Registration of pp. For what types of work is it customary to develop work permits?

A work project is specialized documentation that contains technological and organizational decisions regarding construction work with complex installation activities and the use of specialized mechanization tools. In our company you can order PPR for all types of construction work; the developers are experienced specialists with extensive work experience.

Tasks of development of PPR– search for effective steps to improve the quality and speed of construction, as well as reduce its cost. The presence of this project allows us to guarantee the completion of work on time, ensuring the proper level of labor safety for employees and in compliance with all fire safety and environmental standards.

Our specialists plan not only relevant activities, but also technical regulations for their implementation, so that all processes on the construction site are optimized and streamlined from the moment work begins on site.

Initial data for PPR

The PPR specifies all legal requirements regarding labor protection, public safety and the environment. Their ignorance does not relieve them of responsibility and may cause the suspension of construction work.

This project is the main technological and organizational document, without which it is impossible to begin work on the site. The following initial data is required for preparation:

  • development assignment with developer's notes;
  • design documentation;
  • topographical and engineering plan.

Composition and content of PPR

PPR structure:

  • scheduling;
  • construction plan;
  • technological schedules (supply of construction structures, equipment and materials, routes of movement of workers and mechanisms within the facility);
  • layouts of signs with geodetic information;
  • explanatory notes.

The last section contains data regarding the implementation of geodetic work, construction processes in winter and the laying of temporary communications (power supply lines, water and heating mains).

The PPR also regulates the work and rest schedule for employees, contains calculations on the amount of energy resources required, information on the need to build camps for construction workers and other mobile auxiliary buildings, etc. It must include the following measures:

  • storage of installation structures, consumables and equipment on the construction site;
  • environmental protection;
  • ensuring the safety of all construction processes;
  • labor protection.

Organizational and technological documentation

Construction organizational and technological documentation includes:

  • work flow diagrams with a detailed description of their stages;
  • quality control schemes;
  • flow charts;
  • basic provisions regarding the implementation of installation and construction processes, drawn up as working documentation for typical mass-use construction projects;
  • other documents recording production decisions.

Responsibilities for developing the PPR

Preparing the work permit is the task of the general contractor. If subcontractors are involved in a number of construction and installation processes, they develop separate plans that regulate the production of specific specialized stages. Large construction organizations, as a rule, have their own design engineer who has the necessary qualifications to draw up PPR. Otherwise, this task is entrusted to individual design companies.

The work plan is approved

Regardless of whether the whole building or its separate part is being erected, the prepared work plan must be approved by the contractor (general contractor). The PPR of subcontracting processes is coordinated with the companies involved in the implementation of each specific series of technical assignments.

If construction is carried out on the territory of an existing enterprise, the project must be signed by its management. The document approved by all parties is sent to the construction site before all construction and installation work begins.

Possible consequences in the absence of PPR

Current legislative norms prohibit carrying out any construction work without the availability of a ready-made and agreed upon PPR or other specialized CTD. Approved design solutions must be carried out by contracting firms. Absence or non-compliance with a project is a frequent reason for the freezing of an object by regulatory authorities and the application of penalties.

Differences between PIC and PPR

Both documents are the basis of any construction project, however, they are radically different in content and are developed at different stages of preparation for the start of construction. PIC is an indispensable part of the design documentation package, compiled at the planning stage according to the technical specifications of the customer (developer). The construction organization is engaged in preparing the PPR on the basis of the available working documentation, as well as the completed and examined PIC.

The latter, as a rule, is the same for the entire construction project. It combines all organizational, design and planning solutions.

PPR can be either general or separate - for specific construction and/or installation works that require the involvement of subcontractors. Any differences it contains from the contents of the PIC do not require mandatory approval from the general contractor or design company.

Price for a work project from RUB 30,000

The advantage of the services of our design organization is extensive experience in this field, multiplied by the professionalism of our employees. Clients are guaranteed comprehensive advice on project preparation.

A work production project or WPR is a section of organizational and technological documentation that includes instructions for the production of individual construction and installation works. The work production project is also used to plan and control the work performed. The PPR is developed on the basis of the PIC (construction organization project), which contains drawings and diagrams of the buildings (structures) being constructed.

The work project determines the order of construction, the volume of construction work, the number of work shifts, as well as the implementation and completion dates for individual types of work. PPR ensures the achievement of planned economic indicators, as well as calculated values ​​​​for labor productivity and the quality of work performed.

Requirements for the work project

  1. PPR is necessary when organizing work on the construction (demolition) of buildings or structures, both complete and partial. A work plan is required for the preparatory period of construction, as well as for each type of work separately. Requirements for the composition of sections of the PPR are set out in SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”.
  2. According to SP 48.13330.2011, work projects are developed by design organizations that have engineering personnel with the necessary qualifications. Construction organizations themselves can prepare the PPR under the same conditions.
  3. According to RD-11-06-2007, work permits for work using lifting mechanisms are developed by certified specialists in the field of industrial safety with relevant work experience.
  4. According to 190-FZ dated December 29, 2004, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can prepare project documentation provided that they are members of an SRO and have access to this type of work.
  5. According to SP 48.13330.2011, approval of the work plan is carried out by the chief engineer of the general contractor. Certain sections of the PPR for installation and special work are approved by the chief engineers of subcontractor organizations. After approval, the work permit must be submitted to the construction site before the start of work.

SNiP 12-03-2001 “Occupational Safety in Construction” (Appendix G) establishes requirements for the development of a project for carrying out work to ensure occupational safety at the site. Without these decisions, construction work is not allowed.

Types of work projects

Based on the type of planned construction work, appropriate types of PPR are developed for their production. Work projects can describe both the full range of construction works and their individual types.

The project for the production of facade works regulates the procedure for carrying out work on the repair and reconstruction of building facades.

The project for the installation of scaffolding contains requirements for the installation and dismantling of scaffolding, the procedure for the supply of structural elements and the quality of installation work.

PPR for the preparatory construction period - determines the order and scope of work that must be performed to create technological conditions for the processes of the main construction period.

PPR for installation of metal structures - establishes requirements for materials and components of metal structures, as well as safety rules and procedures for loading, unloading and installation work.

A work plan for monolithic works is a necessary regulatory document for the construction of monolithic buildings and structures, usually consisting of a group of individual PPRs.

The project for the execution of roofing work determines the procedure for installing the roof according to the construction plan, and must comply with the standards for carrying out work at height.

Composition of a standard work project

  1. Construction master plan.
  2. Explanatory note, which contains decisions on geodetic work, laying temporary utility networks and lighting.
  3. Justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization.
  4. The need and connection of construction camps and mobile buildings.
  5. Measures to ensure the safety of building materials, structures and equipment.
  6. List of environmental measures.
  7. Occupational health and safety measures.
  8. Technological maps by type of work.
  9. Schedule of receipt of construction materials, structures and equipment at the site.
  10. Schedule of movement of workers around the facility.
  11. Construction vehicle traffic schedule.
  12. Technical and economic indicators.

The composition of the work project in accordance with the requirements of the OATI mountains. Moscow

  1. Scheme of organization of the work site
  2. General scheme of work
  3. Explanatory note
  • situational plan, which is carried out on a scale of 1:2000 with design solutions;
  • description of the work location;
  • the customer's decision to carry out the work;
  • customer name;
  • initial design data;
  • description of the type, volume and duration of work performed;
  • description of the technological sequence of work;
  • organizational and technological scheme of work;
  • description of security measures;
  • description of the characteristics and type of fencing planned for use in the work area;
  • measures when crossing the roadway;
  • description of measures to ensure safety, including traffic safety, when performing work;
  • drawings of technical solutions to ensure the safety and further operation of underground, surface structures and communications during work;
  • description of measures to restore damaged amenities;
  • fire prevention measures;
  • environmental protection and disposal of construction waste;
  • noise protection;

The composition of the work project in accordance with the internal standards of PPR EXPERT LLC

  1. Stroygenplan.
  2. Work organization diagram.
  3. Technological sequence of work.
  4. Calendar schedule.
  5. Workforce requirement schedule.
  6. Schedule of requirements for basic construction machinery and mechanisms.
  7. Technological maps.
  8. Explanatory note.

The explanatory note contains:

  • application area;
  • brief description of the construction project;
  • organization and technology of work;
  • instructions for the performance of work (technological measures and regulations) for each type of work performed at the construction site, including in winter;
  • instructions on methods for implementing instrumental control over the production of work and the quality of construction;
  • list of used mechanisms and equipment;
  • occupational health and safety measures;
  • fire safety measures;
  • environmental protection measures;
  • safety and labor protection requirements.
  1. Scheme of organization of the work site carried out on an engineering topographical plan at a scale of 1:500 with design, organizational and technological solutions applied.
  2. General scheme of work carried out on a scale of 1:2000 with a diagram of the work area linked to the site plan.
  3. Construction master plan is an updated version of the construction master plan of the construction organization project, reflecting specific detailed solutions necessary for the implementation of design decisions. It is being developed in accordance with SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”. It indicates the location of temporary fences of the construction site, temporary roads, utility camp, storage areas for materials and products, external lighting points, transport routes, utility networks, communications, equipment and mechanisms used during construction. Decisions on the construction master plan as part of the PPR must be linked to the PIC. The construction master plan as part of the PPR is tied to a specific type of work.
  4. Work organization diagram contains a description of the sequence and methods of work.
  5. Calendar plan as part of a production project, work can be carried out using specialized computer programs, usually in the form of a Gantt chart, and includes the timing and sequence of planned work, indicating the volume of work, labor costs (person-hours, person-shifts, machines. -shifts), number of shifts and number of workers per shift. Based on the calendar schedule, a schedule for the need for workers and a schedule for the need for basic construction machinery and mechanisms (by day) are developed.
  6. Technological maps as part of the work production project, they are developed in accordance with MDS 12-29.2006 for certain types of construction and installation work, taking into account the characteristics of the given facility and local conditions. The technological map includes the technological sequence and the basic principles of labor organization when performing operations that are part of the work in question. It is also possible to develop technological maps for the operation of a single mechanism (crane, lift, etc.).
  7. Explanatory note contains a description and technological sequence of work, instructions on methods for monitoring production and quality of work, and occupational safety measures. The note also contains a description of fire prevention measures, environmental protection and waste disposal and noise protection.

Depending on the type of work, the composition of the PPR may vary.

Preparation of a work project

The execution of work projects is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications.

The work project has the following structure:

  • Cover with the name of the construction site and the name of the contractor.
  • Title page.
  • Certificate of certification of PPR developers.
  • Contents of the PPR.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Drawings developed in accordance with established building codes and regulations.

Text and graphic materials of the PPR are drawn up on sheets of standard A0-A4 formats. GOST 21.1101-2013 establishes the position of frames and stamps for each format. For an explanatory note, you must use the requirements from GOST 2.105-95 “General requirements for text documents.”

Coordination and approval of the work project

The approval of the work project is carried out:

  • with the chief architect or head of the construction department in local governments;
  • in case of a justified deviation from fire safety standards, approval of the PPR at the local Ministry of Emergency Situations is required;
  • if the project involves carrying out work using tower cranes, then the PPR is agreed upon with the company that owns the cranes, or with the organization that installs them at the site.

The PPR for subcontracting work is agreed upon with the general contractor company.

Approval of the work plan is carried out by the chief engineer or technical director of the general contractor's organization.

When reconstructing an existing building or structure on the territory of an enterprise, the work plan must be agreed upon with the director of the enterprise and the organization that ordered the work.

PPR for installation or dismantling of equipment must be approved by the following authorities:

  • coordination of the equipment transfer schedule with the management of the enterprise;
  • if the load on the equipment exceeds the rated values, then it is necessary to coordinate the installation or dismantling technological schemes with representatives of the manufacturer;
  • if building structures are used for installation/dismantling, then it is necessary to coordinate the technological schemes in the design and installation organizations;
  • in case of forced deviations from the technical conditions for installation (manufacturer's plant), the technological schemes should be agreed upon with the management of the enterprise and the equipment manufacturer.

Regulatory documents and SNIPs

The work project is the main regulatory document for the construction site where the work is being carried out. He must take into account all the requirements and norms approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Changing organizational and technological solutions during the course of work is not allowed. If necessary, they are carried out only after agreement with the organization that developed the PPR.

List of main regulatory documents according to which work projects are developed:

  • State standards SPDS and ESKD.
  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation - No. 190-FZ dated December 29, 2004
  • Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002
  • SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction organization”.
  • SP 12-136-2002 “Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction management projects and work execution projects.”
  • SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements."
  • RD-11-06-2007 “Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work with lifting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations.”
  • MDS 81-33.2004 “Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction.”
  • MDS 12-29.2006 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a technological map.”
  • MDS 12-46.2008 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project, a project for organizing demolition (dismantling) work, a work execution project.”

In addition to the above regulatory documents, when developing the PPR, other documentation regulating the implementation of specific types of construction work can be used.

Examples of work projects

This section presents examples of projects for the production of work on already constructed construction projects. All documentation has been successfully coordinated and approved, and all design solutions have already been implemented in real projects.

Project for the installation of translucent structures for the Multifunctional Swimming Center. The work was carried out using a KS 55713-1 V truck crane.

Project for carrying out work for the dismantling of existing transition structures, installation of monolithic transition structures and filling of cavities from the “-10” mark to the “0” mark.

It is mainly regulated by the “Manual for the development of construction organization projects and work production projects for housing and civil construction” (to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”), and the design must comply with GOST 21.101-97 “SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation."

12.2. Text and graphic materials, according to GOST 21.101-97, are usually completed in the following order:


Title page;

Project composition:

Explanatory note;

Basic drawings required by building codes.

12.3. Since the requirements of GOST 21.101-97 are mainly advisory in nature, for ease of development and familiarization with the PPR, it is advisable to divide the project into the following main parts:

Common data;

Explanatory note;

The grafical part;


12.3.1. General data should consist of materials directly related to the entire project as a whole, as well as defining its structure and content:

Title page;

Project composition;

List of reference documents and materials used.

12.3.2. The explanatory note should be drawn up depending on the complexity of the construction project, as well as on the types, composition and specifics of the work for which the PPR is being developed:

Scope of application (with definition of the types of work performed and the specifics of the construction project);

- organizational and technological sequence of work (for work projects consisting of several different types of technologically interconnected work, as well as work performed on objects of increased complexity, large volumes of construction and high-tech facilities);

Instructions for the performance of work (technological measures and regulations) for each type of work performed at the construction site, including in winter;

List of used mechanisms and equipment;

Technological kits for work;

Instructions for storing materials;

Fire safety measures;

Environmental protection measures;

Safety and labor protection requirements for each type of work performed on a construction site.

12.3.3. The graphic part must be drawn up taking into account the requirements of the “Manual for the development of projects for organizing construction and projects for the production of work for housing and civil construction” (to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”) and include the following graphic materials:

- calendar work production plan by type of work depending on the developed work plan for the main construction period, preparatory period or for certain types of work (provided by the customer of the work plan);

Construction master plan for the type of work, depending on the developed PPR for the main construction period, the preparatory period, or for certain types of work (developed according to the instructions of the PPR customer);

Work plans for individual sections, phases of queues, depending on the complexity of the object, as well as the type of work, clarifying the technological sequence of construction;

Sections (facades) necessary for each stage of construction or type of work;

Technological schemes for performing individual operations and works included in the PPR.

12.3.4. The appendices include lists of persons familiar with the PPR, approval sheets, licenses and certificates of the construction organization, certificates of certification of PPR developers, etc. materials not developed by the author of the project, but directly related to the PPR, at the discretion of the customer or developer of the PPR.

12.4. Text and graphic materials must be prepared on sheets of standard format, in accordance with GOST 2.301-68 “ESKD. Formats" (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) with a frame and a stamp of the form established for each sheet, according to Appendix D, GOST 21.101-97.

12.5. When drawing up an explanatory note, you should be guided by the requirements of GOST 2.105-95. “General requirements for text documents”, in particular according to clause 4, adhere to the same sequence of numbering of chapters, sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs for all sections in the explanatory note. Tables, diagrams, drawings, etc. included in the explanatory note should be numbered in the same way.

12.6. Drawings of the graphic part (plans and sections) must be carried out on the scale established by GOST 2.302-68 “ESKD. Scales”, while Stroygenplan is carried out, as a rule, on a scale of 1:200 and 1:500. Technological diagrams can be made on an arbitrary scale, provided that the basic proportions are observed and the actual dimensions, marks, etc. are indicated, in accordance with GOST 2.701-84 “Schemes. Types and types. General requirements for implementation."

12.7. The procedure for developing and completing projects for the production of work using lifting mechanisms, as well as individual sections within the PPR for types of work technologically related to the use of lifting mechanisms, is regulated by the requirements of RD-11-06-2007 “Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for performing work using lifting machines and technological maps of loading and unloading operations."

PPR is a document developed in a construction organization. The work permit must be transferred to the construction site no later than 2 months before the start of work. The work project is drawn up by a contractor organization or a design organization under a contract at the expense of overhead costs.

Composition of the PPR.

    Schedule plan for the facility by type of work.


    Movement schedules of work crews, main construction vehicles and mechanisms around the site.

    Schedules for placing material resources, equipment at the site and distribution among teams.

    Technological maps for certain types of work with operational quality control systems.

    Geodetic works.

    Technological equipment, installation equipment, labor protection and safety precautions.

    Explanatory note - justification for all decisions made, as well as measures to protect existing buildings and structures and environmental measures.

    Technical and economic indicators (TEI): volume of construction, duration of construction, unit labor costs, level of mechanization, cost of work, profit.

Initial data for developing PPR:

    development task with deadlines;

    working documentation, including PIC;

    conditions for the supply of material resources, equipment; use of construction machines, vehicles and provision of workers;

    materials of technical inspection of buildings and structures, reconstructed objects, or existing ones nearby;

    requirements for construction and installation work (CEM) in the conditions of existing production (during reconstruction).

PPR can be developed on:

    for the construction of individual structural elements, parts of buildings and structures;

    for the construction of buildings and structures in general;

    for the performance of certain technically complex construction, installation and special construction works and for the work of the preparatory period.

13. Organizational and technological documentation for the construction of facilities.

Organizational and technological project documentation (OTD) includes a construction organization project (COP) and a work production project (WPR), as well as other documents that contain decisions on the organization of construction and work technology.

The minimum composition must ensure labor protection, public and environmental protection, as well as the ability to perform all types of control necessary to assess the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of the design documentation and contract.

A construction organization project as part of a project or detailed design is developed by a general design organization or, under its leadership, by another design organization.

The initial data for developing a PIC are:

□ materials on “Justification of investments in construction”;

□ engineering surveys;

□ information on providing construction with temporary utility networks, as well as local construction materials;

□ space-planning and design solutions for buildings and structures and basic technological diagrams of the main production, broken down into start-up complexes;

□ land use agreement or situational construction plan;

□ data from design documentation for similar buildings and structures;

□ information about the use of areas outside the construction site for construction;

□ Specifications for engineering support of the facility or solutions for the demolition of buildings and structures or for the relocation of utility networks that fall into areas of development;

□ other information and measures: the need to design temporary housing, interaction with operational services during reconstruction, the impact of the planned construction on nearby buildings and structures, etc.

The minimum composition of the PIC consists of the following documents:

□ construction calendar plan (CP);

□ construction master plan (CMP), if necessary, separately for the preparatory and subsequent construction periods;

□ explanatory note.

The need to develop a PIC in a more expanded version is accepted by the Developer or Investor in agreement with the authority issuing a construction permit. This instruction is reflected in the design specification.

The work project is developed by the general contractor or subcontractor at its own expense or on their instructions by third-party contractors who have a license for technological design.

The initial data for drawing up the PPR are:

□ standard technological maps;

□ maps of labor processes;

□ quality manuals;

□ standards of organizations for which the PPR is being developed;

□ current regulatory documents (SNiP, UKN, instructions and guidelines for the production and acceptance of work, including labor protection, fire safety standards, sanitary standards, etc.);

□ rules for the design and safe operation of lifting machines;

□ rules for electrical installations and rules for technical operation of networks;

□ terms of delivery of structures, materials and equipment.

The PPR is approved by the head of the contracting organization. The PPR for the construction of buildings and structures on the territory of the existing production is agreed upon with the operational service of the enterprise.

The minimum composition of the facility's PPR consists of a SGP or technological diagram with binding of installation mechanisms, control instructions for the execution of work and safety solutions.

To obtain a warrant to carry out work and equip the construction site with lifting mechanisms, the general contractor develops a work organization (WOR) for each building consisting of:

□ schedule for the construction of the facility, agreed upon with the Customer and approved by the Developer;

□ technological diagram of the work with horizontal and vertical alignment of assembly cranes with designation of the boundaries of working installation and hazardous areas;

□ special events for the joint work of the assembly crane with other construction machines and equipment;

□ load slinging diagrams and weight tables of lifted and moved loads;

□ operational control schemes for the installation of structures.

Developers and contractors often have questions: Are we required to have a PPR and on what basis? Who should develop the PPR and why?

Below we provide a list of regulatory and legal documentation, which directly or indirectly indicates the need to develop a Work Project.

SP 48.13330.2011 "Construction organization. Updated edition of SNiP 12-01-2004"

The conditions for fulfilling the requirements of legislation on labor protection, the environment and the population during the construction process, as well as the possibility of performing all types of control necessary to assess the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of design, regulatory documentation and (or) the terms of the contract, are established by construction organization projects and organizational and technological documentation.

Organizational and technological documentation includes project of work production, as well as other documents containing decisions on the organization of construction production and technology of construction and installation work, drawn up, agreed upon, approved and registered in accordance with the rules in force in the organizations that develop, approve and coordinate these documents.

SP 70.13330.2012 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures. Updated edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87"

The work specified in 1.1 must be performed in accordance with work execution project (WPP), as well as comply with the requirements of relevant standards, sets of rules for organizing construction production and safety precautions in construction, fire safety rules during construction and installation work, as well as the requirements of state supervisory authorities.

Work should be carried out according to PPR, in which, along with general requirements, the following must be provided: the sequence of installation of structures; measures to ensure the required installation accuracy; spatial immutability of structures during their enlarged assembly and installation in the design position; stability of structures and parts of a building (structure) during construction; degree of enlargement
construction and safe working conditions.

Rules for labor protection in construction (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 336n dated June 1, 2015)

The organization and conduct of construction production must be carried out in accordance with construction organization projects (hereinafter referred to as POS) and work production projects (hereinafter referred to as WPP), which should provide for specific solutions on occupational safety and health, defining technical means and work methods that ensure compliance with labor protection requirements.

SP 45.13330.2012 "Earth structures, foundations and foundations. Updated edition of SNiP 3.02.01-87"

When preparing foundations and constructing foundations, earth, stone, concrete and other work must be carried out taking into account the requirements of SP 48.13330, SP 70.13330 and SP 71.13330 and developed for the PPR facility.

Work on the construction of foundations and foundations without a preliminary maintenance work is not allowed, except for structures of the 4th level of responsibility for their intended purpose.

RD-11-06-2007 "Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work with lifting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations"

Installation of lifting machines, organization and execution of construction and installation works using them are carried out in accordance with a project specially developed for these purposes carrying out work using lifting cranes (PPRk).

Loading and unloading operations and storage of goods by cranes and manipulator cranes at bases, warehouses, and sites are carried out according to technological maps of loading and unloading operations (TC for work).

Construction organization projects (COP) are developed by design organizations with the involvement of specialized design organizations licensed for this type of activity.

Work projects and technological maps for construction, installation and loading and unloading operations using lifting machines are developed by specialists with experience in construction, trained and certified in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities in the manner established by the Service. Training and certification are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by the Service (RD 03-444-02), approved by Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated April 30, 2002 N 21, registered by the Ministry Justice of Russia 05/31/2002, reg. N 3489, according to programs and tickets agreed with the Service. In the protocol and certificate of the specialist involved in the development of PPRk and TC for work, a note is made on certification for knowledge of industrial safety requirements for specific Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes, manipulator cranes, construction hoists, lifts (towers) with the right to develop PPRk , technical documentation for the execution of works, as well as the development of projects for crane tracks. Installation and operation of lifts should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the installation instructions and operating manuals developed by manufacturers or specialized organizations, PB 10-518-02 "Rules for the design and safe operation of construction lifts", and technological maps for loading and unloading cargo.

SNiP 12-03-2001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements"

Organizations developing and approving construction organization projects (COP) and work performance projects (WPP) must include in them decisions on occupational safety that, in composition and content, comply with the requirements set out in Appendix G. Carrying out work without PIC and PPR containing these solutions is not allowed.

RD 102-011-89 "Labor safety. Organizational and methodological documents"


8.1. General provisions

8.1.1. The requirements of this section apply to all types of work performed in security zones of existing communications (main pipelines, power lines, etc.).

8.1.3. To eliminate the possibility of damage to existing communications during construction, security zones are established:

  1. along the routes of existing pipelines passing on non-agricultural lands - in the form of a plot of land limited by conditional lines running 50 m from the axis of the existing pipeline on each side; on agricultural lands, the security zone is limited by conditional lines running 25 m from the axis of the existing pipeline on each side;
  2. along the routes of multi-line pipelines - in the form of a plot of land limited by conditional lines running 50 m from the axes of the outermost pipelines on each side; on agricultural lands, the security zone is limited by conditional lines running 25 m from the axes of the outermost pipelines on each side;
  3. along underwater operating multi-line pipelines - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced from the axes of the outermost pipeline lines by 100 m on each side;
  4. around tanks for storing and degassing condensate, earthen pits for emergency release of oil and petroleum products - in the form of a plot of land bounded by a closed line, spaced 50 m from the boundaries of the territories of the specified objects in all directions;
  5. around pumping and loading pumping stations, tank farms, compressor and gas distribution stations, overpasses, underground gas storage stations, heating points for oil and petroleum products - in the form of a plot of land bounded by a closed line, spaced 100 m from the boundaries of the territories of these objects in all directions;
  6. along existing overhead power lines in a straight line in both directions from the outermost wires with voltage:

from 1 to 20 kV inclusive

up to 800 kV (DC)

along existing underground electrical cables - 1 m on both sides of the outermost cables;

along existing underground communication cables - 2 m on both sides of the outermost cables.

8.1.11. A construction organization that has received permission to carry out work in a security zone is obliged, before the start of work, to call a representative of the operating organization to establish, using technical documentation, search instruments and trenching, the exact location and actual depth of the existing communication, determine its technical condition and detect possible leaks of the transported product (if it is a pipeline), as well as the relative location of existing communications with the new designed facility (pipeline, cable, etc.).

All of the above data must be reflected in the work design, especially highlighting the places where the deepening of communications is insufficient. In the work design, the construction organization is obliged to provide measures to exclude the possibility of damage to existing communications by vehicle collisions, and safety measures for workers.

8.1.15. Before starting work in the security zone, the general contractor, together with subcontractors, must develop and agree with the operating organization measures to ensure the safe conduct of work and the safety of existing communications and structures.

Activities should include:

  1. the procedure for carrying out work in the security zone;
  2. places of crossings of construction vehicles and vehicles through existing communications and equipment of these crossings;
  3. measures to prevent soil subsidence when developing it in the immediate vicinity of existing communications, especially when buried below their level;
  4. precautions to ensure safe work (for example, reducing pressure in an existing pipeline, etc.).

8.1.16. Before starting work in the security zone of existing communications, the construction organization that will carry out this work must develop and approve an agreement agreed with the operating organization work execution project (WPP), which must provide the necessary safety measures taking into account the measures specified in clause 8.1.15.

VSN 41-85(r) "Instructions for the development of projects for organizing construction and projects for carrying out work on major repairs of residential buildings"

Carrying out major repairs without an approved project for organizing major repairs and Installation and operation of lifts should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the installation instructions and operating manuals developed by manufacturers or specialized organizations, PB 10-518-02 "Rules for the design and safe operation of construction lifts", prohibited.

Manual for the execution of work when constructing foundations and foundations (to SNiP 3.02.01-83)

Work on the construction of foundations and bases Without production projects, work is prohibited. The work project is developed on the basis of the general project and design documentation for the organization of construction.

When constructing the underground part of a structure, the need for water reduction, compaction and consolidation of the soil, installation of sheet piling, freezing of the soil, construction of foundations using the “wall-in-wall” method and other work is established by the construction project, and the organization of work is established by the construction organization project.

The need to perform the listed work can be established during the development process project for the construction of foundations and foundations or when opening pits and constructing bases and foundations. In these cases, the decision on their implementation is made by the design and construction organization together with the customer.

SP 50-102-2003 "Design and installation of pile foundations"

Work on the installation of pile foundations must be carried out according to the work execution project (WPP), the development of which is carried out by the contracting organization on the basis of the construction organization project. The PPR is coordinated with the design organization that developed the design of the pile foundations.

The PPR includes:

  1. construction plan of the facility with the boundaries and marks of the pit, axes of pile rows, electricity and water supply networks, location of household and industrial communications;
  2. list of necessary machines and equipment;
  3. technological diagrams of the main production processes (diagrams of the movement of pile drivers and drilling machines when installing piles, diagrams of pulling piles, reinforcement, frames to mechanisms, etc.);
  4. diagrams with the placement of temporary roads, storage areas for piles and other building structures and materials;
  5. work schedule;
  6. schedules for transporting piles, structures to the site, the need for workers and main construction machines;
  7. a brief explanatory note with calculations of the needs of construction machines and a feasibility study of the project;
  8. additional requirements for the performance of work, characteristic of a given facility, depending on the engineering-geological, hydrogeological, climatic and environmental conditions of the site and the type of structures.

SNiP 3.05.04-85* "External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage"

3.3. Installation of pipelines must be carried out in accordance with work execution project and technological maps after checking compliance with the design of the dimensions of the trench, fastening the walls, bottom marks and, for above-ground installation, supporting structures. The results of the inspection must be reflected in the work log.