Work book form. Employment history

Employment history - this is the main document confirming the employee’s work activity and length of service. From time to time, discussions begin about the need to abolish them due to the fact that employees are now registered individually, and information about the insurance premiums transferred for them is maintained in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund. Many questions arise due to fake work books, unreliable entries in them, and the complexity of maintaining them. However, this document continues to be in force, as well as regulations governing the procedure for filling out and storing work books.

We draw your attention to the fact that individual entrepreneurs hiring workers could not make entries in the work book about hiring until 2006. Now they have virtually the same responsibilities and rights as employers as organizations, so they keep work books according to general rules.

According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure for maintaining labor books is established by the authorized federal executive body. The main document regulating this procedure is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225, which approved the form and samples of work books and inserts in them, instructions for filling them out, rules for maintaining them, the procedure for acquisition and accounting.

Responsibility for maintaining work records rests with the employer, and it can be:

  • administrative under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (from 1 to 5 thousand rubles for officials; from 30 to 50 thousand rubles for organizations; administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days);
  • disciplinary (disqualification of the manager for a period of one to three years);
  • material, if the employee suffered material damage due to the untimely issuance of a work book.

In what cases is it necessary to keep work records?

Work books must be kept for each employee who has worked for the employer for more than five days, and this work is the main one for him, and the employee must be hired according to. If this is the case, then no entries are made in the work book.

As for records of work at, they are entered at the request of the employee in the work book at the place of main work. For example, the main job in a small enterprise is a legal adviser, and part-time, the employee also performs the functions of an office manager. Then first they make a record of the main job, and after it - a record of acceptance of part-time work.

A work book is a document specified in the mandatory list when applying for a job. If an employee cannot present a work book (it is lost, damaged, not issued by a previous employer, etc.), then he must apply to his previous place of work for a duplicate. In cases where this is impossible to do (for example, an organization or individual entrepreneur has ceased operations or is disbanded), the employer must issue a new work book upon a written application from the employee indicating the reason for its absence. The employer cannot enter information about previous places of work into the new book based on the employee’s words. The first record of work will be the place of work where the new work book was issued.

If suddenly an employee finds a lost work book with records of previous places of work and asks to cancel the new book, then you should know that doing this will be problematic for the employer. Work books are strictly accountable documents, and records of their movement are entered into a special accounting book. The procedure for canceling a work book is not regulated in any way.

Having two work books does not have any negative consequences for the employee, such as unaccounted work experience. Information about the insurance premiums transferred for him from all previous employers is in the database of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. A new work book does not invalidate the previous work book. You can simply give the employee a copy of his application for a new work book, certified by the employer, if he has to explain at another place of work why there are two books.

Current forms of work books

By Decree of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225, work books of a new type were introduced on January 1, 2004. Along with this new form, work books are valid, the form of which has been approved:

  • Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated December 20, 1938 No. 1320 "On the introduction of labor books";
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 09/06/1973 No. 656 “On work books of workers and employees”;
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 21, 1975 No. 310 “On the work books of collective farmers”;

The work books of these samples, having already been started by the employees, continue to be valid and do not need to be changed. If the employee received his first work book after 2004, then when registering it, only new forms can be used.

Making entries in the work book

According to the Instructions approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of October 10, 2003 No. 69, entries in the work book can be made in black, blue or purple ink with a fountain pen, gel or ballpoint pen. Abbreviations like “ex.” are not allowed. instead of “order”, “art.” instead of “article”, “TC” instead of “Labor Code”, etc. Dates are indicated in Arabic numerals in the format: day and month - two digits, year - four digits.

In the sections of the work book “Information about work” and “Information about awards” it is unacceptable to cross out inaccurate, incorrect or invalid entries. If necessary, after the last entry in the book, write “The entry for number such and such is invalid,” and then make the correct entry. If an entry in the work book about dismissal or transfer to another permanent job was declared invalid, then, upon a written application from the employee, he is given a duplicate work book without making such an entry in it.

When the person with whom the agreement was concluded has already worked before, he brings a work book, the title page of which is filled out. If the work book is filled out for the first time, it must be completed within a week.

Employee information on the title page are entered according to the rules:

  • the surname, first name and patronymic are written in full, without initials, as indicated in the identity document;
  • information about education: general, secondary vocational, higher, postgraduate is entered on the basis of educational documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.);
  • if the employee is still studying, then a record of incomplete education is made on the basis of a certificate from the educational institution, grade book, or student card.

After entering this data and indicating the date of filling out the work book, the employee must certify with his signature on the title page the accuracy of the information about him, then the title page is signed by the person responsible for issuing work books and the seal of the organization or personnel service is affixed. A work book without a seal on the title page will be considered invalid.

Further changes to basic information about the employee are made on the basis of documents (passport, certificate of marriage or divorce, change of last name, first name, patronymic, etc.) with reference to their number and date. The previous surname, first name, patronymic, and date of birth are crossed out with one line and new data is written down. Links to the documents on the basis of which changes were made are written on the inside cover of the work book and certified by the signature of the employer or a person authorized by him and the seal of the organization (HR service). When adding records about education, profession, or specialty on the title page, the previous records are not crossed out, but only new ones are added. There is no need to make links to new educational documents on the internal page; this is not provided for by the rules.

When entering information about work indicate the full and abbreviated name of the organization. Next, a record is made of employment in the employer’s structural unit, position (profession, specialty), as well as the date and number of the order or other decision by which the employee was hired.

The name of the position, specialty, profession must correspond to the employer's staffing table. If working conditions imply benefits or restrictions, then this name must be written as indicated in the qualification directories. An appropriate entry is made in the work book of an employee who, during the period of work, received a new rank (class, category) or a second profession (specialty, qualification).

Work books and inserts in them are documents of strict accountability, therefore they must be stored in safes, metal cabinets or other conditions that ensure their safety. The law does not prohibit handing out work books to employees, but the employer will be held responsible for loss.

Issuance of a work book to an employee upon dismissal

The employee must be issued a work book on the day of termination. If this is impossible to do, because the employee refuses to receive it or is absent from the workplace altogether, the employer must send a written notification of the need to appear for the work book or agree to send it by mail. Such notification relieves the employer of responsibility for the delay in issuing the work book. When handing out a work book, the employee must sign the personal card and the book for recording the movement of work books and their inserts. Work books, inserts and their duplicates, not received by employees upon dismissal, are kept by the employer until demanded, and unclaimed ones - for 75 years.

There are different situations in life, including those that lead to the loss or damage of a work book (for example, it is not possible to use the book due to the extremely dilapidated condition of the document).

In this case, you need to get yourself a new “labor” one.

Let's try to look at how to do this correctly.

Rules for creating a duplicate work book

  1. The duplicate work book must be completed correctly, indicating all the data that was in the previous work book. The citizen’s data must be entered into the duplicate labor document without any changes. Make sure that the duplicate contains the correct date of completion!
  2. This document must be completed by competent HR personnel. We advise you to carefully monitor their actions, since sometimes cases occur when, due to inattention (or haste), certain data that is of significant importance for the employee is suddenly not included in the duplicate work document.

In practice, there was a case when an employee of the personnel service “missed” several years of work of a citizen in another organization. The man had to restore the data by presenting all the documents proving his work in another organization.

Another important aspect. For example, an employee has 10 years of experience. However, the previously valid work book was lost. What to do in this case? How to confirm an employee's length of service? Orders for appointment to a position (therefore it is best to save them), employee personal cards, properly executed and certified, information on payment of wages (or SMS messages informing about the receipt of wages on the card) and much more will help here. In addition, copies of employment agreements with the employer can be presented as evidence (here you must act extremely carefully, as you may run into corporate secrets that are valid for some time after the end of cooperation with the employer).

Features of issuing a duplicate work book

  1. As we previously noted, a duplicate work book can be issued for a reason when the “old work book” suddenly disappeared. The employee must immediately inform the employer about the fact of its disappearance. It is best to provide the relevant information in writing by submitting an application to the HR department. After 15 days, the employer, based on the employee’s application, must issue him a duplicate work book.
  2. Another aspect worth paying attention to. There are situations (they are usually associated with emergencies) when the employer loses all the work books of its employees. How to be in this case? In the region affected by the emergency, a special commission is being created that deals with issues of registration of work books. It is she who establishes the length of service of an employee who has lost his document, the institution where the citizen carried out his activities.

Below is a standard form and a sample duplicate of a work book, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

Each of your places of work, as well as the duration of your stay in a specific position, are recorded in your work book. It is this document that will be discussed in this article. But before talking about the features of the design and content of the document, it is necessary to give a definition.

A work book is an official document containing information about places of work. In particular, the employer, period of tenure and reason for dismissal.

The importance of this document lies in the need for the employer to obtain complete and reliable information about the newly minted candidate for a specific position. The key to a successful interview is work experience and a positive work history.

Document appearance

This document has a standard format, the same for everyone. Externally, TC can be of two types:

  • Size 10x14 cm - this indicates release in 1977.
  • The size is 8.8x12.5 cm, which indicates a new model of 2003, approved by the Government Decree “On Labor Books”.

As a result, color differences may be present: gray, dark blue and dark green TCs.

Below is the appearance of the shopping mall, as well as the title page:

Russian legislation on work books

It should be noted that there is a separate Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” (see the link, which regulates the general procedure for handling this document (the procedure for registration, rules for maintaining, as well as issuance after dismissal), as well as Art. 2-3 the shape of the TC and the insert in the TC are established.

In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines the practical significance of the employment book. What is evidenced by Art. 63, art. 66, art. 77. (see link

The legislator separately highlighted instructions for filling out the document, which were approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on October 10, 2003, No. 69 (see link

Main settings

A problem that employers are afraid to face is a fake employment document. So, the original document has a distinctive feature - a watermark on each page.

  • The old-style TC has a snake-shaped sign that can be seen in the light.
  • The new model TK has a combination of the letters “TK”, which are also visible in the light.

The next difference between the old and new samples is the number of pages. There are 40 of them in the old shopping center, and 46 in the new one.

As a rule, there are three sections in the Labor Code and are completed:

  • Information about the employee (full name, date of birth, place of residence - all information is filled out on the title page and supported by a seal).
  • Work activity data. In particular, hiring, as well as transfer, dismissal and their reasons. Each entry must contain the name of the position, company and, of course, the date. The information provided is confirmed by the seal of the organization and the order number.
  • Awards and achievements (separately records the fact of receiving an award for any achievement in the position held, supported by the date and number of the order).

Each entry has its own serial number. If one of the sections is completely filled out in the main work book, then a specialist from the HR department will draw up and paste in an insert.

It is worth noting a peculiarity in the design of dates: they are written exclusively in Arabic numerals. Writing rules:

  • Year – XXXX.
  • Month and day – XX.

As a result, we get that an employee hired on March 1, 2017 will have the following written in his work book: 03/1/2017

The language of completion is the official language of the country/republic.

Important! There is a separate requirement for the pen used to fill out the document: it must be a ballpoint pen of purple, blue or black color. Gel pens are not allowed!

In addition, there should be no abbreviations in the document; each word is written in full for accuracy of understanding.

You should also know the deadlines for obtaining a work book:

  • After 5 days of the employee performing his immediate duties, the employer is obliged to enter the relevant information into the Labor Code.
  • If an employee gets a job for the first time, the employer is given 7 days to issue a work book.

The validity period of the work book itself is not limited. The entire time the employee performs his job duties, the Labor Code is kept by the employer and is issued only after dismissal. However, government agencies or banks often require a copy of the Labor Code to confirm the citizen’s work activity. In this case, the validity periods apply:

  • The general validity period of a copy of the TC is 1 month.
  • The exception is a certified copy of the work book for the bank - the period in this case is limited to two weeks.

At the legislative level, the minimum age is also established when it is possible to issue a work book.

As a general rule, the document is issued by the employer after 5 days of the employee performing his job duties.

It is generally accepted that official employment is possible only after reaching the age of 18. But the Labor Code establishes that a teenager who has reached the age of 14 can get a job and, accordingly, issue a work book, but under the following conditions:

  • written consent of one of the parents.
  • work will not interfere with studies.

From the age of 15, a teenager can get a job independently, without special parental consent, but in a job that is recognized as easy.

From the age of 16, a citizen has the right to independently conclude an employment contract and, together with it, draw up a labor contract.

Issuance of a blank form (download in doc)

Following from paragraph 3 of Government Decree No. 225 (see link above), the organization must provide the employee with a blank form of the employment book of the established form. It follows that the company purchases this document at its own expense and issues it to a new employee in the following cases:

  • if a citizen gets a job for the first time.
  • if they previously lost their work book.

This is what a blank TC form looks like:

Important! The form cannot be used in work as a document, only for informational purposes.

Entering data into a document

Information about the new place of work is entered by a specialist from the HR department in accordance with clause 8 of Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 (see link above). The employee is only obliged to provide the necessary and reliable documents.

It should be noted that hiring an employee for a new position begins not with making an entry in his employment record book, but with issuing an order to conclude an employment contract. Subsequently, the number of this order will be recorded in the TC.

Important! The work book is not filled out by the individual himself, that is, by its owner. This is done exclusively by an authorized person of the employing organization.

  • Education.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Specialty awarded after graduation.
  • Date of completion.
  • Signature.

Documents required to fill out

As mentioned above, the work book is prepared by a specialist in the personnel department. To do this, you must provide a list of documents:

  • Employee's passport.
  • Document of higher or secondary education.

Based on these documents, a title page is filled out.

Sample of filling out the title page

There is no need to write an application for the issue of an employment book form, because it is issued according to the law, and not at the personal request of the employee. The exception when a statement is required is the situation when the previous document was lost.

The list above is exhaustive. An additional list of documents can be supplemented in the event of loss of technical documentation and the need to restore data about a previous place of work.

Electronic work book

Today, with the development of technology and the introduction of electronic technologies into our lives, the Ministry of Labor is developing a plan for electronic labor code. It is a database of labor activity of the population.

Let us highlight the main distinctive features of the electronic work book:

You should also use a practical example to distinguish between TC in electronic and paper form:

  • The electronic version involves storing information in a specific database without the need for a physical medium, while the paper version only requires the presence of the book itself.
  • Information is maintained in an electronic book in printed form. Whereas on paper - exclusively in writing, by hand.
  • Interaction with other government services is possible only through electronic TC.
  • Process automation is also used exclusively electronically.

What is the significant advantage of an electronic document? It is not subject to material wear and tear, as well as the possibility of being lost or stolen. The risk of illegal activities is also significantly reduced.

It should be said that a plan for introducing electronic work books is currently being actively developed. However, no draft relevant regulations have yet been submitted for consideration.

Thus, a work book is an important and essential attribute confirming the work activity of citizens. Correctly filling out all sections helps the employer get an accurate picture of the new employee.

Expert opinion

Lawyer specializing in civil law. Works at the Kinelsky District Court of the Samara Region as a court secretary.

The Ministry of Labor spoke about the introduction of electronic work books last year. This year it is planned to gradually switch to a new format while maintaining the usual paper version.

From the middle of this year, new rules regarding certification of a copy of a work record book (GOST-2016) will come into force, but they are voluntary.

Another innovation will be the possibility of concluding an electronic employment contract using the portal, with remote specialists, with the mutual consent of the employer and employee. The signing of such an agreement will be carried out using an enhanced electronic signature. To obtain a paper copy of the document, you will need to contact the MFC.

In the meantime, many are talking about the pros and cons of switching to electronic document management, I suggest you remember what innovations occurred in 2017: in February, the Ministry of Labor allowed employers to send electronic payslips to their employees, and starting in July, electronic sick leave began to be used.

Currently, a work book is issued to an employee not only upon dismissal. The employee has the right to receive the original, and not a copy or an extract from the work book, as was previously the case, in order to apply for a pension. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an application in any form.

Throughout the Russian Federation, the work book is one of the most important and important personal documents of any citizen. The work book was adopted by law in January 1939 and since then it has been relevant in our time. All data on a person’s work activity, as well as his paid work experience, are entered into the work book. All this is clearly regulated in Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. You can download a sample of the “Work Book” form for free directly from our website.

The government of the country has established a uniform form, rules for maintaining and storing work books. A work book is created for each employee of the organization who has worked for more than five days.

To answer questions that arise when filling out a work book, we invite you to watch the video on the topic “Completing a work book, lecture for personnel officers”:

Well, you can download the sample “Work Book” form for free and without any registration or request to send an SMS, using the links that are located at the very bottom of this page.

Rules for filling out the Work Book form and some nuances

Entries in the work book must include information about:

  • the employee himself;
  • hiring him;
  • his positions;
  • his dismissal;
  • transfer to another job;
  • any awards;
  • disciplinary sanctions (if any took place).

The rules for keeping records in a work book allow you to enter data about your place of part-time work. Unfortunately, nowadays many mistakes are made when filling out and maintaining a work book. For various reasons, they do not attach much importance to it. These sins include both young people who are not yet thinking about reaching retirement age, and personnel officers at various types of enterprises. But proper record keeping is not only the key to correctly calculating your pension, but also a kind of resume when applying for another job. The first thing employers always look at is previous jobs. Using it, you can immediately determine what kind of employee is standing in front of you. How long, in what positions did he work, what is his experience?

Another short video with tips on the topic “How to issue a work book for an employee for the first time”:

It would not be amiss to remind you that standard forms of work books have been adopted and it is them (printed in the printing house) that must be used in your activities.

The main document of an employee certifying his length of service and various events in the course of his work is the work book. In this document, employers record the information provided for by law and regulations, which is a kind of “calling card” of each employee. In particular, this document reflects the names of organizations (or full names of individual entrepreneurs) in which the citizen worked, the grounds for his dismissal, incentives and other important events.

The form of the work book, as well as the procedure for including information in it, are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When employing an employee, the employer takes away his work book (or creates one in the case of employment for the first time). Subsequently, the work book is located in the employer’s personnel department (if any) and relevant information about the employee’s work activities is entered into it. The need to find a work book from the employer is due to the importance of this document, as well as the fact that it is maintained exclusively by the employer.

Work book form

The need to take into account the work activities of employees for whom work is the main one and lasts more than five days is the responsibility of employers (organizations and individual entrepreneurs) established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

For such accounting, a special document is used - a work book.

It records all events that directly or indirectly affect the employee’s work activity and his length of service. The form of the document and making relevant entries about these events are strictly regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The form and procedure for maintaining a work book are established by two regulatory legal acts:

  • Rules of April 16, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules);
  • Instructions dated October 10, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

The form of the document under consideration was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2003 N 117n.

Why do you need a work book?

The work book is a small, multi-page document consisting of several sections. Its form is provided by the state and is mandatory for use throughout the Russian Federation. The work book contains the history of work activity and the length of service of the employee.

The work book begins to be filled out for the employee by his first employer. This document confirms the fact and periods of work of individuals for a particular employer in a certain position, as well as other facts, the need to reflect which in this document is provided for by labor legislation (grounds for dismissal, awards, etc.).

Thus, the work book is the main document about the employee as such.

It is important that the document in question is usually kept by the employer. An exception to the rules is when the employee is not employed by an organization or an individual entrepreneur.

The legislation provides for cases when an employee has access to this document to put his signature on it for familiarization. After familiarizing the employee with the entry, the specified official asks to sign under it in the work book and personal card.

The form of the personal card is contained in the Appendix to the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 (unified form No. T-2).

In order to confirm the fact of familiarization with the employer’s records in the document in question, the employee only needs to sign.

Information entered into the work book

As noted above, the document in question contains three main blocks of information:

  • basic information about the employee (title page or cover);
  • information about employment, transfers and dismissal (with reasons);
  • information about incentives from employers.

In addition, information about the rules for maintaining and storing this document is entered into the work book form. The rules are printed by the GOZNAK Association of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the last two (42 and 43) pages of the form.

It is important that an employer who fills out a new work book form and makes a mistake must destroy it and draw up the appropriate act (clause 42 of the Rules).

Errors made subsequently may be corrected in the manner provided for in Section III of the Rules.

Forms of a work book for an employee are paid (this rule also applies to the insert in it). However, the employer has the right to determine for himself whether to charge workers or not.

It is important that if the form is damaged due to the fault of the employer, then no fee will be charged for the subsequent form.