Wind power plant. Presentation on the topic "wind farms" Presentation on the topic wind farms

"Power industry" - Disadvantages of using renewable energy sources. Renewable or regenerative energy ("Green Energy") is energy from sources that, on a human scale, are inexhaustible. A tidal power plant (TPP) is a special type of hydroelectric power plant that uses the energy of the tides.

"Production and use of electrical energy" - Technogenic accidents. The contribution of electricity. Type of power plant. Nuclear power plants. Tidal and geothermal power plants. Hydroelectric power plants. Comparison of types of power plant. Modern power generators. Wind power plants. Electricity transmission. Types of power plants. Production, transmission and use of electrical energy.

"Distributed generation" - Leading manufacturer gas engines. Equipment. Post terminal. Features of solutions for power supply in remote areas. Work on non-standard gas fuel. distributed generation. Stable growth in the share of small generation. An example of the operation of LMS10. Industry Growth WG. Container example.

"Development of the electric power industry" - Independent generation. Construction of power lines. Cost of electricity generation. Efficiency of generating equipment of TPP. Investments in the construction of power plants. The structure of electricity production in the European part of Russia. Application inefficiency. requirements for the gas market.

"Transmission and consumption of electricity" - Man. HelioES. Remember. Consumers of electricity. Water energy. Electricity. PES. How much energy does a person need. Transmission of electrical energy. Production, transmission and use of electricity. Broadcast. UES. Energy saving. Advantages. fuel energy. The use of electricity.

"Power lines" - step-up transformers. Consumers of electricity. Electricity transmission. The electric current heats the wires. Solve the problem. Power stations. Electricity transmission scheme. The end. Transformation ratio. Line length.

Total in the topic 23 presentations

Wind power plants. Wind energy is very high. This energy can be obtained without polluting environment. But the wind has two significant drawbacks: the energy is highly dispersed in space and the wind is unpredictable - it often changes direction, suddenly calms down even in the windiest regions of the globe, and sometimes reaches such strength that it breaks windmills. To obtain wind energy, a variety of designs are used: from multi-blade "chamomile" and propellers like aircraft propellers with three, two, and even one blade to vertical rotors. Vertical structures are good because they catch the wind of any direction; the rest have to turn with the wind.

slide 6 from the presentation "Types of power plants". The size of the archive with the presentation is 1025 KB.

Physics Grade 9

summary other presentations

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Wind energy is kinetic energy
moving air.
Wind energy is classified as inexhaustible
energy, since it is the result of activity
Wind power is a branch of energy,
specialized in transformation
kinetic energy of air masses in the atmosphere
into electrical, mechanical, thermal or
any other form of energy suitable for
use in the national economy.

This transformation can be done
units such as wind turbines (for
receiving electrical energy)

Windmill (for conversion to
mechanical energy)

Sail (for use in transport)

Wind power is booming
industry. By the beginning of 2016, the total installed
the capacity of all wind turbines was 432
gigawatt and thus surpassed the total
installed capacity of nuclear power.
Large wind farms are included in
common network, smaller ones are used to supply
electricity in remote areas. Unlike
fossil fuels, wind energy is inexhaustible,
ubiquitous and more environmentally friendly.
Technical potential of wind energy in Russia
valued over
50,000 billion kWh/year.
The economic potential is approximately 260
billion kWh/year, i.e. about 30% of production
electricity by all power plants in Russia.

The most promising experts consider the development in
Crimea wind energy. In addition to the unique natural and climatic features, development in the Crimea
wind energy is possible due to the presence
vacant land suitable for
placement of wind farms, as well as due to high environmental
requirements for energy producing and
fuel-consuming facilities associated with
development of the recreation and tourism industry in the region. By
According to experts, the use of wind energy on
territory of Crimea is possible according to two main
directions. Firstly, this is the construction of a wind farm
with a power of more than 100 kW, which will work
in parallel with the general power system. Secondly,
construction of small wind turbines
to provide energy to individual facilities (farms,
residential buildings, etc.).

1 MW wind turbine reduces
annual atmospheric emissions of 1800 tons of CO2 and 4
tons of nitrogen oxides.

Wind turbines remove part of the kinetic energy
energy of moving air masses
leads to a decrease in their speed. At
mass use of windmills (for example, in
Europe) this slowdown could theoretically
have a noticeable impact on local (and even
global) climatic conditions of the area.

According to the Stanford simulation
universities, large offshore
wind farms can significantly reduce
hurricanes, reducing the economic damage from their

In the immediate vicinity of the wind turbine
wind wheel axis the noise level is quite large
wind turbines can exceed 100 dB.
As a rule, residential buildings are located on
distance of at least 300 m from wind turbines. On the
such a distance, the contribution of the wind turbine to
infrasonic vibrations can no longer be
isolated from background fluctuations.

Unlike traditional thermal
power plants, wind farms
use water, which makes it possible to significantly
reduce pressure on water resources.

Wind energy reserves more than a hundred times
exceed the hydropower reserves of all rivers

The power of high-altitude wind flows (at a height of 7-14
km) is about 10-15 times higher than the surface.
These flows are constant, almost
changing throughout the year. Possible use
streams located even above
densely populated areas (eg.
cities), without prejudice to the economic

Wind generators during operation are not
consume fossil fuels. Work
wind turbine with a capacity of 1 MW for 20 years
saves about 29 thousand tons of coal
or 92 thousand barrels of oil.

The cost of electricity produced
wind generators, depends on the wind speed.
Doubling installed capacity
wind power production cost
electricity drops by 15%.

Small single wind turbines can
have problems with the network infrastructure,
because the cost of transmission line and
switchgear for connection to
the power system may be too
Currently the most economical
useful to obtain with
wind turbines are not electrical energy
industrial quality, but permanent or
alternating current (variable frequency) with
then converting it with
heating elements into heat, for heating housing and obtaining
hot water.

I made a wind generator.

The wind turbine consists of a DC motor
current. It is connected to the measuring device
(millipermeter). Put on an electric motor
When air currents hit the blades,
set in motion by the rotor of the motor,
resulting in inductors
electric current is generated.
When rotating, the arrow of the device moved, and
This means that the change in voltage was recorded.
This indicates that the product is producing

The term "wind power" means
energy industry that specializes in
converting the kinetic energy of air
masses in the atmosphere into electrical, mechanical,
heat or any other form of energy,
convenient for use in the national economy.
Wind power is unregulated
source of energy. Working out
wind farms depend on the strength of the wind -
factor with a large
inconstancy. Accordingly, issuing
electricity from the wind turbine to the power grid
is highly uneven

Most potential barriers to
excessive use of this type of energy
promoted as flaws that make
its development is impossible. Compared to harm
caused by traditional sources
energy, they are insignificant:

1. High investment costs - they tend to
decrease due to new developments and technologies.
Also, the cost of wind energy is constantly decreasing.
2. Variability of power over time - production
electricity depends, unfortunately, on the strength of the wind, on
which man cannot influence.
3. Noise - Noise studies performed using
the latest diagnostic equipment, do not confirm
negative impact of wind turbines. Even at a distance of 3040 m from a working station, the noise reaches the background noise level,
that is, the level of the environment.
4. A threat to birds - according to the latest
research, the likelihood of windmill blades colliding with
no more birds than in the event of a bird collision with
high-voltage lines of traditional energy.
5. The possibility of distortion of TV signal reception is negligible.
6. Changes in the landscape.

wind farm Kirill Vakulenko 10”A” Class

Wind power plant - several wind turbines assembled in one or more places and combined into a single network. Large wind farms may consist of 100 or more WIND GENERATORS. Sometimes wind farms are called "wind farms"

Types of wind farms

  • Ground
  • The most common type of wind farm today. Wind generators are installed on hills or hills.
  • An industrial wind turbine is built on a prepared site in 7-10 days. Obtaining regulatory approvals for the construction of a wind farm can take a year or more.
  • For construction, a road to the construction site is required, heavy lifting equipment with an outreach of more than 50 meters, since the gondolas are installed at a height of about 50 meters.
  • The power plant is connected by cable to the transmission network.
  • The largest wind farm at the moment is the Alta power plant, located in California, USA. Total power - 1550 MW.

Types of wind farms

  • coastal
  • Coastal wind farms are built at a small distance from the coast of the sea or ocean. A breeze blows on the coast with a daily frequency, which is caused by uneven heating of the land surface and the reservoir. The daytime, or sea breeze, moves from the water surface to land, and the night, or coastal breeze, from the cooled coast to the reservoir.

Types of wind farms

  • Shelf
  • Offshore wind farms are built in the sea: 10-60 kilometers from the coast. Offshore wind farms offer a number of advantages:
  • they are practically invisible from the shore;
  • they do not occupy land;
  • they have greater efficiency due to regular offshore winds.
  • Offshore power plants are built on areas of the sea with shallow depth. Wind turbine towers are installed on foundations made of piles driven to a depth of up to 30 meters. Electricity is transmitted to the ground through underwater cables.
  • Offshore power plants are more expensive to build than their onshore counterparts. Generators require taller towers and more massive foundations. Salty sea water can lead to corrosion of metal structures.
  • At the end of 2008, the total capacity of offshore power plants worldwide amounted to 1,471 MW. In 2008, 357 MW of offshore capacities were built worldwide. The largest offshore station in 2009 was the Middelgrunden power plant (Denmark) with an installed capacity of 40 MW. In 2013, London Array (Great Britain) became the largest with an installed capacity of 630 MW.
  • For the construction and maintenance of such power plants, jack-up vessels are used.

Types of wind farms

  • floating
  • The first prototype of a floating wind turbine was built by H Technologies BV in December 2007. The 80 kW wind generator is installed on a floating platform 10.6 nautical miles off the coast of Southern Italy in a 108 m deep sea area.
  • The Norwegian company StatoiHydro has developed floating wind turbines for deep sea power plants. StatoilHydro built a 2.3 MW demonstration version in September 2009. The turbine, called Hywind, weighs 5,300 tons and is 65 meters high. Karma, not far from southwest coast Norway.
  • The steel tower of this wind generator goes under water to a depth of 100 m. The tower rises 65 meters above the water. The rotor diameter is 82.4 m. Ballast (gravel and stones) is placed in its lower part to stabilize the tower of the wind turbine and immerse it to a predetermined depth. At the same time, the tower is kept from drifting by three cables with anchors fixed at the bottom. Electricity is transmitted to shore via an underwater cable.
  • The company plans in the future to increase the turbine power to 5 MW, and the rotor diameter to 120 m.

Types of wind farms

  • Soaring
  • Soaring wind turbines are wind turbines placed high above the ground to use a stronger and more persistent wind. The concept was developed in the 1930s in the USSR by engineer Egorov.
  • The current record holder is the Altaeros Soaring Wind Turbine (Altaeros Buoyant Airborne Turbine (BAT)), which will be installed at an altitude of 1000 feet (304.8 m) above the ground. This industrial scale pilot project will be 275 feet higher than the current record holder, the Vestas V164-8.0-MW. The latter has just installed its prototype at the Danish National Test Center for Large Wind Turbines in Østerild. The height of the Vestas axle is 460 feet (140 meters), the turbine blades are over 720 feet (220 meters) high. Altaeros has a turbine power of 30 kW. this is enough to provide energy for 12 houses. To rise to such a height, Altaeros uses a non-flammable inflatable shell filled with helium. High-strength ropes serve as a conductor for the generated energy.

Types of wind farms

  • Mountain
  • The first mountain wind farm with a capacity of 1.5 MW in the post-Soviet space was launched at the Kordai Pass in the Zhambyl region of Kazakhstan in 2011. The height of the site is 1200 m above sea level. The average annual wind speed is 5.9 m/s. In 2014, the number of Vista International wind turbines with a capacity of 1.0 MW at the Kordai wind farm was increased to 9 units with a design capacity of 21 MW. In the future, it is planned to commission the Zhanatas (400 MW) and Shokpar (200 MW) wind farms.
  • In February 2015, in the Eastern Carpathians, near the city of Stary Sambir, the first mountain wind farm in Western Ukraine, Stary Sambir 1, with a capacity of 13.2 MW, was put into operation. The total capacity is 79.2 MW. It is represented by Danish-made VESTAS V-112 wind turbines with a nominal capacity of 6.6 MW. The height of the site is 500 - 600 m above sea level, the average annual wind speed is 6.3 m/s.

How does it work?

  • Principle of operation The principle of operation of wind power plants is based on the fact that the wind rotates the blades of the structure, the gearbox of which drives an electric generator. The resulting electricity is transported via a cable through a power cabinet located at the base of the wind power plant. The masts of wind power plants have a significant height, which allows you to fully use the power of the wind. When designing a wind farm in the area where it is planned to be located, preliminary studies are carried out on the strength and direction of the wind using anemometers. The data obtained as a result of the research allows investors to accurately determine the payback period of a wind farm.

Advantages and disadvantages!

  • Benefits - Wind power plants do not pollute the environment with harmful emissions. -Wind energy, under certain conditions, can compete with non-renewable energy sources. -The source of wind energy is nature is inexhaustible.
  • Disadvantages - Wind is naturally unstable, with ups and downs. This makes it difficult to use wind energy. Search technical solutions that would make up for this shortcoming. the main task when building wind farms. -Wind power plants create harmful noises in different sound spectrums. Typically, wind turbines are built at such a distance from residential buildings that the noise does not exceed decibels. - Wind farms interfere with television and various communication systems. The use of wind turbines in Europe has more of them, suggests that this phenomenon is not of decisive importance in the development of the electric power industry. - Wind farms cause harm to birds if placed on migration and nesting routes.

WPP in Russia

  • WPP in Russia
  • In 2008, the total capacity of wind farms in the country was 16.5 MW. One of the largest wind farms in Russia is Zelenogradskaya WEU, located near the village of Kulikovo, Zelenogradsky District, Kaliningrad Region. Its total capacity is 5.1 MW. It consists of wind turbines from the Danish company SEAS Energi Service A.S. (1 new with a capacity of 600 kW and 20 that have worked for 8 years in Denmark with a capacity of 225 kW each).
  • The capacity of the Andyr wind farm is 2.5 MW.
  • The capacity of Ves Tyupkilda (Bashkortostan) is 2.2 MW.
  • Zapolyarnaya wind farm, located near the city of Vorkuta in Komi, has a capacity of 1.5 MW, built in 1993. It consists of six AVE-250 units of Russian-Ukrainian production with a capacity of 250 kW each.
  • An experimental demonstration wind turbine with a capacity of 250 kW is being built near Murmansk. In the village of Pyalitsa, in May 2014, the first Murmansk region wind power plant. Same until 2016. further introduction of wind farms in the Lovozersky and Tersky districts of the region is envisaged.


  • Prevalence in Russia Many foreign journalists believe that our country is a sleeping giant of renewable energy. But today Russia occupies only 64th place in terms of the total electric capacity of wind farms in the world. China alone builds more windmills every year than Russia has been able to build in history. Simply put, the competition with oil and the atom, renewable energy sources are losing in our country. The reason for this is the large cash costs in the construction of facilities for alternative energy. For example, the cost of 1 kWh of wind electricity, taking into account the costs of purchasing, installing and operating the relevant equipment in Russia, ranges from 6 to 18 rubles. For comparison, the state power industry sells 1 kWh for 24 rubles. The basis of Russian energy is fossil energy sources: oil and gas. Therefore, having this model, the country will slowly approach the implementation of the renewable energy program. Experts have long determined that Russia has the world's largest wind potential.


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Wind power plants Wind turbines wind turbines A wind farm is several wind turbines assembled in one or more places and integrated into a single network. Large wind farms may consist of 100 or more wind turbines. Sometimes wind farms are called "wind farms"

Types of wind farms Ground The most common type of wind farms at present. Wind generators are installed on hills or hills. An industrial wind turbine is built on a prepared site in 710 days. Construction requires a road to the construction site, heavy lifting equipment with an outreach of more than 50 meters. The power plant is connected by a cable to the transmission electrical network. The largest wind farm at the moment is Alta Power Plant, located in California, USA. Onshore wind farm near Ainaži, Latvia. Onshore wind farm in Spain. Built on top of hills.

Coastal Coastal wind farms are built at a small distance from the coast of the sea or ocean. A breeze blows on the coast with a daily frequency, which is caused by uneven heating of the land surface and the reservoir. The daytime, or sea breeze, moves from the water surface to land, and the night, or coastal breeze, from the cooled coast to the reservoir. Construction of a coastal power plant in Germany.

Offshore Offshore wind farms are being built offshore: 1,060 kilometers from shore. Offshore wind farms have a number of advantages: they are practically invisible from the shore; they do not occupy land; they have greater efficiency due to regular offshore winds. Offshore power plants are built on areas of the sea with shallow depth. Wind turbine towers are installed on foundations made of piles driven to a depth of up to 30 meters. Electricity is transmitted to the ground through underwater cables. Offshore power plants are more expensive to build than their onshore counterparts. For the construction and maintenance of such power plants, jack-up vessels are used. Offshore wind farms in Denmark.

Floating The first prototype of a floating wind turbine was completed in December 2007. The 80 kW wind generator is installed on a floating platform 10.6 nautical miles off the coast of Southern Italy in a 108 meter deep section of the sea. A Norwegian company has developed floating wind turbines for deep sea stations. The turbine weighs tons at a height of 65 meters. It is located 10 kilometers from the island of Karmoy, not far from the southwestern coast of Norway. The steel tower of this wind generator goes under water to a depth of 100 meters. The tower rises 65 meters above the water. Ballast (gravel and stones) is placed in its lower part to stabilize the wind turbine tower and immerse it to a given depth. At the same time, the tower is kept from drifting by three cables with anchors fixed at the bottom. Electricity is transmitted to shore via an underwater cable. Construction of the first floating power plant. Norway. May 2009

Principle of operation The principle of operation of wind power plants is based on the fact that the wind rotates the blades of the structure, the gearbox of which drives an electric generator. The resulting electricity is transported via a cable through a power cabinet located at the base of the wind power plant. The masts of wind power plants have a significant height, which allows you to fully use the power of the wind. When designing a wind farm in the area where it is planned to be located, preliminary studies are carried out on the strength and direction of the wind using anemometers. The data obtained as a result of the research allows investors to accurately determine the payback period of a wind farm.

Advantages and disadvantages Advantages - Wind power plants do not pollute the environment with harmful emissions. -Wind energy, under certain conditions, can compete with non-renewable energy sources. -The source of wind energy is nature is inexhaustible.

Disadvantages -Wind is naturally unstable, with strengths and weaknesses. This makes it difficult to use wind energy. The search for technical solutions that would compensate for this shortcoming is the main task in the creation of wind farms. -Wind power plants create harmful noises in different sound spectrums. Typically, wind turbines are built at such a distance from residential buildings that the noise does not exceed decibels. - Wind farms interfere with television and various communication systems. The use of wind turbines in Europe has more of them, suggests that this phenomenon is not of decisive importance in the development of the electric power industry. - Wind farms cause harm to birds if placed on migration and nesting routes.

Prevalence in Russia Many foreign journalists believe that our country is a sleeping giant of renewable energy. But today Russia occupies only 64th place in terms of the total electric capacity of wind farms in the world. China alone builds more windmills every year than Russia has been able to build in history. Simply put, the competition with oil and the atom, renewable energy sources are losing in our country. The reason for this is the large cash costs in the construction of facilities for alternative energy. For example, the cost of 1 kWh of wind electricity, taking into account the costs of purchasing, installing and operating the relevant equipment in Russia, ranges from 6 to 18 rubles. For comparison, the state power industry sells 1 kWh for 24 rubles. The basis of Russian energy is fossil energy sources: oil and gas. Therefore, having this model, the country will slowly approach the implementation of the renewable energy program. Experts have long determined that Russia has the world's largest wind potential.

Resources in this industry are defined as 10.7 GW, and the technical potential of wind power plants is estimated at 2,469.4 billion kWh per year. Energy wind zones in Russia are located mainly on the coast and islands of the Arctic Ocean from the Kola Peninsula to Kamchatka, in the regions of the Lower and Middle Volga and Don, on the coast of the Caspian, Okhotsk, Barents, Baltic, Black and Azov Seas, in Karelia, in Altai , in Tuva, on Baikal. On 70% of the territory of our country, the only sources of energy are diesel or gasoline power plants. For example, in the Far North, where more than 10 million people live, the annual fuel consumption is 6-8 million tons. The cost of electricity generated is roubles. per kWh. Scientists have calculated that when using wind-diesel installations here, fuel consumption can be reduced by two to three times, which, accordingly, will reduce the cost of electricity. Wind turbines will also be beneficial for regions where people live in remote villages and hamlets, where transportation greatly increases fuel prices. Some remote regions of Eastern Siberia spend more than half of the budget on it. Kamchatka is a region of Russia where wind energy is actively developing. In the photo: a wind-diesel complex on the Commander Islands, opened in 2013

The largest wind power plant is located near the village of Kulikovo, Zelenogradsky district, Kaliningrad region, there are other large power plants in Chukotka, Bashkortostan, Kalmykia and Komi. But, nevertheless, the share of wind energy in Russia now accounts for 0.5-0.8% of the total energy balance. As said Technical Director of Energoprom Service Aleksey Okshin: “In Russia, the opportunities for the development of wind energy are colossal: the territory and a huge number of distributed facilities, to which it is not cheap to run power lines. And here the highest level of state support is needed, at the level of the Ministry of Energy.” According to Russian and Western experts, Russia has every chance to become a leader in the wind energy market. But for now, this sphere in our country will most likely develop according to a slightly different model than in Europe, due to the large territory, the specifics of the settlement of people and the location various industries industry. Perhaps it is necessary to rely on wind generation in the development of large-scale energy in the distant future, but today this is completely unrealistic. Another region of the country that has relied on wind energy is Primorye. In the photo: the village of Pertychikha, Primorsky Krai