He became rich. How to raise a child so that he becomes rich

Lord, I thank you for everything I have!

For Life, for parents, for children, for a loved one, for relatives, for a roof over your head, for every day, for experience, thoughts, for feelings and emotions, for friends and enemies, for every moment, for failures and success, for rain and the sun, for the opportunity to see the World with your own eyes… for everything!

I am the infinity of the Universe and I have everything that is necessary for complete success.

Man can do ANYTHING! When he is born, he can be anyone! Parents build...

To breathe correctly means to breathe in such a way that the lungs are completely filled with air, so that the body receives the maximum oxygen it needs, and so that this oxygen is fully absorbed by all tissues down to every cell.

This is how babies breathe. Such breathing is planned for us by nature. And it's natural! But most people with age completely forgot how to breathe correctly and do not know how to breathe at all. Too cramped and stuffy dwelling of a modern city, cramped conditions ...

If you belong to the low-income segments of the population and, due to age or other life circumstances, are not able to do business, but the amount you receive in the form of a salary or pension is very small, then your financial behavior strategy changes significantly:

Love the very idea of ​​an economical existence, stop comparing yourself with more affluent people and draw conclusions that are not in your favor. On the contrary, convince yourself that poverty is not a vice and not so bad, because big ...

We have already said that the wrong movement of energy, and therefore wrong breathing, causes many diseases, and these are diseases of organs that, it would seem, are not directly related to breathing. You may be surprised: what does the kidneys, liver, stomach, spleen have to do with it?

The fact that heart and lung diseases can be caused by improper breathing is still understandable.

But what about other organs?
I can quite understand your doubts. My words about energy, prana, ki, or life force - also, maybe ...

According to the karmic law, a positive or negative deed or thoughts cause a similar resonance in space. And if you sent goodness into the external reality, then it will return to you a hundredfold. And by acting or thinking badly, you receive a message of negative energy that can hit your health, relationships with loved ones, at work or finances. It's unpleasant, isn't it?

The good news is that you can control energy resonance with...

Let's talk about energy. But not about the energy that lives in your socket, but about our inner, human energy. A Russian proverb says: "There is strength, no mind is needed." But what to do when there is not enough physical strength?

It remains to act according to the mind. This is exactly what helping practices are for: ways to develop the strength of our spirit and our mind.

In order to understand how the Will Navigator I developed, which is the subject of the book I am currently working on, works...

Starting the day right is very important, and ending it right is even more important. Our ancestors believed in signs that will help you too.

Waking up in the morning, we already understand that the day for us will be full of business, work, communication and unforeseen circumstances.

However, for many people, observing the simplest signs will help to avoid unpleasant moments both during the day and in the future. And the correct end of the day will prevent troubles in the coming days.

Right start...

Many esotericists and even psychologists argue that it is possible to control a person with the help of the power of thought alone. There are several effective ways to help you with this. There are effective practices that can teach you how to control the thoughts of any person at a distance. There is nothing supernatural in this: it is enough just to understand human psychology. If you act according to certain rules, you can not only find out what people want from you, but also win over any person ...

Most people on the planet experience financial hardship at some point in their lives. Everyone knows what it's like. But not everyone knows what it's like to be rich. How does a person change when he has a large number of of money?

How much money starts to matter?

Twenty-five cents means nothing to a child, but nothing to a millionaire. The bottom line is that the value of money is not an absolute concept, it is proportional to a specific point. This principle is known as Fechner's Law (which performed discriminatory experiments based on physical stimuli such as sound or weight rather than money).

It is quite obvious how the prices of goods vary depending on the value of the item. Small items like candy are valued in cents, while large objects like houses are valued in tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. If the price of a house that cost $246,000 goes up to $247,000, it won't be very noticeable, while a child will feel it very strongly if their favorite candy goes from $1 to $1,001.

What happens after becoming a billionaire?

One of the implications of this idea is that people, the richer they get, stop paying more and more attention to prices. Simply put, they begin to lose their sense of the value of money. If this is true, then what motivates billionaires to get out of bed in the morning? Some of them, like Dale Carnegie or Bill Gates, are dedicated to making this world a better place through philanthropy.

Others, like Elon Musk, are chasing futuristic dreams. Big goals like these keep billionaires going, even though there's still a quixotic element to each of those goals. Space flight is unlikely to be practical for the average person. The children rescued by the Gates Foundation can grow up to be unhappy, miserable adults, and longer lifespans can only make humanity more miserable.

The hero of this touching story is Rakesh Shukla. This 45-year-old man opened his own shelter a few years ago. At the moment, he takes care of 735 dogs who are in a difficult life situation.

Previously, Rakesh managed to organize a company that brought the man instant big profits. He began to travel, buy expensive things and cars.

But he still didn't feel happy.

One fine day, Rakesh met his first pet, the golden retriever Kavia. The dog was offended by people, so she did not make contact. One look at this animal, and the man decided that he should help homeless animals.

From that day on, Rahkesh began to bring hungry, beaten and sick animals to his home to change their lives forever.

After a while, the businessman realized that his house was simply not enough, so you need to find a separate place for the dogs where they could live comfortably.

The man rented a plot of land and began building a shelter.

At first he coped on his own, but then he had to hire 10 people to help.

Up to $750 is required daily to maintain the shelter. Rakesh pays most of the amount himself. At the moment, his orphanage is considered the largest in India.

According to Rakesh, he has no plans to stop. It keeps bringing in new house homeless dogs.

Rakesh's company continues to bring stable income, due to which the shelter exists.

Animals come here sick or mutilated. In most cases, they suffer from human hands.

Just look how good it is for dogs here!

Millionaire. What Most Don't Know McPherson Scott

6.2. Donald Trump - how did he get rich?

The story of Donald Trump is not a tale of a poor guy trying to make money. He was not poor. Donald was born a millionaire. His father was a construction magnate. His natural qualities led him to a net worth of $20 million. And his son managed to multiply this amount.

Donald Trump was born in 1946 to a family with four children. But only he possessed the qualities necessary to continue his father's business. Although at the age of 13, Trump was uncontrollable, so they decided to send him to the New York Military Academy. In this institution he received a good school of life.

Later, Donald entered Fordham College. But here he did not last long, realizing that studying did not attract him. He knew what he wanted, so he chose the University of Commerce in Pennsylvania.

Today, Trump is known for his extraordinary image. He is both a businessman and a well-known TV star who hosts the business reality show The Candidate. His wives included three women, and Trump is often referred to as a Playboy. Although such a shocking personality did not appear in his student years. He did not drink, did not smoke, was not seen in love affairs. Apparently, even then he was preparing himself for a serious matter, spending time studying and preparing for work.

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Eric Trump I suspect that my wife is in love with Eric Trump. She is also in awe of Ivanka and Donald Jr., but Eric holds a special place in her heart. This is a very nice person. He is the youngest of three children, just like Kim was the youngest of three daughters.

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Part I Why Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki Wrote This Book There were many reasons why Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki might never have met, let alone written a book together. Donald Trump from New York (the financial capital of the world).

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5.1. Trump. How to get rich Billionaire Donald Trump gives 10 tips for those who want to get rich. He is treated differently, but he was able to make his fortune in the 80s, and, having lost it, rise to the top again. Now his fortune is estimated at 3 billion pounds. In the book,

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CHAPTER 11 The World Has Become Virtual For centuries, the entire world, with its maritime trade, lived on Greenwich Mean Time. Then came the atomic time standard, which began to drive the "space race" and endowed the Internet with a new level of accuracy.

All these people were not just poor, they simply had nowhere to live, but, ultimately, they changed their lives and became an inspiration for those who dream of a professional career from scratch. We offer you 15 inspiring stories of people who at some point in their lives had nowhere to even sleep.

1. Academy Award winner Halle Berry once lived in a homeless shelter when she was in her early twenties. When she first came to Chicago to become an actress, she ran out of money.

2. Chris Gardner was inspired by The Pursuit of Happyness but was homeless with his young son when he visited training courses on financing. He got a spot on one of the TV programs, but couldn't afford much because of the small salary, as a result of which his wife left him.

3. Hilary Swank grew up in a trailer with her mother as a teenager. Before she became an Oscar nominee, Swank quit high school and decided to become an actress. When she was 15, Swank and her mother left Washington for California.

4. Co-founder largest network a cafe in Canada was once homeless due to a drinking problem. He was in his early 20s at the time and Frank Odea was begging and living on the street.

5. Financial guru Suze Orman currently has about $25 million, but she lived in an ordinary van for four months in 1973. When she first moved to Berkeley, California, Orman couldn't afford a home other than her van, and today she owns about $7 million worth of real estate.

6. Director John Woo lived on the streets of Hong Kong with his family when he was little. Before he became a famous director, after such films as: Mission Impossible 2, Broken Arrow and Windtalkers, he was homeless. In 1953, a large fire destroyed his family's home along with the homes of 50,000 other residents of the area.

7. Jim Carrey once lived in a VW Camper Van and a tent on his sister's front lawn. Kerry says he's grown up and developed a sense of humor during these difficult financial times.

8. After getting fired, singer Jewel was homeless for about a month and nearly died in a parking lot, and is now a multi-platinum singer.

9. Daniel Craig once had to sleep on park benches in London. Now that he has become famous, this part of his biography has surfaced.

10. Singer Ella Fitzgerald was homeless before becoming a jazz queen. She once sang for US President Ronald Reagan in 1981, after which she became world famous. Fitzgerald was abused as a child by her stepfather, and when her mother died, she joined a local gang, but the police caught her and sent her to a girls' school. But Ella escaped and was homeless until she made her theater debut in 1934. Her voice quickly brought her to fame, and throughout her career, she won 13 Grammy Awards and received a medal from President Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. She died in 1996, but her face appeared on a US postage stamp in 2007.

11. Michael Oher's story of homelessness and struggle in The Blind Side has become an inspiration for the whole world. During his childhood and adolescence, Oher lived on the streets. He was eventually adopted by a wealthy family, played college football at the University of Mississippi and joined the NHL in 2009 with the Baltimore Ravens. .

12. Prior to winning the American Idol contest, Kelly Clarkson lived in a car and was homeless when her apartment burned down.

13. Carmen Electra became homeless in her early 20s when all of her savings were stolen by her ex-boyfriend. After her concert, one of the dancers, a friend of Elektra's, stole her savings, leaving her homeless in Hollywood for several years.

14. Before becoming a famous wizard, Harry Houdini ran away from home at the age of 12 and begged on the streets. A few years later, he moved to New York with his father, but they were so poor that Houdini continued to beg. He started his professional career in 17 years

15. Until the age of 10, Charlie Chaplin lived on the streets of London. After the early death of his father, Chaplin's mother was placed in a psychiatric hospital, and he and his brother had to earn a living on their own. Since both of his parents worked in show business at one time, Chaplin and his brother decided to follow their example. Today he is known as one of the greatest actors of the silent film era.