Luxury how to pronounce. Luxury - what is it? Definition, meaning, translation

May refer to: Luxury good, an economic good or service for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises Luxury tax, tax on products not considered essential, such as expensive cars Luxury tax (sports), surcharge put on the… … Wikipedia

luxury- lux‧u‧ry [ˈlʌkʆri] noun luxuries PLURALFORM 1. something that is expensive and not really necessary but is pleasing and enjoyable: luxuries such as a yacht and gold plated bathroom fixtures 2. luxury apartment/​car etc a very … …Financial and business terms

Luxury- Lux u*ry, n.; pl. (Luxuries). 1. A free indulgence in costly food, dress, furniture, or anything expensive which gratifies the appetites or tastes.

luxury Riches expose a man to pride and luxury.… …

luxury The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

luxury- n. pl. luxuries 1. the use and enjoyment of the best and … English World dictionary

luxury- (n.) c.1300, sexual intercourse; mid 14c., lasciviousness, sinful self indulgence, from O.Fr. luxurie debauchery, dissoluteness, lust (Mod.Fr. luxure), from L. luxuria excess, luxury, extravagance, profusion; delicacy (Cf. Sp. lujuria, It... ... Etymology dictionary

luxury- NOUN (pl. luxuries) 1) the state of great comfort and extravagant living. 2) an essential but desirable item. ADJECTIVE ▪ of the nature of a luxury. ORIGIN originally meaning “lechery”: from Latin luxuria, from luxus excess … English terms dictionary

luxury- index prosperity Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …Law dictionary

luxury- *amenity Analogous words: *pleasure, joy, delight: agree able ness, gratification, gratefulness (see corresponding adjectives at PLEASANT) Antonyms: hardship Contrasted words: *difficulty, rigor, vicissitude … New Dictionary of Synonyms

luxury- n. 1) to enjoy (a) luxury (to enjoy the luxury of a hot bath) 2) to afford a luxury (can we afford the luxury of a second car?) 3) pure, sheer; unaccustomed luxury 4) luxury to + inf. (it was sheer luxury to relax on the beach = it was sheer... ... Combinatory dictionary


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  • Elite China. Luxury Consumer Behavior in China, Pierre Lu Xiao. A ground-breaking exploration of the Chinese elite"s consumption of luxury products and their attitudes toward luxury goods. Elite China identifies the Chinese luxury product consumers and…

New times have brought into our everyday life many different words and expressions that we knew nothing about before. For example, “luxury” - what is it? What objects and phenomena does it mean? Let's figure it out, because using it left and right, many may not fully understand its essence.

The meaning of the word "luxury"

What it is? Like many other modern words, this also came to us from the English language. Luxury - splendor, luxury, wealth, pleasure and pleasure. This is the translation of this English noun.


It is wrong to think that this word means exclusively “luxury” clothing or cosmetics - that is, ultra-expensive brands and brands. This concept, in essence, defines the style and philosophy of life that a limited circle of people can afford to have.

To be and to seem

The luxury segment is considered one of the most developing, promising and long-term. Previously, it belonged to the prerogatives of the European world, but is now rapidly progressing in China, where the consumption of “extra-luxury” goods has increased several times in recent years.

According to analysts, luxury clients can be divided into 3 groups. The first group will include billionaires, government officials, politicians, and representatives of royal families, for whom luxury style is a vital attribute.

The second group is represented by relatives, children, lovers, mistresses, concubines of the above persons, leading a luxurious lifestyle due to their special position in society.

The last group is formed by those who want to imitate or pass themselves off as a representative of high society. They buy things at discounts and go into debt to emphasize their “special” status and belonging to a select caste. However, these people do not have any material or social base.

Development and prospects of luxury

As mentioned earlier, China has recently become an active consumer of luxury goods.

Analysts have calculated that the Celestial Empire will provide about 50% of the profits of all global traders of luxury goods. In general, the revenue of luxury retailers will increase by approximately 9-10 percent annually until 2020. Despite the permanent financial crises, the luxury goods market will develop, accompanied by acquisitions, purchases and sales of companies and brands. New sellers will look for fundamentally different ways and strategies to conquer potentially promising market territories.

In the meantime, brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Hermes remain “mastodons” and manufacturers of luxury goods. The audience of the luxury market is 10% of all buyers in the world (approximately 680 million people). True, by 2025 there should be twice as many of them.

Do you want a luxury child? English word Luxury

Luxury cars exclusive, gold armrests, alloy wheels, minibar, VIP- service and that's all.

Luxury fashion These are not just chic clothes, they are “luxury”! Which means Dolce Gabbana, Haute couture, brilliants and natural silk.

Luxury home This is not just a “luxury mansion”, this is a “luxury”! This means Rublyovka, an individual project, three floors and a personal golf course. Got it, losers?

Luxury is in the list:

Did you find out where the word came from? Luxury, its explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.
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Do you want a luxury child? English word Luxury pronounced “luxury” (emphasis on the “a”) and simply means “luxury” or “luxurious.” Since in Russia show-off is the key to success, “luxury fashion” sounds much more attractive to the consumer than “luxury clothing”. So words that are strange to the Russian ear find their way into our mighty language. The costs of capitalism, in short.

Luxury cars These are not just “cool cars”, these are “luxury”! That is Bentley, Lamborghini, full

] — noun

  1. luxury;
    to live in luxury

    Examples of using

    1. True, didn't have luxuries then; by Earthside standards we were poor.

      True, I didn’t know much luxury either. By earthly standards we were almost destitute.

      The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, p. 69
    2. You mustn"t get me used to too many luxuries.

      You should not instill in me a taste for excessive luxury.

      Long-legged uncle. Jean Webster, page 86
    3. It was possible, no doubt, to imagine a society in which WEALTH, in the sense of personal possessions and luxuries, should be evenly distributed, while POWER remained in the hands of a small privileged caste.

      One can, of course, imagine a society where goods, in the sense of personal property and pleasure, will be distributed equally, and power will remain with a small privileged caste.

      1984. Animal Farm. George Orwell, page 184
  2. luxury item

    Examples of using

    1. I would not now have exchanged Lowood with all its privileges for Gateshead and its daily luxuries. CHAPTER IX

      Now I would not exchange Lowood with all its deprivations for Gateshead with its obsessive luxury. Chapter IX

      Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte, page 78
  3. great pleasure, pleasure;
    the luxury of a good book

    Examples of using

    1. And such a luxury to him was this petting of his sorrows, that he could not bear to have any worldly cheerfulness or any grating delight intrude upon it; it was too sacred for such contact; and so, presently, when his cousin Mary danced in, all alive with the joy of seeing home again after an age-long visit of one week to the country, he got up and moved in clouds and darkness out at one door as she brought song and sunshine in at the other.

      And he enjoyed his sorrows so much that he was unable to allow any earthly joy or annoying amusement to invade his soul; he guarded his grief as if it were a shrine. And so, when his sister Mary fluttered into the room, all beaming with joy at returning home after an endless week spent in the country, he stood up and went out through one door, surrounded by darkness and storm clouds, while rejoicing and sunshine entered together with Mary to another.

      Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain, page 18
    2. She did not wake and he rolled onto his side away from her and with his head out of the robe in the cold again, lay awake a moment feeling the long, seeping luxury of his fatigue and then the smooth tactile happiness of their two bodies touching and then, as he pushed his legs out deep as they would go in the robe, he slipped down steeply into sleep.

      She did not wake up, and he turned over on the other side and, sticking his head out again into the cold, lay there for a minute longer, enjoying the viscous, softening fatigue and the warm, joyful touch of two bodies, and then stretched out his legs to the full length of the bag and immediately rolled into dream.

      For whom the Bell Tolls. Ernest Hemingway, page 76
    3. Now, when you can have that luxury, by all means do it.

      Of course, whenever possible, work with a consistent cast.

      Subtitles for the video "How to turn a random group of people into a team. Amy Edmondson", page 2

Luxury (from the English luxury) is a foreign word that has recently appeared in the Russian lexicon. Denotes "luxury", "chic" and/or "luxurious", "chic".

The term “luxury” is not just a term of English origin.

What luxury means for Russia

The expression “Russia is a country of show-offs” is widely used. From this point of view, luxury is applicable to any luxury items and to things that cause pleasure and delight.

It is not so important whether these objects reflect the picture in reality, or aggravate it with unnecessary show-offs. Those. luxury, first of all, is the outer side, the wrapper. Namely, what we see with the naked and often untrained eye.

It should also be distinguished what this term means in Europe, America and the West in general.

The fact is that luxury is an entire market segment. Fashion segment or fashion. Coming just from Western countries. Marketers all over the world identify products that do or do not fall under this market segment.

Sales, promotional and discounted goods are no longer luxury. This segment includes only the latest fashion trends. And, of course, we are talking only about global brands.

Let's say you are attracted to everything beautiful, sophisticated and popular. Does this mean that you are striving for luxury? The answer is obvious. Yes, it does.

Because you are driven by the desire to own luxury items. By becoming the owner of such items, you automatically change your attitude towards yourself, your social status, and, in general, your belonging to certain social strata.

What luxury items are familiar to us?

  • Villas, cottages, apartments, especially those purchased abroad;
  • Expensive car brands, sometimes only released by the manufacturer;
  • Clothing, accessories, personal care products presented in famous boutiques;
  • Individual items made to order, always “with a name”;
  • Other goods displayed to the general public.

Whether you classify yourself as a luxury lifestyle is up to you to decide. After all, luxury is what is allowed. And this is a whole industry that needs to be met.