Cargo unit as an element of logistics. What is a basic module in logistics? Efficiency of logistics operations

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education

Pacific State University

Department of Economic Cybernetics


in the discipline "Logistics"

Is done by a student

Gunkova O.A.

group: PIE(zu)-91

Khabarovsk - 2012

1. Theoretical part

1 The relationship between logistics and marketing, production planning

2 The concept of a basic module in logistics

Practical part

List of sources used

1. Theoretical part

1.1 The relationship between logistics and marketing, production planning

Logistics is a part of economic science, the subject of which is to organize a rational process of promoting goods and services from producers to consumers, the functioning of the sphere of circulation of products, goods, services, and inventory management.

Logistics is the science of organizing, planning, controlling and regulating the movement of material and information flows in space and time from their primary source to the final consumer.

The system of views on improving business activities by rationalizing the management of material flows characterizes the concept of logistics.

The implementation of logistics activities is closely intertwined with other activities in the enterprise. Logistics functions are often performed by various services. For example, one division of an enterprise is engaged in the purchase of materials, another in the maintenance of inventories, and a third in the sale of finished products. At the same time, the goals of a separate unit, as a rule, do not coincide with the goals of the rational organization of the total material flow.

Logistics and marketing. The most significant relationship between logistics and marketing. The task of the logistics service is to provide production with raw materials, manage inventories in the context of those types of products, the release of which is justified by marketers.

Tasks solved at a manufacturing enterprise by the marketing service:

environmental analysis and market research;

consumer analysis;

product planning, determination of assortment specialization of production;

service planning, optimization of market behavior according to the most favorable conditions for the sale of services.

If the first two tasks can be solved by the marketing service without the participation of the logistics service, then the third and fourth tasks must be solved jointly.

Let's say the marketing service has justified the need to release a new type of product. Then the task of the logistics service will be to provide production with raw materials, inventory management, transportation, all in the context of a new type of product.

The logistics service at the enterprise closely interacts with production planning. Accordingly, the enterprise’s logistics service should participate in making decisions about launching products into production, since it will have to provide production with resources.

On the other hand, logistics interacts with production in the process of organizing the sale of finished products. Managing material flows during the sales process and having comprehensive information about the sales market, the logistics service, naturally, must participate in the formation of schedules for the release of finished products.

An essential function of the logistics service is the delivery of raw materials and components to workshops directly to workplaces and the movement of manufactured products to storage areas. The weak relationship between production and logistics when implementing this function leads to an increase in inventories in different areas, creating an additional burden on production. Determining the optimal level of quality, as well as monitoring its compliance, is also a joint task of the enterprise’s logistics service and the production planning service.

1.2 The concept of a basic module in logistics

One of the key concepts in logistics is the concept of a cargo unit. Cargo unit - a certain amount of cargo that is loaded, transported, unloaded and stored as a single mass.

A cargo unit is an element of logistics that, with its parameters, connects the technological processes of participants in the logistics process into a single whole; a cargo unit can be formed both at production sites and in warehouses.

The essential characteristics of the cargo unit are the following:

cargo unit dimensions;

The ability to maintain integrity, as well as the original geometric shape in the process of various logistics operations,

The dimensions of cargo units, as well as equipment for their loading, transportation, unloading and storage must be consistent with each other. This makes it possible to effectively use the material and technical base of participants in the logistics process at all stages of the material flow.

Standard pallets measuring 1200x800 and 1200x1000 mm are used as a base and platform for forming a cargo unit. Any cargo packed in standard shipping containers can be rationally placed on these pallets. This is achieved by unifying the dimensions of transport containers.

Logistics uses a diverse material and technical base. In order for it to be comparable, a certain conventional unit of area, the so-called basic module, is used. This module is a rectangle with sides 600x400 mm, which must be laid multiple times on the area of ​​the cargo platform of the vehicle, on the working surface of warehouse equipment, etc.

The use of a single module makes it possible to harmonize the dimensions of the material and technical base along the entire path of the material flow, starting from the primary source of raw materials, right up to the final consumer.

Based on the basic module, a unified system of unified dimensions of transport containers has been developed. The principle of creating this system is that the pallet area is divided into a grid of dimensions that are multiples of the pallet, which determine the external and internal dimensions of the transport container.

The ability of a cargo unit to maintain integrity during logistics operations is achieved by packaging. Packaging is the operation of forming a cargo unit on a pallet and then tying the cargo and pallet together into a single unit.

Packaging provides:

safety of the product on its way to the consumer;

the ability to achieve high efficiency indicators when performing loading and unloading and transport and storage operations due to their comprehensive mechanization and automation;

maximum use of the carrying capacity and capacity of rolling stock on all types of transport;

possibility of reloading without reformation;

safety of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations.

2. Practical part

Formulation of the problem . You have decided to open a store selling fruits or vegetables. Under guarantee, you received a trade loan on preferential terms at the rate of 1% per day. You have decided to purchase 10 tons of all commercially available fruits or vegetables and have contacted the logistics center with a request to predict the expected profit after selling the entire batch. Conclusion of the logistics center: you will face a loss. You decide to repeat the calculation yourself, performed at the logistics center. You need to understand the reason for the predicted loss and take steps to ensure that you receive the maximum possible profit. Relatives lend money to cover all other expenses, but the amount of this interest-free loan should be minimal.

Assumptions . To simplify the calculations, it is assumed that the loan is repaid only in full after the full sale of all types of fruit. Partial days are counted as full. Storage fees are charged separately for each type of fruit, calculated based on the initial purchase volume and do not depend on its reduction as a result of sales. Storage fees stop the next day after the sale of this type of fruit is completed. The percentage of waste is conditionally assumed to be constant for the entire period of actual storage. Transportation range - 10 km. For educational purposes, the symbols are made too detailed to make them easier for a novice specialist to navigate.

Table 1. Calculations of expected profit after selling the entire batch of goods


Barley grits


Oat groats

Pearl barley

Wholesale price, rub. for 1 kg

Retail price, rub. for 1 kg

Average daily waste, %

Procurement costs 1 t, rub.

Costs of purchasing the entire volume, thousand rubles.

Loan costs, thousand rubles.

Loan costs, thousand rubles.

Transportation costs, thousand rubles.

Storage costs, thousand rubles.

Total costs, thousand rubles.

Diagram 1. Cost distribution.

The diagram shows that most of the funds were spent on purchasing the entire volume of goods.

Problem 2

Table 2. Calculation of profit for each product


Barley grits


Oat groats

Pearl barley

Wholesale price, rub. for 1 kg

Retail price, rub. for 1 kg

Average daily sales volume, t

Storage cost, rub. for 1 t per day

Average daily waste, %

Cost of ordering a car with a team of loaders, rub.

Transportation cost, rub. for 1 t∙km

Initial volume of purchases, t

Time of sale of this type of fruit, days

Sales time rounded, days

Procurement costs 1 t, rub.

Costs of purchasing the entire volume, thousand rubles.

Loan costs, thousand rubles.

Transportation costs, thousand rubles.

Storage costs, thousand rubles.

Total costs, thousand rubles.

Volume of waste during the entire storage period, t

Volume of fruit actually sold, t

Income received from the sale of fruit, thousand rubles.

Profit received from the sale, thousand rubles.

Profit received from sale, %

Barley grits


Oat groats

Pearl barley

Diagram 2. Profit received from sales of each product in%

The diagram shows that several types of cereals are in great demand, such as buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, while millet, barley, semolina and pearl barley bring a loss. Therefore, in order to increase profits, it is necessary to increase the volume of purchases of buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, and reduce the volumes of other goods.

Table 3. Calculation of maximum profit


Barley grits


Oat groats

Pearl barley

Wholesale price, rub. for 1 kg

Retail price, rub. for 1 kg

Average daily sales volume, t

Storage cost, rub. for 1 t per day

Average daily waste, %

Cost of ordering a car with a team of loaders

Transportation cost, rub. for 1 t∙km

Initial volume of purchases, t

Time of sale of this type of fruit, days

Sales time rounded, days

Procurement costs 1 t, rub.

Costs of purchasing the entire volume, thousand rubles.

Loan costs, thousand rubles.

Transportation costs, thousand rubles.

Storage costs, thousand rubles.

Total costs, thousand rubles.

Volume of waste during the entire storage period, t

Volume of fruit actually sold, t

Income received from the sale of fruit, thousand rubles.

Profit received from the sale, thousand rubles.

Profit received from sale, %

Diagram 3. The greatest profit is obtained by increasing the volume of purchases of better-selling goods and decreasing the volume of less-selling goods.

Problem 3

Table 4. Parameters of an inventory management system with a fixed order quantity



Requirement, pcs.

Optimal order size, pcs.

Delivery time, days

Possible delay in delivery, days

Expected daily consumption, pcs./day

Order expiration time, days

Expected consumption during delivery, pcs.

Maximum consumption during delivery, pcs.

Warranty stock, pcs.

Threshold stock level, pcs.

Maximum desired stock, pcs.

Time to spend the stock to the threshold level, days

Number of working days in a year

Figure 1. Inventory flow schedule in a system with a fixed order quantity

Carry out graphical modeling of the operation of an inventory management system with a fixed order size.

a) without interruptions in supplies;

b) with one delay in deliveries;

c) in the presence of repeated (constant) delays in deliveries.

For point 3) give recommendations on how to improve the situation. According to your recommendations, draw up a new table of system parameters with a fixed order size and a graphical model corresponding to this table, showing the way out of the crisis.

Figure 2. Graphical simulation of the operation of an inventory management system with a fixed order size without supply disruptions.

Figure 3. Graphical simulation of the operation of an inventory management system with a fixed order size with one delay in deliveries.

Figure 4. Graphical modeling of the operation of an inventory management system with a fixed order size in the presence of repeated (constant) delays in deliveries.

If deliveries are repeatedly delayed, or if the maximum permissible delivery delay time is exceeded, a system with a fixed order quantity may go into a shortage state.

To correct the situation, a one-time increase in the supply volume is necessary, which will allow the stock to be replenished to the maximum desired level. If the failures are systematic, it is necessary to reconsider the calculated parameters of the system (delivery time, possible delay, level of safety stock).

Figure 5. Graphical model showing the way out of the crisis.

List of sources used

logistics marketing module packaging

1. Alesinskaya T.V. Basics of logistics. Functional areas of logistics management. Taganrog: Publishing House TTI SFU, 2009. 79 p.

Korennov S.A. Logistics: educational manual / S.A. Korenov, Yu.A. Bull. Barnaul: Publishing house AGAU, 2008. 83 p.

Kostenko V.I. Fundamentals of logistics: Guidelines for performing practical work. - St. Petersburg. North-West Technical University, 2004. - 14 p.




1. The concept and role of the basic module in logistics.

2. Cargo unit. Packaging of cargo units.

3. Making a decision on using the services of a hired warehouse.

4. Making a decision on the location of the warehouse in the serviced area.

5. Deciding on the number of warehouses in the distribution system.

6. Organization of warehouse facilities at the enterprise.

7. Rational organization of acceptance, storage and release of resources at the enterprise.

8. The main ways to reduce the costs of storing resources.

9. Directions for improving the management of loading, unloading and warehouse operations.

10. Organization of control over warehouse operations at the enterprise.

11. Ways to improve the efficiency of warehousing and resource storage operations.

12. Economic methods of warehouse management.

13. Economic efficiency of mechanization and automation of loading, unloading and warehouse operations.

14. Justification of the needs of warehouse complexes for the necessary space and equipment.


1. Murov V.M., Nordin V.V. Logistics: Textbook. allowance. – Kaliningrad: KSTU Publishing House, 2015.

2. 6. Logistics in examples and tasks: textbook. allowance // V.S. Lukinsky et al. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007. -288 p., ch. 6.

3. 5. Gadzhinsky A.M. Workshop on logistics. – 5th and subsequent editions. – M.: Dashkov and Co., 284 pp., topics 7-12.



Classes 13-14 (4 hours)


Purpose of the lesson: teach students to determine the optimal (from a cost point of view) level of logistics service.


1. Analysis of case No. 1 through discussion, identifying opportunities for increasing the level of logistics services of the enterprise.

2. Solving an educational problem to develop skills in determining the optimal level of logistics service.

Guidelines for solving the problem

To assess the level of logistics services, the most significant types of services for consumers should be taken, the provision of which is associated with significant costs, and the absence of them leads to significant losses in the market.

The dependence of costs and losses on the level of service is shown in Fig. 8.1.


Rice. 8.1. Dependence of costs and losses on the level of service:

1 – losses; 2 – costs; 3 – costs + losses

The task of the logistics service is to find the optimal level of service. Graphically, it can be determined by constructing a summary curve 3, reflecting the trend of changes in costs and losses from the level of service.


Task. Based on the calculated data on average costs for service (Z, million rubles) and losses in the market (P, million rubles) at different values ​​of the level of logistics services, determine its optimal value. Data on options are given in table. 8.1.

Table 8.1

Option Z, P, million rubles. Levels of logistics service, U
0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8
Z 0,6 0,7 1,0 1,45 1,7 2,1 2,9
P 7,3 6,1 4,3 2,6 2,1 1,6
Z 0,45 0,6 1,05 1,59 2,1 2,7 3,9
P 10,5 8,7 6,2 3,9 2,7 1,95
Z 5,5 5,7 6,0 6,4 6,7 7,2
P 12,2 9,9 9,3 7,6 7,1 6,6
Z 0,9 1,2 2,1 3,4 4,2 4,8 7,8
Z 0,3 0,75 1,1 1,4 1,8 2,6 3,6
P 5,6 4,8 2,7 1,8 1,3 0,8
Z 2,7 2,8 3,1 3,8 4,3 4,9 6,1
P 12,7 6,5 3,8 1,9 1,4 1,1
Z 2,4 2,8 5,9 6,8 8,4 11,6
P 29,2 24,4 20,3 17,2 10,4 8,4 6,4
Z 1,9 2,2 3,1 4,4 5,2 5,8 8,8
Z 0,5 1,4 2,1 2,8 3,6 5,1 7,1
P 5,7 4,9 4,1 2,8 1,9 1,4 0,9
Z 5,2 5,5 5,9 6,2 7,7 8,5
P 12,8 10,4 9,7 8,1 7,6 7,1
Z 1,4 1,8 2,1 2,5 2,9 3,3 4,1
P 8,5 4,3 2,7 2,1 1,3 0,9 0,7
Z 2,7 2,8 3,1 3,8 4,3 4,9 6,1
P 7,6 5,1 4,9 2,5 2,2
Z 0,45 0,6 1,1 1,6 2,1 2,7 3,9
P 8,7 6,2 3,9 2,7 2,2 1,9
Z 5,5 5,7 6,0 6,4 6,7 7,2
P 9,9 9,3 7,6 7,1 6,6 6,3
Z 0,8 1,2 2,1 3,4 4,2 4,8 7,8
P 12,5
Z 1,3 1,7 2,1 2,4 2,8 3,6 4,6
P 5,7 4,9 4,1 2,8 1,9 1,4 0,9
Z 1,35 1,4 1,55 1,9 2,15 2,45 3,05
P 6,35 3,25 1,8 0,7 0,65
Z 2,5 5,8 6,8 8,9
P 1,5
Z 2,3 3,2 4,5 5,3 5,9
P 5,5 4,4 3,3 2,7 2,4
Z 0,3 0,4 0,7 1,15 1,4 1,8 2,6
P 5,8 4,8 2,6 1,8 1,3
Z 1,5 1,9 2,2 2,6 3,1 3,6 4,7
P 4,5 2,9 2,3 1,5 1,1 0,9 0,8
Z 4,2 4,7 5,7 6,4 7,4
P 11,4 8,6 6,4 5,8 5,5 5,2
Z 0,5 0,8 1,2 1,9 2,8 6,6
P 5,8 2,8 1,8 1,3 0,8 0,6
Z 0,6 1,5 2,2 5,5 8,5
P 5,4 4,8 4,7
Z 1,4 2,3 3,4 4,6 8,8

CASE No. 1

Company "X" is an importer of goods to Russia from Southeast Asian countries. In particular, the main import items are furniture and starch. Products purchased in bulk are delivered to the company's own warehouses, stored, and then sold to retail companies.

When organizing the delivery of goods, a company cannot do without intermediaries - freight forwarding companies. The company's partners are forwarders, which are legal entities that do not own vehicles and, therefore, do not participate in the transportation process itself. Freight forwarders act on the basis of contracts concluded with customers of their services. On the basis of contracts and on behalf of the company, forwarding enterprises carry out organizational and intermediary activities in the transportation of goods of company “X” both within the Russian Federation and abroad.

On behalf of the company, forwarders calculate the costs of delivering goods and provide the following operations:

1) registration of applications for freight transportation;

2) acceptance of goods from senders;

3) control of the quantity and quality of shipped goods;

4) cargo insurance;

5) fulfillment of customs formalities;

6) organization and control of the delivery of goods;

7) delivery of goods to the carrier and control of compliance with transportation deadlines;

8) organization of security (if necessary);

9) receipt of the goods upon their arrival in Russia;

10) control of the quantity and quality of incoming goods and their shipment from the port;

11) control over the movement of goods from the sender to the recipient.

The quality of forwarding services is assessed not only by their cost, but also by the actual volume of work performed and by the clarity and accuracy of their implementation (timely execution of the necessary documentation, ensuring safe delivery exactly within the time stipulated in the contract, informing the customer about the movement of goods, etc. .).


1. Analyze the list of operations that the company instructs the freight forwarder to perform. Do you think that they should be supplemented or reduced?

2. Based on the general methods of a company’s work in organizing the delivery of goods, what should be its logistics functions?


Purpose of the lesson: teach students to determine the comprehensive level of logistics service.


1. Discussion of the concept of complexity of logistics services.

2. Solving an educational problem to develop skills in studying the complex level of logistics service.

3.Issuing assignments for independent work.

One of the key concepts in logistics is the concept of a cargo unit. Cargo unit - a certain amount of cargo that is loaded, transported, unloaded and stored as a single mass.

A cargo unit is an element of logistics that, with its parameters, connects the technological processes of participants in the logistics process into a single whole; a cargo unit can be formed both at production sites and in warehouses.

The essential characteristics of the cargo unit are the following:

Cargo unit dimensions;

The ability to maintain integrity, as well as the original geometric shape in the process of various logistics operations,

The dimensions of cargo units, as well as equipment for their loading, transportation, unloading and storage must be consistent with each other. This makes it possible to effectively use the material and technical base of participants in the logistics process at all stages of the material flow.

Standard pallets measuring 1200x800 and 1200x1000 mm are used as a base and platform for forming a cargo unit. Any cargo packed in standard shipping containers can be rationally placed on these pallets. This is achieved by unifying the dimensions of transport containers.

Logistics uses a diverse material and technical base. In order for it to be comparable, a certain conventional unit of area, the so-called basic module, is used. This module is a rectangle with sides 600x400 mm, which must be laid multiple times on the area of ​​the cargo platform of the vehicle, on the working surface of warehouse equipment, etc.

The use of a single module makes it possible to harmonize the dimensions of the material and technical base along the entire path of the material flow, starting from the primary source of raw materials, right up to the final consumer.

Based on the basic module, a unified system of unified dimensions of transport containers has been developed. The principle of creating this system is that the pallet area is divided into a grid of dimensions that are multiples of the pallet, which determine the external and internal dimensions of the transport container.

The ability of a cargo unit to maintain integrity during logistics operations is achieved by packaging. Packaging is the operation of forming a cargo unit on a pallet and then tying the cargo and pallet together into a single unit.

Packaging provides:

Safety of the product on its way to the consumer;

The ability to achieve high efficiency indicators when performing loading and unloading and transport and storage operations due to their comprehensive mechanization and automation;

Maximum use of the carrying capacity and capacity of rolling stock on all types of transport;

Possibility of reloading without reshaping;

Safety of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations.


The second level module “Logistics Management” includes the third level modules: “Product Sales Management”; "Management of production logistics"; "Supply Management".

The third level module “Product Sales Management” implements the most important tasks on which the completeness and efficiency of the enterprise’s production activities depend:

  • formation of a portfolio of orders;
  • accounting for shipment and sale of products.

The implementation of these tasks is directly related to marketing, i.e. with analysis of information about the company’s products and services, the state of their promotion in markets, and demand for products. In accordance with this, the module reflects the business process of managing relationships with customers, since this involves the implementation of special procedures for agreeing on the terms and conditions of delivery of products, and providing warranty service during operation. Due to specific tasks, this module belongs to specialized modules ERP systems. The module allows you to perform calculations:

  • planned and actual quantities of finished products delivered to customers;
  • regulatory, planned and actual stocks of finished products in finished product warehouses to ensure uninterrupted supply of products to customers;
  • deviations of planned and actual inventories of finished products from the normative ones for reasons and culprits; deviations of the actual supply of finished products to customers from the planned value for reasons and culprits. The result of the calculations is the development of a calendar schedule for the delivery of products to customers and its actual implementation.

The third level module “Production Logistics Management” is designed to optimize the use of raw materials, materials, components, production areas, equipment, and workers in the production process. Management covers the processes of analyzing specific causes of disruption of the production process itself, which may relate to both the area of ​​production and its management.

Examples of analysis of specific reasons from the field of production are: lack of raw materials, materials, components of the required quantity and quality, as well as deviations from schedule standards; violation of the sequence of operations.

From the management area: obtaining planned targets that do not correspond to actual production capabilities and the use of ineffective methods for calculating calendar and planning standards, for example: intra-line, intra-shop and inter-shop backlogs (work in progress), batch size, production cycle duration.

The module implements a detailed (shift-daily, hourly if necessary) calendar schedule for the transfer of work in progress between operations within the site, sections and workshops to the corresponding warehouses, as well as a schedule for the transfer of finished products to the finished goods warehouse. Shift daily, hourly deviations of the actual value of the transfer of work in progress and finished products to warehouses from the standard and planned values ​​are analyzed for reasons and culprits. An analysis of the actual use of materials in reserves in a specified and consolidated nomenclature is carried out.

The third level module “Supply Management” can be considered in the broad and narrow sense of this concept. In a broad sense, this module is intended to provide production with raw materials, materials in a specified range, components, as well as equipment, tools and specialists. In a narrow sense - to provide production with raw materials, materials and components of the required quantity and quality.

The implementation of these tasks involves studying the relevant market segments, managing relationships with suppliers to agree on the terms of purchase of raw materials, materials, components, equipment, as well as managing relationships with labor exchanges for hiring workers of the required profession and category. Due to specific tasks, this module belongs to specialized modules ERP-chctqm and allows you to calculate the need for materials in a specified nomenclature, the limit on the supply of material to workshops per planning accounting unit, the planned supply of raw materials, materials in a specified nomenclature, components for the production process, as well as standard and planned stocks of raw materials, materials in specified nomenclature, components in warehouses. In addition, it makes it possible to record the movement of materials in warehouses, record and analyze the supply of workshops with materials, and analyze deviations of actual values ​​from planned and standard values ​​for reasons and culprits.

The result of the calculations is the development of a calendar schedule for the supply of raw materials, supplies, and components to the enterprise and its actual implementation, and conducting an appropriate analysis. Thus, each of the modules ends with the preparation of calendar schedules for the delivery of products to customers, the transfer of finished products to the finished goods warehouse, the transfer of work in progress between operations within the site, sections and workshops to the appropriate warehouses, the supply of raw materials, materials, and components to the enterprise.

An example of an algorithm for calculating the need for materials is presented in Fig. 6.20.

The main task is complete synchronization of the interaction of schedules, which is the basis for the efficiency of the entire supply chain and the enterprise as a whole. Synchronization

Rice. 6.20.

the schedule interaction program depends on properly organized calculations that take into account the needs for raw materials, supplies, components, work in progress, finished goods and the size of their inventories to ensure the uninterrupted execution of the various stages of the production process (Fig. 6.21).

This most difficult task in information systems is solved with the help of appropriate software. The tasks of “Supply Management” and “Sales Management” are solved using well-known systems SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) And CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Unfortunately, it is impossible to cite a single software product as an example. However, to date, products have been created that best meet this most important production task. Among these products we note SCM- system ( Supply Chain Management)(Fig. 6.22).

This product covers the following specialized modules:

Rice. 6.21.

Rice. 6.22.

  • Supply Chain Planning ( Supply Chain Planner (SCP)
  • Demand planning ( Demand Planner (DMP)
  • Operational planning ( Multi-Site Planner, MSP)",
  • Optimization of financial results ( Yield Optimizer (YOP)
  • Advanced production planning ( Advanced Production Planner, APP).

Module "Supply Chain Planning" ( Supply Chain Planner (SCP) includes the development, planning and control of supply chain execution. Ultimately, the enterprise receives an effective supply chain execution plan that synchronizes material flows throughout the company, taking into account demand requirements, specified restrictions and input data. The module is based on mathematical models generated automatically based on such initial data as:

  • power;
  • chain throughput;
  • restrictions at every point in the supply chain;
  • price;
  • standard execution time for each operation;
  • planned demand, etc.

Module "Demand Planning" ( Demand Planner, DMP) clarifies the size, timing and other conditions of delivery of products to customers. It allows:

  • develop a sales plan agreed upon with trading partners, sales departments of the enterprise and supply chain capabilities (purchasing, production, distribution, etc.);
  • Forecast and plan sales in collaboration with trading partners, customers, internal departments and experts;
  • manage the hierarchical structure of the sales plan in accordance with the levels of decision making;
  • support business processes for developing and approving sales plans, controlling changes;
  • evaluate the financial efficiency and feasibility of the sales plan, its impact on the execution of supply chains (integration with the integrated supply chain planning module - SCP);
  • control versions of the sales plan;
  • evaluate the possibilities of modeling and comparative analysis of results;
  • conduct “what if” situation analysis;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, the appearance of new products on the market, changes in supply chain parameters, etc.;
  • analyze “plan-fact”.

Modules "Operational planning" (MSP) and “Optimization of financial results” ( YOP) cover the entire supply chain.

Module "Operational planning" (MSP) designed for detailed planning of supply chains within an enterprise at the operational level, i.e. covers all selected parts of interconnected sales schedules, production logistics, and supply. The basis of operational planning is the functionality of generating network graphs that reflect the relationship of demand data (sales orders, items) with related operations and data: transportation orders, production orders, purchase orders and purchased materials, production capacities, technological routes, etc. . Module “Optimization of financial results” ( YOP) allows you to develop and evaluate each operation in the supply chain from a profit point of view.

Module "Advanced Production Planning" (. Advanced Production Planner, LRR) designed to clarify production plans in terms of maximum equipment load.

Currently, the information technology market involves a large number of automated systems in the field of logistics with different purposes. Only class systems WMS (Warehouse Management System - warehouse management system) designed to automate warehouse activities, there are about 300 in the world, and more than 60 on the Russian market. The following domestic companies operating in Russia develop software products for managing warehouse activities: Axelot, Sevko, LogistiX, InStock Technologies, Solvo, ITScan and a number of others.

The Axelot company ( is developing, together with the 1C company, warehouse management automation projects (1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management).

Computer system SEVCO WMS Sevco company (http://www. implements targeted accounting in the context of expiration dates, batch numbers and cargo customs declaration (CCD); Radio terminals are used to collect data, bar coding technology is also used, and paperless technology is being introduced.

Company LogistiX( offers a product LEAD WMS Production - for manufacturing enterprises.

Firm InStock Technologies( is a developer of a number of software products IsSuite, which allow solving most of the problems facing Russian logistics companies, including optimizing warehouse operations and supply chain management.

The SOLVO company ( offers software products for managing warehouse processes in real time - Solvo. WMS. The system software supports work with radio equipment, bar coding devices, electronic scales, printers and image scanners.

The warehouse accounting and warehouse logistics programs included in the FOLIO Kupets CIS are offered by the Folio company (http://www.foho. ru/redy51 /_progy/cupec.shtml). LLC has prepared a program for processing vehicles (VVs) and cargo in temporary storage warehouses and customs and logistics terminals (per. No. 2012616139).

NPK "High Technologies and Strategic Systems" has developed a program for generating various reports and reports: on a selected transport infrastructure facility, on the number of bridges, ice crossings, ferry crossings, stationary traffic police posts, rest areas, medical centers, ambulance stations, fire rescue stations located on highways parts, railway crossings, intersections with pipelines, as well as infrastructure facilities - airfields, helipads; by the number and length of repair work areas; for main facilities on highways in the area of ​​responsibility of the regional center (federal district), subject and district; according to the congestion of road sections by region with a kilometer reference; on the forces and means involved in the prevention and elimination of incidents responsible for sections of the highway with a kilometer reference (per. No. 2012616177).

The company "IT Scan" (http://www. itscan. w/) develops software for automation and intelligent management of warehouse processes with the support of modern technological and specialized warehouse equipment. At the same time, it is proposed to integrate warehouse automation systems with corporate information systems.

Programs are being developed to automate transportation management and route planning processes. The program helps the dispatcher create a set of flights and routes that meet the following requirements:

  • minimum total mileage of vehicles along the routes;
  • maximum load of each vehicle;
  • minimal use of rented transport, etc.

Organization of transportation and route planning are related to

optimizing routes while minimizing labor costs. This can be achieved through the integration of warehouse distribution management systems with one of the geographic information applications or geographic information system (GIS). There is a wide range of such systems on the Russian market. Software products of this class have different interfaces, but the principles of their functioning are approximately the same.

In operations research theory, the problem solved by any computer-aided planning program is called the network problem of finding the optimal route. A network can be defined as a number of points or nodes (clients - consumers of material flow), connected by edges or arcs (roads along which transport moves). A continuous sequence of edges connecting the first node (origin point) to subsequent nodes (destination points) forms a route. Edges have certain characteristics that are used in solving the problem of choosing the optimal route. These characteristics include: basic characteristics - distance determined by the coordinates of the beginning and end of the edge using GIS, the presence of one-way traffic, prohibitory signs, etc.; design characteristics - cost, consumption of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) and time of movement along the edge; parameters manually adjusted by the program operator taking into account road and weather conditions - speed coefficient and current availability status.

The task of route selection is to determine a path that minimizes (or maximizes) a certain optimality criterion, which is the sum of the characteristics of the edges. This could be the length of the run, time on the route, fuel consumption. Possible routes are subject to a number of restrictions related to the parameters of the node and the vehicle used. The order information entering the GIS must contain the following data: order volume; order weight; delivery address; agreed time for delivery of goods to the client; type of unloading of goods at the client; type of payment (cash or bank transfer); duration of unloading; delivery point number on the route (optional parameter). Each vehicle unit for which routes are planned is described in detail in a special reference book. The most important parameters are the following: load capacity; body volume; car status (own or rented; own transport is used first); the maximum number of applications serviced in one visit; maximum permissible mileage per trip and per day; maximum permissible voyage duration; type of vehicle unloading (side or rear). A special user terminal is installed on the vehicle, which automatically communicates with the satellite global positioning system GPS (Global Positioning System) and determines the geographic coordinates of the object's location.

This information arrives in the form of an SMS message to the control center, where it is automatically displayed on maps. The system is capable of transmitting information not only about the route of movement, but also taking sensor readings of almost all electronic systems of the car. The dispatcher, through a regular computer with Internet access, can monitor the movement of the owner of a GPS terminal in real time. Modern GPS terminals are capable of providing data on the location of an object with an accuracy of 3 m. However, in accordance with Russian legislation, licensed phones allow determining coordinates with an accuracy of up to 100 m.

Technically, the C/^-system consists of an antenna, a set of sensors and sensors that allow information about the state of the vehicle and cargo to be transmitted to the control center (cargo weight, attempt to open, temperature of the refrigerator, etc.), an on-board controller that processes the information GPS and various sensors, as well as a radio station, through which communication with the control center is carried out.

By comparing planned and real data, it is possible to record and evaluate deviations from the vehicle’s route schedule; this is the implementation of the so-called SMT (transport monitoring system). Based on the available information, the specialist can take some prompt measures if critical situations arise (for example, reschedule a flight or call an additional car in case of risk of delivery failure), i.e. implement its approved transport control system.

The main technical requirements for using GIS programs, as well as transport navigation systems, are: the correctness of client addresses for the correct and quick assignment of geographic coordinates, the availability of complete and correct data on the weights and volumes of delivered goods, as well as the presence of formalized characteristics in applications , defining special delivery conditions.

As an example, we can cite the software products of JSC NPK REKOD. The company has developed a basic geoinformation platform RECODE, which includes the following programs: RECODE-GEOPORTAL, RECODE-Model and RECODE-Infrastructure, RECODE-Registrar. RECODE-GEOPORTAL ensures the accumulation, storage, search and use of geospatial data, as well as the generation of reports; RECODE-Model - spatial modeling of the territory, including free movement in space 3D, animation of three-dimensional models (movement along a route), viewing both the territory and information about objects in three-dimensional form, 3D modeling of objects located in natural and man-made dangerous situations; RECODE-Infrastructure - creation, editing, visualization, analysis of vector cartographic information; REKOD-Recorder - transfer of data and images from a mobile phone, etc. (

The RUSMONITORING company is a system integrator in the field of transport monitoring using GPS/GLONASS navigation systems - a software product on the 1C: Enterprise 8 technology platform (

The Navigator Plus company has developed the Navigator+ monitoring system, which allows you to completely eliminate the inappropriate use of transport associated with deviations from the route, reduce the cost of telephone and radio communications with drivers, eliminate the possibility of deliberate distortion by drivers of information about vehicle mileage, significantly facilitate and increase labor productivity dispatcher (

The EFFECT INFORM group of companies has developed a software product TRACT GLONASS GPS on the 1C:Enterprise 8 technology platform, which allows you to solve the following problems: monitoring and optimization of transport routes; control of opening/closing cargo compartments; reproduction of the transport route over time; calculation of standard fuel consumption and recording of actual consumption (using fuel sensors); selection of the optimal executor of the application; registration of work orders, technological maps, travel documentation, contract management; visual monitoring of task execution online based on reports. EFFECT INFORM offers a number of industry solutions: GPS TAXI tract; TRACT GPS Delivery logistics; MSW TRAIN (garbage and waste removal); TRACT Cleaning; TRACT GPS Construction; TRACT Service transport, etc. (

The 1C company, together with the 1C-Rarus Development Center, has developed a software product for automating the accounting of freight transportation by large transport companies, large manufacturing and trading enterprises, and enterprises engaged in passenger transportation. The product is developed on the basis of the technology platform 1C:Enterprise 8.2 - 1C:Enterprise 8. Transport enterprise management (http://www.a-megaservice. ru/index-34.htm). Detailed information is available at: http://www. .jsp?id= 15428.

Interesting software product Smart Logistics Grid for efficient use of resources in logistics networks built using gnhf technology. The product was developed by a German company PSI Logistics - Product und Systeme der Informationstechnologie - information technology systems, PSI (

  • Question 8. Logistics channels and logistics chains. The problem of choosing a distribution channel.
  • 9. Prerequisites for using a logistics approach to managing material flows in the areas of production and circulation.
  • 11. Problems and prospects for the development of domestic logistics
  • Question 13. Main categories of logistics: logistic function, l operation, l chain, l link.
  • 14.Transport services in logistics.
  • Question 15. The concept of a logistics system. Logistics systems by depth and boundaries of logistics. Micro-, meta-, meso-, macrologistic systems. Examples of trading systems.
  • Question 16. Concepts and types of inventories. The role of inventories in logistics.
  • Question 17. Flows in logistics and their classification.
  • Question 18.
  • Question 20. Models for managing a company's inventory.
  • 22. Warehouses in logistics: concept, classification, main functions. The role of warehouses in logistics.
  • 23. Logistics as a type of business activity. Conceptual framework and philosophy.
  • 5.5. Efficiency of using logistics in trade
  • 24. Making a decision on the location of the warehouse in the serviced area.
  • 25. Basic logistics functions and their distribution between various participants in the logistics process at the macro level.
  • 26. Deciding on the number of warehouses in the distribution system
  • 26. Deciding on the number of warehouses in the distribution system
  • 2. Dependence of inventory holding costs on the number of warehouses in the distribution system.
  • 3. Dependence of the costs associated with the operation of a warehouse on the number of warehouses in the distribution system.
  • 27. Mediation in logistics.
  • 29. Organization of logistics at the enterprise.
  • 30. Research of operations in warehouse logistics.
  • 31. Commercial logistics. Functions, goals and objectives of logistics.
  • Question 32. Information systems in logistics: concepts and types, principles of construction.
  • 33. Make-or-Buy Problem. Examples of solving the “buy or make” problem in commercial logistics.
  • Question 34. Use of automated bar code identification technology in logistics.
  • 35. Objectives and content of purchasing logistics, logistics principles for building relationships with suppliers.
  • 36. Logistics strategy: concepts, key issues. The influence of the external and internal environment on the company's logistics strategy.
  • 38.Strategic, tactical and operational planning in logistics: time intervals, goals, objectives, decision-making models.
  • Strategic logistics planning
  • 39. Operations research in purchasing logistics.
  • Question 43. Push management systems for industrial enterprises in the spheres of production and circulation.
  • 45. Pulling control systems for motors in the areas of production and circulation. Kanban system.
  • 47. Coordination of logistics and marketing strategies in managing the activities of the enterprise.
  • Question 50. The concept of a basic module. The role of the basic module in logistics.
  • 51. Functional cost analysis (FCA) in logistics
  • Difference from traditional methods
  • Advantages and disadvantages of functional cost analysis compared to traditional methods
  • Question 52. Cargo unit: concept, role in logistics. Main characteristics.
  • Question 50. The concept of a basic module. The role of the basic module in logistics.

    The dimensions of cargo units, as well as equipment for their loading, transportation, unloading and storage must be consistent with each other. This makes it possible to effectively use the material and technical base of participants in the logistics process at all stages of the material flow. Standard pallets measuring 1200x800 and 1200x1000 mm are used as a base and platform for forming a cargo unit. Any cargo packed in standard shipping containers can be rationally placed on these pallets. This is achieved by unifying the dimensions of transport containers. Logistics uses a diverse material and technical base. In order for it to be comparable, a certain conventional unit of area, the so-called basic module, is used. This module is a rectangle with sides 600x400 mm, which must be laid multiple times on the area of ​​the cargo platform of the vehicle, on the working surface of warehouse equipment, etc. The use of a single module allows you to harmonize the dimensions of the material and technical base along the entire route of movement material flow, starting from the primary source of raw materials, right up to the final consumer. Based on the basic module, a unified system of unified dimensions of transport containers has been developed. The principle of creating this system is that the pallet area is divided into a grid of dimensions that are multiples of the pallet, which determine the external and internal dimensions of the transport container.

    51. Functional cost analysis (FCA) in logistics

    Functional cost analysis(FSA, A activity B ased C osting, ABC) is a technology that allows you to estimate the real cost of a product or service, regardless of the organizational structure of the company. Both direct and indirect costs are allocated to products and services depending on the amount of resources required at each stage of production. The actions performed at these stages are called activities in the context of the FSA method.

    The purpose of the FSA is to ensure the correct distribution of funds allocated for the production of products or provision of services, according to direct and indirect costs. This allows you to more realistically assess the company's expenses.

    Essentially, the FSA method works according to the following algorithm:

      The sequence of functions necessary to produce a product or service is determined.

      For each function, the total annual costs and the number of working hours are determined.

      For each function, based on the estimates from point 2, a quantitative characteristic of the source of costs is determined (costdriver).

      Once all functions have identified their cost sources, a final calculation of the costs of producing a specific product or service is carried out.

      Does the market dictate the price level or is it possible to set the price of the product that will give the planned profit?

      Should the planned allowance be made for expenses calculated using the FSA method equally for all operations or do some functions generate more income than others?

      How does the final selling price of a product compare with FSA indicators?

    Thus, using this method you can quickly estimate the amount of profit expected from the production of a particular product or service.

    If the initial cost estimate is correct, then the income (before taxes) will be equal to the difference between the selling price and the costs calculated using the FSA method. In addition, it will immediately become clear which products or services will be unprofitable to produce (their sales price will be lower than estimated costs). Based on this data, corrective measures can be quickly taken, including revising business goals and strategies for the coming periods.