Gogin Dmitry Yurievich.


The ONF turned its attention to the illegal privatization of real estate in Volgograd, in which the wife of the head of the Federal Agency for State Reserves in the Southern Federal District may be involved, the ONF told The Moscow Post correspondent. And the federal head of Rosrezerv was involved in a scandal involving the theft of 9 billion rubles.

Reserve at the defense level

As you know, the Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv), subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, is one of the most closed departments. And the point here is not even about secret strategic storage facilities, but in general - about the work of this department, and about the people who are responsible for this work.

In principle, Rosrezerv today is a modified version of the Soviet-style State Reserve, which was formed exclusively for the military needs of the USSR. Therefore, the main state task of Rosrezerv remained the same - ensuring the country’s mobilization readiness in case of war. That is, after the announcement of mobilization, Rosrezerv is obliged to ensure the transfer of industry to a war footing and organize the production of necessary products in the new conditions.

However, in the conditions of modern Russian reality, when all conflicts are limited to local wars, and the likelihood of a “big war” is low, many opposition politicians suspect that Rosrezerv has turned into a kind of “treasury” for “lovers of government orders.” In other words, food manufacturers, etc. are interested in selling their products to Rosrezerv, which inevitably gives rise to corruption!

"Popular Front" found theft

We are talking about the illegal privatization of part of the station square in the city of Volgograd and the placement of parking on this territory. According to deputy Starshinov, on July 12, 2003, a purchase and sale agreement was drawn up between NPF Nizhnevolzhskresurs LLC and two Russian citizens for the acquisition of a station plot. Transaction price for a plot of 4274 sq. m (this is approximately 1/4 of the entire station area) for parking in front of the station amounted to only 800 thousand rubles. One of the buyers of half the share was Irina Volkolupova, the wife of Evgeny Volkolupov, who had just left his post as head of the city prosecutor’s office at that moment.

Two days later, on July 14, 2003, NPF Nizhnevolzhskresurs LLC, having already sold the plot, re-sold the same property to MiR LLC. Then a cycle of lawsuits began regarding the right to property, although representatives of the ONF noted that this site, according to Russian law, can only belong to the state.

Lady from Rosrezerv

It is worth noting that Irina Volkolupova’s husband Evgeniy is the ex-prosecutor of Volgograd and the current head of the Federal Agency for State Reserves in the Southern Federal District!!!

Evgeny Volkolupov, head of Rosrezerv for the Southern Federal District

So, it seems that it was the high-ranking husband who could help Mrs. Volkolupova pull off this whole “swindle”!

“This story has a serious corruption component, abuse of power and regional criminal affiliations. It began under prosecutor Volkolupov, when, unexpectedly and miraculously, a plot of station area of ​​4,274 sq.m. turned out to be the property of his wife. And even despite the fact that the deal had already been concluded with violations, which was confirmed by the decision of the local court on the claim of the department of municipal property of the city of Volgograd, the plot still remained with the wife of the ex-prosecutor. She signed a lease agreement for this territory for 25 years, kiosks and parking appeared,” Starshinov told reporters.

“We will ensure that this corruption scheme is brought to light. Moreover, ex-prosecutor Volkolupov now heads Rosrezerv for the Southern Federal District and we plan to subsequently contact the Prosecutor General’s Office so that they check the cleanliness of the activities of their former employee. This trend among regional prosecutors disgraces the state and government agencies,” the deputy concluded, once again emphasizing the need to check Volkolupov’s activities.

Is Gogin lobbying for the interests of the Rotenbergs?

By the way, in addition to checking Mr. Volkolupov, ONF activists, it seems, should think about checking the activities of the federal head of Rosrezerv, Dmitry Gogin, who headed this department in 2009, replacing the head of Rosrezerv, Boris Evstratikov, who died in the crash of the Nevsky Express.

Little is known to the general public about Mr. Gogin’s activities. So he was born on August 23, 1961 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), from 1984 to 2002 he worked in management positions in enterprises in St. Petersburg.

Then, from 2002 to 2004, he was Deputy General Director of OJSC Russian Fuel Company (JSC Rostopprom) for Economics and Finance, and from 2004 to 2009 he served as General Director of OJSC Rostopprom.

Arkady Rotenberg, shareholder of OJSC Rostopprom

So, the shareholders of OJSC Rostopprom are the Rotenberg brothers, and this OJSC itself is serviced by their SMP bank. Moreover, according to St. Petersburg businessmen, Rosrezerv under Gogin entered the Rotenbergs’ sphere of influence. Rumor has it that Rosrezerv is supplied with products from distilleries controlled by Rotenberg and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom.

Now the former deputy head of the Rosrezerv department for the Siberian Federal District, Ilgiz Garifullin, is on trial, who was detained while receiving a kickback in the form of an elite Porsche Cayenne jeep. Still, he could receive bribes worth 120 million rubles. Some of the funds could go “upstream”.

The security forces counted as many as eleven criminal episodes in which Garifullin was involved. According to investigators, the former deputy head of the reserve in the Siberian Federal District traded in almost everything that was under his control. Including spare parts for cars and locomotives, wheel sets and rails, which were produced from the state mobilization reserve.

In the spring of 2016, Garifullin was finally caught when, for his help in concluding one of the contracts, he received his long-awaited SUV, made in Germany. Investigators believe the car was provided by an employee from the management of Lenpromtransproekt JSC.

After Garifullin was captured, the prosecutor's office filed a claim for damages. It turned out that the official registered millions of rubles and a large sum in foreign currency for his relatives, as well as a real fleet of cars, including a Porsche Panamera, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz GLK, Toyota Land Cruiser 200, and luxury watches Rolex, Patek Philippe, Breguet and other luxury attributes totaling 200 million rubles. It is clear that Garifullina could not buy everything with his official salary.

"Gog and Magog" by Rosrezerv.

The Federal Agency for State Reserves is supervised by Dmitry Gogin, who from 2002 to 2004 worked at the state-owned Russian Fuel Company (Rostopprom).

In 2004, Gogin was “promoted” to become the general director of Rostopprom, where his friend, billionaire Rotenberg, joined as a member of the board of directors. The company has been under state control since 1994, but after Gogin left, it turned out that the country owned only 72.75% of the shares. And the remaining shares are held by the Cyprus offshore Sanoder Alliance Build Limited, which may be controlled by Rotenberg.

And it seems that Gogin has not forgotten his friends the Rotenbergs, because there is information that Rosrezerv is supplied with products from distilleries controlled by Rotenberg and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom.

It is important to note here that for now it is difficult for the security forces to “undermine” Gogin, because Rosrezerv concludes most of the contracts under the heading of secrecy! This does not satisfy many, for example, the head of the National Anti-Corruption Committee (NAC) Kirill Kabanov, whose words were quoted by journalists: “when holding closed auctions, a corruption component can appear, since the auction process itself is opaque and hidden under the heading of secrecy.”

Antimonopoly officials also noted dubious purchases by Gogin’s department. Thus, in 2011, the FAS initiated a case against Rosrezerv. The fact is that a year earlier, Rosrezerv simply took and loaned out goods for free without paying their cost. But Rosrezerv did not have the right to “make decisions on the impact on the domestic grain market in the Russian Federation and provide state support to individual economic entities without the presence of acts of the Russian government.” But this did no harm to Dmitry Yuryevich.

Among these unnamed companies could be Vadim Moshkovich's Rusagro, which is actively working with Rosrezerv. But the owner of Rusagro is known for avoiding duties at all costs.

There is also direct cooperation between Rosrezerv and Moshkovich, which may play a role in rising sugar prices. Thus, the general director of Rusagro, Maxim Basov, said: “It happens that the prices of sugar in reserve exceed those in force at the time of delivery - this is due to the high volatility of sugar prices and the long period between the conclusion of contracts.” Rusagro, making an offer at a tender with deferred delivery, includes in the price the cost of storage, financing of reserves and hedging of price risks."

The Agro-line company, affiliated with Alexei Patrushev, the nephew of the head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, also makes money from transactions with Rosrezerv. Agro-Line is one of the major buyers of Rosrezerv products, thanks to which the company's turnover has reached 10 billion rubles. And the “trick” is that Rosrezerv sells products at prices 15-30% lower than the market price! The most interesting thing is that it is unknown how much and what goods the company’s reserve sells.

Gogin's "corruption vertical"?

They steal from Rosrezerv and break the law at almost all levels. The director of the Komsomolsk branch of Rosrezerv concluded government contracts at prices higher than permitted. What did they do to her? They just fined 60 thousand rubles

And in the Volga Federal District, an official of the regional department of Rosrezerv Andrei Silyakov managed to illegally sell four gliders of MiG-31 fighters that were in safe custody at the Sokol aircraft plant!

In 2013, the deputy head of Rosrezerv in the Far Eastern Federal District was captured by security forces. The fact is that reserve employees in the Far Eastern Federal District “implemented a criminal scheme to steal goods from the Rosrezerv warehouse, prepared for emergencies in the region.”

The purchase by Rosreserv of the drug Arbidol, which is produced by the Pharmstandard company, also raises questions. Rumor has it that ex-Minister of Health, and now head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova contributed to the conclusion of contracts. Maybe that’s why auditors don’t find any violations by Gogin?

It should be noted that a number of media outlets wrote that Ms. Golikova was involved in lobbying for the medical drug Arbidol, the effectiveness of which in the fight against influenza has not been proven. The famous political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky directly accused Golikova of corruption and connections with Pharmstandard.

Rosrezerv may actually turn out to be one of the most corrupt departments in the country: “When enterprises had difficulties, the factories began to take raw materials from stocks on the condition of return. But they forgot to return them. Many people did this - the enterprises of Kozitsyn, Vekselberg, Deripaska. Theoretically, criminal cases should be initiated. Because stealing from the state is a double crime. But we don’t know of a single high-profile case that resulted in anything,” says a senior official.

It is interesting that Mr. Gogin, in his interview from April of this year, directly said that “Rosrezerv provides humanitarian support to Donbass enterprises at the expense of existing reserves.” But there is no information about what goods go there. It cannot be ruled out that goods sold illegally, as Garifullin is suspected of, are also written off as “humanitarian aid.”

The fight against corruption has now intensified. No wonder, because presidential elections will take place in 2018. The question is whether the security forces will take on Gogin, who is connected with billionaires and people affiliated with the Kremlin. The Garifullin case gives such hope.

Ministry or department: Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv)

Job title: Head of agency

Age: 58

Place of birth: St. Petersburg

Income for 2018: RUB 2,721,679.


Born on August 23, 1961 in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation (1984), St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (1995).

From 1984 to 1992 he worked as an engineer and junior researcher at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. In 1992, he became the program manager, general director of ATPO “Pulse” in the Oktyabrsky district of St. Petersburg. From 1993 to 1996 he was the general director of Okean JSC, St. Petersburg. In 1996, he became the head of the department of OJSC PetroEnergoBank, St. Petersburg, and in 1997 - deputy chairman of the board - executive director of the same company.

From 1998 to 2000 he worked as director of the enterprise Energosbyt OJSC Lenenergo, St. Petersburg. In 2000, he became Director for Economics and Finance of Lenenergoremont CJSC, and then Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of Lenoblgaz OJSC. At the same time, from 2000 to 2001, he was Director of Finance, Advisor to the General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg. In 2001, he moved to the position of first deputy general director of Nevsky Prospekt CJSC. In 2002, he became deputy and then general director of the municipal unitary enterprise “Department of Enterprises and Services of Housing and Public Utilities and Life Support Facilities” in the city of Kirovsk, Leningrad Region. From 2002 to 2008, he was an advisor, deputy general director, and then general director of Russian Fuel Company OJSC, Moscow. In 2009, he became deputy general director of the Federal State Institution “Roads of Russia” of the Federal Road Agency, adviser and deputy head of the Federal Agency for State Reserves. On December 10, 2009, he was appointed head of the Federal Agency for State Reserves.

Candidate of Technical and Economic Sciences.

Gogin Dmitry Yurievich - head of the Federal Agency for State Reserves.

General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Management of Office Buildings" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.



1984 - graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation.

1995 - graduated from St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University.

He has the specialties of “electromechanical engineer” and “economist engineer”.

Science degree

Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Candidate of Economic Sciences. Defended his dissertation on the topic “Ranking of market entities for establishing business connections.”

Academic title


1987-1992 - engineer, junior researcher at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation.

1992-1993 - General Director of the rental territorial production association "Pulse".

1993-1996 - General Director of JSC "Ocean".

1996-1997 - Head of Department of OJSC PetroEnergoBank.

1997-1998 - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Executive Director of CJSC PetroEnergoSbyt.

1998-2000 - Director of the Energosbyt enterprise of JSC Lenenergo.

2000 - Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of JSC Lenoblgaz.

2000-2001 - Director of Finance, Advisor to the General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg".

2001-2002 - First Deputy General Director of Nevsky Project CJSC.

2002-2008 - Advisor, Deputy General Director, General Director of OJSC Russian Fuel Company.

2009 - Deputy General Director of the federal state institution "Roads of Russia" of the Federal Road Agency.

Social and political activities

2009 - Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for State Reserves.

Dmitry Gogin: The amount of grain in the State Reserve corresponds to the cumulative minimum

Scientific activity

He invented a method for producing products, heat and electricity from peat and a technological complex for its implementation.

Special rank

Honorary worker of the fuel and energy complex.


Awarded the Order of Honor.

Included in the list of holders of “privileged” license plates with the letters AMP (main government series of numbers) - A485MR97 (Dmitry Yuryevich Gogin).


  1. Federal services and agencies subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
  2. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Management of Office Buildings" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
  3. Electronic library of dissertations
  4. Dmitry Gogin became the new head of Rosrezerv
  5. Inventions of Russian federal civil servants, senators and deputies
  6. Federal Agency for State Reserves: Head of the agency – Dmitry Yurievich Gogin
  7. Tagged AMP97: To whom are assigned 999 license plates of the main government series