How much does shawarma bring? Your own business: making and selling shawarma

The question of how to open a shawarma business with a kiosk is of interest to many entrepreneurs who dream of getting rich from fast food. guarantees stable income on investments that a focused person can handle.

What is the essence of business

Shawarma is actually a dish of Turkish origin, which, thanks to its wonderful taste, speed and ease of preparation, and satiety, is popular among most segments of the population. People who prefer to eat shawarma are:

  • students;
  • workers;
  • visitors;
  • busy people.

After all, it’s enough just to buy a delicious dish at a kiosk and eat it right at the bus stop, while waiting for transport, or on the go, getting to work. As opposed to eating in a cafe, shawarma is much cheaper and does not tie the buyer to one place, causing him to waste time.

What to do from the very beginning

Not knowing what it takes to open a shawarma shop from scratch to make money, the future businessman analyzes the market and watches the work of his competitors. But theory cannot support you, so you need to take initial actions in order to, based on your own experience, achieve success in sales.

To open a shawarma kiosk, you don’t need to go through complicated registration, without forgetting about other permitting documents from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.

Sales can be carried out at a stationary point, which can be a rented or purchased kiosk, a place in a shopping center or a mobile cart.

  • gas or electric special grill;
  • burner;
  • cash machine;
  • refrigeration equipment for food;
  • improvised tools.

Since shawarma is popular all over the world, the market is saturated with various types of grills for its preparation, which are created by various manufacturers. If finances allow, it is better to choose equipment from German manufacturers, which are rightfully considered one of the best. High-quality mechanisms rarely fail, which is important for a businessman who does not want to stand idle and spend his income on repairing constantly breaking equipment.

Development prospects

When the question of how much it costs to open a stall and sell shawarma ceases to bother an entrepreneur - he has been working for a long time and has a constant influx of clients, it is worth thinking about further development. The accumulated funds will allow us to open several more stalls, where hired people will work, and also sell additionally:

  • cold drinks;
  • coffee;
  • hot tea;
  • chips;
  • pancakes;
  • hamburgers;
  • hot dogs.

An increase in assortment is a signal that business is moving in the right direction.


As a kiosk owner who has decided important business issues for himself, how to open a shawarma and what documents are needed for this, all that remains is. We need one worker for the stall to create dishes and sell, as well as a cleaner and an accountant. Instead of a financier, you can hire an experienced specialist for an hourly wage or perform this task yourself. Many business owners at the startup stage independently clean the kiosk, work equipment, and conduct sales on a daily basis.

But if there are already several kiosks, then the hired worker for the kiosk should not be an experienced cook. The simplicity of preparing shawarma is amazing - in just a few days of internship, the seller will gain the necessary experience. The main thing is that the person chosen for this position has the following qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • honesty;
  • desire to earn money;
  • punctuality.

In addition, he must be very calm, smiling, and not take out his aggression on customers. Long queues, whims of clients, constant rush can provoke an unbalanced person prone to conflicts into a scandal. And this, in turn, will certainly lead to a drop in the number of clients and a decrease in income. After all, few people will return to the kiosk if they were treated impolitely or tried to cheat.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma? The costs of opening a shawarma sales kiosk are limited to 150-200 thousand rubles, provided that the owner purchases exclusively high-quality new equipment from well-known manufacturers. The return on all investments is expected within a year - an excellent result for a novice businessman.

How to open your own fast food restaurant: Video

Fast food is highly popular these days. Such establishments, where they sell “unhealthy” but tasty food, are in high demand among schoolchildren, students and representatives of the working class. Adding to the listed categories of potential clients, lovers of fast food, we can say that shawarma as a business is a profitable financial investment. Let's find out all the features of running such a business activity, and also consider what level of initial investment is required to open this business.

The advantage of such a business plan is that the premises for making shawarma can be small or even mobile


This area of ​​business has ceased to attract the attention of novice entrepreneurs due to the oversaturation of this niche. Many businessmen believe that a shawarma stall is an unpromising enterprise. However, this is not the case. Such a business can become a source of high profits if you approach its implementation correctly.. If we make a theoretical comparison of a cafe or restaurant with a shawarma shop, we can highlight the following advantages of the latter:

  1. This area of ​​business activity does not require large financial investments at the initial stages.
  2. Recruiting staff for such a point is several times easier than organizing a kitchen in an elite restaurant. In addition, such an enterprise does not imply serious investments to pay employees.
  3. Opening a “point on wheels” allows you to make the stall more mobile. Thanks to such an idea, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to participate in various city events.

A shawarma stall can become a source of constant income with the right approach to business development strategy. In order to be successful in this market, you will need to not only prepare delicious food, but also think through a marketing campaign in advance. In order to attract the attention of a potential audience, you should constantly monitor changes in this business niche.

Disadvantages of this area

Before talking about how to open a shawarma from scratch, you should consider the disadvantages of this enterprise. The main disadvantage of this area is the high level of competition. It is because of this that the profitability of this business is in question. In order to earn truly large sums, you will need to open several points at once.

It should also be noted that shawarma is made from products that have a limited shelf life. It is this moment that needs to be approached with special attention. Expired and low-quality products are one of the most common causes of large financial losses.

Market analysis

Let's discuss how to make a shawarma shop a source of profit and recoup the initial capital. It should be noted that this enterprise does not require specific knowledge if you only deal with the organizational part. This issue is of particular importance in the initial stages.

In order to turn a fast food outlet into a source of permanent income, you must follow four main rules: “delicious food + related products + low price + convenient location.” It is the sum of these components that is the key to a quick return on initial costs.

To make shawarma, you won’t need to recruit a very large number of employees.

The correct location of a fast food retail outlet will help avoid a seasonal decline in audience. In this category of business, seasonality is quite important. It is because of this that seasonal products should be thought through in advance. In the winter months, in addition to the shawarma itself, it is necessary to dilute the assortment with hot drinks (coffee, tea) and grilled chicken. During the summer months, soft drinks (juices, mineral water, compotes, soda) and ice cream are in high demand.

How to build a business correctly

Opening a shawarma shop is quite simple, but not every entrepreneur can gain a foothold in this market and show high competitiveness. In order to attract interest to your outlet, you need to carefully analyze the market and create competitive advantages.

Since fast food is an “unhealthy” food, it is necessary to pay special attention to the products used. For cooking, you should use only fresh vegetables and high-quality meat. The variety of assortment is also an advantage. In order to reach a larger audience, the menu should be diversified with products for children and vegetarians. You can diversify the assortment with various toasts with filling. The main advantage of such an undertaking is the lack of costs for additional equipment. Toasts are made using the same equipment as shawarma.

The room requires special attention. Ideal cleanliness, neat clothes for cooks, clean dishes and proper storage of food are the key to making your customers regular. There is no need to deceive the buyer and try to sell overdue goods. Such an approach will not only repel potential clients, but will also arouse interest from the sanitary and epidemiological station. Expired products must be constantly disposed of in order to avoid problems with unexpected inspections.

In order to increase the interest of a potential audience, you should carefully consider your advertising campaign. Discounts for regular and wholesale customers will allow you to attract the attention of residents of surrounding areas and employees of companies located nearby to your point. You can add various bonuses to your purchases, in the form of a serving of coffee. Such promotions do not require financial costs and will significantly increase the popularity of your establishment. It is very important to properly think through the pricing policy of this establishment.

The main target audience of such catering outlets are schoolchildren, students and representatives of the middle social class.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is suitable for this type of activity.

Step-by-step model for opening a fast food outlet

The right approach to organizing this enterprise will allow you to open a fast food outlet in just a few months. Let's look at what you need to open a shawarma? To open a fast food restaurant, you must obtain a license and collect a package of necessary documents. In order to avoid various mistakes when filling out papers, you should hire a qualified lawyer who will help you register your company correctly.

Searching for personnel, selection stages, purchasing the necessary equipment and finding premises with a good location also require a lot of time. However, the period required for all of the above can be reduced if you have assistants. Let's look at all the stages of opening a shawarma shop:

  1. The first stage is the preparation and execution of all necessary documents.
  2. The second stage is renting premises and carrying out repair work.
  3. The third stage is equipping the premises with furniture and equipment.
  4. The fourth stage is hiring sellers and cooks.
  5. The fifth stage is the opening of a fast food outlet.
  6. The sixth stage is advertising aimed at increasing the potential audience.

The main advantage of this area is that there is no need for large financial investments in advertising the establishment. News about the opening of a point will quickly spread among surrounding residents if the offered assortment meets certain criteria. The food you offer should be tasty, high quality and not expensive.

The shawarma stall itself must have an aesthetic appeal in order for customers to constantly return to you. That is why such an establishment should have a beautiful, bright and memorable sign. In order to attract as many visitors as possible, flyers should be distributed in public places. It is also necessary to spread the news about the opening of the stall on various social networks. In this case, it is better to refuse advertising in the media, since investments in such advertising will not pay off soon.

Detailed consideration of each stage

When developing a business plan for opening a shawarma, you should pay attention to each of the stages that must be completed before opening a fast food outlet. Let's analyze the necessary steps in detail.

You should not save on equipment, since the quality of the products will directly depend on the quality of the equipment used.

Preparation of necessary documents

In order to open a fast food outlet, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. Next, you should choose a more convenient form of taxation. After the individual entrepreneur is registered, you will be able to sell food products. If you expect to sell alcoholic beverages in addition to the shawarma itself, you will need to open an LLC, however, this legal form requires a much larger initial investment.

After your individual entrepreneur is added to the Unified Register, you should obtain permission to open a shawarma stall from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service. Obtaining such permission is 50% of the tasks that should be completed at this stage. At the SES you can get recommendations related to food storage. It is necessary to devote as much time as possible to studying them.

Renting premises

You should start looking for rental premises only after you have decided on the format of your future business. There are 3 main models of fast food outlets: mobile (a small van with an equipped kitchen), stationary (a ready-made stall) and a room with a small hall where your customers can have a snack. The choice of location is a key point that requires careful analysis.

In order to get a large number of customers immediately after opening a point, it must be located near public places. It is also necessary to pay attention to the location of your closest competitors.

The city center is an ideal place to open a fast food restaurant. It makes sense to consider places such as educational institutions, markets, hospitals and office buildings. It is best to avoid placing a snack bar near parks and zoos due to seasonality.

Hiring employees

Before recruiting employees, you need to decide on the establishment’s work schedule. In addition, you should think in advance about who will take responsibility for accounting, purchasing the necessary products and supervising the work of the cooks. You can assign these responsibilities to yourself or hire a manager.

If your establishment will only be open in the evening, then just one salesperson-cook is enough. However, if you plan to work seven days a week, you will need at least two employees.

The location of the shawarma sales point is extremely important, since income will depend on it

Purchase of equipment

It should be noted that purchasing used equipment can save a significant amount. However, in this situation, the risk of purchasing a defective product increases. Let's look at what equipment is needed for shawarma. To equip the point, you should purchase a shawarma production machine and a grill. The cost of purchasing these devices will be about 20,000 rubles. In addition to them, you will need a freezer and a refrigerator for storing vegetables and meat. The total cost of such equipment is about 40,000 rubles.

In addition, a fast food stall should be equipped with various furniture and kitchen utensils. Purchasing everything you need will cost 15,000. You should also equip the point with a washbasin, an extractor hood and a tea dispenser. The amount of investment in the purchase of this equipment is about 20,000. In addition, you will need to purchase a cash register and register it - 5,000 rubles. Thus, the amount of initial investment for setting up a shawarma shop is about 100,000 rubles.

Calculation of initial investment

The amount of initial investment in starting a shawarma business is directly dependent on many determining factors. When considering the question of how much it costs to open a shawarma shop, you need to take into account the cost of obtaining the necessary documents, renting a plot of land, equipment and purchasing the necessary products for cooking.

Below is a shawarma business plan with calculations that is suitable for small cities:

  1. Preparation of necessary documents – 10,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of land or premises– 15,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment and furniture– 100,000 rubles.
  4. Purchase of primary products — 40 000.
  5. Unexpected expenses- about 15,000.

To summarize, we can say that the amount of initial investment in opening a fast food outlet is about 180,000 rubles. Rent for shawarma is of particular importance when making calculations. The proximity of the selected location to the city center significantly increases the cost of monthly rent.

Also, in addition to all of the above, monthly expenses should be taken into account. This category includes the cost of monthly rent, utilities, taxes, supplies and purchases of necessary products, as well as employee salaries. The monthly amount of expenses is about 100,000 rubles.

When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to take this amount into account in order to avoid possible unforeseen situations.

Shawarma is a perishable type of product, so its sale must take place as soon as possible

Business profitability

The amount of monthly revenue depends on the popularity of your point. The cost of shawarma is about 20 rubles per unit of product. Considering that the cost of finished products varies from 100 to 150 rubles, you can get high profits from such a business. The average daily revenue is about 6,000 rubles. However, with the right approach to business development, this amount can reach 10,000. Taking into account the fact that the shawarma shop will operate seven days a week, the monthly income can reach about 200,000 rubles. Considering that monthly expenses “eat up” 50 percent of the profit, the amount of net income is about 100,000.

Thus, we can say that this area has high profitability and pays for itself within just one quarter.


Having considered the question of what is needed for shawarma and how to behave in this business, it should be said that this area requires certain organizational skills from the entrepreneur. Such an enterprise is more suitable for men with an analytical mind. But it is important to note that many women also feel very confident in this area.

In order to become successful in this activity, you should draw up a detailed business plan based on the realities and requirements of your city. To summarize, it should be noted that this area has a high return on investment due to the low level of required investments at the initial stage of development.

In contact with

Despite the fact that shawarma is considered an oriental dish, people in Russia love it very much and often buy it for a quick snack right on the street. Shawarma compares favorably with dishes served in fast food restaurants due to its cheapness, availability and excellent taste. That is why shawarma business is considered profitable and highly profitable - you will quickly recoup your investments and be able to open an entire network in your city.

The first step is to research whether there are competitors in your city and what services they offer. In large cities, shawarma is sold on every corner, but in small cities it may not be available at all. If there are already competitors, then find out what exactly they offer, the price level, the quality of customer service and the convenience of the location of the outlet.

A shawarma stall requires very little space.

You should also find out the average age of your city's population. This kind of fast food is popular among schoolchildren, students and young people; older people rarely buy it.

Try to find the most advantageous places to locate a sales tent. To organize your work you will need 5-8 square meters of territory-you can put a stall almost anywhere. But it is advisable to place it in public places. The best options are:

  1. Near the market.
  2. Not far from a university or school.
  3. At the entrance to the shopping center.
  4. Close to office buildings.
  5. At intersections, key metro and public transport stations, and other public places.

Don't limit yourself to selling one type of shawarma - offer customers a choice. You can open a shawarma tent and place a stand with drinks next to it - customers will probably want to buy water from you to wash down their food.

Business organization

Typically, shawarma preparation points are located in ordinary stalls with a transparent facade. This is quite enough for full-fledged work. In the kiosk itself you will need to equip ventilation, a washbasin and, ideally, a toilet. Equipment you will need:

  1. Special vertical electric grill with burner.
  2. Refrigerator for storing food.
  3. Table for preparation.
  4. Knives and various utensils.
  5. Display case or vertical refrigerator for drinks (if necessary).
  6. Cash machine.

That's basically all you need to get started.

Note:never skimp on products. They must be fresh, with appropriate quality certificates. If your shawarma tastes bad, your sales will drop instantly.

To open you will need an electric grill, a display case and a set of dishes

Having developed, you can start selling other fast food: hamburgers, hot dogs, pancakes, etc., for which you will have to purchase additional equipment.


Typically, such stalls employ 2 people:

  1. Cook.
  2. Cashier is an auxiliary worker.

Before opening, you need to find a good chef who can cook quickly and tasty. There is nothing complicated about it - you can learn it in a couple of weeks. But the chef must be responsible, tidy and stress-resistant, since he works in front of customers. The cashier usually accepts money, issues a finished order and does minor work around the stall.

Stall profitability

Let's look at what opening such a business will cost us. Detailed shawarma business plan with calculations you can find it on the Internet, here we will give approximate calculations.

  1. Renting a stall costs about 35 thousand rubles per month.
  2. The salary fund for 2 employees is 50 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Equipment 70,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign - 15,000 (stall decoration, business cards, flyers).
  5. Utilities - 5,000 rubles per month.
  6. Purchase of products is approximately 3 thousand per day.

Additionally, you can purchase a refrigerated display case (30 thousand) and a coffee machine (up to 100,000).

The main thing is to find a good, responsible chef

That, in fact, is all the expenses. In total, you will need about 170,000 rubles (or 300,000 in the maximum case) to open.

Now the income part. One shawarma costs on average 120 rubles. During a working day, in a good location, a stall sells about 150 units of fast food. Beverages, tea and coffee are also sold along the way. In total, per day, taking into account the purchase of products, you receive at least 15,000 rubles of net profit or 450,000 per month. Let us subtract the mandatory monthly payments from here and get a net profit of 350 thousand rubles. This means that all the investments you make will pay off in just one month. But in practice, they usually pay for themselves in 2-3: in the first month there may be few clients. Therefore, be sure to invest money in advertising, make high-quality and tasty food, arrange various promotions and offers for regular customers.

How to open up

We have already dealt with the organization and profitability of the business, so let’s look at what documents are needed to open a shawarma in your city.

The first thing you should do is go to your local tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur. Usually the procedure itself takes approximately 4-5 business days. After this, you sign a contract for renting a stall, install your equipment in it and contact the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate to obtain permits. Typically this process takes 2-3 weeks (in some cases more than a month). In parallel with obtaining permits, you can launch an advertising campaign and distribute flyers in the area of ​​interest to you. Then you hire a cook, buy groceries and open.


In most cases, you will have to face competition, so you should learn marketing techniques and put them into practice before opening. Let's consider how to open a shawarma stall as a business, if you are not alone in the market.

  1. First of all, make your stall beautiful and the cooking process delicious. Passers-by should see how the cook fries and slices the meat - this whets the appetite, makes a person come up and try the delicious food.
  2. Never skimp on products. If they start to deteriorate, recycle them rather than try to sell them. A person will never return to you if at least once he doesn’t like something. In small towns, word of mouth works well - if you sell rotten stuff, there will be no more customers.
  3. Allocate money for advertising. Make yourself a beautiful sign and a noticeable menu indicating all services and prices. Order flyers and business cards and hand them out to clients.
  4. Organize promotions for regular customers by selling them food at a discount or simply giving them portions as gifts.

Shawarma is a delicious and nutritious fast food dish

In short, you need to stand out. Study your competitors, think about what they are doing wrong or what you could improve in their work. Apply this knowledge to yourself and your business will flourish.


Due to low investments and high profitability, this business can develop quickly. Just 3 months after the launch of the first kiosk, you can open a second one, and then another 2 months later - a third one. In just a year, with the right approach, you can open 6-7 stalls - with each new one, your expenses will decrease.

Here, in principle, is all the information about how to open a shawarma and what you need for this. The most difficult thing in this process is to obtain permits from the sanitary station and the fire department - your stall must have an exhaust hood, an alarm system, water (cooler) and certificates for products. Don’t save money - all investments will pay off as quickly as possible!

In contact with

Modern people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. In this bustle, there is not always time for a full lunch, so most people eat fast food. You can save time and have a quick snack in almost any part of the city; you don’t even have to go to a cafe or restaurant. Mobile fast food stalls are located right on the street and attract customers with the amazing smell of freshly prepared food.

In the previous publication, we talked in detail about how, in today’s article we will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of a fast food business. We’ll also talk about how to open a shawarma stall.

Shawarma is a popular Turkish dish that consists of a mixture of vegetables and fried meat wrapped in pita bread. The popularity of this type of food is quite high, which makes opening a shawarma stall a profitable and promising business.

Shawarma business plan

To organize a fast food business, you need to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. This is necessary in order to avoid making critical mistakes during the implementation of the idea and achieve profit in a short time.

In a business plan for opening a shawarma stall, it is necessary to outline such important nuances as the profitability of the idea, financial investments, payback periods and expected profits.

How to open a shawarma stall?

The primary question that every novice entrepreneur has is where to get the money to open their business. Even beginners understand perfectly well that funds are needed to implement a project.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma?

It is quite difficult to answer this question with precision. It all depends on the region where you are going to start a business, competition in the chosen field of activity, as well as on the organizational issues that you will encounter when opening a shawarma point.

There are several ways to get money to start your own business. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Bank loan. Surely the first thought that came to your mind was getting money for your business from the bank. In this case, everything is simple, you need to contact the appropriate bank and apply for a loan. But be careful and vigilant when signing the contract. There are always risks, and no one guarantees you quick success. Therefore, before taking out a loan, weigh all the pros and cons and only after that make your final decision;
  • Investment. Finding an investor who will agree to finance your project is, of course, a tempting offer, but not in this case. No one will sponsor the opening of a shawarma stall; small projects are not of interest to rich people. Thus, in your case, the only option is to find yourself a partner with whom you can pay all the costs of opening a retail outlet;
  • Financial assistance from the state. There is a financial assistance program for beginning entrepreneurs. To participate, you must be registered with the employment service as unemployed. In addition, you will need to submit salary certificates from your previous place of work, as well as a detailed business plan for consideration by the commission. After going through all the stages, you will be able to receive one-time financial assistance from the state for the development of your business.

Business registration

The first step is to decide on the material and legal form of the activity. In this case, there is no point in registering as a legal entity; it is quite enough to choose individual entrepreneurship as a form of activity with a simplified taxation system (single tax on imputed income).

To locate a retail outlet, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and fire services.

The preparation and trade of food products are subject to strict control by the Santrant. Therefore, all standards and requirements for food preparation and food storage must be observed. Be prepared for frequent checks.

Shawarma stall location

A favorable location of a retail outlet can lead to success and quick payback of the business. Therefore, it is worth choosing a place to sell fast food very wisely.

It is very important to place a retail outlet in crowded parts of the city. You can sell shawarma both in the center and near the station, in the park, in the area of ​​educational institutions and hospitals. In general, there, in places with high traffic of people eager to have a snack on the go.

A kiosk selling shawarma can be opened indoors by renting the necessary space. But in my opinion, it is still more profitable to open a mobile stall on wheels and sell fast food on the street. This is much cheaper financially, and the payback for this business will come much faster.

Equipment for a shawarma tent

The bulk of the funds will be spent on purchasing equipment for selling fast food.

Necessary equipment:

  • Grill – approximate cost from 10,000 rubles;
  • Shawarma making machine – from 7,000 rubles;
  • Refrigerator – from 10,000 rubles;
  • Hood – from 5000;
  • Production tables - approximate cost from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Washstand from 2000 rubles.
  • In addition to the basic specialized equipment, you will also need other tools for preparing shawarma: kitchen knives, a board for cutting food, containers for fillings. You will also need disposable tableware and napkins.

Purchase of products

It is very important to buy high-quality and fresh products. Do not purchase goods in large quantities; it is better to agree with sellers on the market about the wholesale purchase of products. Remember that spoiled and stale food significantly affects the reputation of the establishment and can lead to dire consequences in the form of poisoning. Don't risk people's health.

You can purchase fresh meat for shawarma at a favorable wholesale price in a butcher shop. Alternatively, you can open your own meat stall. Read more about this on our business portal.

Costs and profits

Your main expenses are purchasing equipment, renting a kiosk, and purchasing food for preparing shawarma. Constant financial expenses will include: paying taxes and rent, paying salaries to staff, purchasing products.


As noted above, profit depends on the advantageous location. Therefore, study the demand and competition very carefully and choose a suitable location for your shawarma kiosk.

A little advice. Shawarma, as a rule, is prepared with meat, but today, many people have completely abandoned the use of this product. Therefore, I recommend that you offer vegetarian shawarma to your customers. This way, you will attract additional customers and ensure greater profits.

Advertising campaign

Opening a fast food outlet in a crowded place is the best advertising. But despite this, a bright sign will not hurt you. Therefore, I recommend that you definitely use such an effective way to attract clients.

Opening a shawarma shop is an attractive way to make money. It is clear that in addition to selling, they also prepare.

Business organization begins with a legal entity in the tax service. It is necessary to inform about the start of work in several state social funds and the statistics department. The documents from the Federal Tax Service on the registration of an entrepreneur indicate the types of activities. Within this, they choose whether to sell shawarma or something else.

You will need a room or a stall.
The first option involves communicating with fire authorities and the SES and obtaining permits. In the case of the second, these problems disappear, and the sanitary and epidemiological station checks the trading kiosks after a year. Before opening, the service, as well as the supervisory organization for consumer protection, are notified. Rospotrebnadzor and SES are conducting an investigation based on the client’s complaint.

After receiving the documents in the tax copy, the registration and registration certificates are distributed to all other authorities.

When choosing a stall, the question arises where to find a site for business. When you manage to find one, negotiate a rental agreement with the local administration.

How much you have to pay for hiring depends on the region, prices alone are 15,000 rubles. per month and above, in Moscow - from 30,000.

How to choose a place to sell shawarma

Focus on crowded areas: central streets, educational institutions, transport stops. And without the presence of competitors - or, another establishment.

Cooking secrets

Shawarma is prepared in different ways. Think about the menu, what you will provide to clients, and which ones you will have to purchase.
The difference between the types lies in the filling methods; chicken, pork, and beef are used.

Chicken is popular. It is possible to process it yourself or take ready-made pieces from the supplier that have undergone the necessary processing.
This will help you save money when cutting, marinating, or frying yourself.

When an entrepreneur has a good trade turnover, he purchases a ready-made semi-finished product from special organizations, which only needs to be fried.

The decision to abandon independent processing is made when there is confidence that the mass of goods will not be delayed while waiting for the buyer, and sales volumes will cover the additional costs. The quality of the prepared dish is important and cannot be overlooked, otherwise people will turn away from you.


  • Grill (read article:).
  • Refrigerator for storing meat and additional products;
  • food processor;
  • cook supplies.

Don't buy new equipment; used ones will do. The savings will be significant. It is possible to purchase a fully stocked stall.

Money issue

Preparing one shawarma costs 60 rubles, the buyer pays 100–120 rubles. The amount to start trading is 100 thousand rubles. Half is spent on new equipment.
We wish you good luck in business!

To make your shawarma sales business go uphill, learn how to prepare it like this: