Speech etiquette presentation. Russian speech etiquette

Lesson on the culture of speech for students in grade 9 " Speech etiquette"

Given extracurricular activity addressed to teachers of the Russian language and literature and class teachers of grades 8-10. I held this event in the 9th grade as part of the subject week of the Russian language. But it can also be done within class hour. The material is given in a playful and theatrical form, which makes it possible to avoid moralizing, which teenagers do not accept.

Lesson on the culture of speech "Speech etiquette" (9th grade)

Lesson objectives:
Cognitive: students learn about the role of greetings in communication, about how different nations greeted each other in the past; about the requirements of modern speech etiquette (the lesson is based on the fact that students have a zero level of cognitive activity: they are passive, hardly get involved in work, expect the usual pressure from the teacher; their activity increases gradually);
Developing: develops skills in the correct use of greeting and gratitude formulas, depending on the situation;
Educational: increasing the level of speech culture. Scene 1(option 1)

Passer-by 2. 0, it's not far. Go straight, then the first street to the right. There's a square on the corner, you'll see right away.
Passer-by 1. Thank you very much.
Passer-by 2. Please don't thank me.
Scene 1 (option 2):
Passer-by 1. Please tell me how to get to Gorky Street?
Passer-by 2. What?
Passer-by 1. Excuse me, I asked how to get to Gorky Street.
Passer-by 2. First to the right.
Psychologist. A harsh tone is a sign of rudeness and bad manners. Nothing gives us the right to be impolite in conversation - neither feeling unwell, nor trouble at work, nor fatigue, nor haste. Decent style of conversation with any person - calm, friendly, tactful.
Scene 2
The girl is sitting on the bus. She is constantly twirling and dangling her legs. Her neighbor, an old woman, moves away. She is scared. that the girl will soil her coat:
“Baby, please sit still. This is not how you behave.
- What did I do? - the girl objected.. - Just think! Please, I will sit still.
And she, pouting, looks out the window.
- Both the girl and the old woman uttered the same word - please. But was this word pronounced with the same intonation? (Listen to answers)
- So, friendly intonation, facial expressions, smile also play an important role in communication.
*** True politeness lies in a benevolent attitude towards people. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)
Now look and evaluate a few dating situations. You will hear only the first words that will help start the conversation. In a situation of acquaintance, be extremely polite, do not allow any swagger and remember that a sense of humor helps out in so many life situations.
Scene 3
Youth. Girl, can I meet you?
Young woman. Ham!
Psychologist. When a guy comes up to you and tries to formulate something that, in his opinion, is very witty, do not make a face and do not mockingly evaluate his "stupidity", it is better to give him some allowance for excitement, smile and help him. If you decide to refuse, do it nicely. The higher the girl's intelligence and better upbringing, the more tactful her refusal. At the very least, this is in your interests, because a rude refusal provokes reciprocal rudeness and attracts the attention of others. And the reaction of others is unequivocal - they pester her, which means she deserves it. And if she is also rude, then she is a rude woman and does not have to communicate. When refusing, thank the guy at least with your eyes for the fact that he marked you, for the good words that he managed to say to you. If he reads it in your eyes and in your smile, you will part as friends and both are in a good mood.
Dear girls, do not be surprised at the attempt to get to know you, at least look: who is he? what is he? What if this is a good person?
Scene 4
Young people come up to the girl, and everyone starts a conversation.
Young man 1. Good afternoon! Everyone knows that it is very indecent to address a person without knowing his name. Let's get to know each other, and then it will be easier for us to talk. My name is Dima. And what is your name?
Youth 2. I need your help. My sister has a birthday. I want to buy something, but I don't know what. Advise!
Young man 3. Good afternoon. I have a completely traditional question for you. I am interested in: how would you refuse that young man who would come up to you, smile and say: “Hello. Let's get acquainted".
Presenter 1. Please offer your options for the dating situation.
Presenter 2. Another situation related to speech etiquette is talking on the phone. Look at the staging of N. Nosov's story "Telephone" performed by your comrades. Be careful, because after watching we will discuss the Speech Mistakes of the characters.
Scene 5
Bear. Hello! Hello!
Kolka. Hello!
Bear. Do you hear anything?
Kolka. Heard. Do you hear well?
Kolka. Okay. And you?
Bear. And I feel good! Let's talk.
Kolka. Let's. What to talk about?
Bear. Well, about... About anything... It's good to have a phone, isn't it?
Kolka. Truth.
Bear. Now, if it wasn't, it would be bad... Well...
Kolka. What's "well"?
Bear. Why don't you talk?
Kolka. Why aren't you talking?
Bear. Yes, I don't know what to talk about. It always happens like this: when you need to talk, you don’t know what to talk about, and when you don’t need to talk, you talk and talk like that ...
Host 1. What do you guys think, what was the main mistake Bears and Kolki? (It was a conversation about nothing)
Psychologist. There are situations in which it is not recommended to use the telephone. It should be at a personal meeting, and not by phone, to express condolences, congratulate on family holidays, thank for gifts, invite to a wedding. When starting a telephone conversation, identify yourself and do not simply ask: “Who is talking?”, “Who is on the phone? ..” In response, you will most likely hear: “Who do you need?” In order to avoid this ridiculous conversation, after you introduce yourself, immediately say with whom and on what issue you want to talk.
When using your neighbors' home phone, try not to take advantage of their kindness and be respectful of their time. Moreover, you should not give your friends the phone number of neighbors as your own. Good neighborly relations can be overshadowed by a single stupid or unsuccessful call from one of your friends.
And if on your phone they ask either a laundry, or a meat-packing plant, or an unknown accounting department? You might get a little bored with this, but it's still impolite to be rude, hang up, or be "witty" with phrases like "No, it's a zoo." It is better to calmly explain that the person has the wrong number, because most often in such cases it is not people who are to blame, but the machine.
Even if you are very angry, do not shout, threaten, be rude on the phone. Any conversation on the phone must be extremely polite.
- You said to the counter: "Hello!" Is it a lot or a little? (Children express their opinions)
- On the one hand, it seems like a lot. But on the other hand, everyone knows how unpleasantly it strikes us and even hurts the absence of the expected greeting. Imagine that your good friend, seeing you, will pass by without saying hello. You will involuntarily perceive this with anxiety, because to stop saying hello means a desire to interrupt good relations, acquaintance. Thus, "Hello" indicates a readiness for communication and suggests making it friendly; the absence of politeness formulas may also be significant - they forgot to say goodbye, they didn’t say “thank you” - they will say about you that you are not polite, or they will decide that you were offended.
You can greet and say goodbye in different ways: you can nod your head, you can wave your hand, smile. Previously, bows were accepted (at the same time they took off their hats) and curtsy, women kissed their hands - and now these gestures are used in certain situations: for example, in a strictly formal setting or theater. Hungarians still have one of the most common greetings: “I kiss your hands.”
There are gestures characteristic of some people:
males in Russia, greeting, shake hands with each other;
Europeans often embrace as a sign of greeting;
the Chinese did not shake hands with each other, but with themselves; nowadays, with such a gesture, the speaker greets the audience;
the Egyptians put their palms to their foreheads (today this gesture has “taken root” among the military);
Indians folded their palms in front of their chests;
the Laplanders greeted each other with their noses.
- And you guys, what formulas do you use in speech?
The choice of formula is determined on a scale of “above - below”, “friend or foe”.
Assignment to the class: greeting formulas are written on the board, you must determine their use:
*** hello (in any situation),
good evening (greeting in the evening),
hello (a casual, friendly greeting, more often among young people),
great "in (friendly, rudely reduced),
I greet you, my respect (official, used by older people),
chao-cocoa (acceptable when saying goodbye to loved ones, but not appropriate when saying goodbye, for example, to a teacher).

3. Speech situations

1. A young man is walking down the street and meets a classmate or girl he knows. Who should say hello first? What formula can be used? (A man always greets a woman first, a student with a teacher, a junior with a senior.)
2. At school, an unfamiliar teacher comes towards you who does not teach in your class. Is it necessary to say hello? If you say hello, how will you do it?
3. The teacher in your class is busy (talking, checking notebooks). How will you greet him?
4. You are driving in a crowded vehicle and see a friend who is far away from you. Your actions.
5. Is it obligatory to say hello to the seller, librarian, cashier in the store?
6. An 11th grader is walking towards a 9th grader. Who should say hello first? (Here I would like to quote the words from the French military regulations of past years: “Of two officers of equal rank, the first one is always the one who is more polite and well-mannered.”)
7. You entered the room where the company of younger schoolchildren sits. Who should say hello first?
8. A complete stranger greeted you on the street. Your actions?
9. You meet your friend, whom you have already greeted several times during the day. Your actions? 1) "Let's compliment each other"
- Guys, imagine we are now in a fairy-tale land and are participating in a praise contest. Choose from compliments for each of the fairy-tale characters one to tell him (her) pleasant, but at the same time truthful words. (Cinderella, Koschei the Deathless, The Snow Queen, Winnie the Pooh)
2) "Polite criticism"
Politely criticize the heroes of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane"
3) "Comforters"
Imagine that Kolobok ran away from his grandfather and grandmother, and they hoped so much for him. And he doesn't care about them. Grandfather and grandmother were very upset. You need to comfort them.
You need to console the donkey Eeyore, who lost his tail and was very upset.
5. Homework: Listen to the following text: “May your beard never thin out and never be born such a genie who will drive you into a lamp!” What is he? (Joking wish). Approaching New Year, at home you will have to make congratulations and wishes to your relatives and friends in two versions: playful and serious, using speech etiquette formulas.

Presentation on the topic: Speech etiquette

This presentation will help teachers conduct speech development lessons. 1 slide about passing information to each other, messages, prompts, questions or other speech actions.

Slide 2 makes you memorize polite words that are necessary when people communicate with each other. Slide 3 teaches words of gratitude, shows how diverse they are and how you can use them in speech. Slide 4 shows how diverse manifestations of rudeness are. This is arrogance, arrogance and arrogance, this is an insult, insulting. It is impolite to fail to comply with the rules of speech etiquette (they pushed and did not apologize), the wrong choice of expression in this situation, and more. How to teach students not to be rude and impolite.

The next slide talks about global scientific and technical processes and what they bring into our lives, respectively, and the speech activation of the vast sections of the population. In conclusion, Ushinsky's words "... The nature of the country and the history of the people, reflected in the human soul, were expressed in the word ..."

The presentation is accompanied by live animation, beautiful colorful illustrations.

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"presentation "Speech etiquette""

Speech etiquette.

Completed by Sykchina T.P.

Russian Language and Literature Teacher

In communication, people convey each other

friend this or that information,

certain meanings communicate something, encourage something, ask about something,

perform certain speech actions.

Not one or two polite words,

Remember and know these miracle words:

Good morning. Good afternoon.





Bon Appetit.


Thank you, thank you;

I am grateful to you;

I am grateful to you;

I want to thank;

I would like to thank…

Let me thank you;

accept my gratitude, etc.

The manifestations of rudeness are manifold.

This is arrogance, arrogance

and arrogance

it is an insult, an insult.

Failure to comply is impolite

rules of speech etiquette

(pushed and didn't apologize)

wrong choice of expression

in this situation and more.

To global scientific and technical processes,

covering the vast majority of regions

of the world, we have added purely specific -

democratization of public life,

social and, accordingly, speech activation

vast segments of the population

(with all the ensuing processes

in the language itself).

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “In their language, the people,

over many millennia and in millions

individuals, put together their thoughts and their feelings.

The nature of the country and the history of the people, reflecting

in the human soul, expressed in the word.

The man disappeared, but the word he created remained

immortal and inexhaustible treasury


slide 1

slide 2

“Etiquette (from French etiquette - label, label) is a set of rules of conduct relating to the outward manifestation of attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of communication, manners and clothing)”

slide 3

Ethics of speech communication Speech ethics are the rules of proper speech behavior based on moral norms, national and cultural traditions. The ethics of verbal communication begins with the observance of the conditions for successful verbal communication: with a benevolent attitude towards the addressee, demonstrating interest in the conversation, “understanding understanding” - attunement to the world of the interlocutor, sincere expression of one’s opinion, sympathetic attention.

slide 4

Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas of polite communication. Speech etiquette has national specifics. IN Russian society Of particular value are tact, courtesy, tolerance, benevolence, restraint. The word is an arrow;

slide 5

Tact is ethical standard, requiring the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him

slide 6

Courtesy lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, the readiness to inform him in detail on all topics essential for the conversation.

Slide 7

Tolerance consists in being calm about possible differences of opinion, avoiding harsh criticism of the interlocutor's views.

Slide 8

Goodwill is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor, and in the entire construction of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

Slide 9

Main ethical principle speech communication - the observance of parity - finds its expression, starting with a greeting and ending with a farewell, throughout the conversation.

slide 10

The components of the act of communication are the initial formulas of communication the main part of the formula used at the end of the communication Formulas of presentation, official and informal greetings Formulas of farewell Formulas of wishes, invitations, congratulations, requests, advice, recommendations, refusals

slide 11

Representation formulas - Let me get to know you. - Let's get acquainted. - Let's get to know each other. - I would like to meet you.

slide 12

When contacting the institution by phone or in person, it becomes necessary to introduce yourself: - My surname is Sergeev. - Allow me to introduce myself. - My name is Valery Pavlovich.

slide 13

Presentation - Spouses are presented together: last name, first name of the wife, first name of the husband. - According to all the rules, it is necessary to represent: junior seniors; subordinate to superiors; boy to girl; boyfriend or girlfriend (regardless of return) to parents. - If someone is introduced to a man, then the man must stand up, but the woman can sit, except when an older woman is introduced to her. - When introducing someone, you should not only give his last name, but also briefly characterize it. - If we introduce two people of the same age, then first we call the one who is closer to us (relative).

slide 14

slide 15

We greet - In the room, the first one who enters greets. - The person passing by is the first to say hello, regardless of age, when he overtakes someone. - If you saw a friend in the window or on the balcony, you should say hello with a slight bow, and not shout to the whole street.

slide 16

- When you make a request to strangers, it is customary to say hello. - We greet and say goodbye to table neighbors in a cafe or restaurant, a train compartment (but not with the entire reserved seat car), at the doctor's, in the office, in the theater box, in a small home store. - A man greets a woman first, even if he is in the company of other women. A woman greets an older woman first.

slide 17

Invitation - Let me invite you ... - Come to the holiday (anniversary, meeting). - We'll be glad to see you. Congratulations: - Allow me to congratulate you on ... - Please accept my sincere (cordial, warm) congratulations ... - Warmly congratulate ...

slide 18

Request - Do me a favor ... - If it’s not difficult for you (if it doesn’t make it difficult for you) ... - Be kind ... - Can I ask you ... - I beg you very much ... Advice and suggestions - Let me recommend you ... - Let me draw your attention to ... - I would suggest you...

slide 19

The wording of the refusal is (I) cannot (unable, unable) to help (allow, assist). - It is not possible at present. - Understand, now is not the time to make such a request. - I'm sorry, but we (I) cannot fulfill your request. - I have to refuse (prohibit, do not allow).

slide 20

slide 21

Poetic game * Even an ice block will melt from the word of a warm thank you * The old stump will turn green when it hears a good day * If we can no longer have it, we will say thank you to mom * When we are scolded for pranks, we say we are sorry please * Both in France and Denmark on farewell say goodbye * A polite and developed boy says hello when meeting

slide 22

If at the beginning of the century the universal methods of address were a citizen and a citizen, then in the second half of the 20th century dialectal southern forms of address based on gender - a woman, a man - became widespread. IN Lately often in casual colloquial speech, when referring to an unfamiliar woman, the word lady is used, but when referring to a man, the word master is used only in an official, semi-official, club setting.

slide 23

Respect for the participants in the conversation In the traditions of Russian speech etiquette, it is forbidden to talk about those present in the third person (he, she, they), thus, all those present find themselves in one “observable” deictic space of the speech situation “I - You (You) - Here - Now".

slide 24

Interruption. Counter remarks Polite behavior in verbal communication prescribes listening to the interlocutor's remarks to the end. However, the high degree of emotionality of the participants in communication, the demonstration of their solidarity, consent, the introduction of their assessments "in the course" of the partner's speech is an ordinary phenomenon of dialogues and polylogues of idle speech genres, stories and stories - memories. According to researchers, interruptions are typical for men. In addition, interruption occurs when the communicative interest is lost.

slide presentation

Slide text:

Slide text: Explanatory dictionary of Russian speech etiquette Speech etiquette is a system of specific language signs (words, stable verbal formulas) and the rules for their use, adopted in a given society at a given time in order to establish speech contact between interlocutors and maintain friendly, polite, benevolent or official relations in accordance with the speech situation.

Slide text: Explanatory dictionary of Russian speech etiquette Speech etiquette is a conditional language of politeness, subordination, which has its own dictionary (sign system) and grammar (rules of decent speech behavior in society)

Slide text: Russian. Encyclopedia Speech Etiquette is a collection of all etiquette speech means and the rules for their use in certain situations.

Slide text: Speech etiquette formula

Slide text: As it was: from the history of speech etiquette A Russian proverb says: “An extraordinary person cannot live with people”

Slide text: Testament of Vladimir Monomakh Leaving the Russian land to reign to his sons, he bequeathed to them: "to have a pure and immaculate soul, a thin body, a meek conversation and keep the word of the Lord." ... Keep silent in the presence of the old, listen to the wise, obey the elders... ... do not rage with a word, do not blaspheme in conversation... ... do not laugh much, be ashamed of the elders... ... do not let a person through without greeting him, and speak a good word to him...

Slide text: “Domostroy” “... If you happen to greet visiting people, whether they are merchants, foreigners, other guests, whether they are called, or God-given: rich or poor, monks or priests, then the owner and hostess should be friendly and due honor repay according to the rank and dignity of each person. Politely and gratefully, honor each of them with an affectionate word, talk to everyone and greet with a kind word, eat and drink, or put it on the table, or serve it from your hands with special greetings, but highlight each with something and please everyone.

Slide #10

Slide text:

Slide #11

Slide text: Task Remember and write proverbs and sayings, one way or another related to the topic of speech etiquette (word, language, speech)

Slide #12

Slide text: The current state of speech etiquette National specificity and level of culture Fenya and profanity

Slide #13

Slide text: National specifics

Slide #14

Slide text: The level of human culture

Slide #15

Slide text: The current state of speech etiquette Slang (from English slang) is a set of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various human associations (professional, social, age groups).

Slide #16

Slide text: The current state of Fenya's speech etiquette is a language that was formed in Russia in the Middle Ages and was originally used by wandering offen merchants. The Ofeni created a new language by inventing new roots and leaving the traditional Russian morphology and used the language to communicate "not for other people's ears." Subsequently, the language was adopted by the criminal environment, and at present the Fenya is called thieves' jargon (to speak such a language is to use a hair dryer).

Slide #17

Slide text: The current state of speech etiquette Excerpt No. 1 “Cool Dnieper in cool weather, when, roaming and showing off, it saws through forests and mountains. Doesn't bend, won't turn. You hatch your zenks, you open the mitten and you don’t cut whether he saws or does not saw. A rare bird with a schnobel will comb to the middle, and if it reaches the middle, it will hoot so much that it will drop its hooves” Excerpt No. 2 “The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when it freely and smoothly rushes through forests and mountains full of its waters. It won't flicker, it won't rumble. You look and you don’t know whether its majestic beauty goes or does not go into the distance ... A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper ... "

Slide #18

Slide text: Qualities of speech etiquette Tactfulness Precautionary Tolerance Friendliness Constraint Using addresses

Slide #19

Slide text: Task Each group receives 2 cards on which qualities are written. Within 5 minutes, prepare an explanation of each quality.

Slide #20

Slide text: Tactfulness Courtesy is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him. lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, the readiness to inform him in detail on all topics essential for the conversation. Qualities of speech etiquette

Slide #21

Slide text: Tolerance Consistency consists in being calm about possible differences of opinion, avoiding harsh criticism of the interlocutor's views. You should respect the opinions of other people, try to understand why they have this or that point of view. the ability to calmly respond to unexpected or tactless questions and statements of the interlocutor. Qualities of speech etiquette

Slide #22

Slide text: Goodwill The use of appeals is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor, and in the entire construction of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words. the most massive and brightest etiquette sign. Qualities of speech etiquette

Slide #23

Slide text: YOU or YOU?

Slide #24

Slide text: Task Make the rules of speech etiquette in the form of a table using handouts.

Slide #25

Slide text: Call me, call ...

Slide #26

Slide text: Task Dialogue “Why was mom offended?” Masha: Hello, Katya, is that you? Mom: No, this is not Katya. Who is asking her? Masha: Yes, my friend. Where is Katya? Mom: She's not at home. What to give her? Masha: Here is a goat, she promised to wait for me, but she faded away somewhere. Mom: I'm sorry, I can't talk to you like that anymore.

Slide #27

Slide text: Working on mistakes Mom: Hello. Listen to you. Masha: Hello, Katya's classmate, Masha, is bothering you. Mom: Hello, I'm listening to you. Masha: Can I invite your daughter to the phone? Mom: Unfortunately, she's not at home right now. What to give her? Masha: Don't worry, there's nothing urgent, we just have to make an appointment with her. Tell me, what time is it convenient for me to call to find her at home? Mom: Call in two hours. I'll tell her you called. Masha: Thank you. I will definitely call back.

Slide #28

Slide text: Rules for talking on the phone First, say hello, name yourself, and only then make a request. Do not dial a number from memory unless you are sure it is correct. Do not call before 9 am and after 10 pm (except in cases of an urgent message or if you know for sure that your call will be expected and have not gone to bed). If during a call the phone is accidentally disconnected, the caller calls back. Private conversations are inconvenient to conduct in the presence of other persons. Therefore, when calling on a personal matter, first ask if it is possible to speak. Do not call unless absolutely necessary to work on a personal matter. At work, speak briefly on the phone. A telephone conversation should not be more than 3-5 minutes. The person who called should end the conversation. If the caller has the wrong number, answer politely. It often happens that not a person is to blame, but automation. According to the rules of Russian speech etiquette, the subscriber who is being called may not identify himself.

Slide text: A word is nothing but a distant and weakened echo of a thought. Gustave Flaubert Speech Etiquette

slide 2

“Etiquette (from French etiquette - label, label) is a set of rules of conduct relating to the outward manifestation of attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of communication, manners and clothing)"

slide 3

Ethics of speech communication

Speech ethics are the rules of proper speech behavior based on moral norms, national and cultural traditions.

The ethics of verbal communication begins with the observance of the conditions for successful verbal communication: with a benevolent attitude towards the addressee, demonstrating interest in the conversation, “understanding understanding” - attunement to the world of the interlocutor, sincere expression of one’s opinion, sympathetic attention.

slide 4

Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas of polite communication.

Speech etiquette has national specifics. In Russian society, of particular value are

  • tact
  • courtesy
  • tolerance
  • benevolence
  • consistency

The word is an arrow, if you shoot it, you won't return it

slide 5

Tact is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him

slide 6

Foresight lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes.

interlocutor, readiness to inform him in detail on all topics essential for the conversation.

Slide 7

Tolerance consists in being calm about possible differences of opinion,

avoid harsh criticism of the views of the interlocutor.

Slide 8

Goodwill is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor, and in the entire construction of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

Slide 9

The main ethical principle of speech communication - respect for parity - finds its expression, starting with a greeting and ending with a farewell, throughout the conversation.

Slide 10

Components of the act of communication

  • initial communication formulas
  • main part
  • formulas used at the end of communication
  • representation formulas,
  • formal and informal greetings
  • Goodbye Formulas
  • wish formulas,
  • invitations,
  • congratulations,
  • requests
  • council,
  • recommendations,
  • failure
  • slide 11

    Representation formulas

    Allow me to get to know you.

    Let's get acquainted.

    Let's get acquainted.

    I would like to get to know you.

    slide 12

    When contacting the institution by phone or in person, it becomes necessary to introduce yourself:

    My surname is Sergeev.

    Let me introduce myself.

    My name is Valery Pavlovich.

    slide 13


    Spouses are presented together: last name, first name of the wife, first name of the husband. - According to all the rules, it is necessary to represent: younger elders; subordinate to superiors; boy to girl; friend or girlfriend (regardless of return) to parents. - If someone is introduced to a man, then the man should stand up, but the woman can sit, except when an older woman is introduced to her. - Introducing someone, you should not only give his last name, but also briefly describe it. - If we introduce two people of the same age, then first we call the one who is closer to us (relative).

    Slide 14

    greeting formulas


    Good afternoon!


    slide 15


    In the room, the one who enters is the first to greet.

    The person passing by is the first to say hello, regardless of age, when he overtakes someone. - If you see a friend in the window or on the balcony, you should greet with a slight bow, and not shout all over the street.

    slide 16

    When you make a request to strangers, it is customary to say hello. - We greet and say goodbye to our neighbors at the table in a cafe or restaurant, a train compartment (but not with the entire reserved seat car), at the doctor's, in the office, in the theater box, in a small home store .- A man greets a woman first, even if he is in the company of other women. A woman greets an older woman first.

    Slide 17


    Let me invite you...

    Come to the holiday (anniversary, meeting).

    We will be glad to see you.


    Allow me to congratulate you on…

    Please accept my sincere (cordial, warm) congratulations...

    Warm congratulations...

    Slide 18

    Do me a favor...

    If it doesn't bother you (if it doesn't bother you)...

    Be kind…

    May I ask you...

    I beg you...

    Tips & Suggestions

    Let me draw your attention to…

    I would suggest you...

    Slide 19

    Rejection wording

    - (I) cannot (unable, unable) to help (permit, assist).

    At present, this (do) is not possible.

    Understand, now is not the time to make such a request.

    I'm sorry, but we (I) cannot fulfill your request.

    I am forced to refuse (prohibit, do not allow).

    Slide 20

    Goodbye Formulas

    Till tomorrow.

    Until the evening.


    slide 21

    Poetic game

    * Even an ice block will melt from the word of warm thanks * The old stump will turn green when it hears a good day * If we can’t do it anymore, we’ll say thank you to mom * When we are scolded for pranks, we say we’re sorry, please * Both in France and Denmark say goodbye goodbye * A polite and developed boy says hello when meeting

    slide 22

    If at the beginning of the century the universal methods of address were a citizen and a citizen, then in the second half of the 20th century dialectal southern forms of address based on gender - a woman, a man - became widespread.

    Recently, often in casual colloquial speech, when referring to an unfamiliar woman, the word lady is used, but when referring to a man, the word master is used only in an official, semi-official, club setting.

    Formulas of circulation

    slide 23

    Respectful attitude towards the participants of the conversation

    In the traditions of Russian speech etiquette, it is forbidden to speak about those present in the third person (he, she, they), thus, all those present find themselves in one “observable” deictic space of the speech situation “I - You (You) - Here - Now".

    slide 24

    Interruption. Counter remarks

    Polite behavior in verbal communication prescribes listening to the interlocutor's remarks to the end.

    However, the high degree of emotionality of the participants in communication, the demonstration of their solidarity, consent, the introduction of their assessments "in the course" of the partner's speech is an ordinary phenomenon of dialogues and polylogues of idle speech genres, stories and stories - memories.

    According to researchers, interruptions are typical for men.

    In addition, interruption occurs when the communicative interest is lost.

    Slide 25

    "you" and "you"

    She replaced the empty "You" with a heartfelt "You" by saying a word.

    A.S. Pushkin.

    slide 26

    YOU are communication

    In Russian, you are widely used - communication in informal speech. A superficial acquaintance in some cases and a distant long-term relationship of old acquaintances in others is shown by the use of the polite "You". In addition, you - communication indicates respect for the participants in the dialogue; so, you - communication is typical for old friends, who have deep feelings of respect and devotion for each other. More often you - communication with a long acquaintance or friendship is observed among women.

    Slide 27

    You are communication

    Men of different social strata are more often inclined towards You - communication. Among uneducated and uncultured men, You - communication is considered the only acceptable form of social interaction.

    With the established relationship of you - communication, they attempt to deliberately reduce the social self-esteem of the addressee and impose you - communication. This is a destructive element of verbal communication that destroys communicative contact.

    Slide 28

    Turning to “you” indicates greater politeness:

    • To an unfamiliar, unfamiliar addressee
    • In a formal setting
    • With an emphatically polite, restrained attitude towards the addressee
    • To an equal and older (by age, position) addressee

    Turning to “You” indicates less politeness:

    • To a well-known addressee
    • In an informal setting
    • With a friendly, familiar, intimate attitude towards the addressee
    • To an equal and younger (by age, position) addressee
  • Slide 29

    Parity relations as the main component of communication do not cancel the choice of You - communication and You - communication, depending on the nuances social roles and psychological distances.

    The same participants in a conversation different situations may use the pronouns "you" and "you" in informal settings. This may indicate alienation, a desire to introduce elements of ritual address into the speech situation.

    slide 30

    Thus, speech etiquette allows you to establish the necessary contact with the interlocutor in a certain tone, in a different communication environment, reflect the different nature of the relationship of the communicants, etc.

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