Presentation on theme: "How to Start a Business from Scratch"— Presentation transcript: How to open your own business: a step-by-step implementation of the idea Project on the topic of how to open your own business

A person who dared to start his own business from scratch has conflicting feelings. On the one hand, he seems like a madman who risked taking this serious step in our difficult time. On the other hand, his deed and determination inspire respect and envy. Today you can find a huge amount of information on how to open your own business, which will enable a businessman to flourish and develop, have financial independence and recognition of society.

In general, an increasing number of people are changing the “state service” to doing their own business, that is, they are opening a private business. Its advantages are obvious:

  • a person gets the opportunity to do what he loves;
  • work without a boss;
  • there is no threat of layoffs or layoffs;
  • Financial independence.

In order for the opening of your business not to remain a dream, but to become a reality, you need to know a few rules.

Business idea

Every business starts with an idea. Before you open your own business, you should think carefully about what you would like to do and what knowledge and experience you have.

Experienced entrepreneurs say that in order to formulate a business idea, you need to take a piece of paper and write down ten options that come to mind. This is called "brainstorming". Then you need to evaluate each option, describing its "pros" and "cons".

Niche selection and market analysis

It is important to correctly choose a niche and analyze the market. At the stage of development, it is not recommended to choose goods or services unknown to people, but it is necessary to be prepared to meet with high competition. Therefore, a thorough market analysis will help with the choice of a profitable niche.

Drawing up a business plan

Drawing up a business plan is one of the most important components. It will help to realistically assess your capabilities, outline the intermediate and final results.

The business plan consists of the following items:

Table. The main points of the business plan

Start Here you need to describe the main occupation, the end result and the likelihood of losing money.
Niche Description Clearly specify the product or service, who can use it, in which regions it can be offered.
Market analysis Analysis of the economic situation, the number of competitors, planning promotions.
Business organization plan Plan the stages and deadlines for the implementation of each stage.
Budget planning It is important to calculate all the necessary costs, take into account one-time and recurring costs, calculate the break-even point when the minimum sales cover the costs of the business, and all the rest make a profit.
Description of the end result Detailed description of expected results, business expansion or work in other areas.

Registration with government agencies

Business registration is a mandatory procedure

After deciding on the type of activity and drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. By registering in one of these areas, we decide the issue of legality by doing our own thing.

Note! Illegal conduct of one's own business entails criminal liability.

The next step is registration with the Pension Fund, MHIF, FSS, Rosstat. Here you will need to collect a standard package of documents:

  • original / photocopy of the passport;
  • original / photocopy of TIN;
  • a document confirming the existence of registration with the tax authority with an extract on the selected OKVED;
  • paid receipt of state duty;
  • statement about the chosen system of taxation.

You can go through the process of completing all the necessary documents yourself. But some novice businessmen prefer to contact special firms dealing with these issues.

Choosing a place to do business

If you plan to open your business on the Internet, then the site will take on the role of a virtual office. To do this, you need to create it. You can do this both on your own and by contacting specialists. You will also need to purchase a domain and hosting.

If your own business is planned offline, then you will need to study all the specifics of opening it. So, a business in the service sector involves working from home and communicating with customers on a mobile phone. This will require office space. If this is a trade, the premises must be chosen in a shopping center or near it. For your own production, it is best to choose an industrial zone within the city. The office should be there. This will allow you to constantly monitor the progress of work.

Necessary equipment

After the novice entrepreneur has decided on the place, you need to purchase the equipment necessary for doing business. Here, the minimum costs are determined precisely by the chosen service sector.

  • To open a retail outlet, you need to purchase display cases, refrigerators, scales and other necessary equipment. Some start-up entrepreneurs purchase used equipment in order to save money. This is an extremely unwise decision, since one cannot be sure of the quality and longevity of such equipment.
  • For your own production, you need to purchase a whole line of equipment.
  • Organizing your business on the Internet, in this regard, is somewhat easier. It does not require special premises and equipment. But if we are talking about opening an online store, then in the future you will need to rent a warehouse for storing goods. Suppliers of goods can be found via the Internet.

Advertising and promotion

The same is true in online business. Internal and external website optimization is necessary for the development and maintenance of your own business.

Recommendation! Promotion also plays an important role. In order for a client to become a regular and tell his friends and relatives about you, you need to give him more than he expected. For example, when buying a product, you can make a gift or a small discount.

Total costs and total profit

The cost of starting a business must be calculated in advance

Costs are the amount of money a person spends on starting a business. They are divided into one-time and monthly.

Table. One-time and monthly expenses

When calculating the maximum amount of one-time costs, we get 183,000 rubles. This is the minimum required to open a business "on the ground".

If you start a business online, then, according to experts, you can meet 100,000 rubles, since the cost of purchasing equipment is excluded.

Monthly costs will range from 29,000 to 200,000 rubles, depending on the type of business, the number of employees and the area of ​​the leased premises.

You will also need to submit a quarterly report to the tax office, pay taxes and contributions to the Pension Fund.

A classic business pays off in about a year and a half if there is a well-organized advertising campaign. An online business pays off much faster, since the costs of opening and maintaining it are much lower.

How to start your own business? You can engage in the provision of a certain category of services. Here you can work both independently and in tandem. A good choice is the resale of services (intermediary activity).

For example, you have a legal education and plan to engage in the provision of services in this category. To learn the specifics of a business from the inside, it is worth some time to work in a company engaged in such a business. This will provide an opportunity to understand all the intricacies of the organizational process and, no less important, to build your own client base.

Opening any business requires start-up capital, since even the simplest business will require a small advertising campaign. It is impossible to exclude expenses for some organizational issues. The minimum amount that must be “on hand” is a thousand dollars.

To make sure by a vivid example that starting your own business, becoming a successful and independent person is not a dream, but an accessible reality, we recommend watching a short video.

Presentation on social studies in grade 11: HOW TO OPEN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Author of the presentation: teacher of history and social studies MKOU No. SOSH No. 9 (with vocational training), Ashi, Chelyabinsk region Marzukova Lyudmila Alekseevna Lesson goal::

  • To acquaint students with the main organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship, with the stages of starting a business, registering and licensing an enterprise.
Introductory speech of the teacher:
  • The difficult decision to create your own business will require serious efforts from the entrepreneur. Let's try to identify the stages through which any of the entrepreneurs will move towards the implementation of their ideas.
First stage:
  • The decisive stage in creating your own business will be the very first - the justification of entrepreneurial activity, since it is at this stage that economic interest and motives for future entrepreneurial activity are revealed.
Second phase:
  • For those who decide to create a commercial organization, it is necessary to determine the composition of the founders and choose the organizational and legal form of the future organization. The founders of the company can be both individuals and legal entities. Of course, it is good if like-minded people and enthusiasts of their business become founders.
  • There are rules that provide for the composition and number of founders. For example, a business company can be created by one person, the number of shareholders of a closed company cannot exceed 50 people, and the number of shareholders of an open joint stock company is not limited. Public servants cannot be founders.
Third stage:
  • An important matter is the development of the name of a commercial organization. A company name can be represented by a given name or surname, can reflect the nature of the activity, can be arbitrary. To prevent the names from being repeated, there is a mandatory preliminary check for non-repeatability, originality of the name of the organization.
Fourth stage:
  • Registration of constituent documents. For cooperatives, unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies such document is the Charter. For a partnership, you will need to draw up a Memorandum of Association. For a limited liability company, it is necessary to draw up both the Charter and the Memorandum of Association.
Let's clarify what these documents are:
  • The charter (set of norms and rules) includes such sections as the general position, goals and subject of activity, characterizes the material and technical base and means of the enterprise, management and control bodies, describes the production, financial and economic activities of the enterprise, provides for the conditions for reorganization and termination activities of the created organization.
Memorandum of association:
  • - (an agreement of two or more parties) fixes the legal status of the enterprise being created, fixes the authorized capital and the procedure for its formation, establishes the procedure for distributing income, and the obligations of the parties. It is a multilateral document, the contract is signed by individuals and legal entities concluding it
Fifth stage:
  • State registration with the Federal Tax Service.
  • Data on all established legal entities are entered into the state register.
The following documents are required to register a new organization:
  • - application for state registration in the approved form. The signature of the applicant must be notarized;
  • - the decision to establish a legal entity. This may be the minutes of the meeting of the founders, the memorandum of association or other document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • - constituent documents of a legal entity (originals or notarized copies);
  • - a document confirming the payment of the state fee.
Where to register:
  • Individual entrepreneurs are registered with the tax authorities at the place of residence. To do this, the entrepreneur personally submits an application for state registration in the prescribed form; a copy of the main document confirming his identity (passport), a document confirming the payment of the state fee. The process of state registration should not take more than 5 working days from the date of submission of documents. After that, the applicant is issued a Certificate of Registration.
  • It is necessary to make a seal, the sketch of which is also registered and entered in the appropriate register. The state keeps records of existing legal entities: all organizations must be registered with the statistical authorities, where the legal entity is assigned the appropriate codes. Only then can you open a bank account. Individual entrepreneurs are also required to provide data to the State Statistics Committee of Russia
  • The Tax Code of the Russian Federation requires all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to pay taxes on time. To do this, you need to register with the tax authorities, about which you will receive the appropriate Registration Certificate. It is also necessary to register with state non-budgetary social funds: pension, employment, state social insurance, medical insurance. It is through these funds that pensions will be accrued and sick leave paid.
  • For certain types of entrepreneurship, special state control is required - a license, a special permit to carry out a certain type of activity, subject to mandatory compliance with the requirements and conditions. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", educational, exchange, insurance and other types of activities are subject to licensing.
  • And now the documents on state registration have been collected, a license has been received, which means that you can start working calmly. Difficult? Troublesome? Yes! However, if you think about it, such a serious control over entrepreneurial activity by the state should protect consumers from all kinds of low-quality products, unscrupulous services, and fraud.
  • An insidious thought may come to mind: how to do without state registration?
Consolidation of the studied material:
  • Task: Think about what kind of business you could open. Based on the material of the paragraph, select the legal form for the implementation of the entrepreneur. Specify what documents you need to collect, where to register in order to open your own business.

Needs and Opportunities Are you ready to work “24 hours” a day? Are you ready to work alone? Are you ready to make decisions? Will your family support you? Why do you need this business? Are you ready to take responsibility? What else can a business require from you? Are you ready to try out new ideas and ways of doing things?

Needs and Opportunities Manufacturing Sector Advantages: 1. Less dependency. 2. Ability to respond more flexibly to needs. 3. A higher degree of "control of the situation." Disadvantages: 1. Requires more investment. 2. Difficulty opening. 3. Special knowledge and skills.

Needs and Opportunities Service sector Advantages: 1. May be the simplest “option”. 2. May not require more costs. 3. Relatively fast return on investment. Disadvantages: 1. Complexity - the choice of employees. 2. Features of sales. 3. Features of scalability.

Needs and opportunities Sphere of trade Advantages: 1. "Simple" start. 2. "Quick" start - work with the finished product. 3. Flexibility in choosing suppliers. Disadvantages: 1. Strong influence of competitors. 2. Dependence on suppliers. 3. "Risks of the intermediary".

Needs and Opportunities Acquire a ready-made business Advantages: - Probably there is a stable market. - There are suppliers, an experienced team, processes have been worked out. - Usually this enterprise also has regular customers. Disadvantages: - Relations with clients are not always fully reflected in the contract. - Perhaps there are hidden risks and threats. - The financial situation can be precarious. - The human factor in relations with the team can greatly influence the processes.

Needs and opportunities Apply to business support structures - State Special Programs to support entrepreneurs - Ministry of Investment Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region - Ministry of Support and Development of Small Business, Consumer Market and Services of the Nizhny Novgorod Region - Business schools - Regional funds and centers for supporting small businesses - Technoparks - Business incubators

Needs and Opportunities Starting on your own - Assessing your potential as an entrepreneur - Choosing a start option - Choosing the industry and type of activity of your business - Preparing a business plan for starting your own business - Finding sources of financing - Choosing a legal form - Choosing a taxation system - Choosing a company name - Preparation of constituent documents - Registration of a company - Opening a bank account - Obtaining the necessary permits - Organization of business processes

The main stages of creating a business. IP or LLC? IP (PBOYUL, PE) - an individual entrepreneur (private entrepreneur) - an individual registered as an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, but in fact having all the rights of legal entities. IP freely uses the proceeds. An individual entrepreneur does not need to have an authorized capital, but is liable for obligations with all his property. More about the Individual Entrepreneur LLC (firm, company, enterprise) - a limited liability company - is a legal entity where the participants are liable within the authorized capital. More about the Legal Entity

The main stages of creating a business. Procedure for state registration of an LLC - Preparation of a package of constituent and other documents required for registration of an LLC being created (charter, protocols / decisions on creation, application for registration); - Certification of a package of documents by a notary, - Submission of a set of documents to the tax authority at the place of registration of the LLC; - Obtaining documents from the tax authority confirming the state registration of the LLC and its tax registration in case of a positive decision.

The main stages of creating a business. Grounds for refusing to register a legal entity - Documents have not been submitted in full. - Indication of incorrect (invalid) information in the application (for example, indicated the wrong address, office number, etc.). - Failure to comply with the form of documents. - The application for registration was signed by an unauthorized person, - The name of the legal entity does not comply with the requirements of the laws.

Common mistakes and useful tips. 1. Do not offer your product to those who do not need it. 2. Protect capital: if you want to take a risk, save even more. 3. Efficiency is reduced by excessive thrift. 4. Do not confuse a contract with a deal. 5. You simply have to feel the people with whom you work. 6. Openness contributes to establishing contacts. 7. Your customers want true value. 8. Optimize processes constantly.

Common mistakes and useful tips. 1. "Trust, but verify." 2. Reduce costs: In the first year of life, according to statistics, 4 out of 5 small businesses close. 3. According to all the laws of aerodynamics, a bumblebee should not fly. And he is flying. 4. “If you don’t have problems, then you don’t have a business.” 5. Be friends with everyone. 6. Don't stop!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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HOW TO START YOUR BUSINESS FROM ZERO - 7 SIMPLE STEPS The interview was prepared and conducted by teacher A. V. Baranova

2 slide

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* Entrepreneurial activity - economic activity aimed at systematic profit from the production and / or sale of goods, the provision of services. For this purpose, property, intangible assets, labor of both the entrepreneur himself and those involved from outside are used.

3 slide

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Business is mostly psychology and only then technology. * Understand yourself and your motivation to open a business, and the test, compiled in the form of two blocks of different beliefs, will help you with this.

4 slide

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* With what thoughts you SHOULD NOT open your own business: How to quickly earn a lot to pay off debts? The idea that I have in my head will definitely work, but I need money to implement it; Am I worse than others? Here my neighbor is engaged in business and everything will also work out for me; Tired of these fool bosses, tomorrow I quit and open my own business! Belief Block #1

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Block of beliefs №2 * And, on the contrary, you are READY to start a business, if you think like this: I am very good at doing business demanded by the “market” and on its basis I want to open my own business; I am aware that in the beginning large investments in a business are very risky, and only free money I can invest in a business, but I will not borrow it, since the risk of losing money without business experience is very high;

6 slide

Description of the slide:

My business requires a lot of time, and in order to develop it, I must have a cash reserve or source of income until my project brings tangible income; Having started my business, I will no longer have bosses and controllers who guide me in my work, and I need to become an organized person now enough to act independently and achieve success in entrepreneurship. *

7 slide

Description of the slide:

If you are dominated by beliefs from block number 1, do not rush to get into a fight. After all, most likely, such judgments indicate the emotionality of your decisions and underestimation of the risks that arise when starting your own business. The beliefs that prevail in your head from block #2 indicate that you are fully aware of what a business is and are going to take a responsible approach to its start and further development. 7

8 slide

Description of the slide:

How to start your business so as not to burn out - 10 iron rules! 1 Never take loans to open a business if you have no experience; 2 Before opening a business, take off your “rose-colored glasses” and ask yourself the question: “What will I lose if I fail”?; 3 Be prepared for different scenarios, consider both an optimistic scenario and a pessimistic one; 4 In no case do not open a business with money intended for other strategic goals in your life (education of children, payments on loans, treatment, etc.); 5 Carefully study the market and your capabilities, that is, the resources you have to start your own business; 8

9 slide

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6 Do not get involved in obscure or "super profitable" projects that require serious investments; 7 If possible, talk to experienced entrepreneurs who are successful in business and take note of their advice; 8Start a business in a field you know; 9 Plan upcoming actions in writing and clearly articulate each stage that you have to go through to achieve the goal; 10 Be optimistic and do not stop at the first difficulties! How to start your business so as not to burn out - 10 iron rules! 9

10 slide

Description of the slide:

How to start your own business from scratch * Step 1. Determine your value Write a list of 10 points, these are the skills that you feel you are better than others. Once this list is complete, consider what things you are good at that you really enjoy doing.

11 slide

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Step 2. We analyze the market and choose a niche for the future project * Study the activities of successful companies in the region and identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to further develop competitive advantages by working for themselves.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Step 3. We draw up an action plan (business plan) * 1) In one of the local centers for the development of entrepreneurship (usually these centers are under the auspices of the local CCI (chambers of commerce and industry) or the Ministry of Economic Development 2) Municipal Fund for the Development of Small Business; 3) Internet resources: -Federal portal of small and medium business; - Portal of business plans for starting a business; 4) professional firms providing business plan development services (see newspaper and Internet advertisements). 5) Independently using the official methodology for drawing up a business plan.

13 slide

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Step 4. Register as an individual entrepreneur 1 Fill out the Application form Р21001; 2 We pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles; 3 We take the TIN and passport, make copies of them; 4 We bring documents to the registration authority (tax office) or register through the website of the Federal Tax Service (; 5. We wait 5 days and come for ready-made registration documents. *

14 slide

Business plan has many definitions, but in short, this is a step-by-step instruction to bring any business idea to life. Planning a future business or improving an existing enterprise is not only a basic requirement for investors, creditors and partners, but also a necessity for a businessman.
Drawing up a business plan implies a deep and accurate analysis of all aspects of the future enterprise, and this allows you to turn the idea into specific goals and figures. And yet, a business plan is always an unfinished book, because in the process of changing economic conditions, the competitive environment, the investment market, you can always make adjustments to successfully promote your business.

Any business idea can become a successful business if the future entrepreneur clearly understands what he needs to implement his plans. It is the business plan that is the starting point for starting a business, which makes it possible to assess the real state of affairs, study the market and competitors, give an adequate assessment of your capabilities, and think about how to make your business unique, and therefore in demand.

Basic principles for preparing a business plan

So what should must be in the business plan .

1) Summary of the project. This is a concise description of a business idea, a vision of development and tools to achieve results. Also, the summary should display data on what advantages you see in your business in comparison with other players in the market. In a word, this section should give a brief description of your business idea.

2) Information about the company. Here it is necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise, form of ownership, legal and actual address of the company, describe the structure of the enterprise.

It is also necessary to describe the goods or services that you are going to produce or sell in the market.

Specify the main goals of the enterprise.

3) Market analysis.
This part involves considering the conditions in which you are going to enter the market - the competitive environment, the demand, what price you are going to charge, and how much profit you are going to make in the next three years. It is also necessary to indicate which particular advantages of your products or services can become especially attractive to consumers.

4) Product. This part should contain a detailed description of the future goods or services that you will offer to the consumer. You also need to indicate what target audience your activity will be aimed at, indicate future suppliers, partners, contractors and other counterparties with whom you plan to cooperate.

5) Development strategy. This section involves a description of the tools for the development of the future enterprise - growth rates, advertising, possible expansion.

6) Tools for the work of the enterprise. In this chapter, you need to reflect information about what equipment you are going to use, how to package the goods, deliver them, and if these are services, then where you will provide them and by what means.

Also, this section should include information about your team - from management to auxiliary workers.

7) Financial analysis. This section is business plan key , which should be the rationale for your idea in numbers. Here it is necessary to analyze and calculate all the costs associated with the organization of the enterprise, its location, maintenance costs, payment for the work of employees, settlements with suppliers, etc. You need to take into account everything, up to buying a pack of paper.

Also in this section, include information about your actions in case of debt from partners, buyers or suppliers. What debt recovery schemes are you going to use, and how you can protect yourself from such situations.

8) Accompanying documents. This is certainly not a section, but an important component of a business plan. It is necessary to attach all documents related directly to the enterprise as a legal entity, lease agreements, resumes, job descriptions, etc.

Common mistakes in business plans

Examples of business plans
can be browsed endlessly, but a beginner may not always be able to main disadvantages of a business plan. Often, a business idea does not get implemented because it is absolutely impossible to see the main essence and advantages of the future enterprise in the business plan.

So let's consider major mistakes that inexperienced businessmen allow while working on a business plan:

  • Unnecessary information. Often business plans are written in such a way that behind the description of the professional skills of employees, information about the business itself is lost, or the story about competitors turns into an essay “Who today offers the same goods as mine and what a fine fellow I am, what can I do better (or cheaper )". In fact, a list of competitors is enough, a couple of words about the pros and cons of their work, pricing policy and an indication of your advantages over them.
  • Unsubstantiated figures . As mentioned earlier, financial analysis is essential for a business plan, so all calculations must be made on the basis of real numbers. Of course, it’s easier and faster to estimate “by eye”, but if you seriously decide to do your business, then remember that accuracy loves any business.

In order for an investor to be interested in you, work hard to ensure that everyone the figures in the business plan were reasonable. Keep in mind that investors and lenders go into negotiations prepared, since it is their money that is at stake. And, in the event of even a slight uncertainty about the reality of your calculations, you can forget about investing in your business.

  • Vague information about goals and tools to achieve them . This problem arises, as a rule, when there is an idea, but there is no vision of its implementation, or, this vision has an unfinished form. Roughly speaking, if the future businessman has not thought through everything to the end.

A business plan must disclose a list of specific goals and ways to achieve them, work with the target audience, assess its solvency, clearly define the place in the market that you plan to take, and who exactly will be your main competitor. Specify what is the basis for such conclusions (analysis, market research, survey, etc.).

  • Exceeded expected result . Often, when calculating the potential profitability of a future business, the dreams of entrepreneurs take precedence over real numbers. You should not get carried away with what you want, but it is better to honestly look at reality. If adequate figures are taken into account in the financial analysis, then the expected financial result will also have a real form.

Don't try to impress creditors, partners and investors with a profit of 500%. Believe me, they will calculate your result much faster and more accurately in their head, because their experience and knowledge will be greater than yours. And if the presented idea is worthwhile, even if not profitable from the first day, but promising in the future, it will not be ignored.

Sample business plan

So let's consider Sample business plan for a cafe good time ».

  1. Summary .

Name - Cafe "Goodtime".

Legal form - Limited Liability Company.

Location - Kyiv

Services provided - Cafe, bar, karaoke, celebrations, trainings, seminars.

Working hours - 8.00-23.00 without breaks and days off.

Staff - 1 manager, 2 administrators, 1 bartender, 4 waiters, 2 cooks, 1 art director, 1 cleaner, 2 dishwashers.

The required starting capital is UAH 500,000.00.

Expenses per month - UAH 197,000.00.

The planned return on investment is 18 months.

Competition is high

Demand is high

Planned income per month - UAH 180,000.00.

Planned consumption - UAH 120,000.00.

The planned net profit is UAH 60,000.00.

  1. Cafe services and goods .

Cafe Goodtime will provide the following services:

1) Cafe, bar services.

2) Conducting trainings, seminars.

3) Theme parties.

4) Karaoke services.

5) Providing Wi-Fi for visitors.

6) Separate playroom for children.

Goods that the Goodtime cafe will sell:

1) Confectionery products of own production.

2) Semi-finished products of own production.

3) Lunch / dinner with home delivery or "to go".

4) Sale of coffee and tea by weight.

  1. The target audience .

The work of the cafe is focused on people aged 18-55 with an average income and above average. They should be interested in spending time in a cozy atmosphere, with the opportunity to participate in interesting programs, perform songs in karaoke. Each client should generate income in the amount of 50-250 UAH.

Also, the planned consumers of services are small firms that are interested in holding events for small groups of 10-30 people.

  1. Market promotion methods .

1) Distribution of flyers-invitations to the opening.

  1. Customer retention tools .

1) An interesting menu, the possibility of preparing dishes under the order of customers.

2) Promotions, discounts for regular customers.

3) Holding interesting themed parties.

4) Gifts for regular customers in the form of desserts, drinks.

5) Service at the highest level.

  1. Competitors .

Cafe "Goodtime" will be opened in the center of the sleeping area, where there are also 4 cafes of a similar level. But, our cafe will have the following advantages:

1) Availability of karaoke;

2) The presence of a children's playroom;

3) Possibility of ordering food at home;

4) Thematic evenings.

5) The location of the cafe has a convenient entrance and a parking place.

  1. Action plan for opening a cafe .

1) Market analysis.

2) Team selection.

3) Repair of the premises.

4) Purchase of the necessary equipment and inventory for work.

5) Elaboration of the menu and a plan for upcoming events.

6) Registration of activities and obtaining all necessary permits.

8) Checking the cafe for performance.

9) Opening.

  1. The financial analysis .

One-time costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment and inventory - UAH 350,000.00.
  2. Repair of the premises - UAH 150,000.00.

Total: UAH 500,000.00

Recurring costs:

  1. Rent – ​​UAH 50,000.00
  2. Salary - 48 000.00 UAH.
  3. Utilities, Internet - UAH 8,000.00.
  4. Purchase of products - UAH 70,000.00.
  5. Taxes and fees - UAH 21,000.00.

Total: UAH 197,000.00

Payback period:

Provided that the cafe will be visited by 50 people a day and the income from each will be 150 UAH, the payback period will come in 18 months.

50 people *150 UAH*30 days =225,000.00 UAH

UAH 225,000.00 – UAH 197,000.00 = UAH 28,000.00

UAH 500,000.00/UAH 28,000.00 = 17.86 ≈18 months.


Subject to the competent implementation of the idea and the effective work of the advertising company, the administration of the cafe and the art director, you can count on profit after the first month of work. Considering that the cafe opens in autumn, attendance is expected to be high in the next 6-9 months. In order to retain customers in the summer, it is possible to open a summer site in the future.

So, it is possible to draw up a business plan yourself. Here is a simplified version, due to the fact that it concerns production issues. Also, keep in mind that this is just an example, so these numbers are very approximate. If you decide to take it as a basis, conduct a thorough analysis of the financial side of the issue yourself.

And yet, if there is no confidence in the issue of business planning, then you can always use the services of professionals who will work your idea well and turn it into quality business plan.

But, most importantly, persistently move in the direction of your goal and do not despair, because mistakes are always possible. The most important thing in business is not that you cannot make mistakes, but the ability to quickly navigate the situation and choose the right direction for solving problems.