Project activity: choosing a topic for the project. Creative technology projects for girls

Creative projects occupy a special place in kindergarten project activities. Their implementation implies that, after the main part of the project is brought to life, the results obtained are formalized in the form of a final event, entertainment, or celebration.

In the publications in this section you can find a huge number of interesting, exciting, creative tasks that can be solved according to the level of development. Take them into account when planning and implementing your project activities in a group. Playing and research activities are the most interesting pastime for children, and in the process of creative projects, learning new things and developing is very effective.

Methodological developments and ready-made solutions for the best creative projects.

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For 5 years from 2012 to 2017, working simultaneously in two jobs as a teacher in a music school and a music director in a kindergarten, I brought to life the magnificent project “CLASSICAL MUSIC IN KINDERGARTEN.” The kindergarten children listened with pleasure.. .

Presentation of the project: “Interaction with the families of students to familiarize themselves with Russian folk art” 2 words: Childhood is the time when a genuine, sincere immersion in the origins of national culture is possible. The culture of the Russian people contributes to a profound impact on the child’s world, has moral, aesthetic, cognitive value, embodies historical...

Human life is accompanied by constant solving of problems, which can be very simple or extremely complex. To solve them, you need to decide on a solution to a particular problem. For example, how to create, sew, build or design?

During this process, as a rule, several decisions inevitably arise in a person’s head; he collects the information he needs and consults with people who already have experience. As a result, the best idea is selected, and then the creative process moves on to thinking about the implementation of specific operations. All this finally gives us the opportunity to begin a specific task. Thus, a person conceives, and then plans and implements creative projects.

Mandatory part of the educational process

One of the main requirements for students in a modern school is that they carry out activities to demonstrate their skills and abilities acquired in technology lessons. A similar process is recorded in the new federal standards.

Through the implementation of creative projects using technology, children are able to express their individuality. This also allows students to demonstrate in practice the theoretical knowledge acquired in class.

A wide variety of topics in creative technology projects develop in children the following:

Creative skills;
- aesthetic taste;
- logical thinking.

Definition of the concept

What is a creative educational project in technology? This is nothing more than an independently developed and then manufactured product. This subject must go from an idea to its implementation with the help of the teacher's advisory participation.

Such a student’s project is his creative final work. Its quality will directly depend on the knowledge and skills acquired in technology lessons.

The production of a specific product within the framework of this event is impossible without a lot of previous work. It consists of thinking through ideas, making sketches, drawings, drawings, as well as developing the technological process.

Choosing a creative technology project is an individual matter. It is not at all necessary that the adopted option be particularly complex and carried out independently. Part of the creative project may already be ready or completed by the teacher, parents or friends when the student begins to implement it.

You can bring your plans to life together with your classmates. In this case, the project, as a rule, is distributed in parts among its participants, and each of them bears individual responsibility for completing their task.

The goal of a creative technology project is to create a new, competitive, environmentally friendly and efficient product that meets human needs. Such a product can be not only various products, but also services.

If we take the literal translation of the word “project,” it means nothing more than “thrown forward.” This form of work is widely used in modern schools. Thanks to it, a teacher can instill in his students the correct social position. In addition, any ideas for a creative project using technology help children acquire planning skills, develop individuality, and unleash their creative abilities.

Advantages of the technology method

In Russia, this idea arose back in 1925. However, in those days it never gained much popularity. Project technology began to be considered one of the ways to form a harmoniously developed personality only after the adoption of new state educational standards. At the same time, the use of this methodology for schools and colleges has become mandatory.

What are the positive aspects of project technology? They are expressed in the following:

Schoolchildren are given the opportunity to solve problems at the level of their acquired knowledge;
- creative technology projects for boys are the first experience of socialization and the opportunity for an unbiased assessment of their skills not only by the teacher, but also by their peers;
- this method allows the teacher to introduce a systematic approach to activities at each stage of work, as well as to develop the creative abilities of children as widely as possible;
- all creative technology projects for girls that are created during labor training classes can be used in everyday life;
- the methodology involves the joint work of schoolchildren in groups, which allows them to form a team and build interpersonal relationships.

Completion of work contributes to obtaining a new result within a specific period of time. For what purposes can a creative technology project be used? An example of such work is cross stitch, which is done by hand, and is an excellent gift option for mom to celebrate International Women's Day.

Project classification

Depending on the nature of the resulting products, creative works are divided into innovative as well as supporting options. For example, the cross stitch mentioned above. This creative project can be classified as a supporting type. What is considered innovative solutions? An example of a creative project using this type of technology is the production of unusual furniture for a summer house.
However, this list cannot be called completely exhausted. In service labor classes, projects of completely different directions are often implemented. Among such works there are social, scientific and technical, educational, etc. Thus, an example of a creative project using educational technology is the manufacture of lace products. It can be classified as this type due to the fact that this work contributes to the acquisition of crocheting skills.

Creative technology projects may have different deadlines. In this regard, they are classified as follows:

- medium-term;
- short-term.

Implementation steps

All work on the execution of a creative project is divided into three stages. Search comes first, followed by technological, and the final process is analytical. Moreover, each of them includes certain steps (actions).

So, during the search stage, the following occurs:

1. The problem is identified.
2. The topic of the project is selected and the need for manufacturing the product is justified. For a creative technology project, it is necessary to determine the corresponding requirements that will be presented to the final product.
3. Thinking through several product options and choosing the best one.

1. Product design planning.
2. Development of the manufacturing sequence.
3. Selection and purchase of necessary tools and materials.
4. Organization of the workplace.
5. Direct production of the product in compliance with work safety rules.

The final stage of a creative project is the analytical stage. During this process the following is done:

1. The finished product is tested.
2. The work performed is analyzed (which parts turned out well and which did not).
3. The defense of a creative project on technology is being prepared.

At the first, exploratory stage, the student must think about what exactly he would like to do with his own hands. Next, he must realistically assess the capabilities available to him. At the technological stage, the product itself is designed. During this stage, any literature that describes a product of interest to the student can be used, which will allow not only to implement, but also to improve the idea. The final version of the design is made in a graphical representation. It comes in the form of a sketch, graphic drawing or drawing, which displays all the data necessary for the work.

At the next stage, planning of manufacturing technologies for the planned product takes place. In this case, route and technological maps must be developed.
The final, analytical stage involves testing and monitoring of the resulting product. The material costs that went into producing the product are determined. At the same stage, an assessment of the entire event is given.

The very last step is to protect the project. The design of a creative project using technology is the presentation of an explanatory note, as well as a demonstration of the finished product.

Report structure

How should a creative technology project be formatted? The example of writing an explanatory note given below is relevant when creating any product. In this case, the following sections must be present in the structure of the report after its name:

1. The relevance of the problem posed.
2. Tasks and goals of the work.
3. Action planning.
4. Approximate completion time.
5. Expected result.
6. Cost estimate (material costs).

The need to create projects

Numerous statistical studies confirm the fact that the degree to which a student learns to set goals and objectives for himself will determine his success in life. After all, it was thanks to the project way of thinking that many politicians and entrepreneurs were able to realize themselves.

In a modern school there are all opportunities for the successful development of children. They are also there to develop their design thinking. It was for this purpose that research and design activities were introduced into the Federal State Educational Standard.

Training option

What is a creative technology project? An example of such an activity is creating a stool from wood. Before receiving a direct image of the product, project participants need to study theoretical issues. They relate to the elements of this product and options for fastening parts. Attention is also paid to the safety of work.

Creative technology projects for boys may seem quite simple at first glance. However, in reality everything is much more complicated. After all, if you are making a stool, you will need to choose the optimal height of the legs and the dimensions of the base of the product. It's not enough to get a beautiful thing. The stool, among other things, must also be stable.

This project may contain elements of research conducted, the material for which was reports and abstracts on this topic. For example, you can analyze the dependence of material consumption on changes in the shape and appearance of the stool. Be that as it may, the basis of creative work of this type must certainly be the independent activity of schoolchildren.

Soft toy

There are a wide variety of creative technology projects for girls. And when choosing them, you should keep in mind that not all schoolgirls like to sew, but they simply adore soft toys. And here the teacher can offer the girls the idea of ​​​​creating a stuffed doll. The purpose of this work is to make a soft toy. The starting materials for the work should be threads and pieces of fabric, cardboard for the pattern and filler, as well as a needle. The implementation of such a project is carried out through group work. One of the girls will receive the task of cutting out the future doll. The contours of the parts can be made independently or ready-made ones can be selected.

The second needlewoman will have to connect all the prepared elements. The third participant in the project may be tasked with filling the finished parts. A creative project using the “Doll” technology at its last stage involves connecting all the parts. All girls should take part in this work.


This creative technology project is offered to schoolchildren to create an original gift for mom on March 8th. At the same time, children must understand that in order to do something nice for a loved one, money is not at all necessary.

The creative project “Postcard” involves the use of scrapbooking techniques. At the first stage, schoolchildren examine ready-made postcards and become familiar with the technique of making them. Next comes goal setting. It consists of creating a bright and unusual postcard. Materials are selected to solve the problem. Their list includes colored cardboard and figured hole punches, satin ribbons and halves of pearls. At the next stage, an action plan should be outlined and the sequence of work should be analyzed. At the same time, responsibilities must be distributed among all project participants. A creative project like this is an example of using ordinary materials to create an original result.

Teacher's work

A teacher who uses project technology in his activities fully complies with the requirements for this profession as part of the implementation of new education standards.

It is in the joint activities of the teacher and his students that a trusting relationship is formed, and the prerequisites for the multifaceted development of the child’s personality arise. By making joint attempts to find an answer to a given task, children develop communication skills. Schoolchildren who have experience working on creative projects find it easier to study not only in specialized secondary schools, but also in higher education institutions.

Decorative, applied and fine arts project

"The wonderful world of art"

Relevance of the project:

Acquaintance with national culture is important for the development of a child’s personality, introducing him to the origins of folk art, the formation of a moral attitude, artistic culture, emotional and moral orientations and visual creativity. Folk art occupies a special place in any national culture. By studying the subject, children learn to understand the depth and beauty of folk art, to understand and respect the traditions of their people.

For centuries, people have sought to express in artistic form their attitude to life, love of nature, and their understanding of beauty. Products of decorative and applied art that children see reveal to them the richness of the culture of the people, help them learn customs passed on from generation to generation, and teach them to understand and love beauty.

Folk art preserves and passes on to new generations national traditions and forms of aesthetic attitude towards the world developed by the people. The works of folk artists help to reveal to children the world of beauty and develop their artistic taste. The appeal to this type of art is not accidental; constant interest in the cultural heritage of ancestors is found both in everyday life and in the organized pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. Today, almost every home has works by folk craftsmen: Gzhel teapots, Khokhloma bowls, Gorodets cutting boards, birch bark tues, woven towels.

Decorative and applied arts of our country are an integral part of culture. The emotionality and poetic imagery of this art are close, understandable and dear to people. The important role of folk arts and crafts in the upbringing of children was noted by both art historians and domestic psychologists and teachers. In their opinion, familiarization with works of folk arts and crafts encourages in children the first vivid ideas about the Motherland, its culture, contributes to the education of patriotic feelings, and also emphasizes the relationship between learning and creativity in the use of folk art, its influence on the development of aesthetic perception, imagination, creativity of children. Thus, experiencing the beauty of folk art, the child experiences positive emotions, on the basis of which deeper feelings arise (joy, admiration, delight). Figurative ideas are formed, thinking and imagination develop. The perception of works of decorative and applied art encourages the child’s desire to convey the perceived beauty, to capture those objects that he liked, contributes to the development of creative activity, aesthetic feelings and artistic taste, aesthetic assessment of the results of the work of folk craftsmen, and the formation of artistic and intellectual abilities.

Project goal: To form an idea of ​​decorative and applied arts as one of the conditions for the aesthetic education of primary school children.


  1. Forming children's interest in folk art; understanding its features; distinguish between the styles of the most famous types of decorative painting (Khokhloma, Gorodets, Dymkovo, Zhostovo, etc.).
  2. Formation in children of emotional responsiveness and interest in examples of folk arts and crafts.
  3. Teach children to understand and respect the traditions of their people. Develop the ability to create expressive patterns on paper of different formats and on three-dimensional objects; cultivating a sense of form, rhythm, and symmetry
  4. Foster activity, independence, initiative and creativity when creating expressive patterns
  5. To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards decorative and applied arts, love and respect for work.
  6. Involve parents of students in joint activities

Type of project: educational, creative

Implementation timeframe: long-term (6 months)

Project participants: 1st year students and their parents, the head of the art studio, workers of the House of Culture, workers of the rural library.

Material and technical resources required to complete the project:

  1. selection of literature;
  2. selection of visual material (illustrations, photographs, video presentations);
  3. preparation of visual material for productive activities;
  4. exhibitions of books, drawings, crafts, educational games;
  5. creating conditions for holding open events (decorating the office with multimedia equipment: computer, projector)

Stages of the project:

I. Information-cumulative:

Studying children's interests to determine the goals and objectives of the project.

Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.

II. Organizational and practical


1. "People's holidays"

2. “Golden hands of the masters”

3. “Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful”


“Journey to the past (folk traditions and holidays)”, “Visiting the Gorodets masters”, “Journey to the Khokhloma masters”, “Visiting the Dymkovo masters”, “The art of Gzhel masters”.

Creative activity:

2. “Dymkovo toy” - modeling

3. “What a fairy tale - Gzhel” - drawing

4. “Painting a box” - drawing using the Khokhloma technique

5. “Russian holidays” - drawing

6. “Gorodets miracles” - drawing

Introduction to folk crafts:

Cooperation with the rural library.

Creative gatherings: Joint event with the Rural House of Culture and parents.

Musical and theatrical activities:

Rural library: Caroling on the eve of Christmas;

National holidays: Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter.

Interaction with parents:

Exhibition “Russian folk crafts”

Visual and advisory material in the parent corner.

III. Final stage

Final lesson “In the workshop of miracles”

Expected result:

Thus, as a result of working on the project, children will learn to identify types of crafts, develop aesthetic taste, the ability to contemplate the beauty of folk applied art, create a drawing using a color combination, and independently choose elements of the ornament when creating a composition. The project will expand and deepen knowledge and use acquired skills and abilities.

The creative project is an independent final work on the subject “Technology and Labor Training”. It shows how strong the skills, knowledge and abilities of the student that he acquired in technology lessons are. In addition, a creative project allows the student to demonstrate individuality, as well as their own ability to use all acquired knowledge in practice.

In this section of our website you will find an abundance of creative technology projects, among which you will be sure to choose one that is interesting and accessible to you. With the help of the project, you can create new models using the material at hand. All presented projects are aimed at producing new competitive products that meet human needs and are also in demand among modern buyers.

What are the benefits of completing the project?

The implementation of projects presented on our website contributes to the development of:

  • aesthetic taste;
  • creative abilities;
  • logical thinking in the field of project activities;
  • logic.

Students will use the item obtained as a result of the completed project in practice, that is, use the product in their daily lives. In addition, students have the opportunity to independently evaluate the work done, as well as feel satisfaction from the result obtained through their own efforts.

How to choose a project?

When choosing, be guided by your own preferences and the availability of materials and tools necessary for the work.

In the economic part, it will be necessary to calculate the costs of the product. The technological part describes the production process. The presented projects are created in such detail that you will not have any problems during their implementation!

An educational project is the final independent work of students of an intellectual and practical nature from various fields of activity, completed under the guidance of a teacher. Educational projects are carried out by students from grades 1 to 11.

The main goal of carrying out a creative project, which the teacher pursues for himself, is to control the knowledge and skills of students, as well as to promote their creative development and the formation of a system of intellectual and general labor knowledge and skills that are embodied in specific products.

The topic of a creative project can be chosen by a student in any section of technology, but it is advisable to choose a project related to the design of various kinds of educational visual aids, tools and devices that can be used in classes in educational workshops, household items, toys, tools and devices for work in the garden, etc. Thus, the project must have practical significance. Projects of students in grades 10 and 11 must correspond to the profile of study.

Projects can be individual, group or collective. When performing group and collective projects, the teacher distributes responsibilities among students and determines the responsibility of each for completing the project as a whole. The overall assessment of a collective project is carried out on the basis of assessments of the contribution of each of the performers. Students complete at least one project per year.


The projects are carried out in four stages.

1. Preparatory stage:

Students’ choice of the topic of the project, its justification and the formation of motives for implementation;

Determining, together with the teacher, the required amount of knowledge and skills to implement the project;

Students, with the help of the teacher, draw up work plans for the implementation of projects;

Determination of the necessary material and financial costs for the production of the project.

2. Design stage:

Consideration of several possible options for implementing the project, choosing the optimal one;

Collection and processing of the required information from literary sources;

Design development, study of manufacturing technology of the planned object of labor;

Development of appropriate technical and technological documentation, preparation of necessary materials, equipment, tools;

Distribution of responsibilities (for group and collective projects).

3. Technological stage:

Completion of a project by the student taking into account the requirements of technology and design, ongoing monitoring and adjustment of his activities by the teacher;

Compliance with safety regulations.

4. Final stage:

Self-assessment of the quality of work performed.

Implemented projects are assessed using a four-point system: “unsatisfactory”, “satisfactory”, “good”, “excellent”. Projects that receive good and excellent ratings are recommended for implementation and are demonstrated at an exhibition of children's creativity.


1. 1. Originality of the theme and idea of ​​the project.

2. 2. Design parameters: compliance with the product design; strength, reliability, originality, ease of use.

3. 3. Technological criteria: compliance with documentation, originality of use and combination of materials, compliance with safety regulations.

4. 4. Aesthetic criteria: compositional completeness, product design, use of Russian cultural traditions.

5. 5. Economic criteria: need for a product, economic support, possibility of mass production.

Finished products must be provided with a label with the name of the project and an indication of its performer; explanatory note and design documentation.

Time to complete a creative project

Stages of work

on the project

Work period

on the project



Preparatory stage September 2 Definition of the task and content of activities for the production of educational projects.
Preparatory stage October 2 Determination of specific project topics, discussion of work plans, sources of information.
Constructive stage January 2 Discussion of the collected information, proposed product design, and technology of use.
Technological stage March, April 6-8 Production of the product, consultation with the teacher on the implementation of projects, preparation of documentation, pre-defense in the classroom.
The final stage April 2 Project protection