Sizes of the transport services market. Transport services market: analysis of structure and conditions

1.3 Features of the transport services market

Market relations are increasingly developing in all sectors of the economy of our country. Transport, being a full-fledged subject of the market, must fit adequately into these relations. While observing the general objective economic laws of the market, it must, taking into account its own specifics, ensure the normal functioning of the free economic space of the state and sufficient profitability of transport enterprises, firms and other associations.

The market is a set of acts of purchase and sale of goods and services between sellers (producers) and buyers (consumers), based on supply and demand through commodity and other exchanges using market infrastructure, including banks, exchanges, transport, communications. Thus, transport, on the one hand, “physically” implements this exchange (circulation of goods and services). On the other hand, he himself provides a service to the main subjects of the market: sellers and buyers, i.e. forms a transport market.

The product of transport is movement. The beneficial effect that appears as a result of movement, its final result is the delivery of goods and people to their destination. This is the main “product”, i.e. a transport service that has an intangible form of consumption. However, like any product, it is characterized by its own quality characteristics, i.e., in order to sell it successfully, it is necessary to provide a high level of quality transport service: delivery exactly on time, without losses, with the maximum degree of convenience for customers.

Ensuring all this requires significant material, labor and financial resources. Consequently, transport services have a certain value (consumer and exchange), which arises during the transportation process and is included in the price of the product at the place of consumption. However, the price of transport products on the market, like any product, should be determined by supply and demand, taking into account socially necessary labor costs and the consumer properties of transportation. So far, prices of transport products (transport tariffs) are regulated by the state, and therefore transport has certain restrictions in the competition of market structures.

Thus, the features of the transport services market are:

the insubstantial nature of transport products, like any service (the inability to accumulate “in reserve”, the coincidence of production and sales processes, etc.);

spatial separation of transport service delivery areas, their non-interchangeability, which limits intra-industry (on one mode of transport) competition;

universality and mass character of the transport market in society, its monopoly;

The role of railway transport in the transport market largely depends on its versatility, productivity, placement of communications, level of technical equipment, carrying capacity, cost, convenience and safety of transportation. These indicators characterize the volume and quality of transport service offerings;

the demand for them for freight transportation is formed by socially necessary needs for material exchange. The relationship between supply and demand for transport services by mode of transport determines the level of participation of each of them in the operation of the transport system and at the same time is a stimulus for their development.

An important principle of the modern market is focus on the final result. In this light, the main thing is not cost savings, but the provision of services of the highest quality that meets the requirements and (or) desires of the consumer. Such quality, as a rule, requires increased costs. However, due to an increase in demand for such services, an increase in the number of sales (especially at a slightly higher price), the manufacturer’s profit may even increase, the consumer will receive a more durable quality product (thus saving on the frequency of purchases) or the most complete and desired service .

Integrated marketing involves producing not what you want to produce, but what consumers need. At the same time, it is necessary to study the final consumer goals and requests. Often, railroad workers think that customers need cars, but in fact they (consumers) need delivered products, which they can transport either by another mode of transport, or even replace with another type of raw material, fuel or equipment. Today, in developed countries, integrated marketing encourages not so much competition as cooperation (the so-called strategic alliance). Instead of competition between rail and road transport, it is more beneficial for both carriers and customers to integrate them and cooperate in order to provide the best transport service to cargo owners “from door to door” and “just in time”. It is in this direction that integrated marketing in transport should develop.

Transport, acting as a kind of intermediary (together with wholesalers and retailers, dealers, distributors), influences the efficiency of distribution and sales channels. At the same time, the choice of transport and the volume of its work largely depend on which channel to promote its products the company chooses.

The market, as a mechanism that unites buyers (demand providers - clients) and sellers (suppliers) of transport services, has its own specifics and takes various forms. The functioning of competitive markets, which involve a large number of independently operating enterprises interested in transportation, has a direct impact on the operation of transport.

There are many issues and problems being solved at the enterprise:

1. Additional services for insurance of the most expensive transportation, especially during the first year after the introduction of new technologies;

2. Simplification of the procedure for clients to submit applications based on contracts;

3. Information activities;

4. Providing services upon arrival of cargo, as well as services in all cases when the client has difficulties with loading and unloading using traditional or new technology, etc.

In the whole country, as a rule, there is no lack of demand for transportation, since this demand is a natural need of people and society. Transport is the “blood vessel” of production and economic systems, and without it they cannot function. However, on certain types of transport and in certain regions this situation is quite possible. For example, the desire of cargo owners to use motor transport for guaranteed long-distance delivery of components and other products instead of railways. Another example is a decrease in long-distance passenger travel (falling demand) due to a sharp rise in ticket prices. Irregular demand for transportation is often caused by the irregular operation of some enterprises, the seasonality of production and consumption of certain types of products, etc. In some cases, excessive or irrational demand for transportation is allowed, for example, due to the occurrence of counter, excessively repeated, excessively long and other irrational transportation.

To organize the normal operation of transport, it is very important to know the upcoming demand for cargo transportation, i.e., by balancing the demand with the available resources, develop transportation plans for various periods of validity: for the future, current and short-term periods. In them, with varying degrees of detail, the upcoming volumes of traffic and the size of transport work, as well as the main cargo flows and traffic density in the directions of the transport network should be established. It is very important to establish the structure of upcoming transportation by type of cargo, especially bulk cargo.

The main feature of international transportation is its competitive nature. To increase competitiveness in the field of freight transportation, it is necessary to improve the tariff system, namely to keep tariffs stable, reducing transportation costs. In order to survive the competition and not lose customers, the company must improve its tariff system.

Thus, it is beneficial for the carrier to combine rail and road transport over such a long distance, that is, the EATK company needs to develop modern types of bimodal transportation, the main purpose of which is to reduce the costs of transporting goods and increase the competitiveness of EATK LLC in the cargo transportation market.

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Market of railway transport services in Russia

There are different classifications of transport services. Based on the relationship with the main activities of enterprises, services can be transportation (i.e., including in one form or another an element of transportation) and non-transportation services. Based on the type of consumer to whom the service is provided, a distinction is made between external (provided by a non-transport enterprise) and internal (provided by another transport enterprise). Based on the nature of the activities related to the provision of a particular service, technological, commercial, informational, etc. are distinguished.

A scientifically based classification of transport sectors is important for proper planning of production and ensuring a certain proportionality in its development. The classification of transport sectors is based on the following principles:

economic purpose of the service provided;

the nature of the functioning of transport products in the production process;

the nature of the impact on the subject of work, etc.

The most important principle for classifying industries is the economic purpose of the service provided. In accordance with this, all transport is divided into external and internal.

Since transport is used not only for external transport, but also for internal transport, i.e. transportation within production, then in addition to public transport, the national economy has intra-production or departmental transport . The transport complex of the Russian Federation includes: road, sea, inland waterway, railway, aviation and other types of transport. Each type of transport has its own specifics regarding its use for transporting goods.

In the process of material production, transport satisfies the needs of sectors of the national economy for transportation of various types: intra-production, inter-industry within the region, inter-regional, transportation of workers, etc.

Types of transport are divided into water(sea and river), land (rail, road, pipeline) and air. All types of transport, except pipelines, are used to transport goods and passengers. These types of transport are traditional. Non-traditional types of transport include slurry pipelines (Bulk cargo is crushed and pumped through pipes together with water), pneumatic transport, and magnetic levitation transport.

Interdistrict and intradistrict transportation of goods and passengers determine the division of regional transport into mainline and intradistrict.

Transport functions:

One of the main functions is stimulating . Stimulation of economic growth is realized through investments in the transport complex.

· Distributive - ensuring the physical movement of commodity flows in the global economic system.

· The integration function of transport is implemented through the formation of a unified network of transport routes.

· Also performs a structure-forming function - participates in the formation of the sectoral structure of world production and inter-sectoral proportions.

· The social function of transport is providing equal access to social and economic infrastructure to all members of society through increasing the degree of transport accessibility.

The so-called “unified transport system” of Russia is characterized by such features as:

1) uneven development of various types of transport;

2) extremely uneven distribution of the transport network across individual regions;

3) weak interdependence and interaction of individual modes of transport when carrying out transportation (of goods and passengers);

4) a high level of monopolization of the transport services market combined with administrative pressure on economic agents, which dismembers the unified transport system.

Developed competencies: know

  • what is the market for transport services;
  • how tariffs for cargo transportation are formed and regulated; be able to
  • determine the costs of transportation by rail, sea and road transport;


Practical methods for forming tariffs for the transportation of goods by various modes of transport.

Transport services market in Russia

The transport complex of Russia includes all types of transport: railway, river, sea, road, air, pipeline, as well as access roads to networks and mainline transport facilities. The total volume of freight turnover of all types of public transport from 1992 to 2000 decreased by 47.2% and is only now acquiring a certain dynamism. Since 2000, with the exception of 2009, there has been a general growth trend for all types of transport (Table 11.1).

Competition in the transport services market exists between transportation by mode of transport and between firms in the transport services market.

There is competition in the field of maintenance and use of technical equipment on the railways of the Russian Federation, primarily cars, locomotives and technical equipment on railway tracks.

Railway enterprises that have transportation means, the owners of the transportation means, enter into competitive relations. Currently, in Russia alone there are thousands of enterprises that own rolling stock; their fleet exceeds 20% of the rolling stock used on its network.

The transport industry is not limited to transportation activities, therefore, intra-industry competition with its inherent specifics also exists in all other possible competitive segments of the market under consideration (services to clients and passengers, loading and unloading, freight forwarding services, repairs, etc.). Thus, the mechanism of state regulation in the sphere of natural monopoly should be based on the differentiation of real ipanits of monopoly and competitive spheres by segments of the transport market.

Freight turnover by types of public transport in 2000-2015, billion t-km

Table 11.1





T pipeline


gas pipeline

oil pipeline

nsftsproduct pipeline

An assessment of the level of competition in the railway transport market can be determined concentration level- the degree of presence of certain service providers in a specific market. Quantitative assessment of the level of concentration is based both on indicators characterizing the number of economic entities in the market and on the volume of services.

One of the well-known indicators measuring market concentration is Herfindahl market concentration index- Hirishan (HHI), which is calculated by squaring the percentage share of the market of each i-th economic entity (number of entities P ) relevant to a given market, and summing up the results obtained:

An example of calculating the Herfindahl-Hirschman market concentration index is given in Table. 11.2.

The concentration of the railway transportation market is presented in Table. 11.3.

With increasing market concentration, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index increases and reaches a maximum value of 10,000, which corresponds to the conditions monopolies. The minimum value will be with an equal distribution of market shares, which depends on the number of business entities. An industry in which 100 peer enterprises operate will have НН1= 100 I 2 = 100; with 10 equal enterprises НН1 == 10 x 10 2 = 1000; at five HHI = 5 20 2 = 2000, etc.

The Herfindahl-Hirschman index allows us to determine the difference between the levels of concentration in different markets with a given number of economic entities and a given share of their participation. To characterize the market, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index is used within the following limits: for pure competition from 0 to 1600, monopolistic - in the range of 1600-3600, oligopoly - 3600-6400 and for pure monopoly from 6400 to 10,000.

The Herfindahl-Hirschman index shows that the presence of one dominant enterprise in a market makes the market less competitive, since this enterprise can have a greater influence on the price and quality of products than other market participants.

Standard values ​​for the possible level of market concentration in the railway market, in which 17 railways of the Russian Federation participate, are presented in Table. 11.4.

Such a formal assessment could be accepted if the railways were completely independent of each other and were not so heterogeneous due to their geographical location. Considering individual railways as equal participants in the railway transportation market when determining the level of intra-industry competition cannot be considered correct.

Table 11.2

Assessment of the level of concentration of the transport market

Types of transport

Transportation volume 2014

Freight turnover

Total, million tons

Specific gravity,

Concentration level, units

Total, million t/km

Specific gravity,

Concentration level, units



T pipeline


Inland waterway

Meaning НН1

Assessment of the level of concentration of the railway transport market along the network roads

Dispatch of goods

Freight turnover

Passenger turnover

Specific gravity, %

Concentration level, units

Specific gravity, %

Concentration level, pp.

Specific gravity, %

Concentration level, units






North Caucasian





South Ural

West Siberian


East Siberian


Far Eastern


Meaning HHI

Standard values ​​of the market concentration index for network roads

Conditional number of the railway

Equal participation, %

Shares of participation in the transportation segment, %

Overall volume

Meaning HHI

Relationship Assessment

Pure competition

Intermediate stages


The organizational structure of the industry complicates the process of intra-industry competition, since transportation is carried out on a conveyor belt basis (by several railways), and parallel lines and large industrial centers of the country, as a rule, are controlled and served by the same railway. However, the interests of various departments and railways in relation to the passage of car flows on parallel tracks and, accordingly, their share in the development of freight turnover contribute to the existence and development of intra-road competition. In addition, rivalry between stations, depots and other business units is possible.

Calculation of the Herfindahl-Hirschman index for different indicators (volume or financial) in different segments of the transport market makes it possible to quite simply and clearly assess competition. For each competitive segment, choice plays a significant role in the actual assessment of the size of competition. base indicator. Thus, an assessment based on the number of participants in the railway market for works and services is often inappropriate due to its structural features. An assessment based on the number of homogeneous technical means used is possible with a more detailed examination of individual market segments. The assessment of competition in terms of volume of work and income seems to be universal.

Freight flows represent a specific expression of transport and economic relations that are formed in the process of production and exchange of goods between senders and recipients of goods and are distributed along various routes of communication.

They are characterized by the direction and size of cargo exchange, depending on the location of production, points of departure of goods, points of consumption and storage bases of goods, technological features of production and its specialization, location of communication routes and carrying capacity of transport, as well as on the system of organizing goods distribution.

Freight flows are classified by purpose, type of cargo and mode of transport.

By purpose distinguish between international, interdistrict, local and intra-farm transport and economic relations.

International cargo flows represent the transportation of goods between different countries and continents. Currently, interstate transportation between CIS countries is distinguished from them. Under inter-district freight flows understand the exchange of goods between economic regions, republics, territories and regions of Russia. Sometimes these cargo flows are called interregional. Transportation between points located within the same economic region, republic, territory, region or on the site of a transport association (railroad, shipping company) is called intra-district, intra-regional, or local. On-farm, or in-production transportation - movement of goods within one enterprise.

Classification of freight flows by type of cargo provides for the identification and analysis of the main bulk cargo, the share of which in the total volume of transportation of a particular type of transport in a country or region is significant. At the same time, each type of transport has its own nomenclature of basic bulk cargo. For individual regions, other cargo is also analyzed, which makes up a small share of the total cargo turnover in the country, but is of great importance for the given region.

Of the numerous types of products transported by various modes of transport, 6-8 groups are distinguished (Table 11.5).

Table 11.5

Freight flows by type of cargo

Railway transport

Inland water transport

Sea transport

Cargo group

Cargo group

Cargo group







Oil cargo


Timber cargo




Oil cargo


All sorts of ores

All sorts of ores

All sorts of ores

Grain cargo

Black metals

Oil cargo

Grain cargo

Grain cargo


Black metals

Chemical and mineral fertilizers

Black metals

Chemical and mineral fertilizers

Total main cargo

As can be seen from table. 11.5, each type of transport is characterized by its own structure of cargo flows, although in general the listed groups of goods form the basis of the volume of transportation (83-92%) on these types of transport. The most significant transportation on railways is construction materials, coal, oil cargo (mainly petroleum products), iron ores, ferrous metals and grain cargo; For river transport, transportation of mineral building materials and timber cargo is most typical; for sea - liquid (oil cargo), building materials, ores and grain cargoes.

Analyzing cargo flows by type of transport, we identify, first of all, universal types of public transport - railway, inland waterway and sea, which carry out mass and, as a rule, primary transportation of goods. Transportation by road, which carries out a significant portion of repeat transportation, is analyzed separately. There is also transportation by pipeline transport, which moves only certain products. Thus, more than 62% of oil cargo is transported through pipelines.

From the table 11.6 shows that the bulk of fuel and raw materials in Russia (except for oil cargo) is transported by rail. At the same time, cargo such as iron and manganese ores, coal and coke, mineral fertilizers, ferrous metals, grain and grinding products, cement, almost completely (90-96%) are delivered to the railway for delivery to consumers.

Table 11.6

Freight flows by mode of transport

A significant part of the transportation of mineral building materials (more than 35%) and timber cargo (23.3%) is carried out by river transport. The majority of crude oil (over 62%) and a significant volume of petroleum products are supplied to consumers via oil pipelines and oil product pipelines.

The range of goods transported by road transport is very diverse, from which the analysis distinguishes the transportation of industrial and agricultural products, construction materials and goods of the trading network.

In recent years, the share of goods transported in containers has been growing in all modes of transport.

The characteristics of cargo flows for main bulk cargo are determined by the volumes, directions and conditions of transportation of various products by various modes of transport throughout the country. The capacity and directions of cargo flows depend on the location of productive forces, the intensity, specialization and characteristics of the production and consumption of various types of products, the availability and condition of transport infrastructure by region, and the development of international transport and economic relations.

Due to the development of competition between modes of transport, some transport companies, regardless of costs, undertake the full cycle of door-to-door transportation, although for economic reasons it is more efficient to interact between different modes of transport. This refers to the cargo flows of coal, timber and building materials, previously carried out in mixed railway-water communications in the Volga-Kama basin (such transport has now decreased by almost half). Due to the undeveloped economic mechanisms of management and state regulation, railways in some cases, to serve clientele at the ends of railway routes, acquire small fleets of vehicles, the productivity of which is much lower and the cost is higher than large automobile plants. At the same time, road transport carries out very long-distance transportation.

The advantages of Russia's geographic location as a natural land bridge between the vertices of the Europe-Asia-America triangle allow, in the case of consistent implementation of a targeted state transport policy, to count on our country's active participation in the international transit market in the amount of 50-60 million tons with an annual volume of transport services of 3-5 billion US dollars. This requires attracting quite significant investment resources, but the corresponding interest is currently being shown by a number of large transnational corporations, which is due to the virtual absence of real alternatives.

The results of calculations for the economic justification of the Transport Strategy of Russia are presented in Table. 11.7.

Table 11.7

Summary characteristics of the national economic forecast

The proportions of economy and transport were determined using the criterion of maximum final consumption, which means a minimum of costs, including transport costs. According to calculations adopted in the Russian transport strategy, in Russia as a whole, freight turnover during the period under study increases by 1.5 times, in Siberia - by 1.63 times.

  • Since 2012 - excluding transportation by mixed (river-sea) vessels. Since 2015 - according to Rosmorrechflot.
  • Since 2012 - including transportation by mixed (river-sea) vessels. Since 2015 - according to Rosmorrechflot.
  • According to the Federal Air Transport Agency.


1 Transport services market…………………………………………...4

2 Areas of freight transport service……………………….8

3 The role of transport in client development and vice versa……….9


Used literature…………………………………………………………….14


Transport is the third leading branch of material production; it forms the material basis of the international division of labor, affects the location of production, promotes the development of specialization and cooperation, as well as the development of integration processes by means of transporting goods and passengers. It plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. In Russia, as in other developed countries, transport is one of the largest basic sectors of the economy, an important component of the production and social infrastructure.

Road transport, along with other modes of transport (rail, water, air, pipeline), forms the basis of the transport system of our country and meets the transport needs of the population and the economy through a range of services and work performed in the field of motor transport activities.

Cars as vehicles are characterized by high maneuverability and the ability to carry out direct delivery of goods and people (without the participation of other modes of transport). Due to their advantages, they are widely used in the transportation of passengers and cargo both within districts (cities), and in interdistrict (intercity) and international communications. At short distances, road transport is essentially a monopolist - in the transportation of both goods and passengers, and at medium and long distances it successfully competes with railway transport.

Road transport is a connector and closely interacts with other modes of transport, and its clientele amounts to several million people.

Transport services market.

In conditions of market relations, any enterprise, including motor transport, is in constant interaction with other market entities. All elements of the market are interconnected and, to one degree or another, influence each other, while simultaneously experiencing the influence of the external environment. The formation of the market intensifies the processes of circulation of values ​​and movement of people, contributes to a significant increase in the role of transport and forwarding enterprises that organize and carry out these processes. Especially great in market conditions is the importance of motor transport enterprises that provide direct, reliable delivery of goods and passengers - a factor in the effective functioning of the economy.

Road transport as a business area belongs to the mobile market sector of the economy. Freight transport enterprises, in the face of falling demand for transportation, are expanding freight forwarding and non-core types of services, opening their terminal points with a warehouse base.

In a competitive environment, consumers are increasingly placing increased demands on the quality indicators of cargo transportation: the urgency of deliveries, the safety of cargo, the expansion of the range of services, and the reliability of the transport partner. There has been an increased demand for international cargo delivery.

In the specialized literature, analyzing the sources of influence on an enterprise in market conditions, they distinguish the sphere of direct (Figure 1) and the sphere of indirect influence on the ATP (Figure 2).

ATP directly interacts with various suppliers: suppliers of rolling stock (automobile factories or their dealers); suppliers of fuel and lubricants; suppliers of engineering, managerial and working personnel (universities, technical schools, vocational schools, driver training schools); capital providers (banks); information suppliers (mass media, specialized firms).

Consumers of motor transport services are industrial enterprises, trade enterprises, services and consumer services, agricultural enterprises, government organizations and institutions, and individual consumers.

ATP's competitors are other ATPs and motor transport entrepreneurs, enterprises of other modes of transport, cargo owners using their own motor transport.

The role of transport in ensuring the normal functioning and development of the economy is significant and undeniable. It can be argued that the interaction of subjects of the transport sector of the national economy of Russia is carried out through market mechanisms that have formed over the past decades.

Traditionally, the market is viewed as a set of sellers of goods that are regarded by consumers as closely interchangeable products. It should be noted that the interchangeability of goods is determined by estimating the cross-price elasticity of demand. This indicator characterizes the relative change in the volume of demand for one product (service) with a relative change in the price of another product (service) and is determined by the formula

Where E ij coefficient of cross (point) elasticity of demand for the ith product at price j-ro goods (the coefficient of point cross price elasticity of demand is determined with minor changes in price and quantity of demand); Qi is the amount of demand for the "th product; P j price j- th product; d– differential sign.

In the case when E ij > 0, the goods (services) under study are interchangeable, when E ij < 0 goods (services) – complementary, with E ij = 0 goods (services) are independent.

There is a close relationship between the categories “market” and “industry”. The industry groups enterprises according to the production principle, the market - according to the commonality of consumer properties and demand. Enterprises that are part of an industry, as a rule, present their goods (services) in separate single markets - markets for goods that satisfy the same need.

In Fig. 1.2 shows a diagram characterizing the functional significance of the market as an economic mechanism. Fulfilling a regulatory function means that RTU acts as a regulator of the formation and placement of transport capacity through the relationship between supply and demand. The stimulating function is to stimulate the reduction of transportation costs, improve the quality of transport services, and use innovations. The information function of the market is less important - collecting information about the required volume, range and quality of services demanded by customers in a certain period of time. The market's performance of an intermediary function is expressed in providing the opportunity to select a transport service provider that best meets the requirements of the client. The meaning of the sanitizing function is to “cleanse” social production of economically weak ones and encourage the development of efficiently functioning enterprises. Fulfilling a social function means differentiating the income of market participants through the use of the market mechanism as a balance of supply and demand.

Rice. 1.2.

Depending on the purpose of economic analysis, the following types of markets are distinguished:

  • 1) as an object of commercial transactions: markets for goods and services, markets for factors of production, markets for money and finance;
  • 2) according to the level of standardization of services: markets for homogeneous and differentiated goods;
  • 3) by the presence and magnitude of entry barriers: markets without barriers with an unlimited number of participants, with moderate barriers and a limited number of participants, with high barriers and a very small number of participants, with blocked entry and a constant number of participants;
  • 4) by type of buyer: markets for consumer services (clients - individuals), markets for industrial services (clients - legal entities);
  • 5) on the regulation of the market process on the part of the market participants themselves: organized and spontaneous markets;
  • 6) by scale of operations: regional, national, international and global markets;
  • 7) by type of market structure: markets of perfect competition, competitive competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and oligopsony, monopoly and monopsony; natural monopoly, cartel, market with a dominant firm.

The structure of the RTU is complex and at the same time unites many organizations - market subjects that have different goals in interaction: service providers, service consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, the state, public (self-regulatory) organizations (Fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3.

The classification of market elements is complex and has many features for identifying elements. To regulate each specific market, it is necessary to accurately define the conditions, rights and obligations to the state and other participants, which are enshrined in legislation. Therefore, we present a simplified version of the classification (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3

Classification of market elements

Classification characteristics

Types of market entities (elements)

Service providers


By mode of transport (road, rail, etc.); by direction of transportation (urban, suburban, intercity, international); by scale of activity (large, medium, small); by specialization (freight, passenger); but departmental affiliation (departmental, general use)

Warehouses and terminals

By volume (large, medium, small); but the quality and range of service (AAA, AA, B, C, D); by area of ​​coverage (city, territorial, national, international); by type of storage requirements (production, customs, temporary storage, consignment)

Service consumers


By field of activity (manufacturing, servicing); by affiliation (state, departmental, private, public); by scale of activity (large, medium, small); according to the characteristics of the order of services (long-term and one-time; standardized or special products)


According to the individual characteristics of the customer (for personal use and for public use)


Equipment and materials

By type of supplied funds and means of labor (machinery, fuel, materials and spare parts, equipment), but by type of connection (long-term collaborating, one-time)

By purpose of services (servicing and accompanying); by type of service (energy, water disposal, heating, maintenance and repair, support)


Forwarders, agents, brokers, lines, conferences

By level of interaction (global, national, regional, local); on working with modes of transport (road, rail, sea, etc. and mixed);

Logistics operators

For a range of logistics services (specialized, integrated, multimodal transportation of goods, integrated distribution)



Ministries and federal services

Regional level

Territorial and regional authorities

City, town, municipal

Public (self-regulatory) organizations

Trade unions, associations, employers' unions, etc.

The above classification in its most general form represents the diversity and differentiation of RTU participants, the reduction of which is achieved in markets organized by mode of transport.

The object of commercial transactions at RTU is a transport service, characterized by a combination of economic and consumer properties. Consumer properties express the position and requirements of the clientele regarding the quantity and quality of transport services. They can be presented at the current time or reflect a set of potential requirements determined by the state of the market, supply and demand, the specifics of the goods transported, etc. Economic properties reflect the compliance of the technical, technological, and operational capabilities of the service provider with the requirements of the clientele. For example, one of the constants in the list of consumer properties of a client is the requirement quality, for transport services is implemented through a set of detailed characteristics: urgency, completeness, safety, security, reliability of delivery cargo to the client. For the manufacturer of a transport service, ensuring urgency, completeness, safety, and security is quantitatively expressed in an increased level of transportation costs. And when deciding on the quality level, the manufacturer weighs capabilities and costs. If the ratio allows the level of quality specified by the client to be met, the client and the manufacturer in such a situation are maximally satisfied, and the situation itself can be considered productive for the development of the market as a whole and maintaining a favorable environment.

Research into RTU and the development of methods for its regulation are important not only for studying the supply of services, their properties, quantity, quality and other parameters. More important for the study are general laws, patterns, trends, features, proportions of the formation of the market environment, models and processes of functioning and development of the market, its conditions, factors determining the stability of market processes and relations.

Research into the process of formation and change in the structure of RTU allows one to get an idea of ​​the structure, connections, orderliness of interaction of its elements, subjects of market relations, depending on the directions, goals and essence of the study.

Structure(lat. structura– structure, arrangement, order) is a set of stable connections of an object that ensure its integrity and identity with itself, i.e. preservation of basic properties under various external and internal changes.

Using special analysis methods, structural “slices” of the RTU can be compiled according to the characteristic being studied: sectoral structure are called a complex of modes of transport that coexist and interact in the transport industry. Deep detailing of the sectoral structure of the transport services market is carried out according to the following criteria: specializations– distinguish between freight and passenger transport; type of message - international, intercity, suburban, city transport; accessories– departmental and public transport and (or) commercial and government transport.

Market structure called the share representation of many producers and clients of RTU, or supply and demand by type of service and activity. Manufacturers services are divided according to the following criteria: scale of production, quality of service, price level, market share, production concentration etc., and the process of separating service providers is called analysis of the competitive environment or competitors. Clients divided by type of consumption of transport services: for personal use– individual clients; for industrial consumption – organizations and enterprises; according to other characteristics characteristic of the type of service, and the separation process is called market segmentation. Under the influence of the market structure (composition of industries, groups of producers, customer segments, general market conditions), the market conditions for transport services develop (the ratio of supply and demand at a certain point in time), setting the price level and shaping the level of costs for the services provided. This influence is mutual, the market structure is dynamically transformed to suit the changing market conditions, and the changed structure creates fluctuations in market conditions.

Organizational structure RTU allows you to assess the level of controllability and hierarchy of relationships among market participants - carriers, suppliers, clients, and the state. The organizational structure of the market is based on the mechanism and methods of regulation, which will set the market model and determine the level of anarchy and (or) centralization in the regulation of market processes.

Assortment structure RTU is a response to the study of the needs and desires of the clientele in the offer by carriers of demanded, high-quality, modern services that satisfy the real needs and anticipate the desires of the clientele, and therefore purchased services. Analysis of the assortment structure allows us to establish changes in supply and demand and highlight basic services – transportation of goods and passengers, and additional – accompanying or providing transportation, preparing transportation. For example, additional services include selection of packaging, bundling, labeling, counting, weighing, formation of consignments in one direction, fulfillment of customs formalities, etc.

For research, not only the types of market structures listed above can be identified. The goals of researching specific needs can be focused on other types of structures: technological, informational, integration, product, marketing, service etc. Market structuring has a narrow specialization and, as a rule, is used to study specific problems. It is important to study market structures to identify the influence of objective laws and patterns of market formation, functioning and development. For example, for government bodies at the federal level, it is important to identify disproportions in sectoral development; for local governments, deep detail of problems at the level of a region, city, city district, etc. is important.

TO peculiarities of production and consumption of transport services, determined by industry specifics include:

  • the impossibility of correcting the committed “defect” (failure to meet customer requirements for the quality of transport service, as a rule, is compensated by paying penalties);
  • the transportation process is characterized by increased energy intensity;
  • a high level of dependence of the transportation process (traffic regularity, labor productivity, transportation costs, etc.) on the state of environmental factors;
  • the transport process is characterized by increased danger both for participants in the process and for the environment (accidents, industrial injuries, negative impact on the environment, etc.);
  • in the structure of transportation costs there is no such cost item as “raw materials”, but the share of costs associated with the use of labor is high (1.5–2 times higher than in industry);
  • The transport industry is of an infrastructural nature and has significant general economic, social, cultural and strategic significance as an element of maintaining the interconnections of industries in the structure of the economy.

The study and analysis of the market situation requires not only market structuring, but also an assessment of the current and predicted market conditions - the state of the market formed at a certain point in time as a result of the influence of a complex of forces, factors and conditions. Indicators reflecting the RTU environment include; supply and demand for services, market development trends, level of market stability, degree of business activity, level of commercial risk, etc.

The demand for transport services on the scale of an industry market or markets for modes of transport is the ratio between the tariff for the service and the volume of demand for transportation, additional services, and comprehensive freight forwarding services.

Demand studies involve segmentation– dividing the market into groups of clients that are homogeneous based on selected characteristics. The allocation of RTU segments is carried out on the basis of criteria such as geographical, economic, technological, industry, etc. In Fig. Table 1.4 provides a generalized classification of signs of segmenting the transport services market, which allows, using certain signs that correspond to the goals and objectives of the enterprise, to determine current and target market segments and plan a development strategy. When assessing demand in the market, one should take into account the state of demand factors - characteristics of the service and market that influence the amount of demand. Demand factors for RTU include tariffs for the service, customer income, tariffs for substitute services, the number of customers in the market, customer requirements and preferences, etc.

Offering a service– this is the manufacturer’s willingness to sell a certain volume of services at a certain price for a certain period of time. The amount of supply, as well as the amount of demand, can be expressed in physical and value terms. The offer on RTU is the transport capacity of the rolling stock fleet of service providers, depending on the price of the service, taking into account the degree of wear, technical readiness of vehicles, transportation technology, and operating conditions.

Assessing the supply involves determining the type of market structure (model). At the same time, factors such as the number and market share of manufacturers and customers are analyzed; differentiation/homogeneity of services; symmetry/asymmetry of market information; the presence and magnitude of barriers to entry/exit, the possibility of influence of producers and clients on the market price (tariff). Modern RTU is a mixed model of competition, since individual industry markets are characterized by different types of structure, as we discussed earlier.

The competitive position of an enterprise in the market is largely determined by the size of its market share. Therefore, when studying supply on the market, the indicator “economic concentration” is assessed, determined by the number of sellers in the market and the degree of their influence on the market price, as a concentration index, defined as the sum of the market shares of the largest producers on the market:

Where CR k . – concentration index; N – the total number of producers on the market; y i share of production i-th manufacturer in the total volume of market supply; To– the number of large producers on the market.

The concentration index is measured in fractions or percentages. The higher the value of the indicator, the greater the market power of the largest producers, the stronger the degree of concentration in the market, the weaker the competition. The use of the concentration index has certain limitations.

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inconsistency (does not allow us to differentiate the role of producers in the total volume of supply on the market; there are no clear criteria for choosing the number k). This deficiency is corrected by the Herfindahl–Hirschman index, calculated as the sum of the squares of the shares of all manufacturers operating in the market:

Where HHI Herfindahl–Hirschman index; at i is the share of sales of the i-th manufacturer in the total volume of market supply; n is the total number of producers in the industry.

Threshold values ​​of the concentration level, calculated using the coefficients under consideration, are presented in the form of a diagram in Fig. 1.5.

When assessing supply on the market, it is necessary to take into account supply factors– characteristics of a service or market that influence the amount of supply, which include: prices for resources, level of technology development, taxation and subsidies in the industry, prices of competitors, the number of competitors and intermediaries in the market, non-economic conditions (climatic and geographical factors, activities public organizations) etc.

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A comparison of quantitative estimates of supply and demand on the market allows us to characterize market conditions. But for a more complete analysis of the market situation it is necessary to evaluate market volume– the volume of services sold on the market over a certain period of time.

Capacity is determined by the ratio of price and purchasing power of the population, measured in monetary and natural equivalents.

Capacity national market for a specific type of service for the year is calculated based on statistical data using the formula

where E is market capacity; P – national production of this type of service in the country; E – export of services; I – import of services; EO – indirect export (export of services accompanying the exported service); I o – indirect import (import of services accompanying the imported service).

The choice of approach to determining the capacity indicator is largely determined by the specifics of the market (segment) being studied. Thus, the capacity of the passenger transportation market can be calculated through the transport mobility of the population using the formula

where T is the transport mobility of the population (the number of trips per capita per year); N – population size of the region under study; l– average length of a passenger’s trip.

The quantitative, as well as structural correspondence of the volume of services provided on the market to existing needs is characterized by the “market saturation” indicator, which is determined by the formula

where II is market saturation; Q pv – transportation capabilities of transport enterprises; E – market capacity.

The market situation depends not only on the number of RTU elements - producers of transport services and clients, but also on their characteristics. Thus, producers of transport services can be differentiated according to the following criteria: scale of activity, quality of transport services, level of tariffs, degree of diversification of activities, etc. Customers are classified primarily by type of consumption, whether for personal or business purposes. For the purposes of analyzing the market situation, it is necessary to rely on statistical data characterizing both the dynamics of economic processes and the identification of cycles in the development of the industry’s economy, the identification of “seeds of crisis” and the prevention of crisis in the near and distant future.

For example, the significant share of road transport in ensuring the volume of cargo transportation in the economy of the Russian Federation, amounting to 69–74%, as well as the large value of the transport component in the cost of industrial products, agriculture, trade, and the service sector, requires increasing the efficiency and quality of services of transport enterprises. However, with an increase in Russia's GDP, the share of road transport in this indicator is insignificant, it does not exceed 4–5%, while the financial results of the activities of road transport enterprises (ATEs) are low, many enterprises are unprofitable, which affects the quality and price of the services provided and is a prerequisite for the formation crisis and development of the crisis in the economy.

The development of the Russian economy is associated with cyclicality and the regular occurrence of economic crises under the influence of external causes, including factors and trends in the global economy. Cyclicality– regular repetition of processes and phenomena in the economy. A crisis– a state of the economy in which for a certain period of time there is a slowdown in economic and other processes, a shortage of monetary and other resources is formed, and destructive economic processes develop and increase.

Crises of 1985–1988 and 1992–1994 arose under the influence of internal factors, in 1998 and 2008–2009. the impetus for the crises was external economic factors, which is confirmed by the data of the economic and statistical analysis of the performance indicators of road transport enterprises (Fig. 1.6).

Significant changes in the socio-economic situation in Russia, the consequences of the global economic crisis, and the development of the transport services market in conditions of fierce competition have significantly changed the operating conditions of transport enterprises.

The profitability of assets and services remains traditionally low for the industry, which indicates the low profitability of the production of services and the unprofitability of maintaining the assets of motor transport enterprises. Financial ratios fluctuate significantly, indicating cyclicality in the economy. The coefficients of provision of own working capital, which characterize the business activity of road transport enterprises, often have negative values ​​and confirm the lack of financing of current economic activities from their own sources, which, simultaneously with high values ​​of autonomy coefficients, indicates the high capital intensity of services and the cost of fixed assets of enterprises in the industry. This also confirms the instability of economic development, which regularly forms cyclicalities and crises.

Statistical data on the functioning of road transport in recent years are proof of its crisis development. The dynamics of indicators of enterprises operating in the transport services market also indicates the cyclical nature of their crisis development, which can be identified and described.

A study of data from the Federal State Statistics Service showed that the share of unprofitable transport enterprises is quite high: in the Russian Federation until 2006, the share of such enterprises was 41.6–66.4% after the market stabilized in the early 2000s; in 2008 this figure is significantly lower and reaches in 2012–2013. 39.6%. Many motor transport enterprises, due to the reduction in transportation volumes during the crisis of 2008–2009, faced the problem of survival in the competitive transport services market, which indicates the crisis nature of the development of enterprises in the industry. The amount of loss of large and medium-sized enterprises in the industry is estimated at between 50.2% in 2005 and 38% in 2010 (26.6% in 2008). In St. Petersburg, the share of unprofitable enterprises during the same period was 28–50%.

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A - assessment of changes in financial indicators of road transport in the Russian Federation from 1995 to 2014, %; b– the share of unprofitable enterprises of freight road transport in the country and by region as of January 1 of each year, %

Currently, as a result of the influence of external factors of the modern geopolitical situation, which limits the scale of activity of cargo-owning enterprises, the introduction of an embargo on imported goods, the demand for the services of carrier enterprises in international transport may sharply decrease, which will lead to a deterioration in the economic results of the industry. Negative trends in the development of transport enterprises are associated, first of all, with crisis phenomena in the economy as a whole, as well as with a high level of competition in the market, with a general drop in demand for transportation, redistribution of market shares, new customer requirements, as well as with internal problems in the functioning of motor transport enterprises in terms of the material and technical base to ensure uninterrupted operation, as well as the dynamic aging of the rolling stock fleet.

However, the cyclical development of the transport and enterprise economy is normal if crises can be prevented. In this case, development is built on the basis of the “life cycle” theory, which allows us to talk about the stable instability of a market economy. Consequently, the functioning of enterprises in the transport industry, as well as other sectors of the economy, occurs not only under the influence of economic crises, but also under the conditions of economic cycles. Crisis situations in an enterprise often arise during the transition period from one stage to another, between certain stages of the cycle. Crisis situations are typical for transport enterprises at the stages of development: formation (inception or formation), development (growth), stabilization, decline, development (increase) of crisis, exit from business/crisis (liquidation or reaching a qualitatively new level of development).

The dynamics of development indicators of enterprises operating in the transport services market indicates the cyclical nature of their crisis development, which can be identified and described. To prove the cyclical development of transport enterprises, methods for constructing classical dynamics series and phase curves can be used, which make it possible to reflect economic cycles in two-dimensional space in the form of closed contours of industry indicator curves. The closed contours of the curves, which can be determined on the graphs, indicate the cyclical nature of changes in indicators. Thus, sequential reflection on the axes X And Y values ​​of the analyzed indicators records the cycles of their development, which are visible in the presence of closed contours on the phase curves. An example of constructing a phase curve is shown in Fig. 1.7. The cyclical nature of development has been recorded over a long period of statistical observations of the average annual index of changes in traffic volumes, calculated according to Rosstat data from 1928 to 2013; a distinct cycle is recorded in the interval 1995–2009. when closing the contour of the curve.

Phase curves make it possible to track the development cycles of enterprises in the transport services market, and their behavior and variability can reflect the dynamics of indicators that, at certain moments in the functioning of enterprises, may indicate an increase in crisis phenomena and help to detect the so-called “crisis shoots.” In addition, the theory of describing cycles has in common their spiral-shaped nature of development, which allows them to be predicted.

Rice. 1.7. Phase curve of the average annual cargo transportation volume index(Iq)

A transport enterprise is a dynamic system that changes its state over time under the influence of economic and other processes. If the function of a system changes over time, then the system is considered non-stationary. To characterize the development of enterprises in the transport services market, the concept of non-stationarity has been introduced, reflecting the prerequisites, germs, impacts and consequences of economic crises and the cyclical nature of economic development.

Nonstationarity– this is the state of transport enterprises, which is expressed in periodically repeated variability of the parameters of their functioning model with cyclically recurring crises.

The nonstationarity of the market can be expressed in the variability of the mathematical model for describing the processes of its functioning. This does not mean the uncertainty of the basic laws of the market, but only the variability of the parameters of the model built according to these laws. The non-stationarity of market dynamics gives rise to instability of the average performance of enterprises, which manifests itself in the form of a periodic decrease in profits, volume indicators, income, profitability of services and other indicators of the enterprise under the influence of changes in environmental factors and the conditions of their functioning.

Under crisis one should understand the degree of adaptability of a transport enterprise to the impact of crisis factors on it. Crisisiness can be assessed expertly using a score. Crisis phenomena, factors and some symptoms of the crisis can be described by indicators that reflect the efficiency and characteristics of the functioning of road transport enterprises. Such indicators include current indicators that characterize the activities of the enterprise in real time and are of essential importance for assessing the activities of the enterprise from the point of view of achieving the desired goals in a specific situation, including the non-stationary development of the market (financial indicators, technical and operational indicators, wear rate, traffic volume indices and freight turnover, economic indicators: valuable index of changes in income, chain index of changes in costs, etc.). For different transport enterprises, depending on the factors that caused the crisis, changes in current indicators look different, therefore, to assess the crisis level of enterprises, it is necessary to use different indicators.

Regulation of the transport services market involves a combination of economic and administrative methods of influencing the operation of transport, implementing regulation both in the long term and in the mode of operational influences.

The economic role of the state as a mechanism for regulating the development of the transport services market is based on the following principles:

  • – the formation of a unified legal field and social climate that contribute to the effective functioning of business entities;
  • – supporting fair competition and protecting property rights;
  • – increasing the economic efficiency of the functioning of business entities in the public sector of the economy;
  • – support for the real sector of the economy;
  • – improving the policy of income redistribution in order to provide social guarantees to workers;
  • – ensuring the security of the state, population and economic entities.

Let's consider the most effective regulators - methods direct(administrative) and indirect(economic) influence of the state on the market.

Administrative methods– a set of mandatory requirements and orders of government bodies in relation to business entities. The implementation of these regulatory methods is carried out through the issuance of relevant laws and government regulations (federal and regional levels), rules, norms, standards and other regulations of the state and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In transport, there are also industry-specific regulatory legal acts that regulate the operating conditions of rolling stock (rules for the transportation of goods and passengers; regulations on the maintenance and repair of vehicles; traffic rules; standards for environmental safety; organization of international transport of goods and passengers).

Economic methods are associated with the regulation of the economic interests of business entities through the parameters of tariff, tax, accelerated depreciation, and monetary policy.

The strategic role of the state is to use the most effective methods of regulation, focusing on economic (indirect) methods, which are based on the operation of market laws and allow combining state regulation and self-regulation. The purpose of state regulation in transport is to create equal and favorable conditions for free transportation and trade in transport services within the geographical boundaries of the country (region), the creation of a single transport space, and the dynamic integration of the Russian transport services market into the world market. State regulation forms or influences, in the process of functioning of the transport services market, the forms of formation of tariffs and mutual responsibility, reproduction of production capacities, synchronization of current income and expenses, and systems of intra-industry economic relationships. In Fig. 1.8 presents methods of market regulation in transport.

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The regulation of the market for motor transport services over the past 20 years has been carried out by licensing motor transport activities. In Russian conditions, the use of a licensing system has led to distortions in the transport services market and the spread of negative trends. Its main disadvantage is the impossibility of using alternative methods of influencing market participants.

Case Study

With the entry into force of Federal Law No. 99-FZ dated 04.05.2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities”, licensing of cargo transportation by road with a carrying capacity of less than 3.5 tons was abolished. As a result of this, state control over enterprises and individuals was almost completely lost. using light-duty freight transport (67% of the market), and a market of pure competition has formed in this segment.

The creation of self-regulatory organizations is one of the world-recognized market methods of regulating professional activities. The most common organizational form of self-regulatory organizations in the world is associations.

Management of the transport industry is represented by the activities of federal government bodies and transport management bodies, which determine and implement state transport policy and legal regulation of relations in this area. At the federal level, the highest transport management bodies are the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation ensures, predicts the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, develops and implements programs for the development of priority sectors of the economy (for example, the Program for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the long term until 2030, the Strategy for the development of transport in the Russian Federation until 2030 and etc.). Direct transport management is carried out by the Ministry of Transport.

Modern conditions of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy require significant restructuring of Russian transport. As part of the transport strategy of the Russian Federation, adequate strategic decisions have been made on the development of the transport complex for the long term in the context of the transition to an intensive, innovative, socially oriented type of development of the country. According to the scenario development of the Russian transport system, the “price – quality” mechanism is being implemented. A special role in the transport strategy is given to the development of planning the activities of the transport transport service, taking into account changes in the quality of the provision of motor transport services, which will ensure the maintenance of a competitive environment and the growth of the competitiveness of industry enterprises.

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  • Budrina E. V. The transport services market features formation and development. Part 1, 2.
  • Economics of road transport: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education professional, education / A. G. Budrin [etc.]; edited by E. V. Kudrina. 5th ed., revised. M.: Academy, 2015.