to be happy, he must find his half... Here is the same case... You are the same half that I was looking for... I searched for a long time... and found ... I LOVE YOU... Unfortunately, I can’t be with you right now... and this oppresses me no less than you... And yet, imagine our first meeting... to this melody... standing on the bridge... holding hands... looking into each other’s eyes... just stand there, say nothing... and so everything is clear...

Dreams are the language in which the Lord speaks to us. When it is one of the world's languages, I can translate from it. But if the Lord speaks to you in the language of your soul, it will be intelligible to you alone.

When a person follows the path of his destiny, he often has to change direction. Sometimes external circumstances turn out to be stronger, and he has to give in. This is all part of the lesson.

Life is very fast; in an instant we fall from heaven to the very underworld.

The duel between Good and Evil takes place every second in the heart of every person, for the heart is the battlefield where angels and demons fight

Everything has a price, but the price is always relative. When we follow our dreams, we can give the impression to others that we are unhappy and unsuccessful. But it doesn't matter what others think. Joy in our heart is important.

Change only happens when we go against what we are used to.

Madness is the inability to communicate one's perceptions to others.

Two deaths cannot happen... Does it matter whether it happens tomorrow or any other day? Every day is suitable to be lived or to be the last.

The world is a joint dream of the gods.

I would like to have a person next to me, in whose presence my heart would beat evenly and regularly, a person next to whom I would feel calm, because I would not be afraid of losing him the next day. And then time would flow more slowly, and we could simply remain silent, knowing that we still have a whole life ahead of us to talk...

Dying, following Your Destiny, is much better than accepting death, like thousands of people who do not even suspect the existence of the Path.

The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us into the castle of mediocrity. If we overcome this fear, we will take an important step towards our freedom

Everything always turns out well. If things don't go well, it's because you haven't reached the end yet.

There are times in life when God requires obedience from us. But sometimes He calls us to struggle to test our will. In this way He makes us feel His love.

Being consistent means always wearing the same sock.

“There is only one way to achieve... Act. The sages have long understood that our world was created in the image and likeness of paradise. The very existence of this world is a guarantee that there is another, more perfect one. The Almighty created it so that people could see the spiritual through the visible and marvel at the wonders of their own wisdom. This is what I call Action.”

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But the worst suffering is not knowing what decision to make.

Nowadays, people have lost interest in life: they don’t get bored, don’t cry, they just wait for time to pass. They gave up the fight, and life gave up on them. This threatens you too: act, move forward boldly, but do not give up on life.

Every day, every hour of our life is a moment of the Glorious Battle. Gradually we will learn to joyfully perceive and enjoy every moment of life.

Fear ends where the inevitable begins.

If your old life oppresses you, quickly forget about it... Come up with a new story for your life and believe in it. Remember only your victories, and this will help you achieve what you want.

Living life and achieving your destiny means going through a whole series of stages, the meaning of which is often beyond our understanding.

Both men and women are absolutely vulnerable to the power of sex, because there pleasure and fear are equally important.

To live a real life, you need to take risks.

When we want something, we make a choice and pay the price. To follow your dreams, you have to pay a price. This may require us to give up old habits, which may cause us problems and frustration. But no matter how high the price, it is never as high as what we pay for not being able to live our personal destiny.

They gave up the fight, and life gave up on them.

Some events happen in our lives in order to return us to the true path of Destiny. Others are needed so that we can apply our knowledge in life. And some events are meant to teach us.

There is nothing completely wrong in this world. Even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day.

Do you see the Fifth Mountain? – asked Elijah. “No matter from which side you look at it, it will seem different, although it is still the same mountain.” That’s how everything that surrounds us is: these are different faces of the same God.

Rich people don’t throw money away – only poor people behave this way.

Man is a fragile creature, and therefore always tries to hide from himself the great immutability of death. He is unaware that it is she who encourages him to create the best that there is in life.

When we start thinking about what decision to make, as a rule we do nothing at all. Because acting with a premeditated intention requires much more courage than a spontaneous impulse...

No one owns anything, everything in the world is illusory and unsteady - and this applies to both material wealth and spiritual values. A person who has ever lost something that he thought would belong to him forever (and this happened to me often) eventually learns that nothing belongs to him.

If you are still living, it is because you have not yet arrived at the place you are supposed to come to.

They love because they love. Love does not accept arguments.

It’s dangerous to try to be like everyone else: it causes neuroses, psychoses, and paranoia. It is dangerous to want to be like everyone else, because this means violating nature, going against the laws of God, who in all the forests and groves of the world did not create even two identical leaves.

We always know which path is the best, but we follow the most familiar one.

Once upon a time, extraordinary people lived on earth. They had four arms, four legs, two heads. They were wonderful! It was a man and a woman merged into one. There was no more beautiful and powerful creature in the entire Universe.

  • I DO NOT KNOCK on a closed door! In response, I silently CLOSED mine... I DO NOT INTRODUCE! The world is huge - and there is certainly someone out there who is happy receiving my communication, my look and my smile... I AM NOT JEALOUS! if a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and even more so he is not worth my nerves... or attention
  • If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.
  • Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But the worst suffering is not knowing what decision to make.
  • Once I found all the answers, the questions changed.
  • Of all the types of destructive weapons that man can invent, the most terrible and most powerful is the word. Daggers and spears leave traces of blood, arrows are visible from a distance. The poison can be detected in time and death can be avoided.
  • The word destroys unnoticed.
  • Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make bad decisions to see who is with you when everything falls apart. Sometimes you have to let go of someone you love, just to see if they love you enough to come back!
  • The person does everything the other way around. He is in a hurry to become an adult, and then sighs about his past childhood. Spends his health for the sake of money and immediately spends money on improving his health. Thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, which is why he has neither the present nor the future. Lives as if he will never die, and dies like that as if he had never lived.
  • A person who has ever lost something that he thought would belong to him forever, eventually learns that nothing belongs to him.
  • Forgiveness is a two-way street. When we forgive someone, we forgive ourselves at that moment. If we are tolerant of other people’s sins and mistakes, then it will be easier to accept our own mistakes and miscalculations. And then, by letting go of feelings of guilt and bitterness, we can improve our attitude towards life. When, out of weakness, we allow hatred, envy, and intolerance to bubble up around us, then we ourselves inevitably succumb to them in the end.
  • The most important meetings are arranged by souls, even before the physical shells meet.
  • “I heal wounds,” said Time. “I am chained to the ground,” answered Prejudice. “I inspire,” Happiness objected. “And I hurt, lift you to the skies, and then throw you to the ground,” Lyubov grinned insidiously.​
  • Change is always scary. But no one will change your life for you. You understand the choice you must make, but despite the fear, you move forward. This is the main rule of success.

Paulo Coelho- author of several dozen books that have become real bestsellers. Currently, more than 300,000,000 books Brazilian writer and thinker! This incredible figure becomes even more amazing if you know that Coelho's first work was published in Brazil with a circulation of only 800 copies. Surely, you are already familiar with The Alchemist, and if not, be sure to read this book!

Coelho is one of my favorite authors, it is not surprising that on my VKontakte wall there are the most quotes from him)) It was difficult to choose only 10 of the many dozens of wise sayings of the great Brazilian. But obeying the chosen format, I mercilessly cut off everything unnecessary and left the most-most of Coelho's quotes. I wish the author of these pearls of wisdom good health and the next million copies of his new creations! Thank you, Paulo!

10 Wise Thoughts by Paulo Coelho

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Paulo Coelho- one of the most famous writers of our time, who is distinguished by his unique vision of the world and unshakable optimism. His works inspire millions of readers around the world, make them believe in miracles and give hope for a bright future. Currently, the author has published more than 20 books, the most sensational of which was “The Alchemist,” which remained in the top ten bestsellers for a long time.

We invite you to recharge yourself with the incredible inner strength and thirst for life of this brilliant writer by getting acquainted with his selected quotes about life, love and destiny.

Paulo Coelho

When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.

Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.

Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that a treasure is buried near your own home.

It sometimes happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

Waiting is the hardest thing.

If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty inside you. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

H what happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

If love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster.

Where we are expected, we always turn up right on time.

If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

We say the most important words in our lives silently.

Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.

The darkest hour is before the dawn.

If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth your nerves or attention.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

Life can sometimes be surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door slightly - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury.

There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not good or bad, this is life.

Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make bad decisions to see who is with you when everything falls apart.

You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul the same way food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

The person does everything the other way around. He is in a hurry to become an adult, and then sighs about his past childhood. He spends his health for money and immediately spends money on improving his health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, which is why he has neither the present nor the future. Lives as if he would never die, and dies as if he had never lived.

Sometimes you have to die to start living.

People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

Always say what you feel and do what you mean! Silence breaks destinies...

Everything always ends well. If it ends badly, then it's not the end yet.

From me:

*Where there are monetary interests, you will not find justice.

*Life is not a test, it is a school on Earth.

*The world is a mirror - what you “show” in it is reflected.

*Truth depends on the coordinate system and the time of analysis of this truth.

*The correctness and incorrectness of judgments about an event are multifaceted, depending on which side you look at.

*Alas, time as a quantity has a direction; time does not exist for everyone, for a selected biological substance or species that can be measured by time (for example, the time of gestation in women). The birth of new planets and stars, in our understanding, is more busy in terms of organization; it takes much more time than one can even imagine.

*The life time of a biological being can also be measured, a cell has its own time marks, cell division, death, birth, time is applicable for that substance that has a beginning, a starting point.

*The world we live in is not at all the same as we perceive it with the help of our 5 senses. In reality there should be more of them. We were deliberately limited in our perception.

*If human thoughts are able to reach each other regardless of distance, then you should understand that there is an environment in which these thoughts move, an environment (like an electrical wire through which current runs), and in these thoughts there is a certain system of address encryption, they only reach the person to whom they were addressed.

*It is noticed that if a person is convinced that he is the chosen one and can heal, heal people, then this is what happens, the person actually acquires the gift of healing (the nature of this phenomenon has not yet been revealed)

*Religion (whatever it may be) makes people not “free” but slaves. The imposition of religious dogma does not give believers the opportunity to think freely. Time for the fall of all religions, definitely. The Age of Aquarius, its beginning...

*All physical constants and quantities can be erroneous, as well as mathematics with theorems and rules. Everything is possible, far from it. (According to the level of science, we as humanity apparently only went to the first grade, or maybe only to the nursery group).

*After studying astrophysics, it becomes clear that the universe, as it were, was specially “tailored” to a biological model. (For the formation of RNA - DNA, its own conditions are necessary, and apparently as a result of a series of many billionths of space collapses, our world was born, and quite by accident), Someone shook the vacuum, mixing various proto-substances, until the soup became delicious.(joke)

*The matter that surrounds us (and we are made of it) is not homogeneous in its composition, time as a quantity can be used for fragmentation, only for individual formations of matter.

*Matter can be highly scattered and have a tiny mass, which can lead to thoughts about its absence, which is not the case in reality. ( This cannot be seen with human eyes, the perception spectrum is wrong, the frequency range is wrong).

*Mom (Mother - matter) Father - phase (father) phase of information. Together - a human child.

* Thought, according to the latest data, is material (I believe that is not entirely true) thought is information, information is aimless until it reaches a certain environment where it is in demand. After which comes the action - the movement created by this thought.

*Each person changes the world in his own way, through a set of his own beliefs and judgments.

*It is impossible to understand the size of the universe; this understanding cannot be placed in any way in the skull due to the excessively large description of the object. ( The description and the information itself cannot fit into the skull due to the colossal size of the information itself..)

*There is a new, different from our understanding, way of transmitting information at a distance; it has existed for a long time and has not yet been studied. ( Imagine that a person does not need mobile communications, a person’s thoughts find the addressee anywhere, in a split second).

*The fate of man is the most skillfully invented myth. There is nothing more determining a person’s life path than HE himself and his actions, deeds, and thoughts.

*In order to see the future, it is necessary to study the past well, thoughtfully. No event can happen in the future, without an explicit hint (mention in the past) is 100% verified. Signs and meanings of events must be CORRECTLY interpreted.

*There are no more correct decisions than those we made (without outside help)

*Ordinary human greed always creates poverty(poverty and adversity).

*The cause of human diseases lies in 95% of cases in the cerebral cortex (it was not for nothing that ancestors said that all illnesses are from nerves); only 5% of diseases are of a physical nature. 95% psychosomatic.

*Predisposition to diseases 100% indicates the mental health of the system (the person is mentally ill, nervous component) Neurosis should be treated, but the disease will go away on its own.

*There are absolutely no obstacles for a person; he invents all restrictions for himself, or acts under the influence of convictions and “advisers” from outside

*It is important to be healthy in order to be “NORMAL”. (Unhealthy means defective)

*Fear is the most terrible force; those who know how to cope with fear understand how to live correctly without making mistakes. He who is paralyzed by fear cannot make informed, correct decisions (fear is a very bad adviser)

*There are no bad or good temporary stripes (a black stripe, a white stripe); these are all inventions of the brain after a series of severe fatigue.(Everyone needs rest)

*Even after the darkest night, a wonderful blossoming comes. Usually, before flowering, darkness thickens (a sure sign that a new, changed time is coming)

*Instead of sorting out the situation within ourselves, we look for answers in the actions of others (we need to understand ourselves first, before we start blaming our neighbors)

*You can be equally happy both in a royal castle and in a three-room apartment, it is important to understand what exactly makes up the set - happiness!

*It has been noticed that those who ask are refused, don’t go and ask, don’t humiliate yourself, the time will come, they will come, offer and give everything.

*Experience does not come with age; experience either exists or it does not and will not exist.

*Rivers always flow in the same direction (or almost always), the time when the rivers turn back will signal tremendous changes on planet Earth.

*The hare runs and jumps, frolics all day, but does not live more than 15 years, the tortoise does not run, does not jump, lives 400-500 years. (Runners should not jump and run in the morning, except for shaking up your internal organs, you will not get anything) Walk calmly, breathe deeply..

*Any information carries a hidden guide to action. It’s enough to ask: why was I presented with this information, what?


These are just just thoughts...