Development of an investment project for the technical re-equipment of OK-Loza OJSC. Technical re-equipment: how a non-standard approach changes the result A machine-building enterprise is implementing a technical re-equipment project

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Machine tool industry

The market for machine tool products in Russia last year amounted to 98.2 billion rubles.
According to the Federal State Statistics Service, industry enterprises in 2015 were able to maintain positive dynamics and increase the share of domestic products in the domestic market (from 13% before 22% ) .
In physical terms, the growth in production of metalworking equipment amounted to 5,3 % (With 5 756 before 6 059 PC.). At the same time, due to structural changes in product output towards increasing the production of more knowledge-intensive, high-tech equipment, the production of machine tools with numerical control has increased. 60% (With 347 before 542 The growth was about
PC.). 1873 According to the enterprises of the “Machine Tools” association, the output of machine tools amounted to 172,8% PC. or
to the level of 2014. 273% Some enterprises of the Association showed more than 2-fold growth compared to 2014 (ZAO Stankotekh, Kolomna - 243% ).
, LLC NPO "Stankostroenie" Sterlitamak -

  • In 2015, state support was provided to the following machine tool enterprises: OJSC "Tyazhmekhpress" - RUB 3,496,120.26 ; JSC "ZAREM" - RUB 3,863,609.80 ; PJSC "Siblitmash" - RUB 2,563,758.92 ; STAN Group LLC -;
  • RUB 17,148,241.33 The Industrial Development Fund supported 4 projects in the machine tool industry with a total volume of RUB 1.4 billion
(JSC Interskol-Alabuga, LLC Virial, OJSC Tyazhpressmash, LLC NPO Stankostroenie).
The STAN company is aimed at developing competencies as a leading supplier of comprehensive solutions for the implementation of technological re-equipment projects for enterprises of the military-industrial complex, a company that ensures the creation of an effective system of after-sales support and maintenance of machine tool products, as well as a developer of prototypes of technological equipment for processing new generation materials .
So, in particular, the STAN company launched a product line of high-precision three- to five-axis multifunctional machining centers at NPO Stankostroenie (Sterlitamak).
In addition, negotiations are currently underway on the acquisition of the assets of one of the largest machine-tool enterprises in Russia for the design and production of high-tech machine tools for the aerospace complex - Savyolovsky Machine-Building Plant LLC (SMZ).
Also, a significant amount of development of new equipment is carried out at SASTA OJSC. Recently, the production of a turning center SA1100S50F4P with two pass-through supports for machining shafts up to 5 meters, turning center CAT400S06F03 with two supports for high-performance processing of parts with a diameter of up to 535 mm, a lathe with an operational control system SA500S10F2K, etc.
New types of equipment are being put into production at other machine-tool enterprises in Russia. At Stan-Samara OJSC - a precision coordinate boring machine SKR 400, at the TBS Machine Tool Plant - a CNC lathe model PK514F3, at VSZ Tekhnika - a precision 2-spindle cylindrical grinding machine KSh-600.4, at MSZ " Salute" - high-precision CNC thread grinding machine mod. MSh5203.
JSC Siblitmash, Novosibirsk, has mastered the production of new injection molding machines.
OJSC Tyazhpressmash has mastered new hot stamping lines, which were manufactured and supplied to China and Korea.
OJSC "Altai Press" has prepared production for the manufacture of automatic complexes using the cold extrusion method based on force presses 2500 kN - 25,000 kN.
At the same time, in order to stimulate the transfer of modern metalworking technologies, it is envisaged to use the mechanism of a special investment contract as part of the implementation of the Federal Law “On Industrial Policy”. This mechanism creates the necessary conditions for attracting and supporting foreign investors implementing joint projects to create production of machine-tool products on the territory of the Russian Federation under the terms of a schedule for phased deep localization of production in the medium term (3-5 years). 1000 Foreign investors are already actively showing interest in this instrument. Thus, one of the projects planned for implementation within the framework of a special investment contract is a joint venture between the Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant and the German-Japanese concern DMG MORI SEIKI; the project envisages the production of a wide range of turning and milling machining centers with a design capacity of over 2017
machines per year. The project provides for the creation of an engineering center for personnel training, as well as the development of new models of metal-cutting equipment in Russia. Also, the project of MTE Kovosvit Mas LLC provides for the creation by 2018 of a modern high-tech production of metal-working machines of the turning and milling groups, as well as multifunctional metal-working centers of the Kovosvit company (Czech Republic). The plant area will be
33 thousand sq. m.
The Kovrov Electromechanical Plant, together with the Japanese manufacturer TAKISAWA, is localizing the production of a line of new generation turning and milling machining centers.
UMK Pumori LLC (Sverdlovsk region), in cooperation with the Japanese Okuma corporation, is planning in the near future joint production of machines under the Okuma-Pumori brand with subsequent localization of production, including in the form of a special investment contract.
Resolution No. 1224 establishes a ban on the purchase of imported technological equipment by machine-building enterprises in the presence of domestic analogues, which is established as a result of the relevant examination carried out by the commission of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. As part of the work of the commission of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for 12 months of 2015, 2513 applications that 37% lower than the number of applications submitted for the same period in 2014 ( 3961 statement). The decline in dynamics is due, among other things, to the import substitution policy pursued by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade in the field of machine tool industry and other incentive measures.

Heavy engineering

At the end of 2015, the heavy engineering market volume was RUB 235.5 billion or 114% by 2014. 29% Domestic production in the industry increased by and reached
115.5 billion rubles.

  • In physical terms, the volume of output for the main types of products in 2015 was: steelmaking equipment and foundry machines - (158,4% 27.2 thousand tons.
  • by 2014); rental equipment - (85,1% 27.2 thousand tons.
  • 456 t. continuous lifts and conveyors for underground work - (68,9% 27.2 thousand tons.
  • 315 pcs. electric overhead cranes - (71,3% 1690 pcs.
by 2014). The average number of workers and the average monthly salary at the main enterprises in the industry were 181 thousand 99,5% Human ( by 2014) and (103,4% 30 thousand rubles.
by 2014) respectively.
To support the production of domestic heavy engineering products, criteria for classifying industrial products as industrial products that have no analogues, produced in the Russian Federation, including overhead cranes, tower cranes, portal cranes, and mills, were developed and approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2015 No. 719 , presses, vacuum compression furnaces, passenger elevators.
In 2015, heavy engineering enterprises were provided with state support: As part of Resolution No. 1312 to subsidize the costs of R&D in priority areas of civil industry as part of the implementation of complex investment projects, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in 2015 supported investment projects in 5 technological areas for a total amount 160 million rub.
As part of Resolution No. 3 on providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to compensate for part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions in 2014–2016 for the implementation of new comprehensive investment projects, the project of Uralmashzavod OJSC was supported, which received a subsidy in the amount of 8 million rubles. and the project of Kopeysk Machine-Building Plant JSC in the amount 21 million rub.
As part of Government Decree No. 214 in 2015, 5 enterprises in the heavy engineering industry received support in the amount of RUB 172.1 million(JSC Kopeisk Machine-Building Plant, JSC Machine-Building Concern ORMETO-YUMZ, JSC TYAZHMASH, JSC EZTM, JSC Izhora Plants).
mechanical engineering
mechanical engineering
Oil and gas
mechanical engineering
2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015
Volume of the Russian market, billion rubles. 205 235,5 123,3 117,2 148 137 235,56 236,3 450 476
Volume of domestic production, billion rubles. 82 115,5 88,2 92,8 102 98 177,9 204,4 193,5 214,2
Export volume, billion rubles. 9 14 12,8 20,8 18 19 15,6 21,7 17 20
Share of exports in production, % 10,98 12,12 14,5 22,4 17,6 19,4 8,7 10,6 8,8 9,3

Power engineering and cable industry

According to preliminary estimates, the volume of the power engineering market in 2015 was RUB 117.2 billion, which is lower than the level of 2014 by 4,95% , the volume of the electrical industry market in 2015 compared to the previous year decreased by 7,43% and compiled RUB 137 billion, and the cable industry increased by 1% RUB 236.3 billion At the same time, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the volume of domestic production in 2015 compared to the previous year in the power engineering industry increased by 5,2% , cable industry - on 14,9% . At the same time, the volume of exports in the power engineering industry increased by 62,5% , in the electrical industry - on 5,56% .

  • As part of the Eastern Economic Forum, the state corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)” and OJSC “Power Machines” entered into an agreement on the joint implementation of export projects and programs in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR). The document is aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the Russian economy, increasing its diversification, and ensuring access for Russian companies and the goods and services they produce to the world market.
  • OJSC Power Machines entered into agreements with the Directorate for the Unified Order of Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants (JSC DEZ, part of the Rosatom State Corporation) for the supply of complete equipment for turbine units at 122 billion rubles., the manufacturer will design, manufacture and supply six sets of turbine room equipment for three nuclear power plants - Bushehr (Iran), Kudankulam (India), Kursk NPP - 2 (Russia). The equipment for Kursk NPP-2 will include low-speed steam turbines (the plant’s own development); high-speed steam turbines will be installed at the other two stations. The development of a low-speed turbine unit will allow Power Machines to enter the market of low-speed high-power turbines.
  • OJSC Power Machines manufactured and completed shipment of a hydrogenerator with a capacity of 80 MW, manufactured for the Nizhne-Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station under construction.
  • At JSC "Optical Fiber Systems" (Saransk), with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation A. Dvorkovich, the launch of the 1st stage of the plant for the production of optical fiber took place ( 2.4 million km. per year) for the production of fiber optic cable. The creation of such an industrial production, practically the first in Russia, will reduce the dependence of cable factories on imported optical fiber and expand the range of modern types of fiber-optic cables.
  • In the field of renewable energy sources, over 45 MW installed capacity of generating facilities with a high level of localization – 70% : Sakmara solar photovoltaic station. A.A. Vlazneva - 25 MW; Buribayevskaya solar power plant - 10 MW; Bugulchanskaya solar power plant - 5 MW Bugulchanskaya solar power plant -; Kosh-Agach solar power plant-2 - ; Novokarachaevskaya Small Hydroelectric Power Station –.
  • 1.2 MW For the first time, high-speed controlled reactors of domestic production (manufactured by Aidis LLC) were put into commercial operation at a voltage substation 220 kV
  • "Svetlaya" of intersystem electrical systems (IES) of Siberia. In 2015, CJSC ZETO (Velikie Luki) began implementing a large-scale project for the development and production of SF6 equipment. It is planned to develop industrial production of the following SF6 equipment: GIS - 110 kV In 2015, CJSC ZETO (Velikie Luki) began implementing a large-scale project for the development and production of SF6 equipment. It is planned to develop industrial production of the following SF6 equipment: GIS -; tank switches For the first time, high-speed controlled reactors of domestic production (manufactured by Aidis LLC) were put into commercial operation at a voltage substation; column switches 220 , 330 ; current transformers And 500 kV For the first time, high-speed controlled reactors of domestic production (manufactured by Aidis LLC) were put into commercial operation at a voltage substation.
; voltage transformers
  • As part of Resolution No. 1312 on subsidizing part of R&D costs in priority areas of civil industry as part of the implementation of complex investment projects, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in 2015 supported investment projects in 6 technological areas for a total amount RUB 1,126.8 million(of which issued RUB 595.8 million) for the creation of technologies: including CJSC "ChEAZ" (air circuit breakers), OJSC "Kirs-kabel" (cable for voltage up to 550 kV), JSC "Zvezda-Energetika" (block-modular power plants from 1 MW), "InEnergy" (system of constant and backup power supply up to 100 kW), LLC "IC "Gas Turbine Technologies" (gas turbine engine 110 MW), JSC "VTI" (all-mode combined cycle gas plant with a capacity 20 25 MW).
  • As part of Resolution No. 3 on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to compensate for part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions in 2014-2016 for the implementation of new comprehensive investment projects, the project of Chechenneftekhimprom OJSC (energy conservation system) was supported (ESS) power 30 MWh per year), to whom a subsidy in the amount of RUB 97.378 million
  • As part of Resolution No. 214, in 2015, 18 enterprises of the power engineering, electrical and cable industries (7 enterprises of power engineering, 9 cable factories, 2 enterprises of the electrical industry) received RUB 322.7 million to compensate for the costs of paying interest on loans to replenish working capital.
  • Oil and gas engineering

    • According to preliminary estimates, the volume of the oil and gas equipment market in 2015 was RUB 476 billion, which is higher than the level of 2014 by 5,7% .
    • According to data from the Federal State Statistics Service, the volume of domestic production increased by 10,7% , the volume of exports of oil and gas equipment increased by 17,65% .
    • In 2015, three meetings of the Interdepartmental Working Group on reducing the dependence of the Russian fuel and energy complex on equipment imports, as well as on the development of oil and gas engineering in the Russian Federation (March 24, July 3 and November 23) were held. On June 19, 2015, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia D.V. Manturov and Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom A.B. Miller signed the Program for Import Substitution of Industrial Products used for the needs of PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and dependent companies. This program was developed in order to concentrate the company’s investment resources on the development of strategic industries, minimize the impact of unfavorable foreign economic and foreign policy conditions on the domestic mechanical engineering industry, as well as synchronize the investment program of PJSC Gazprom with the capabilities of Russian manufacturers.
    • On October 26, 2015, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and PJSC Gazprom for implementation on the basis of OJSC Tomsk Electromechanical Plant named after. V.V. Vakhrushev" investment project using the mechanism of a special investment contract to organize serial production of domestic anti-surge and control valves and electric drives for them. Also on November 23, 2015, at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group in Ufa, Bashkortostan, a memorandum of intent was signed to conclude a special investment contract between Gazprom Neft PJSC, the GMS group, the Oryol region and the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade for the localization of the production of import-substituting pumps for oil refining (including Apollo pumps according to API standards), as well as high-power pumps for the transport of oil/petroleum products.
    • In 2015, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade prepared proposals for adjusting the state program “Development of shipbuilding and equipment for the development of offshore fields for 2016-2030”, within the framework of which in 2016-2017 it is planned to support R&D in 6 areas of offshore topics related to seismic exploration and underwater wellhead equipment, in the amount 1.35 billion rubles.
    • On June 25, a new multi-product research and production complex was launched on the territory of PJSC Cryogenmash. As part of the modernization program, the latest equipment has been installed and mastered: roll forming, welding, forging, rolling, shot blasting, metal cutting, painting, robotic complexes, an automated line for preparing parts for welding, etc.
    In 2015, oil and gas engineering enterprises were provided with state support:
    • As part of Resolution No. 1312 to subsidize the costs of R&D in priority areas of civil industry as part of the implementation of complex investment projects, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in 2015 supported investment projects in 8 technological areas for a total amount RUB 285 million, including PJSC Cryogenmash (“LNG production plants”), LLC Tekon Membrane Technologies (“membrane plants”), LLC NPF Plant “Izmeron” (“well equipment”), LLC Bezhetsk Experimental Plant " and LLC "Kamyshin Drilling Tools Plant" in the direction of "Drilling Equipment".
    • As part of Resolution No. 3 on providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to compensate for part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions in 2014–2016, the project of Cryogenmash OJSC (OMZ PJSC) was supported for the implementation of new comprehensive investment projects. , who received a subsidy in the amount 42.282 million rubles.
    • As part of Government Decree No. 214, in 2015, 8 oil and gas engineering enterprises received RUB 312.8 million to compensate for the costs of paying interest on loans to replenish working capital (Novomet-Perm JSC, Kazankompressormash OJSC, Volgogradneftemash OJSC, Blagoveshchensk Valve Plant PJSC, Pervomaiskhimmash OJSC, Dmitrovogradkhimmash OJSC, Izhora OJSC factories", LLC "Corporation Uraltekhnostroy").
    • In 2015, the Industrial Development Fund reviewed applications for 31 projects from 29 enterprises and approved 6 projects, highlighting RUB 1.8 billion(FPC Cosmos-Neft-Gas LLC, Giprogazoochistka JSC (GGO), Tyazhpressmash JSC, HMS Livgidromash JSC, Concern Central Research Institute Elektropribor JSC, NPO Regulator JSC) for their implementation.
      The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia received information from oil and gas engineering enterprises about their intentions to submit applications in 2016 from the companies LLC NPP BURINTEKH, Ruselprom, NPF Baltic Manufactura, LLC ZERS, OJSC Volgogradneftemash, OJSC Kazankom-pressormash, Uralmash NGO Holding LLC.

    Review of the current state of the bearing sub-industry of the Russian Federation. Products of the bearing sub-industry have their special significance and role in the country’s economy. Modernization of production and development of the bearing sub-industry. The complete elimination of finishing operations from the technological process, as well as a significant reduction in the volume of manual and adjustment operations, makes it possible to reduce the labor intensity of bearing manufacturing and, as a result, reduce personnel.

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    Today, the average age of equipment at Russian machine-building enterprises is more than 20 years, the share of equipment older than 20 years exceeds 40% (Rosstat data for 2008).

    It is obvious that there is an urgent need for the modernization of fixed assets, the implementation of which is hampered by the existing problems of the industry: the steady aging and deterioration of the quality of engineering and production personnel, an outdated educational base, an insufficient level of innovative development of Russian mechanical engineering and others.

    The result of numerous examples of implemented technical re-equipment programs is new, but inefficiently operating equipment that does not significantly increase profits.

    Thus, what is needed is not just modernization, but effective modernization, which increases the profitability of machine-building enterprises and increases the level of innovativeness of products and their consumer properties.


    Speaking about the modernization of machine-building enterprises, it is interesting, first of all, to find out what might change during its implementation? What opportunities do Russian machine-building enterprises currently have in this regard?

    To answer this question, it is necessary to take into account that effective modernization implies not just the replacement of technological equipment, but also a change in the principles and approaches in the organization and management of production.

    Thus, the potential effects of modernization can be divided into two components:

    Effects of replacing technological equipment,

    Effects of changing principles and approaches in the organization and management of production.

    Effects of replacing process equipment

    The replacement of technological equipment at machine-building enterprises is primarily carried out with the aim of reducing the production time of parts, saving costs on raw materials and electricity, freeing up personnel and production space.

    The results of the projects and analytical work carried out allow the authors of the article to assert that the potential effects for machine-building enterprises with an outdated fleet of equipment (more than 20 years old) have the following values ​​(see figure).

    Effects of changing principles and approaches in organizing and managing production

    Replacing equipment with a more productive one in itself will not give tangible effects, since the production time of individual parts is a small fraction of the production cycle. To achieve tangible effects, modernization must be accompanied by the introduction of modern principles and approaches in the organization and management of production. It is necessary to use methods of fast-response production, theory of constraints, synchronized production, Toyota Production System methodology and others.

    The effects of using these methods depend on the specifics of the enterprise and the state of its production system. It is difficult to express them quantitatively and bring them to an average. We can only say that in most cases they exceed the effects of simply replacing equipment, since they affect the enterprise as a whole.

    According to the authors and other Russian and foreign experts, any modernization of machine-building enterprises must combine the effective replacement of old equipment with the introduction of modern principles and approaches in the organization and management of production.


    The planned significant effects from modernization of production in practice are often more modest in nature (the authors even know of cases when the results of modernization were worse than when working on old equipment).

    What are the main difficulties that Russian machine-building enterprises experience when carrying out modernization?

    One of the main ones, according to the authors, is the provision of qualified personnel when implementing modernization projects. The reason for the lack of effectiveness of many projects is a lack of resources: the enterprise personnel are not strong enough to effectively update the equipment fleet. As a result, modernization is carried out over an extended period of time, which reduces the effect of its implementation.

    Also, sometimes our own specialists may not keep up with new technological solutions, modern principles and approaches in organizing and managing production. In this regard, there is a risk of choosing outdated and less efficient technological equipment, as well as methods for organizing modernized production.

    Another of the main difficulties of modernization is the ineffective budgeting system of some machine-building enterprises. This mainly applies to large state holdings. Quite often nowadays, the task of subsidiaries and organizational units to spend the money allocated to them before the end of the budget period is mandatory. This dominance of calendar deadlines over real needs significantly reduces the efficiency of expenses. Technical specifications for the purchase of technological equipment are not worked out in detail and are focused on budget development; purchases of equipment and tools are carried out “for future use” (“What if there is no money later?”). Ultimately, this leads to budget overruns due to purchases that do not reflect real needs.


    To carry out effective modernization, enterprises need to pay special attention to training human resources to implement modernization projects. These should be highly professional specialists who “keep their finger on the pulse” of new technological solutions, modern principles and approaches in organizing and managing production. If it is inappropriate to maintain such a staff - with a small number of modernization projects - or provided that your own human resources are sometimes insufficient, it would be advisable to attract independent professional companies that can assist in the implementation of equipment fleet renewal projects.

    Involving such companies for express analysis of technical re-equipment programs (as a technological auditor) will also have a positive effect, as it will allow you to obtain an independent opinion on the effectiveness of the solutions being developed. This will minimize the risks of choosing the wrong equipment.

    Here it would be appropriate to draw an analogy with conducting regular accounting audits of organizations, the purpose of which is to provide objective financial information to management. Auditors check the accuracy of accounting and identify tax risks. It is not clear why, in most cases, machine-building enterprises do not spend funds on carrying out Making the wrong decision when forming the composition of production assets can lead to significantly greater monetary losses than tax payments!

    As for the problems of the budgeting system, it seems advisable to apply the principles of budget formation focused on achieving the final result, as well as increasing the horizons of budget planning.

    At the industry level, it is important to create a specialized association that unites companies that conduct independent technological audits and implement modernization projects. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the interaction of such an association with government bodies to provide assistance in the implementation of government programs aimed at the development of Russian mechanical engineering.

    One of the proposed joint programs of the association and the state in terms of industry development may be a program for the creation and implementation of industry standards developed taking into account the best world experience and practices, including requirements for the production system of both state and commercial engineering enterprises. Another very popular program could be the creation of a center specializing in training personnel who carry out modernization and conduct technological audits (the authors know of examples of similar industry programs abroad that were implemented due to the urgent need to reduce the cost of production of industrial enterprises and stimulate industry development).

    In custody We would like to draw the attention of the management of Russian machine-building enterprises to the fact that sometimes modernization may not bring the desired effect due to the previously stated reasons.

    In some cases, it will be advisable to involve independent professional companies in modernization projects and conduct technological audits of developed technical re-equipment programs. Sometimes it is difficult to notice a speck in your eye, and it is better to attract a person (and in some cases, a doctor) who can look from the outside, give his opinion and help.

    Technical re-equipment Technical re-equipment is a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of individual industries, workshops and sections based on the introduction of advanced equipment and technology, mechanization and automation of production, modernization and replacement of outdated and physically worn equipment with new, more productive ones, as well as improvement general plant facilities and support services. 2

    Technical re-equipment This set of measures constitutes a technical re-equipment program, which is preceded by a technological audit. The services of third-party organizations for conducting a technological audit and developing a technical re-equipment program are engineering. 3

    Types of engineering services FDI Engineering services "Pumori-engineering invest" can be divided into 3 types: 1. Services for the development of advanced technologies for machining individual parts with the supply of equipment 2. Services for the development of projects for the technical re-equipment of a plant based on a technological audit 3. Services for the design of new production facilities , sections, lines 7

    Creation of production of turbine blades for steam, gas turbines and aircraft engines. Customer: Energia LLC, Ekaterinburg Technology development

    Material: steel 20Х13 Processing time: 18 min. Goal: To create a flexible, quickly adjustable production for the manufacture of turbine blades for steam, gas turbines and aircraft engines. Old traditional technology: to create a technology for processing one stage of blades, units of universal equipment and units of special equipment were used; machine tools were designed and manufactured to perform all operations, control and measuring instruments, and units of special measuring instruments. To complete this work, it took from 3 to 8 months Technology development

    Results of the project implementation: 1. Reduction of production preparation time for one stage of blades to 3 weeks. 2. Reducing the blade stage manufacturing cycle to 2 - 3 weeks. 3. Possibility of using universal CNC equipment instead of expensive special equipment. 4. Reduction of manual labor when finishing the blade feathers. 5. Ensuring high quality manufacturing of blades. 6. Use of universal cutting carbide tools from ISKAR and other companies. 7. Increasing labor productivity, using a minimum amount of equipment and special templates 8. A sharp increase in production standards Development of technologies

    Introduction of modern technology based on the results of a technology audit. Customer: ROSTVERTOL OJSC, Rostov-on-Don Technology development

    Purpose: On the instructions of the enterprise, the task was set to create a new technology for manufacturing the “Spar” part. Audit of existing production: When examining the existing production, it was established: - the part is a hollow product with a length of 1550 mm, Part material is AB-T1 - processing was carried out in 15 operations on universal and special machines - special profile cutters made of high-speed steel were used for processing - measurement was produced by a large number of templates - to obtain technical requirements for accuracy, large amounts of manual labor were used - processing time was 8 hours. Implementation results. 1. Replacement of the existing production site for the production of spar with one multifunctional CNC machine model MACTURN 550 from OKUMA. 2. Special equipment was designed and manufactured to allow the use of a movable steady rest. The concentration of operations and transitions on one machine made it possible to reduce processing time by 4.5 times compared to existing technology. Actual processing time was 106 minutes Technology development

    Use of modern metal-cutting tools from ISCAR with non-sharpening carbide inserts. Increasing labor productivity with the corresponding release of qualified workers due to: - Optimization and intensification of cutting modes due to the rigidity and vibration resistance of machines; - Reducing time spent on installation movements, idling and control thanks to full automation of the cycle; - Reducing the time spent on installation, fastening, removing and transporting workpieces from machine to machine due to the concentration of operations; - Application of multi-machine service; - Availability of auxiliary means of automation and mechanization (hydraulic chucks, steady rests, chip collection conveyors, etc.). Significant increase and stable preservation of processing accuracy (dimensions, shapes and relative positions of surfaces) and surface quality, regardless of the qualifications and fatigue of the operator. The implementation was carried out in two stages - on the territory of Pumori-engineering invest LLC and on the territory of Rostvertol OJSC Technology development

    Technical re-equipment of production. Customer: OJSC “Tulamashzavod”, Tula Technical re-equipment project

    Project goal: Analysis and radical modernization of production, in order to achieve maximum output and stable quality in the manufacture of products for the defense industry. Analysis of the state of existing production: Upon examination of the existing production, it was revealed: - the enterprise installed equipment that is 20 years old or more - universal and special equipment without CNC - high-speed steels R6, R18, R6M9 were used as cutting tools. - to obtain parameters for accuracy and roughness, large amounts of manual labor were used. Project results: The project has been implemented since 2002. and to the present time. New production facilities have been created to produce complex parts for defense industry products. By 2014 the number of introduced modern equipment reached 70 units. Labor productivity and production standards have increased 3 times. With the introduction of modern control methods, product quality issues were resolved, modern carbide tools were introduced. Technical re-equipment project

    A project to create flexible robotic production for the manufacture of electrical appliance parts. Customer: FSUE PO Oktyabr, Kamensk-Uralsky Technical re-equipment projects

    Goal: To create a site for the production of parts for electrical devices based on flexible robotic, quickly reconfigurable cells. Implementation results. - 4 robotic cells based on 4 lathes were introduced - “unmanned technology” was introduced for the production of 20 types of parts - labor productivity increased by 3.5 times - the technology ensured stable quality - the introduced technology allows the equipment to operate 8760 hours a year Technical re-equipment projects

    A technological audit of the entire machining production was carried out in order to organize the production of new products. As a result: the production was comprehensively equipped with modern CNC equipment; 17 CNC machines were supplied and put into operation 2. Technical re-equipment projects Comprehensive development of technology for the production of parts for electric locomotives of a new generation. Customer: Ural Locomotives, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region. 18

    19 Modernization project for JSC Petrozavodskmash (2011). Goal: Modernization of the production line for components of nuclear power plant reactor units and large-sized equipment for the petrochemical industry. Result: In 2012, the largest 4-roll sheet bending machine in Europe with the ability to bend steel up to 255 mm thick was delivered and put into operation from Promau-DAVI, Italy. Euro project budget Technical re-equipment projects

    Conducting a technological audit of machining facilities Development of a concept for the modernization of machining facilities URBO project In 2014, Pumori-engineering invest completed work on the audit and development of a concept for the modernization of machining production of CJSC URBO Technical re-equipment projects

    The following work has been done: CD analysis has been carried out. - An analysis of existing technologies for machining parts was carried out. - Technical requirements have been developed for 3 groups of machines: Milling and drilling group; Boring group; Lathe group. - A list of representative parts for the selection of equipment has been prepared and agreed with ZAO URBO. - Machines from all 3 groups were selected, a total of 47 machines. The supply of equipment has begun (2 machines have been supplied - a Toshiba rotary machine and a Wailer lathe, the supply of 2 gantry machines is being worked on). During the delivery process, work is carried out to select the necessary cutting tools in order to optimize cutting conditions, reduce time and money spent on the manufacture of rig parts and assemblies, reduce the production cycle, inter-operational and intra-shop transport costs in order to ensure the production of 50 rigs per year. Technical re-equipment projects

    Project Stamps Creation of a site for the manufacture and repair of dies (at the design stage) Current situation: The manufacture and repair of dies is carried out by third parties Diameter of dies up to 2 m Weight up to 2 tons Number of newly manufactured dies pcs./year Number of restored dies – 2402 pcs./year Technological process for manufacturing new dies: Machining of blanks Heat treatment Finishing Grinding 23

    Project Dies Technological process for restoring dies: Annealing of worn dies Machining - removal of the worn layer Surfacing Mechanical processing Grinding It is required to design a technological complex of equipment and software for the manufacture and restoration of dies, placing it in an existing building. 24

    Project Stamps Stages of work: Inspection of the existing building Selection of technological equipment Calculation of the quantity of equipment Planning of equipment placement Calculation, selection and planning of power supplies, water supply and compressed air supply Calculation and planning of suction and air purification systems Calculation and planning of the general workshop heating and ventilation system 25

    Sample production area Creation of a site for the production of samples for mechanical testing (from pipe products) Current situation: In production, a segment is cut out of a pipe using gas and transferred to the mechanical repair shop. The segment is straightened on a press and cut into blanks using a cutting machine. The blanks are milled on universal milling machines and polished Number of samples – 657 pcs. per day Pipe diameter from 114 to 530 mm Wall thickness from 4 to 12.7 mm Machines used - 10 pcs. 29

    Waterjet cutting complex Project goal: Creation of a technological complex for automatic waterjet cutting of three-dimensional parts, including low-rigidity ones, made of polymer composite materials (PCM). Overall dimensions of parts: 6200 x 2000 x 1100 mm Thickness: from 0.3 mm to 6 mm The difficulty of automatic processing lies in the fact that large thin-walled parts are deformed both during the cooling process and in the cutting equipment. 35

    Waterjet cutting complex Solution As a result of research, a software and technological complex was developed in the following composition: KUKA robotics equipment Single-axis portal for expanding the working area of ​​the robot Technological equipment for waterjet cutting Control and safety system Adaptive control system for the working body to improve the accuracy of robot positioning Workpiece scanning system for determining deformations DELCAM software for measurements, determining deviations from the theoretical model and adjusting the control program 36