Presentation on the topic "road safety". A safe way to school, presentation for a lesson (grade 6) on the topic of obstacles: standing or

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Every year in the world, as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA), about 1.3 million people die, 8 million people become disabled. Every day in Russia, more than 400 road accidents occur, more than 80 people die in them, and about 500 people are injured. An average of 30 thousand Russians die in Russia every year. 200 thousand people become disabled. Since the beginning of 2013, 7,941 road accidents have occurred in the Moscow region, in which more than 1,000 people were killed and over 9,000 were injured of varying degrees of severity.

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Every seventh road accident in Russia occurs with the participation of school-age children. Every tenth person injured in a road accident is a child under 16 years of age. About 60% of injuries are the result of a person hitting the road surface.

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ROAD RULES are a fundamental document. All road users must strictly comply with their requirements. Most often, schoolchildren act as pedestrians. In order to reduce the number of accidents and injuries among schoolchildren to a minimum, it is necessary to follow road safety rules.

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Road traffic participants are vehicles, drivers, pedestrians, traffic police officers, road workers

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Red traffic light signal PROHIBITING Yellow traffic light signal WARNING Green traffic light signal PERMISSIBLE To ensure road traffic and its regulation, pedestrian paths landing areas road markings fences traffic controllers road signs traffic lights To ensure the movement of pedestrians and its regulation, traffic lights with two-color signaling are used The red silhouette of a standing person prohibits passage, the green silhouette of a “walking” person allows passage. A flashing green traffic light indicates that the permitted time for crossing is about to expire.

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In order to minimize the number of accidents and injuries among pedestrians - schoolchildren, it is necessary to follow the following rules of road safety. Before crossing the road, you must carefully inspect the roadway. It is unacceptable to cross the roadway by running, since while running the gaze is directed forward and the person cannot control the situation around him. You cannot be distracted by conversations when crossing the road, or look back. You need to be collected and attentive. Assess the degree of danger before going out on the road. Be extremely careful on the road in adverse weather conditions and poor visibility.

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A smart pedestrian will never run out onto the road, even if it is a crossing point. He will walk calmly, because for a driver a person jumping out onto the road is always a surprise, and it is unknown whether the driver will be able to cope with this surprise.

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It is dangerous to play near the road: riding a bicycle in summer or sledding in winter. Currently, we are seeing that more and more children, walking down the street, listen to music while wearing headphones. This is very distracting - the child does not hear what is happening around him, and he may not hear the approaching vehicle or the driver's signal. Another problem, both for drivers and pedestrians, is talking on a mobile phone. While talking on the phone, a person is distracted, the driver may not notice the pedestrian, and the pedestrian may not notice the driver.

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Responsibilities of schoolchildren passengers. Waiting for a route vehicle or taxi is allowed only on landing platforms raised above the roadway, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or side of the road. At stopping points that are not equipped with raised platforms, it is allowed to enter the roadway to board a vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay. Failure to comply with the above requirements may cause an accident.

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40.3%, 27.6% 26.2% The main injuries to cyclists are: A bicycle is a dangerous vehicle

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The driver of a bicycle is allowed to drive a bicycle only in closed areas: courtyards, crayfish, stadiums. On the sidewalks only for children on children's bicycles. Check the technical condition of the bicycle daily. Ride only on those roads where there is a special sign in a blue circle “Bicycle path” - belongs to the group of permitting signs. When moving along the road, a cyclist must carefully monitor all signals given by drivers of other vehicles. The cyclist himself signals with his hands. Raise your hand before braking. If you need to cross the road, get off your bike, holding it by the handlebars, and walk through the pedestrian crossing.

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5 of Sergiev Posad"

Demin Gleb.

Head: life safety teacher

Ryabichenko Liliya Vladimirovna

Every year in Russia, an average of 30 thousand Russians die.

200 thousand people become disabled .

Every year in the world as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA) about 1.3 million people die,

8 million people become disabled

Every day in Russia there are more than 400 accidents,

more than 80 people die in them,

About 500 people are injured.

Since the beginning of 2017, 7,945 road accidents have occurred in the Moscow region, in which more than 850 people were killed and over 9,000 were injured of varying severity.

  • Every seventh road accident in Russia occurs with the participation of school-age children.
  • Every tenth person injured in a road accident is a child under 16 years of age.
  • About 60% of injuries are the result of a person hitting the road surface.

  • TRAFFIC LAWS are the fundamental document.
  • All road users must strictly comply with their requirements.
  • Most often, schoolchildren act as pedestrians.
  • In order to reduce the number of road accidents and injuries among schoolchildren to a minimum, It is necessary to follow road safety rules.


To organize traffic and regulate it, they are used :

road signs

traffic lights

traffic controllers


pedestrian paths

landing areas

dividing strip

To ensure safe movement pedestrians and its regulation, traffic lights with two-color signaling are used

A flashing green traffic light indicates that the permitted time for crossing is about to expire.

The red silhouette of a standing person prohibits passage, the green silhouette of a “walking” person allows passage

Red traffic light PROHIBITED

Yellow traffic light WARNING

Green traffic light PERMISSIONING

Responsibilities of a pedestrian

In order to minimize the number of accidents and injuries among pedestrians - schoolchildren, it is necessary to follow the following rules of road safety:

1. Before crossing the road, you must carefully inspect the roadway.

2. You need to be collected and attentive.

3. It is unacceptable to cross the roadway by running, since while running the gaze is directed forward and the person cannot control the situation around him.

4.Assess the degree of danger before going out on the road.

7. Be extremely careful on the road in adverse weather conditions and poor visibility.

6. You cannot be distracted by conversations when crossing the road, or look back.

A well-mannered pedestrian will never run out onto the road, even if it is a crossing point. He will walk calmly, because for a driver a person jumping onto the road is always a surprise, and it is unknown whether the driver will be able to react quickly.

It is dangerous to play near the road: riding a bicycle in summer or sledding in winter.

Currently, we are seeing that more and more children, walking down the street, listen to music while wearing headphones. This is very distracting - the child does not hear what is happening around him, and he may not hear the approaching vehicle or the driver's signal. Another problem, both for drivers and pedestrians, is talking on a mobile phone. While talking on the phone, a person is distracted, and the driver may not notice the pedestrian, and the pedestrian may not notice the car.

  • Waiting for a route vehicle or taxi is allowed only at landing platforms (stops) raised above the roadway, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or side of the road.
  • At stopping points that are not equipped with elevated platforms, it is allowed to enter the roadway to board a vehicle only after it has completely stopped.
  • After disembarking, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay.

Failure to comply with the above requirements may cause an accident.

A bicycle is a dangerous vehicle:

  • The main injuries to cyclists are:

  • Drive a bike only in closed areas: in courtyards, crayfish, stadiums.
  • On the sidewalks only for children on children's bicycles.
  • Check the technical condition of the bicycle daily.
  • Ride only on those roads where there is a special sign in a blue circle “Bicycle path” - belongs to the group of permitting signs.
  • When moving along the road, a cyclist must carefully monitor all signals given by drivers of other vehicles. The cyclist himself signals with his hands. Raise your hand before braking.
  • If you need to cross the road, get off your bike, holding it by the handlebars, and walk through the pedestrian crossing.

  • The bicycle driver is prohibited
  • Until the age of 14, you cannot ride a bicycle on roads and streets.
  • Organize races on the road, a racing game.
  • Operating a bicycle if there are technical faults.
  • Towing bicycles or mopeds.
  • In any place on the streets and roads, the bicycle driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians.
  • Carry a load that protrudes 0.5 meters along the length and width of the bicycle.
  • Do not ride a bicycle holding the handlebars with one hand or without hands.
  • STRICTLY PROHIBITED cling to passing traffic!

  • Get in the car - buckle up!

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, every child under 12 years of age must ride in a special car seat that allows the child to be fastened using seat belts.

The main task of a car seat is to ensure the safety of the child during a traffic accident, emergency braking or sudden maneuvers. Its necessity is quite obvious - a child car seat reduces the likelihood of fatal injury.

According to the World Health Organization, the use of child restraints in vehicles can reduce infant mortality by 71% , and among older children - by 54% .


Traffic Laws!

Every year in the world, as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA), about 1.3 million people die, 8 million people become disabled. Every day in Russia, more than 400 road accidents occur, more than 80 people die in them, and about 500 people are injured. An accident is an event that occurred with the participation of at least one motor vehicle in motion, resulting in the death or injury of people, damage to vehicles, structures, cargo or other material damage. An average of 30 thousand Russians die in Russia every year. 200 thousand people become disabled.

Road accidents involving special vehicles that transport large quantities of flammable, explosive, and radioactive cargo are extremely dangerous. Road accidents involving special vehicles that transport large quantities of flammable, explosive, and radioactive cargo are extremely dangerous. release of toxic substances into the environment. contamination of large areas, death and injury of a large number of people. Such accidents lead to:

Their interaction on the roads is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Road Traffic Safety”, adopted in December 1995. The law establishes the responsibilities and rights of citizens to ensure road safety. The law provides for mandatory training of citizens in the rules of safe behavior on the roads.

ROAD RULES are a fundamental document. All road users must strictly comply with their requirements. Most often, schoolchildren act as pedestrians. In order to reduce the number of accidents and injuries among schoolchildren to a minimum, it is necessary to follow the following road safety rules.

Red traffic light signal PROHIBITING Yellow traffic light signal WARNING Green traffic light signal PERMISSIBLE To ensure traffic and regulate it, pedestrian paths, landing areas, road markings, fences, traffic controllers, road signs, traffic lights are used to ensure the movement of pedestrians and regulate it, traffic lights with two-color signaling are used. The red silhouette of a standing person prohibits passage, the green silhouette “ the person walking is allowed to pass. A flashing green traffic light indicates that the permitted time for crossing is about to expire.

In order to minimize the number of accidents and injuries among pedestrians - schoolchildren, it is necessary to follow the following rules of road safety. Before crossing the road, you must carefully inspect the roadway. It is unacceptable to cross the roadway by running, since while running the gaze is directed forward and the person cannot control the situation around him. You cannot be distracted by conversations when crossing the road, or look back. You need to be collected and attentive. Assess the degree of danger before going out on the road. Be extremely careful on the road in adverse weather conditions and poor visibility. Most often, schoolchildren act as pedestrians.

Responsibilities of schoolchildren passengers. Waiting for a route vehicle or taxi is allowed only on landing platforms raised above the roadway, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or side of the road. At stopping points that are not equipped with raised platforms, it is allowed to enter the roadway to board a vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay. Failure to comply with the above requirements may cause an accident.

Traffic rules for cyclists According to the “Rules of the Road” (Article 2.3 of the Rules of the Road as amended in 1996, as amended - the latest from the year) A bicycle is a non-motorized vehicle. Persons are allowed to ride all types of bicycles on streets and highways. What cyclists are “allowed” to: Ride on the side of the road; Ride on the side of the road; Tow a trailer (but only one that is designed to be towed by a bicycle); Tow a trailer (but only one that is designed to be towed by a bicycle); Carry cargo (but so that it does not interfere with control and does not protrude more than half a meter beyond the dimensions in length or width).Carry cargo (but so that it does not interfere with control and does not protrude more than half a meter beyond the dimensions in length or width). What cyclists “need”: Move in the far right lane in one row and as far to the right as possible; If you are riding in a group, you must divide into groups of 10 cyclists (the distance between groups should be m); Cross the road on foot if you need to turn left or turn around on a road where there is more than one lane in each direction or there is a tram track. at least 14 years old.

What is prohibited on a bicycle! Ride without holding the handlebars with your hands, racing, clinging to moving vehicles or another cyclist; Carry passengers, except a child under 7 years old, on a special seat with footrests; Turn left or turn around on a road where there is more than one lane in each direction or there is a tram track; Ride on the road when there is a bicycle path marked with a 4.5 sign nearby; Drive under the sign 3.1 “No Entry”, 3.2 “No Traffic”, 3.9 “No Bicycles”, 4.4 “Car Traffic”, 5.1 “Motorway”, 5.3 “Road for Cars”; Drive along sidewalks and pedestrian paths in gardens and parks; Move along the streets and roads, teaching and learning how to ride a bicycle.

Bicycle and car At intersections, a car moving on a secondary road must yield to a bicycle moving on the main road. 1 A car turning right must give way to a cyclist driving straight ahead on the same road next to it. 2 At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road located outside the intersection, bicycle drivers must give way to vehicles moving on this road. 3 At signalized intersections, cyclists must obey the signals of special bicycle traffic lights or the signals of regular traffic lights. 4 You need to signal a turn in the following way: extend your straight arm in the direction of the turn or extend your arm bent at the elbow in the direction opposite to the direction of the turn. 5 The intention to stop is signaled by raising either arm straight up. 6

The higher the speed, the more likely an accident will occur, and the more severe the consequences. The speed at which a cyclist travels on the road should be based on actual conditions and ensure safety in the event of an emergency. The cyclist must take into account! To survive an accident, follow these rules. Maintain your composure. Quickly group yourself, lie on the floor or on a seat, protect your head with your hands, tense your muscles. Leave the car only after it has come to a complete stop. Do not leave your vehicle while driving due to the high risk of injury or death. After an accident, quickly assess the situation, the position of the vehicle, and the presence of real danger factors. Try to get out of the car yourself and help all the victims leave the car. If it is impossible to do this, do not make sudden movements, take an optimal position, call for help, and wait for rescuers. Leave the car through doors, windows, hatches. If glass is in your way, you need to break it. Move a safe distance from the emergency site. Provide self-help and first aid to victims. If a fire occurs, try to extinguish the fire using available means or call specialists. If your car falls into water, try to get out of it before it is completely submerged.

Road safety depends jointly on both pedestrians and drivers. And there are also risks on both sides. Because quite often pedestrians who cross the street at a red light or in the wrong place are to blame for road accidents. Road Safety Rules Some even simply forget that when crossing the road, you need to look both ways, because a car may suddenly appear around a bend. And then it will be too late to look in her direction. Therefore, both drivers and pedestrians need to follow the basic rules, which will reduce the risk of road accidents.


According to scientists, the number of accidents in the United States that occurred as a result of talking while driving on a mobile phone has exceeded three hundred thousand over the past five years. No such studies have been conducted in Russia, but one thing is clear - there are quite a lot of them. According to scientists, the number of accidents in the United States that occurred as a result of talking while driving on a mobile phone has exceeded three hundred thousand over the past five years. No such studies have been conducted in Russia, but one thing is clear - there are quite a lot of them. Here are more findings from scientists: - talking on a mobile phone increases your chances of getting into an accident four times; - the braking distance of a driver talking on a mobile phone doubles.


Riding with a passenger. One of the problems when driving with a passenger is that when turning, the passenger sits upright, this is a mistake. As a result of this behavior, the motorcycle does not tilt at the desired angle, the turning radius increases and the driver has to lean even more to correct the situation. Motorcycles Just tell your passenger to follow your movements when turning. Also, a passenger who does not know the basics of riding a motorcycle and has never ridden a bike may be misled by your behavior on the road, which can lead to an unnecessary reaction from the passenger and danger.

For pedestrians

Dark clothing reflects five percent of the light falling on it, and light clothing reflects up to eighty percent. Basic safety equipment can prevent accidents at night. In ninety cases of collisions out of a hundred, it is a collision in the dark. Research shows that wearing reflective clothing reduces the risk of hitting a pedestrian by eighty percent.

For cyclists

Let's look at special signs when riding a bicycle. To indicate a maneuver, the Rules provide the following signs: Turning or changing lanes to the right: right arm extended, or left arm extended and bent at the elbow. Turn or change lanes to the left: left arm extended, or right arm extended and bent at the elbow. Stop: raised hand (any). When riding in a group, another sign is used, intended not for motorists, but for cyclists riding behind you. Pits on the right: right hand lowered down. Pits on the left: left hand lowered down.