Peaceful atom to every home - miniature nuclear reactors for everyone. How to assemble a nuclear reactor at home DIY mini nuclear reactor

I present to you an article about how you can make a fusion reactor their hands!

But first a few warnings:

This homemade uses life-threatening voltage during work. First, make sure you are familiar with high voltage safety regulations or have a qualified electrician friend to advise you.

When the reactor is operating, potentially harmful levels of X-rays will be emitted. Lead shielding of inspection windows is mandatory!

Deuterium that will be used in crafts– explosive gas. Therefore, special attention should be paid to checking the fuel compartment for leaks.

When working, follow safety rules, do not forget to wear protective clothing and personal protective equipment.

List of required materials:

  • Vacuum chamber;
  • Forevacuum pump;
  • Diffusion pump;
  • High voltage power supply capable of delivering 40 kV 10 mA. Negative polarity must be present;
  • High-voltage divider - probe, with the ability to connect to a digital multimeter;
  • Thermocouple or baratron;
  • Neutron radiation detector;
  • Geiger counter;
  • Deuterium gas;
  • Large ballast resistor in the range of 50-100 kOhm and about 30 cm long;
  • Camera and television display to monitor the situation inside the reactor;
  • Lead coated glass;
  • General tools (, etc.).

Step 1: Assembling the Vacuum Chamber

The project will require the production of a high quality vacuum chamber.

Purchase two stainless steel hemispheres and flanges for vacuum systems. We'll drill holes for the auxiliary flanges and then weld it all together. Soft metal O-rings are located between the flanges. If you've never boiled before, it would be wise to have someone with experience do the job for you. Because the welds must be flawless and free from defects. Afterwards, thoroughly clean the camera of fingerprints. Because they will contaminate the vacuum and it will be difficult to maintain plasma stability.

Step 2: Preparing the High Vacuum Pump

Let's install a diffusion pump. Fill it with high-quality oil to the required level (the oil level is indicated in the documentation), secure the outlet valve, which we then connect to the chamber (see diagram). Let's attach the foreline pump. High vacuum pumps are not capable of operating from the atmosphere.

Let's connect the water to cool the oil in the working chamber of the diffusion pump.

As soon as everything is assembled, turn on the fore-vacuum pump and wait until the volume is pumped out to a preliminary vacuum. Next, we prepare the high vacuum pump for startup by turning on the “boiler”. Once it warms up (which may take a while), the vacuum will drop quickly.

Step 3: "Whisk"

The whisk will be connected to the high voltage wires, which will enter the working volume through the bellows. It is best to use tungsten filament as it has a very high melting point and will remain intact for many cycles.

It is necessary to form a “spherical rim” of approximately 25-38 mm in diameter from a tungsten filament (for a working chamber with a diameter of 15-20 cm) for normal operation of the system.

The electrodes to which the tungsten wire is attached must be designed for a voltage of about 40 kV.

Step 4: Installation of the gas system

Deuterium is used as fuel for a fusion reactor. You will need to purchase a tank for this gas. Gas is extracted from heavy water by electrolysis using a small Hoffmann apparatus.

We'll attach a high pressure regulator directly to the tank, add a micro-dosing needle valve, and then attach it to the chamber. The ball valve should be installed between the regulator and the needle valve.

Step 5: High Voltage

If you can purchase a power supply suitable for use in a fusion reactor, then there should be no problem. Simply take the negative 40kV output electrode and attach it to the chamber with a large 50-100k ohm high voltage ballast resistor.

The problem is that it is often difficult (if not impossible) to find an appropriate direct current source with a current-voltage characteristic (volt-ampere characteristic) that would fully meet the stated requirements of an amateur scientist.

The photo shows a pair of high-frequency ferrite transformers, with a 4-step multiplier (located behind them).

Step 6: Neutron Detector Installation

Neutron radiation is a by-product of the fusion reaction. It can be fixed with three different devices.

Bubble dosimeter a small device containing a gel in which bubbles form when ionized by neutron radiation. The downside is that it is an integrative detector that reports the total number of neutron emissions over the time it was in use (it is not possible to obtain instantaneous neutron velocity data). In addition, such detectors are quite difficult to purchase.

Active silver moderator [paraffin, water, etc.] located near the reactor becomes radioactive, emitting decent fluxes of neutrons. The process has a short half-life (only a few minutes), but if you place a Geiger counter next to the silver, the result can be documented. The disadvantage of this method is that silver requires a fairly high neutron flux. In addition, the system is quite difficult to calibrate.

GammaMETER. The tubes can be filled with helium-3. They are similar to a Geiger counter. When neutrons pass through the tube, electrical impulses are recorded. The tube is surrounded by 5 cm of "slowing material". This is the most accurate and useful neutron detection device, however, the cost of a new tube is prohibitive for most people and they are extremely rare on the market.

Step 7: Start the reactor

It's time to turn on the reactor (don't forget to install lead-lined sight glasses!). Turn on the foreline pump and wait until the chamber volume is evacuated to pre-vacuum. Start the diffusion pump and wait until it is fully warmed up and reaches operating mode.

Block access of the vacuum system to the working volume of the chamber.

Open the needle valve in the deuterium tank slightly.

Raise the voltage high until you see plasma (it will form at 40 kV). Remember the electrical safety rules.

If all goes well, you'll see a burst of neutrons.

It takes a lot of patience to get the pressure up to the proper level, but once it's done, it's quite easy to manage.

Thank you for your attention!

Recently, the concept of autonomous energy supply has been increasingly developed. Whether it is a country house with its wind turbines and solar panels on the roof or a woodworking plant with a heating boiler running on industrial waste - sawdust, the essence does not change. The world is gradually coming to the conclusion that it is time to abandon centralized provision of heat and electricity. Central heating is practically no longer found in Europe; individual houses, multi-apartment skyscrapers and industrial enterprises are heated independently. The only exception is certain cities in the northern countries - where centralized heating and large boiler houses are justified by climatic conditions.

As for the autonomous power industry, everything is moving towards this - the population is actively buying wind turbines and solar panels. Enterprises are looking for ways to rationally use thermal energy from technological processes, building their own thermal power plants and also buying solar panels with wind turbines. Those who are particularly focused on “green” technologies even plan to cover the roofs of factory workshops and hangars with solar panels.

Ultimately, this turns out to be cheaper than purchasing the necessary energy capacity from local power grids. However, after the Chernobyl accident, everyone somehow forgot that the most environmentally friendly, cheap and accessible way to obtain thermal and electrical energy is still atomic energy. And if throughout the existence of the nuclear industry, power plants with nuclear reactors have always been associated with complexes covering hectares of area, huge pipes and lakes for cooling, then a number of developments in recent years are designed to break these stereotypes.

Several companies immediately announced that they were entering the market with “home” nuclear reactors. Miniature stations ranging in size from a garage box to a small two-story building are ready to supply from 10 to 100 MW for 10 years without refueling. The reactors are completely self-contained, safe, require no maintenance and, at the end of their service life, are simply recharged for another 10 years. Isn’t it a dream for an iron factory or a commercial summer resident? Let's take a closer look at those of them whose sales will begin in the coming years.

Toshiba 4S (Super Safe, Small and Simple)

The reactor is designed like a battery. It is assumed that such a “battery” will be buried in a shaft 30 meters deep, and the building above it will measure 22 16 11 meters. Not much more than a nice country house? Such a station will require maintenance personnel, but this still does not compare with the tens of thousands of square meters of space and hundreds of workers at traditional nuclear power plants. The rated power of the complex is 10 megawatts for 30 years without refueling.

The reactor operates on fast neutrons. A similar reactor has been installed and operated since 1980 at the Beloyarsk NPP in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia (reactor BN-600). The principle of operation is described. In the Japanese installation, molten sodium is used as a coolant. This makes it possible to raise the operating temperature of the reactor by 200 degrees Celsius compared to water and at normal pressure. Using water in this quality would increase the pressure in the system hundreds of times.

Most importantly, the cost of generating 1 kWh for this installation is expected to range from 5 to 13 cents. The variation is due to the peculiarities of national taxation, the different costs of processing nuclear waste and the cost of decommissioning the plant itself.

The first customer of the “battery” from Toshiba seems to be the small town of Galena, Alaska in the USA. The permitting documentation is currently being coordinated with American government agencies. The company's partner in the USA is the well-known company Westinghouse, which for the first time supplied fuel assemblies alternative to Russian TVELs to the Ukrainian nuclear power plant.

Hyperion Power Generation and Hyperion Reactor

These American guys seem to be the first to enter the commercial market for miniature nuclear reactors. The company offers installations from 70 to 25 megawatts costing approximately $25-30 million per unit. Hyperion nuclear installations can be used for both electricity generation and heating. As of the beginning of 2010, more than 100 orders have already been received for stations of various capacities, both from private individuals and from state companies. There are even plans to move the production of finished modules outside the United States, building factories in Asia and Western Europe.

The reactor operates on the same principle as most modern reactors in nuclear power plants. Read . The closest in principle of operation are the most common Russian VVER type reactors and power plants used on Project 705 Lira (NATO - “Alfa”) nuclear submarines. The American reactor is practically a land-based version of the reactors installed on these nuclear submarines, by the way - the fastest submarines of their time.

The fuel used is uranium nitride, which has a higher thermal conductivity compared to ceramic uranium oxide, traditional for VVER reactors. This allows operation at temperatures 250-300 degrees Celsius higher than water-water installations, which increases the efficiency of steam turbines of electric generators. Everything is simple here - the higher the reactor temperature, the higher the steam temperature and, as a result, the higher the efficiency of the steam turbine.

A lead-bismuth melt, similar to that on Soviet nuclear submarines, is used as a cooling “liquid”. The melt passes through three heat exchange circuits, reducing the temperature from 500 degrees Celsius to 480. The working fluid for the turbine can be either water vapor or superheated carbon dioxide.

The installation with fuel and cooling system weighs only 20 tons and is designed for 10 years of operation at a rated power of 70 megawatts without refueling. The miniature dimensions are truly impressive - the reactor is only 2.5 meters high and 1.5 meters wide! The entire system can be transported by truck or rail, being the absolute commercial world record holder for the power-to-mobility ratio.

Upon arrival at the site, the “barrel” with the reactor is simply buried. Access to it or any maintenance is not expected at all. After the warranty period expires, the assembly is dug up and sent to the manufacturer's plant for refilling. The features of lead-bismuth cooling provide a huge safety advantage - overheating and explosion are not possible (pressure does not increase with temperature). Also, when cooled, the alloy solidifies, and the reactor itself turns into an iron blank insulated with a thick layer of lead, which is not afraid of mechanical stress. By the way, it was the impossibility of operating at low power (due to the solidification of the cooling alloy and automatic shutdown) that was the reason for the refusal to further use lead-bismuth installations on nuclear submarines. For the same reason, these are the safest reactors ever installed on nuclear submarines of all countries.

Initially, miniature nuclear power plants were developed by Hyperion Power Generation for the needs of the mining industry, namely for processing oil shale into synthetic oil. Estimated reserves of synthetic oil in oil shale available for processing using today's technologies are estimated at 2.8-3.3 trillion barrels. For comparison, the reserves of “liquid” oil in wells are estimated at only 1.2 trillion barrels. However, the process of refining shale into oil requires heating it and then capturing the vapors, which then condense into oil and by-products. It is clear that for heating you need to get energy somewhere. For this reason, oil production from shale is considered economically unfeasible compared to importing it from OPEC countries. So the company sees the future of its product in different areas of application.

For example, as a mobile power plant for the needs of military bases and airfields. There are also interesting prospects here. Thus, during mobile warfare, when troops operate from so-called strong points in certain regions, these stations could power the “base” infrastructure. Just like in computer strategies. The only difference is that when the task in the region is completed, the power plant is loaded into a vehicle (airplane, cargo helicopter, trucks, train, ship) and taken to a new location.

Another military application is the stationary power supply of permanent military bases and airfields. In the event of an air raid or missile attack, a base with an underground nuclear power plant that does not require maintenance personnel is more likely to remain combat capable. In the same way, it is possible to power groups of social infrastructure objects - water supply systems of cities, administrative facilities, hospitals.

Well, industrial and civil applications - power supply systems for small cities and towns, individual enterprises or their groups, heating systems. After all, these installations primarily generate thermal energy and in the cold regions of the planet can form the core of centralized heating systems. The company also considers the use of such mobile power plants at desalination plants in developing countries to be promising.

SSTAR (small, sealed, transportable, autonomous reactor)

A small, sealed, mobile autonomous reactor is a project being developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA. The principle of operation is similar to Hyperion, only it uses Uranium-235 as fuel. Must have a shelf life of 30 years with a capacity of 10 to 100 megawatts.

The dimensions should be 15 meters high and 3 meters wide with a reactor weight of 200 tons. This installation is initially designed for use in underdeveloped countries under a leasing scheme. Thus, increased attention is paid to the inability to disassemble the structure and extract anything valuable from it. What is valuable is uranium-238 and weapons-grade plutonium, which are produced as they expire.

At the end of the lease agreement, the recipient will be required to return the unit to the United States. Am I the only one who thinks these are mobile factories for the production of weapons-grade plutonium for other people’s money? 🙂 However, the American state has not advanced beyond research work here, and there is not even a prototype yet.

To summarize, it should be noted that so far the most realistic development is from Hyperion and the first deliveries are scheduled for 2014. I think we can expect a further advance of “pocket” nuclear power plants, especially since other enterprises, including such giants as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, are conducting similar work on creating similar stations. In general, a miniature nuclear reactor is a worthy answer to all kinds of tidal turbidity and other incredibly “green” technologies. It looks like we may soon see military technology moving into civilian use again.

Why pay so much money to some hydroelectric power station or thermal power plant when you can supply electricity to yourself? I think it’s no secret to anyone that uranium is mined in our country. Uranium is the fuel for a nuclear reactor. In general, if you are a little more persistent, you can buy a uranium tablet without much difficulty.

What you will need:

* Tablet of uranium isotope 235 and 233 1 cm thick

* Capacitor

* Zirconium

* Turbine

* Electricity generator

* Graphite rods

* Saucepan 5 - 7 liters

* Geiger counter

* Light protective suit L-1 and protective gas mask IP-4MK with cartridge RP-7B

* It is advisable to also purchase a self-rescuer UDS-15

1 step

Big uranium

The circuit that I will describe was used at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Nowadays the atom is used in lighthouses, submarines, and space stations. The reactor operates due to the massive release of steam. The isotope of uranium 235 releases an incredible amount of heat thanks to which we get steam from water. The reactor also releases large doses of radiation. The reactor is not difficult to assemble; even a teenager can do it. I warn you right away that the chances of getting radiation sickness or getting radioactive burns when assembling a reactor yourself are very high. Therefore, the instructions are for reference only.

Step 2

First you need to find a place to assemble the reactor. A dacha would be best. It is advisable to assemble the reactor in the basement so that it can be buried later. First you need to make a furnace for melting lead and zirconium.

Then we take a saucepan and make 3 holes in its lid with a diameter of 2x0.6 and 1x5 cm, and make one 5-centimeter hole in the bottom of the saucepan. Then pour hot lead over the saucepan so that the layer of lead on the saucepan is at least 1 cm (do not touch the lid yet).

Step 3


Next we need zirconium. We melt four tubes from it with a diameter of 2x0.55 and 2x4.95 cm and a height of 5-10 cm. We insert three tubes into the lid of the saucepan, and one large one into the bottom. Into the 0.55 cm tubes we insert graphite rods long enough to reach the bottom of the saucepan.

Step 4

Now let’s connect: our saucepan (now a reactor)>turbine>generator>DC adapter.

The turbine has 2 outputs, one goes to the condenser (which is connected to the reactor)

Now we put on a protective suit. We throw the uranium tablet into the pan, close it and fill the outside of the pan with lead so that there are no cracks left.

We lower the graphite rods to the end and pour water into the reactor.

Step 5

Now very slowly pull the rods out before the water boils. The water temperature should be no higher than 180 degrees. In the reactor, uranium neutrons multiply, which is why water boils. The steam turns our turbine, which in turn turns the generator.

Step 6

The essence of the reactor is not to allow it to change the multiplication factor. If the number of free neutrons produced is equal to the number of neutrons that caused nuclear fission, then K = 1 and each unit of time the same amount of energy is released, if K<1 то выделение энергии будет уменьшатся, а если К>1 energy will increase and what happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant will happen - your reactor will simply explode due to pressure. This parameter can be adjusted using graphite rods and monitored using special instruments.

Why pay so much money to some hydroelectric power station or thermal power plant when you can supply electricity to yourself? I think it’s no secret to anyone that uranium is mined in our country. Uranium is the fuel for a nuclear reactor. In general, if you are a little more persistent, you can buy a uranium tablet without much difficulty.

What you will need:

* Tablet of uranium isotope 235 and 233 1 cm thick

* Capacitor

* Zirconium

* Turbine

* Electricity generator

* Graphite rods

* Saucepan 5 - 7 liters

* Geiger counter

* Light protective suit L-1 and protective gas mask IP-4MK with cartridge RP-7B

* It is advisable to also purchase a self-rescuer UDS-15

1. The circuit that I will describe was used at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Nowadays the atom is used in lighthouses, submarines, and space stations. The reactor operates due to the massive release of steam. The isotope of uranium 235 releases an incredible amount of heat thanks to which we get steam from water. The reactor also releases large doses of radiation. The reactor is not difficult to assemble; even a teenager can do it. I warn you right away that the chances of getting radiation sickness or getting radioactive burns when assembling a reactor yourself are very high. Therefore, the instructions are for reference only.

2. First you need to find a place to assemble the reactor. A dacha would be best. It is advisable to assemble the reactor in the basement so that it can be buried later. First you need to make a furnace for melting lead and zirconium.

Then we take a saucepan and make 3 holes in its lid with a diameter of 2x0.6 and 1x5 cm, and make one 5-centimeter hole in the bottom of the saucepan. Then pour hot lead over the saucepan so that the layer of lead on the saucepan is at least 1 cm (do not touch the lid yet).

3. Next we need zirconium. We melt four tubes from it with a diameter of 2x0.55 and 2x4.95 cm and a height of 5-10 cm. We insert three tubes into the lid of the saucepan, and one large one into the bottom. Into the 0.55 cm tubes we insert graphite rods long enough to reach the bottom of the saucepan.

4. Now let’s connect: our saucepan (now the reactor)>turbine>generator>DC adapter.

The turbine has 2 outputs, one goes to the condenser (which is connected to the reactor)

Now we put on a protective suit. We throw the uranium tablet into the pan, close it and fill the outside of the pan with lead so that there are no cracks left.

We lower the graphite rods to the end and pour water into the reactor.

5. Now very slowly pull the rods out before the water boils. The water temperature should be no higher than 180 degrees. In the reactor, uranium neutrons multiply, which is why water boils. The steam turns our turbine, which in turn turns the generator.

6. The essence of the reactor is not to allow it to change the multiplication factor. If the number of free neutrons produced is equal to the number of neutrons that caused nuclear fission, then K = 1 and each unit of time the same amount of energy is released, if K<1 то выделение энергии будет уменьшатся, а если К>1 energy will increase and what happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant will happen - your reactor will simply explode due to pressure. This parameter can be adjusted using graphite rods and monitored using special instruments.

7. The reactor can operate continuously for 7-8 years. Upon expiration of its useful life, it can be disposed of in a chemical waste dump.



This can irreparably affect your health.

* Storage, purchase, sale of enriched uranium is punishable by law!

Is it possible to assemble a reactor in the kitchen? Many asked this question in August 2011, when Handle's story made headlines. The answer depends on the experimenter's goals. It is difficult to create a full-fledged electricity-generating “stove” these days. While information about technology has become more accessible over the years, obtaining the necessary materials has become more and more difficult. But if an enthusiast simply wants to satisfy his curiosity by carrying out at least some kind of nuclear reaction, all paths are open to him.

The most famous owner of a home reactor is probably the "Radioactive Boy Scout" American David Hahn. In 1994, at the age of 17, he assembled the unit in a barn. There were seven years left before the advent of Wikipedia, so a schoolboy, in search of the information he needed, turned to scientists: he wrote letters to them, introducing himself as a teacher or student.

Khan's reactor never reached critical mass, but the boy scout managed to receive a sufficiently high dose of radiation and many years later he was unsuitable for the coveted job in the field of nuclear energy. But immediately after the police looked into his barn and the Environmental Protection Agency dismantled the installation, the Boy Scouts of America awarded Khan the title of Eagle.

In 2011, Swede Richard Handl attempted to build a breeder reactor. Such devices are used to produce nuclear fuel from more abundant radioactive isotopes that are not suitable for conventional reactors.

“I have always been interested in nuclear physics. “I bought all sorts of radioactive junk on the Internet: old clock hands, smoke detectors and even uranium and thorium,”

He told RP.

Is it even possible to buy uranium online? “Yes,” confirms Handl.. “At least that was the case two years ago. Now the place where I bought it has been removed.”

Thorium oxide was found in parts of old kerosene lamps and welding electrodes, and uranium was found in decorative glass beads. In breeder reactors, the fuel most often is thorium-232 or uranium-238. When bombarded with neutrons, the first turns into uranium-233, and the second into plutonium-239. These isotopes are already suitable for fission reactions, but, apparently, the experimenter was going to stop there.

In addition to fuel, the reaction needed a source of free neutrons.

“There is a small amount of americium in smoke detectors. I had about 10–15 of them, and I got them from them,”

Handl explains.

Americium-241 emits alpha particles - groups of two protons and two neutrons - but there was too little of it in old sensors bought on the Internet. An alternative source was radium-226 - until the 1950s, it was used to coat clock hands to make them glow. They are still sold on eBay, although the substance is extremely toxic.

To produce free neutrons, a source of alpha radiation is mixed with a metal - aluminum or beryllium. This is where Handl's problems began: he tried to mix radium, americium and beryllium in sulfuric acid. Later, a photo from his blog of an electric stove covered in chemicals was circulated in local newspapers. But at that time, there were still two months left before the police showed up on the experimenter’s doorstep.

Richard Handle's failed attempt to obtain free neutrons. Source: Richard Handle's failed attempt to obtain free neutrons. Source:

“The police came for me before I even started building the reactor. But from the moment I started collecting materials and blogging about my project, about six months passed,” explains Handl. He was noticed only when he himself tried to find out from the authorities whether his experiment was legal, despite the fact that the Swede documented his every step in a public blog. “I don’t think anything would have happened. I was only planning a short nuclear reaction,” he added.

Handle was arrested on July 27, three weeks after the letter to the Radiation Safety Authority. “I only spent a few hours in jail, then there was a hearing and I was released. Initially, I was accused of two counts of violating the radiation safety law, and one count of violating the laws on chemical weapons, weapons materials (I had some poisons) and the environment,” said the experimenter.

External circumstances may have played a role in Handl's case. On July 22, 2011, Anders Breivik carried out terrorist attacks in Norway. It is not surprising that the Swedish authorities reacted harshly to the desire of a middle-aged man with oriental features to build a nuclear reactor. In addition, the police found ricin and a police uniform in his house, and at first he was even suspected of terrorism.

In addition, on Facebook, the experimenter calls himself “Mullah Richard Handle.” “It's just an inside joke between us. My father worked in Norway, there is a very famous and controversial mullah Krekar, in fact, this is what the joke is about,” explains the physicist. (The founder of the Islamist group Ansar al-Islam is recognized by the Norwegian Supreme Court as a threat to national security and is on the UN terrorist list, but cannot be deported because he received refugee status in 1991 - he faces the death penalty in his homeland of Iraq. - RP) .

Handle, while under investigation, was not very careful. This also ended with him being charged with threatening to kill. “This is a completely different story, the case is already closed. I simply wrote on the Internet that I have a murder plan that I will carry out. Then the police arrived, interrogated me and after the hearing they released me again. Two months later the case was closed. I don’t want to go into depth about who I wrote about, but there are simply people I don’t like. I think I was drunk. Most likely, the police paid attention to this only because I was involved in that case with the reactor,” he explains.

Handle's trial ended in July 2014. Three of the five original charges were dropped.

“I was sentenced only to fines: I was found guilty of one violation of the radiation safety law and one violation of the environmental law,”

He explains. For the incident with chemicals on the stove, he owes the state approximately €1.5 thousand.

During the process, Handl had to undergo a psychiatric examination, but it did not reveal anything new. “I'm not feeling too well. I didn’t do anything for 16 years. I was given a disability due to mental disorders. Once I tried to start studying and reading again, but after two days I had to quit,” he says.

Richard Handle is 34 years old. At school he loved chemistry and physics. Already at the age of 13 he was making explosives and was planning to follow in his father’s footsteps by becoming a pharmacist. But at the age of 16, something happened to him: Handl began to behave aggressively. First he was diagnosed with depression, then with paranoid disorder. In his blog, he mentions paranoid schizophrenia, but stipulates that over 18 years he was given about 30 different diagnoses.

I had to forget about my scientific career. For most of his life, Handle has been forced to take medications - haloperidol, clonazepam, alimemazine, zopiclone. He has difficulty accepting new information and avoids people. He worked at the plant for four years, but also had to leave due to disability.

After the reactor incident, Handl has not yet figured out what to do. There will be no more posts about poisons and atomic bombs on the blog - he is going to post his paintings there. “I don’t have any special plans, but I’m still interested in nuclear physics and will continue to read,” he promises.