Student project "Types of bird feeders". Presentation “Master class “Making feeder treats for wintering birds Feeding birds with children on a walk”

Developed by a technology teacher of the highest category, Honorary Worker of Primary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation MBOU "Secondary School No. 7" in Kaluga Gerasimov Vladislav Aleksandrovich

There are different types of bird feeders. They can even be made from scrap materials: bottles, boxes, juice or milk cartons, etc. In addition to their main task, feeders can also become a real decoration of the territory if they are given an interesting shape, for example, a small house with windows and doors.

So, we decided to make a feeder. If our task is simply to feed hungry birds in winter, it will be enough for us to make the simplest feeder.

For example, from a plastic bottle or cardboard box. To do this, you need to take a water bottle with a capacity of 5 liters, cut a hole in the side of it, slightly short of the bottom, and hang it on a tree branch.

More complex, but also more attractive designs of feeders are made from wooden boards. Here we need more serious tools than scissors and tape. The simplest option is a feeder, consisting of a bottom, roof and sides with rigid supports between them. The sizes are selected based on your wishes, there are no restrictions here.

The bottom of the feeder should have sides, and the higher the better, since they protect the food from the wind. The roof, in turn, protects the food from rain and snow. An example is a feeder measuring 250x250 mm with a side height of 40 mm and a roof height of 120 mm. To make it you will need boards 10 and 5 mm thick. Connections are made using tenons and self-tapping screws.

No. Name quantity size L x W mm. 1 Roof 1,360 x 200 2 Roof 1,360 x 218 3 Roof ridge 1,360 x 50 4 Roof ridge 1,360 x 68 5 Side wall 2,270 x 200 6 Bottom 1,260 x 200 7 Side 2,260 x 50 8 Side 2 300 x 50 9 Round strip d 10 mm 2 296 10 Plexiglas 2-3mm. 2 160 x 234

All these parts can be cut from a board 20 cm wide and 200 cm long.

All parts are connected to each other using self-tapping screws. You can use wooden dowels and glue.

Carefully sand all corners of the parts.

Drilling holes in the sides pos. 8, drill holes with a diameter of 10 mm along the edges. A round bar is inserted into this hole, which will serve as a perch for birds.

Assembly technology The right half of the roof and the ridge are assembled separately into a single whole. The ridge in this case will serve as a stiffening rib at the same time giving our feeder an elegant look.

The left half of the roof is firmly attached to the side walls.

Paint with paint to protect the wood from weathering.

in winter
It's not the cold that's scary, it's
birds' winter day
manage to satisfy their hunger.
tree branches and
make it difficult
birds to get food.
hungry and weak
Birds freeze easily.

How can I help the birds?
We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,
There will be lunch for you in winter.

There are different types of bird feeders. They can even be made from
scrap materials: bottles, boxes, juice bags or
milk, etc. In addition to their main task, feeders can also become
a real decoration of the territory, if they are given an interesting
shape, for example, a small house with windows and doors.

For my feeder I needed the following
wooden blocks;

To make the feeder we used

The bottom of the feeder should have sides, and the higher,
all the better, since they protect the feed from the wind.
The roof, in turn, protects the feed from rain and
With dad's help
we made
bird feeder

My friend and I went out
on the street, poured into
feeder of seeds and millet

The best places for a feeder:
on windows, balconies;
on the branches of bushes and trees;
in parks and squares;
on a personal plot;
outside the city, where there are plantings and forest nearby.

Dad hung the feeder on a tree near the kindergarten,
so that the birds can eat, and the children can
admire them.

It is necessary to remember the rules when feeding:
Do not feed birds salty foods and rye bread
– it is mortally dangerous for them;
if you started feeding the birds one day at the beginning of winter,
Make sure there is food in the feeder every day;
the feeder should be comfortable and safe for birds (tight
fastening, no sharp edges, inaccessible to cats);
hang the feeder so that small and
dexterous birds, but not pigeons and crows (for which
there is enough food outside);
food must be protected from bad weather;
The feeder must be cleaned regularly.
Now I will constantly add food for
birds to your feeder!

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▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓. Winter bird feeders. Album-presentation of types of bird feeders Authors: Kleimenova V.Yu., Fedyarina A.V. school No. 21, Kiselevsk, 2011.

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Winter bird feeders

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    ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ Winter bird feeders Album-presentation of types of bird feeders Authors: Kleymenova V.Yu., Fedyarina A.V. school No. 21, Kiselevsk, 2011

    Cold or hunger? Why? For birds, hunger is worse in winter. During a short winter day, birds do not have time to satisfy their hunger. During icy conditions, ice crusts on tree branches and on the snow make it difficult for birds to find food. A small chickadee freezes. In the winter cold, hungry and weak birds freeze easily. How can you help the birds? We made a feeding trough, We opened a dining room.

    Open air? In the frost he treats the Birds with grain and bread.

    Anything. You don’t have to do it: sprinkle grain or seeds on a flat surface or hang a piece of lard on a wire or rope.

    Tied together with strong thread or wire. This feeder can be thrown onto the branches of a tree, where titmice will definitely find it. Such a feeder will be difficult for crows to reach.

    Snow. To do this, you need a feeder with a roof, walls and bottom.

    It will serve as a bird canteen for more than one season; it is better to build it from wood.

    Plastic boxes from instant noodles, which are connected together by pieces of plywood or cylinders from used felt-tip pens.

    Waxwings and bullfinches. Rowan and viburnum berries stored for the winter are placed in such a bird feeder.

    Package. Two or three round or rectangular holes are cut in the lower part.

    Bottles of different sizes. Works automatically. As the birds eat the food, it spills out of the bottle again. You can pour seeds, millet, oats, rolled oats, rice, wheat and other bulk food into the feeder.

    Glass bottle through the throat. The mount for installing a bottle and a feeding table for birds is made of boards. The second option is simpler - there is no bottle mount. The bird feeder can be installed on the balcony or attached with wire to a tree trunk.

    Tits and other small birds can easily climb into a small hole, but most sparrows cannot.

    The honey-coated pine cone was rolled in bread crumbs, semolina and oats. It is rare to come across such a feeder. Easy to make and completely dependent on the pumpkin harvest. By the way, both the food and the feeder itself are delicious!

    Fantasies are represented by such material as a plastic bottle Hanging window bird feeder. This feeder is hung from the outside on the window frame. The birds get used to people in the room, and after a few days you can already watch their fuss from a distance of just a few centimeters - through a window glass.

    Pieces of a board with a perch for birds are inserted, and food is poured inside the bottle.

    Pour heated butter or ghee into candy molds, let it harden, string pieces of butter onto a wire and hang. And in what places should we look for feeders? The best places for feeders: on windows and balconies on the branches of bushes and trees in parks and squares on a personal plot outside the city, where there are plantings or forest nearby

    The birds will be grateful to you for: unsalted fresh lard beef fat, meat melted butter margarine millet, rice, oats sunflower seeds (unsalted and unroasted) wheat rowan berries, viburnum berries hawthorn berries bread crumbs Under no circumstances should you give: black bread chips sweet corn flakes salty, sweet or fried foods Such a treat will cause stomach upset in birds, and in winter any illness in birds will inevitably lead to their death.

    From the type of bird? We crows are heavy and awkward. We like “light” feeders - with wide entrances or open walls - to easily reach the food. Sparrows, bullfinches, and pigeons have the same opinion. It is difficult for us to climb into swaying and bending feeders. And for us, nimble and dexterous titmice, “difficult” feeders are suitable - with narrow entrances, a deep bottom, on a swinging line or made of bendable material. We'll get the food!

    It will be easy for us to survive the cold! Let's take off, merrily gliding across the sky, feathered friends! And we will sing, tweeting: “Thank you very much!”

    “Winter Feeders for Birds” are grateful to all the authors of the photographic materials and notes that we used to create this work. The creators of the presentation are Valentina Yuryevna Kleymenova, elementary school teacher Anna Vyacheslavovna Fedyarina, history teacher at school No. 21, Kiselevsk 2011

Feed the birds in winter! Let flocks of them flock to your porch from all over, Their food is not rich, A handful of grain is needed, One handful is not scary. It will be for them in the winter. How many of them die - it’s hard to count. It’s hard to see. But in our heart there is also warmth for the birds!!!

“Birds at the feeder” Author: Nadezhda Viktorovna Padaltsina Project duration: long-term Project type: practice-oriented Project participants: educator, parents, children Problem significant for children: Many birds die in winter: out of ten, only one or two survive until spring. A hungry bird cannot tolerate even mild frosts. How do our friends, the birds, survive in winter? How can we help them in this difficult time?

1- Expand your understanding of wintering birds. 2- Summarize the students’ knowledge gained from observing the habits of birds. 3- Expand the understanding of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, methods of making them from different materials. 4- To interest parents in environmental activities, to bring to their consciousness the need to instill in their children love and respect for birds 5- Teach children to feed birds correctly. 6- Foster a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.

The task of adults is to cultivate children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds. The desire to learn new facts about their life, to take care of them, to rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. - Give children basic knowledge about what to feed birds in winter. - Working together with parents, create conditions for children to communicate with the natural world and to help our feathered friends as much as possible.

Pupil: - Having an idea about wintering birds. - Knows how to make a feeder from different materials together with adults - Knows what kind of food to feed the birds. - Able to observe, analyze and draw conclusions. Parent: - Active participant in the project. - Capable of instilling in children a love and respect for birds.

1. Preparatory stage: Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project: - discussion of goals and objectives with students and parents. - justification, prediction of ways to implement the project. - selection of educational and fiction literature. - guessing riddles, reading poems about birds. - conducting discussions on the project. - registration of consultations “How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle”, “Bird feeders”, “Rules for maintaining feeders”, “What to feed birds”. - - viewing presentations: “Wintering birds”, “What types of feeders are there”. - production of didactic games. - design of the wall newspaper "Birds in Winter". - Exhibition of paper crafts using the origami method “Birds on a Branch” - together with parents, making feeders from different materials.

2. Main (practical) stage. - design of an album about wintering birds. - compilation of descriptive stories about wintering birds. - study of feed for feeding birds. - exhibition of feeders. - choosing a place for feeders. - organization of the holiday "Titmouse Day". - observation of wintering birds. - Feed the birds daily throughout the project. - use of different feeds. - design of propaganda posters “Feed the birds in winter”. - preparation of instructions - “What to feed the birds?”. - observing the behavior of birds at feeders. - creation of an observation diary. - daily filling out an observation diary.

S/n S/n BIRDS WHAT TO EATWHAT NOT TO EAT 1. SPARROWS Bread crumbs Millet Any salted, fried, spicy, sour foods. Brown bread is very dangerous - it sours in the birds' crops and is poorly digested, especially in cold weather. Birds are not allowed citrus fruits, banana peels, or spices. 2. TITS Sunflower seeds Watermelon seeds Raw lard or meat 3. PIGEONS seeds Bread crumbs 4. BUFFINS Rowan berries Sunflower seeds

primary school teacher

Veretennikova Natalya Mitrofanovna

Slide 2

Master class topic

“Making feeders for wintering birds”

Slide 3

Master class objectives:

  • introduce master class participants to different types of bird feeders:
  • help increase the number of volunteers to help birds in winter;
  • teach master class participants to design their own models of feeders.
  • Slide 4

    Master class idea:

    A form of effective professional influence both on teachers who are active in finding ways to grow their own teaching skills, and on those teachers who are passive about their professional development.

    Slide 5

    The following techniques were used in the lesson:

    • problem statement;
    • extracting semantic information;
    • communication in a group;
    • conclusion on this issue.
  • Slide 6

    Feed the birds in winter!

    Feed the birds in winter!
    Let it come from all over
    They will flock to you like home,
    Flocks on the porch.

    It’s impossible to count how many of them die,
    It's hard to see.
    But in our heart there is
    And it's warm for the birds.

    Train your birds in the cold
    To your window
    So that you don’t have to go without songs
    Let's welcome spring.

    Slide 7

    Winter is a difficult time for birds

    Winter is a difficult time for birds. They die not from cold, but from hunger. At this time, it can be difficult for them to get food. But it is especially difficult for birds when thaws alternate with frosts and everything around is covered with an ice crust. Birds do not have time to find enough food in a short winter day. To help wintering birds, it is necessary to feed them during the winter. But winter feeding of birds must be systematic, without interruptions, otherwise it will be harmful. Having become accustomed to finding food in a certain place every day, the birds, suddenly not finding it, will not immediately fly to another place, but will wait, waste time and energy, and on frosty days they may die.

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    Types of feed

  • Slide 9

    The need to build feeders

    The food, of course, should be in the feeders. Bird feeders can be of various designs. But a prerequisite is to protect the food in them from wind, snow, and rain. This means that you need to make a wide roof on top of the feeder, and sides along the perimeter of the base.

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    Decoration of feeders

    In order not to scare away birds from the feeders, it is not recommended to decorate them with additional details or brightly paint them. But experience has shown that an aesthetically designed feeder not only does not scare away birds, but also pleases the human eye and serves as a decoration for the area.

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    Automatic feeder

    An automatic feeder in which food is poured out gradually as it is consumed. To do this, the feed mixture is poured into a bottle, which is then turned upside down, or a conical “hopper” is made from boards with a narrow slot at the bottom.

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    Feeder from a bag

    Feeder made from an empty juice or milk carton. Two or three holes are cut at the bottom of the bag. They can be either round or rectangular.

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    Helmet feeder

    Even an old construction helmet can also be used to make an excellent feeder if you provide it with a plywood roof. This feeder can be hung on tree branches near your home or in the park.

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    Bottle feeder

    A feeder made of two empty plastic bottles of different sizes. This feeder can work automatically. As the birds eat the food, it spills out of the bottle again. You can put millet, oats, wheat and other bulk feeds into this feeder.

    Slide 15

    Hanging feeder with flat roof

    To make it you need four bars, two pieces of plywood and four slats. A rope or wire with a ring is attached to the top of the roof, with the help of which the feeder is suspended from the branches of the tree.

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    Psychological warm-up

    Determine your emotional state at the beginning of our lesson.

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    Slide 18

    Making a feeder


    • thick cardboard box,
    • White paper,
    • pieces of colored paper,
    • cord,
    • scotch,
    • watercolor paint


    • scissors,
    • ruler,
    • pencil, marker,
  • Slide 19

    Step-by-step instruction

    We make a house from a small paper box: we lift one side of the box and bend it into the shape of a roof.

    Slide 20

    We cut out a large hole on one side of the box and a smaller one on the opposite side.

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    We connect the roof to the base of the box using tape.

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    We cover the sides of the roof with white paper.

    Slide 23

    We cover the entire blank of the future feeder with white paper.