Some tips on how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations Documents for working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

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The Ministry of Emergency Situations is interested only in worthy military personnel who are ready to successfully cope with their work responsibilities. For this reason, military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation becomes possible not in every case.

Military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation: basic information

Currently, contract employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations are recruited through military registration and enlistment offices. At the same time, the Russian authorities are developing a bill that will allow the Ministry of Emergency Situations to independently select military personnel for further cooperation.

Contract service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations always begins with a visit to the territorial branch of the military registration and enlistment office. After this, the citizen can go to the Main Recruitment Point for contract soldiers. It is envisaged that you can contact the Main Point only after receiving a special referral, and in the future you need to successfully pass an interview and submit the established package of documents.

At the next stage, a medical commission and psychological examination are carried out.

Based on the available information, a thorough analysis of the candidacy is carried out. Decision making largely depends on what health group was obtained. It takes up to one month (30 days) to reach a verdict.

Then vacancies are offered, which are determined by:

  • results of psychological and medical examination;
  • physical checks;
  • higher education specialties;
  • territorial region of service.

For this reason, the military registration and enlistment office cannot always provide interesting vacancies. Only if the situation develops favorably does it become possible to join the ranks of the RF Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If the choice was made in favor of another region of Russia, the state provides financial compensation for the person’s relocation. In addition, comfortable office housing must be allocated within three months, and before that, partial compensation of the rental rate for the apartment is guaranteed.

In some cases, it is allowed to act through the regional department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which speeds up the process of potential employment.

How to enlist in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation?

The right to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is granted only to those citizens who meet the following requirements:

  • the minimum age for entering the service is 18 years, the maximum is 40 years;
  • a citizen must have worthy personal, business, and moral character traits;
  • appropriate education becomes mandatory;
  • must be in good health;
  • physical and psychological abilities must guarantee quality work.

At the same time, discrimination against people when hiring in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is prohibited in the following aspects:

  • gender;
  • nationality;
  • religious affiliation;
  • beliefs and membership in public organizations.

The above aspects prove that only the best citizens can join the military to successfully complete the assigned tasks and job responsibilities.

When recruiting for military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, a competition for a vacant position is required, so you cannot immediately count on a favorable outcome. The events are carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the competition for filling a vacant position in the civil service of the Russian Federation.

Documents for the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Before participating in the competition for a vacant position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the candidate must present the following documents:

  • completed application form with signature. It is stipulated that the completed application form must include only relevant and reliable information;
  • a photograph attached to the application form that meets the quality and size requirements;
  • copy of civil passport;
  • personal documents on education and work experience: certificate of graduation from a university or other educational institution, documents of additional education, information from all places of work and a work book. Certification of copies by a notary or previous employers becomes a mandatory requirement;
  • a medical certificate confirming the absence of a disease that may interfere with the performance of official duties.

In some cases, additional documents may be provided. Clarifications on documentary requirements are determined by the requests of the vacant position.

Mandatory requirements for working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation always involves frequent dangerous and difficult situations, so every citizen must meet important requirements:

  • suitable age category;
  • good health;
  • optimal psychological stability;
  • men must undergo military service.

Failure to meet the above requirements does not allow one to expect that a citizen will be able to successfully carry out work activities in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

In order to get a job in the fire department (precisely a service, a certified position), you need to pass the Higher Military Examination and not everyone succeeds. Perhaps this is the main authority for screening out potential firefighters.

What is VVK

This is a military medical commission, the main task of which is to determine the suitability of the candidate (employee) for service (further service) in the specified position.

Let's try to make the process a little easier and familiarize you in advance with what is necessary to pass the IHC.

Documents for passing

  • Firstly, it is necessary direction of the established pattern , which you need to obtain from the personnel department of the organization where you are going to get a job. The referral is valid for three months from the date of issue;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Military ID

Applicants, that is, candidates for study who have not completed military service in the Armed Forces, must have with them registration certificate , in which there is a mark A - fit for service.

Candidates whose registration certificate contains the mark B-3, B-4 are not allowed to pass the IVC; even minor restrictions on service are grounds for refusal to pass the IVC.

This requirement applies to boys; girls do not have a registration certificate.


  1. clinical blood test (with detailed leukoformula);
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  4. certificate of vaccination against diphtheria (or a corresponding note on the vaccination certificate);
  5. fluorography of the chest organs (in two projections). Please note that not only the conclusion is necessary, but also the photographs themselves;
  6. ECG with interpretation at rest and with load;
  7. study of vestibular function (for positions of the first and second purpose groups);
  8. chemical and toxicological testing for narcotic substances;

The examination results are valid for three months, fluorography – for 6 months.


  1. Outpatient card or detailed extract from an outpatient card for the last 5 years. If you have changed your place of residence over the past five years, then extracts are needed from all clinics where you were observed;
  2. Certificates indicating existing (if any) diseases and medical records;

Certificates of clinical observation from psychoneurological, drug addiction, dermatovenerological and tuberculosis dispensaries. As a rule, these certificates are paid, in an established form, and are issued at the appropriate dispensaries.

Doctors who will need to be examined directly by the commission:

  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • dermatologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • therapist;
  • female candidates additionally visit a gynecologist.

Let us note that each doctor examines you very meticulously, and if the slightest doubt arises, as a rule, he refers you for additional examinations.

When extending service life

(The list is attached to the post using the download button)

  1. Sending the HR department for a medical examination.
  2. Service ID.
  3. Service characteristics.
  4. Outpatient card.

Certificates indicating existing diseases and terms of clinical observation for them:

All certificates must be certified by the personal seal of the doctor and the seal of the relevant medical institution.

Preparing to pass the commission

Preliminary preparation is not necessary, but if a candidate is serious about serving in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and wants to have the maximum chance of passing the Higher Military Commission, a serious approach is required.

The document that was previously used by the Military Military Commissions when determining suitability for service is Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2010 No. 523 ( currently no longer valid).

There are currently 2 documents in force:
  • “On the requirements for the health status of citizens entering service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, and employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, lists of additional mandatory diagnostic studies carried out before the start of a medical examination, forms of documentation necessary for the activities of military medical commissions, the procedure conducting a control survey and re-examination and the recognition of certain normative legal acts as invalid”;
  • (lost its force, in exchange: Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 30, 2018 N 356 ) “On the requirements for the health status of citizens entering service in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, lists of additional mandatory diagnostic studies carried out before the start of a medical examination of citizens entering service in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service fire service, and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, the procedure for conducting a control examination and re-examination based on the results of an independent military medical examination and forms of documentation necessary for the activities of military medical commissions in the system of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

Pay attention to the section: additional requirements for citizens who have not served and are entering the service and (or) educational organizations.

Now you can preliminary assess the state of your health and its compliance with the requirements. It is clear that this will only be a rough estimate, but in some ways it is possible to be proactive and take action. There are health problems that are an obstacle to service, but can be corrected. Therefore, it would be more advisable to come to the commission, having treated and corrected everything that can be corrected and treated.

What needs to be done before passing the commission? It is worth estimating the ratio of your height and weight and the compliance of your parameters with the norm (Table No. 2 to the appendix to the Requirements of Order No. 190), it is quite possible to lose extra or missing kilograms in advance or, conversely, to eat up. It is worth contacting your dentist in advance to sanitize your oral cavity; caries can play a cruel joke. In general, it is worth treating in advance everything that can be treated and corrected, so that doctors do not have unnecessary reasons to focus their attention. But please note - if the correction requires surgical intervention, you need to undergo a commission no earlier than 6 months after the operation; if you come before the expiration of six months, the verdict will be “temporarily unsuitable”.

Is it possible to hide any health problems and pass contrary to existing rules? Of course, nothing is possible. Now, with the active development of paid medical institutions, many prefer them to budget clinics at their place of residence, preferring comfort, the absence of queues, and the absence of appointments. In this case, the outpatient card at the place of residence, accordingly, will be blank, without records of treatment.

You also don’t have to answer the whole truth to standard questions from specialists about the presence of complaints in your profile - the doctor will not be able to determine all diseases without additional examinations, therefore, when determining the need for these examinations, he will still be guided by your words and the card data.

Therefore, if you set a goal, it is, of course, possible to hide (or try to do so) the presence of problems, but you should think hard - who will you ultimately deceive? It wouldn't work out like that of yourself. The commission's health requirements are extremely high, but this is due to the serious stress on the body when performing duties in this position. And some insignificant feature, which does not interfere in any way in ordinary life and does not cause absolutely any trouble, in extreme conditions can play a fatal role and turn into disaster not only for the employee himself, but also for those for whose lives he is responsible.

How to pass the CPD

When hiring, it is important not only physiological health, but also psychological health. That is why special attention is paid to psychodiagnostics, which is carried out by CPD specialists. The abbreviation CPD means nothing more than a psychodiagnostic center, where candidates for service undergo a psychological examination.

You can also prepare for passing the CPD. First, you need to carefully analyze your appearance. Yes, and in such serious organizations you are greeted by your clothes, so they should be clean, tidy, and remember that you are still going to a reputable institution for a very specific purpose, so you should not shock others. Resist the temptation to show up in shorts and flip-flops, no matter how hot it is.

If you have tattoos or piercings, be prepared to answer additional questions. If there are scars, be prepared to answer questions about their origin.

Try to look at yourself from the outside. Psychologists draw conclusions not only on the basis of testing, they evaluate the candidate comprehensively. Believe me, nothing will go unnoticed. Bitten nails, dirty shoes, the aroma of a just smoked cigarette - all these are “hooks” that a specialist can “catch onto”, so you shouldn’t give him an extra reason.

Immediately before the day on which the examination is scheduled, you must:

  • Get some sleep. Lack of sleep will definitely affect your psychophysiological state;
  • Don't be hungry. Provide in advance the opportunity to satisfy hunger and thirst;
  • Be prepared that the examination will take a lot of time. Don't plan anything else for this day, so as not to be nervous and not to rush.

Well, it would be useful to remind you that it is completely unacceptable to appear for examination in a state of residual alcoholic intoxication (with a smell). Even if you have a good reason in the form of your own wedding or the anniversary of your beloved mother-in-law, refrain.

How is the examination carried out? First you will be tested. Standard tests used for CPP are not difficult to find, they are all available, and you can even take them in advance.

What should you pay attention to?

  • Read the questions carefully, highlighting the words always, sometimes, never, often, occasionally.
  • Don't try to seem perfect. All tests contain questions that determine the so-called sincerity scale, based on which the degree of your truthfulness is assessed. You won't pay for luggage on an empty bus without a conductor, will you? So don’t be afraid to admit that you won’t.
  • Remember your answers. There are a lot of questions, often they are repeated, with slight changes in wording. Don't get confused.

IQ testing. These tests can also be found and familiarized with them in advance, with the correct answers, respectively. But still, do not rewrite the answers, but solve the problem first so that you can demonstrate your train of thought, if necessary.

There will be a lot of tests, with a lot of questions, please be patient. After testing, you will have a mandatory conversation with a psychologist. And here, try to remember that you are talking with a psychologist and he is assessing your suitability for service. Don’t relax, be on your guard, although the task of a psychologist is exactly the opposite.

During a conversation, you should not take a “closed” pose - cross your arms and legs, hide your eyes, and often touch your face with your hands. Based on the results of the conversation, the specialist may send you for additional examination.

The results are not given to the candidate; they are taken by an employee of the HR department.

In what other cases is it necessary to undergo VVC and CPD?

When transfer to position, the purpose group of which is higher than the one for which you passed the commission.

It is worth noting that the health requirements for current employees in this case are somewhat different from those imposed on candidates.

It is somewhat easier to pass the transfer commission than initially for the position. So in some cases, if a candidate did not pass the first group of assignment, but passed, for example, the third, it still makes sense to apply for a position in the group in which he passed. And later, already as an employee, try again to apply for the position for which you were originally planning.

If an employee is transferred to a position with an increase in the assignment group, he also needs to undergo the CPT.

In the event of an insured event. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are insured without fail, that is, when an insured event occurs, the employee is paid a certain amount. The amount of the insured amount depends on the severity of the injury. And it is precisely the severity of the injury that is determined by the military medical commission. You can read more about it in our article.

It is necessary to collect all certificates, all doctors’ reports, all photographs - all this will be useful at the commission.

Full list of required documents:

  1. Referral for medical examination. The HR department issues the referral; it must be indicated that the employee is being sent to determine the severity of the injury. The referral is valid for three months from the date of issue;
  2. The conclusion of the official investigation (injury certificate) is signed by the head of the unit. It indicates the circumstances of the injury and must contain a conclusion in the following wording - “the injury was received in the performance of official duties” or “the injury is not related to the performance of official duties.”
  3. Medical characteristics (written by the attending physician).
  4. Outpatient card.
  5. A copy of the sick leave certificate.
  6. A copy of the certificate confirming that you have passed the Military Military Test for fitness for service from your personal file.

If, when you received an injury, you did not go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs clinic, but to another medical institution, then you must additionally provide:

  1. certificate of initial application to a state or municipal health care institution (original);
  2. an extract from the medical history of an outpatient (inpatient) patient;
  3. discharge summaries and other medical documentation (certified copies).

All medical documents must be certified with a corner stamp and the seal of the health care institution to which you applied.

IMPORTANT! Do not delay the registration; the period from the moment of injury to the moment of insurance payment should not exceed three years.

When extending service life

(reaching the age limit)

When reaching the age limit (currently it is 45 years for employees whose rank is not higher than lieutenant colonel) and extending their service life, the employee needs a commission opinion on the possibility of continuing to serve.

Upon dismissal

Upon dismissal, the employee is asked to undergo an IVC, which he has the right to refuse. If the VVK recognizes an employee as unfit for further service or fit with restrictions, then the basis for dismissal may change. You can read about it in our article.

Also, an employee must be sent to VVK if the total duration of days of incapacity for work is 4 months a year or more.

This is a relative innovation, please note that previously people were referred to the VVC if they had continuous sick leave for 4 months, now all sick leave during the year is counted.

The employee is directed to undergo the CPD by the department psychologist based on the recommendations of the previous report and examination results.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency SituationsRussia? This question often worries people, especially young and healthy people, and this is explained by the increased status of the rescue profession in recent years. If you are also interested in how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then this article will be useful to you.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Requirements for applicants

In order to get a job in this department, it is important for the applicant to monitor information on the website of the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation about available vacancies. It should be said right away that the hiring of citizens is carried out on a competitive basis, that is, in order to get a position, a citizen must prove his suitability for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If you are wondering how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you should also know about the circumstances that prevent employment in the civil service. These, in accordance with current legislation, include:

  1. The presence of a close relative who is already in the service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and occupies a position that, if hired, will be subordinate or controlling in relation to the candidate’s position.
  2. Having a criminal record that prevents you from performing the job duties required by the vacant position.
  3. The presence of a disease that is unacceptable for workers in this field.
  4. Refusal to obtain access to information that is a secret protected by law.
  5. Lack of Russian citizenship or citizenship of another state, except for cases expressly specified in the law.
  6. Submitting false information or forged documents.

A citizen who wants to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation must be physically healthy and strong, have a sufficient level of education for the proposed position and the required specialization. He will also need to submit the necessary set of documents. If the applicant meets all the criteria, he will need to pass a series of tests that are designed to prove the level of his professional and physical preparedness, as well as a mental stability test.

In addition, it should be noted that the age of applicants for work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations must be at least 18 and no more than 40 years. Discrimination of citizens based on gender, religion, nationality, as well as those related to property, official or social status and origin, is unacceptable.

Don't know your rights?

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army

Another interesting aspect that should be considered concerns how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army. It should be understood that work in this department is inherently very close to service in the armed forces. In view of this, in order to be employed in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, men must have completed conscription military service.

Here I would like to make a reservation: theoretically, no one has the right to refuse employment due to failure to complete military service, but if you do not have a military ID, then you simply will not be able to get a job, since this document is required for employment. If you have a military ID, but in fact you did not serve due to health reasons, then you will be refused due to the discrepancy between your physical health and the proposed position.

The general procedure for employment in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for citizens after the army is exactly the same as for everyone else: you need to take part in the competition, collect all the documents and pass tests. By the way, people who have served in the army are accepted into rescue units quite willingly. This is due to their good physical shape, suitable age and skills acquired during their service.

Finally, it is worth saying that certain employment benefits are enjoyed by persons who have received a special specialized education (for example, related to fire safety, management of small vessels, etc.).

It may seem that working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is only suitable for men, but this is far from the case. Girls are quite capable of working in this structure.

However, a prerequisite here is the availability of a suitable education. The question immediately arises, which educational institution to choose?

Where to go to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

  • Specialized universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

It is quite difficult to get there due to the high passing scores.

Plus, you still need to get to the entrance exams - a medical board with very high requirements for health and sports standards awaits you. They can fail at everything - even if your weight is a couple of kilograms below normal - you will be asked to lose weight and come back for repeated measurements.

  • Law Universities

The Ministry of Emergency Situations requires lawyers, but after graduating from a law school, no one can guarantee that you will get a job in the structure)

You can apply for civil service positions, the selection will be large and strict, there are many applicants - but few positions.

Here are examples of positions for which you can apply if you have experience, education, and the availability of documents and necessary qualities: chief specialist - expert of the department for working with citizens' appeals of the Department of Administrative Work and Legal Activities; chief specialist - expert of the legal department of the Department of Administrative Work and Legal Activities etc.

As you can see, everything is complicated. It’s easier to return to the first point and go to a specialized educational institution under the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

  • Medical Universities

The specialty “Life Safety and Disaster Medicine” greatly facilitates employment in such structures.

All higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are very prestigious and recruit students only with high USE results. They also place special demands on the physical fitness of applicants.

There are 7 such establishments in total:

  • Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
  • St. Petersburg University
  • Voronezh and Ural Institutes
  • State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
  • Ivanovo and Siberian Fire and Rescue Academies

What can a girl do in the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

Most often, women in the Ministry of Emergency Situations perform the role of dispatcher.

At first glance, this work seems boring and does not require special skills. However, it is the dispatcher who is the first to know about an emergency and must redirect it to those who can help. People's lives sometimes depend on the speed of their reaction.

Another typical female specialty in this structure is psychologist. This specialist always accompanies the EMERCOM team. He is the first to provide psychological assistance to those who need it.

Girls are also willingly hired as laboratory assistants and photographers.

Stipend and salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

In fact, data on scholarships and salaries in this structure is not advertised.

Cadets of such universities are paid an increased stipend, which is significantly different from the stipend in civilian universities.

On average, the scholarship ranges from 4,500 to 5,500 rubles. Some educational institutions may pay higher fees for special student achievements, for example 8,000 rubles. This is the data that you can find available.

If you talk to your friends, it turns out that everything is even better. In one of the academies, the starting scholarship for freshmen is 12,000 rubles. And this is not a city with a population of over a million.

So if you want accurate information about the educational institution where you are planning to enroll, try talking to those who are already studying there.

To be precise, this scholarship is not a scholarship at all, but a salary. Which is charged from the first course. Deductions can be made from it (for shoulder straps, for gasoline during compulsory driving lessons, for uniforms, etc.)

Also, during training, all students have the right to free food and accommodation in a barracks with separate rooms for 4-5 people. Typically 4 people, in practice there are up to 8 people maximum.

When you have graduated and entered the service (work), then the time has come for a good salary.

Salaries for EMERCOM employees can vary greatly in different regions of Russia.
In the Moscow region, an ordinary employee receives 26 thousand, in the Krasnoyarsk region this amount reaches 30 thousand, but in the Kirov region it is only 10 thousand.

In addition to a fixed salary, employees receive bonuses, which can be quite significant.

How to enter the University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

To enter the university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you need to get high Unified State Examination scores. Subjects that must be taken can be viewed on the website of the selected educational institution. They may vary. The GPS Academy MC evaluates the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, physics and mathematics. The university itself will require the applicant to take a physical fitness test.

The girls will have to run 100 meters, complete a 1 kilometer cross-country race and show their abilities in complex exercises. The standards for them are lower than for guys.

Should girls go to study and work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

In conclusion, I want to say...

If you want an interesting, decent job, high wages and bonuses (dormitory during training, men's team, etc.) - the Ministry of Emergency Situations is waiting for you.

Anyone who has set themselves the task of getting a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation or in an agency under its control must be prepared for a serious competitive selection. Having excellent physical shape and good health is not the key to success and a guarantee of employment: each applicant must have a number of equally important personal characteristics and qualities.

Applicants must be ready to provide assistance to the population in the most difficult life situations: during natural disasters, man-made disasters, not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world, therefore, in addition to physical training, psychological characteristics and theoretical knowledge in related industries are important .

Rescuers are a highly sought-after profession. The ranks of rescuers are constantly being replenished with young and promising personnel.

Information about available vacancies in the capital and regions is posted on the website of the department and its territorial divisions.

In addition, information about vacancies in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is regularly updated in the employment services.

Key requirements for employment

Each candidate applying for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations must confirm his professional suitability to work in this department.

The following factors will hinder recruitment:

  • providing false documents or false information;
  • lack of citizenship of the Russian Federation (except for a number of cases specified in federal legislative acts);
  • presence of health problems that may interfere with the performance of professional duties;
  • presence of administrative sanctions or criminal record (including suspended);
  • the presence of close relatives in related positions.

If one or more of the listed factors are present, employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be impossible. If we talk about the key requirements that apply to candidates, in addition to the absence of the listed circumstances, there are several other factors.

These include:

  • compliance with age criteria (on average - from 18 to 40 years);
  • excellent health, good physical characteristics;
  • availability of education and specialization corresponding to the vacant positions (an advantage would be the education of a driver, firefighter, rescuer, diver, etc.);
  • providing a full package of required documents and confirmation of consent to the processing of personal data;
  • successful completion of testing.

For men, a military ID is required.

As a rule, employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is allowed after completing military service - specialists who have undergone such training are willingly hired.

How candidates are checked

If an applicant for a vacant position meets the necessary requirements, he is invited to undergo testing.

Service specialists responsible for the employment of newcomers check the applicant’s physical and professional readiness to work in the structure. In addition, the psychological stability and behavior of a candidate for a vacancy in a stressful situation is checked.

Special attention is paid to psychological testing, since during their work, rescuers often encounter human grief and see what not every person can withstand.

In this regard, a candidate for a vacancy undergoes the following tests:

  • multifactor testing (for example, Luscher color testing, Leri social questionnaire, etc.);
  • narrow-profile testing (performed by psychologists of the service using various methods, for example, according to the work of B. Bass).

After passing the test, the service psychologist conducts an additional individual interview with the candidate. In some cases, the interview is conducted using a polygraph. As a rule, candidate testing is carried out within several hours. One part of the tasks is performed in a group together with other applicants for vacancies, the second part - individually.

What documents are needed for employment?

The package of documents that is submitted when applying for employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is relatively small.

The list of required documents includes:

  • the candidate's civil passport;
  • a document confirming that the candidate has received secondary specialized or higher education);
  • military ID (relevant for men);
  • work book (if the candidate has one).

In addition, depending on the position for which the candidate is applying, some other documents may be required (driver's license, certificate confirming completion of medical courses, etc.).

If the applicant has documents that confirm any personal achievements, they can also be included in the general package of documents for submission. Such documents can be recommendations or positive characteristics from previous places of work, sports diplomas, certificates indicating advanced training or the acquisition of additional skills.

The candidate must be confident in himself and his abilities, and be positively different from other applicants. He should try to make a good impression on the admissions committee or the specialist responsible for hiring new personnel.

Procedure for submitting documents and employment

There are two ways to enroll in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The first involves preliminary training at a specialized college or university, which guarantees subsequent employment. The second method involves independently searching for vacancies, submitting documents and passing testing.

The procedure for this looks like this:

  • searching for vacancies on the Internet or by visiting the department in person;
  • preparing a package of documents and submitting it to the organization’s personnel service;
  • verification of documents by specialists responsible for hiring employees;
  • if you have all the necessary documents, undergo testing;
  • interview with a service psychologist;
  • undergoing a medical examination;
  • internship and certification followed by admission to the staff.

If there are several applicants for the same position, the candidate who shows the best results and most closely matches the advertised vacancy is selected.

The decisive factor may be the candidate’s courage, his desire to serve people and save them from disasters - if he has such qualities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be very glad to see him.

Please note that service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is available not only to men, but also to women. The latter, for example, can get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a psychologist or nurse. If you have a specialized education, this is quite easy to do.