Application for registration as an individual entrepreneur. Application for registration under UTII for individual entrepreneurs


1. Introduction.

8. Methods for obtaining documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs.

9. Conclusion

1. Introduction.

All stages of preparing documents and sending them for consideration using one of the available methods have been completed, and you are awaiting a decision on registration as an individual entrepreneur.

This process is quite nerve-wracking, because a lot depends not only on the correctness of filling out the forms, but also on the personal approach of the official.

Quite often, completely opposite decisions are made on the same packages of documents.

As the law says, to carry out all regulatory registration procedures, including checks, requests, etc., the registering tax authority is given only THREE WORKING DAYS, with the exception of cases of conducting certain types of activities, where the decision may be postponed until information is received that will either include a “green” street, i.e. the registration procedure will end with a positive decision, or “red” when a negative decision on the application is made.

Nevertheless, at the agreed time you will receive documents that will either make you happy or sad.

I would like to wish everyone to receive positive documents, and not a refusal decision.

2. The decision of the tax authority to refuse to register an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

Unfortunately, sometimes, and according to statistics, in approximately 35% of cases, the registering tax authority refuses to carry out registration. Why does this happen, and are there options that will protect you from such unpleasant situations?

You can familiarize yourself with an exhaustive list of grounds for making a negative decision on the state registration of an individual as an entrepreneur by reading Article 23 of Federal Law No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” dated 08.08.2001 (as amended on 03.07. 2016)

If you read it, you will understand that there are not so many fatal moments; much more mistakes and misunderstandings result from our carelessness.

As practice shows, the largest percentage of rejected materials are obtained due to an incorrectly completed application for registration of individual entrepreneurs (form P21001).

We have already written that when accepting documents, they are not checked for validity and correctness.

Moreover, the duties of an authorized official when accepting documents do not include their analysis. The main thing there is to prepare a receipt with a list of documents submitted.

But already in the process of working to either approve or refuse registration, the fun begins.

Registrars very carefully check the correctness of filling out each item.

Many applicants “burn” because they ignore the Requirements for the filling procedure, and as a result, incorrect abbreviations, hyphens, abbreviations, etc. lead to negative consequences, although all this can be avoided by just filling everything out carefully and clearly.

If you do not want to get into an unpleasant situation associated with an incorrect application, we suggest using our detailed instructions contained in the material, where you can consistently fill out everything correctly.

What reasons can motivate the registration authority to make a negative decision?

    Incorrectly and incorrectly executed and completed application for registration in form P21001.
    For information on how to fill out an application correctly and without errors, read the material Stage No. 4;

    The applicant did not familiarize himself with what package of documents needed to be provided, and as a result did not provide a complete list of documents for registration. An exhaustive list is given in paragraph 1 of Article 22.1 of Federal Law No. 129-FZ

    A situation may arise that you took the documents to the completely wrong registration authority;

Let us remind you: documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur are submitted to the authorized registration body at the place of residence or stay (in the absence of a permanent place of residence in Russia).

    The applicant already has the status of an individual entrepreneur at the time of submitting documents. In this case, the Law prohibits double registration in the same capacity;

    A court decision was made declaring the applicant insolvent (bankrupt), and from that moment the control period of one year has not yet passed;

    A ban on registration as an individual entrepreneur could have been imposed on the applicant, but the period of this restriction had not expired;

    The court decision to forcibly terminate his activities as an individual entrepreneur is still in force and has not been cancelled;

    The term of the court sentence, according to which the applicant is prohibited from engaging in entrepreneurial activity, has not expired;

    If the types of activities related to education, raising children and adolescents, the development of minors, organizing their health, recreation, medical care, social services, in the field of children's and youth sports, art and culture are indicated, if the applicant had a criminal record related to with an attack on personality, sexual integrity, etc.;

For applicants whose criminal record has been expunged, including on rehabilitative grounds, such registration is permitted.

    If the application for state registration is not signed personally by the applicant, such an application is immediately declared invalid;

    If the signature on the application is certified by an unauthorized person who does not have the right of notarization;

    If the notarial form for submitting documents is not followed, if the documents are submitted by mail or through the applicant’s representative;

    If during the state registration process there is a discrepancy between the information about the identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation specified in the application for state registration with the information that the registering authority receives from the authority involved in issuing and replacing such documents;

    If, during the period established for registration before entering information into the register, the registering authority receives a judicial act or an act of a bailiff prohibiting the registration authority from performing certain actions.

The decision to refuse registration of an individual entrepreneur must necessarily contain the grounds provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 23 of Federal Law No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”.

The decision of the registering authority is made within the same period and period that is allotted for registration.

No later than the next working day after the day the decision on refusal was made, the registration authority sends the decision according to the method of receiving documents specified in the application.

PLEASE NOTE: When submitting documents to the registration authority for the first time, the authorized person does not check the contents and completeness of the documents, but acts as a “receiver”, i.e. generates a receipt indicating the list of accepted documents, after which it transfers them to a special department, where everything will be carefully checked and a verdict will be made.

PLEASE NOTE: In case of refusal of registration, the paid state fee is not refunded. Re-registration is possible only after re-payment of the state fee.*

* If in the process of appealing the refusal to register an individual entrepreneur the unconditional guilt of the registering authority is revealed, when re-submitting documents, re-payment of the state fee is not carried out.

3. Obtaining a TIN Certificate (tax registration).

This document confirms the fact that an individual has registered for tax purposes.

Theoretically, many individuals who decide to become individual entrepreneurs are already registered with the tax authorities at their place of residence.

There may be a situation where several inspectorates operate even within the same city, but registration is carried out at the inspectorate at the place of residence.

A taxpayer identification number (TIN) is assigned once and is valid for the life of the taxpayer.

It does not depend on the tax office, but only reflects the history where it was originally assigned.

This means, let’s say at the time of registration with the tax authority you lived in the Perm region.
Accordingly, your TIN number, consisting of 12 digits, will begin with 59 - the region code.

The tax registration certificate is issued according to the approved form No. 2-1-Registration with code according to Tax Declaration Codes (TDC) 1122022.

Below are the form and sample of the Certificate valid as of 07.12. 2016

4. Obtaining a Certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Until December 31, 2016, all individuals registered as an individual entrepreneur will receive the main document confirming the acquisition of individual entrepreneur status - Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

This is a strict reporting form on which Form P61003 is typewritten.

In accordance with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of September 12, 2016 N ММВ-7-14/481@ “On approval of the form and content of a document confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, declaring certain orders and certain provisions to be invalid orders of the Federal Tax Service" from January 1, 2017 Certificates of registration will not be issued.

Nevertheless, while this form is relevant, we introduce you to it.

5. Receipt of a Notification of registration of an individual with the tax office (at the place of residence).

As soon as the registering tax authority confirms your registration as an individual entrepreneur, it simultaneously registers you with the tax authority at your place of residence.

The document confirming the fact of registration with the tax authority is the “Notification of registration of an individual with the tax authority.”

This is Form No. 2-3-Accounting with code according to KDN (tax return code) 1122024.

This form contains the following information:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Residence address (place of residence or place of stay);
  • Basis for tax registration:
    Information on the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, contained in the Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Tax registration date;
  • The name of the Federal Tax Service inspection where the tax registration took place;
  • Grounds provided for by the tax code - as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Assigned Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN);
  • Assigned Main State Registration Number of an Individual Entrepreneur (OGRNIP).

Below is a sample notice.

6. Formation and issuance of the Entry Sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

From January 1, 2017, this document will be the main document that confirms the registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in connection with the cancellation of the Registration Certificate.

This document has the approved form P 60009 and contains the following information:

  • main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  • the basis for the entry is the acquisition by an individual of the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • date of entry;
  • state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (GRNIP);
  • name of the registration authority;
  • address of the registration authority;
  • last name;
  • surname;
  • citizenship;
  • full address of residence;
  • information on types of economic activity according to OKVED (main and additional, if available);
  • information about the documents submitted to make this entry;
  • information about the issued certificate (from 01/01/2017 this detail is canceled).

Below are examples of the current form of the record sheet and the future one.

7. Receipt of a certified Notification of the transition to the simplified tax system (in case of simultaneous submission with the main package of documents).

If you submitted, along with the main package of documents for registration as a Notification of the transition to the Simplified Taxation System, then, accordingly, in the event of a positive decision on registration as an individual entrepreneur and the possibility of applying this taxation regime, you will be returned one copy of the notification with a mark indicating acceptance of the notification and registration number.

8. Methods for obtaining documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs

We have already talked about the types of documents issued. Now let's see what ways it is possible to obtain these documents.

There are several of these methods. Among them:

  • receiving documents during a personal visit to the registering tax authority;
  • receiving documents through a representative whose powers are confirmed by a notarized power of attorney issued on your behalf;
  • obtaining registration documents with the help of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post;
  • receiving registration documents in electronic form, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Each method is convenient in its own way.

IMPORTANT: If you used the method of submitting documents electronically by placing them in a transport box and signing with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, then you must indicate in Sheet B as the method of receiving documents code 1 - issue to the applicant.

If you are not sure that you will be able to personally pick up the documents from the tax authority, then during the application process, when indicating the method of obtaining the documents, you must indicate:

  • code 2 - you can pick it up personally, or your representative, for whom a notarized power of attorney has been issued;
  • code 3 - send documents by post.

IMPORTANT: If you submitted an application for registration without signing it, then code 1 is entered in sheet B of the application - issue in person.

8. Conclusion.

Basic documents have been received from the registering tax authority.

Some will be happy about this, and some will be sad.

But receiving documents is just a small beginning of a long and long journey into entrepreneurship.

Now you can start carrying out your activities, open a bank account, if of course you need it, make a seal, etc. But we will talk about this in a special material.

In the meantime, in a few days there will be automatic registration as an Insured with the Pension Fund, as well as with Rosstat.

However, please note that initial registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will usually occur within 3 days after the entry is made in the register.

As soon as you receive a package of documents from the registering tax office, you carry out all further legal relations with your main tax office (at your place of residence).

Let us remind you that from January 1, 2017, the only document of the registration authority confirming your registration will be the Record Sheet. Be attentive to this document, and be sure to check everything so that all information is up-to-date and truthful.

The next thing they do, having received a certificate of registration with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur, is to register it with the tax service. This procedure is necessary in accordance with the requirements of the law of the Russian Federation for the functioning of the business. An individual entrepreneur must pay taxes on profits received and submit reports. But how to register with the tax authorities yourself and what is required for this?

The certificate of tax registration of an individual entrepreneur begins with registration, while an individual goes through this procedure without creating an integral legal unit, but carrying out entrepreneurship. He is given the status of individual entrepreneur and this fact is confirmed with papers. Information about this is included in the Unified State Register of Taxpayers.

The registration procedure with the tax authority is regulated by law, and non-compliance will lead to refusal by the authorized services.

After an individual submits registration papers, the tax service gives a positive answer and issues the documents or refuses, but only for a good reason, which, if illegal, can be challenged in court.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the reasons for refusal to register an individual from the tax service may be the following grounds:

Also, a refusal is possible due to the submission of an application and documents to several tax authorities. But if the applicant’s criminal record has already been expunged, then state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs cannot be legally denied.

An entrepreneur should be aware that the paid state fee is not refundable, and if you try again, the amount will need to be paid again.

All other circumstances of the received refusal from the tax service can be challenged in court.

To register, you will need to obtain a TIN for an individual as an entrepreneur, but if you don’t have one, the tax office itself will assign the appropriate one. However, to avoid delaying the process, it is recommended to obtain it in advance. The procedure for this procedure is in the Tax Code of Russia in article eighty-four. Registration of an individual entrepreneur with the tax office, together with the assignment of a TIN, is carried out free of charge.

Before you start submitting documents, you should choose the optimal tax system. It must be beneficial for business, because deductions will be made on it in the future. Reports to the tax office and the amount charged directly depend on it.

In addition to what is described above, you will need to select a statistical code that corresponds to the activity. As a rule, it is better to indicate several possible ones, while highlighting the main one.

Together with the papers to assign individual entrepreneur status in 2019, you will need documents for choosing a taxation system and codes.

Every businessman should know that before contacting the tax office, you must pay a state fee, which is only eight hundred rubles. In this case, you should be careful, since incorrectly filled in details will lead to the transfer of funds to another address, and they will not be returned.

In order to register with the tax authority, you can use the following options:

Entrepreneurs should also know that only copies are used for forwarding, and the main document remains with the businessman. But the papers must first be notarized. When sending, you will need an inventory of the enclosed goods, indicating the details.

Naturally, when submitting documents yourself, notarization is not required, since the copies are verified on the spot. If documents are transmitted via email, a digital signature is required.

In addition to all of the above, an entrepreneur can use Internet services through the following resources:

  1. The official website of the Federal Tax Service using “Submission of electronic documents for state registration.”
  2. Russian government services website.
  3. On the same website, but through “Submitting an application for state registration as an individual entrepreneur.”

All of the services listed above work with the application and send a notification of registration, which contains the data specified in the application.

A businessman should know that he can open a bank account for business activities, but this is not necessary.

The legislation of the Russian Federation has established a procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur, which implies the following procedures:

The application form is determined by law, that is, it has one instruction for everyone to fill out. The document is a two-sided form on which all the businessman’s data is indicated.

Together with it you will need the following documents:

  1. Receipt for payment of the state duty, which is eight hundred rubles.
  2. Copy of the passport. But, if an individual is not a citizen of Russia, then copies of identity documents will be required.
  3. If a minor decides to start a business, then the written consent of the guardian is required.
  4. An appropriate certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record, which is necessary for carrying out activities directly related to science, society and medicine.

Each person can turn to the Federal Tax Service for help and receive a free consultation.

An entrepreneur should not worry about the information provided to the tax system; it is strictly confidential.

When all the papers have been filled out without errors and submitted, the business is registered, the data is entered into the Unified State Register and the individual entrepreneur is registered.

After five working days, the businessman is given the following package of documents confirming his status, namely:

Sometimes the tax office does not register with the pension fund and Rosstat, then the entrepreneur will need to do this on his own.

An interesting fact is that an individual entrepreneur is registered only at the place of residence of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, but can operate throughout the country. When such a situation arises, it is necessary to notify the tax office at the place of activity within ten days.

The following documents will be required to obtain registration papers:

  • relevant statement;
  • a photocopy of a passport or other document confirming the person’s identity;
  • a copy of the decision to register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a photocopy of the registration of an individual.

When, in the process of doing business, a person changes his last name or registration, he must inform the tax office within three days.

In addition, after registration, the entrepreneur must submit reports to the control authorities. Also, a businessman is obliged to pay taxes throughout his entire activity, but exclusively in accordance with a pre-selected taxation system and keep accounting records.

If an individual entrepreneur changes his citizenship or decides to change his main field of activity, then changes are made to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

To do this, you will need a passport, TIN number, and selected OKVED codes. follow the link at the beginning of the post and follow the instructions. For faster completion, such as an index, use the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Page 1.

On the first page, you enter your last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence and contact phone number in the empty cells. All data must exactly match what is written in the passport or other identity document. Look carefully at the footnotes under the asterisks. If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you do not need to fill out your full name in English, but if you are a foreign citizen, then this item is required for you. In paragraph 8, you must indicate the number of selected types of economic activity.

Page 2.

Here you write your passport information, the main thing is to fill it out carefully and not make mistakes or typos, because they may serve as a reason for refusal of registration. You only need to fill out point 9. Point 10 is intended for minors, and points 11-12 are filled out by a foreign citizen or stateless person.

Page 3.

On this page, make an entry only in point 13, enter yours in the empty cells, do not fill out the signature field. And you don’t need to fill out anything else. I’ll tell you what this page is for later.

Page 4.

The Application begins on this page; on it you must enter the codes of your activities according to OKVED. There are fields for 10 codes on the page, if you need more, copy it. The first code on the first page of Appendix A will be your main activity code; the object of taxation will be selected by it, and the possibility of obtaining various licenses and permits depends on it. You must enter at least 3 digital characters of the OKVED code in the left column, and a text designation in the right.

Page 5.
Not filled in.

After filling, carefully check the correctness of the entered data. To do this, it is convenient to use the preview in Word. Have you put page numbers in the upper right corner, have you accurately indicated your registration, series and passport number? Have you entered the economic activity codes correctly? Have you filled in any extra cells? If everything is correct, then we print it in 2 copies.

Once printed, it is important not to make common mistakes:

  1. Do not staple the sheets. You can get the firmware done by a notary or the tax office, especially since you don’t need to staple it, they won’t accept such documents from you.
  2. Don't sign. For this you will go to a notary to have your signature certified. Some of my friends signed houses and got them certified, but I didn’t succeed, I had to spend a couple more sheets of paper, an hour or two of time and nerves.
  3. Don't get dirty. It is best to submit blank documents filled out on a computer to the tax office. Not wrinkled and without corrections or blots. This will save you both money and nerves.

After submitting it to the tax office, the tax inspector will give you a receipt for receiving the documents (page 5). Be sure to save it.

A Russian citizen who is going to run his own business needs to write an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur (Fig. 1) and go around many offices in order to legally engage in his business. First, you need to go through the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur, and after that, an individual entrepreneur is required to register with the tax service. This is not a particularly complicated procedure, but the entrepreneur will have to collect an impressive package of documents and correctly fill out applications, without which registration may be denied.

Documents for registration

The registration procedure with the tax service is mandatory for every individual entrepreneur who intends to conduct business in Russia and pay taxes. To carry out this process, you need to provide tax officials with a number of papers.

Figure 1. Registration application form.

  1. The first and one of the most important documents will be the registration application. It must be filled out on a special form approved by the government of the country. It is very important to enter all the information very clearly and accurately so that you do not have to go through the registration procedure again. It is best to fill out any applications with black paste, or in extreme cases, blue. Colored paste or pencil is not allowed.
  2. After the registration application has been completed, you must attach a copy of your passport to it. When visiting the tax office, you must have your original ID with you. If a foreign citizen is going to register with the Federal Tax Service, which is also possible, he needs to include his identity card in the package of documents. Most often, such paper is a residence permit. It is very important that the identity card indicates the applicant’s date of birth and place of registration. If this data is not available, the document will most likely not be accepted. Every foreign citizen who intends to register with the tax office must provide evidence that he resides legally in the Russian Federation.
  3. When submitting a registration application from a minor, you will need more than just his/her identification. In such a situation, it is impossible to do without the consent of parents or guardians. Additionally, you may need a certificate of guardianship and a marriage certificate of the parents.
  4. The last important document is the receipt for payment of the state duty. The form can be obtained from the nearest Federal Tax Service branch. Without a paid receipt, the registration procedure will not be possible.

The applicant or his authorized representative can submit documents to the tax office personally. In this case, you can transfer papers through an intermediary only if you have a notarized power of attorney. After the package of documents reaches the tax officer, the specialist must issue a receipt indicating the number of papers and their name. This is important if original documents are transferred.

In most cases, when visiting the Federal Tax Service in person, you do not need to provide the originals. It is enough that the applicant simply shows them to the tax officer for verification with copies.

If papers are sent by mail, each copy and registration statement must be certified by a notary.

Registration papers are processed within about 5 working days. After this, the applicant receives a response from the Federal Tax Service, which states that the registration of the individual entrepreneur has been granted or rejected.

Refusal of registration

The tax service may refuse to register an individual entrepreneur. This happens for several reasons, but the most common is an incomplete package of documents and an incorrectly completed application. In some cases, after a thorough check of the papers, tax officials may discover a catch. For example, the applicant may provide documents whose information is not true.

It is very important to correctly identify your tax office. Federal Tax Service employees may refuse registration if the application and other documents are submitted to a branch that is not located in the territory of the entrepreneur’s residence.

In addition, refusal awaits those Russian citizens who were declared bankrupt less than a year ago. It is also necessary to remember that businessmen who are already registered as individual entrepreneurs cannot register.

Documents for tax registration

The second most important step for an entrepreneur is the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service. This process is mandatory for every businessman, regardless of what form of taxation he chooses. Registration does not take much time and does not require spending money.

To register with the tax service, you need to collect a certain package of documents, first of all, as when registering with the Federal Tax Service, you will need an application (Fig. 1).

It is filled out using a specific form, the form of which can be obtained from the nearest tax office.

There is nothing complicated in filling out the application, but this procedure must be carried out correctly and clearly. It is better not to allow corrections. If you find erroneous data, you should take a new form and write everything correctly without crossing out.

In addition to the application for registration, an individual entrepreneur will need a book of income and expenses with the seal of the tax service and the signature of the specialist who issued it.

In addition, the required package of documents includes a copy of the tax INN number. If business activities require additional licenses and permits, then they must be provided to the Federal Tax Service when registering an individual entrepreneur.

The tax registration procedure takes a little time. It all depends on the speed of work of Federal Tax Service employees and the number of people willing to solve similar problems. Upon completion of this process, the entrepreneur is assigned a special 12-digit number, if one does not already exist.

After this, the businessman can receive a certificate confirming the successful completion of tax registration. Tax officers make a note on the individual entrepreneur registration document, so you must have the original with you.

Rules for filling out an application for registration for individual entrepreneurs

It is important to remember that each type of taxation has its own forms. However, the principle of filling them is almost identical. Documents must be filled out in black ink, and all letters and numbers must be written clearly and clearly. To make it easier for tax officials to understand the records, the lines in the application forms were specially divided into squares, each of which contains a separate letter or number.

To fill out the application, you need to have your passport, INN and OGRNIP with you. This is important because the information from these documents fits into the form. When filling out an application for registration, you must indicate whether the entrepreneur will submit the package of papers personally or his authorized representative will do so. To do this, a corresponding mark is placed in a special box.

If a businessman decides to use a form from the Internet, it is convenient to fill it out directly on the computer. This is not only beautiful, but also helps to avoid mistakes, since they can be corrected instantly. When filling out any application forms for the tax service, it is worth printing two copies of the document at once. In most cases, one is given to the Federal Tax Service specialist, and the second remains in the hands of the applicant.

Don't rush to sign. It is best to do this directly in front of tax officials. This will help avoid filling out the document again if it has to be certified by a notary. In this case, you can sign papers only during their certification.

Application for registration of an individual entrepreneur as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001, updated in connection with the transition of the tax inspectorate to the new OKVED classifier.

The application can be downloaded from the link below and filled out on a computer, or printed and filled out with a pen and black ink. A sample of filling out an application for individual entrepreneur registration is attached, we also recommend that you read .

  • Download the application for registration of individual entrepreneurs, form No. P21001
  • Download a sample of filling out form No. Р21001
  • Download the application for transition to a simplified taxation system
  • Download a sample of filling out a notice of transition to a simplified system

Requirements for filling out an application using the new form No. P21001 for state registration of individual entrepreneurs

  • In section 1 “Last name, first name, patronymic of an individual,” paragraph 1.1 is filled out both in relation to a citizen of the Russian Federation and in relation to a foreign citizen or stateless person. In this case, in relation to a foreign citizen or stateless person, the section is filled out in accordance with the residence permit or temporary residence permit. Clause 1.2 is filled out in addition to clause 1.1 by a foreign citizen or stateless person if the relevant information is available in the identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For citizens of the Russian Federation, paragraph 1.2 cannot be filled out.
  • Section 2 "TIN" is filled out if you have a TIN. If you have not assigned a TIN number, leave this item blank; the tax office will automatically assign you a TIN.
  • In section 3 “Gender”, in the field consisting of one familiar place, the corresponding digital value 1 or 2 is entered.
  • Section 4 “Birth Information” indicates the date and place of birth of an individual; clause 4.2 is filled out strictly as indicated in the passport.
  • In section 5 “Citizenship” for citizens of the Russian Federation we put in field 1. For foreign citizens we indicate the value 2 and fill out paragraph 5.1, which indicates the digital code of the country according to the All-Russian Classifier of Countries of the World OK-025-2001.
  • Section 6 “Address of residence (stay) in the Russian Federation” provides information about the address of residence in the Russian Federation.
  • In clauses 6.3 - 6.6, the type of address object is indicated using an abbreviation as required.
  • For the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, subparagraphs 6.3 - 6.5 are not filled in, exceptions: Zelenograd, Troitsk, etc.
  • In paragraphs 6.7 - 6.9, the type of address object (house, apartment, building, building, etc.) is indicated in full
  • In section 7 “Identity document data” for citizens of the Russian Federation, put code 21 in paragraph 7.1 and then fill in according to the passport. Clause 7.4. fill out strictly as indicated in the passport.
  • Sheet A “Information on codes according to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities” should be filled out using the codes of the new OKVED-2 classifier. In section 1 “Code of the main type of activity” and 2 “Codes of additional types of activity” at least four digital characters are indicated. Codes for additional activities are indicated in ascending order from left to right.
  • In Sheet B, fill in contact information (phone and E-mail), you also need to indicate the method of obtaining documents by indicating the appropriate value from 1 to 3. Indicate the full name and sign of the applicant in pen when submitting documents, directly to the inspector or in front of a notary.

Assistance in registering individual entrepreneurs

The rules for registering an individual entrepreneur are simple at first glance, but there are a large number of subtleties in the preparation of documents, without which the registration authority will refuse registration. As a result of refusal, the state duty is lost, the documents are not returned and the wasted time is lost.

To save personal time and money spent on paying state fees, contact the professionals at BUKHprofi for help. The company’s employees will quickly prepare the required documents, register you turnkey and with a guarantee as an individual entrepreneur, make a seal, complete the folder with the required documents and open a current account in one of the partner banks on favorable terms. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur in Moscow on a turnkey basis, including state fees, printing and opening a current account in partner banks is - 4,800 rubles.

To register you need download the form , fill out and send to us. Next, employees will select the required OKVED codes, fill out an application for registration and an application for simplification, agree on all the details and arrange a meeting.