What you need to open a mini hotel. How to open a mini-hotel in a private house

  • How to open a hotel from scratch
    • How to open a mini-hotel
  • Hotel business plan
  • Hotel financial plan
  • Organization of the hotel
        • Similar business ideas:

Many aspiring entrepreneurs dream of becoming the owner of their own hotel business. Some are attracted by the possibility of long-term investments for several generations to come, others are simply attracted by this business and a way of earning. Let's try to understand all the features and pitfalls of the hotel business and understand how to open a hotel.

How to open a hotel from scratch

A step-by-step plan on how to open a hotel from scratch is approximately the following:

Test Demandand determine how much the hotel will be in demand in your city. Answer the question, for whom will you work - for tourists, business travelers or someone else? Calculate how many rooms your hotel will have, how much each room costs, and how much income you can earn.

Write a detailed business plan, which should reflect allplanned opening costs and sources of raising money to start. Ifnecessary, based on this report look for additional sources financing.

Register a business.If this is a mini hotel, then you can get by with an individualentrepreneurship, but in most cases it is advisable to immediatelyregister a company - a legal entity.

Find a room, which is suitable for the characteristics and location. As a rule, we are talking about a long-term lease, since the acquisition of property requires a large investment.

Get the necessary permissions, first of all, in the sanitary station andMinistry of Emergency Situations. Staff must obtain medical books.

Make repairs and finishing work, buy equipment and furniture.

Get a staffwhich will serve the enterprise - it depends on the sizehotels. There must be an administrator (at first, his functionsoften performed by the owner himself), an accountant, 1-2 auxiliary workers, as well asmaids. Usually there is a cafe / restaurant on the territory, and in the stateWe need a cook/barista and waiters.

Add a new hotel to all booking sites— booking.com, trivago, also on Google Maps

Think over a system of discounts, pleasant bonuses and giftsfor your guests. Be sure to collect and post positive reviews. In the early years of a hotel's existence, it is very important to build a good reputation and get a high rating on booking sites.

How to open a mini-hotel

Much easier and cheaper open a mini-hotel, since the costs for it are significantly lower, although the list of permits will be about the same. But the cost of rent and staff is much lower due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and the small number of rooms and guests. A mini-hotel is a hotel with 3 to 20 rooms. The plan for opening a mini-hotel from scratch is the same as for a regular hotel. This is a good entry into the hotel business with a small start-up capital.

Despite the fact that 60% of the market is controlled by large network corporations, the remaining 40% is accounted for by small hotels. In Europe, the practice of family mini-hotels has become widespread and has long been successful. If a lot of young people come to your city, it is reasonable to think about opening a hostel.

When creating a hotel business in a small format, it is important to think over your own unique style and choose the interior in accordance with it. In such mini hotels it is easy to create an atmosphere of home hospitality and comfort, which is appreciated by regular visitors.

Is it possible to open a hotel in a residential building

To get around the paperwork, some entrepreneurs set up a hotel right in a residential apartment, but in this case they will have to work “in the shadows”. The ideal solution is to buy out the former communal apartment, make repairs and then turn each individual room into hotel rooms.

Sometimes hostels are opened in private houses. The legislation does not explicitly prohibit this, since there is no legal definition of a hostel in the laws. Now in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities there is a war between legislators who want to ban hostels in residential buildings or significantly limit them by introducing mandatory requirements (separate entrance, consent of all residents of the house, etc.). But if the issue with hostels has not yet been finally resolved, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to open a hotel in a residential building is unambiguous - according to the law, this cannot be done.

The above procedure is suitable for small towns in the regions. The hotel fund in them, as a rule, is absent or has fallen into decay. At the same time, it may be necessary for business travelers to spend 1-2 nights, and just such a need is successfully closed by mini-hotels.

Please note that each of the guests should have at least 5-7 sq.m., and the equipment in the rooms can be the simplest - beds, tables, bedside tables, wardrobe.

Hotel business plan

The hotel business plan includes:

  • Accounting for all expenses - both one-time and permanent (rent, repairs, purchase of furniture, salary fund for the first time, business registration). We will talk more about hotel expenses below.
  • Calculation of potential income based on:
  1. room rate;
  2. the total number of rooms;
  3. the expected occupancy rate of the hotel;
  4. additional income (for example, from a cafe).

Based on these parameters, the average payback period of the hotel is calculated.

What you need to open a hotel: business features

Buying and redevelopment of premises is the same important stage as the choice of location. For this purpose, the first and second floors of hostels are well suited, since they are already equipped with ventilation systems, showers, kitchens, and laundries. What you need to open a hotel is to decide in advance on the area of ​​​​its location. It should not be located in a residential area, but a business center, a historical quarter or a city park area can become optimal.

Once you've chosen a space, made repairs, purchased equipment, and found staff, it's time to start your marketing campaign. Order advertising on local radio and TV, place a board or poster near railway stations, airports. Collaboration and mutual exchange of flyers at a discount with travel agencies works well.

To quickly promote and recoup your own business, you will need to create a website. In addition, now many people book accommodation ahead of time via the Internet. The site should be filled with high-quality content and photos of rooms, provide information in several languages. Contextual advertising, room booking services, flyers and branded business cards will help in promoting the hotel.

Watch a video about the secrets and intricacies of the hotel business from an experienced hosteler:

Hotel financial plan

The main component of the costs is associated with the acquisition and refurbishment of the premises. For a small hotel (according to the classification, up to 50 beds), you should expect at least 500 thousand dollars if you plan to open a hotel in Moscow. In small towns, this amount can start from 50-100 thousand dollars.

The next item of expenditure is related to the repair and purchase of furniture, machinery and equipment. Such expenses can reach $250,000 or more. The remaining costs are not significant - registration, remuneration of staff for the first months of work will not require more than 10 thousand dollars. Thus, even for a mini hotel, it is necessary to have an initial investment of at least $300,000; for Moscow, Sochi or St. Petersburg, they will start from $800,000.

Now about how much you can earn in a hotel. For example, if you open a private hotel with 3-15 rooms, they can bring up to 500,000 rubles a month with 100% occupancy. We proceed from the fact that economy rooms and standards cost from about 800 rubles, junior suites from 1500, suites from 2000 rubles. Additional sources (cafes, rentals, entertainment) can bring good income. Thus, you can reach a monthly income of 800,000 rubles or more. The return on investment will be from 5 to 8 years.

Registration and registration of the hotel

If it is planned to open even a small hotel, it is better to immediately register it as a limited liability company. This is necessary in order to successfully issue all permits. When choosing a form of taxation in the fiscal authorities, choose the so-called "simplification", which allows you to reduce the tax burden. If business volumes exceed 150 million rubles per year, you will have to switch to general taxation.

For this type of business, you should choose the following OKVED activity code: 55.1. "Activities of hotels and other places for temporary residence" from section I.

This type of activity is not subject to compulsory licensing. If redevelopment is made, then you need to obtain permission from local governments. There is also a permit for advertising. Separately, they obtain a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages (if necessary). Contracts are concluded with third-party organizations (garbage removal, pest control, deratization, utilities).

Organization of the hotel

Let's start with the purchase of furniture and technical components.

Even in the case of a small hotel, there is a necessary set of equipment and furniture, which is designed to provide comfort to guests. To prepare a turnkey hotel, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • room furnishings (furniture);
  • elements of bathrooms and bathrooms;
  • furniture for reception areas, cafes, canteens;
  • equipment for cleaning, ironing, washing;
  • multimedia equipment;
  • towels, slippers, bathrobes, dishes, etc.

Typical furnishings of a standard room should include:

  • bed 1 or 2;
  • chairs, tables, armchairs;
  • bedside tables and wardrobes;
  • mirrors;
  • fridge;
  • TV;
  • air conditioner.

In a standard bathroom, it is necessary to provide a shower cabin, a hair dryer and mirrors with wall mounts, body care products, and bathroom accessories. If funds are available, it makes sense to place dryers, soap dispensers, towel holders, bathroom screens, etc.

In addition to the above, you will need upholstered furniture for the recreation area and a reception with TVs, bar counters, information desks, mini safes, boxes for placing keys, information plates and pillars. Purchasing specialized cleaning equipment will reduce the cost of staff payroll. To do this, you will need professional vacuum cleaners, steam generators, consumables for cleaning windows and wet cleaning.

Separately, it is worth touching on the issue of hiring staff, since they will be directly involved in servicing guests and form an opinion about the enterprise. To open a hotel, you need to find a competent administrator with experience, good looks and manners, as well as knowledge of at least one foreign language. Such a person must be credible and personable, and he must be competent.

The quality of the work of the maids will also determine whether visitors want to come back here again. Dust or uncollected garbage will seriously damage the reputation of the institution. Mostly women aged 30 to 60 are hired for this work. It is also necessary to hire 1-2 people from the reservation department, an incoming electrician and plumber (possible under a contract).

The company is managed by a manager who is subject to the highest requirements. As a rule, this is a highly responsible, organized and educated man or woman. Usually, a person aged 25-40 is selected for this vacancy, who is able to generate bold ideas to attract clients and improve the quality of service. If the room stock of the enterprise is less than 10 apartments, it makes sense to attract a specialist from the management company without hiring him.

Hotel franchise - how to start a successful business with a name

Given the fact that the hotel business is a long-term payback, many entrepreneurs choose to run it under a franchise. The greatest importance is given to the location of the object - if it is chosen unsuccessfully, then the business will be doomed to bankruptcy. It is necessary to approach the choice of a franchisee responsibly, because the reputation of the parent company is at stake.

Often a franchise is bought by already existing hotels that plan to develop and become larger. Most often this is a class of 3 * and above. The amount of the entry fee will be related to the location of the object, its popularity and occupancy, as well as brand promotion.

Under the franchise agreement, everything is regulated - from the appearance of the building to the interior decoration of the rooms. The franchisor's recommendations may even apply to suppliers of equipment, consumables, food and beverages. This is due to the fact that the same visitor should expect approximately equal quality of services in hotels around the globe.

In Russia, franchised enterprises pay royalties (remuneration) to the main company, reaching 5-6% of the proceeds. In the world today there are more than 2.5 thousand different hotel franchises, but in our country only about 20% of hotels operate according to this scheme. The most famous and popular franchisors are Days Inn, Hampton Hotels, Radisson, etc. At the same time, according to experts, the franchise business is more relevant in large cities, and in small towns it is better to create your own hotel with an individual name and style.

How to create a successful hotel project

The main purpose of such a business is a comfortable stay and living conditions for visitors that meet their needs. It is important to prepare a competent technical project, as well as to think over the interior of the object to the smallest detail. It is advisable to involve professional planners and designers who will be able to create a hotel or mini hotel project from scratch. The cost of design development services starts from $ 1,000 per 1 sq.m. premises.

Before signing a contract with such an organization, you need to study the photos of their projects in the portfolio - an experienced contractor always has a gallery of exhibition works and samples on the website. Further, the individual wishes of the customer himself are coordinated and the terms of the order fulfillment are negotiated. The design of the project is based on its aesthetic component and general attractiveness, as well as compliance with the marketing plan of the object.

Hotel business formats

Consider different formats, each of which has its own characteristics and the amount of starting investments.

  1. Hotel in a spa town. It is highly desirable if it has a beautiful view of the sea, a pond or a park area. Rooms with this exit are in high demand among vacationers. To purchase a small private hotel, you can rent or buy the appropriate premises and legalize it in the BTI. The purchase price starts from 50-100 thousand dollars. It is necessary to have the costs of redevelopment and repair, arrangement of communications and territory.

For a small start-up in the resort area, you can register an individual entrepreneurship. On the other hand, a legal entity will allow you to participate in targeted state programs, it will be easier to find an investor or get a bank loan. This format of the hotel provides 5-10 rooms, 1-2 bathrooms and the same number of showers. In the resort area, it makes sense to purchase a functioning mini-hotel with infrastructure and an existing client base.

  1. Family hotel. In a business of this format, individuality and hospitality are the key success factors. Not only business people come to such hotels, but politicians, businessmen, and creative bohemia can also stay. Loading of objects is at the level of 70%. As for the cost of a room, it is about 6,000 rubles for a standard room and 15,000 for a suite for each night of stay. The amount may vary depending on the city.

Such hotels earn relatively little - 500-600 thousand rubles a month, and resemble the format of a house rather than a hotel. But there is an opportunity to get a good additional source of income from expensive food, drinks, private celebrations and corporate parties.

  1. Hotel with swimming pool and spa.. A good option would be a symbiosis of the hotel business with a spa center and a swimming pool. It allows you to attract not only traditional visitors, but also fans of a healthy lifestyle and wellness treatments. Such a center should include the following areas:
  • dressing room;
  • health-improving thermal zone;
  • beauty saloon;
  • Gym;
  • showers and toilets;
  • massage room;
  • sauna and bath;
  • rooms for individual spa treatments;
  • mini-phyto-bar;
  • swimming pool, etc.

The hotel business is developing rapidly and rapidly today, and one of the main reasons for this is its high demand. High economic activity, the development of tourism lead to the fact that in most cities - both large and small - there is a growing demand for places to accommodate guests. This is especially true of inexpensive hotel rooms and rooms of the middle category. If you are thinking about how to open a hotel, most likely, we are talking about a private mini-hotel: it is this that can be organized at the lowest cost, and it will pay off relatively quickly. Travelers usually prefer just such establishments: of course, there are no huge conference rooms or a dozen restaurants for every taste, but these places usually differ in low prices and almost home comfort.

Which hotel to open

The mini-hotel format is optimal if you are just entering the hotel business. However, you should know that even a small hotel will definitely require considerable investments, and you need to be prepared that it will not pay off right away. And one of the first tasks that a future entrepreneur will have to solve is attracting investors. But before you think about financing the enterprise, you need to decide what kind of hotel you want to open.

Small hotels are those with no more than 50 rooms. These include:

  • apartment-type hotels (about 10 rooms not removed from the housing stock);
  • mini-hotels for 10–20 rooms
  • small hotels located in separate buildings, their number of rooms can be up to 50 rooms.

Depending on the level of services provided by the hotel, its price category is also selected. It could be:

  • low budget student hostel,
  • small economy class hotel,
  • comfortable business hotel,
  • apart-hotel (it can be either mid-level or luxury).

Another option for organizing a hotel is the so-called "apartment". This type of activity has recently been very popular among entrepreneurs, and therefore it is worth dwelling on it in more detail. Such a business is among the "gray" - not formalized properly. This is done as follows: several neighboring apartments are bought in the same building, minimal repairs are made (rarely - redevelopment), apartments are furnished, and all that remains is to find customers for daily rent (usually using ads on the Internet or in local newspapers). It would seem that opening a private hotel in this case is very easy.

But here, too, difficulties arise, for example, neighbors may be indignant at the fact that there is a “passage courtyard” in the adjacent territory, and, having escaped to another city, tourists and business travelers often do not want to behave decorously and nobly, but on the contrary, they prefer noisily and with relax on a grand scale, which again causes dissatisfaction with the neighbors, and even complaints to the appropriate authorities, which can turn into trouble for the "underground" businessman.

Doing any business without proper registration is always a risk, illegal business entails not only administrative and tax, but in some cases criminal liability.

In addition, the work of the entrepreneur in this case is not easy: you have to look for guests on your own, enterprises, institutions and organizations are immediately excluded from the number of potential customers (they need supporting documents for reporting), difficulties will arise with the placement of full-fledged advertising, because the hotel officially is not considered, and each client who came to the ad may turn out to be a tax representative.

And although without the cost of official registration, compliance with sanitary standards and paying taxes, such a business may seem profitable, whether these incomes justify the high risks that are inevitable in this case is an open question, and everyone decides on their own.

And yet, speaking of how to open your own hotel, we will consider a business that is conducted legally. And you need to start it with or, and then move on to solving other important tasks.

Finding a suitable room

One of the most difficult and at the same time the most important questions is where to open a hotel. It is best to find a room in a business or historical part of the city. Infrastructure should be developed here: transport stops, cafes, restaurants, shops. It would be nice if the sights were located nearby. A beautiful view from the window is a plus for the hotel, although, of course, they don’t charge extra for it.

Even if the institution will not occupy the entire building, it is desirable that your hotel has a separate entrance.

One of the reasons for the high cost of this enterprise is that it is desirable to buy the premises. It is hardly worth renting a building for a hotel: too much investment will have to be made in its interior and equipment, and an unexpected proposal from the landlord to terminate the relationship can result in big losses and, of course, loss of business. An acceptable option is a long-term lease with an option to purchase.

If it is possible to raise significant funds for the project, it is possible to start construction of a separate hotel building, but at the same time, one must be aware that the search and purchase of a suitable site, the preparation of permits, design and construction work may take more than one year.

The best option is to purchase a room for a hotel. It can either be non-residential or represent several apartments (a large communal apartment is also suitable for these purposes). The area must be 300 sq. meters and above. If you buy apartments, they will need to be removed from the housing stock. Be prepared for the fact that this procedure will require costs - both financial and time.

Hotel interior: important details

After choosing and acquiring the premises, it's time to start creating a hotel project, redevelopment and repair. Moreover, the coordination of the project and obtaining permits for redevelopment can take much more time than the actual repair. Reconstruction of the premises and its documentation can be up to half the cost of the property itself.

When the redevelopment is completed and you begin the interior decoration of the hotel, you can already apply for approval to the interested services (sanitary and epidemiological station, fire supervision), as well as conclude contracts with public utilities.

Creating the interior of a hotel is of great importance, although there are no unified rules here and cannot be. The approach to arranging the premises will depend on the concept of the hotel, as well as on its price category. Somewhere business and practical minimalism will be appropriate, somewhere - eternal classics, and someone wants to make rooms with rich decoration - it all depends on the tastes of the owner and on the preferences of the target audience. But the main thing is a comfortable layout and high-quality repairs, the rooms should look clean and tidy, even if they are not luxurious.

Another important point - furniture and plumbing must be of high quality. It’s not worth saving on them too much, such savings can turn into additional costs: flimsy furniture will quickly break down, because it’s no secret that “public” property is rarely treated with care.

Make sure that the hotel has its own corporate identity, which is noticeable even in small things. Needless to say, interior design is best entrusted to professional designers.

Mini-hotel staff: how many and what kind?

It is better to be puzzled by the selection of personnel a few months before the planned opening. By the time the work begins, the employees must have all the necessary documents drawn up, and they themselves must be trained and ready to start working.

You need to recruit staff based on what services you plan to provide in the hotel. If, for example, the guests will be provided with food, cooks will be needed. As for the attendants, there is a rule: its total number (administrators, maids, porters) is approximately equal to the number of rooms.

If the hotel is small, employees can combine different positions (administrator - to make reservations, maid - to be responsible for the laundry). This is beneficial both for the owner, who does not have to keep extra staff at work, and for the employees themselves, who can earn more.

An important requirement for hotel staff is knowledge of foreign languages ​​(at least English). It is necessary to organize systematic training and refresher courses.

Services in the hotel: important and secondary

First and foremost, the rooms must be clean. Daily cleaning, timely replacement of linen and towels is a prerequisite for the operation of each hotel. If it is not possible to organize laundry in the hotel itself, you should conclude an agreement with a third-party company providing this type of service.

A breakfast consisting of coffee, tea, and ready-made cookies can be provided by the hotel, even if there is no restaurant or cafe on site. If your own cafe is planned, you need to be prepared for additional costs. To open it you will need:

  • equipped room that meets all fire and sanitary requirements;
  • all necessary permits and approvals;
  • staff: cooks and waiters;
  • liquor licenses.

However, your own cafe or restaurant is already a separate business, you will need to attract customers to such an institution from outside, only on the guests of a mini-hotel it will not pay for itself. It is much easier to negotiate with one of the neighboring cafes about the delivery of food to guests in the room or, for example, about discounted breakfasts.

The hotel should be able to provide its visitors with car parking, safe, internet, telephone, and, if necessary, temporary registration.

Another unconditional obligation of the hotel is to ensure the safety of customers. To do this, he must have an agreement with a security company, installed an alarm button. We must not forget about fire safety measures: emergency exit, fire detectors. There will also be a guarded parking lot.

Separately, it is worth taking care of guests with children (baby cots and high chairs will not interfere in the hotel) and disabled visitors (you will need a spacious elevator and ramps).

Hotel advertisement

You need to inform everyone about the opening of the hotel in advance, preferably 2-3 months in advance. Place a banner on the building about the imminent opening, give information to travel agencies, create a hotel website and advertise on the Internet, on specialized resources.

Quality service and reasonable prices will do their job over time - your own client base will appear, and yesterday's guests will recommend the hotel to their friends.

We consider the profitability of the hotel

The fact that a hotel is a costly enterprise has already been said more than once. It's time to calculate how much it costs to open a small hotel. Of course, the calculations will be approximate, in order to get an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture expenses and incomes, you will need to obtain additional information:

  • find out how much the service is in demand in your city (its population, the level of infrastructure development, the state of the tourist destination, business and production, what sports or cultural events are held here);
  • analyze the market: how many hotels are in your city, what is their advertising and pricing policy, how busy are they and how does seasonality affect this);
  • make a preliminary cost estimate: the cost of real estate in the village, as well as prices for construction and other work;
  • decide what the concept of your hotel will be: the composition of the number of rooms, the services provided, the level of service and, as a result, the target audience.

As you can see, it is almost impossible to answer the question exactly how much it costs to open a mini-hotel, too many factors will influence this. Investments in a capital hotel can be ten times greater than in a regional one, so the figures below are very approximate.

You can open a mini-hotel with 10-15 rooms in a small regional town by spending about 8-15 million rubles. At the same time, a small hotel in St. Petersburg or Moscow will require about 50 million rubles. And if you decide to build a separate building and purchase a land plot, the cost will increase to 150–200 million rubles.

All expenses for organizing a hotel are divided as follows:

  • 50% - for the purchase or construction of premises;
  • 25% - for redevelopment, (including project and administrative costs);
  • 15% - for interior repairs, interior decoration, purchase of equipment and furniture,
  • 10% - other expenses (costs for salaries and staff training, advertising, purchase of consumables).

In a metropolitan city, a hotel will pay off in about 5–7 years, in a large city with more than a million inhabitants - in 6–8 years. In a small regional town, this can take 9 to 12 years.

The hotel business is not in vain considered profitable, which is why there are more and more new hotels. However, you cannot call it a quick payback, so this is an entrepreneurship for those who stand firmly on their feet, and therefore are not afraid of large investments and large-scale projects. Drawing up a detailed business plan for such a complex and expensive project is best left to specialists.

The hotel business is one of the most profitable. The most popular hotel services are in popular tourist centers (resorts, historical sites, etc.). In order for the hotel business to make a profit, you need to plan it correctly, make the necessary calculations and determine your niche. Depending on regional characteristics and your own budget, you can open a large hotel complex built from scratch, or open a small hotel with several rooms. Further, we will focus on the second option. We will consider the preparation of a business plan for a hotel using the example of opening such an institution in St. Petersburg. In the article, we will consider how to open a hotel from scratch and analyze an example of a business plan with calculations.

It is necessary to start drawing up a business plan by determining the target audience for which the hotel opens. Focusing on potential customers, you can present the general concept of the project, marketing strategy, establishment design, etc. To do this, you need to determine which social group, age and type of activity will subsequently become hotel visitors.

The project under consideration involves the opening small hotel with 12 rooms belonging to the moderate price category. The main advantages of the new facility will be to provide maximum comfort and security, flexible pricing policy and provision of additional services. Estimated payback period is 2.5 years. In the future, it is possible to expand the business with an increase in the number of rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages of the hotel business

For legal registration of a business, it is necessary to register with the tax office at the place of residence. Consider the advantages of the form of ownership in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) This form is used to create a small mini-hotel, with a staff of 5-10 people.
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default). Notice in Form 26.2-1;
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) This form is used to create a large hotel, hire employees, scale the network and attract external financing (loans).
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to the USN. Notice in Form 26.2-1.

By law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

OKVED codes when registering a hotel:
55.10 - Activities of hotels.
55.11 - Activities of hotels with restaurants.
55.12 - Activities of hotels without restaurants.
55.2 - Activities of other places of temporary residence.
55.23.3 - Rental of furnished rooms for temporary residence.

These codes do not include the rental of housing and premises for rent. long term. For this case, the OKVED code 70.20.1 is used.

Master Class. How to open a successful hotel?

Drawing up a business plan for a hotel

Market Analysis

Consider the main trends in the hotel services market:

  • The increase in the business activity of the population is a decisive factor in the increase in demand for hotel services.
  • There is a significant shortage of services in the markets of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • In the middle and budget segment of hotels (2 and 3 stars), there is an even greater shortage of quality services.
  • At present, the authorities of most cities are interested in the development of tourism and the construction of new hotels.

Now hotel services in St. Petersburg are provided by almost 30 large complexes and medium-sized hotels, as well as more than 50 small hotels. Since different groups of establishments operate in different price categories, they are not direct competitors. Mini-hotels have to compete, first of all, with the owners of apartments rented by the day. And in order to be successful, you need to carefully consider the concept of the business, pay special attention to the quality of the services provided and conduct a good advertising campaign. As for the distribution of the St. Petersburg market now, experts allocate almost two-thirds of it to large hotels, a little more than a quarter to medium and small ones, and 10% to apartments for rent.

The target audience

Direct work on a business plan begins with the definition of the target audience. At this stage, we choose who will be the potential guest of our hotel. The target group of the new hotel includes business people who have arrived to solve their work issues, as well as tourists who want to get acquainted with the sights of the city.

List of services provided

In addition to the actual provision of rooms for accommodation, the mini-hotel can provide a number of additional services, including transport services, catering, ticket booking, etc.

The organizational part of the business plan of the hotel

Since the project under consideration has a rather limited budget, the construction of a new building is not suitable. 4 communal apartments located on the first two floors of the house will be converted into a hotel. The design will be made in modern style, which best suits the preferences of the representatives of the above-defined target group. All premises will be designed in the same style, which should also dominate the advertising campaign.

Art Nouveau design for a mini hotel. Photos from arxip.com

The opening of a new hotel requires the preliminary implementation of a number of organizational measures:

  • purchase of real estate;
  • conversion of residential property to non-residential, since the current legislation allows you to open a hotel only in such a fund;
  • obtaining the necessary permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection;
  • conversion of apartments into hotel rooms;
  • decoration of rooms in the chosen style;
  • selection of employees;
  • advertising placement.

Choosing a building for a hotel

The choice of the location of the building for the hotel must be approached very selectively, since in this business the location determines more than half of the success. The hotel building must meet the following conditions:

  • be close to train stations and airports;
  • have your own parking with convenient entrances;
  • be close to trade establishments and catering facilities (the latter is relevant, since a mini-hotel usually does not provide a kitchen);
  • use of floors not higher than the second;
  • not have the status of a historical monument, since such a structure is unlikely to be allowed to be reconstructed.


The success of the entire business largely depends on the right employees. It is the high quality of service that will help attract a large number of customers and, most importantly, make them regular customers. The mini-hotel will need the following employees:

  • the manager who carries out the general management of the institution;
  • an administrator who resolves all issues directly with clients (booking, check-in, settlements, etc.);
  • a maid who cleans all rooms;
  • security guard;
  • a technical worker who ensures the normal functioning of all life support systems.

Required staff to open a hotel

Advertising campaign

To attract the largest number of customers, you will need to use various types of advertising:

  • creating your own website;
  • advertising in travel publications;
  • advertising banners near railway stations;
  • flexible system of discounts.

Financial part


The business plan of the hotel should contain the calculation of financial costs. All of them can be divided into initial and monthly. Initial ones include:

  • acquisition of real estate (about 10 million rubles);
  • registration of all documents and permits (150 thousand rubles);
  • obtaining the status of LLC (30 thousand rubles);
  • reconstruction of premises (up to 4 million rubles);
  • purchase of furniture, household and plumbing equipment (1 million rubles).

Thus, the total amount of initial costs will be about 15 million rubles. Monthly expenses include:

  • staff salaries (150 thousand rubles);
  • operating costs (100 thousand rubles);
  • advertising expenses (30 thousand rubles).

The total monthly costs will amount to 280 thousand rubles.


On the other hand, it is necessary to calculate the expected income. To do this, it is important to know the average occupancy of rooms and seasonal price fluctuations. If we take the average price per night in a single room in the amount of 3,000 rubles, then the monthly revenue can be about 800 thousand rubles. A successful advertising campaign can increase this amount by another 20-30%.

Thus, net of monthly expenses, the revenue for the year will be about 5-6 million rubles. This will make it possible to recoup such a project in 2.5-3 years.

Principles for improving the quality of hotel business services

One of the key features of the hotel business is the quality of services provided. The income of the hotel directly depends on hospitality. Consider the basic principles that will improve the quality of services provided:

  • feedback from employees. It is important to track feedback from hotel employees and customers for the operational management of the service. It is direct communication with customers that allows you to quickly identify possible ways to change the service.
  • setting standards and evaluations in service. It is important to clearly define the standards in the service and tools for assessing the quality of services. The introduction of performance appraisal is necessary to create a system of motivation for hotel employees.
  • introduction of a marketing approach to hotel management. The marketing approach in managing an organization ensures constant monitoring of key factors in its activities. With it, you can find narrow and inefficient services and processes.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability

(4 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(2 out of 5)
The hotel business is a complex, but at the same time profitable business. As with most offline businesses, location is one of the key success factors. The second success factor is hospitality and quality of services, since it is through this that you can make repeat sales and create a loyal customer base. The main share of the opening costs is the rental of premises for a hotel. It is on the choice of premises that you need to pay maximum attention. Due to the high demand for economical housing, the payback of the project is high. For start-up entrepreneurs, a good option to start is through a franchise, where all business processes will already be described and key business indicators will be identified.

Study the demand for hotel services in your city. If there is a shortage in the economy class sector or the locality does not have a hotel at all, feel free to start organizing a mini hotel. Find out if the city is visited by tourists, business people. You may be near a busy highway.
Learn the nuances of the hotel business and the main risks. The payback of starting investments, which amount to about 15,000,000 rubles, should be expected only after 6 years with a successful course of affairs.

Main risks

The main problem is competition. For mini hotels, small hotels that offer a fundamentally different approach to service are terrible. Your competitors will be the owners of apartments, renting them to visitors through agencies. You will be able to get your customers if you do not strive for super profits and stop at economy class service. It is this sector that is assigned to mini hotels all over the world and has excellent prospects in Russia.
The problem of ensuring a constant flow of guests is also very serious.

If you start in a metropolitan area, you will have clients all year round.
For a resort town, the issue of seasonality is relevant.
In a small or medium-sized settlement, you should think in advance how many guests you can count on.

“Step by step guide on how to open a hostel”


First of all, you should look for a place for a hotel in areas of historical value, or nearby attractions. A business district would also be a good option - business tourism is developing very quickly. Location near the train station or bus station is a promising option if you can provide reliable soundproofing of the rooms.
You can also consider sleeping areas or quiet, cozy outskirts. The proximity of parks and water bodies can be your trump card.

Regardless of the chosen location for creating a mini-hotel, there are several general criteria:
Metro station or other public transport in the immediate vicinity.
Area security.
Developed infrastructure, proximity to shops and cafes.
The presence of a separate entrance for the hotel and round the clock security.

To create a mini hotel, it is not necessary to purchase or build a new building, which requires huge investments. Construction will take several years.
Renting the premises is possible, but draw up a contract for a period of at least 10 years. The costs of redevelopment and other organizational components pay off in at least 6 years.
Buying several apartments on the same landing or communal apartment, floors in a hostel is a great option. Perhaps you can find a large private house that you will convert into a hotel. This option requires significant investments, efforts in finding suitable real estate, negotiations, efforts to transfer housing stock to non-residential stock. But such premises will cost less than building a new one, and eliminates the risk of problems with the landlord in the future.


The main equipment of the mini hotel is comfortable beds and other furniture that the traveler will need for a comfortable stay.

Pay special attention to the arrangement of ventilation and emergency exit. Install modern air conditioning and fire extinguishing systems. These requirements are mandatory - otherwise the supervisory services will not allow you to open a hotel or will regularly issue fines.

The maximum number of guests in a mini hotel is about 45 people. If possible, try to equip the maximum number of sanitary facilities. High-quality plumbing, sterility and comfort are an extremely important aspect that guests pay close attention to.

If you are organizing a hostel-style hotel, you need a shared kitchen equipped with household appliances and a full set of utensils. Also, you need a rest room with comfortable upholstered furniture, TV, computer and free Internet access. The popularity of the hotel will only increase if you equip a room for playing billiards, a sauna, a small bar, a dining room with free breakfasts and other opportunities for quality rest.

If your hotel will invite a more affluent audience and offer several separate rooms, equip each with a separate bathroom, TV, additional furniture. If you are located in the business district, provide guests with the opportunity to conduct business directly in the room, install a computer, provide Internet access.

It is worth considering that families with small children will come to you - prepare cots for the youngest guests.


The reception desk, comfortable furniture for waiting are just some of the necessary attributes for guests to settle in. Consider all options for contacting you and being able to book a room. The best option would be a multiline phone. Create a website and enter an online room reservation service - this is the way.

There are no trifles in the hotel business. Your employees should be armed to provide guests with a wide variety of services: repair or dry cleaning of clothes, excursions, taxi calls and many others. If you are unable to provide these services on your own, sign contracts with companies that specialize in them.

A mini hotel does not require a large staff. You can create a family business. The novice entrepreneur takes on the duties of the director and manager.
Reception should work around the clock. So you need two administrators.
The workload of maids depends on the number of rooms, the season and other factors specific to a particular region. Count on four people to hire and flexible maid service.
If the hotel will have a bar, two bartenders are needed.
Sauna and other additional services also require separate attendants.
To work in a cafe, if you offer food to guests, you need a cook and at least one assistant cook.

Even in the smallest and most democratic hotel, do not try to do everything on your own. Without professional and experienced employees, you will not be able to provide a decent service to customers.
Do not try to save on the wages of employees, but make high demands on them. Hire staff on a competitive basis and with a trial period. Friendliness, professionalism and the desire to create home comfort for guests are the main components of the success of the hotel.

Documents and licenses

When creating an enterprise, you can register as an individual entrepreneur (single owner) or LLC (several partners).
If you will not offer meals to guests, you can choose the type of taxation for renting rooms. If you provide catering services, you can apply for mixed taxation by adding UTII.
To run a hotel business, you do not need a license from Rospromtrest, voluntary certification is enough.
The bar requires a license to sell alcoholic beverages at retail.
The state does not offer any special requirements for the premises in which the mini-hotel is located. But be sure to find out the requirements of fire and sanitary supervision before searching and redevelopment or construction of the premises.


Sterile cleanliness, comfort and friendliness of the staff are the main components of success. This is what travelers hope for when choosing a mini hotel. If you can't provide these things to guests, even the most expensive advertising won't help. With the development of the Internet, rumors of shortcomings spread throughout the country instantly.

But the Internet can also be your source of new customers. City forums, travel societies, social networks - your ads should be everywhere.
Do not abandon the old ways of advertising. Banners, stands, or at least posters near train stations, bus stations, cultural centers and city attractions are a must for a small hotel.

Create a unique image for your hotel. You can style it for a certain era, choose an ethnic or ultra-modern direction. The first guests will come because of originality, then everything depends on the quality of service.


Opening a mini-hotel is difficult. But if you are an expert in this field and are willing to invest heavily with your offspring, patience and hard work will surely bear fruit in the form of customer gratitude and worthy profits.

Now, due to the law on mandatory classification, when some mini-hotels will inevitably close, creating or buying a business in the hotel industry is a good time. With proper attention to advertising and building a good reputation, the period of the 2018 FIFA World Cup will make a good return on investment.

Among the entire hotel business, the mini-hotel format is the most optimal for both entrepreneurs and city guests. Their average payback takes 6-8 years with proper business management.

Mini-hotel as a business: what is their special charm and what you need to consider when opening, we will consider in our article.

Mini-hotel is

As the name suggests, this is a small hotel. Technically, a mini-hotel is a means of accommodation with up to fifty rooms. The rooms of mini-hotels in most cases are designed for one or two people with the possibility of extra bed. Bathrooms can be located both in each room and in the corridor for several rooms. The greatest demand is for three-star mini-hotels designed for the middle class.

“In life” mini-hotels, as a rule, consist of five to ten rooms. To maximize the target audience, entrepreneurs offer both suites and economy class rooms. In many mini-hotels catering is organized, guests are offered breakfast, which is included in the price.

In general, a mini-hotel is an intermediate link between a hotel and a hostel. It offers high-quality service and quality rooms, while the “mini” format is a guarantee of silence and even some comfort.

A mini-hotel in the conditions of Moscow can become a profitable business, later growing into its own chain. Below we will look at how to open a mini-hotel: premises, paperwork, laws and prohibitions - the whole thorny path towards profit.

How to organize a mini-hotel: location and choice of premises

The popularity of the mini-hotel is influenced by its location: proximity to the city center, metro stations and busy roads. The location will also tell the target audience. Basically, the format of quiet, medium-priced mini-hotels is suitable for traveling couples, applicants with parents and business travelers. Accordingly, it makes sense to locate mini-hotels in the historical part of the city, close to major educational institutions, business centers and industries.

The first option, which we will immediately abandon, is the purchase of land and the construction of a separate building. Why not? Firstly, the search for the necessary empty space in Moscow is a protracted matter. Secondly, the registration of ownership of the land, the plan of the future building, the conduct of communications and their design is the path of greatest resistance.

The best option for a mini-hotel would be to rent or buy several apartments, a communal apartment or part of a former hostel, located on the ground floor of the building. An important condition is the mandatory transfer of real estate to non-residential stock and the provision of a future mini-hotel with a separate entrance. The hostel and communal apartment, due to the initial design, will require less redevelopment costs. All design changes must be agreed with BTI.

The search for premises is now complicated by a bill seriously considered to ban mini-hotels in residential buildings. Therefore, we advise you to carefully read it, so that if it comes into force, you do not have to transfer or close the business.

Classification and registration of a mini-hotel by law

The option of creating a “gray” business in the light of new laws on the classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities, please consider invalid. Therefore, you will have to go through the registration of a legal business. So, what documents are needed to open a mini-hotel?

The step-by-step registration of a mini-hotel looks like this:

  • Registration of IP and tax registration. For this business, a simplified taxation system is suitable.
  • A cash register is registered with the tax office.
  • Documents for the property located in the non-residential fund or a lease agreement are provided.
  • Then passing inspections of sanitary, fire, technical safety. The result of the checks is the permission of Rospotrebnadzor to place a mini-hotel in this room.
  • Conclusion of contracts with organizations working on outsourcing (garbage removal, maintenance, collection, laundry services).
  • If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, which will be a good source of additional income, you must obtain an appropriate license.

Cherry on the tart - passing the mandatory classification and entering the mini-hotel in the register of the Ministry of Culture.

Issue price

The most demanded, as we have already said, are three-star mini-hotels. However, even in the case of a luxury mini-hotel, it is worth remembering the high competition in the market. Especially among similar establishments located in the center of Moscow. Therefore, when setting prices for services, you should familiarize yourself with the price list of competitors.

The optimal balance for a new business without a client base is reduced prices with a high level of service. If an entrepreneur decides to buy a mini-hotel in Moscow, then there is an opportunity, thanks to a recognizable name and an established client base, to increase the cost of living.

Also, when opening a mini-hotel, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the seasonality of the business. High season lasts from May to October, low - from November to April. To attract tourists in the low season, it makes sense to develop a system of discounts and bonuses.

The organization of additional sources of income is an important part of business planning. The possible options are almost unlimited. Some of them: opening a bar at a mini-hotel, organizing excursions, cooperating with taxi and food delivery services.

Catering and staff recruitment

The format of the hotel involves meals included in the cost of living, mini-hotels are quite free with this item. Basically, guests are offered breakfast, as entrepreneurs themselves report, organizing lunches and dinners does not pay off. Often, breakfast is ordered at a nearby restaurant, or is made up of products that do not require complex preparation. The maintenance of a full-fledged kitchen and a cook is unjustified.

For the efficient operation of a mini-hotel, a few administrators and maids are enough. The mini-hotel assumes a high level of service, for which, first of all, the staff is responsible. This must be taken into account when hiring employees and organizing their work.