Protocol for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection (official form)

The protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection is an important regulatory document in the system of rights and obligations of the employer and employee. The form must be completed correctly and in a timely manner.

When starting work at an enterprise, it is important to pay attention to the employer’s attitude towards safety. How detailed is the introductory briefing, how often is certification carried out.

How often is testing of occupational safety knowledge organized and what document regulates it? The protocol form confirming any process should also be given attention - labor legislation recommends its correct execution.

What is a knowledge testing protocol?

Plants, factories and combines in the chemical, military, and mining industries differ in the number of activities carried out per year that monitor the knowledge and experience of workers in the field from safer industries.

But in any case, the presence of an internal commission, approved by the management of the enterprise, authorized to evaluate the competence of personnel or the involvement of a licensed third-party organization is mandatory. It is the signatures of the members of this commission approved by order of the director or a higher body that must appear on the protocol form.

The check is carried out in accordance with:

  • frequency of mandatory control approved for the industry;
  • a list of certain cases of possible unscheduled inspections;
  • provisions of the internal regulations of the enterprise.

The number of safety measures is specified in the statutory documentation of each organization. Any inspection ends with the preparation of a protocol or report, which indicates the regulatory documents initiating the process and the data of each staff specialist being examined.

And a note is always made about the results of the test: passed or not. The date corresponding to this day is set.

A special structure for filling out the protocol is not required in all cases.

The exception is documentation provided during an external inspection by the Ministry of Labor - here everything must be in accordance with the appropriate form.

Under what circumstances may a protocol be required?

A protocol is required in every production.

Most often, people remember about passing the test in the event of an accident at work. For the employer, the first thing he must present to the commission is all available safety documentation with protocols for testing knowledge of , forms with the results of each specific employee.

If the fault of an employee who passed the inspection, but committed a gross violation of the rules, which led to the tragedy, supporting documentation will help the management of the enterprise suffer the minimum punishment. For an employee, the protocol or its absence is important if it is necessary to provide evidence of his non-involvement in the incident and payment of compensation for injury or even minor injury.

A package of documents with forms reflecting workers’ knowledge of labor protection is also necessary for routine inspections of electrical safety and fire protection services that monitor compliance with environmental or man-made rules.

Here, the entire responsibility for the availability and execution of inspection forms falls on the employer.

Features of filling out the protocol form

Filling out the form according to special rules.

The document consists of three main parts. The first introduces general information about the event and the grounds for conducting the inspection. The details of the chairman and members of the commission are also indicated here.

The second part contains information about those being inspected: last name/first name/patronymic, position held, workshop or division, reason for the inspection, result, which is certified by the specified employee. The third part is the signatures of all members of the commission, as well as representatives of higher inspection bodies who were present during the testing.

All three sections are required and, for the most part, remain unchanged. There is a protocol form for testing knowledge on labor protection developed by the Ministry of Labor that is common to all.

The management of the enterprise decides whether to take it as a basis or adapt it to the characteristics of their organization. It is important that the document reflects all relevant data.

Mandatory circumstances for checking and filling out the protocol:

  1. Introductory to the employment process;
  2. When internally reassigned to another position with more stringent responsibilities;
  3. After each scheduled or unscheduled security training;
  4. If a long break in work is detected;
  5. In relation to visitors who do not carry out the main production activities in the organization, and perform other functions at the enterprise, or business travelers.

Procedure and types of checks

After the briefing, a note is made in the journal.

When employed, each employee is required to undergo. This is a kind of process of becoming familiar with dangerous or harmful factors, if such are present in production, safety requirements, local regulatory, technical and operational documentation.

Particular attention is paid to training a new employee in the use of safe work methods. Not only the basics of the profession are demonstrated, but also the personal experience of team members is shared.

The orientation is conducted by the new employee's immediate supervisor. After training, he checks how completely and correctly the subordinate has learned the information.

Based on the results, a protocol is drawn up. Also, a corresponding note is placed in the briefing log.

The next, repeated inspection is carried out six months after employment, but with the condition that other standards regarding labor protection have not been approved at the enterprise or industry. Otherwise, unscheduled training or instruction is carried out. Their results are also recorded in the protocol.

An unscheduled inspection is also necessary when introducing a new technology into production that is significantly different from the previous one: in the process of upgrading outdated equipment to more modern ones. The same applies to the tools and devices used by the employee in his production activities.

An inspection is also carried out in relation to an individual employee if a violation of labor protection requirements is detected. Or if he has a long break in activity.

Moreover, if he works with dangerous or harmful substances, then the permissible break is 30 days, for other types of activities - more than two months. Another type of instruction—targeted—is carried out when an employee is hired for one-time operations.

From this video you will learn about testing knowledge on labor protection.

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Occupational safety and health is a key requirement for every organization, regardless of the segment of its core activity. Since 2011, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has introduced a mandatory imperative, according to which knowledge of local labor protection (including the quality of initial instruction on this issue) must be periodically checked at the enterprise. At the meeting, an internal commission is approved, which, upon completion of the inspection, will have to provide management with a protocol (as well as internal instructions). How the final protocol is drawn up will be discussed below.

In what cases is a labor safety knowledge testing protocol required?

It is compiled for each case of inspection activities and is one of the key documents of the OSMS. It is a kind of report, after reading which local management will be able to assess the level of the profile knowledge described. It is drawn up in one document, in which each employee appears - the manager must monitor the level of such training in relation to each full-time specialist.

In some cases, during an external audit by the Ministry of Labor, its completion must not only be mandatory, but also comply with a special structural form. The result of compliance with occupational safety and health requirements is recorded in this document and passed on further. Accordingly, filling it out in each case is mandatory.

How to draw up a protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection?

The corresponding document must be obtained from the labor protection service (as well as the action plan), the form of which is annually approved by a committee of the Russian Government. Once the specified document has been received, formal certification of the relevant controls must be duly obtained. After this, a work order is issued to put these measures into effect.

The protocol itself consists of 3 parts:

  • The first part is operative, and it reflects general data and rules for conducting these events;
  • The second part is optional, which provides a list of all workers who are subject to requirements for monitoring occupational safety knowledge. Each person who will subsequently undergo verification is indicated here;
  • The third part contains information about the employee’s position and the degree of his knowledge of the labor protection industry. At the end there are links to local documents in the form of an appendix. This protocol, upon completion of all activities, is transferred to the specialized engineer, who will subsequently formalize it with management.

Is it necessary to register a knowledge test protocol?

The inspection protocol form is recorded only if these activities were initiated by an external regulatory body. For example, the Ministry of Education raises these issues in relation to educational institutions every year.

As a rule, an audit by an external regulatory body is initiated in January of the current year. In this case, the inspected organization is obliged to register this control protocol with the body that is the initiator. The registration instructions depend on the name of the organization that is being audited.

If the activities were internal, and the initiator is directly the management, this document, upon completion of the entire procedure, is submitted to a meeting, where a decision is subsequently made on the necessary training of personnel. In this case, registration is not required. The provisions contained therein must be certified directly by the head of the local labor protection service.

Where and how is the occupational safety knowledge test protocol stored?

Its storage in its original form is entrusted to the local labor protection department. If activities to verify organizational knowledge were initiated by an external regulatory body, then one copy of this document is transferred to this very body. The original must be kept in the organization for at least 5 years. This is necessary in order to compare knowledge levels for the corresponding periods of work in the future. Responsibility for safety lies directly with the internal head of the labor protection service.

Sample protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection

The sample of the described document is separate in its structure in each case. Here, much depends on the name of the organization being audited and on the initiator of the activities. But the basics of such a protocol are largely unchanged. Therefore, before compiling it, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its most general sample. You can view and download the required form by link.

The results of employee training are recorded in a special document of the established form - a protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection. Find out how to format this document correctly, download a sample.

Read in the article:

How to fill out a knowledge test protocol

Labor legislation obliges all employees of organizations, including those in management positions, to take an exam after completing a training course on labor protection. Such certification must be carried out by a special commission consisting of at least three members and appointed by order of the head of the enterprise.

The results of the exam are entered into the protocol for testing knowledge in OT, regardless of the form in which it is conducted (oral questioning, testing, using exam cards, etc.). After this, the document must be signed by the chairman and all members of the commission (in accordance with).

  • date of registration;
  • full name of the organization;
  • publication number and date;
  • surnames, initials and job titles of the chairman and members of the commission;
  • the name of the program under which the employees were trained;
  • volume of the curriculum (number of hours);
  • signatures of the chairman and all members.

Each knowledge test protocol must have its own serial number, which is entered in the “header” of the document. As a rule, numbering is carried out from the beginning to the end of the current year. If representatives of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies or State Transport Inspectorate take part in the work of the commission, their data (surnames, initials, job titles and signatures) are also entered.

In addition, the document contains special columns for entering information about employees participating in the procedure: last name, first name and patronymic, position, name of the structural unit (workshop, site, department, laboratory, etc.), nature of the knowledge test (, regular, primary). Information about the exam results, along with the number of the issued certificate, is entered opposite the employee’s last name and certified by his signature.

OSH training protocol: sample

When registering, you must follow certain rules. When assessing the results of training of the organization’s employees, the commission must enter into the form only the actual results of its work. Formal completion, as well as the absence of this document, is considered a violation of labor laws.

The GIT inspector, who has established the fact of such a violation, has the right to impose a penalty on the organization in the form of a fine and for employees who have not passed the occupational safety exam. Therefore, the protocol is drawn up in two copies: one of them must be kept in the organization.

In March 2017, an updated format for the occupational safety knowledge testing protocol was released. It has undergone numerous changes that comply with the standards designated by the order of Rosstandart. Every manager and official (chairman of the commission) must become familiar with it. Each commission includes workers who have completed additional courses and received appropriate education. The marking is approved by the Ministry of Labor.

Minutes of meetings of commissions for testing knowledge on labor protection

The protocol for completing training and testing knowledge on labor protection has an officially adopted form, similar to the one that was approved in 2003 (January). The rules outlined in the document apply to all institutions and enterprises in Russia, without exception, of any form of ownership. Forms or samples of all meetings of production commissions can be obtained from the government representative responsible for enterprises and organizations of the entire district (region) or downloaded.

How to draw up protocols for testing knowledge on labor protection

Inspection protocols that relate to and specify knowledge, skills, and abilities in safety and security must be completed after each event, which relate to inspections of each employee and the entire team. Studying and all tests can be carried out in several forms. Each form meets GOST standards (adopted in 2003, March).

And they have already entered into force and are valid:

  • Internship;
  • Knowledge testing;
  • Briefings.

From the very first minutes of admission and registration for a position, when the application was accepted, managers and specialists who carry out knowledge testing are obliged in any case to conduct the first briefing or initial briefing, against the personal signature of newly arrived employees. You should immediately draw up a document confirming that that the first of the briefings, the primary one, was carried out. After the first month of work, the employee must pass standards and tests related to theory and practical skills. Until this point, the employee must be trained. This provision is described in more detail in the Resolution. Training to pass all standards should be carried out within a month after the employee is registered for the position, then a commission is created that is obliged to confirm the newcomer’s knowledge regarding labor protection rules. The performance and progress of the meetings are described in detail in documents during the meetings.

Any of the commissions that are created for testing consists of people who are specially trained and have undergone repeated training who become members of the commission (three people), the chairman presides. Anyone working in organizations or enterprises, participating in meetings, filling out inspection documents, must have the appropriate qualifications. The form to fill out is the same for all organizations and enterprises of the Russian Federation. If the employee has successfully completed all training and testing, he receives the appropriate certificate. If the verification fails, the paper is filled out, but a certificate is not issued. A new meeting is scheduled no earlier than 30 days later. The same members who were already on the commission are allowed to participate in this meeting.

In any case, new papers are drawn up for all meetings, which confirm the verification of skills and abilities necessary for labor protection. If you are interested in the issue of registration and detailed consideration, then a sample of the inspection protocol and filling out and their forms can be viewed on the Internet. It is also possible to download.

Forms of protocols for testing knowledge on labor protection

Forms and sample protocols are unchanged for all cases provided for in the Resolution. All necessary requirements that must be met are indicated. One of these requirements is the frequency of testing. Thus, the manager and all employees of enterprises or organizations are required to undergo control or testing, which concerns not only dexterity, but also labor control skills. Everything is reflected in the corresponding document, i.e. protocols for testing awareness and skills in occupational safety.
Everyone working at enterprises, organizations or institutions may be called to undergo unscheduled testing.

This is necessary in the following cases:

  • Accident;
  • Accident at work;
  • Long break from work;
  • Changes (one or more points) in the legislative framework that affects labor protection;
  • Registration for a new type of activity, as well as for a new position.

All meetings must be conducted in accordance with the law.

Protocols for testing knowledge on labor protection - sample filling

The completed form is official. Meets requirements. The procedure for filling it out is not complicated. Just indicate everything you need that is in the application.

Remember that the safety instructions are an addition to the protocol and must be included. The protocol is filled out by a specialist who has been appointed secretary of the commission, but is signed by all participants in the process.

The document indicates the full name of the enterprise where the filling is carried out.

Recognition of the priority of safety of life and health of employees is the most important in the activities of labor protection services. That is why they put forward strict requirements for those who are responsible for the safety of work activities of workers of an entire production workshop, arranging testing events for them so that they, in turn, can qualitatively test the occupational safety knowledge of their wards.

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You will learn from this article how to correctly draw up a protocol for such checks, that it also indicates other nuances of its execution.

What kind of document is this?

Testing the OT knowledge of all employees is a very important event at the enterprise, therefore it is subject to mandatory recording.

The minutes of such a meeting reflect the principle of collegiality of the meeting and relate to administrative documentation with a priority legal function.

The protocol for testing the knowledge (requirements) of labor protection for workers (hereinafter referred to as the Protocol) is a document that records the results of passing exams for a list of persons who have undergone compulsory training.

In what cases is it required?

The protocol is inextricably linked with the commission for verifying the organization’s labor protection requirements; it is this board of qualified specialists that issues it at its meeting.

But first of all, the commission members themselves must be trained in a specialized educational institution.

So it turns out:

  • First case of the Protocol requirement: members of the commission for verifying occupational safety requirements are certified at the training center and receive, along with their ID, a copy of the protocol in which the results of the verification are recorded.
  • Second case of the Protocol requirement: By order of the manager, a commission is created to verify occupational safety requirements; it includes at least three people who have already completed their training and certification and have a certificate in hand. It is this commission that has the right to train and test knowledge in the field of occupational safety among heads of structural divisions, chief engineers and other responsible persons in each workshop, documenting the test results with a special protocol.
  • Third case: Each workshop sets up its own commission to test the knowledge of the workers of this section in the field of occupational safety. It consists of the workshop manager and other responsible specialists. The Commission also draws up its own Protocol for testing knowledge on occupational safety.

Thus, three-level control over the knowledge and skills of managers, specialists and safety workers is implemented.

Reasons for drawing up

The regulatory rationale for drawing up the protocol is enshrined in the Procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of the organization, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29.

It is this Resolution that details the main actions that must be carried out by managers, services, committees on workers’ labor issues, its safety and security, as well as the procedure for training and testing occupational safety knowledge.

Section III is entirely devoted to certification activities in this area, who should conduct them and when, how often and what the employee receives as a result of the audit. Clause 3.6 states that these results are documented using a protocol.

How to draw up a protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection?

Document requirements

The correct drafting of the Protocol is extremely important when it comes to ensuring the legal force of a decision made by a collegial meeting.

Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on it:

  • Brevity. In this case, it is allowed to use an abbreviated form of logging according to the scheme: “employee name - decision made.” That is, the document lists the names of the commission members, indicates the main topic and basis for its preparation, and according to the list of employees there is a list of the commission’s decisions: “passed or failed.”
  • Depending on the number of employees, the Protocol may be multi-page. However, the requirements for the design of its first page are unchanged: it must be printed either on the company’s letterhead (if available), or according to its sample, or in the usual longitudinal way with a central location of the inscriptions.
  • Compilation "day by day". This means that the meeting of the commission at which the Protocol is drawn up takes place on the same date as the order to conduct a scheduled test of workers’ knowledge in the field of occupational safety.

Form and sections

Like other administrative documents, the Protocol form is prepared electronically and printed on A4 sheets.

Its mandatory sections are:

  • full name of the enterprise;
  • header(PROTOCOL);
  • meeting date;
  • composition of the commission: chairman, members;
  • basis for compilation (this is the number and date of the order to create a permanent commission to test knowledge of occupational safety requirements);
  • text: topic of the training program, number of hours, name list of employees with signatures in the information;
  • signatures of the commission members.

Filling Features

  1. The name of the organization must be indicated in full along with the type of legal form (not “LLC”, but “Limited Liability Company”).
  2. In the case of the work of a commission of a separate workshop, a note is made below about its name.
  3. The heading “PROTOCOL” is written in capital letters, slightly below the names, but always in the center.
  4. The date form is alphanumeric. This is exactly the method provided for protocols of collegial bodies.
  5. The signatures of all parties: commission members and certified employees are already affixed to the edited copy of the Protocol.
  6. Signatures are not required to be sealed as this document is internal documentation.

Sample of filling out the form in 2019:

A standard protocol form can be downloaded here:


When is it filled?

Before the meeting, the secretary of the commission prepares lists of employees sent for inspection and several blank forms of the Protocol itself. The copy that the secretary fills out directly at the meeting itself is a draft version.

At the end of the verification meeting, the secretary needs to consolidate his notes and draw up the final version of the Protocol. It is in this document that employees will sign when familiarizing themselves with the results of testing their knowledge.

How many copies do you need?

The protocol is drawn up in two copies: both of them must contain all the necessary details and signatures of employees.

Is registration required?

Next to the word “PROTOCOL” there must always be its number (index). This is required by the business rules.

Meanwhile, recording protocols in special log books is always required. The correct design of the protocol index is considered to be a two-digit designation, for example, not 1, but 01.

Where to store?

One original of the Protocol remains with the occupational safety engineer, the other is sent to the HR department - that’s why it is drawn up in two copies.

Employer's responsibility for errors in preparation

The employer is responsible for the correct organization of training activities, knowledge testing, and briefings, therefore errors in such significant administrative documents as the Protocol are not allowed.

Possible violations may be identified during the investigation of industrial accidents.

All occupational safety documents maintained at the enterprise will be checked, training programs and inspection protocols will be thoroughly studied. If violations are detected in the preparation of documentation or the absence of signatures of those instructed upon passing the OT exam, the blame will fall entirely on the employer.