Laundry business plan. An example of a laundry business plan with calculations

This format of business is quite familiar abroad, and is especially popular in the United States. In our country, people are just starting to get used to this format. Therefore, before opening a laundry, you need to clearly consider the entire business plan, taking into account all the features of our country.

business concept

Our people have a completely different psychology of attitude to this business. Everyone will say why I need a laundry if I can do laundry at home. We have a washing machine in almost every house, and this fact calls into question the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe existence of this business in the vastness of Russia or Ukraine.

But there is one point you need to clearly understand your client. In the CIS, this business can only be built on campuses near dormitories. It is students who make up 60% of laundromat customers. Those who lived in a hostel know that there can be no talk of any typewriters in the hostel, if you want to wash yourself, take a basin and go and wash.

Additional customers will be people from the area in which the laundry is located, mostly single men, they make up about 20% of visitors. And 10% falls on private business, for example, a paintball club can order the washing of suits for players.

Laundry service

When developing a laundry business plan, it is worth highlighting the list of basic services that you will provide.

So they may include:

  • washing and drying clothes and linen;
  • ironing of washed things;
  • whitening;
  • removal of stains on clothes.

This is only a part of the services, in addition, you can do minor repairs of clothes or delivery of washed things to your home.

Modern laundries must provide a high level of services in order to stand out from the competition: high-quality equipment, good detergents, pleasant staff, clean rooms, low prices.

All this in a complex will allow you to get regular customers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the advantages of this business, one can single out a fairly free market with a minimum number of competitors. With the right location, a steady income, except for seasonal downturns when students leave the hostels. The decline can range from 10% to 30%.

Of the minuses: it is difficult to find and agree on the lease of premises, rather high initial costs, significant utility costs.

Premises selection

If you have not found a suitable location near student residences, then no laundry business plan will help you. Location is everything in this business. At a minimum, there should be dormitories with a minimum accommodation of 1,500 people and above. Only in this case you will be able to earn. You should not rely on the local population, but they will bring part of the income, but it is the students who will give the basis.

Did you find a room? Then you will need to arrange to rent it. Believe me, this is very difficult to do. Especially if it is registered with the university. You will need to negotiate and agree on a price.

It is possible to equip a laundry only in a non-residential building, or on a non-residential floor of the building. The size must be at least 20 sq.m. and higher.

Needs some careful repairs. Your laundry room should always be clean. When you make repairs, immediately make the wiring for the installation of washing machines, dryers and other things.

Laundry equipment

Entering this business, it is the purchase of equipment that will be the main expense item. The highest quality equipment of foreign manufacturers. You need to buy only specialized complex solutions for laundries. Since the format will be in the form of self-service, these machines will need to be equipped with mechanisms for accepting laundry tokens, which will be sold at the entrance to the laundry.

Look at the power and water consumption of various manufacturers of washing complexes. At the moment, solutions from Germany, Sweden, and America are the most popular. There are also Russian developments, for example, Vyazma.

What to look for when buying laundry equipment:

  1. The popularity of the brand and the availability of reviews on the work of the equipment produced by it.
  2. Choose from the price / quality ratio.
  3. Availability of service and warranty service.
  4. Provision of specialists by the company for installation, configuration and training.


When compiling a self-service laundry business plan, it is worth considering that from the staff you will need to hire only 2 employees for the administrator and a part-time cleaner who can do ironing.

The technical side of your business can be provided with a one-time payment for the work of the master in the event of a breakdown of the washing machine or dryer.

Accounting can be done either by yourself or outsourced.

Financial plan for opening a laundry

Starting costs for the purchase of equipment:

  • 5 washing machines, with a capacity of about 8kg, the average cost of which is $5000 - $8000.
  • dryers for clothes (4 pieces) - about $ 5000.
  • ironing equipment (iron, skating rink, boards) - about $2000.
  • laundry baskets, installation of a water filtration system - about $ 2000.
  • detergents - $200. They can be included in fixed costs.
  • room rent from $500 to $1000 depending on the number of students living.

Cost items for each month:

  • utility bills - $200 - $
  • salary for workers - $
  • payment of taxes - $

To pay for electricity, you can roughly calculate the power consumption, which averages:

  • for a washing machine - about 3.5 kW;
  • for drying - 4.5 kW.

The total investment in a mini laundry will be up to $25,000.

The payback of such a business is from 1.5 years and above.

We hope you found this laundry business plan review helpful. We tried to take into account the projection of this business from the American model to our realities.

How to open a Laundromat laundry. Laundromat business. Laundromat laundry business idea.

The cost of one wash in a self-service laundry is on average $1, the cost of washing is no more than $0.25, and the profit from one wash is $0.75.


What is a laundromat? In fact, this is a washing machine with a bill acceptor, the client deposits money into the bill acceptor and gets access to the functions of the washing machine.

Laundromats are used in self-service laundromats, they are very popular in many foreign countries, this type of business is not yet very common in our country.

It is profitable to open self-service laundries in student dormitories of educational institutions, in factory dormitories, dormitories of factories, in large hostels. Residents of dormitories do not have washing machines, there is simply nowhere to place them, and self-service laundry will be in great demand among residents.

Self-service laundry: choose a room.

To install a self-service laundry, a small room is enough, for example, you can rent a non-residential premises on the ground floor of a hostel. Washing machines will require the mandatory presence of running water, sewerage and electricity.

The main requirements of the SES for a laundry room:

  • The presence of natural and forced ventilation in the room.
  • Finishing the floor and walls from easily washable materials that meet the requirements of SES.
  • The presence of protective shades on the lamps of the daytime set.

Self-service laundry: choose equipment.

To open a self-service laundry, you will need equipment:

Landromats or industrial washing machines, they have an increased margin of safety compared to household machines. Of course, you can also install conventional washing machines, but here you need to take into account the high loads that machines in public laundries are subject to. In addition, industrial machines usually have a stainless steel body, which is much more reliable than plastic household washing machines.

It is not at all necessary to buy laundromats, any washing machines can be independently equipped with bill acceptors; this will cost at least 2 times cheaper. Bill acceptors are mounted on the wall above each washing machine, after depositing money and selecting the required wash on the display, access to the machine is activated.

You can optionally install a dryer.

Washing machines have a function of spinning clothes, a machine drum, but separate dryers are used to dry washed items. The dryer also consists of a perforated drum; when the drum rotates, wet washed laundry is still amenable to drying with a stream of hot air.

Ironing tables and irons. In addition to washing and drying, customers periodically need additional ironing, and ironing services can be additionally provided.

It is advisable to put 1 - 2 soft sofas for clients in the laundry room.

The laundry also requires consumables, such as washing powder, bleach, etc.

How to open a laundry.

To open the laundry, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Compile a feasibility study for the project.

Develop a laundry business plan.

  • Draw up a technical project (plan of the premises, layout of equipment, installation equipment).
  • Consult with the SES, State fire supervision, water utility and energy supervision.
  • Register IP.
  • OKVED code 93.01 Laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing of textile and fur products. The optimal taxation system for laundry is UTII.
  • Renting a laundry room.
  • Installation and connection of equipment.

The laundry will require one worker, in fact it is a self-service laundry, and it only requires a person to look after the machines and keep the laundry in order.

Laundry business.

As already mentioned, on average, the cost of one wash in a self-service laundry is approximately $ 1, the cost of washing is $ 0.25, respectively, the profit from one wash is $ 0.75.

Additionally, you can provide paid services for drying and ironing things, as an option, offer dry cleaning services.

Self-service laundromats are not yet experiencing significant competition, so this is a good business idea for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Popular business ideas

Rent of children's electric cars.

Universal laundries are very popular in some countries. And today more and more such firms appear in our country.

Therefore, many are interested in questions about how to open a laundry? How costly will the first stages be? Can such a business be considered profitable?

How to open a laundry? Where to begin?

In fact, in Soviet times, public laundries were quite common. And although today almost every home has its own washing machine, laundries remain in demand.

If you are interested in questions about how to create such an enterprise and turn it into a profitable business, then first you must decide what exactly you are going to open. For example, a large all-purpose laundry requires a lot more investment than, say, a mini-laundry. A business plan should take into account all the nuances.

To begin with, it should be noted that today all such enterprises can be divided into two groups - these are laundries, where customers are provided with a full range of services, including ironing and dry cleaning, as well as small self-service laundries. Each of them has advantages and a target group of customers.

Full range of services

Such a laundry offers its customers not only washing, but also drying, ironing and even chemical cleaning.

clothes. Such enterprises work something like this - today a person brings clothes to the laundry, and after 2-3 days he takes back already ironed and “ready to use”.

If you are wondering how to open a full-service laundry, then you should be prepared for the fact that here you will need more money and more staff.

By the way, the services of such laundries are in great demand - for example, they are used by some hotel complexes, kindergartens, and sometimes private clinics that need to constantly wash a large amount of bed linen, towels, uniforms, etc. Naturally, ordinary people can become yours. regular customers.

Self-service laundry

Self-service laundries are very popular in foreign countries. The essence of the work here is extremely simple - at the entrance the client buys tokens that give him the opportunity to turn on the washing machine. You just need to load the laundry, add the required amount of powder and wait. Such a scheme has its advantages.

In particular, the client can pick up the clothes on the same day, and they will definitely not be lost. In addition, such laundries are much cheaper (this applies not only to the client, but also to the owner of the enterprise). And of course, in such production, the number of employees is reduced to a minimum. But there are also disadvantages - universal washing machines can not be used to wash all fabrics. In addition, some stains on clothing require manual cleaning.

Therefore, before studying the documents and buying washing machines for laundries, it is necessary to decide according to which scheme you will work, for which categories of customers your establishment will be designed.

What documents are needed to create a "laundry" business?

In terms of official documents and permission, opening a laundry is a rather troublesome business. To get started, you will need to register with the tax service (in most cases, owners register IP).

In addition, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the requirements of the SES for laundry. In particular, there are requirements for the area of ​​the premises, the equipment used, the working personnel, repairs, wall and floor decoration, and ventilation. Naturally, the laundry room must have electricity, gas heating, cold water, air conditioning, etc.

Requirements for the laundry are available from the fire service, labor protection service, electricians, water utility, gas service, as well as architects. Before you open your institution, you will have to go through a lot of checks and get permission from all of the above government organizations.

Where is the best place to rent a room?

If you are interested in questions about how to open a laundry, then you probably thought about where is the best place to rent a room. Again, it all depends on your target customers. For example, full-service laundromats are best opened closer to hotels, entertainment complexes, kindergartens and other large organizations that will later become your regular customers.

Another good place is large sleeping areas. Here, both universal laundries and those establishments that operate on a self-service scheme will be appropriate. It is advisable to open a mini-laundry near student dormitories - statistics show that it is students who most often become regular clients.

How to furnish a room?

It should immediately be noted that there are some generally accepted standards for the design of laundry rooms, which you will be told about in the sanitary and epidemiological station. For example, if we are talking about a universal laundry, then the reception of dirty linen and the issuance of clean linen should be carried out in different rooms.

As for design, the main thing here is the convenience of customers, especially when it comes to laundries with self-service. Remember that customers will have to wait while the laundry is being washed, so you need to arrange comfortable chairs or sofas.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to organize a laundry also depends on the type of your business and the bulk of regular customers.

Some laundry owners set up so-called waiting rooms, where there are tables, chairs, vending machines with coffee and snacks. If your main contingent is students, then you can provide them with wireless access to the Internet (thus young people will have the opportunity to study or communicate).

Many business areas come to us from the West. They are not yet popular with us, but every year they become more and more relevant. Laundry agencies are such a type of business. How to open a laundry? Organization of a business, reviews of owners of successful dry cleaners, calculations of the profitability of working in this market and tips on running your project, we will consider in detail today.

We will analyze the market and potential clientele

The organization of any business, including the opening of a laundry, should begin with an analysis of the entire area as a whole and the market in your area. Dry cleaners themselves are largely an American phenomenon, in Russia people still prefer to wash things on their own or in a typewriter.

The problem is that people are mistrustful of this phenomenon and do not know what benefits there are from switching from home laundry to store-bought. In addition, many do not even think about the colossal waste of water and energy resources. It is important to talk about this in order to increase the relevance of the direction.

In the West, this business also pays off very well due to the constant moving of city residents and renting apartments. This trend is becoming more and more common in our country, so now is the time to enter the market and increase the importance of laundries as a phenomenon. It is worth opening a project and conducting marketing with the expectation of a young able-bodied population, newlyweds and students, services will also be relevant for residents of communal apartments.

Some of the older generation, by the way, are also interested in helping with cleaning. Mini-hotels, motels and hostels also like to cooperate with dry cleaners, which is important to note for the further search for permanent partners.

In addition to all of the above, the very organization of a private laundry is not too difficult even for a novice entrepreneur. Although the project requires fairly large investments, it does not have high risks.

Laundry services in our time are used only by residents of the largest cities, but there is a good demand in the regions. The competition is now low, which will allow a beginner to quickly get used to and enter a wide market. The rest depends on the literacy of project management.

Standard dry cleaning services

Most laundries are engaged in washing ordinary clothes and linen, but many also provide additional services. The standard list of services must include the following items:

  1. Washing things.
  2. Whitening.
  3. Additional washing with improving conditioners and rinses.
  4. Improving the smell of things with fragrances.
  5. Removal of difficult stains.
  6. Ironing.

The project must provide services to both the general visitor and organizations in order to be successful. Often, for the convenience of visitors, additional services are provided in the recreation area: a coffee machine, TV and magazines.

Here you can download for free as an example.

Preparation of the necessary documents

Undoubtedly, the first thing laundry should be formalized. It may be worth including the services of a lawyer in the business plan to help the newcomer navigate the sea of ​​paperwork. To begin with, you will need to register an Individual Entrepreneur, which allows you to officially manage the business and imposes an obligation to pay tax.

By the way, it is worth choosing a simplified tax system. Permits to work at the site you have chosen will have to be obtained from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. After that, the owner of the new business can start organizing the project itself.

Choosing a platform for work

In order to open a laundry, you need to find a room with an area of ​​​​150-200 square meters. It is the large size of the site that does not allow opening these projects closer to the city center, where rent is high. Therefore, it is better to open at student campuses, hotels, and other potential customers, or in large multi-storey residential areas with a large number of young families.

An area of ​​​​150 square meters allows you to wash about 30 kilos of laundry per hour, which is enough to start with such an arrangement. It should be noted that dry cleaning should be located exclusively on the first floor of the building.

We equip the site and purchase equipment

It is obvious that the business plan for opening a private laundry will have to include the repair of the premises and the purchase of the necessary apparatus and machines as a separate item. It is worth noting that from the very beginning the room should be divided into areas for washing, two separate areas for storing clean and dirty things, as well as a recreation area. If we talk about special laundry equipment, then for a room of 60 squares you will need:

  • five washing machines for 8 kilos of laundry;
  • five industrial dryers;
  • ironing roller 16 centimeters long;
  • two industrial irons with a steam generator;
  • five laundry carts;
  • two specialized ironing boards.

Undoubtedly, not every entrepreneur will have enough funds for all the items on the list. It is quite possible to take some cars or other equipment in used form, but it is important to evaluate the performance and quality of the purchase. The rest of the equipment should be purchased in online stores or from suppliers. Do not forget that you will also have to spend money on:

  1. Detergents like laundry detergent, bleach, etc.
  2. Filters for equipment.
  3. Cleaning equipment.

It remains to equip the recreation area with furniture and put up a counter at the checkout to complete the arrangement of the premises.

Recruiting staff

Planning this project will not require hiring too many employees. The standard work schedule for everyone is 14 hours a day. It is better to hire staff for shift work.

On site, you will need two laundresses who take orders and work directly with linen, as well as a security guard. In addition, it is regularly worth inviting a cleaning lady. Accounting reports can be kept by the owner of the business.

Moments to attract a buyer

To increase the profitability of your own project, you need to do its competent marketing, as well as perform services better than your competitors, if any. There is no need to talk about the methods of advertising in the form of signs, announcements on the Internet and distribution of leaflets, this is known to everyone.

In addition, the right decision would be to create your organization's website. There it is worth writing the necessary information about the dry cleaning itself, as well as about the promotions of the project. In addition, you should adhere to the following points:

  • Make short lead times. Fast and high-quality performance of services is extremely highly appreciated by the customer, in addition, it is important for some organizations to get results quickly. As a standard, washing should be done no more than two days, but you can also enter an urgent one - no more than six hours.
  • Take all the best from European modern service.
  • Issue orders in specialized packaging. These costs really pay off. First of all, it is the standard for all dry cleaners. The customer does not want his thing to deteriorate upon leaving the building. It is also a great advertisement for the laundry for other customers, because you can place your logo and contacts on the package.
  • It is necessary to give guarantees that the damage will be compensated. You can’t take and spoil the customer’s thing, left without responsibility afterwards - this will greatly ruin the reputation. Compensation should depend on the extent of the damage caused.
  • Try to set a work schedule that is convenient for clients. 14 hours is the optimal amount of working time for both visitors and dry cleaners. Large networks operate around the clock, for example, points of the Diana network.

We calculate the profitability of the project

To understand how much a finished project will bring, you need to draw up a financial business plan with calculations of its costs and income. This will allow you to assess the profitability of the business and its own risks when opening it.

We will consider the costs of opening and annual maintenance of the average dry cleaner. As a model, a small laundry room, located on 60 square meters in a large residential area of ​​a regional city, is best suited.

Expense line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Venue rental 300
2 Purchase of the necessary equipment 1 200
3 Equipment installation and repair 200
4 Maintenance of equipment 350
5 Paperwork 20
6 Salary of all employees 400
7 Procurement of additional inventory and consumables 300
8 Marketing Campaign 20
9 Payment of taxes 130
10 Unexpected expenses 50
Total: 2 970

Calculations show that the annual maintenance of this project will cost about 3 million rubles, along with the opening costs. On average, such an institution makes about 125 washes and 80 dryers per week, which brings about 35 thousand rubles a week. Monthly in this case, it will come out to earn about 135 thousand rubles, and in a year the project will bring more than one and a half million rubles.

At the same time, additional services should bring about 650 thousand more per year, which will make the total profit of the project more than two million rubles. With the deduction of all costs, a net profit of 600 thousand rubles will come out. Full payback, therefore, will come in about four years.

Video: self-service laundry chain.