Improving product quality control. Improved quality control

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The volume of the explanatory note is 107 pages, 16 figures, 44 tables, 13 sources, 2 appendices.

Topic: Improving the quality of products at an enterprise (using the example of Atlant JSC).

Key words: product quality, quality control, competitiveness, quality management system, effectiveness, efficiency, private performance criteria, weighting coefficients, temperature control, occupational safety management system.

Object of study: Closed joint stock company "Atlant".

Purpose of the work: based on research and analysis of the state of the enterprise, develop measures to improve the quality of products.

In the process of studying the object of study, an analysis was carried out of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, the volume of production and sales of products, profit, cost, quality and competitiveness of products in recent years, and an approximate assessment of the effectiveness of the quality management system operating at the enterprise was given.

Based on the data obtained as a result of analysis in the design part:

A set of organizational and technical measures has been proposed to improve product quality by improving the quality management system;

An option has been proposed for using an electronic control unit in the production of a two-chamber refrigerator, which will improve the quality of products;

Proposals for optimizing working conditions at the enterprise are given.


1 The role of product quality in the production and economic activities of an enterprise

1.1 Concept and meaning of product quality category

1.2 Quality as the most important condition for increasing the competitiveness of products

1.3 Product quality management system at the enterprise

2 Characteristics and analysis of production and economic activities of Atlant CJSC

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise and its organizational and management structure

2.1.1 History of the creation and development of the enterprise

2.1.2 Organizational structure of enterprise management

2.1.3 Characteristics of products and sales markets

2.2 Analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise’s activities

2.2.1 Analysis of the production and sales plan

2.2.2 Product cost analysis

2.2.3 Profit analysis

2.2.4 Analysis of the use of fixed assets

2.2.5 Analysis of the use of working capital

2.2.6 Analysis of labor and wage indicators

2.2.7 Analysis of product quality indicators

2.2.8 Product competitiveness analysis

3 Measures to improve product quality at the enterprise

3.1 Organizational and technical measures to improve the quality management system

3.2 Application of an electronic control unit in the production of a two-chamber refrigerator

3.2.1 Characteristics of the device and existing methods of temperature control

3.2.2 Design and description of the components of the electronic unit

3.2.3 Calculation of economic indicators for the use of the block

4 Socio-economic methods of product quality management.

4.1 The role of labor protection in improving product quality

4.2 Socio-economic methods in the labor protection system

4.3 Measures to optimize working conditions at the enterprise



Appendix A Scheme of the organizational structure of the UMC

Appendix B Organizational management structure of Atlant CJSC


Developing market relations are radically changing the operating conditions of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership. From directive and administrative mechanisms with a strictly defined system of restrictions on economic activity, the economy is moving to a market model, where supply and demand, competition, and the freedom of the enterprise in choosing the strategy and tactics of its development become decisive. Market processes directly affect exchange rates, price levels, credit policy, and insurance conditions.

The indicator of efficiency and the main goal of an enterprise in a market economy is profit. However, ensuring the successful functioning of an enterprise for a long time is also associated with the implementation of a number of other goals. The decisive role here is played by: improving product quality, ensuring the efficiency of investments, improving the qualifications of all categories of personnel, and achieving a high level of production technology.

The work of enterprises in these directions brings them into new conditions, where the market becomes the main regulator. This creates objective prerequisites for restructuring production management systems on the principles of marketing - a market management concept, where the most important factor in the competitiveness of products is product quality.

The particular importance of the problem of product quality is determined by the fact that it is complex and affects the interests of both producers and consumers, and society as a whole.

In the thesis, the object of research is the closed joint stock company "Atlant" - the only enterprise in the Republic of Belarus that produces household refrigeration equipment and automatic washing machines, and also specializes in the production of compressors for household refrigerators and freezers, electric kettles, and the manufacture of special equipment for its own production , machine tool products.

The goal of the work is to develop measures to improve the quality of products based on theoretical studies of the problem and analysis of its state at the enterprise. To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:

Explore theoretical aspects of product quality;

Give a general description of the enterprise and its production and economic activities;

Analyze the main technical and economic indicators;

Conduct an analysis of the quality and competitiveness of products;

Develop measures to improve product quality.

1 The role of product quality in the production and economic activities of an enterprise

1.1 The concept and meaning of the product quality category

Product quality is understood as a set of characteristics that give it the ability to satisfy stated or anticipated needs.

Product quality is described using single, complex and general indicators.

Single quality indicators characterize a certain property of a product and are divided into groups:

Purpose – characterize the scope of application and functions of the product;

Reliability – the properties of a product to maintain performance within specified limits for the required period of time;

Manufacturability – reflects the effectiveness of design and technological solutions;

Aesthetic – characterize the appearance of the product;

Ergonomic – characterize the compliance of the product with the hygienic, anthropometric, physiological and psychological needs of a person;

Standardization and unification - show the degree of use of standardized and unified units and parts;

Patent legal – reflect the degree of patent protection of the main technical solutions of the product;

Transportability – the suitability of products for transportation;

Environmental – level of impact on the environment;

Safety – for customers and service personnel.

Complex quality indicators characterize several properties of a product. They are used in managing product quality and assessing its competitiveness. When calculating these indicators, an analytical method is used, in which the functional dependence of the complex indicator on the individual indicators is established, and the coefficient
a method in which a complex indicator is formed as a result of the summation of individual indicators, taking into account weight coefficients.

Generalizing quality indicators - characterize the quality level of all products as a whole: the share of new products; products exported that meet the world level of quality; certified products in their total volume.

Product quality is the indicator that the market pays the most attention to in the long term. However, it should be noted that, unlike price manipulation, changing quality indicators is a fairly long-term process, requiring not only financial investments, but also, in some cases, production re-equipment. Its length, moreover, is determined by the need to spend time communicating to potential consumers information about changes that have occurred in the quality characteristics of products, as well as the additional time required for potential customers to understand the changes that have occurred, make a decision to make a purchase, and choose between interchangeable goods.

Speaking about the definition of the term “quality”, one cannot fail to mention another direction in its interpretation. In economics, “quality” is considered as a spectrum of properties of a product, including all possible advantages for a product of a given type. Discrepancies among scientists arise at the stage of including in the category of product quality characteristics its cost indicators that form the price.

More logical here is the position of economists who share these concepts. The consumer gradates goods by translating their qualitative characteristics into the plane of cost expression, thereby presenting the product as a set of financial equivalents. The presence of each additional property, considered by a person as an important component of the product, makes its total value in the eyes of the buyer greater. Quality, along with the action of marketing factors (which appeared in the tools of entrepreneurs to increase the consumer value of goods in the 20th century), provides an opportunity to transform the inherent properties of a product into an image characteristic of the field of monetary relations.

The direction of improving the current product quality control system should be such that its functioning is ensured on the basis of a real quality management mechanism, focused on the production of competitive products that meet the requirements of existing and potential construction customers. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the use of the following fundamentally important provisions in the product quality management system:

Priorities in the quality management system must be set so that product quality comes first for the benefit of the consumer. At every enterprise, all workers and employees need to know and strive to produce products “better and more.” The management of the enterprise must clearly, on the basis of an economic justification, convey to the production departments that the task of ensuring quality is in the first place, and production volumes only in the second place, and insist on the implementation of this approach. This approach should not be limited to call and command.

To universally and constantly reinforce the above approach by implementing a new investment and innovation policy, moving from the traditional increase in production volumes to the reconstruction, re-equipment and renewal of fixed assets and the products themselves, ensuring a significant increase in product quality.

The plant must have and implement a rational system for collecting, recording, processing, analyzing and storing for a certain period of information data on the quality of its products.

To ensure the required quality of each type of product, the enterprise must operate a separate product quality management system.

Improving material and technical supply should be carried out by the ability to find the right suppliers, increasing the interest of each supplier and establishing close contacts of a multifaceted nature with them.

Management influences must be effective and carried out in relation to all stages of the life cycle of structures.

A product quality management system can be considered effective when the manufactured products meet consumer requirements and the presence of an effective product quality management system is recognized by the consumer.

Creation of a system of continuous training in the field of product quality management and education of all workers (pupils, students, craftsmen) in the spirit of respect for consumers and customers. The product quality management system should be understandable to everyone. For education at the national and regional levels, it is advisable to involve the media, including radio, television, and print. It is necessary to organize the publication of mass magazines on product quality for various categories of students (workers, craftsmen, engineers). It is necessary to create specialized centers for training and advanced training in the field of management and improvement of product quality, various schools and quality courses, which can also be taught by specialists from other countries. After all, it is common knowledge that only highly qualified specialists can create high-quality products.

Attracting a significantly wider range of workers to quality groups and increasing their activity and work efficiency.

Expansion and implementation of a whole range of measures to ensure the implementation of the human factor in production and social relations.

The use of professionals in the field of product quality management in carrying out all work to improve the product quality management system.

In accordance with this, ways and means must be sought to achieve a given level of quality.

Achieving commitment from senior management.

Establishment of a quality improvement steering council.

Involvement of the entire management team.

Ensure collective participation in quality improvement.

Ensure individual participation in quality improvement.

Creation of groups to improve systems and regulate processes.

More complete involvement of suppliers in the fight for quality.

Measures to ensure the quality of functioning of the management system.

Short-term plans and long-term performance improvement strategy.

Creation of a merit recognition system.

These comparisons reflect the essence of the organizational and economic foundations of quality control in an enterprise.

If we look at these areas in more detail, we can discover a lot of interesting things:

1) Interest of top management. Full confidence from senior management that the enterprise, the organization, is capable of doing more than in the past is absolutely necessary to begin the process of improving performance. This process begins with senior management, develops as they become interested, and stops as management interest in them declines.

2) Creation of collegial leadership for improving performance. Peer leadership is necessary and can be implemented by a board or performance improvement commission. The management council or commission is a group of senior management or their representatives, as well as employees and workers. The Council studies the process of improving performance and adapts it to the conditions of the organization.

The performance improvement steering committee plays the role of developing the performance improvement process, preparing the enterprise for its implementation, and guiding the implementation of the process.

3) Involvement of the entire management team.

All members of the management team are responsible for implementing the performance improvement process. This requires the active practical participation of every manager and middle manager within the organizational structure - from the general director to the chief accountant.

Each manager needs specific training to understand new performance standards requirements and associated performance improvement techniques.

4) Participation of employees and workers

After involving the entire management team in the process of improving the performance, it is time to involve employees and workers. This is done by the head of each unit, who forms a “performance improvement group” within the unit. As the leader of such a group, the boss is responsible for training its members to apply the performance improvement techniques in which he has already been trained. The tasks of the performance improvement group are to determine the results of the activities of its unit and implement a system that continuously improves activities.

5) Individual participation.

As important as collective action is, we must not forget about the individual. It is necessary to develop a system that promotes personal participation, evaluation and recognition of the results of such participation and the contribution made by each employee to improve efficiency and quality.

6) Teams to improve systems and processes.

Each repeatable action in any department represents a process that can be controlled using the same methods that are used to control a conventional technological process. It is necessary to draw up a sequence of operations, and then organize measurements, checks, and provide feedback channels. In each process, although it may span many areas and even different functional units, there must be one person responsible for the successful functioning of the process.

The Systems Improvement Team consists of individual representatives from each participating unit. Such a group ensures the implementation of the most effective system of interaction between departments and such improvement of part of the process that would not affect the entire process.

Along with the improvement of personnel policy, marketing research in all areas of activity, the introduction of new and promising technologies, the enterprise's procurement policy must be improved. The commercial service needs to pursue a targeted policy to ensure production with high-quality raw materials and supplies at relatively low prices. The supplier company must first conduct an inspection of the quality of the products it offers, and only if the results are positive, a contract is concluded.

During the period of improving procurement policies in conditions of cash shortages, a reorganization of the commercial service should be carried out every two years.

5.18. Ways to improve the quality of products and organize rejecting

Product quality in modern economic conditions has become the most important factor in the competitiveness of an enterprise. Naturally, in market relations, the manufacturer strives to achieve stable quality of its products and use all the tools developed by world and domestic practice. The most important of them is the quality assurance system (quality system).

Quality system- a set of organizational structure, responsibilities, processes and resources that ensure the implementation of overall quality management.

The quality of public catering products primarily depends on the quality of incoming raw materials. Firms or individual enterprises, concluding an agreement for the supply of food products or material and technical supplies, must be confident in the supplier. Enterprises that process and produce food products must implement a product quality management system. The quality system is not only a means of ensuring the quality of goods, but also a criterion for assessing the reliability of the supplier.

There are two ways to ensure the quality of the product. The first is verification, control of the product itself. This method is quite acceptable when a small quantity of goods is purchased. But if we are talking about a wholesale purchase, then even with complete control, due to random factors, you can miss a product with a defect.

In recent years, another method has been increasingly used: checking not the product, but the ability of the enterprise to produce products with quality that satisfies the consumer.

This also applies to catering establishments. The most important generally accepted tool for integrated quality management is the quality system. What criteria should a quality system meet? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) took on the task of preparing the response. This organization has issued three international standards, which received the ISO index 9000; these standards take into account the rich experience of the largest companies in a systematic approach to the problem of quality.

The cornerstone principle of the quality system is to cover all stages of the product life cycle. For a public catering enterprise, you can indicate the following stages of the product life cycle (Diagram 24):

1. Marketing, searches and market research.
2. Development of technical requirements for products, enterprise standards.
3. Logistics.
4. Preparation and development of production processes.
5. Production.
6. Control, quality control.
7. Technical assistance and service.
8. Sales and distribution of finished products.

Diagram 24. Stages of the product life cycle

According to the nature of the impact at the stage of the product life cycle, three areas are distinguished in the quality system:

Quality assurance;
- quality control;
- quality improvement.

Quality assurance is a set of planned and systematically carried out activities to complete each stage of the “quality loop” so that the product meets quality requirements.

Quality control includes methods and activities of an operational nature. These include: process management, identifying various kinds of deficiencies in products, production and eliminating these shortcomings and the causes that caused them.

Quality improvement- This is a constant activity aimed at improving product quality, reducing costs, and improving production.

The object of the quality improvement process can be any element of production, for example, a technological process, the introduction of a scientific organization of labor, modern equipment, the provision of inventory, tools, staff training, etc. Constant quality improvement is directly related to increasing the competitiveness of products.

The management of a firm, company (enterprise) develops and defines a quality policy, ensures coordination with other activities and monitors its implementation at the enterprise.

The main document in the development and implementation of a quality system is the “Quality Manual”, which sets out reference data (normative and technological documentation, standards, documents confirming product quality, plans for "NOT", for improving production, training and advanced training of personnel and the enterprise etc.). The “Quality Manual” can be used as demonstration material confirming the effectiveness of the quality system for other organizations (consumers), certification bodies, as well as for voluntary certification of the quality system. A certificate confirming that the enterprise operates “. quality system” helps to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Quality data recording should be carried out to confirm that the required quality has been achieved. All elements of the quality system should be subject to continuous and regular inspection and evaluation.

Checks can be external and internal. External control is control by local administration bodies, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, trade inspection, etc. Assessments of the quality of the enterprise’s food are recorded in an audit journal, a rejection journal. If violations are detected, an inspection report is drawn up in two copies, one copy remains at the enterprise.

Internal control is carried out by the enterprise administration: director, production manager and their deputies, shop managers, as well as cook-foremen. Controlling the quality of food is called rejecting finished products. For the purpose of daily control of the quality of manufactured products, large enterprises create a rejection commission. The composition of the rejection commission includes: chairman - director of the enterprise or his deputy for production; production manager or his deputy; process engineer (if available on staff); cook-foreman, qualified cook; sanitary doctor (if there is one on the company’s staff). In small enterprises, there may be no rejection commission; in this case, the production manager is responsible for checking the quality of food. The composition of the rejection commission is approved by order of the enterprise.

The marriage commission is guided in its activities by regulatory and technical documentation - collections of recipes for dishes, technical and technological maps, technical conditions and technological instructions for semi-finished products and culinary products, standards, requirements for the quality of ready-made dishes.

The grading commission conducts an organoleptic assessment of food quality, determines the actual weight of piece goods and semi-finished products. All batches of prepared dishes are subject to rejection before the start of distribution. In a restaurant, quality control of portioned dishes is carried out by the production manager selectively throughout the day.

The most important conditions for the production of high-quality dishes are strict adherence by all employees to the standards for laying raw materials and the implementation of the technological process in strict accordance with established requirements. Of great importance are the mechanization of technological processes, as well as the development of new progressive technology for preparing dishes, the development of technology for the preparation and use of chilled dishes, and the creation of optimal conditions for the sale of culinary products. Improving the quality of food largely depends on the professional training of catering specialists. All these conditions clearly resonate with the principles of the quality system and the stages of the “quality loop”.

The quality of dishes is assessed in the following sequence. First, they try dishes that have a mild taste and smell, then more spicy ones; Sweet dishes are tasted last.

Each of the five food quality indicators (appearance, color, consistency, smell, taste) is assessed using a five-point system. The average score is displayed as the arithmetic mean accurate to one decimal place. For example, the dish received the following ratings:

Appearance - good;
- color - excellent;
- consistency - good;
- smell - excellent;
- taste - good;
- average score - 4.4.

When carrying out grading, an “excellent” rating is given to dishes prepared in strict accordance with the technology and in which there are no deviations in organoleptic indicators. A dish prepared in accordance with the recipe, but with minor deviations from the established requirements, is rated “good.” A “satisfactory” rating is given to dishes that have significant deviations from technology requirements, but are allowed to be sold without processing.

The “unsatisfactory” rating is given to dishes with an extraneous taste that is not characteristic of them, as well as those that are sharply over-salted, undercooked, undercooked, or have incomplete yield. Such dishes are not allowed to be sold. In cases where the identified deficiencies can be eliminated, the dishes are sent for processing. If it is impossible to correct the defects, the products are rejected, documenting this with the appropriate act.

The results of checking the quality of culinary products are recorded in a rejection journal before the start of its sale and are certified by the signatures of the rejection commission (see table):

Extract from the reject log

product name Assessment of the quality of dishes and products Responsible for preparation
I party
II game
III batch
Fish salad

Vegetables are cut in the correct shape. The taste is spicy, moderately salty, with the smell of fish and seasonings.
The consistency of boiled vegetables is soft, while raw vegetables are slightly crunchy.

The appearance of the product meets the requirements, the salad is tasteful, but the potatoes are slightly overcooked.


Vegetables and fish have retained the same cutting order, but the pickled cucumbers are not pressed, and the taste of cucumber brine is felt.

Cook V category
N.S. Ivanov
Homemade noodle soup with chicken

The roots and onions are cut in the correct shape, the soup is tasteful, but the homemade noodles are slightly overcooked.

Roots, onions and homemade noodles are cut in the correct shape. The taste of the soup is moderately salty, the aroma of sautéed roots, onions and broth is felt
Broth color is amber
The consistency of the roots and noodles is soft.


The soup is tasteful, but there is a smell of slightly overcooked roots. Chicken broth is not clear enough.

Cook V category
A.S. Sidorov

The correctness of the technological process, compliance with recipes, the quality of incoming raw materials, as well as finished products and semi-finished products produced by enterprises, are controlled by sanitary and food laboratories. Using laboratory tests, physicochemical (proportion of dry matter, proportion of fat, proportion of salt, content of heavy metals, etc.), microbiological indicators (mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, E. coli bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms, etc.) are determined.

Another characteristic feature of the quality system, which determines its effectiveness, is the constant work on analyzing and assessing the costs of quality.

Quality costs are divided into production and non-production.

Production costs are associated with the activities of the enterprise to ensure the required quality of products. These are the costs of preventing defects, losses from the production of defective products (losses from defects, compensation for damage, etc.).

Non-production costs are associated with confirming product quality, such as product and quality system certification.

In accordance with the ideology of the ISO 9000 series standards, the quality system should function according to the principle: problems are prevented, and not identified after they occur.

Systematically carried out measures to prevent emerging inconsistencies can be aimed at replacing process equipment, tools, outdated documentation, etc.

A special place in the work to ensure stable product quality is occupied by preventive measures to eliminate product defects.

Let us now consider the basic requirements of the quality system, which must be met at the stages of the product life cycle to ensure the required level of production.

The first stage, which largely determines the result of all quality activities of the enterprise, is marketing. The marketing function at an enterprise must provide an accurate definition of market demand and product sales necessary for planning production volumes, objectively assess consumer requirements based on constant analysis, collect information about complaints, etc. Marketing is a system of management levers and methods that links a single whole, the main economic functions of an enterprise for the development, production and marketing of products. In quality systems, marketing is given great importance in determining market needs and establishing feedback from consumers of products. Large companies and joint-stock companies should have marketing departments.

The results of marketing research determine the processes product design. For public catering, this means developing signature dishes, dishes from new types of raw materials. At this stage, recipes, technical specifications, standards are developed, experiments and tests are carried out, and quality is checked in the laboratory. At this stage, it is very important to prevent errors in the development of new products.

The purpose of the complex of works on logistics in the quality system is to ensure stable quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products, and items of material and technical equipment. At this stage, choosing reliable suppliers is very important.

A necessary condition for effective work to prevent defects at the stage of development of production processes is the use of planning methods: what equipment needs to be purchased, study the equipment supply market. At this stage, production processes are developed, creating optimal conditions for stable production of products in strict accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. The tasks of mastering new technology, ensuring the stability of equipment operation, training personnel, etc. are being solved.

At the production stage, the quality system provides for a set of measures aimed at ensuring production stability to produce products in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. This is, first of all, quality control of products, control of technological discipline, and metrological support of production. An important place among the methods and means of ensuring stable quality of production is given to the system of incentives for enterprise employees, as well as their training and advanced training.

The stage of technical assistance and maintenance plays an important role in the quality system. This stage includes loading and unloading operations; strict compliance with product safety requirements; creating optimal storage conditions; technical assistance in equipment maintenance.

So, the principles of constructing a quality system and the basic requirements for the stages of the product life cycle have been considered.

The quality system must meet the following basic principles:

Personal participation and responsibility of the manager in work to ensure product quality;
- availability of clear planning in the field of quality;
- a clear distribution of responsibility and authority for each type of activity, ensuring the implementation of the enterprise’s plan in the field of quality;
- determination of costs to ensure product quality;
- ensuring the safety of products, works, services for consumers and the environment;
- stimulating the development of quality improvement work;
- systematic improvement of methods and means of quality assurance and control.

Questions to test knowledge

1. What is the quality system?
2. What determines the quality of products?
3. In what ways can you ensure the good quality of the product?
4. Name the main stages of the product life cycle or “quality loop”.
5. What directions of influence on the stages of the “quality loop” are highlighted?
6. Define the areas: quality assurance; quality control; quality improvement.
7. What does the concept of “quality management” mean?
8. What types of inspection of an enterprise can there be?
9. Who exercises external control over the operation of the enterprise?
10. Who exercises internal control over the production of quality products?
11. Who can be part of the rejection commission?
12. What guides the rejection commission in its activities?
13. What is organoleptic rejection?
14. How is organoleptic evaluation carried out?
15. What grades are given to dishes during organoleptic evaluation and for what?
16. What is determined in finished products using laboratory tests?
17. How can you divide the costs of product quality? Give their characteristics.
18. Characterize the stages of the product life cycle - “quality loops”:
- marketing;
- product design;
- logistics;
- development of production processes;
- production;
- quality control;
- technical assistance and maintenance.
19. List the basic principles of what characteristics a quality system should meet.



theoretical aspects of organizing a product quality assurance system

1.1. Concept and indicators of product quality

1.2. Domestic quality control systems

1.3. Qualimetry: history of development, tasks, objects

1.4. International standards of the ISO 9000 series and their importance in developing a quality system

quality control of repaired products of a machine-building enterprise using the example of OJSC "Maiminsky Engine Repair Plant"

2.1. Quality control of products of a machine-building enterprise and its legal basis

2.2. Production structure of JSC MMRZ

2.3. Organization and methods of quality control of repaired products at JSC MMRZ

directions for improving the organization of quality control of repaired products at OJSC "Maiminsky Engine Repair Plant"

3.1. Improving the technical control service of OJSC MMRZ

3.2. Proposals for the creation of a quality system for JSC MMRZ

3.3. Ensuring the effective functioning of the quality control system of OJSC MMRZ





Recently, domestic enterprises, as they promote their products to markets, are increasingly faced with stringent quality requirements. In market conditions, no investment will save an enterprise if it cannot ensure the competitiveness of its products or services. The basis of competitiveness is quality. It is quality that buyers and customers give preference to when choosing products. One of the main functions of quality management is quality control, which is carried out using appropriate measuring instruments. The use of specific control methods requires knowledge in the relevant fields of technology, the ability to use statistical methods and computing tools. All this confirms the relevance of the topic chosen by the author.

The purpose of the thesis is to study the issues of organizing quality control of repaired products of an engine repair enterprise, to determine the main directions for improving the quality control system.

Based on the goal, the main objectives of the thesis are:

Consideration of theoretical aspects of organizing a quality assurance system;

Monitor the development of domestic quality control systems;

Learn the basics of qualimetry;

Outlining the role of standardization in improving product quality;

Identify areas for improving the efficiency of the quality control system.

The object of the study is OJSC "Maima Motor Repair Plant" (abbreviated name OJSC "MMRP"), which is engaged in mechanized work on servicing agricultural enterprises, repairing engines and tractors, trailers for agricultural enterprises, manufacturing and restoration of components and parts for agricultural machinery.

When writing the thesis, a large volume of information sources was used: textbooks, reference books, regulatory documents, periodicals and monographic publications of specialists examining various methods and quality problems. So, in the manual of Ogvozdin V.Yu. “Quality Management: Fundamentals of Theory and Practice” examines the theoretical foundations of quality management and provides practical recommendations for creating quality systems at enterprises that meet the modern international level. In the monograph by Fomin V.N. “Qualimetry. Quality control. Certification” examines the problems of quality and knowledge-intensity of products and services, provides a methodology for solving issues that underlie the activities of regulating quality indicators in regulatory documentation, assessing the level of quality and quality control.

Relevance, purpose and objectives, information base predetermined the structure of the thesis. It consists of three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical aspects of organizing a quality assurance system. The second chapter includes methodological issues of quality control; the quality system of OJSC MMRZ is analyzed. The third chapter is of a project nature and is devoted to the development of directions for improving the quality control system of repaired products of the enterprise under study.

1. Theoretical aspects of organizing a product quality assurance system

1.1. concept and indicators of product quality

In the modern world, the survival of any company and its stable position in the market for goods and services are determined by the level of competitiveness. In turn, competitiveness is associated with two indicators - the price level and the level of product quality. Moreover, the second factor is gradually coming to first place. Labor productivity and savings of all types of resources give way to product quality.

Product quality is the most important indicator of enterprise activity. Improving the quality of products largely determines the survival of an enterprise in market conditions, the pace of scientific and technological progress, the growth of production efficiency, and the savings of all types of resources used in the enterprise. Increasing product quality is a characteristic trend in the work of all leading companies in the world. It has reached the entire world, be it European, American or Asian enterprises. And the quality of products is the main factor in competition between firms.

The concept of quality is regulated by GOST 15467-79 “Product Quality Management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions". Quality is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose.

Quality as a factor of competitiveness extends to the entire national economy. It promotes the rational use of resources.

The list of consequences of an insufficient level of product quality is presented in table. 1 .

Table 1

Consequences of insufficient product quality





1.1. Loss of material and labor resources spent on the manufacture, transportation and storage of products that fail before the planned period of physical wear and tear.

1.2. Losses in production infrastructure

1.3. Additional costs for equipment repairs

1.4. Additional time spent by the population on repairing household appliances.

1.5.Loss of natural resources as a result of the poor quality of machines used to extract these resources.

1.6. Lost foreign exchange earnings due to the low share of exports of finished products.

1.7. Additional loss of foreign currency for the import of equipment and consumer goods.

1.8. Additional costs of material and labor resources for the implementation of a multi-link and multi-stage system of technical quality control bodies

2.1. Scarcity of domestic products

2.2. Decline in the prestige of products manufactured at national enterprises.

2.3. Insufficient satisfaction of production, technical and personal needs

2.4. Decline in the growth rate of the population's well-being.

2.5. Irrational waste of free time by the population on eliminating defects in the manufacture of consumer goods

2.6. Deterioration of the moral climate in the team.

2.7. Decrease in enterprise profit

3.1. Additional costs for cleaning: air basin, water basin, land resources.

3.2. Additional costs for population health measures.

3.3. Loss of agricultural productivity due to poor air, water and soil quality.

3.4. Accelerated depreciation and additional costs for repairs of civil buildings and transport due to poor air quality.

Closely related to the concept of quality is the concept of the technical level of products - a relative characteristic of product quality based on a comparison of the values ​​of indicators that determine the technical perfection of the product under evaluation with the corresponding basic indicators and their values.

Product quality is not limited to just one property, it is a combination of properties. Let us highlight these properties. Product properties are quantitatively expressed in quality indicators. The classification of ten groups of properties and, accordingly, indicators is generally accepted.

Indicators of purpose characterize the beneficial effect of using products for their intended purpose and determine the scope of application of the product. For production and technical products, the main indicator can be a productivity indicator showing how much production can be produced using the products being assessed or what volume of production services can be provided in a certain period of time.

Reliability indicators are reliability, storability, maintainability, and product durability. Depending on the characteristics of the products being evaluated, reliability characteristics may be

use all four or some of these indicators. For some products related to human safety, reliability may be the main, and sometimes the only indicator of reliability. The reliability of household electrical appliances and some car mechanisms (brake system, steering) is extremely important. For aircraft, reliability is the only and most basic indicator of quality. To characterize shelf life - the ability of a product to maintain its performance during storage and transportation - indicators such as average shelf life and gamma-percentage shelf life have become widespread. Storability plays an important role in food products. Maintainability is determined by such indicators as the average cost of maintenance and the probability of repairs being completed in a given time. Durability is determined by the cost of maintaining the product in working condition.

Manufacturability indicators characterize the effectiveness of design and technological solutions to ensure high labor productivity in the manufacture and repair of products. It is with the help of manufacturability that mass production of products is ensured, rational distribution of costs of materials, funds, labor and time during technological preparation of production, manufacturing and operation of products.

Indicators of standardization and unification are the saturation of products with standard, standardized and original components, as well as the level of unification in comparison with other products. All parts of the product are divided into standard, unified and original. The fewer original products, the better for both the product manufacturer and the consumer.

Ergonomic indicators reflect the interaction of a person with a product and a complex of hygienic, anthropometric, physiological and psychological properties of a person that manifest themselves when using the product.

Aesthetic indicators characterize informational expressiveness, rationality of form, integrity of composition, perfection of execution and stability of the presentation of the product.

Transportability indicators express the suitability of products for transportation.

Patent legal indicators characterize patent protection and patent purity of products and are a significant factor in determining competitiveness. When determining patent legal indicators, one should take into account the presence of new technical solutions in the product, as well as solutions protected by patents in the country, the presence of registration of an industrial design and trademark, both in the manufacturing country and in the countries of intended export.

Environmental indicators are the level of harmful effects on the environment that arise during the operation or consumption of products.

Safety indicators characterize the features of products for the safety of consumers and operating personnel.

The combination of these indicators forms the quality of the product. But in addition to all these indicators, the price of the product is also important. The question of economically optimal quality, or economically rational quality, is related to price. When purchasing a product, the buyer always compares whether the price of the product compensates for the set of properties that it possesses. In addition to the price, the operational characteristics of the product are also important, since they entail operating and repair costs, and if the product has a long service life, these costs are quite comparable to the price of the product, and for some products they significantly exceed the selling price of the product.

Economically optimal quality is understood as the ratio of quality and costs, or the price of a unit of quality, which can be represented by formula 1:

K opt = Q / C (1)

where: K opt - economically optimal quality;

Q - product quality;

C - costs of purchasing and operating the product, rub.

It is not difficult to determine the denominator of the formula, since it includes the selling price of the product, the costs of operation, repair and disposal of the product. It is more difficult to determine the numerator, i.e. quality, which includes a wide variety of indicators. This is dealt with by the whole science of qualimetry, which has developed quite acceptable methods for quantitative assessment of quality, i.e., the increase in a unit of product quality per ruble of costs.

So, product quality in modern production conditions is the most important component of the efficiency and profitability of an enterprise and therefore it needs to be given constant attention. Everyone should be involved in quality - from the director of the enterprise to the specific performer of any operation. All processes for ensuring, designing, and maintaining quality are integrated into a quality management system.

1.2. domestic quality control systems

The movement to improve product quality in Russia has existed since the period of industrialization. Over time, it became clear that sustainable improvement of product quality cannot be achieved through individual or even large, but disparate activities. Factors influencing product quality are presented in Table 2.

table 2

Classification of factors influencing product quality





Type of manufactured products and serial production;

State of technical documentation;

Quality of technological equipment, equipment, tools;

Condition of testing equipment;

Quality of measurement and control instruments;

Quality of starting materials, raw materials, kit. products

Provision of materials, raw materials and

Maintenance of equipment, accessories, etc.;

Systematic and rhythmic work;

Organization of work with suppliers;

Organization of information support;

Scientific organization of labor, production culture;

Organization of catering and recreation

Form of remuneration and salary amount;

Rewards for high-quality work and products;

Retention for marriage;

The relationship between product quality, cost and price;

Organization and carrying out of households. calculation

The state of educational work;

Selection, placement of personnel and relocation of personnel;

Organization of studies and advanced training;

Organization and conduct of social competition;

Relationships in the team;

Housing and living conditions;

Organization of recreation during non-working hours

Only through a systematic and comprehensive, interconnected existence of technical, organizational, economic and social measures on a scientific basis can the quality of products be quickly and sustainably improved

The quality system is developed taking into account the specific activities of the enterprise, but in any case it must cover all stages of the life cycle of quality products. Firms operating in a market economy formulate quality policies in such a way that they relate to the activities of each employee, and not just the quality of the products or services offered. The policy clearly defines firm-specific levels of performance standards and aspects of the quality assurance system. At the same time, products of a given quality must be delivered to the consumer within a given time frame, in given volumes and at an acceptable price. Achieving a certain quality requires costs. The amount of quality costs is the most important characteristic reflecting quality management. But the cost of quality does not yet characterize the potential for achieving quality. The costs may be very high, but the quality is low, because the costs do not always have an immediate and direct return. They sometimes serve only the consistent formation of quality potential, for example, costs for improving the skills of workers, production infrastructure. Therefore, in quality management, the formation of quality potential is of great importance, which includes the culture of activity, the socio-psychological atmosphere, the qualifications and education of workers, technology, technical equipment, and the type of organization of activities.

Product quality is improved within the framework of the Unified State Quality Management System. The main goal of this system is the systematic, comprehensive use of scientific, technical, production and socio-economic capabilities in order to constantly improve the quality of all types of products in the interests of increasing production efficiency and exports.

The sequence of implementation of a systematic approach to organizing work to improve product quality in domestic practice is presented in Table 3.

Table 3

The sequence of implementing a systematic approach to organizing work to improve product quality in Russia

System name

Date and place of creation

The main essence of the system

Control criterion

Control object

Application area

Strict execution of technological operations

Single: compliance with normative and technical documentation requirements;

Generalized: percentage of products delivered from the first presentation


High level of execution of operations by all employees

Single: compliance of the quality of the labor result with established requirements; Generalized: labor quality coefficient

The quality of work of an individual performer. The quality of the team’s work through the quality of the work of individual performers

Any stage of the product life cycle


High level of design and technological preparation of production

Compliance of the quality of the first industrial products with established requirements

Design, technological preparation of production



Improving the technical level and quality of products

Correspondence of the achieved level of motor resource to the planned value during stepwise planning

Product quality and team work quality

The entire product life cycle

Quality management based on standardization

Compliance of product quality with the highest achievements of science and technology

Product quality and team work quality

The entire product life cycle

1980 Dnieper


Product quality management taking into account the rational use of resources

Resource saving and production efficiency achieved by improving quality

Product quality, saving material resources, economic performance of the enterprise

The entire product life cycle


Production efficiency management, including product quality

Production efficiency achieved through better organization of all activities and improved quality

Product quality, economic indicators of the enterprise

The entire product life cycle

Symbols of systems:

BIP– defect-free manufacturing of products;

SBT– defect-free labor system;

CANARSPI– quality, reliability, service life from the first products;

NORM– scientific organization of work to increase the service life of engines;

KS UKP– comprehensive product quality management system;

KS UKP and EIR– a comprehensive management system for product quality and efficient use of resources;

KS PEP– a comprehensive system for increasing production efficiency

Over the course of several decades, quality systems have been created and improved. At the present stage, a quality system established in international standards - ISO 9000 series has been adopted. The requirements for the quality system complement the technical requirements for the product. The fundamental concept in the doctrine of the quality system is the concept of the product life cycle (LPC).

The life cycle of a product is a set of interrelated processes of changing the state of a product during its creation and use. There is a concept of a product life cycle stage - a conventionally distinguished part of it, which is characterized by the specifics of the work performed at this stage and the final results.

The continuity of the stages of the life cycle suggested to researchers of the quality problem a model of quality assurance in the form of a continuous chain (circle), the components of which are the individual stages of the life cycle. This model was previously called the quality loop (quality spiral), and in the latest version of ISO 9000 - “product life cycle processes”. The most important requirement for a quality system is that quality management must cover all stages of the life cycle.

The modern quality system is based on two approaches: technical (engineering) and managerial (administrative).

The technical approach is based on the requirements of product standards and involves the use of statistical methods, metrology methods and other scientific methods used to assess the stability of production processes and ensure the reliability of measurement, control and testing results of products.

The management approach is based on the requirements of ISO 9000 series standards, principles and methods of management - “coordinated activities for the direction and management of an organization.” In a broad sense, it covers an organization's organizational structure, documentation, production processes and resources to achieve product quality goals and meet customer requirements.

Quality management is a continuous process of influencing production through the consistent implementation of logically interrelated functions in order to ensure quality. These functions include: assistance with the external environment, quality policy and planning, training and motivation of personnel, organization of quality work, quality control, quality information, development of activities, decision-making on the implementation of activities.

All functions are logically interconnected and their sequential implementation forms a continuous process of product quality management throughout the enterprise, which should cover all stages of production and can be depicted in the form of a functional diagram (Fig. 2), reflecting the conceptual model of quality management.

External environment

Rice. 2. Quality management process model

The diagram shows a process that includes two aspects of management: administrative management (general management) of quality and operational quality management. These aspects of control form two interconnected control loops, which are called the vertical and horizontal control loops, respectively. In addition, the quality management process is called the quality loop, and this term is included in the dictionary of the European Organization for Quality and in the ISO 8402 standard on terminology.

The vertical loop includes the following functions: interaction with the external environment, quality policy and planning, organization of quality work, training and motivation of personnel, strategic decision-making. These functions belong to the powers of senior managers of the enterprise and solve the problem of administrative quality management.

The horizontal management loop consists of the following functions: quality control, information, development of activities, making strategic decisions and their implementation. These functions play the role of operational quality management.

In the second half of the twentieth century, quality management methods in our country went through an evolutionary development path from purely technical operations of monitoring product parameters to a comprehensive socio-economic assessment of the effectiveness of organizations. Appendix 1 presents the main stages of this development, indicating methods and forms based on policy decisions (state regulation).

The advantage of a quality system is to reduce overall quality costs, improve management efficiency, and effectively meet consumer demands.

To master progressive world experience in quality management, it is necessary to take a set of economic, legal, social, organizational and technical measures aimed at radically improving quality. Gosstandart specialists, with the participation of other departments and scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, developed a quality management concept, the structure of which is presented in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Structure of the quality management concept

The product quality management system includes the following functions:

functions of strategic, tactical and operational management;

functions of decision-making, control actions, analysis and accounting, information and control;

functions specialized and common for all stages of the product life cycle;

management functions on scientific, technical, production, economic and social factors and conditions.

Strategic functions include: forecasting and analysis of basic quality indicators; determination of directions for design and engineering work; analysis of achieved results of production quality; analysis of information on complaints; analysis of information on consumer demand.

Thus, the quality problem is complex; it can only be solved by simultaneously pursuing appropriate policies in the fields of legislation, economics, technology, education and upbringing, as well as on the basis of the coordinated work of manufacturers, scientific and engineering structures, legislative and executive authorities.

1.3. Qualimetry: tasks, objects, history of development

Qualimetry is a scientific field that combines methods for quantitative assessment of the quality of various objects. The main tasks of qualimetry: substantiation of the nomenclature of indicators characterizing the quality of products and services, development of methods for determining quality indicators of objects, optimization of standard sizes and parametric series of products, development of principles for constructing generalized quality indicators and justification of the conditions for their use in problems of standardization and quality management.

The history of the origin and development of qualimetry goes back decades, and its development began long before it got its name. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the result of any activity must have the required set of properties and, as a consequence, a set of indicators of these properties, the requirements for which must be fixed in the appropriate document. A consequence of this circumstance is the need to solve the key problem of qualimetry - determining the range of quality indicators to be included in the documentation for products, work or services, for the purpose of their subsequent control. It can be considered that this aspect of qualimetry arose simultaneously with the emergence of the practice of standardizing quality indicators, and in our country the moment of its emergence can be linked to 1923, the year of the start of publication of the first periodic publication on standardization in our country, the “Bulletin of the Committee of Standards and Standards.” The committee was created in 1922 at the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures.

Another important aspect of qualimetry - a priori assessment of quality - has received its active development in connection with the growing complexity of technology and the responsibility of its functions. It became obvious that the search for the most profitable solution when developing a new product should begin at the earliest stage of its life cycle. And for this it is necessary to have appropriate calculation methods. Particular attention began to be paid to methods of quality assessment in connection with the adoption by the governing bodies of our country in 1965 of the resolution “On improving planning and strengthening economic incentives for industrial production,” which provided for the introduction of state certification of product quality. When conducting certification, it is necessary to compare products with domestic and foreign analogues, for which it is necessary to have appropriate methods. In the early fifties, the problem of ensuring the reliability of technical devices attracted considerable attention. It caused the rapid development of methods for assessing reliability. This property, for the assessment of which the mathematical apparatus of probability theory turned out to be the only acceptable one, is important not only for objects whose failures are unacceptable due to catastrophic consequences, but also for objects used in other areas of human activity that are potentially less dangerous for people and the environment. . The noted circumstances determined the need to combine various methods for solving problems of assessing the quality of various objects into one field of knowledge called qualimetry.

The initiative of this association belonged to a group of Russian specialists, the core of which were employees of the Research Institute of Standardization. This association began in the late sixties. In subsequent years, a large complex of intersectoral regulatory and methodological documents was created; establishing a unified terminology containing recommendations for solving various problems of qualimetry. The most important of them are the following.

GOST 15467-70 “Product Quality Terms”.

GOST 17341-71. “Product quality. Basic concepts of management. Terms and Definitions". “Methodological assessments of the quality level of industrial products 1971.” Subsequently, this methodology was reissued in 1979 under the title “Guidelines for assessing the technical level and quality of industrial products” RD-149-79.

“Guidelines for the construction, content and presentation of standards for the nomenclature of product quality indicators” MU-64-76. These instructions were reissued eight years later under the title “Guidelines for the development of state standards establishing the nomenclature of quality indicators for groups of homogeneous products” RD-50 -64-84. Based on this document, about a thousand standards “System of Product Quality Indicators” were developed, which are the qualimetric basis for regulating product quality in the regulatory documentation GOST 13377-67 “Reliability in Technology Terms and Definitions”. Methodical instructions. Methodology for selecting a range of standardized reliability indicators for technical devices MU Z-69.

In 1986, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) formulated quality terms for all sectors of business and industry. In 1994, the terminology was clarified. The following definition of quality has been standardized: quality is the set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy the established and expected.

Thus, qualimetry is the science of methods for measuring and quantifying the quality of products and services; it allows one to make quantitative assessments of the qualitative characteristics of a product. Qualimetry assumes that quality depends on a large number of properties of the product in question. In order to judge the quality of a product, only data on its properties is not enough. It is also necessary to take into account the conditions in which the product will be used.

1.4. International standards of the ISO 9000 series and their significance in the development of quality systems

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO or ISO) is a non-governmental organization created in 1946. The goal of ISO is to promote standardization on a global scale to ensure global trade exchange and mutual assistance, to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activities. For this purpose, international standards have been developed that meet the achieved world level and scientific and technological progress. The main type of ISO is the development of international standards. The development and revision of quality assurance standards is carried out by technical committee ISO 176, Quality Assurance.

World experience in quality management was concentrated in the package of international standards ISO 9000 adopted by the ISO in 1987.

To date, the objects of standardization of this series of international standards have expanded significantly and cover not only elements of quality systems, criteria for their selection and models of quality assurance systems, but also methods of checking existing quality systems, criteria for the qualification characteristics of expert auditors. International standards for quality management of services, processed materials, and software have been adopted. Significant work has been done in the methodological aspect: a number of guidelines have been adopted to explain the content of individual components of the quality assurance system.

In this regard, international quality assurance standards are now called the ISO 9000 series of standards, as of 2002 (Fig. 5).

Standards and projects on elements of the quality system

ISO 9000-2

General guidance for the application of ISO 9001 ISO 9002 ISO 9003

ISO 9004 (IEC 300-1)

Reliability Program Management Guide

ISO 9004-4

Quality Improvement Guidelines

ISO 10005

Quality Program Guidelines

ISO 10006

Quality guidelines for project management

ISO 10007

Configuration Management Guidelines

ISO 10012-1

System for confirming the metrological suitability of measuring equipment

ISO 10013

Control of the measurement process

ISO/PMK 10014

Guidelines for the development of quality manuals

ISO/PSK 10015

Guidelines for continuing education and training

ISO/RP 10016

Control and testing reports. Presentation of results

ISO/RP 10017

Guidance on the application of statistical methods to the ISO 9000 family of standards

Rice. 5. ISO 9000 family of standards

The international standard ISO 9000 has three versions: ISO 9000-1 - guidelines for the selection and application of specific standards; ISO 9000-2 - general guidance for the application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 standards; ISO 9000-3 provides guidance on the application of the ISO 9001 standard for software in its development, delivery and maintenance.

ISO 9000-4 provides guidance for reliability program management.

Methodological standard ISO 9004: ISO 9004-1 is a description of the elements of a quality assurance system, ISO 9004-2 is guidelines for service quality systems, ISO 9004-3 is guidelines for quality systems for processed materials, ISO 9004-4 is guidelines for quality improvement.

The ISO 9000 series of normative standards remains the main model for quality assurance systems at various stages of the production process.

ISO 9000-1 emphasizes that within an enterprise, quality assurance is the subject of overall management. But if we are talking about concluding a contract, then the state of the exporter’s quality assurance system serves as a measure of the counterparty’s trust in him. In this regard, the contract may provide for an assessment of the exporter’s quality assurance system for compliance with one of the ISO 9001 - ISO 9003 standards before concluding the contract. An assessment may not be necessary if the system is certified. The updated version of the ISO 9000-1 standard defines four key aspects of quality, driven by:

Determining demand for products;

Product design;

Compliance with the project;

Maintaining product parameters at all stages of its life cycle.

The practice of competitive foreign companies has shown that a high-quality product that meets the buyer’s needs can only be manufactured taking into account comprehensive market research, and this experience is embodied in the standard: the “quality loop” begins with marketing and ends there.

International standards ISO 9000 establish the level of management responsibility for quality. The company's management is responsible for developing a quality policy, for the creation, implementation and operation of a quality management system, which must be clearly defined and documented. Management's responsibilities include the selection of specialists and the allocation of the necessary resources for production, control and testing equipment, and computer software. The company's managers are responsible for identifying those indicators of product quality that affect its market stability. Management is also responsible for determining the goals that determine the decision to produce new goods or provide new services for the benefit of consumers.

A feature of a modern quality management system is the presence in its structure of an internal audit of the system, analysis and evaluation of its effectiveness.

Internal audits are carried out by competent specialists appointed by the company's management. They are required to evaluate the effectiveness of each element of the system in relation to the implementation of the goals set for the quality management system. Such inspections are carried out as planned or as a result of the detection of defects or organizational changes in the company.

If internal audits are carried out by specialists from the company itself, then analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the quality management system should be carried out by competent independent specialists invited by the company management.

A fundamentally important feature of the system proposed by ISO standards is the mandatory definitions and estimates of quality costs. Quality cost analysis can be viewed as an economic assessment of the effectiveness of a system, and the results of such analysis are used as a basis for improving quality programs. For this element of the system to work, a clear classification of quality costs is necessary.

Within quality management systems, quality costs are typically classified into manufacturer costs and other costs. Manufacturer's costs consist of preventive, estimated, costs due to internal failures, costs due to external failures.

Preventive costs include costs associated with quality planning; organization and implementation of a quality management system; development of requirements for quality control of raw materials; production processes and products; preparation of methods, instructions, etc.; quality analysis at the pre-production stage. This also includes the costs of process control, control and testing equipment; costs of creating education and training programs in the field of quality management: costs of improving quality assurance systems; various types of organizational expenses.

Estimated costs consist of the costs of quality assessment. These are the costs of testing and acceptance control of raw materials; travel expenses of specialists sent to supplier factories to check the quality of raw materials; laboratory testing of raw materials and supplies; checking their repair; technical control; testing of products to evaluate their technical characteristics; the time spent by workers checking the quality of their work and the technical process, and rejecting them during the production process; supervision of quality and quality systems. Estimated costs also include costs for product quality certification; costs of shipping products; testing of products in operation.

Costs due to internal failures arise from quality losses discovered before products are shipped to the customer.

Costs due to external failures include: costs of reworking the product during the warranty period based on customer complaints; costs for eliminating defects during maintenance; fines for poor quality as part of legal liability for quality; costs associated with returning goods of inadequate quality.

Other quality costs that are considered in quality management in firms are not borne directly by the manufacturer, but they significantly influence the overall costs of the firm and are often included in the main cost items of integrated product quality systems. These include: indirect costs of quality; suppliers' costs for quality; Unexpected expenses; expenses for equipment as part of the information support of the system; expenses. Related to product consumption.

Indirect quality costs usually arise from production activities that can be eliminated, and their existence is determined by the manufacturer's uncertainty about the quality of the product produced.

Suppliers' costs for quality must be taken into account by the consumer of raw materials, because they influence the level of purchase prices.

Unforeseen expenses are expressed in a decrease in sales volume due to a negative reaction of buyers to the company's products.

The costs of equipment and instruments that provide quality information have increased greatly due to the automation of quality control.

Firms pay a lot of attention to quality costs associated with the consumption of goods, because Ultimately, they are reflected in the volume of product sales.

The next fundamental feature of the quality management system is the increased attention to quality assurance in the design and development of technical specifications. The result of this work should be the production of goods that not only meet the requirements of customers, but are also sold at a price they can afford, and provide the manufacturer with cost recovery and profit.

When developing a project, the safety of the product and its environmental friendliness must be guaranteed.

To reduce the risk of defects occurring at the production stage, the system provides for periodic assessment and verification of the project’s compliance with the requirements for product quality.

The following are subject to periodic analysis:

Consumer requirements and possibilities for meeting them;

Technical specifications for products and quality requirements for services;

Requirements for production and maintenance.

The quality assurance system at the design stage should include an analysis of production readiness for the release of new or improved products.

The quality management system must also provide for feedback from the consumer, since his experience in operating the product and the experience accumulated during the production process serve as the basis for making changes to the project. The consequences of these changes and their impact on the quality of the product are also subject to assessment.

The quality assurance system provides for such a form of feedback as supervision of the manufacturer himself over product quality. Feedback should exist throughout the entire service life of the product, which makes it possible to constantly monitor the degree to which the customer’s needs are met with the quality of the product or service.

The ISO9004-1 standard also contains provisions for training. Personnel training is expected to cover all levels from management to workers.

Another fundamental feature of a modern quality management system is to ensure the possibility of reducing the risk of legal liability for quality. For this purpose, the following should be provided:

Development and implementation of safety standards (and on their basis - technical specifications for goods or services);

Conducting tests to check the prototype and design for safety;

Drawing up and analysis of instructions for buyers, labeling, etc.;

Development of special tracking methods for timely identification of product characteristics that do not meet safety requirements;

Conducting planned studies of the quality of products and services in order to detect and eliminate the risk of violation of safety requirements.

The international standard under consideration also emphasizes that a condition for successful quality management work is the use of statistical methods at all stages of the quality loop.

Thus, in the reviewed ISO 9000 series standards, special attention is paid to meeting consumer needs, establishing responsibility, and assessing possible risks and benefits. There is no doubt that the inclusion of the components discussed above in the quality assurance system at the enterprise will contribute to its effectiveness.

2. Quality control of repaired products of a machine-building enterprise using the example of OJSC “Maima Engine Repair Plant”

2.1. Quality control of products of a machine-building enterprise and its legal basis

Quality control is one of the main functions in the quality management process. This is the most comprehensive function in terms of the methods used, which are the subject of a large number of works in different fields of knowledge. The importance of quality control lies in the fact that it allows you to establish compliance of products with specified requirements or identify deviations in order to correct them before delivering the product to the customer.

Technical quality control underlies any method of quality management both in Russia and abroad.

Organization of quality control is a system of technical and administrative measures aimed at ensuring the production of products that fully comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Technical control is a check of compliance of the controlled object with established technical requirements.

Quality control means checking the conformity of the quantitative or qualitative characteristics of a product or process, on which the product’s compliance with established technical requirements depends. Basic terms and definitions of control are established by GOST 16-504-81. The classification of types of control is given in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Classification of types of technical control

The following types of quality control are used at machine-building enterprises:

depending on the place of control and stages of work:

Design control;

Incoming inspection of materials and components;

Monitoring the condition of process equipment;

Operational control during manufacturing;

Active control by devices built into process equipment;

Acceptance control of finished products;

Control of installation and supervision of operation at sites;

depending on the scope of controlled products:

Sampling control;

Complete control.

When controlling product quality, physical, chemical and other methods are used, which can be divided into two groups: destructive and non-destructive.

Destructive quality assessment methods include:

Tensile and compression tests;

Impact tests;

Tests under repeated variable loads;

Hardness tests.

Non-destructive methods include:

Magnetic (for example, magnetographic methods);

Acoustic (ultrasonic flaw detection);

Radiation (flaw detection using X-rays and gamma rays);

Organoleptic (visual, auditory, etc.).

Considering the control function, one cannot help but mention the metrological support of production, without which it would be impossible to carry out any control. Therefore, metrological activities are traditionally considered as one of the components in quality management. At the same time, in addition to providing production with the necessary measuring instruments, the metrological service must, by periodically checking and calibrating them, ensure the required measurement accuracy.

Of the regulatory documents regulating metrological activities, first of all is the Law of the Russian Federation on the uniformity of measurements and the international standard ISO 10012-1:1992 on confirmation of the metrological suitability of measuring equipment.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurement” was adopted by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in April 1993. Ensuring the uniformity of measurement in Russia before the transition to a market economy was carried out by centralized management. All measuring instruments were under state control. This determined a fairly high level of maintaining the uniformity of measurement in our country, but also required significant costs. The transition to market relations, the increase in forms of ownership other than state ownership, led to the emergence of contradictions between the requirements for the performance of metrological work, which were introduced under a centralized economy, and the requirements during the transition to a market economy. Thus, the adoption of the Russian Federation Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” was due to the need to revise the legal organizational and economic foundations of metrological activities in accordance with the conditions of the transition to a market economy. The main goal of the law is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, the established legal order and the economy of the Russian Federation from the negative consequences of unreliable measurement results. Such a broad focus of the law, namely the protection of the economy, is not typical for the legislation of foreign countries. However, in the context of maintaining a significant share of the public sector in the Russian economy, a complete abandonment of state regulation of metrology issues in the production sector would be premature. Ensuring the unity of measurement has always been and is the most important government function. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements”, state management of activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation is carried out by the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology Goststandart of Russia. The following functions fall within the competence of Goststandart of Russia:

Establishment of rules for the creation, approval and storage of standards of units of physical quantities;

Implementation of state metrological control and supervision;

Management of the activities of the State Metrological Service and other government services to ensure the uniformity of measurements;

Approval of regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements;

Approval of state standards, which are under the jurisdiction of the Russian State Standard;

Classification of technical devices as measuring instruments;

Organization of the activities of state metrological centers, the state metrological service and its bodies, the state service of reference materials, the state service of standard reference data, coordination of their activities;

Accreditation of state testing centers for measuring instruments;

Type approvals for measuring instruments;

Introduction of the state register;

Accreditation of metrological services of legal entities for the right to check measuring instruments and more.

However, activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements have undergone significant changes. The law divided the national measurement system into the sphere of public administration. To put into effect the Russian Federation Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements,” it was necessary to develop and adopt a whole set of new regulations and state standard documents. An analysis of new and old legislation in the field of metrology shows that the main differences between them relate to issues of state metrological control.

The main element in the quality control system for manufactured products is the technical control departments of the quality control department. The technical control system is an integral part of the production process and is developed simultaneously with the development of technologies with the participation of the quality control department or in agreement with it. Thus, the control system at the enterprise can serve as a prototype of the certification system, which differs from it in that certification provides for control by a third party, and quality control department is an element of the production structure of the enterprise, and with broader functions than testing and control functions. Currently, certification is becoming widespread according to a scheme in which evidence of product compliance with established requirements is a declaration of conformity, signed by the head of the manufacturing organization, with supporting documents attached to it. Certification under this scheme is similar to quality control of products by quality control department representatives. The prerequisites favorable to the development of the certification system in our country should also include the activities of the state supervision system. State supervision of compliance with technical regulations, mandatory requirements of state standards, rules of mandatory certification, metrological rules and norms is an important control and law enforcement activity. Its goal is to protect citizens, the environment and the Russian commodity market from low-quality, including imported, products (services) and from the negative consequences caused by unreliable measurements and distorted information about the consumer properties of goods and violations of regulatory documents at all stages of the product life cycle. Product certification is a conformity confirmation procedure through which an organization independent of the manufacturer and consumer certifies in writing that the product meets established requirements. Certification is carried out in order to create conditions for the activities of organizations and entrepreneurs on the single commodity market of the Russian Federation, as well as for participation in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade; assisting consumers in competent product selection; consumer protection from manufacturer dishonesty; control of product safety for the environment, life, health and property; confirmation of product quality indicators declared by the manufacturer.

2.2. production structure of JSC MMRZ »

The Maiminsky engine repair plant was organized on August 14, 1969 and was subordinate to the Altai regional production association "Altaiselkhozremont". The engine repair plant produced the following most important types of products: GAZ-51 auto bodies, AVP-5 air heaters. The plant repaired cars, GAZ-51 engines, GAZ-51 front and rear axles.

During the period of perestroika, economic and political reforms in the 90s, the engine repair plant survived and was reorganized in 1992 into Maiminsky Motor Repair Plant LLC, and in 1996 into Maiminsky Motor Repair Plant OJSC (abbreviated as MMRZ OJSC). The number of employees has decreased significantly. If in the 70s the number of workers was 265 people, then in 2002 - 26 people, in 2003 - 35 people. The volume of work has also been reduced. In Fig. Figure 7 shows the production structure of JSC MMRZ.

Rice. 7. Production structure

OJSC "Maiminsky Motor Repair Plant"

The plant has a shopless system. The main production unit is the site.

Currently, JSC MMRZ is engaged in mechanized work on servicing agricultural enterprises, repairing engines and tractors, trailers for agricultural enterprises, manufacturing and restoration of components and parts for agricultural machinery.

For its workers, the plant in the village of Maima built two-story, three-story residential buildings, dormitories along the streets of Mira, Yubileinaya, and machine operators. Factory workers received apartments in turn and for free. At the plant itself there was a canteen and a red corner where meetings were held to honor the leaders of production. There was a domestic boiler house that served a large residential area in the village of Maima. Currently, the boiler room has been transferred to the balance of the municipal unitary enterprise “Housing and Communal Services”, like all housing. The plant's own bus transports workers to and from work.

In 1975, the plant switched to repairing more modern cars, such as GAZ-52, GAZ-53. At the plant, the production process provides for the functioning of the following areas:

Dismantling and washing area;

Galvanic section;

Milling section;

Turning section;

Grinding area;

Mednitsky site;

Forging and pressing area;

Assembling area;

Assembly area.

Cars without bodies arrive at the dismantling and washing area, where the cars are disassembled and the parts are washed with special solutions. Parts must be cleaned of dirt, carbon deposits and scale, degreased, washed and dried. Oil channels and holes in parts must be washed under pressure and blown out with compressed air. According to the technology, it is not allowed to wash parts with alkaline solutions made of aluminum and zinc alloys used for steel and cast iron parts, since aluminum and zinc dissolve in alkalis. parts received for assembly must comply with the manufacturer’s drawings and technical conditions for inspection and sorting of parts.

After washing, the parts must go to the defect detection area, two defect inspectors work in this area, and the parts are checked at the defect detection table in accordance with the technological maps developed by GNIIA. Finished parts are marked with paint: suitable - with white paint; parts requiring repair or replacement are painted with green paint. The technological maps indicate the route, the first route - without restoration, the second - requiring restoration of seats or galvanic extension. For defect detection, special tools are used - calipers, indicator brackets, gauges, plugs, etc. All tools used in the defect detection process are checked annually by the Gorno-Altai Metrological Laboratory in accordance with GOST standards. Next, the parts that have passed the selection are sorted and sent to subsequent areas to restore their working qualities in accordance with the technological GOST for each part.

The galvanizing section receives parts with mechanical wear that require increasing the coating of the part. Before galvanic coating, parts undergo pre-treatment, which includes: mechanical processing (turning, grinding, polishing); washing in solvents (gasoline, white spirit, kerosene) to remove oils and polishing pastes from the surface; degreasing; rinsing in hot and cold water. The quality of the coating depends on how the initial processing stage goes. To apply galvanic coatings, a previously prepared product is dipped into a special bath in which salts of the corresponding metal are dissolved, for example chromium during chrome plating. Then a direct current of the required density is passed through the solution so that the product serves as a cathode, and the necessary exposure is carried out. In this case, metal deposition occurs on the part.

The milling section uses universal equipment using universal fixtures and standard cutting tools.

The main types of work of the engine repair plant: major repairs of cars; engine overhaul; restoration and production of parts.

2.3. Organization and methods of quality control of repaired products at JSC MMRZ

The Maiminsky engine repair plant was part of the Altaiselkhozremont production association. In the Altai Territory during the Soviet era, there were 10 such factories. Competitions were announced between factories to organize engine repairs with a high level of quality. The Maiminsky Engine Repair Plant won leading positions in the quality of repairs of cars and their components and assemblies. In the factory system, one of the most important technical parameters was taken as a quality criterion - the service life before the first major overhaul. Particular attention was paid to the development of designs and technologies that improve the technical level and quality of the engine. It also used and developed the main elements of the Gorky system of organizing work on the quality of products. How the experience of defect-free manufacturing of products was used in the Gorky system. In organizations, quality work is carried out through the formation of quality management functions and tasks, as well as their careful and coordinated distribution between enterprise management bodies.

The technological process of the engine repair plant is presented in Figure 8.

Rice. 8. Technological process and quality control of JSC MMRZ

The main goal of the system is defined as follows: ensuring high and sustainable growth rates in the quality of engine repairs. It is achieved by timely delivery of new equipment, improving the quality indicators of repaired components and assemblies through improvement and modernization using new technologies. Functions and tasks, methods and methods of their implementation are fixed in a set of enterprise standards. The range of functions and tasks includes the following:

Forecasting needs, technical level and quality of components and assemblies;

Organization of material and technical support;

Special training and education of personnel;

Assembly, storage and operation;

Stimulating quality improvement;

Quality control;

Supervision over the implementation and compliance with standards and technical conditions;

Condition of measuring instruments.

The quality management service for repaired products at the engine repair plant is represented by the technical control department. The technical control department includes: a chief, five foremen, two controllers. The technical control department maintains a schedule of technical control for each section of the products presented, individually for each employee. If the pass rate was below 90%, the employee was deprived of certain benefits provided by the plant for the quality of the products. This was one of the types of struggle for quality. In the seventies, brigade competitions were introduced everywhere for the quality of products, between factories for passing the red banner, etc. All this stimulated workers in order to produce high-quality products, and a widespread policy was also pursued not only at factories, but throughout Russia. At present, in a huge competition, the market itself imposes the production of high-quality products. Technological maps have been developed for all work processes, according to which the worker knows which method (of treatment) to apply, for example: when running in the engine, the oil pressure is checked on a warm engine at different crankshaft rotation speeds; if all parameters are normal, it means that the engine has been repaired efficiently according to technology. For prompt visits to respond to declarations and to carry out quality control of repaired products, a reliability service was created at the plant at one time. The reliability engineer, according to the proclamations, must go to the site and figure out why the vehicle failed. But over the many years of practice of the plant, there were isolated cases when a breakdown occurred due to the fault of the plant.

The main indicator of bonuses for quality control workers at OJSC MMRZ is compliance with the level of complaints within the acceptable standards for malfunctions of machines and assemblies. The maximum permissible standards for malfunctions in accordance with the Regulations on bonuses for the technical control service of OJSC MMRZ are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

The maximum bonus amount is 30%, of which 20% is accrued for the maximum permissible level of complaints (in % of product output) and warranty repair costs (in rubles) and 10% for the labor quality coefficient calculated for the department’s self-supporting indicators.

The head of the enterprise is given the right, in agreement with the trade union committee, to reduce the size of the bonus to 50% for production omissions, as well as to deprive the bonus completely for violation of labor and production discipline, violation of public order. List of production omissions: violation of technological discipline; violation of current rules and instructions on safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety; deterioration in product quality; additions and distortion of reporting.

Quality control, regardless of the perfection of the techniques used, primarily involves separating good products from bad ones. Statistical methods play a major role in ensuring product quality. Statistical quality control methods are divided into:

Statistical acceptance control based on an alternative criterion;

Selective acceptance control based on varying quality characteristics;

Statistical acceptance control standards;

System of economic plans;

Continuous sampling plans;

Methods of statistical regulation of technological processes.

The successful application of statistical methods for product quality control requires appropriate guidelines and standards that are accessible to a wide range of engineers and technicians. Standards for statistical acceptance control provide the ability to objectively compare quality levels of batches of the same type of product both over time and across different enterprises.

Quality control of the main types of work at OJSC MMRZ can be determined using statistical control based on an alternative criterion. The main characteristic of a batch of products when controlled by an alternative criterion is the general proportion of defective products (formula 2).

where q is the proportion of defective products;

D is the number of defective products in a batch of volumes N products.

In the practice of statistical control, the general share of defective products is known and should be estimated based on the results of monitoring the volume of products.

The work included an analysis of the implementation of the main types of work of JSC MMRZ over a number of years (overhaul of vehicles and engine repairs) in Table 5.

Table 5

Type of work

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Major car repairs

Engine repair

Using statistical control methods, the level of quality of work performed at OJSC MMRZ was analyzed. Since the 90s of the last century, there has been a decrease in the volume of work performed. The reason for this decrease in the volume of repair work is the general economic downturn both in the country as a whole and in the Altai Republic, the reduction of agricultural land and, as a consequence, the reduction in the fleet of agricultural machinery of the engine repair plant. In addition, the reduction in the volume of repair work at the plant was influenced by the emergence of a large number of competitors in connection with the gradual development of entrepreneurship in the Altai Republic - service stations (STOs), which specialize in both the repair of passenger cars and the repair of agricultural machinery.

In Fig. 10 reflects the dynamics of the quality of work performed at OJSC MMRZ.

Rice. 10. The level of quality of repair work performed at OJSC MMRZ over a number of years.

As can be seen from Fig. 10, despite the decrease in the volume of repair work performed, since 1984, the number of defective work has been decreasing, and, consequently, there has been an increase in the level of quality of the main repair work of JSC MMRZ

There is no quality management system at JSC MMP as such. The technical control department created at the plant performs only one function - quality control of repaired products. Modern companies focus not on identifying defects, but on preventing them, on carefully controlling the production process and carry out their activities in accordance with the concept of “quality regulation.”

The theory and practice of quality management in Russia has a long history of using a wide range of forms and methods at various stages of development of the productive forces of society. Quality management passed

The evolutionary path of development is from simple operations of monitoring product parameters to complex product quality and production management systems. At domestic enterprises, such management systems as BIP, SBT, KANARSPI, NORM and others were born and consistently applied. An integrated, systematic approach, taking into account all factors affecting quality, the use of the fundamentals of management theory, means and methods of standardization, metrology, and quality control ensured the widespread and effective use of these systems and the spread of their principles to higher hierarchical levels of management - to industries and administrative territories (city, region, republic).

In a market economy, integrated quality management systems have not lost their relevance and can be successfully applied when implementing ISO 9000 series standards, the developers of which have adopted everything valuable and useful from domestic experience. The fundamental difference between the quality systems created at enterprises is their clear focus on meeting specific consumer needs. Therefore, when developing quality systems, previously unforeseen aspects should be taken into account, such as protecting consumers from dangerous products and the participation of enterprises in the competition for sales markets. And others.

Foreign experience in quality management is based on common approaches and work methods. The most common statistical methods for quality control are included in the international standard ISO 9004-4 and are recommended for widespread use. Many companies in foreign countries pay great attention to quality circles, which make it possible to activate the creative potential of workers and successfully solve quality problems that arise in production. At the same time, each country has its own characteristics in the practical application of the general principles of quality management.

The American approach is distinguished by strict quality control of products based on mathematical and statistical methods, production planning based on quantitative and qualitative indicators with a system of administrative control over the implementation of plans, and extensive propaganda of work at the national level to support their producers and create favorable conditions for them in the market.

The Japanese experience is characterized by the widespread introduction of scientific developments in the field of technology and management, a high degree of computerization of all operations of control, analysis and production management, maximum use of human capabilities thanks to the measures taken to stimulate creative activity, instilling patriotism for one’s company, systematic and widespread training of personnel.

In recent years, Western European countries have been pursuing a unified quality policy, the goal of which is to achieve the superiority of European goods on the world market. Distinctive features of the European approach: the creation of a legislative framework for all work related to the assessment and confirmation of quality, harmonization of the requirements of national standards, rules and certification procedures, development of regional infrastructure and a network of national organizations authorized to carry out work on certification of products and quality systems, accreditation of testing laboratories and registration of quality specialists. The implementation of these measures makes it possible to protect the single pan-European market from low-quality products and random, unreliable manufacturers.

Experience in quality management in China shows that the basis for achieving the required quality in the conditions of this country is standardization and supervision of compliance with standards. Instead, China successfully applies such “market” methods of quality management as product certification and the introduction of quality systems, but their implementation requires international recognition of the rules and procedures in force in the country, which is what China has been achieving in recent years.

Generalization of progressive world experience has made it possible to develop the principles of total quality management, which are most fully implemented in the criteria and requirements of national quality awards. Therefore, the activities of firms are assessed for compliance with these requirements. There are two possible options for this assessment:

Direct participation in a competition for a prize, when the company’s activities are assessed by independent, authorized experts;

Conducting a survey of the enterprise on its own for the purpose of self-assessment of its compliance with the quality award criteria and, on this basis, developing measures to improve the company’s activities.

The introduction of the principles of total quality management at Russian enterprises is carried out in several directions. First of all, quality systems are being developed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000 series standards. The presence of quality systems is becoming an important factor in increasing the competitiveness of domestic products and a necessary condition for entering the world market. The tools for this are methods of self-assessment of companies for compliance with the criteria of national quality awards. Therefore, an important and promising area of ​​work on quality is the wide participation of enterprises in competitions not only for the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality, but also in the European competition, as well as in regional competitions that were established in a number of regions of Russia - for example, in St. Petersburg. Award criteria should serve not only as an incentive to improve quality, but also as a guide in assessing the capabilities and achievements of enterprises, depending on the degree to which they meet the requirements of society and successful business.

To successfully master the principles of total quality management at OJSC MMRZ, it is necessary not only to carry out a set of measures within the enterprise, but also to create favorable external conditions: a legislative framework, coordination of the efforts of all stakeholders, and the use of proven methods and means of influencing quality. The integration of all participants in the process and the implementation of the necessary measures in many areas of activity are possible within the framework of regional quality management systems created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as within the framework of a unified quality management mechanism throughout the country. The development of a quality system at OJSC MMRZ will resume the plant’s participation in the competition for sales markets, involve all employees in decision-making and achieving positive results in their work. Further development of the quality management system at JSC MMRZ will allow us to move on to the creation of a general enterprise management system, the purpose of which is to optimize the relationship between quality, costs and time to market with competitive products.

3. Directions for improving the organization of quality control of repaired products

at OJSC "Maiminsky Motor Repair Plant"

3.1. Improving technical service

control of JSC MMRZ

The complexity of the quality problem requires an integrated approach to the organization of the enterprise’s quality service, in which it is advisable to combine not only the unit that carries out quality control, but also units that organize all work in the field of quality assurance and analysis, as well as quality promotion.

Quality control at JSC MMRZ is carried out by product manufacturers and production foremen, employees of the technical control department, workers transferred to self-control, and customer representatives at the enterprise, if this is stipulated in the supply contract.

The technical control system (control objects, control operations and their sequence, technical equipment, modes, methods, means of mechanization and automation of control operations) is an integral part of the production process, developed simultaneously with the development of production technology by the service of the chief technologist (chief metallurgist, chief chemist, etc.) .d.). The technical control department of the enterprise is headed by the head of the department, who reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

One of the areas for improving the work of the technical control department of JSC MMRZ is its structural restructuring. In Fig. Figure 11 shows a variant of the quality control department structure.

Rice. 11. Option for the structure of the technical control department of JSC MMRZ

The management of OJSC MMRZ does not clearly define the responsibilities of the technical control department. Therefore, we will present an option for determining the responsibilities of the quality control department for OJSC MMRZ, which must be approved by order of the head of the enterprise (Table 6).

Table 6

Responsibilities of the technical control department of OJSC MMRZ

Responsibilities of Quality Control Department

Ensuring the development and improvement of the technical control system as one of the most important elements of product quality management at the enterprise, for which he carries out systematic work to analyze the effectiveness of the technical control system, eliminate the reasons for the production of low-quality products, eliminate the possibility of supplying such products to consumers, as well as increase productivity labor of quality control department workers

Organization and implementation of progressive methods of monitoring and assessing product quality

Carrying out incoming inspection of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and tools intended for main production received at the enterprise, monitoring their compliance with established requirements during transfer from warehouse to production and from workshop to workshop, operational control, acceptance control of finished products and other control operations .

Purpose and conduct of random checks of the quality of finished products, raw materials, materials, components, quality of individual technological operations and transitions, quality and condition of technological equipment and tools, conditions of production, packaging, storage, loading and transportation of products, raw materials not provided for by the approved technological process , materials, components and tools within the enterprise.

Carrying out selective monitoring of compliance with technological discipline - compliance of production operations with the requirements of approved technological maps and other technological documentation.

Preparation of documents certifying the conformity of accepted finished products with established requirements, as well as the content of documents containing technical justification for making claims to suppliers of raw materials, materials, components and tools rejected during incoming inspection.

Together with employees of other departments of the enterprise, presentation of finished products to the customer’s representative in cases stipulated by the delivery conditions.

Participation in testing new and modernized product samples, as well as in coordinating technical documentation for these products in order to provide conditions for effective quality control

Continuation of table 6

Participation in organizing the collection, analysis and synthesis of statistical and other data on the operational and consumer properties of manufactured products, including data from warranty workshops and repair enterprises, in the analysis of the causes of defects, as well as the development of measures to eliminate identified design and manufacturing defects of products and to prevent defects .

Monitoring the implementation of work to isolate rejected products and label them accordingly

Carrying out periodic selective quality control of products produced by workshops, participants, teams and individual employees transferred to self-control

Participation in the preparation of contracts for the supply of raw materials, supplies, semi-finished products, components and tools to the enterprise intended for the main production, in terms of agreeing on quality acceptance conditions.

Quality control is the most important function of product quality management. The quality control system at enterprises includes divisions for reliability testing, material control, bench testing and testing of mock-ups and prototypes of products. An integral part of quality control work is control of purchased products, incoming control at all sites and technological transitions in production, operational and final control of finished products. The control function is directly related to metrological support of production, which allows for the development, testing and correct operation of measuring instruments, electronic and computer devices and monitoring their condition.

Therefore, OJSC MMRZ needs to especially highlight the quality control function in organizing work in the field of quality. To improve the work in the field of quality management of JSC MMRZ, we can propose a scheme for organizing work in the field of quality, presented in Fig. 12.

Rice. 12. The place of quality control in the organization of work in the field of quality

3.2. Proposals for creating a system

quality of OJSC "MMRZ"

During the revival of the enterprise and with an increase in the volume of repair work performed by OJSC MMRZ, in order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of developing and implementing a quality system in the activities of OJSC MMRZ. To do this, the management and team of the enterprise must decide to create a quality system under the influence of the requirements of specific customers or the situation in the sales markets.

The quality system is a set of structures that perform quality management functions using established methods. Therefore, the development of a quality system basically consists of first, taking into account the recommendations of ISO 9000, determining the composition of the necessary functions of the quality system, and then the structures that perform or will perform these functions. After this, new regulations are developed, processed, or existing regulations are used to perform all functions.

The implementation of a quality system involves conducting internal audits of the system in order to verify the correct distribution of functions between departments, the capabilities of their implementation, as well as the sufficiency and quality of the necessary regulatory documentation. Based on the results of the inspections, the system is being refined so that the units included in the quality system can clearly perform their functions. In practice, when creating new or modifying existing quality systems, it is necessary to perform a significant amount of work, which can be carried out by the quality service and departments of the enterprise either independently or with the involvement of third-party specialists. It is advisable to invite outside specialists for consultations and methodological assistance, but not for the development of quality system documents. These documents should be developed by enterprise employees who know the specifics of their enterprise. Only then will the quality system documents be maximally adapted to the conditions of the enterprise, will be understandable and can be applied in practice. The coordination of work should be carried out by the quality service.

Let us consider the step-by-step creation of the quality system of JSC MMP (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Stages of creating a quality system at JSC MMRZ

The creation of a quality system begins with an information meeting with the management of the enterprise. Management then decides to create a quality system and creates a quality service headed by a representative of senior management. After this, the quality service develops a schedule for creating a quality system and carries out the development and implementation of the system in the production activities of the enterprise.

The development of a quality system basically consists of first, taking into account the recommendations of ISO 9000 standards, determining what needs to be done to manage quality at a given specific enterprise, that is, determining the composition of the necessary functions of the quality system. Then identify the structures that perform or will perform these functions. After this, develop new, rework or use existing regulatory documents to perform all functions.

The structural diagram of the quality system is built on the basis of the structural diagram of the enterprise and makes it possible to show the composition and interrelation of all structural units performing functions in the quality system. A separate block can show the control core of the quality system - the quality service, which includes the technical control department, metrological service, standardization service, as well as the quality management department, which performs the functions of organization, coordination and methodological management of quality work.

Unlike a block diagram showing the structure of a quality system, constructing a functional diagram allows you to visualize the quality management process. Such a diagram is constructed by detailing the model, similar to the one shown in Figure 8 in the second chapter of this thesis.

After determining the functions of the quality system and the structural units that will perform them, the next stage is determining the composition of the regulatory and methodological documents of the quality system. Having determined who should do what in the quality system, it is necessary to say how, by what methods this should be done, and according to what documentation. For example, to manage non-conforming (defective) products you must, at a minimum, have:

Standard for analysis, accounting, and isolation of defects;

Standard for satisfaction of consumer complaints;

Standard for permits for deviations from documentation in the manufacture of products.

To develop and adjust regulatory documents, the quality management department must draw up a schedule indicating the performers and deadlines for the work. The most common documents on the performance of functions and elements of the quality system are enterprise standards; along with them, instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents can also be used.

To finalize the documentation of the quality system, in addition to the specified documents, it is necessary for JSC MMP to develop another, generalizing document, which would give a general description of the quality system. Such a description is provided for by ISO 9000 standards in the form of a Quality Guide. The manual serves not only for internal use, but also for presentation to customers when concluding contracts, as well as by independent experts when checking the quality system for the purpose of its certification.

To develop a Quality Manual, there is an ISO 10013 standard “Guidelines for the development of quality manuals”, according to which the Manual must contain:

The scope and status of the Guide itself;

Brief description of the enterprise and its products;

Company policy in the field of quality;

The structure of the quality system;

Description of the functions and elements of the quality system, indicating the performers and a brief summary of the methods for their implementation.

The solution to quality problems will depend not only on how the quality system is developed, but also on how it will function, that is, how the functions and tasks of the system will be performed in practice by all participants: from management to ordinary performers.

After developing a new or updating an existing quality program, it will be necessary to implement the system - check its functioning and, if necessary, make adjustments.

For this purpose, internal quality system audits are carried out. This usually checks:

Are there enough elements provided in the system for effective product quality management;

Have the performers of all functions of the quality system been identified;

Are all stages of production covered by the quality system;

Are all necessary work methods available and documented;

- whether the elements and functions of the quality system are performed in the workplace;

Do the structure, functions and documentation of the quality system need adjustment?

As practice shows, based on the results of inspections, it is necessary to adjust the documentation of the quality system in order to eliminate the identified deficiencies and in the future ensure the possibility of its smooth functioning.

Thus, the development and implementation of a quality system, taking into account the recommendations of ISO 9000 standards, the principles of total quality management, the characteristics of the enterprise and the experience of enterprises - leaders in the field of quality, make it possible to organize quality work at the modern international level, and can provide the basis for stable quality assurance and competitiveness products manufactured by OJSC MMRZ, services provided for car repairs, and manufacturing of parts.

3.3. ensuring the effective functioning of the quality control system of JSC MMRZ

In accordance with the recommendations of ISO 9000 standards, a representative of the enterprise management must lead the quality system and be responsible for its effective functioning. As stored, the quality service is directly subordinate to him, which is the central part of the quality system and unites the quality management department, the technical control department, the metrological service, the standardization service, and sometimes the central factory laboratory and testing units. The responsibilities of the quality service include performing substantive functions and auxiliary tasks. The main tasks of the quality service of JSC MMRZ can be identified as follows:

1.organization of quality work - development, implementation and improvement of the quality system;

2. policy development and quality planning;

3.product quality control, carrying out

4. metrological support of production;

5. conducting claims work;

6. preparation of measures and organizational and administrative documents in the field of quality, monitoring and analysis of their implementation;

7. internal audits of the functioning of the quality system;

8. methodological guidance when training personnel on quality issues;

9. development of regulatory documents for the quality system that fall within the competence of the quality service;

10. methodological support and coordination of the work of departments in the quality system;

After the creation of a quality system, the management of the enterprise periodically analyzes its functioning and evaluates its effectiveness based on the results of planned internal audits, during which the performance of its functions by departments is checked. The main criteria for the effectiveness of the system are reviews from consumers and customers about product quality, the level of losses from defects and complaints, the pace of modernization and renewal of manufactured products, and the introduction of scientific and technological advances.

At the request of the enterprise, a system assessment can be carried out
quality by an independent body through its certification. Purpose,
Such an assessment is a confirmation of the system's compliance with the recommendations of the ISO 9000 standards. The certification body will check the Quality Manual, as well as selective documentation of the system and its implementation in practice. This will allow the implementation of proven elements of the quality system to be assessed.

Audits of the functioning of the quality system may be carried out by the supplier (internal audits), by its customers (second party) or by independent bodies (third party).

Internal audits of the current quality system are necessary for the management of the enterprise in order to constantly evaluate its effectiveness and take measures to improve it. During the audits, they identify how departments perform their functions (elements) in the quality system and evaluate the relevant regulatory documents.

To conduct regular internal inspections of the quality system at OJSC MMRZ, it is necessary to develop a regulatory and methodological document (standard, instruction) regulating the inspection procedure, and draw up a plan for conducting inspections (usually every year). Inspections are carried out by specially trained auditors (including quality service employees) or, under their leadership, by an inspection team with the participation of qualified specialists not involved in the field of activity being audited.

Second-party quality system audits are carried out by customer representatives, usually before contracts are awarded. The purpose of these inspections is to provide the customer with additional assurance of consistency in product quality by ensuring that the supplier has a quality system that meets the requirements of ISO 9000 standards. Sometimes, before conducting an inspection, the customer, based on the recommendations of the ISO 9000 standards, may send the supplier a list of questions, to which he must give reasoned answers during the inspection. But it happens that the customer asks questions of interest directly during a visit to the supplier.

At the beginning of negotiations, as a rule, the supplier’s ability to accept and fulfill the order within the agreed time frame is discussed.

The customer then checks the supplier's ability to provide the required product quality. This check is carried out by the quality service. During the verification process, special attention is paid to the following issues:

Quality and reliability of products; it must be borne in mind that the customer can independently collect this data from independent sources in advance;

- implementation of a quality system, availability and execution of a Quality Manual, availability of certificates for products and for compliance of the quality system with ISO 9000 standards;

Organization and control of design; characteristics of subcontractors and incoming control of materials and purchased products;

- level of technological and metrological support for production;

Availability in the workshops of the necessary drawings, technical processes, test programs and other regulatory documents;

Organization and management of production processes important for ensuring the quality of ordered products;

- operational control of production, testing and acceptance of finished products;

Isolation of finally rejected products;

- storage of materials, purchased items and finished products.

General working conditions are also assessed: lighting, temperature conditions, condition of production premises, rational placement, order and cleanliness in the workplace.

Independent third party quality system audits are typically conducted by a certification body to issue a product or quality system certificate to a supplier or to confirm a previously issued certificate. If the supplier has a quality system certificate issued by an independent body authoritative for the customer, the scope of quality system checks by product customers is usually reduced. Certification and inspection checks (audits) of the quality system are carried out by certification bodies and provided by the quality service with the involvement of departments involved in the areas of activity being inspected. To clearly organize these works, it is advisable to draw up an inspection schedule and approve it with the management of the enterprise.

In recent years, self-assessment of enterprises based on quality award criteria has begun to be used to improve quality systems. Improving the quality system includes:

Clarification of the list of functions and elements of the quality system, redistribution of functions among the units performing the work;

Changes in the composition and content of regulatory documents of the quality system and adjustments to the Quality Manual;

Increasing the pace of modernization and renewal of manufactured products; development of the service sector;

Implementation of more effective test control methods;

Training employees in new methods of quality assurance;

Application of new forms and methods of personnel motivation;

Developing employee initiative and involving them in work in quality circles and others.

The quality management department organizes and coordinates this work. It should be borne in mind that the implementation of this work can easily be checked by the customer and the auditor by the presence and frequency of changes to the quality system documents.

Improving the quality system based on the results of internal audits, second- and third-party audits, as well as the results of the enterprise’s self-assessment according to the criteria of the Russian Quality Award is an indispensable condition for the effective functioning of the quality system in a changing internal environment and external situation.

Let us dwell in more detail on such an area of ​​effective functioning of the quality system as the organization of quality circles. The experience of the best enterprises in the USA, Japan and Western Europe has shown that one of the effective methods for solving quality problems is the use of quality circles - a voluntary association of workers to solve problems in the workplace. Their implementation stimulates a creative attitude to work, increases labor productivity and product quality, and reduces its cost.

To organize the work of quality circles at an enterprise, in this case at OJSC MMRZ, it is necessary to create conditions under which personnel would be interested in participating in their work.

In our conditions, if there is organized rationalization work, quality circles can be used to solve complex quality problems that require the participation of specialists in different fields: designers, technologists, production workers, who in everyday practice work separately. The quality service, together with specialists from different departments, must draw up a list of problems and hold a series of meetings to initiate their creation. Based on the list of problems and the composition of specialists for each problem, it is necessary to issue an order to create and organize the work of several circles, indicating the heads of the circles, deadlines for work and amounts of remuneration to stimulate the solution of the identified problems. All this, as well as the detailed procedure for the creation, daily work and termination of the activities of quality circles, the rights and responsibilities of the administration and employees to implement submitted proposals, moral and material incentives for members of quality circles, it is advisable to set out and approve in a special Regulation on quality circles. For OJSC MMRZ, we can propose a procedure for the work of quality circles, which is used by many enterprises, Fig. 14.

Rice. 14. Operating procedure for quality circles

The “regulations” must be agreed upon with the trade union, since the work of quality circles is related to the allocation of working time, the provision of premises, equipment, labor protection, as well as remuneration for submitted proposals. The activities of quality circles can be aimed not only at solving specific quality problems, but also at increasing labor productivity, introducing advanced technology and rational work practices, saving resources, reducing costs, etc.

The proposed option does not exclude the creation of quality circles according to the “classical” model, from below, on the initiative of workers to solve current problems directly at the workplace. Moreover, the initiative of employees should be encouraged by the administration, and the quality service should coordinate and take into account the work of such circles. Nevertheless, as experience shows, in our conditions, in addition to the rationalization and inventive work organized at enterprises, quality circles created like complex groups can be the most realistic.

The weight of the reasons influencing a person’s attitude to the quality of his work in modern conditions of St. Petersburg was revealed through a survey. The results of this study are presented in Fig. 15 .

Rice. 15. Reasons influencing a person’s attitude to the quality of work

The most significant reason for achieving high quality is material incentives, that is, the amount of wages. The next factor is education, professional training. Another factor influencing workers is slightly inferior, namely: fostering a conscious attitude towards the quality of labor results. Then comes the moral and psychological state in the team (corporate culture). Factors such as government measures, the administration’s concern for improving working conditions, and fear of responsibility for poor performance have a weaker influence. Based on these factors, work is organized at enterprises and measures to influence personnel are developed.

Thus, ensuring the quality of services of JSC MMRZ will depend not only on how the quality system is developed, but also on how the departments will practically perform their functions in this system. An objective assessment of the effectiveness of the quality system is provided by consumer and customer reviews of product quality, the level of losses from defects and complaints, the pace of modernization and renewal of manufactured products, and the introduction of scientific and technological advances. To maintain the effectiveness of the quality system, the management of OJSC MMRZ needs to constantly conduct periodic analysis of the functioning of the system. Then, in order to increase the competitiveness of its services and the status of the quality system, JSC MMRZ, on its own initiative or at the request of customers, can carry out certification of the quality system. The organization of work on certification of products and quality systems is carried out by the quality service. When carrying out certification, the company’s compliance with current legislation in the field of quality can also be checked. Quality service employees must know the rules and procedures of certification, as well as the requirements of current legislation in the field of quality.


A way out of the socio-economic crisis, Russia's integration with the world economic system, and successful competition with other countries are objectively impossible without solving quality problems in all spheres of the economy and life. The concept of quality has constantly evolved and been refined. Due to the need for quality control, methods for collecting, processing and analyzing quality information have been developed. The meaning of quality improvement is quite diverse. Solving this problem at the micro level is also important for the economy as a whole, as it will allow us to establish new and progressive proportions between and within industries, for example, between the metallurgical industry and mechanical engineering. These proportions can be achieved by improving the production technology of engineering products and increasing their efficiency. Improving the quality of mechanical engineering products is important for automating production processes in other industries.

The research carried out in the field of organizing the quality service at the enterprise allowed us to draw the appropriate conclusions.

1. Product quality in modern production conditions is the most important component of the efficiency and profitability of an enterprise and therefore it needs to be given constant attention. Everyone should be involved in quality - from the director of the enterprise to the specific performer of any operation. All processes for ensuring, designing, and maintaining quality are integrated into a quality management system.

2. Qualimetry is the science of methods for measuring and quantifying the quality of products and services; it allows you to give quantitative estimates of the qualitative characteristics of a product. Qualimetry assumes that quality depends on a large number of properties of the product in question. In order to judge the quality of a product, only data on its properties is not enough. It is also necessary to take into account the conditions in which the product will be used.

3. The ISO 9000 series international standards pay special attention to satisfying buyer requests, establishing responsibilities, and assessing possible risks and benefits. There is no doubt that the inclusion of the components discussed above in the quality assurance system at the enterprise will contribute to its effectiveness.

4. An analysis of the level of quality of work performed at JSC MMRZ showed that, starting from the 90s of the last century, there has been a decrease in the volume of work performed. The reason for this decrease in the volume of repair work is the general economic downturn both in the country as a whole and in the Altai Republic, the reduction of agricultural land and, as a consequence, the reduction in the fleet of agricultural machinery of the engine repair plant. In addition, the reduction in the volume of repair work at the plant was influenced by the emergence of a large number of competitors in connection with the gradual development of entrepreneurship in the Altai Republic - service stations (STOs), which specialize in both the repair of passenger cars and the repair of agricultural machinery. Despite the decrease in the volume of repair work performed, since 1984, the number of defective work has been decreasing, and, consequently, there has been an increase in the level of quality of basic repair work of JSC MMRZ

5. The quality management service for repaired products at the engine repair plant is represented by the technical control department. The technical control department includes: a chief, five foremen, two controllers. The technical control department maintains a schedule of technical control for each section of the products presented, individually for each employee. There is no quality assurance system at JSC MMP as such. The technical control department created at the plant performs only one function of the quality system for repaired products - quality control.

Based on theoretical research in the field of organizing quality systems and analyzing the quality of services of OJSC MMRZ, the following recommendations were given:

1. To increase the competitiveness of products and the status of the quality system, an enterprise, on its own initiative or at the request of customers, can certify the quality system by an independent body to confirm its compliance with the recommendations of ISO 9000 standards.

2. Organize strict quality control of services provided and work performed.

3. Develop a quality system as a set of structures that perform quality management functions using established methods. Determine the composition of the necessary functions of the quality system, and then the structures that perform or will perform these functions.

4. To maintain the effectiveness of the quality system, the management of OJSC MMRZ needs to review the functions and structure of the Technical Control Department as the main link in product quality management, and conduct periodic analysis of the functioning of the system.

To successfully master the principles of total quality management at OJSC MMRZ, it is necessary not only to carry out a set of measures within the enterprise, but also to create favorable external conditions: a legislative framework, coordination of the efforts of all stakeholders, and the use of proven methods and means of influencing quality. Ensuring product quality depends not only on how the quality system is developed, but also on how the departments practically perform their functions in this system. An objective assessment of the effectiveness of the quality system is provided by consumer and customer reviews of product quality, the level of losses from defects and complaints, the pace of modernization and renewal of manufactured products, and the introduction of scientific and technological advances.

Annex 1

Rice. 1. Production structure

OJSC "Maiminsky Motor Repair Plant"

Appendix 2

Rice. 2. Technological process and quality control of JSC MMRZ

Appendix 3

Rice. 3. Dynamics of main repair work at JSC MMRZ

Rice. 4. Level of quality of repair work performed

at JSC MMRZ for a number of years

Appendix 4

Rice. 5. Option for the structure of the technical control department of JSC MMRZ

Appendix 5

Rice. 6. Place of quality control in the organization of work

in the field of quality

Table 5

Analysis of the level of defect-free products of JSC MMRZ

Type of work

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Number of units

Defective units

Share of defective products, %

Major car repairs

Engine repair

In Fig. Figure 9 clearly shows the dynamics of major repair work performed at OJSC MMRZ over a number of years.

Rice. 9. Dynamics of main repair work at JSC MMRZ