Driver - job description. Job description of a driver, job responsibilities of a driver, sample job description of a driver Job description of a passenger car driver at school

Job descriptions for drivers of passenger company cars regulate the rights and responsibilities, as well as all aspects of his work duties, including qualification requirements, length of service, etc. Based on what kind of transport is used, the provisions of the instructions may be different, and they also depend on the company’s area of ​​employment. When performing his duties, an employee must be guided by the rules of vehicle maintenance, as well as the job description of the driver of a passenger car.

Basic provisions

Among the main functions of the driver are customer service, setting up and using the machine, its repair, documenting events, as well as the safe and timely transportation of passengers or cargo, depending on what services the organization offers. An employee hired for this position reports to the head of the business department and the general director.

Both of these management persons take part in matters regarding the hiring and dismissal of a driver from work. To occupy this position, a person must receive the appropriate education, meaning secondary, technical, vocational. After which, take advanced training courses to obtain the category necessary to perform his official duties. In addition, he must have worked as a driver for at least one year and undergo a comprehensive medical examination in order to gain access to driving a car.


According to the job description of the driver of a passenger company car, he must keep the vehicle entrusted to him in constant readiness, carry out the certified daily plan, as well as the tasks assigned to him by management. He must also prepare the vehicle before leaving, fill up with fuel, coolants and oil, check the tire pressure, and return the vehicle to the garage after completing the work.

If any problems arise during work, he must fix them. He must also fill out transportation accounting documentation and other road documentation, and in case of breakdowns, immediately notify his superiors. He is obliged to strictly follow the traffic rules on the road, fulfill orders received from his superiors, have with him all the necessary documentation for transport, and drive only in a sober state, without any health problems. He must carry out scheduled technical inspections of the assigned machine in a timely manner.

Employee knowledge

The job description of the driver of a passenger company car assumes that his knowledge must include all regulatory and regulatory data that directly relate to his work responsibilities. He must also know the technical characteristics of the vehicle entrusted to him, how to operate it, traffic rules, the basics of maintenance and repair work on the car, as well as its structure and principle of operation.

He must understand what signs indicate a malfunction and what could have caused it, as well as know how to fix it and what consequences a breakdown can lead to. It also includes knowledge of how to use light and sound devices, tires, batteries, and an understanding of how to increase their service life. This includes all the rules, norms in the company, labor regulations and more.


The standard sample job description for drivers of passenger company cars contains a list of rights. An employee can offer his superiors options for improving his work, demand that management create harmless and safe working conditions for him, and also fully provide him with all the tools necessary to perform his duties. He has the right to normal working conditions that comply with the labor laws of the country. In addition, he has the right to demand from the administration of the organization where he works that the vehicle entrusted to him be sent for maintenance in a timely manner.

Another form of job description for a vehicle driver may also contain rights relating to the transportation of passengers and cargo. The driver has the right not to transport a passenger if he is drunk or otherwise in an altered state, if he is in violation of public order or has unethical behavior, if he may pollute the cabin or carry prohibited luggage into it.

He may refuse to use the vehicle if its serviceability is incomplete and there is a threat to health and life, and also if he has not received appropriate instructions, training or does not have personal protection. He also has the right to refuse to transport cargo if it contains prohibited items, safety rules are not followed, or the driver reveals other violations in accordance with the laws of the country.


The job description of the driver of a passenger company car implies that he is responsible for not fulfilling his duties properly or for performing them outside the time stipulated by the contract. Also for any mistakes made during the work process, for the disclosure of any confidential information received in the course of performing their duties.

If traffic rules are not followed on the road or if the functions of transporting people are performed poorly, the driver also bears responsibility. He is also responsible for untimely or complete failure to comply with instructions from his superiors or regulatory rules, for violation of labor regulations, etc. The driver may be held liable for loss or damage to any material assets entrusted to him, including tools, etc. Also for any violation of the Administrative, Labor or Criminal Code during the performance of their work. He is financially responsible for the vehicle and any other material goods received from the company for use.


The driver can obtain all different types of information regarding his functions from the director or head of the business unit. He also interacts with medical workers conducting pre-flight medical examinations, with the lead occupational safety specialist, as well as with personnel and accounting department employees. The workplace can be the vehicle itself, a parking lot, a garage, an inspection pit, etc., depending on the specifics and focus of the company where he works.

Performance evaluation

A sample job description for a driver of a passenger company car may contain such an item as job evaluation. It is carried out in different companies according to criteria that can be modified depending on the needs of the organization.

In most cases, they look at how well the employee performs his duties, whether there are any customer complaints about him, whether he maintains the cleanliness and serviceability of the transport entrusted to him, what he looks like, whether he takes the car to technical inspections on time and checks its serviceability, repairs any breakdowns that arise. during operation. The quality of vehicle preparation before scheduled inspections is also taken into account. Does he keep documentation correctly, submit reports on time or not, and does he observe labor discipline?


The main points that a driver’s job description should contain are discussed above. The sample design must include not only general provisions, but also all duties, functions, basic knowledge, responsibilities and rights of the employee hired for this position. In addition, the document must be approved and all signatures must be placed on it, including from the employee, confirming that he has read and agrees with all the provisions and standards in this document. All points of the instructions may change depending on the needs of the organization, but in strict accordance with the legislation of the country.



1.1.The main function of the driver is to maintain, set up and operate the vehicle, carry out simple repairs, maintain the necessary documentation and ensure safe and uninterrupted transportation of goods and passengers.

1.2. The driver of the vehicle drives a GAZ utility vehicle.

1.3. In his work he is guided by the rules of vehicle maintenance, transportation of goods and passengers, and job descriptions.

1.4. The driver reports to the director and head of the enterprise's economic service.

1.5. The driver is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the director of the enterprise in agreement with the head of the economic service.

1.6. A person who has a complete secondary or vocational education, a qualification as a motor vehicle driver, a certificate of the appropriate category of driver, work experience in the specialty of at least a year and has passed a medical examination is accepted into the driver’s workplace.


2.1. Keeps the vehicle in constant readiness.

2.2. Performs daily tasks received from the director, head of the economic service and tasks in accordance with the approved work plan.

2.3. Passes a pre-trip medical examination.

2.4. Receives a waybill.

2.5. Prepares the vehicle for leaving the line.

2.6. Before leaving, inspects the vehicle assigned to him.

2.7. Provides the vehicle for inspection by a car repair mechanic. Fills the vehicle with fuel, lubricants and coolant, checks the tire pressure and heads to the customer, according to the route indicated in the waybill.

2.8. Checks the technical condition and accepts the vehicle before starting work; hands it over and puts it in the appropriate place, returning to the garage.

2.9. Provides a vehicle for boarding and disembarking passengers, for loading and unloading cargo. The vehicle must be in good working order and in a clean condition.

2.10. Eliminates operational problems of the vehicle and its mechanism that arose during operation.

2.11. Prepares travel documents.

2.12. Fills out primary documents to record the operation of the serviced vehicle.

2.13. Strictly follows traffic rules. Immediately informs the director and head of the economic department about a technical breakdown on the line.

2.14. Ensures the fulfillment of requests from enterprise departments for servicing their vehicles.

2.15. He has a driver's license, a technical certificate for the car, and a waybill signed by the manager. Arrives at the customer’s place at the time specified in the waybill.

2.16. He is at work and drives a vehicle only in a sober state and in a satisfactory state of health, which does not interfere with the performance of his functional duties. He has no right to transfer control of the vehicle to unauthorized persons or to deviate from the route without permission, unless this is caused by deterioration of road or climatic conditions.

2.17. Provides a written explanation regarding violations of labor and production discipline (absence from work, absenteeism, showing up at work while drunk and other misconduct).

2.18. The driver’s working day is established by the working time schedule, which is drawn up by the head of the economic service and approved by the director of the enterprise.

2.19. The work involves business trips within Ukraine.

2.20. Before leaving on a business trip, carefully prepares the vehicle, prepares the necessary travel documentation, and undergoes instructions.

2.21. Conducts preliminary and periodic medical examinations in a timely manner (at least once a year).

2.22. Collaborates with the administration in organizing safe and harmless

working conditions, personally takes all possible measures to eliminate any production situation that poses a threat to his life and health or the people around him and the environment. Reports danger to any official.

2.23. Ensures complete safety of the property entrusted to him. Treats the company's property with care and takes urgent measures to prevent damage.

2.24. Actively participates in the social life of the team.

2.25. Takes part in carrying out sanitary days (hours), cleanup days for the improvement of the territory of the enterprise. On a sanitary day (hour), he carries out cleaning, whitewashing, painting at his workplace, in common areas and on the assigned territory, and also digs and weeds flower beds, mowing grass, removing weeds, dry leaves and grass, cares for plants, etc. l.

2.26. Passes introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings, testing of knowledge on labor protection.

2.27. Complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation; rules for handling equipment and other means of production.

2.28. Stops the operation of machines, mechanisms and other equipment if there is a threat to life and health and immediately informs the director, head of the economic service or other official.

2.29. Prepares the vehicle for annual inspection.

2.30. Provides safe transportation of toxic, explosive, flammable, radioactive and other substances and materials.

2.31. Keeps his work area and work clothes clean and in order.

2.32. Informs the director about the preconditions for the occurrence of an emergency.

2.33. Performs his duties as part of the non-staff civil defense formation of the enterprise.

2.34. Undergoes training in a training group according to the enterprise's civil defense preparation plan.

2.35. Knows the civil defense warning signals and the procedure for acting on them.

2.36. Takes part in promoting civil defense issues among enterprise employees.

2.37. Provides first aid to victims.

2.38. Works to improve his skills by studying new technical literature.

2.39. Fulfills the requirements of general moral and ethical standards.

2.40. Maintains work schedule and labor discipline.

2.41. Fulfills the requirements of the collective agreement.


3.1. According to the job description, the driver must know:

Orders, regulations and other guidance materials relating to his work;

Technical characteristics of the vehicle;

Rules for the technical operation of a motor vehicle;

Traffic Laws;

Basics of organizing the use of a motor vehicle;

Technology and organization of vehicle maintenance and repair;

Design, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of vehicle units, mechanisms and devices classified in the corresponding category of vehicles;

Signs and causes of car malfunction, ways to eliminate them, dangerous consequences;

Ways to increase vehicle mileage between repairs;

Rules for the use of light and sound devices;

Rules and regulations for the operation of tires and batteries to increase their service life;

Internal labor regulations;

Collective agreement;

Instructions for occupational safety, fire safety, electrical safety;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Job description;

The procedure for preparing travel documentation;

Rules for supplying vehicles for loading, unloading, boarding and disembarking passengers;

Rules for securing and transporting goods;

The procedure for emergency actions and first aid in case of road accidents;

The procedure for evacuating passengers in case of an accident;

Laws of Ukraine: “On Labor Protection”, “On Fire Safety”, “On Civil Defense”;

Regulations on Civil Defense of Ukraine;

Rules for labor protection, personal safety and passenger safety when driving a vehicle or performing repair work.


The driver, based on his job description, has the right to:

4.1. Make proposals to management to improve or improve their work.

4.2. Demand that management create safe and harmless working conditions and provide the necessary tools for work.

4.3. To provide necessary working conditions in accordance with the requirements of current labor legislation and technological working conditions.

4.4. Require the administration to carry out timely maintenance of the vehicle.

4.5. To refuse transportation to a passenger if he is drunk, violates the rules of conduct for passengers during transportation and public order, if he contaminates the clothes of other passengers or the interior of the vehicle with his clothes or luggage, or tries to carry luggage prohibited for transportation.

4.6. Do not start working on faulty equipment, in the absence of personal protective equipment and without training and appropriate instructions on occupational safety, fire and electrical safety, and also if there is a threat to his health or life.

4.7. Refuse to transport cargo if the cargo is prohibited for transportation or safety requirements and cargo transportation rules are not followed.


5.1.The driver is responsible for:

For untimely and poor performance of the functions and duties assigned to him;

Poor quality work and erroneous actions;

Disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret of an enterprise;

Low labor and performance discipline;

Failure to comply with the rules for transporting passengers and traffic rules;

Failure to comply or untimely execution of orders, instructions from the administration, regulations and other regulatory documents of the enterprise, higher organizations, owner;

Violation of internal labor regulations;

Violation of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation rules;

Loss or damage to tools, materials and other material assets issued for use;

For damage caused to the enterprise if the damage was caused intentionally or through negligence when using special equipment. clothing and other material assets;

For violating instructions and other legislative acts on labor protection, creating obstacles to the activities of officials, the guilty employees are subject to disciplinary, administrative, and criminal liability.

5.2. The driver bears financial responsibility:

For the vehicle assigned to him and its equipment, issued against the report, travel documentation;

For damage caused to the enterprise as a result of violation of the labor duties assigned to it;

For damage caused by deliberate destruction or deliberate damage to material assets issued by the enterprise for use;

For failure to take the necessary measures to prevent theft, destruction and damage to material assets;

For damage caused by actions containing signs of criminally prosecuted acts;

For damage caused by improper storage of material assets;

In the full amount of damage caused through his fault to the enterprise for failure to ensure the safety of property and other valuables transferred to him for storage, work and for other purposes in accordance with the work performed.

5.3. The driver bears responsibility established by law for late submission of reporting documentation after arriving from a business trip.


6.1. The driver receives the necessary oral and written information to perform his official duties from the director of the enterprise and the head of the economic service.

6.2. Undergoes a pre-trip medical examination by a medical professional.

6.3. Reports to the director and head of the economic service on the technical condition of the vehicle.

6.4. Receives route assignments from the head of the economic service during the working day. Signs his waybill.

6.5. Resolves issues related to logistics with the head of the service.

6.6. The leading occupational safety specialist teaches him occupational safety rules and conducts occupational safety training with him.

6.7. A commission appointed by order of the director tests his knowledge of occupational safety.

6.8. When hired, submits to the HR department a work record book, driver’s license, passport, and other documents (military ID, education document, medical record and other documents).

6.9. Promptly informs the enterprise’s HR department about changes in registration data (family composition, home address, military registration, passport data; Receives information from the HR department about work experience, availability of benefits, etc.).

6.10. Receives information from the HR department about work experience, availability of benefits, etc.


7.1. The driver's workplace is the vehicle assigned to the driver, a parking lot, an inspection pit, a mechanic's workshop, a car wash, and a change house. He prepares travel documents in a room located on the 1st floor of the administrative building. There, if there is no work to repair the car, he awaits a call to go out.


The assessment of the driver’s work is carried out by the director and head of the economic service based on the following criteria:

8.1. Proper performance of your duties.

8.2. No complaints about work.

8.4. Timely and high-quality technical maintenance and repair of components and mechanisms of vehicles.

8.5. Preparing vehicles for technical inspection at the State Traffic Inspectorate.

8.6. Compliance with labor regulations, labor and production discipline.

8.7. High-quality documentation.

8.8. Participation in the public life of the enterprise.

8.9. Compliance with the requirements of general moral and ethical standards.

8.10. Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection, fire, electrical, industrial safety and industrial sanitation.

The driver's job description must be signed and agreed upon.

The job description of the organization's car driver has been signed.

Universal job description driver impossible to compose. After all, the job responsibilities of a bus driver and an “office” driver are strikingly different. This sample driver job description is suitable for an organization in which the driver is engaged in the “transportation” of the company’s chief executive and other employees.

Driver job description

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The driver belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The driver is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The driver reports directly to the general director / head of the company's structural unit.
1.4. During the driver’s absence, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the organization’s order.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of driver: category B license, driving experience of at least 2 years.
1.6. The driver must know:
- Traffic rules, penalties for violating them;
- basic technical characteristics and general structure of the car, purpose, design, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of the car;
- rules for maintaining a car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term use;
- signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions that arise during the operation of a vehicle, methods for their detection and elimination;
- procedure for vehicle maintenance.
1.7. The driver is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the driver

The driver performs the following duties:
2.1. Ensures timely delivery of the vehicle.
2.2. Ensures the technically sound condition of the vehicle assigned to the driver.
2.3. Takes measures to ensure the safety of the car and the property in it: does not leave the car unattended, always sets the car alarm whenever leaving the passenger compartment, locks all the doors of the car while driving and parking.
2.4. Driving a vehicle to ensure maximum safety of life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the vehicle itself.
2.5. Monitors the technical condition of the vehicle, independently performs the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions).
2.6. Timely maintenance at the service center and technical inspection.
2.7. Keeps the engine, body and interior of the car clean, protects them with appropriate care products for certain surfaces.
2.8. Before or during work, does not consume alcohol, psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills or other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.
2.9. Before leaving, he clearly works out the route and coordinates it with the group leader and the immediate supervisor.
2.10. Keeps waybills, noting routes, kilometers traveled, fuel consumption.
2.11. At the end of the working day, he leaves the car entrusted to him in a guarded parking lot/garage.
2.12. Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

3. Driver's license

The driver has the right:
3.1. Require passengers to comply with the traffic rules (fasten a seat belt, board and disembark in permitted places, etc.).
3.2. Receive information to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.
3.3. Submit proposals to management to improve their work, as well as those aimed at increasing the safety and trouble-free operation of the vehicle.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company’s activities.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Driver's responsibility

The driver is responsible:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Universal job description driver impossible to compose. After all, the job responsibilities of a bus driver and an “office” driver are strikingly different. This sample driver job description is suitable for an organization in which the driver is engaged in the “transportation” of the company’s chief executive and other employees.

Driver job description

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.


1.1. The driver belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The driver is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The driver reports directly to the general director / head of the company's structural unit.
1.4. During the driver’s absence, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the organization’s order.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of driver: category B license, driving experience of at least 2 years.
1.6. The driver must know:
— Traffic rules, penalties for violating them;
— basic technical characteristics and general structure of the car, purpose, structure, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of the units, mechanisms and devices of the car;
— rules for maintaining a car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term use;
— signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions that arise during the operation of a vehicle, methods for their detection and elimination;
— procedure for vehicle maintenance.
1.7. The driver is guided in his activities by:
— legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
— The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
— orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.


The driver performs the following duties:
2.1. Ensures timely delivery of the vehicle.
2.2. Ensures the technically sound condition of the vehicle assigned to the driver.
2.3. Takes measures to ensure the safety of the car and the property in it: does not leave the car unattended, always sets the car alarm whenever leaving the passenger compartment, locks all the doors of the car while driving and parking.
2.4. Driving a vehicle to ensure maximum safety of life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the vehicle itself.
2.5. Monitors the technical condition of the vehicle, independently performs the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions).
2.6. Timely maintenance at the service center and technical inspection.
2.7. Keeps the engine, body and interior of the car clean, protects them with appropriate care products for certain surfaces.
2.8. Before or during work, does not consume alcohol, psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills or other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.
2.9. Before leaving, he clearly works out the route and coordinates it with the group leader and the immediate supervisor.
2.10. Keeps waybills, noting routes, kilometers traveled, fuel consumption.
2.11. At the end of the working day, he leaves the car entrusted to him in a guarded parking lot/garage.
2.12. Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.


The driver has the right:
3.1. Require passengers to comply with the traffic rules (fasten a seat belt, board and disembark in permitted places, etc.).
3.2. Receive information to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.
3.3. Submit proposals to management to improve their work, as well as those aimed at increasing the safety and trouble-free operation of the vehicle.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company’s activities.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.


4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Job Description for the Driver of a Light Company Vehicle


1.1. This Instruction defines the duties and rights of the Driver operating a company car.

1.2. The driver is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise in the prescribed manner.

1.3. The driver is organizationally subordinate to the Chief Mechanic and directly to the official at whose disposal the official vehicle is located.


2.1. A person who has the right to drive a single passenger car and truck of all types and brands, classified in one or both categories of vehicles “B” or “C”, is appointed to the position of Class III Driver.

2.2. The qualification of a Class II Driver can be assigned with continuous work experience as a Class III Car Driver for at least 2 years, who has a driver’s license with a mark giving the right to drive cars of all types and brands classified as vehicle categories “B”, “ C", "E".

2.3. The qualification of a Class I Driver can be assigned with continuous work experience as a Class II Car Driver for at least 1 year, who has undergone training and received the appropriate certificate, and also has a driver’s license with a mark entitling him to drive vehicles of all types and brands classified as to categories of vehicles “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”.E

2.3. The qualification of a Class I Driver can be assigned with continuous work experience as a Class II Car Driver for at least 1 year, who has undergone training and received the appropriate certificate, and also has a driver’s license with a mark entitling him to drive vehicles of all types and brands classified as to vehicle categories "


3.1. Traffic rules, penalties for violating them.

3.2. Basic technical characteristics and general structure of the car, readings of instruments and meters, controls (purpose of keys, buttons, handles, etc.).

3.3. The procedure for installing and removing alarm systems, the nature and conditions of their operation.

3.4. Rules for maintaining a car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term use (do not wash the body in direct sunlight or with hot water in winter).

3.5. Timing of the next maintenance, technical inspection, checking tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play angle, etc. according to the vehicle operating instructions.

3.6. Rules for filling out primary documents for recording the operation of serviced vehicles.

3.7. Causes, methods of detecting and eliminating malfunctions that arose during the operation of the vehicle.


The driver is obliged:

4.1. Ensure correct, smooth, professional driving of the car, maximizing the safety of life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the car itself. Do not use sound signals or suddenly overtake cars in front unless absolutely necessary. The driver is obliged and can foresee any road situation; choose a speed and distance that prevents the occurrence of an emergency.

4.2. Do not leave the car unattended, out of sight, for any minimum period of time, which gives a chance of theft of the car or theft of any items from the interior. Park your car only in guarded parking lots.

4.3. It is mandatory to set the car alarm whenever you leave the car. While driving and parking, all vehicle doors must be locked. When exiting (entering) the vehicle, you must ensure that there is no potential danger.

4.4. Monitor the technical condition of the vehicle, independently carry out the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), undergo timely maintenance at a service center and technical inspection.

4.6. Strictly follow all orders of the head of the enterprise and your immediate superior. Ensure timely delivery of the vehicle.

4.7. Provide your immediate supervisor with truthful information about your well-being.

4.8. Do not drink alcohol, psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, antidepressants or other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body before or during work.

4.9. Strictly prohibit the transport of any passengers or cargo at your own discretion, as well as any use of the vehicle for personal purposes without the permission of management. Always be at the workplace in the car or in its immediate vicinity.

4.10. Keep waybills daily, noting routes, kilometers traveled, fuel consumption.

4.11. Pay close attention to the surrounding road conditions. Inform your immediate superior of all your suspicions regarding security issues, and make suggestions for improving it.

4.12. Avoid engaging in unrelated activities during working hours. Show a creative approach to your immediate responsibilities, try to be useful to the enterprise in its current economic activities.


The driver has the right:

5.1. Require passengers to comply with standards of behavior, cleanliness, and wear a seat belt.

5.2. Make proposals to management aimed at improving the safety and accident-free operation of the vehicle, as well as on any other issues related to the implementation of these Instructions.

5.3. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.


The driver is responsible:

6.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by current labor, criminal and civil legislation.


7.1. The driver must know and comply with the provisions of the Law “On Labor Protection”, other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, as well as the requirements of orders, instructions, regulations in force at the enterprise that regulate labor safety issues.

Job Description for Forwarding Driver


1.1. This Instruction defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the driver-forwarder of Trigona LLC (Enterprise).

1.2. The term “Forwarding Driver” means a full-time employee of the Enterprise who operates for official purposes on a permanent or temporary basis a vehicle owned by the Enterprise or a vehicle at its disposal.

1.3. The forwarding driver reports directly to the General Director of the Enterprise.

1.4. The delivery driver must know:

1.4.1. Traffic rules, penalties for violating them.

1.4.2. Technical characteristics and general structure of the car, readings of instruments and meters, controls (purpose of keys, buttons, handles, etc.).

1.4.3. The procedure for installing and removing alarm systems, the nature and conditions of their operation.

1.4.4. Rules for maintaining a car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term use (do not wash the body in direct sunlight, with hot water in winter, promptly apply protective lotions, washing liquids, etc.).

1.4.5. Timing of the next technical inspection, checking tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play angle, etc. according to the vehicle operating instructions.

1.5. In his activities, the forwarding driver is guided by the Charter of the Enterprise, the internal work schedule, these instructions, instructions and orders of the head of the enterprise.


2.1. Efficient and safe vehicle operation.

2.2. Ensuring the proper technical condition of the vehicle.

2.3. Ensuring the safety of entrusted property, including a car.

2.4. Providing forwarding and courier functions for the delivery and maintenance of materials, as well as accounting and other documents.


To perform the functions assigned to him, the forwarding driver is obliged to:

3.1. Ensure correct, smooth, professional driving of the car, maximizing the safety of life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the car itself. Do not use sound signals or suddenly overtake vehicles in front unless absolutely necessary. Anticipate any traffic situation; choose a speed and distance that prevents the occurrence of an emergency.

3.2. Do not leave the car unattended, out of sight, for any minimum period of time, which gives a chance of theft of the car or theft of any items from the interior. If possible, park your car only in guarded parking lots.

3.3. It is mandatory to set the car alarm whenever you leave the car. While driving and parking, all vehicle doors must be locked. When exiting (entering) the vehicle, you must ensure that there is no potential danger.

3.4. Ensure that the vehicle is placed in a garage/secured parking lot to ensure the safety of the vehicle.

3.5. Monitor the technical condition of the vehicle, independently carry out the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), undergo timely maintenance at a service center and technical inspection. Submit in a timely manner the applications necessary to ensure the proper technical condition of the vehicle (regulated by the regulatory, reference and technical literature for this vehicle).

3.6. Ensure timely submission of fuel requests.

3.8. Ensure timely delivery of the vehicle.

3.9. Strictly comply with all requirements of the Regulations on the division, orders of the head of the Enterprise.

3.10. Provide your manager with reliable information about your well-being.

3.11.Do not drink alcohol, psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, or other drugs that affect the attention, reaction and performance of the human body before or during work.

3.12. Do not allow the transportation of any passengers or cargo at your own discretion, as well as any type of use of the vehicle for personal purposes without the permission of management.

3.13.Keep waybills daily, noting routes, kilometers traveled, speedometer readings before departure and upon return, and the amount of time worked. Require the person using the car to make a note on the waybill.

3.14. Carry out instructions from the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant for the transportation of goods, registration and delivery of documents to the destination.


The forwarding driver has the right:

4.1. Make proposals to management aimed at improving the safety and accident-free operation of the vehicle, as well as on any other issues related to the implementation of these Instructions.


The forwarding driver is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. This job description is communicated to the forwarding driver for review against signature in the employment contract.

A driver’s job description is a document that describes his rights and responsibilities, compiled by organizations based on standard documents.

Responsibilities and tasks

The driver's responsibilities according to the job description include the following:

  1. Deliver the car to the specified destination on time.
  2. In due course, undergo maintenance and technical inspection, take care of the condition of the car.
  3. Ensure the safety of the vehicle using alarms and other safety equipment.
  4. Drive a car, observing traffic rules and with due caution, with the main goal being the safety of passengers and, secondarily, cargo.
  5. Keep both the outside of the car and its interior clean, periodically clean and wash it.
  6. Clean the garage area, as well as the household premises.
  7. Maintain in good working order a set of hand tools intended for emergency vehicle repairs.
  8. Do not under any circumstances consume alcoholic beverages or psychoactive substances both before going on shift and during work.
  9. Prepare waybills, indicating the route of the vehicle, data from the speedometer (distance traveled) and the amount of fuel filled.
  10. Be fair towards passengers and customers.
  11. Comply with internal labor regulations, other regulations of your company, orders and orders of management employees.
  12. Also follow this document - the driver’s job description.

Basic provisions of the instructions

The main provisions of the job description include the following points:

  1. The purpose of this instruction, which stipulates that the document includes the rights and duties of the driver, as well as his responsibility.
  2. The category to which this instruction applies.
  3. The procedure for hiring an employee and releasing him.
  4. The procedure for filling his position during absence.
  5. Service documents that the driver must follow.
  6. Subordination: the manager to whom the driver reports; the instructions require his position to be indicated.
  7. Requirements for the employee: education required for the driver and minimum work experience in the profession.
  8. Driver qualifications: what he needs to know and be able to do.

Requirements for a specialist. What should he know

General requirements for drivers include, first of all, of course, ability to drive a car, which is certified by the category assigned to the driver. Other requirements are:

  1. The ability to board and disembark passengers, the ability to stow luggage safely and transport it without causing damage.
  2. Skills related to minor vehicle repairs. The driver must be able to update the headlight bulb or wheel. He does not need the ability to disassemble components and assemblies of a vehicle.
  3. Ability to use fire extinguishing equipment.

The driver must know:

  1. Traffic rules with all changes at the moment.
  2. Also the legislation of the Russian Federation related to its activities along with traffic regulations.
  3. The structure of the vehicle and its controls.
  4. Types of liability for violating traffic rules.
  5. Method of observing the surrounding situation on the road.
  6. The impact of various weather conditions on traffic safety.
  7. The main types of violations in the operation of a car, which serve as signs of malfunctions.
  8. Rules for caring for the body and interior of a vehicle.
  9. Ways to ensure the safety of minor passengers inside a car.
  10. The procedure and rules of insurance in accordance with OSAGO.
  11. Procedure for calling rescue and emergency services.
  12. Rules for calling an ambulance
  13. Rules for calling the fire brigade in the event of a fire or its potential.

The list of requirements that are presented to the driver varies depending on the areas of activity of the organization.

It is established that for failure to comply with the requirements included in the driver’s job description, the latter may bear different types of liability:

  • he bears disciplinary responsibility before the enterprise itself, in this case sanctions are imposed by management employees;
  • if the violations had consequences that are described by the norms of administrative or criminal law, then the driver is responsible in accordance with one of these types of legislation;
  • when causing material damage, the driver is also liable in civil law both to enterprises and to third parties.

Specific differences in the driver profession

Car driver transports primarily people and business documents. He must have 2 years of experience and have a category B license.

There are no specific requirements for him in his job description, since he is considered a “default” driver. Additional provisions are provided for truck drivers.


The truck driver is mainly deals with cargo delivery. A category truck driver working at an enterprise has Driving experience must be at least 3 years, if it works with a vehicle weighing over 3500 kilograms, also he needs a categoryC. If his car weighs less, he has a two-year driving experience, and category B is enough for him.

The job description developed by the company for the driver driving a vehicle of this type describes in detail his responsibilities taking into account the type of cargo that he transports.

Also, unlike the driver of a passenger car, the driver of a truck is required to perform an inspection and determine the technical condition of the vehicle before all trips. It is also established that the driver of a truck must undergo inspection himself every day on which he goes on a trip. The reason is that the truck has significant dimensions and weight,

In addition, he is obliged:

  1. Before departing for the flight, ensure that the waybill with all the details is correctly filled out, and depart on the flight only if it is filled out correctly.
  2. Carry out production tasks.
  3. Submit to the heads of the departments of the enterprise to which it is directed.
  4. Follow the rules governing the provision of a vehicle for loading and subsequent unloading.
  5. Find out whether the cargo is stowed and secured in accordance with the requirements that relate to traffic safety and ensuring the safety of the vehicle.


The delivery driver is an employee of the enterprise who picks up the goods and then transports them on a vehicle. Of course, the forwarder must have a license of category B, since in his case the transportation is carried out on a truck weighing up to 3500 kilograms, for which a license of the specified category is sufficient.

When performing his duties, the forwarding driver must:

  1. Receive goods from warehouses in accordance with accompanying documents and determine the integrity of their packaging.
  2. Observe the correct execution of loading and unloading of goods at the end of the route, control their stacking and placement in the store.
  3. Keep the cargo undamaged during transportation.
  4. Prepare documents during its reception and delivery.


In general, standard job descriptions for drivers are widely available on the Internet. However, you need to keep in mind that the standard version is suitable for a specific enterprise only with amendments taking into account its specifics. It makes no sense to develop instructions that would be suitable for any company.

This video contains additional information about the profession of a bus driver; after watching the video, you will form a full opinion about this profession.