The most profitable business options. The most profitable type of small business in Russia

What are the most profitable types of small businesses in Russia, and how do they differ from popular implemented ideas in other countries? The specifics of laws and consumer demand, as yet a short history of the development of entrepreneurship in the state, have led to significant differences in areas and areas that are successful in the Russian Federation and abroad. If in the West and in the newly industrialized countries the basis of tax revenues from businessmen is IT technologies, development, production know-how, then in our country the most profitable types of small businesses are concentrated in trade and the service sector. Among the main reasons, experts identify:

  • the focus of businessmen on the formation of assets at the expense of working capital, which are faster and easier to implement in the event that the business does not receive recognition and success. These are the expectations of a sudden change in laws, when it is not always possible to be sure what part of the profit the entrepreneur will be able to dispose of after receiving it. And the difficult conditions for entering the manufacturing industries, and the lack of affordable cheap loans. Therefore, small businesses are in no hurry to acquire less liquid fixed assets (machines, equipment, etc.);
  • marketing difficulties. If the service is organized specifically “for the buyer”, for example, an atelier is opened in a new microdistrict in a “sleeping” area of ​​​​the city or near a new business center - a cafe, the owners can always count on solvent demand and a client audience. Being engaged in production and development, it is necessary to know the consumer in advance. You can participate in the procurement program on the basis of FZ-44 or FZ-223, but this requires serious knowledge and financial support, which is not always available at the initial stage of the case;
  • resource difficulties. Even if sales are found, in order to organize a laboratory or a scientific center, qualified personnel, complex, often imported equipment, and consumables are needed. Often they are difficult not only to buy, but also to find.

The most profitable types of small business in Russia

Assessing the most profitable small business in Russia, the rating can be presented as follows (share in the total number of recognized profitable activities, the profitability of which, regardless of the season, is 100 percent or more):

Place in the rankingIndustryPercentage
1. Small wholesale bases0.15
2. Shops (groceries and manufactured goods)0.11
3. market trading0.1
4. Repair and construction0.09
5. Advertising, including online, website promotion8.5%
6. Consulting, professional services (accounting, law)7.5%
7. Educational services (tutoring, governesses, nannies)0.07
8. Medicine (massage, nursing services, nursing activities)0.06
9. Organization of holidays, animation, floristic design, photography0.05
10. Household services to the population - atelier, watch repair, etc.4.5%
11. Public catering4.5%
12. vending business0.04
13. Hospitality0.03
14. Farming0.02

The remaining 3% covered other industries. Some of them, with high potential profitability, are distinguished by high requirements for initial investments in their organization. For example, specialized clinics, leasing property, drilling wells, oil and gas.

Others have not yet become widespread, since the client market has not been formed or sufficiently prepared, and they can only develop so far in large metropolitan areas. Among them are private managers, financial consultants, chiropractors.

Some of them will become promising and in demand over time, others will not be widely used and will not become profitable types of small businesses in any other regions.

Profitable production for small businesses

Details on how much investment is required for production in the most profitable types of small businesses in Russia and what entrepreneurs can count on:

Ready business plan for a clothing store

Small wholesale bases

Their main advantage is the convenience of location and wide sales. These organizations are necessary for both private buyers, and large networks, and contractors - small entrepreneurs.

The main part of their costs is the rental of premises and equipment to maintain optimal temperature and humidity parameters. The starting capital of such firms is about 300 thousand rubles, the profitability is at least 100%, the payback is less than a year.

Retail stationary and market trade

With a successful choice of the location of the outlet and the compilation of the assortment, the costs can be recouped already within the first 4-6 months on the date of the project launch. The level of profitability can be higher than 200%, the industry average is about 150%. Investments - from 200,000 rubles.

Construction and repair

Most often, the work is seasonal, but on average per year, based on the seasonal yield, it is 110%. Minor repairs of premises, cars, installation of air conditioners, split systems, installation of plastic windows, balconies, wardrobes, built-in furniture, reconstruction of country and garden houses are in demand. The payback amount is from six months, the minimum starting capital is 100,000 rubles.

Profitable business with minimal investment: ideas

Business ideas are associated with the implementation of one's own unique capabilities, skills, abilities, and knowledge. These are consulting, accounting, auditing, financial and legal consulting and transaction support, tutoring, other educational activities, creation and promotion of websites, online advertising, massage, etc.

The profitability of such a sphere is estimated at the level of 120 percent or more, the payback in it comes literally from the first month of the functioning of an individual entrepreneur (or LLC).

Household services to the population

A significant part of the start-up costs is the rent of premises for the office of the company.

They can be minimized, for example, by opening a business in your own apartment at first (if this does not contradict the conditions for using the living space). This option will allow you to count on starting from 50,000 rubles. (depending on the type of activity), payback during the first six months of the company's operation, high (about 100%) level of profitability.

Public catering

Requires a significant invested capital, at least 300 thousand rubles. Payback is minimal - 4 months, average - 9 months. Profitability - 130%. Advantages - high demand, you can open a cafe and production with the immediate sale of fast food products in almost any locality, varying the assortment and focus of the offer.


Today, the unstable financial situation in the country leads to job cuts. Some people go to new companies after being laid off, while others look for ways to start their own profitable business. After reading the article, you will find out which business is profitable to open in Russia with little investment.

What business is in demand now

Supply is formed by demand. This is one of the main economic laws, therefore, in order to open the most demanded business, you need to determine what products and services the population of your city needs. It is believed that in any region, organizations involved in the repair, replacement of plumbing, the sale of household chemicals and products are in the greatest demand. To find out more precisely what kind of business is relevant now, an analysis of the market for services and goods will help.

Service Demand

According to statistics, employment agencies are very popular: the crisis and constant layoffs increase the need for such organizations. Demand for plumbers, hairdressers, electricians and funeral directors remains unchanged. In Moscow and other large cities, the first place in terms of the number of applications is occupied by companies engaged in commercial transportation. Organizations from the sphere of beauty and health are only 1% behind in the top. By finding out which services are most in demand among the population, you can organize a profitable business.

What is profitable to sell now

Aspiring entrepreneurs love to wonder what people are in demand right now. Actual products remain the same. An example of high-margin products: flowers, drinks, jewelry, handicrafts. Such goods are distinguished by stable demand, low production and storage costs. Popular alcoholic beverages are considered popular products.

What kind of business is now in demand in a small town

Small settlements are bypassed by novice entrepreneurs. In their opinion, the business there brings very little income. This is partly true, because salaries there are lower than in megacities. The cost of renting and buying premises will also be less than in big cities, so you can organize your own business with minimal financial costs.

The most popular business in a small town is a general barbershop. In addition to hairdressers, there should be manicure-pedicure masters, beauticians and masseurs. Shoe and furniture repair shops are popular regardless of the financial situation of the country, because. people tend to restore old things out of fear of spending big.

Demanded business

Commercial activity is always aimed at satisfying the needs of people or stimulating demand. Any promising business is built on this. You can artificially create demand for products by running product advertising on the street and on television. The relevance of the entrepreneurial field and whether business decisions are effective still play a significant role.

Profitable business

Commercial activity should bring maximum income with minimal cash investment and exploitation of various resources. These features characterize a highly profitable business. During the crisis, it is not necessary to open enterprises engaged in the production of any products. Their profitability will be low, the risks are high, and you will see real profit only in a few years. The service sector is considered successful.

Super profitable business

All novice entrepreneurs dream of receiving fabulous money, but few manage to realize this in practice. Some franchises allow you to build a super profitable business from scratch in just a couple of months. Another way not to save money and get a lot of money is to create a business that is completely new for the region and in demand. Direction options: from restoration or car rental - to your own thrift store.

Most profitable business

By opening your own bakery in a large city, you can quickly return all invested funds - in less than 2 months. A similar situation is observed with healthy food restaurants. People are no longer attracted to fast foods. The fastest paying business is able to return all invested funds in a month. Before opening your own business, study by sorting them by profitability indicators for your region - so you can weed out offers that will lead to the bankruptcy of the company in the future.

Profitable online business

A distinctive feature of activities on the World Wide Web is the lack of binding to one's place of residence. You can search for clients both in your city and beyond, so organizing a profitable business on the Internet is easier than doing it in the real market. A novice entrepreneur does not even need start-up capital. There are several areas of such business:

  • provision of online services (programming, design development, accounting, etc.);
  • launch of an online store;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • creation and promotion of your information product.

An actual business with the provision of services on the Internet can be created if you are a specialist in any field. You need to draw up a portfolio or launch a business card website, where your skills will be described in detail. You can start an online store without money, acting as an intermediary between foreign sellers and buyers from Russia. Goods will be sold with a small markup.

Online store

Consider opening an online store in more detail.


  • minimum investment (often 10-15 tr is enough)
  • you can work in the Russian Federation from any city
  • everything is growing rapidly: in 2018, the turnover of online commerce exceeded 1 trillion rubles, the forecast for 2023/24 is 3-4 trillion rubles.

The main problems 2 - to find a profitable product and stand out from competitors.

Advice - communicate more with the owners of existing online stores. Then the ideas will come by themselves.

The best place for communication is clubs of owners of Internet sites. The largest of them - "Insider", unites tens of thousands of entrepreneurs. The club is founded by the owners of large sites, every month there are large (including free) online and live events.

  • it is run by the founder of the club, Nikolai Fedotkin, owner of the Video-shoper store (10-15 thousand people visit the site per day)
  • the issues of choosing a niche (they give more than 1000 proven products), competition, creating a website, advertising, suppliers, individual entrepreneurs, delivery, etc. are solved.

The webinar is free. You won't find anything better in Russia now.

Profitable business with minimal investment

Many people want to make a profit without spending their own money, but not everyone succeeds. In practice, a profitable business with minimal investment can be organized if you offer products of your own production, engage in intellectual work, or act as an intermediary, organizing purchase and sale transactions. Some open collection points for glass containers or scrap metal in the garage.

Network marketing also refers to making money with little investment. You can develop your business at home by recruiting interested people from the population. If the idea of ​​creating a network of independent distributors does not appeal to you, then you can take up farming: the demand for basic food products that are not harmful from an environmental point of view is high among residents of megacities.

Rating of profitable businesses in Russia

Business activities must be profitable. The proceeds should cover the costs of the further development of the organization, the remuneration of employees and the entrepreneur's own needs. If this is not observed, then the business is recognized as unprofitable. Some entrepreneurs initially choose unprofitable areas, which leads to loss of finances over time. Having studied the rating of small businesses in terms of profitability in Russia, you can avoid this. The TOP 5 best entrepreneurs include:

  1. Private auditors. The economic state of the country, changes in legislation practically do not affect the popularity of the audit. This list also includes consulting services.
  2. Specialized clinics. Various types of cosmetic and medical procedures are in demand among residents of all cities, so this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity is classified as highly profitable.
  3. Accounting services. Needed by both small companies and large enterprises. The only disadvantage of this industry is today's high competition.
  4. Law firms. A highly profitable business with highly qualified specialists and many cases resolved in favor of clients.
  5. Microcredit. This niche has gained popularity in the last 3 years. Money is issued on the security of products manufactured by enterprises or any property.

Business profitability by industry

Economic performance measures determine whether a company will survive or not. They must be taken into account when choosing the direction of the enterprise. Economic efficiency indicators determine the company's development strategy. Below is a table that demonstrates the profitability of the business by industry:

Business branch

Percentage of profitable organizations


Trade, catering

Finance, insurance, banking

mechanical engineering

IT and software development

Business Services

Car sales and service

food industry

Scientific activity, education

Construction, reconstruction and modernization of buildings

Ore processing, mining

Pharmaceutics, medicine

Every second employee at some point ceases to hope for career advancement and salary increases. Some of them open their own business in the hope of increasing their earnings, but often the business goes bust. In order not to fail, you need to correctly determine the niche. Let's figure out which business will be the most profitable next year.

Business Success Factors

Every person who wants to discover , first asks the question: “What kind of business will bring stable profits?”.

Before you decide on the area in which you want to build a business, familiarize yourself with the factors necessary for a successful business.

Minimum investment

This is a very important factor, since most start-up businessmen have a minimum starting capital.

By finding a business area with minimal investment, you will eliminate the problems associated with finding investors, returning their funds spent, and in most cases also interest.

Return of start-up capital in a short period of time

This factor plays a significant role in the beginning of creating your own business in any field of activity. Success will find a project that will quickly pay back all its costs for its creation.

Increased demand

Study the market and decide what consumers are buying the most. The most in demand are essentials, those that people will use regardless of how much they cost and whether they have money for these goods.

If your business idea has at least one of these factors, then you can be sure that your business will be profitable.

What niche to choose to start a business

Examples of highly profitable businesses will help you decide in which area to promote your business.

Small business

Start small if you don't have experience. To create it, you need a small investment, a room of a couple of tens of square meters, a small staff and inexpensive equipment. An important advantage of a small business is the ease of registration, which even a person without a legal education can handle. If you don't know contact lawyers.

Let's run through the most profitable small business ideas.

Essential goods and services

Recall that increased demand is one of the factors for the success of a business.

Even in times of financial crisis, people want to satisfy their basic needs.

What is included in the concept of "essential items"?

The diagram clearly describes the distribution of expenses of an average family.

Food, clothing, and shoes are what most people spend their income on first. Therefore, according to statistics, the most profitable business in Russia remains the trade in food, clothing and footwear.

Medicines remain an important item of first necessity. Especially if one of the family members suffers from chronic diseases. If a family member or a close relative falls ill, people are ready to give everything to get the necessary medicines. The most profitable small business will be the opening of a pharmacy kiosk, a store.

Many families have special family members whose well-being is just as concerned. These are animals. A large percentage of payback and permanent income has a business at a veterinary clinic or a store with goods for animals.

Auto repair shop, auto parts store

Any car requires constant care and attention. The older the car, the more often it needs to be repaired.

According to statistics in Russia, the average age of cars is 12 years.

Therefore, services that are in constant high demand include car repair shops. After the end of the warranty period on new cars, most owners use the services of service stations.

Opening a tire shop will become a profitable business. It requires a small investment, will always be in demand and profitable.

This business expands over time. Next to the workshop, open a car wash, an auto parts store, or even a fast food kiosk.

vending business

The vending business has all three factors of a successful business. It is only necessary to purchase a device, find a “warm” place, and establish an uninterrupted supply of consumables.

The vending business occupies many service areas:

  • coffee;
  • Food;
  • terminals, payment systems, etc.

The price of coffee vending machines is quite loyal - new machines cost from 90 thousand rubles, used ones can be found from 55 thousand rubles.

Earnings in social networks

The work on the Internet is rapidly developing due to the maintenance of social networks. For example, high-quality and interesting can be a good source of income.

Create an online store in 15 minutes and manage it from your mobile! Create your own online store without the help of programmers and designers. It's simple! Try the features of Ecwid for free.

Sports clubs

The theme of a healthy lifestyle is very popular now. You can open a fitness club, gym, or

It is impossible to determine in which area of ​​​​activity a business will be 100% successful. If you analyze the situation and choose the right niche, then you will have a profitable business.

Examples of successful business

There are many examples of business ideas in the world that have brought their owners worldwide recognition and great income.

Here are just a few of them:

Amazon online store

An online store called "Amazon" was opened by Jeffrey Bezos, a US businessman who is considered one of the richest people on the planet.

In 1994, Jeff decided to start his own business. Since he graduated with honors from the university in programming, he was interested in business through the Internet. At that time, the Internet business was new, but already gaining momentum.

The basis for creating a business was the sale of books via the Internet. Jeffrey's site has become an intermediary between the reader and book publishers. He launched the website project at the expense of his own savings and small funds allocated by his parents.

Now the number of employees of the company is more than two tens of thousands of people, a huge office building in Seattle. And it all started in Jeffrey's room, in which there was an old computer, a server, a wooden table. Over time, the sale of books began to bring a huge income, which allowed the business to expand.

Now this online store is known all over the world. It is included in the TOP-25 most visited sites on the Internet. This corporation today has a turnover of more than 20 billion dollars a year and a net profit of about 0.5 billion dollars.


Ferrero was founded by Italian businessman Michel Ferrero.

According to Forbes magazine, Michel Ferrero's capital today is 600 billion rubles.

How did he come to such success? He went into the production of conventional chocolate butter, which was a novelty in the food industry in that era.

The Ferrero family opened its first factory in 1946. In 1957, the company opened its production in Germany. It was Ferrero's first factory outside of Italy.

Ferrero's representative office in Russia began its work in the mid-90s.

At the moment, under the leadership of Ferrero, products of no less famous brands are produced:

  • Ferrero Rocher;
  • "Tic-Tac";
  • "Raffaello";
  • Kinder Surprise, etc.

Ferrero's products are successfully sold in 50 countries around the world. Every day the Ferrero family business is growing and developing.

public storage

Incredible at first glance, the idea for starting a business was found in 1972 by a businessman from South America, Brad Hughes. Breda's capital has already exceeded 200 billion rubles.

The idea is that people can store their belongings in a safe place for a fee.

Now this business has become widespread throughout the world. There are a large number of companies providing such services. The Public Storage company is the largest, but it occupies only 5% of the entire market.

If you would like to use the services of Public Storage or want to know the details of the business, please visitofficial website of the company .

This idea shows how you can open a profitable business for someone who loves to do various types of needlework.

American businessman Ty Warner earned his capital of 146 billion rubles thanks to the creation of Beanie Babie soft toys.

In 1983, Warner incorporated Ty Warner, later renamed Ty Inc., and designed the first new type of toy himself. In 1993 Ty Inc. began to produce soft toys, the filler was plastic granules, the so-called beans. Therefore, they got their name in translation “bean babies”.

The cost of one toy ranges from 10,000 to 60,000 rubles. The cost of its manufacture does not exceed 600 rubles.

The secret of success lies in the fact that you will not find these toys in the store, each toy is made in a single copy.

This is a clear example of the fact that the exclusivity and originality of the idea is an important component for a successful business.

The creators of the world-famous Red Bull energy drink, Dietrich Mateschitz and Kaleo Juvidich, have a capital of 110 billion rubles.

The drink has a simple composition:

  • water;
  • glucose;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin b.

But this was enough for the product to become recognizable and have a high level of sales all over the world.

Dietrich Mateschitz first tried this drink in Asia. The drink recipe has been known in Asia since ancient times. It's called thereKrating Daeng, which means "red bull" in Thai. After drinking the drink, Dietrich felt a surge of strength and an increase in efficiency. The company was founded in 1984Red Bull. The start was unsuccessful. Business brought Dietrich multi-million dollar losses. Thanks to the diligence of Dietrich and an excellent advertising campaign, the drink has its own consumers.

The slogan of the company stands out for its originality. Everyone has seen a hand-drawn commercial with simple content that conveys the meaning of the slogan "Red bull inspires."

Interesting fact:

A few people who use Red Bull will be able to answer the question of what color this drink is. After all, they consume it exclusively from opaque tin cans. Most of them, when faced with this question, answer that red (thinking logically and based on the name). In fact, the color of Red Bull is similar to the color of lager beer.

The brothers Paul and Hans Riegel came up with gummies of various colors, shapes, flavors. There are about 260 types of marmalade. It is made almost all over the world.

After the First World War, Hans becomes a business partner of the owner of the company Heinen, located in Kessenich. The company is named Heinen & Riegel. However, already in 1920, Hans decided to open his own company. He buys a house on the Bergstraße in Kessenich, where he equips his first production hall. The starting capital consisted of a bag of sugar, a marble slab, a stool, an oven, a copper pot, and a rolling pin.

Here, in a small closet in the household yard, the history of the world-famous enterprise began. On December 13, 1920, Hans Riegel registers in the commercial register of Bonn the company HARIBO - whose name is an acronym for Hans Riegel BONN.

Each of the brothers became the owner of a capital of $ 1.5 billion.

Not a single child in the world can resist the sight of these goodies, and parents will not refuse to buy them for their children.

This is what it means to competently approach the development of your business ideas.

The history of Starbucks Coffee began in Seattle. Three friends, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker, who had a passion for fresh coffee, opened a small shop in 1971 selling freshly roasted coffee beans as well as brewing accessories.

In 1981, Howard Schultz, a plastics salesman, joined the company.

American Howard Schultz decided to open a coffee restaurant after visiting Italy. Inspired by the smells of aromatic coffee on the streets of Italy, he decided to create the same atmosphere in his homeland.In 1987, the owners of Starbucks decided to sell their coffee business to a group of local investors for $3.7 million. Schultz managed to negotiate such a large amount because he convinced investors that they could open up to 125 outlets in the next five years. He also changed the Il Giornale coffee shop logo from a topless mermaid to a more socially acceptable one.

Now the Starbucks chain of stores includes up to 12,000 stores, which bring Schultz capital in the amount of $1.1 billion.

Official website of the company .

Have you already opened your business, but it does not bring you the desired income? Pay attention to the following details and correct them:

  • analyze your expenses. Try to shorten them.
  • engage in staff development.
  • get your team interested in the work, think about how you can encourage your employees.
  • divide your business into several small industries, assign responsible people to each of them.
  • launch an advertising campaign for your business to increase the number of customers.
  • Invest in equipment upgrades to improve product quality.
  • protect all your company data in electronic form. This will help you prevent financial losses in the future.

There are many areas for starting your own business. You just have to decide what you are interested in doing. There will always be free places for active entrepreneurs.


Starting your own business is a lot of work. By investing all your soul and strength in the business, you will achieve the desired result and receive a high income.

Realize your most daring ideas of opening a new business! Perhaps it is your idea that will be new, interesting for customers and will bring you worldwide fame and huge income! Good luck!

Before you start talking about what kind of business to open now, I recommend reading about unsuccessful attempts to start your own business, earlier on blotter ru we discussed this with the people.

So, what business is relevant now? To understand this, you need to understand what happens in a crisis, and not only in a crisis - but the following happens - the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Therefore, business directions are promising - either for the very poor or for the very rich. The middle class suffers the most at all times.

We open a profitable business for the rich


It is very important for Moscow and other large cities of Russia. Self-service car washes are especially in demand.

Banqueting hall

Crisis or not, there will always be holidays, weddings, birthdays. We rent a hall, make repairs, decorate everything, find a photographer, toastmaster among friends, advertise in the media and the Internet. Ready.

Apartments for rent

A fairly risk-free and stable type of business, but it requires a lot of money at the start. Actual for large cities and resort areas. We buy property and rent it out.

Network Marketing and Franchise

Well, let's take McDonald's as an example, there are always queues! The franchise costs about 1 million dollars, the payback is 2-3 years.

Domestic tourism

Due to the growth of the dollar, many people have refused to travel abroad. For foreigners, our country has become more attractive in terms of tourism. Demand for domestic tourist routes has grown.


This is especially true for children's clothing. Go to a children's online store and see what prices are there, many things are more expensive than for an adult. Demand in this area is high.

Actual business for the poor with minimal investment


At all times, the activity of pawnshops flourished. It has always been considered a fairly profitable business with minimal investment.

Funeral services

People always die and never save on funerals. The only problem in this type of business is that all the grain places in the cemeteries are already occupied and it will be quite difficult to enter there. But a funeral is not only a cemetery, it is also transport, coffins, wreaths, etc. this is where you can earn money.

Food trade

People always want to eat and it doesn’t matter if there is a crisis in the yard or not. Therefore, you can earn money on the sale of food: homemade, greenhouse, pickled vegetables, pies, jam, etc. all this can be done at home.

Fast food

Shawarma, samsa, barbecue - a small stall in a bread place and there will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcustomers, the income is good, especially if you do not hire a seller, but stand behind the counter yourself.

Commission shop

Or, more simply, second-hand, especially for children's and branded items. Demand in this type of business is good and, most importantly, stable.

Rental Services

This type of business is relevant in both small and large cities. What can be rented out, but almost everything, for example:

  • Carnival costumes
  • Baby baths and car seats
  • strollers
  • Bicycles and more

Earnings on the Internet

Without having any skills, you can earn money on the Internet. Did everyone in school write essays? We find a content writing exchange and offer our services. For one article you can get from 100 to 3000 rubles.

traffic jam business

This business is especially relevant for large Russian cities, for example, for Moscow. I often travel around the Moscow Ring Road and get stuck in traffic jams, and recently I saw small vans that stand in traffic jams and sell coffee, sandwiches and other food, and now they have quite large queues of customers.


Well, everything is clear! The main problem is the cost of renting the premises.

Business on

This is a very interesting kind of business. Simply put, buy low and sell high. There are categories of goods with very high demand among the population, for example, iPhones or winter tires before winter. People want to sell quickly and are ready to lower the price a bit, this is where you can make money.

Home kindergarten

This type of business can be organized right at home. Clients can be found in your area among friends.

home kitchen

Very good profit from baking cakes. Dumplings are also in high demand, etc. The main thing is to find a stable buyer for your product.

Car repair

We rent a garage in some large parking lot and there is already a minimum flow of customers.


If you have certain knowledge in some area, then you can sell it. Becoming a tutor is a fairly good demand in this line of business.

How to calculate profitable promising business directions

  1. We look at what is around us, what kind of business is running. A simple example: I live in Moscow and regularly observe huge queues at car washes, and not at all, but at self-service car washes (this is where you wash your car yourself), and the queues are constant. Conclusion: the demand for these sinks is not small.
  2. We watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers, look at advertising posters on the street. The area of ​​business that is actively advertised is profitable, if there is money for active advertising, then the business is profitable, there is demand, there is money.
  3. We open a large job search site and monitor for about a week where the most vacancies appear and see what the companies that posted vacancies are doing. If the company has many new vacancies, then in this area of ​​business MONEY there is demand for goods and services.

If you have your own thoughts, ideas about what type of business it is important to do now, write in the comments, it will be interesting for me and site visitors to read the site.

Failed business ideas
Stories of the most unsuccessful business projects from the first person.

Many people who decide to start their own business cannot immediately count on a large amount to create investments. Do not despair - a business with minimal costs will come to the rescue. Using inexpensive, but profitable business ideas at minimal cost, you can build a truly profitable business of your own.

Profitable ideas for business at the most minimal costs - up to 50,000 rubles.

Start a tea business

Tea products are in great demand and guaranteed sales. Profitability will be up to 600% (due to the lack of competition for real tea). You will need to open an individual entrepreneur, rent a room in a well-known supermarket and purchase popular varieties of Chinese tea at cost.

Let's calculate the expected profit:

  • 20 Pu-erh tablets at cost price 1 tablet - 40 rubles. = 4200 per day.
  • Tea te guan yin at a cost of 200 rubles. for 100 gr. - approximately 3150 per day.
  • Da hong pao at a cost of 300 rubles. for 100 gr. When selling 700 grams per day at a price of 550 rubles. = 1750.
  • Oolong and others can bring about 1500 per day.

So, the total daily income will be 7,600 rubles, and the monthly income - 228,000 (excluding taxes and rent - about 200,000 rubles).

Renting apartments for rent in sublease

Choose a 1-room apartment with a convenient location for those who rent housing for a short period of time (business travelers, tourists), i.e. near the railway station, exhibition center or airport. Next, resolve the issue with its owner and separately with each of the potential tenants by drawing up an appropriate contract.

Even in the worst case, the profit will be 10,000 (i.e., a 100% return per month). 10% will be spent on advertising (posting ads, printing in popular publications).

Cleaning the premises after a change of clients also requires costs (we discard 20% for detergents, various updates and utility bills).

Total - 70% of income monthly (maximum - 120%).

city ​​quest

The project consists in organizing a team game-walker, setting the participants a certain goal, to which they move, receiving hints and completing tasks step by step. The winner is the team that completes the task first.

The average cost of city games is about 1500 per team or 300 rubles. from a person. Teams generally consist of five people.

Even with a pessimistic forecast (for a single game per day with the participation of 2 teams), you can get - 1500 x 2 x 7 = 21,000 per week, which means 84,000 per month.

After deducting 6% income tax 6% (5040 rubles) and staff salaries (20,000 + 5% of profit - 24,200), we get 54,760 rubles. net income for the month.

Making stamps

Every day new firms or their branches are formed, and everyone needs their own seal. The task of the business is to attract customers with offers for the production of high-quality seals. To avoid problems with the law, the client must bring permits along with the print layout.

In order to open this profitable business, you need the following equipment:

  • computer - 30,000;
  • printer - 5,000;
  • program for creating layouts of seals - 2000;
  • exposure chamber - 15,000;
  • car wash - 4,000.

Thus, to start you need 56,000 rubles. With the cost of a copy of the print about 10 rubles, and the market value of about 250 rubles, the net profit will be 240 from one print.

Profit will depend on the number of customers (from 15,000 rubles to 2-3 thousand rubles monthly)

Installation and sale of GSM alarms

You can open another fast and profitable business at minimal cost. Advantages of the idea:

  • not everyone has the opportunity to put their property on guard in non-departmental services.
  • cellular networks are highly developed and are becoming available even in remote suburbs.
  • GSM alarms have a budget cost and are inexpensive to operate, which makes them attractive to consumers.
  • the possibility of purchasing wireless alarms on Chinese sites at a very low price (from $60).

Their implementation on Russian sites is carried out at a cost of no less than $200 (only for the kit itself).

Ideas with an investment of 50 to 100 thousand

Bath restoration

Installing a new bathtub is a costly process (dismantling, removal, repair with subsequent installation). It is much more profitable to restore the old one. This can be done in various ways, on which the costs will depend.

So, materials for installing an acrylic liner will cost 4500 rubles, and the profit from one such liner is from 1000 to 1200 rubles. When installing 30 acrylic liners per month, the revenue will be 30,000 - 36,000 rubles.

The cost of liquid acrylic will cost about 2600 rubles, and the profit from one bathtub repaired by this method is approximately 800 - 1300. When repairing 20 bathtubs using liquid acrylic, the revenue will be 16,000 - 26,000 rubles, i.e. with the restoration of 50 baths per month, the profit received is from 46,000 to 62,000.

Development of applications for the social network "Vkontakte"

The Flash API platform is supported for programming Vkontakte applications. In this format, you can build your own profitable business at minimal cost directly on the platform of this social network.

It can be various useful programs or games. Earnings are related to the number of votes (1 vote - 7 rubles). It is difficult to create a mega-popular application, but getting several thousand visitors in the first week is real.

Not everyone is able to create an application, but anyone can submit original ideas to professional programmers. So, having spent about 50,000 rubles, you can receive tens of thousands of revenue every month.

Windshield repair

The principle of operation is to fill the cracks with a special polymer, followed by ultraviolet treatment. As a result, the cracks on the glass of the car stick together and become almost invisible. Correctly carried out repairs improve the appearance of damaged glass, as a rule, is 85%.

Repairing a crack often takes no more than 40 minutes, and the owner of the car pays 1/4 of the cost of new glass. Unique glasses can bring the surest profit: glasses of large trucks and rare cars, as well as panoramic windows of buses.

Sale of oxygen cocktails.

Benefits of this idea:

  • free market of services - the niche is practically not occupied and there is an opportunity to open your own profitable business and move quickly;
  • perspective - starting small, you can come to a large-scale project;
  • popularity - oxygen cocktails are a sought-after product, since their benefits are obvious (all systems in the body function much better after taking them).

Oxygen is not only drunk as a cocktail, but also inhaled, so it is better to offer these services in combination (headset and liquid cocktails).

The preferred form of sale is to open a minibar (a small bar with high chairs). The starting amount for the launch is from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

The cost of a serving is about 8 rubles. at a selling price of 50-60 rubles. per serving. The minimum volume of sales in order for the project to generate income is 20-25 cocktails per day.

Production of keys

The field of activity seems insignificant, but the demand is stable and has an expected income.

To open your own business, you will need to rent a small room and certain equipment (2 machines for making keys and programming them for intercoms). The cost of machines is about 60,000 rubles. and higher.

Key templates will cost 3-18 rubles. Production of one key - 100-200. With a good choice of location, 10 customers can be served per day (half of them need 2 keys). With an average price of 150 p. you can earn up to 2250 rubles.

Options with costs from 100 to 200,000

Coffee machines

The purchase of equipment is the main expense item in this vending business. The difference in the cost of new equipment and used equipment is almost two times. At the same time, the reliability characteristics are almost the same. Due to this great idea, you can not only open your own business, but also double your business efficiency, which will make it possible to recoup each of the machines in six months.

For comparison, a new device will pay for itself only a year later, and a used device will not only pay for itself in a year, but also bring 120,000 profits.

honey packing business

To start, you need 120,000 rubles. - approximately this amount will cost a machine for packaging honey. Room rental - about 20,000 per month. One such honey packing site requires 4 people to work (salary - 70,000)

During the season, even with 50% load, it will be possible to package about 45 tons of honey. When purchasing for 100 rubles. and a market price of 130 rubles, the yield will reach 1.350 million rubles.

The cost of plastic packaging for the entire volume will be 720,000 rubles. Even with 50% equipment load, this type of business is able to reach full payback in the first working season, and bring the owner 270,000 (more than 2 times more than the start-up capital).

Repair shops for cell phones, smartphones and communicators

The start will cost up to 200,000 rubles, monthly expenses - up to 100,000, taking into account wages and the purchase of components and spare parts.

Workshop earnings consist of a markup on spare parts (usually above 100%). Money for the work, as a rule, goes to the master's salary. A good volume of orders (10 applications daily) will provide revenue up to 300,000 rubles. per month.

In addition to the premises, like any organization in the service sector, the workshop should indicate its working hours, draw up a price list, create a “consumer corner”.

After registering an individual entrepreneur, do not forget to take care of the fire safety instructions and job description.

Production of plastic cards

It is acceptable to open a profitable business with minimal costs. Plastic cards are: credit, discount cards of shops, certificates, cards of different clubs, etc. That is, your potential customers are shops, clubs, credit and banking institutions.