How to set up your own metalworking business. "how I opened a metal structure shop" Business ideas metalworking what to produce

Currently, large, medium and small businesses are developing at a rapid pace. The most common and in demand are the service sector, trade and farming. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the service sector. The current idea is the organization of metal processing services. Today, metal is one of the most common materials. It is widely used in construction and industry. A very promising business would be to open your own metal processing workshop. It should be noted that this idea will require certain investments.

Metalworking is a fairly broad concept. It can be based on technological processes used in industry, or decorative. In any case, organizing such a business will require a lot of effort. Metal parts and products are in great demand, making them, you can donate goods to various private organizations or shops. The advantage of such a business is that the sale of goods will not be difficult. Let's take a closer look at the business plan. Metalworking: how registration is carried out, documentation is collected, where to buy equipment - these are the questions that he must take into account.

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Registration and collection of necessary papers

To start your own metalworking business, the first step is to draw up an accurate business plan, which should include choosing the location of the future enterprise, registering, collecting documents, purchasing equipment and tools, establishing a client base, determining basic expenses and income, selling products . First, a novice entrepreneur must decide on a location. In addition, it is important to know exactly what you want to open: a small workshop or a workshop where metalworking will be carried out. Then, after you have a legal address, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office.

In this case, you need to pay a state fee. The first registration option is the easiest and will save you time and money. But he has one big drawback: in this case, it will not be possible to carry out transactions with legal entities, that is, various companies and organizations, only with individuals. In addition, it will be necessary to collect the necessary documents: permission from the territorial administration of property, the conclusion of the Rospotrebnadzor authorities on the right to carry out this activity, the permission of the fire inspectorate. If the premises are rented, then the latter is assigned to the landlord.

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Equipment for cold artistic forging and profile bending

Metalworking refers to a greater extent to medium or small businesses. The business plan involves artistic forging of metal and bending of various profiles, pipe rolling.

Artistic forging is used mainly in private construction in the manufacture of window bars, furniture, fences, fences.

In this case, the cold forging method is used. Such metalworking will require the purchase of equipment with which it will be possible to produce coins, arcs, pikes, arches, rings and other small decorative items. Its advantage is that it is very compact (takes up little space) and is more convenient to use.

The most popular among this equipment is the Azhur-2 cold forging machine, the cost of which is more than 250 thousand rubles.
It is Russian made. There are also foreign-made machines, for example, Chinese ones. They cost a little cheaper, about 210 thousand rubles. The business plan may also include such a technological process as profile bending. For these purposes, pipe benders are used. They can be manual or electric. They are used for the manufacture and processing of pipes, channels, rods, strips and so on. Such metalworking will require equipment. The most commonly used for these purposes is the device "Azhur-6". It costs about 170 thousand rubles. In addition to all of the above, you will need a large number of tools and machines. You can buy them at any specialized store.

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Profitability, main expenses and income

The business plan necessarily includes the calculation of total expenses and income, since success and will depend on this. Metalworking is a rather difficult occupation. Its business plan should include the rental of premises, which will require several tens of thousands per month. Expenditure to a greater extent will be associated with the acquisition of equipment. It will take about a million rubles, it all depends on the size of the enterprise. The smaller it is, the lower the costs. Part of the money will go to pay wages to workers. Metalworking to a greater extent is an automated work, and the more machines there are in the enterprise, the fewer workers will be required.

The project is the organization of a metalworking workshop.

The main product of the metalworking workshop will be the bearing.

Consumers of products to be produced and sold within the framework of the project will be various industries - oil, gas, engineering and other industries.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to purchase 1 unit of equipment worth 1,750 thousand rubles. To do this, it is planned to attract credit funds for a period of 1.5 years at 18% per annum.

Project efficiency - cumulative net cash flow - 674.38 thousand rubles, payback period - 13.3 months; discounted payback period - 14.7 months; internal rate of return (IRR) - 95%.

Description of the enterprise and the proposed project

The initiator of the project is MetallProm. The average number of 35 people.

Core values ​​of MetallProm:

Integrity - the actions of the team are based on the principles of ethics.

Customer orientation. The company's team uses its knowledge and experience to help customers solve any problem, make the best decision.

Innovation. MetallProm strives to anticipate the needs and expectations of customers, showing ingenuity and an innovative approach; employee initiative is encouraged. Innovations provide our MetallProm partners with competitive advantages.

Integrity. Continuous professional development of employees and work in a close-knit team is the key to the success of the company.

Society. The company's team is actively involved in the life of society, production is carried out in compliance with all modern environmental requirements.

The founder is an individual whose share in the authorized capital is 100%.

MetallProm enters into contracts on its own behalf, acquires rights and incurs obligations, acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration.

Accounting at the enterprise is carried out according to the journal-order form of accounting. The accounting policy of the enterprise reflects the following main methods and methods of accounting: Write-off of the IBE - 50% upon transfer to operation, 50% - upon disposal due to wear and tear. Depreciation is calculated according to the Uniform Norms, in a linear way. When determining the actual cost of materials written off to production, the average cost method is used. The method of determining the proceeds from the sale of work, services is applied - as the work is performed and the presentation of settlement documents.

The main goal of the company, like any other commercial organization, is to make a profit. To achieve the goals, the company builds its activities in the following areas:

Trade and purchasing activities;

Production of products;

Rendering maintenance of equipment

Society is dynamically developing. It independently plans its activities and determines the prospects for development, based on the demand for products and services provided and improvements, increasing the personal income of employees.

The main goals of MetallProm:

1. Development and production of new product samples that have competitive advantages in the market;

2. Strengthening and expanding ties with consumers in the market;

The main tasks to achieve the strategic goals:

Implementation and certification of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2001, maintaining it in working condition and promoting further improvement.

Ensuring the growth of the well-being of each employee through the continuous improvement of product quality.

Continuous improvement of functional and other indicators of manufactured tractors and engineering machines based on them, introduction of the latest design developments, modern technological processes and equipment that ensure high reliability and safety of manufactured products.

Methods for solving problems to achieve strategic goals:

Bringing to all employees the goals and objectives defined by the management policy in the field of quality through visual agitation and the media;

Creation of conditions for labor motivation of each employee in the process of activity;

Use of the latest technologies;

Ensuring stable product quality by timely analysis of nonconformities and taking corrective and preventive actions;

Organization of work with suppliers on mutually beneficial quality requirements and achievement of strict compliance with these requirements;

Continuous professional development of personnel, improvement of the system of professional training of personnel;

Key principles of MetallProm activity:

Working towards a common goal;

Compliance with the interests of all employees of the company;

Expansion and diversification of the company's activities by identifying competitive advantages;

Improving efficiency in all parts of the company;

Improvement of corporate governance;

Improvement of financial and economic

The mission of MetallProm is: “To provide our customers with quality products at a competitive price. Guarantee a high quality of life for each employee, ensure a high level of contributions to the social needs of society. We work for common success. The quality of each worker's work is the key to the well-being of society."

Unfortunately, there are not so many types of private business in our country yet and they can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  • Opening a retail outlet (shop, stall, and so on).
  • The offer of services (hairdresser, catering establishments, responsible storage of goods, and so on).
  • Manufacture of goods (carpentry or metalworking workshop, tailoring workshop, etc.).

The success of the first two categories of private business is characterized by both dependence on many factors (seasonality of demand, the need to maintain many contacts with suppliers, many sanitary and hygienic and regulatory acts that regulate the work of small companies, and so on), and extremely intense competition in the market.

As for the manufacturing sector, starting a private manufacturing enterprise is somewhat easier, and often cheaper. In the material below, prepared by our team, we will talk about opening your own turning workshop.

Who will be the client of your turning shop

Turning products are in great demand not only among the general population, but also among other private entrepreneurs. Your potential clients will be:

  • Construction or finishing teams.
  • Car service stations.
  • Repair shops.
  • Small private enterprises that do not have turners on staff, but experience a periodic need for turning products, for example, carpentry workshops.
  • Implementers of "pieces of iron" in the market of your locality, owners of construction, household or auto parts stores, as well as other entrepreneurs working in the field of trade.
  • Private persons.

As you can see, you will not have to suffer from a lack of clientele. This is due to the fact that it is simply not profitable for large turning shops to take on the execution of a one-time small order, since the cost of one product will “fly up to heaven” or the lead time for the order will increase tremendously due to the fact that it will be completed between batches of wholesale customers . Industrial enterprises will not even consider the application of such clients.

Finding a location for a turning shop

Since at the beginning of your business activity you will have to work with one-time customers who need one-off products, you should take special care about the choice of premises. It can be your garage in a garage cooperative, a container in the market, non-residential premises in a residential area or near a car service, and so on.

The advantages of such premises are the possibility of free advertising and the presence of a “ready-made” base of potential customers. However, some difficulties may arise. For example, when renting non-residential premises in a house, you will have to take care of having a separate entrance from the street or isolating it from the rest of the property of the owners.

The room must be connected to a water supply and drainage system, as well as an electrical network with a voltage of at least 220 V. This will be quite enough for the operation of a desktop lathe and ensuring the sanitary and hygienic standards required by law.

Estimated costs to get started

The bulk of the costs required to open a turning workshop are needed for the purchase of technological equipment. It is quite natural that the newer the machines and the more functions they have, the higher their cost. The minimum set to get started is as follows:

  • Desktop lathe - 50,000 - 60,000 rubles.
  • Grinding machine - 9,000 - 10,000 rubles.

You will also have to take care of purchasing cutting and grinding tools, as well as the availability of rolled metal for the first time (bars of several sizes made of steel of three to five grades).

After your enterprise is somewhat “strengthened”, you will be able to purchase other equipment necessary to expand the range of manufactured parts, focusing on the existing demand. For example, a HDTV furnace will allow elementary heat treatment of turned products (hardening, tempering, and so on).


If you do not have the professional skills of a turner, then finding a suitable specialist can be difficult. This is due both to the lack of professionals in the labor market due to the fall in the prestige of working professions, and because of the bad habits that the candidate will have.

To facilitate the search for a turner, we recommend paying attention to young people whose professional experience is at least three years, and no more than one and a half to two years have passed since their dismissal. To facilitate the dismissal of a candidate who did not fit according to professional or personal data, it is better to conclude an employment contract for a period of one to three months.

Professional minimum requirements:

  • Grade not less than the third.
  • Ability to sharpen cutting tools.
  • Knowledge of the design and capabilities of a lathe.

It is better to hire a turner who worked in a tool shop or repair service. In terms of his professional skills, such a turner of the third category is significantly superior to a candidate with the fifth category, who worked "on the program", that is, on an automatic lathe.

Modern metal processing consists of a number of technologies for the manufacture of parts for the production of household appliances, industrial products, tools, etc. From year to year, the demand for metalworking is growing, so owning a business in this area is a very profitable business.

Where to begin

1. In order to start your own business, you need to decide on its direction. Modern methods of metal processing are divided into two groups:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

The first group is the most suitable for organizing your business: everything related to chemistry entails high costs for organizing waste disposal, preliminary cleaning of ventilation emissions and problems with obtaining permits for doing business. Start your business

The first group includes:

  • stamping;
  • mechanical processing on metal-cutting machines.

2. Having chosen the direction of activity, you should decide what equipment you will have to buy, and which is better to make on your own.

At the same time, we should not forget that, unlike trade, in production, it is not advertising that is of paramount importance, but the introduction of advanced technologies that are characterized by high productivity. It is in this case that the products will have a low cost, and hence competitiveness.

3. At the first stage, you can take orders for metalworking: the demand for such work never falls. Metal processing to order will require a small machine park, a small guillotine. If you are an experienced machinist, you can purchase used equipment and restore it. It can be, for example, equipment for . You can also buy new machines: now many equipment manufacturers have appreciated the benefits of manufacturing machine tools for small businesses. So entrepreneurs have a choice.

Many entrepreneurs start a metalworking business with only a set of tools. After some time, they begin to expand their business, acquiring machine tools and other equipment that allows them to reduce the cost of their products.

4. Rent of premises. The area of ​​the room depends on the initial set of equipment. If you cannot immediately rent a large room with the prospect of expanding production, it will be enough for you to rent an area of ​​at least 30 m2. Otherwise, it will just be inconvenient for you to work.

5. Advertising. Despite the fact that your business is not a trade, you still cannot do without good advertising. In order to quickly recoup your investment, you need to "show your face" to your potential customers. Place ads on all sites you know, post a video. Do not neglect placing ads in newspapers.

Production expansion

If you have successfully passed the first stage, returned your money invested in production and accumulated capital for further expansion of production, then the next step in your activity will be the acquisition of equipment in accordance with your chosen direction.

  • Processing of metals by cutting. The most effective is carousel metal processing. On turning and rotary machines, many operations are performed:
  1. processing of internal and external cylindrical surfaces;
  2. conical and shaped surfaces;
  3. drilling of central holes;
  4. deployment;
  5. countersinking;
  6. grooving of annular grooves;
  7. trimming ends and cut.

With the help of special devices on these machines, grinding and milling, as well as many other operations, can be performed.

But this applies to bodies of revolution. In the manufacture of parts of rectangular section, the necessary purity of metal surface treatment is achieved by grinding. Therefore, your machine park should have flat grinding. And, of course, you will need a machine.

For polishing surfaces, ultrasonic processing of metals is best suited. This method allows processing tool and structural steels, non-ferrous metals without the use of pastes, felts and abrasives.

The gear wheel requires special equipment. To make a gear reducer, you will have to purchase a gear hobbing machine.

  • Stamping. Stamping equipment (crank and hydraulic presses) is rather bulky. In small businesses, presses with a force of up to 16 Tf are most often used. But if you decide to use high-performance equipment in your production, then magnetic pulse metal processing will suit you.

The magnetic pulse machine allows you to perform almost all types of stamping operations: cutting, punching, distribution, etc. The manufacture of tooling for this type of stamping is less laborious, the productivity is higher than on mechanical presses.

There is one more expense item that you simply must provide for: the cost of special literature. The Handbook of Metalworking should become your reference book.

Regarding the welding business, we can say the following: this type of work is in great demand, and it is much easier to start it than a metalworking business. To do this, you should choose the right equipment (by far the most popular is a pulse inverter). You can start your own metal welding business in the garage.

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