Presentation on Orthodox culture - the birth of Christ. Presentation for the lesson on the fundamentals of Orthodox culture "Merry Christmas!"

Presentation prepared by:

GPD teacher MAOU Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 20 Ulyanovsk Kanunnikova Yulia Alexandrovna

God created the heavens and the earth.

He created man and gave him the blessings of heaven. But man sinned and walked away from God.

God, however, did not destroy man,

but promised to send the Savior.

This Savior is Jesus Christ.

The Blessed Virgin Mary promised never to get married, but to devote her life to serving God.

The priests handed it to the 80-year-old widower Joseph, who was Mary's father.

One day the Archangel Gabriel appeared at Joseph’s house and said to Mary:

"You will give birth to a son and name him Jesus,

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High,

and the Lord God will give him a throne..."

In those days a decree came from Caesar Augustus

make a census of the whole earth.

And everyone went to register in their own city.

Likewise, Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary set out from the city of Nazareth, where they lived,

to the homeland of our ancestors -

to Bethlehem.

There they stopped outside the city, in a cave.

At night, the Virgin Mary gave birth to a baby - the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

Mary swaddled him and put him in a manger,

where do they put feed for livestock?

On the eighth day after the birth of the Child, Joseph and Mary gave him the name Jesus, which means “Savior.”

In that country there were shepherds in the field tending their flock.

Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them,

who announced the Nativity of Christ.

And the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem and see

what happened there, what the Lord told them about.

They hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph,

and the Child lying in the manger.

When they saw it, they told about what happened

announced to them about the Child.

Meanwhile, the wise men arrived in Jerusalem, studying the stars.

They saw a new unusual star appear in the sky

and realized that the expected Messiah had been born.

The same star walked across the sky before the Magi,

showing them the path led just there,

where the baby Jesus was born.

Mary and Joseph had already moved by this time

from the cave to the city.

The Magi entered the house and saw the mother and baby.

They bowed to Jesus to the ground and presented gifts: gold, like a king, incense, like God, and myrrh, like a man.

The child grew and became stronger in spirit,

filled with wisdom

and the grace of God was upon Him.

For God so loved the world,

that he gave his only begotten Son,

so that everyone who believes in Him

did not perish, but had eternal life.

Nativity- a great, bright and wonderful holiday for believers all over the world.

Icon of the Nativity of Christ tells about the birth of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary, whom we have since called the Mother of God.

Icon "Nativity of Christ"

Icon “The Virgin and Child”

  • Most countries in Europe and the USA celebrate Christmas
  • according to the Gregorian calendar - December 25,
  • and Russia – according to Julian – Jan. 7 .

the Russian people fasted until late in the evening,

just before the star appears.

It has long been a quiet and peaceful holiday.

But the next day the fun and revelry began - Christmastide .

HOLY TIME- holy days or holy evenings, 12 days from the Feast of the Nativity of Christ to the Feast of Epiphany (Epiphany).

Favorite folk entertainment at Christmas time is dressing up and caroling. Teenagers and children sang the Christmas troparion,

spiritual songs, carols... Jan., celebrated Orthodox. in honor of the baptism of Christ


once in the Bethlehem cave,

The Nativity of Christ is constantly taking place in human hearts,

bringing joy, peace, happiness .

The birth of the Savior is a great miracle revealed by God to the world.

Let us accept the Lord into our hearts and give Him

Faith, Hope and Love!


The presentation about the Nativity of Christ was made for children who, together with their parents, are preparing to celebrate one of the most revered holidays in Christianity. You can download the free electronic manual for a class lesson, for viewing at home with friends, for enjoying beautiful slides with your family on a holiday.

41 slides are dedicated to the story of the Nativity of Christ. On most pages, next to beautiful illustrations, there are poems by Russian poets about the people's favorite holiday. Let this work on such a burning topic leave an indelible mark on the souls of our schoolchildren.

The second part of the presentation offers an intellectual literary game on the theme “Once on Epiphany evening.” Middle school students can handle it. The questions cover knowledge of Christmas traditions and literary works that mention the holiday. We'll have to remember the symbols of Christmas - a Christmas tree and a five-pointed star.

The presentation on the topic “Christmas in Russia” talks about what wonderful traditions of the Christmas holiday exist in our country, which were in the villages of Ancient Rus'. You can download the development for any class. On the eve of the Christmas holidays, both primary and secondary school students will be interested in feeling the mood that this bright date gives.

An electronic resource was produced on 24 slides. Each of them contains an illustration on a given topic, small text materials, and congratulations for those who view the work. Enjoy watching this wonderful tutorial and rejoice in the winter holiday of the Nativity of Christ in Russia.

A presentation on the topic “Christmas in France” will tell you about the favorite family holiday of all French people without exception. There is no person in this country who would not prepare in advance for this winter celebration. If you happen to visit this country at this particular time at the end of December, you will be able to see the Christmas traditions with your own eyes, but for now you can get an idea of ​​the celebration of Christmas in France from the presentation, which we offer to download for a class hour or a French lesson.

The work was done in Russian, although some words are translated in French: PERE NOEL - Santa Claus in France, and L’ARBRE DE NOEL - this is nothing more than a Christmas tree.

A presentation on the topic “Christmas in Germany” was made by Nikita Pinzhur, a 5th grade student. You can download the boy's work to tell children about what traditions the Germans have when celebrating this winter celebration. The work will be especially interesting for those who have just begun to get acquainted with the German language and the culture of the country. You can use the electronic resource both in a German lesson and in class.

The presentation describes the holiday traditions characteristic of Germany:

  • Christmas Day;
  • Christmas tree and lights are a symbol of the holiday;
  • a wreath with candles - decorating every home for Christmas;
  • holiday treats;
  • Besherung - the tradition of giving each other gifts;
  • Saint Nicholas is a German Christmas character.

The presentation talks about how Christmas is celebrated in England. It turns out that this wonderful holiday in each country has acquired its own traditions. In Great Britain, they begin to prepare for Christmas ahead of time. Since the fall, everyone has been trying to make Christmas gift lists so as not to forget anything on the eve of such an important day, when boxes with bright bows should appear under the tree in special red socks.

It will be interesting for our children to get acquainted with the history of Santa Claus, who is the main character of Christmas in England and English-speaking countries. It turns out that Clement Clarke Moore once wrote a fairy tale about him, where he created his unique image: an old man in elegant clothes, traveling on eight deer, descending into every house through a chimney to leave a gift for children by the fireplace. Want to know even more about English Christmas traditions? There is nothing simpler, you just need to download the presentation for free and watch it with your schoolchildren.

A presentation on the topic “The Feast of the Nativity of Christ” is an amazing electronic guide that will make it possible to interestingly tell schoolchildren about the traditions of the brightest winter holiday. The work consists of 15 colorful slides that will attract attention with meaningful material and memorable illustrations. The story of the Nativity of Christ is told in simple, understandable language. The viewer will see and find out from what time this date began to be celebrated in the Christian Church, what traditions of celebration remain in our days. Much attention is paid to the story about Kolyada and Christmastide, the customs that accompany the holiday in Rus'. There is information on the slides about the old New Year and Epiphany. At the end of the class hour, you can hold a quiz about the winter holidays, where the children will have to answer questions about the traditions of the Nativity of Christ and Christmastide.

The presentation tells about the Christmas traditions that exist in different countries of the world. They can be found in Russia, England, Germany, and other countries. It is recommended to download the manual for conducting thematic classes. The topic is interesting, so both primary and secondary school teachers can use the resource.

Christmas is the brightest holiday. They prepare for it for a long time so that everything is special on this day. Everyone strives to observe those Christmas customs that have been created by the people for centuries and symbolize the celebration. Schoolchildren will be interested to learn about the Christmas wreath, tree, gifts, bells, Christmas tree decorations, holiday garlands and other celebration customs preserved in families.

The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to the history of the Nativity of Christ. It is proposed to conduct a class hour for children in the form of Christmas gatherings. The development can also be downloaded for free for organizing extra-curricular activities, to cover the topic in ORKSE lessons in 4th grade.

How accurately and soulfully B. Pasternak described the mood of the moment when the baby Christ was born. The poet's poem will become that intriguing moment that will capture the souls of children, capture their attention and not let go until the end of the viewing. There are 29 slides in total. The child learns something new from every page. Peering into the bright faces, he approaches the holiday.

The presentation is filled with material that tells the story of the appearance of Christmas cards. Downloading the manual will be interesting for those who are preparing a class lesson or are planning to make a gift for their family with their own hands. The teacher will be able to organize a demonstration of the manual during technology lessons, art lessons, and when conducting classes in circles.

The topic is presented broadly and fully. Since you are about to hear a story about postcards that have become a symbol of Christmas, the manual contains a lot of illustrative material. Children will enjoy those stories that are created with love on the eve of the holiday and are also very symbolic. There are angels, Christmas trees, family dinners, and houses decorated for the holiday. And somewhere Santa Claus rushes forward with gifts, Father Frost rushes along the snowy roads, children and adults carol.

The presentation presents material for conducting a Christmas quiz on the eve of the Nativity of Christ. You can download the manual for use in class hours, during extracurricular activities and themed games. This development can be the basis for holding an event, or it can only become the final chord in consolidating the theme.

Students can answer questions individually or in teams. There are answers to all questions, which will please the children and make it easier for the teacher to prepare for the lesson. All questions relate to the holiday of Christmas. Schoolchildren must answer when this celebration is celebrated in the world, where Christ was born, what was his mother's name, who was the first to come to worship the baby, and what gifts were given to him as the first gifts.

The presentation will help organize the work of a creative workshop for making a Christmas star with your own hands, the light of which informs us of the onset of the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ. You can download the manual for labor and technology lessons. At home, children can make this craft on their own or together with their parents.

16 slides show the step-by-step production of paper crafts. Step by step, bending a sheet of yellow paper or cardboard in the right direction, children will receive an elegant product. You can decorate your house with it, or you can go caroling, congratulating your loved ones and neighbors.

Wonderful and unusual events are associated with the Birth of Jesus Christ. In Bethlehem, where the Virgin Mary and Joseph came, many people gathered, and there were no free places in the hotel. They had to spend the night outside the city, in a den where shepherds sheltered their cattle from a thunderstorm.

At the same time, angels appeared to the shepherds in a field near Bethlehem with the news that the Savior had come to the world. As a sign of great joy about the fulfillment of the promise, the Heavenly army glorified God, proclaiming to the whole universe: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!”

The Gospel story about an extraordinary star that rose over Bethlehem has been exciting humanity for more than 2000 years. In ancient times, the appearance or disappearance of stars was associated with the birth or death of a great person; it was from such ideas that the popular expression “a star rose and a star went out” was preserved.

The Greeks, Romans, Persians and other peoples believed in the existence of dependence of human life on celestial bodies. However, it may seem strange that the eastern astrologer sages, having seen an extraordinary star, immediately went to Jerusalem in search of the King.

The Magi, legend has preserved their names: Gaspar, Melchior and Belshazzar, headed to Jerusalem to ask where they should look for the Savior of the world. Hearing about this, King Herod, who ruled Judea at that time, became agitated and called the Magi to him. Having found out from them the time of the appearance of the star, and therefore the possible age of the King of the Jews, whom he feared as a rival to his reign, Herod asked the wise men: “Go, carefully investigate the Child and, when you find it, notify me, so that I too can go and worship Him.” . Lucas Cranach the Elder "The Feast of King Herod."

Then, having received a revelation from God not to return to Jerusalem, they departed to their own country another way. The angry Herod, discovering that the wise men did not listen to him, sent soldiers to Bethlehem with orders to put to death all male infants under two years of age.

Joseph immediately fulfilled God's command: he put Mary with the Child Christ in her arms on a donkey and went to Egypt. Herod fell ill after some time and died in terrible agony. Then the angel again appeared to Joseph and told him that he could now return to Judea.

Believers prepared for the celebration of Christmas by fasting for forty days. Fasting prescribed abstinence not only from modest food, but also from bad deeds. At this time, weddings were not held, holidays, which were accompanied by fun and revelry, were not celebrated. The last day of Lent was especially difficult. Before the first evening star it was impossible to eat anything at all. Late at night the long Christmas service began. It ended at 5 o'clock in the morning. Those who did not go to church for the Christmas service prepared for the rising of the star at home.

In peasant life, by Christmas Eve, housewives cleaned huts and upper rooms: washed, whitewashed their homes, completed the brewing of intoxicating and herbal beer for Christmas festivities, as well as cooking and baking. We tried to go to the bathhouse before dark and celebrate the holiday in new clothes.

Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - was celebrated modestly both in the palaces of Russian emperors and in the huts of peasants. This day was spent in the strictest fast. They fasted all day - “until the star”, which showed the way to the Magi to the newborn Messiah. On this day, according to the church charter, it is allowed to eat boiled cereals without oil, that is, sochivo, which is why the day is called nomad, and in popular pronunciation - Christmas Eve. They also ate Lenten pies, wheat bread, dried fruits, and honey.

At sunset, after the first star, the owner and all his household stood in prayer. After the prayer, the eldest in the house brought an armful of hay and spread it in the red front corner on the bench. The hay was covered with a clean tablecloth, and in this place, directly under the shrine, an unthreshed sheaf of rye or wheat and kutia - porridge made from grains of wheat, barley or rice - were placed. Supper began - dinner.

Half of the money collected was supposed to be taken to the church. In the cities they also went from house to house singing, held round dances and dances, dressed up as bears and pigs, and made scary masks from various materials. Ordinary people had fun in the squares where booths, carousels, markets, tea and vodka tents were set up.

On the second day of Christmas, the most fun and mysterious time for young people began - Christmastide, holy days that last from Christmas to Epiphany, a time of fortune-telling, special rituals, when unmarried girls and single guys tried to find out their fate. K. Makovsky “Yuletide fortune-telling.”

It was one of the important festive events of January, a time of cheerful and inspiring worries and fun, filled with solemn spiritual meaning. At this time, everyone gets the opportunity to be renewed anew with the birth of the Son of God and the advent of the New Year, and at the same time to lift the veil that hides his future from a person.

And although the Orthodox Church has long condemned everyday divination and various methods of fortune telling, three days a year were considered almost obligatory for determining one’s fate. These were Christmas Eve, New Year (old style) and Epiphany. Immediately after Christmas, the so-called terrible evenings began. At this time, according to the peasants, evil spirits became very active.

As if in imitation of the unleashed evil spirits, the guys from the New Year to the eve of Epiphany did all sorts of weird things: they overturned woodpiles of wood, blocked the gates with whatever they could, so that the owners could not go outside, climbed onto the roofs and covered the pipes with boards when firing the stove, the huts were filled with smoke. They knew about these holiday pranks and treated them leniently, especially since they stopped immediately after Epiphany.

This fortune telling is considered terrible, but “the most accurate.” Not every girl decides to do it. The main condition is night, complete silence, loneliness. Two mirrors are placed opposite each other and illuminated by candles. You can also hold the mirror against a lighted wall mirror. You need to hold it so that it looks like a long corridor of mirror reflections, illuminated by candlelight. At the end of this corridor the narrowed one should appear. Fortune telling on mirrors

Fortune telling using a rooster was very common. To do this, the fortune tellers laid out a pinch of cereal, a piece of bread, scissors, ash, coal, coins on the floor (on the table), placed a mirror and a bowl of water. Then they brought in the rooster and watched what he would start pecking first: cereals for wealth, bread for the harvest, scissors for the betrothed to be a tailor, ash for a tobacconist, coal for eternal maidenhood, coins for money, if the rooster pecks at the mirror, the husband will be a dandy if he starts drinking water for a drunkard husband.

The Nativity scene is a kind of puppet theater that was shown at Christmas and Christmastide. This action began to exist in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus more than 200 years ago. Christoslavs walked from house to house, glorifying the birth of the Savior, and among the Christoslavs there was a group of children showing the nativity scene. In some families, it was presented as a small family theater, to whose performances neighbors and close friends were invited.

Children still make nativity scenes, where they show a story that happened more than two thousand years ago. Imagine that we are looking through the window of a small house: in the depths of the stage there is a cradle, the bowed Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, a donkey and an ox warming the baby with their breath... Smoothly, as if miraculously, an angel floats to the forefront and proclaims the Good News!.. Shepherds and the Magi bow to the baby... The flame of a candle, wavered by the fading breath of the audience; in the uneven shadow, simple dolls come to life - and a miracle happens! No one will say that this is a fairy tale. That’s how it was, that’s exactly how it was!

In churches at Christmas it is customary to display stationary nativity scenes with mangers and sculptures of the Most Pure Virgin, Righteous Joseph the Betrothed and the Infant Christ. But increasingly, sculptural images are being replaced by the icon of the Nativity of Christ. The nativity scene stands in the center of the temple, where everyone who comes to the festive service can bow to the born Savior. And like the Magi, we also bring gifts: our prayers, repentance and good deeds.

Love for the holiday was expressed by the number of churches and monasteries built in honor of the Nativity of Christ. The most famous temple in Russia dedicated to this holiday is the Church of the Nativity of Christ the Savior in Moscow. On Christmas Day, December 25, 1812, Emperor Alexander I signed the highest Manifesto on the creation of a temple in honor of the victory over Napoleon’s army “... in commemoration of Our gratitude to the Providence of God, which saved Russia from the destruction that threatened it...

On the eve of the holiday, a religious procession and lithium are held - a solemn blessing of bread, wheat, wine, which are distributed to the worshipers after the service, and oil (olive oil and other vegetable oil), with which the priest anoints the parishioners as a sign of God's blessing.

A TELL TO YOUR SON ABOUT CHRISTMAS Listen, son, having thrown away the game, Sit quietly, don’t be naughty... Mary, Joseph with her It took a long time to reach Judea. But there is no place for them in the hotel, No one wanted to help. They decide to spend the whole night in a dark and cramped cave. And suddenly - a star in the sky Explodes the twilight in the night, And as if bright rays froze at the entrance to the cave.

Joseph shuddered in surprise. As was said, it came true. And so, to the singing of angels, Jesus Christ was born. Imagine, in a manger, in dusty straw, He sleeps in the flickering rays. And the angel spreads his wings, sitting on the edge of the manger. The donkey shakes his head, His movements are quiet.

In the valley, along a starry path, shepherds go to the cave. Here is Mary in the azure folds of the manger. Happiness on the face. And Herod toils in conjectures In his prison - his palace. The Magi are in a hurry. With reverence they carry gifts to the King of Kings... The moments fell so peacefully on that night that brighter than all others. Anna Konobeeva, website "Sun".

Snow wrapped the city in a white shroud, Lanterns froze in a silvery haze. I will decorate my house with mistletoe branches, I will braid thuja and holly into garlands. The sharp wind will beat outside the window, collect snowflakes, press against the frame. I will put up a festive tree in the hall, so that the fluffiness of the branches can be colored with balls. I will put golden candles on the table, and I will hide sweets and gifts under the tree. And I will celebrate Christmas with my family, the best holiday, joyful and bright! Anna Konobeeva, website "Sun".

My dear man! Merry Christmas! May your peace and may your age be not harsh, God's grace will pour into your soul and into your breath, so as not to know and not encounter Pain and suffering. Happy days and milestones to you, And new discoveries, My dear man, Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! In Rus' we honor this holiday. After many days of fasting, we are waiting for the star of Christ to rise. We wish everyone to remember on Christmas - Even though twenty centuries have passed - How Christ helped all people, Good things, as we wished for you now!

Let the blizzard last for a whole year, Bring you health, The wind will blow away all the ailments Into the cold courtyard. Let the snow swirl with sparks, So that your faces brighten, And the crafty moon On the night of love will deprive you of sleep. Let one of the bright stars Give growth to your talents, May your thoughts rise up! Let friends brighten your life!

Christmas Day is the day when Christ entered the world with love. This is a day of forgiveness, a day of bright feelings, a day when you need to love everyone. And may on this night and on this holiday all the guns fall silent and not a single rocket rise! May God give silence to the soldiers! And let love for near and far enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!