1 natural complexes of land and oceans. Presentation on geography on the topic “Natural complexes of land and ocean” free download

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Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND The geographical envelope, being integral, is heterogeneous at different latitudes, on land and in the ocean. Why is the geographical area so diverse?

Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND Near the equator, where there is a lot of heat and moisture, nature is distinguished by the richness of living organisms and faster natural processes.

Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND In the polar regions, where there is little heat and moisture, nature is characterized by poverty of life and slowly flowing natural processes.

Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND At the same latitudes, nature can also be different. What does this depend on?

Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND It depends on the relief, on the distance from the ocean. The geographical envelope can be divided into areas of different sizes, territories or natural-territorial complexes (abbreviated natural complexes, or PC)

Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND The natural complex consists of the components of nature: rocks, climate, air masses, water, soils, plants, animals. Analysis of Fig. 32 on page 65. Write down the names of natural components in your notebook.

Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND Write down the definition: A NATURAL COMPLEX is a section of the earth's surface that is distinguished by the characteristics of natural components that are in complex interaction. Each PC has boundaries and has a natural unity, manifested in its appearance.

Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF THE OCEAN What natural components make up the PCs of the ocean?

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Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF THE OCEAN The oceanic environment consists of the following components: water with gases dissolved in it, plants, animals, rocks, bottom topography.

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Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF THE OCEAN In the World Ocean there are large PCs - individual oceans and smaller ones - seas, bays, straits, etc.

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Slide text: NATURAL COMPLEXES OF THE OCEAN In addition, in the ocean, the PCs of the surface layers of water, various water columns and the ocean floor are distinguished.

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Slide text: DIVERSITY OF NATURAL COMPLEXES PCs vary in size. The largest PC of the Earth is the geographical envelope.

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Slide text: DIVERSITY OF NATURAL COMPLEXES Very large PCs are continents and oceans. Their formation is determined by the structure of the earth's crust.

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Slide text: DIVERSITY OF NATURAL COMPLEXES On continents and oceans, smaller PCs are distinguished - parts of continents and oceans. Depending on the geographic latitude, there are PCs of equatorial forests, tropical deserts, taiga, etc.


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The geographical envelope, being integral, is heterogeneous at different latitudes, on land and in the ocean.

Why is the geographical area so diverse?

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Near the equator, where there is a lot of heat and moisture, nature is distinguished by the richness of living organisms and faster natural processes.

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In the polar regions, where there is little heat and moisture, nature is characterized by poverty of life and slow-moving natural processes.

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At the same latitudes, nature can also be different.

What does this depend on?

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The natural complex consists of natural components:

  • rocks,
  • climate,
  • air masses,
  • water,
  • soils,
  • plants,
  • animals.

Analysis of Fig. 32 to s 65.

Write down the names of natural components in a notebook.

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Write down the definition:

A NATURAL COMPLEX is a section of the earth's surface that is distinguished by the characteristics of natural components that are in complex interaction.

Each PC has boundaries and has a natural unity, manifested in its appearance.

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What natural components do ocean PCs consist of?

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Ocean PCs consist of the following components:

  • water with gases dissolved in it,
  • plants,
  • animals,
  • rocks,
  • bottom relief.
  • Slide 11

    In the World Ocean there are large PCs - individual oceans and smaller ones - seas, bays, straits, etc.

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    In addition, in the ocean, the PCs of surface water layers, various water columns and the ocean floor are distinguished.

    Slide 13


    PCs vary in size.

    The largest PC of the Earth is the geographical envelope.

    Slide 14

    Very large PCs are continents and oceans.

    Their formation is determined by the structure of the earth's crust.

    Slide 15

    On continents and oceans, smaller PCs are distinguished - parts of continents and oceans.

    Depending on the geographic latitude, there are PCs of equatorial forests, tropical deserts, taiga, etc.

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    Examples of small PCs include, for example, a ravine, a hill, a cave, a lake, a river valley, or a sea bay.

    NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND The geographical envelope, being integral, is heterogeneous at different latitudes, on land and in the ocean. The geographical envelope, being integral, is heterogeneous at different latitudes, on land and in the ocean. Why is the geographical area so diverse? Why is the geographical area so diverse?

    NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND Near the equator, where there is a lot of heat and moisture, nature is distinguished by the richness of living organisms and faster natural processes. Near the equator, where there is a lot of heat and moisture, nature is distinguished by the richness of living organisms and faster natural processes.

    NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND In the polar regions, where there is little heat and moisture, nature is characterized by poverty of life and slowly flowing natural processes. In the polar regions, where there is little heat and moisture, nature is characterized by poverty of life and slow-moving natural processes.

    NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND This depends on the relief, on the distance from the ocean. It depends on the terrain, on the distance from the ocean. The geographical envelope can be divided into areas, territories or natural-territorial complexes of different sizes (abbreviated as natural complexes, or PC) The geographical envelope can be divided into areas, territories or natural-territorial complexes of different sizes (abbreviated as natural complexes, or PC)

    NATURAL COMPLEXES OF SAND The natural complex consists of the components of nature: The natural complex consists of the components of nature: rocks, rocks, climate, climate, air masses, air masses, water, water, soils, soils, plants, plants, animals. animals.

    NATURAL COMPLEXES OF LAND Write down the definition: A NATURAL COMPLEX is a section of the earth's surface that is distinguished by the characteristics of natural components that are in complex interaction. Each PC has boundaries and has a natural unity, manifested in its appearance.

    NATURAL COMPLEXES OF THE OCEAN The ocean PC consists of the following components: The ocean PC consists of the following components: water with gases dissolved in it, water with gases dissolved in it, plants, plants, animals, animals, rocks, rocks, bottom topography. bottom relief.

    DIVERSITY OF NATURAL COMPLEXES On continents and oceans, smaller PCs are distinguished - parts of continents and oceans. On continents and oceans, smaller PCs are distinguished - parts of continents and oceans. Depending on the geographic latitude, there are PCs of equatorial forests, tropical deserts, taiga, etc. Depending on the geographic latitude, there are PCs of equatorial forests, tropical deserts, taiga, etc.

    DIVERSITY OF NATURAL COMPLEXES PCs experience enormous human influence. PCs experience enormous human influence. Man created new PCs: fields, gardens, cities, villages, parks, ponds, etc. Man created new PCs: fields, gardens, cities, villages, parks, ponds, etc. Such PCs are called anthropogenic. Such PCs are called anthropogenic.