How many ranks of chefs are there and what do they mean? We are hiring a culinary specialist. What documents will you have to present when applying for a job?

A chef's job description is a document that defines in detail a complete list of duties, rights and responsibilities that are assigned to the chef.

This document is not mandatory for use, however, it is used in many companies. This is due to the fact that a job description is needed not only for employees to clearly understand their job functions, but also for managers to competently structure the work process and coordinate work.

As a rule, the document is drawn up by either a specialist from the legal department, or the secretary of the organization, or the immediate supervisor of the employee for whom the instructions are drawn up.


Basic rules for creating instructions

There is no unified sample job description, just like there is no such legally established concept. As a rule, instructions are written according to common templates or, if there are special needs, compiled individually.

The standard form always includes four main sections:

  • "General Provisions"
  • "Main functions",
  • "Rights",
  • "Responsibilities",

which, if necessary, can be supplemented with other paragraphs.

The document is printed in a single copy, and if the enterprise employs several people in the same specialty, then you can slightly adjust the instructions (to avoid duplication of labor tasks) and make your own personal version for each employee.

The instruction must be certified by the head of the company, as well as by the signature of the employee himself, who thus confirms that he agrees with the responsibilities assigned to him and is ready, if necessary, to bear responsibility for them.

Sample of filling out the job description for a cook

To begin with, its name is written in the middle of the document and a little lower on the right side there is a place for approval by the head of the company: his position is entered here (according to the staffing table), the full name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic of the boss, and also a line is left for his personal signature .

General provisions

  • In the first section, which is called "General provisions", data is entered on which category of employees the cook belongs to (employee, specialist, manager, technical staff, worker, etc.).
  • Then it is indicated on the basis of what documents the appointment and dismissal of the employee is made (order, instruction, etc.), as well as who is his immediate supervisor.
  • Next, you should definitely enter information about who and by what right should replace the cook during his absence from the workplace (without specifying specific names), as well as the requirements for the level of qualifications, education, experience and length of service that this employee must meet.
  • After this, a complete list of documents, acts, orders, regulations and laws with which the cook must be familiar is listed in detail. Among the general requirements are those that relate directly to his work (for example, knowledge of culinary technologies and processes, mastery of tools and equipment), etc.
  • This also includes the documentation that the chef must follow in his activities.

Responsibilities of the cook

Second section "Responsibilities of a Chef" directly relates to those specific tasks that fall within his professional competence. The functionality must be planned with the utmost care, and it is important to take into account the employee’s working time in order to avoid insufficient or excessive workload. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that his duties do not duplicate those of other employees.

Cook's rights

To section "Rights" includes the powers that the chef has for the most fruitful work of himself and the team as a whole, including the ability to put forward demands for improving working and production conditions, make constructive and rationalization proposals and take other initiatives.

Cook's responsibility

Chapter "Responsibility" always includes a precise list of misconduct and violations that may be subject to internal administrative sanctions and penalties. To avoid misunderstandings, you can separately indicate in one of the paragraphs that all requirements, as well as possible punishment, are within the framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Cook's working conditions

Next section "Working conditions" defines a list of documents that regulate these very conditions.

At the end, the cook’s job description must be approved by the official who is responsible for ensuring that the points specified in it are observed: here one should enter his position, full name of the company, surname, first name, patronymic, and also sign with a transcript.

The next line similarly indicates information about the cook: his full last name, first name, patronymic, again the name of the company, passport data (or information from another identification document), signature and date of reading the instructions.

The peaceful and noble profession of a cook has always been associated with beautiful and aromatic dishes, as well as the snow-white cap of a smiling fat man. But hiring a cook is fraught with a number of nuances that are related to compliance with sanitary legislation and requirements for the position of a cook.

Requirements for a candidate

The profession of a chef has a number of requirements, which primarily relate to professional skills and experience. After all, the chef will do almost the same routine and monotonous work every day, at the same time. At the same time, the result of his work - the taste of the prepared dish - must meet consumer expectations every day. In addition, it is important to be able to remain attentive throughout the working day, because most often the chef prepares several dishes at the same time, and one wrong movement of the pepper shaker can ruin the results of long and painstaking work. Simply automatically reproducing a recipe will not allow the employer to gain popularity among customers. But this is precisely the key to its prosperity. Therefore, candidates for the position of cook in specialized organizations will have requirements related to work experience, qualifications, special knowledge or recommendations. Although the chef’s “regalia” will not be reflected in the employment contract, it will influence the employer’s choice of candidate.

Additional terms of the agreement

An employment contract with a cook must contain some additional conditions, in addition to those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, the rights of a cook.
To get the best results, it is advisable to give the cook some freedom of action and decision-making. After all, even weather conditions will influence the consumer’s choice of dishes. And the shelf life of most prepared dishes will expire at the end of the working day in the organization. It is important for a chef to orient himself in a timely manner to today’s customer preferences, which will significantly save the employer’s costs. In higher-class establishments, the chef can be given the opportunity to give regular customers “compliments” (meals as a gift), which will increase the attractiveness of the establishment in the eyes of consumers.

Thus, if the organization does not have a separate document providing for the rights of the cook, then they will have to be written down in the employment contract.

Another very important feature of the work of workers in this profession is constant sanitary control. Indeed, in addition to the taste and harmlessness of ready-made dishes to humans, the production process itself is subject to regular or sudden inspection by regulatory organizations. Therefore, in an employment contract with a chef, the latter’s obligations section must include his obligation to maintain sanitary requirements during the processes of receiving, storing food, preparing dishes and disposing of waste. It is also advisable to provide for the obligation of the cook himself to undergo medical examinations and the obligation to ensure that his subordinates undergo medical examinations. Having a valid health certificate is not discussed.

Any violation of these requirements may lead to significant losses for the employer. Controlling authorities can not only punish the employer with fines, but also suspend the activities of the enterprise for up to 90 days (according to administrative law), and then we are talking about the continued existence of the business itself.

Description of labor functions

The imposition of disciplinary sanctions on a cook will directly depend on how detailed his functionality is specified in the employment contract. In other words, it will be possible to clearly track which specific obligations the chef is not fulfilling or performing improperly.
The parties may specify the employee’s responsibility (Part 2 of Article 232 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, a case may be envisaged when a cook spoils a dish and it is impossible to sell it, or damages equipment through his guilty actions. However, the limits of his liability are limited in this case to the average monthly earnings in accordance with Art. 241 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

We should also not forget about safety precautions, the obligation to comply with which should also be specified in the contract in the obligations section. After all, the cook is constantly near hot and very hot objects, electrical equipment and hazardous substances (for example, vinegar) and uses traumatic tools and devices - knives, graters, meat grinders and many others.

Employer obligations

Among the employer's obligations, the following should be considered:

  • availability of additional life and health insurance;
  • providing the cook with special clothing;
  • ensuring the functionality of special equipment, etc.

The listed features must be reflected in the employment contract along with the legally established mandatory conditions:

  • place of work;
  • job functions;
  • the start date of the contract and its duration (often catering establishments operate seasonally);
  • the amount of wages, additional payments and allowances;
  • work schedule, shift start and end time, break time for eating and rest;
  • working conditions in the workplace;
  • conditions of social insurance, including mandatory and additional.

A cook is such a profession that not only an organization, but also a private individual may need his services. Article 303 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows an individual who does not have the status of an individual entrepreneur to hire workers. In this case, an employment contract is concluded in accordance with all the rules for concluding with a legal entity. The difference between such an employment contract is that it will need to be registered with the administration at the place of registration of the employer - an individual. Such registration is subject to notification procedure.

In practice, persons in need of domestic staff rarely enter into written employment contracts; as a rule, these are oral agreements. But then you need to understand that any disagreements will be resolved only peacefully, since the parties to the dispute will have nothing to refer to. The employee will not be able to prove the time of his work with an individual (experience), the employer will not be able to punish the employee other than by failing to pay him the agreed amount as payment for work. For some employees, the moment when the employer transfers insurance premiums will be important, and this presupposes the existence of a written employment contract.

Thus, it should be remembered that the success and profit of the employer will largely depend on the completeness and quality of the employment contract with this specialist.

Many chefs, trying to get a job in a restaurant, do not even pass an interview, and all because they are unprepared for most of the questions that managers may ask. Of course, no one will ask what kind of LED strip should be above the stove, but even questions on the topic are sometimes perplexed. Why is this happening? This is because you should prepare for the interview and not only study the recipes, but also become familiar with the requirements that managers of catering establishments place on chefs. What should a chef be able to know?

Cook's responsibilities

Many establishments entrust the purchase of food to chefs. This has its advantages, so the chef must know first-hand the peculiarities of choosing and purchasing the necessary products to ensure the preparation of any dish from the menu. In addition, it is important to know the exact layout and master the main menu (first, second, compote). Cooking is a given, but presentation of dishes and table setting are also important. In addition, you may need knowledge of the basics of menu planning and its adjustment.

Primary requirements

The cook must have special education and experience in this field (even if it was just practice). Knowledge of different cuisines will be an undeniable advantage, and knowledge of food systems (dietary, vegetarian) will be a trump card in your pocket. It is also very important that the cook has the skills to use modern technology and kitchen equipment. In addition, the candidate may have requirements such as the ability to work in a team or communication skills, but these are optional characteristics. Having answered the question for yourself: do I meet all these requirements and can I perform all assigned duties efficiently, you can go for an interview. If knowledge or skills are not enough, you can try to work as an assistant chef for the first time and master the necessary skills.

Requirements for the staff of public catering establishments are determined not only by the organization itself, they are also dictated by GOST. Catering establishments are places where many people come, expecting not only to enjoy delicious food prepared in the right conditions, but also to receive high-quality service. There are state standards that such enterprises must comply with, and these standards also stipulate requirements for personnel.

It is important to note that, despite all the demanding and strict GOST standards, catering establishments - canteens, cafes and restaurants - nothing prevents them from maintaining their own style and making additional requirements when hiring personnel.

Personnel at catering establishments include not only cooks, waiters and kitchen workers. All employees are divided into three categories:

  • administrative staff, which includes the director, accountant and managers;
  • service personnel, which includes those workers who are in contact with customers and are directly responsible for the quality of service in the establishment - administrators, waiters, head waiters, bartenders and bartenders;
  • production personnel, this category includes cooks, technologists, sushi experts, culinary specialists, confectioners, etc., that is, those who prepare food.

General requirements for employees of all categories

There are requirements that apply to employees of public catering establishments when hiring, regardless of
depending on what category they belong to.

First of all, a sufficient level of professional training is required, which guarantees that the employee knows all the theoretical and practical features of the profession. Thus, cooks must have certificates of completion of educational institutions in the profession of a cook. This specification must be strictly observed.

Compliance with sanitation is mandatory, which requires all personnel, including waiters and hall workers, to have a valid medical certificate. This means that the company obliges the employee to observe the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the workplace. Personal hygiene is very important. For example, chefs are prohibited from having long nails or manicures, or from keeping personal items such as cell phones on kitchen work surfaces.

All workers must be made aware that they must comply with occupational health and fire safety regulations in their workplace. Such training should be carried out by the company itself for its employees.

Requirements for production personnel

The most stringent requirements are imposed on those who work in the kitchen and are engaged in preparing food and preparing food for guests of the establishment.

In particular, such employees must always wear only sanitary clothing and shoes at their workplace. They cannot work in their home clothes. At the same time, such clothes and shoes must undergo regular dry cleaning to ensure they are always free of any traces of dirt. It is permitted to place company logos or badges on such clothing.

At the same time, it is prohibited to go into the hall and communicate with consumers of catering services while wearing sanitary clothing.

All personal clothing of staff, in which people come to work, must be stored during the day in a specially designated room.

If public catering workers show signs of illness, cuts or burns on their hands, the administration of the organization should immediately find out about this and immediately remove this employee from work until he has fully recovered.

Requirements for service personnel

The service personnel of a public catering establishment - waiters, administrators, bartenders - are constantly in contact with visitors, so the success and profitability of the business largely depends on their literacy and professionalism.

The main characteristics of such workers are the ability to be polite, tactful, and friendly even during conflict situations. Such personnel should be available to assist guests, such as disabled guests, if necessary.

Waiters must have an excellent knowledge of the menu, including the ingredients and preparation method for each dish.

Administrators must have the skills to work with complaints and claims from guests, and also be responsible for the correct and coordinated work of all employees.

Requirements for administrative personnel

Personnel management in a catering establishment is the responsibility of the administrative staff. The competent organization of the activities of the entire institution depends on it.

Such workers must be able to monitor the efficiency of workers and production, know methods for introducing new, modern technologies, monitor the quality of service and conduct safety training in the workplace.

Administrative personnel must carefully monitor compliance with labor protection and sanitary conditions of the enterprise and its employees.

One of the most important requirements is knowledge of the technological process, the procedure for developing and compiling menus, and skills in determining the norms for losses of raw materials. Thus, a technologist or process engineer must be able to monitor the quality of products used in the preparation of dishes, produced by workers of semi-finished products and other culinary products. They are also responsible for screening and organoleptic testing, which must be carried out in a timely manner by all organizations working in the field of providing public catering services.

The requirements for a warehouse manager are the ability to properly organize warehouse management and equip warehouse facilities, as well as supply the organization with the material resources that are necessary for uninterrupted operations.

The warehouse manager must know all the standards and technical conditions that stipulate the storage of products and semi-finished products. He must also be able to systematize and correctly save all incoming documents to account for raw materials stored and used. The warehouse manager is responsible for monitoring the proper operation and timely repair of warehouse and refrigeration equipment. If breakdowns occur, the warehouse manager must immediately notify the directorate and call repair specialists.

The main requirement for a storekeeper is the ability to receive incoming food products, check documentation on site and distribute supplies.

Additional requirements

It is important that all staff know how to properly store the products from which dishes are prepared for guests of the establishment.

First of all, personnel must ensure that all food products received for storage and use are labeled. He must control the quality of these products and their timely disposal.

When receiving packaged products, it is necessary to monitor the correctness and integrity of the packaging. An important requirement is knowledge of the rules of commodity proximity when storing ready-made dishes, preparations and semi-finished products.

Job responsibilities cooks depend on the size and profile of the company: it’s one thing to heat up sausages in dough and sell them yourself, and quite another to work in the kitchen of a high-class restaurant. Therefore, a sample job description for a cook often contains a clarification - for example, “hotel cook” or “2nd category cook.” We tried to make a fairly universal job description for a cook that you can adapt to your company.

Chef job description

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The cook belongs to the specialist category.
1.2. The cook is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director on the recommendation of the chef/manager.
1.3. The Cook reports directly to the Chef/Manager.
1.4. During the absence of the cook, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the organization order.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of cook: secondary vocational education, rank not lower than third, work experience in the specialty of at least one year.
1.6. The cook must know:
- legislation, regulations, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents and materials relating to catering;
- sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;
- recipe, cooking technology, quality requirements, packaging rules, terms and conditions of storage of dishes;
- types, properties and culinary purposes of products;
- signs and organoleptic methods for determining the good quality of products;
- rules, techniques and sequence of operations for preparing products for heat treatment;
- purpose, rules for using technological equipment, production equipment, tools, weighing instruments, utensils and rules for caring for them.
1.7. The cook is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the cook

The cook performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. The cook directly prepares dishes, including: washing and blanching food, mixing food, frying, baking, steaming, preparing sauces, soups, broths, cold appetizers for the buffet and salads.
2.2. Decorates dishes.
2.3. Plans the menu.
2.4. Studying customer requirements for service and quality of dishes and products.
2.5. Instructs the head waiter and waiters.
2.6. Supervises cleaning, disinfection, sanitary treatment of office and production premises; for washing and maintaining special clothing of employees in accordance with current sanitary standards.
2.7. Examines complaints and complaints from guests (visitors, clients) regarding the quality of food and service, keeps statistical records of complaints and claims, and prepares proposals for improving work.

3. Cook's rights

The cook has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.
3.2. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and that of the company.
3.3. Demand a replacement supplier of products and consumables if there are justified complaints about their quality and suitability.
3.4. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.5. Require the company management to carry out unscheduled measures for sanitary treatment of production premises, complete or partial replacement of equipment/equipment in cases of non-compliance with hygiene and industrial sanitation standards, as well as in emergency cases.

4. Responsibility of the cook

The cook is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.