Orders for employment. Employment order: rules and design features

In the course of conducting the activities of an organization and an entrepreneur, there comes a time when it is necessary to hire a new employee.

Before drawing up an employment contract, you need to check that he has all the necessary documents.

What documents are needed for employment?

In order to hire an employee, the organization must request the following documents from him:

    citizen's passport;

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An order in form No. T-1a is drawn up when hiring several people at once. The form is also an order (administration order) to hire an employee or group of employees.

There are two types of forms that have a separate abbreviation: form T-1 and form T-1a.
The differences are that the T-1 form represents an order regarding the hiring of one employee, while the T-1a serves in the case when a group of employees is hired.

This unified form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

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How to correctly fill out an order for hiring employees

Note! When concluding an employment contract for an indefinite period with several employees, the “to” column in the “Period of work” detail is not filled in.

Filling out the T-1a form is the responsibility of the person responsible for conducting personnel work, namely organizing the hiring of persons in accordance with the conditions set out in the employment contract. It should also be noted that the employee working with the document must be highly qualified, and his work must also be promptly monitored by higher authorities.

When issuing an order, it is necessary to indicate the following information:

Full name of the site, department, any other structural unit in which newly hired employees will carry out activities in accordance with the employment contract;
- mandatory indication of professions, positions held, specialties for which employees are accepted upon registration;
- a probationary period for which each employee is accepted, provided that the existence of a period is stipulated by the collective agreement;
- the conditions for admission to the upcoming job, its nature are also indicated (this could be a part-time job, performing a certain type of task, long-term replacement for a full-time employee, or something else).

All data should be verified with passport information to avoid errors when filling out.

If the hiring of employees does not have a specific period, then filling in the corresponding “work period” field should not be completed. After the document is signed by the head (or a person authorized on his behalf) of the organization into which a group of workers is hired, appropriate entries are made in the work books, and data is also entered into personal cards in the personnel department. At the same time, the accounting department opens a personal account for the newly hired employee, and he is given a copy of the hiring form for signature.

The order is signed by the manager and the employee within three days from the date of signing the employment contract. Instead of the manager, an authorized person can sign the order on the basis of an order from the organization or a power of attorney.

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When hiring a new employee to an organization, an employment order must be drawn up. Its absence in the case is an administrative offense for which the relevant officials may be held liable.

The conditions and procedure for issuing an order for employment are clearly established by Article No. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and later in the article we will consider this topic in more detail.

It should be noted that since January 2015, amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation came into force: they provide for stricter liability for non-compliance with the norms of the Labor Code by the employer. Paragraph 3 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the liability of the employer, depending on the form of ownership, from 10 to 100 thousand rubles for incorrect registration of labor relations or for evading registration.

Documenting the hiring of employees, in particular drawing up and filling out an order form, is the responsibility of employees of the personnel management department or legal service.

This legal act, approved by an authorized official or employer, is considered personnel documentation, and when making a corresponding entry in the work book of a new employee, its contents are taken into account. Also, such an order is necessary when issuing a personal card and opening a personal account for an employee.

The employment order must be drawn up in accordance with the conditions specified in the concluded employment contract. The employer must present this legal act to the employed citizen for review and confirmation by signature no later than 3 working days from the date the latter began performing his job duties.

If the employment contract has not been signed previously, it must also be drawn up within the specified time frame. The employee must be familiar with the order.

Order forms

Today, there are two forms of forming an employment order:

  1. unified form No. T-1, which is drawn up for one person hired under a contract. According to management documentation, according to the Russian classifier, code 0301001 is assigned to it;
  2. form No. T-1a: the parameters are similar to the first, only intended for use in cases of employment of a group of people.

Both forms are regulated by a decree of the State Statistics Committee issued in 2004, but they can be modified at the initiative of the employer. Such unified employment order forms are very easy to fill out; when filling them out, you don’t have to additionally note that the new employee is familiar with and agrees with the terms of employment, has undergone a medical examination and instructions.

Since 2013, the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 “On Accounting” came into force, obliging organizations to approve forms of primary documentation that take into account operating conditions and remuneration.

Below you can download forms T-1 and T-2 using direct links from our website.

Sample employment order: how to fill it out correctly

As previously noted, the contents of the order must be fully consistent with the employment contract, and any discrepancy is illegal. The rules for issuing employment orders provide for the mandatory completion of the following columns in the form of this document:

  • name of company;
  • the position that the new employee will occupy after receiving permission to work. Here it is also allowed to indicate his profession;
  • the date of termination of the cooperation contract, if the contract is concluded for a certain period, or the date of employment;
  • individual personnel number of the worker;
  • FULL NAME. citizen;
  • name of the structural unit of the organization;
  • conditions and procedure for the probationary period (not), if provided for;
  • conditions for applying for a job;
  • description of the nature of the work that the person being employed will perform. This could be temporary, seasonal, or part-time work. A person may be hired, for example, during the absence of a permanent employee, which must also be taken into account;
  • terms of remuneration;
  • indication of the grounds for drawing up the document;
  • signature of the manager or person authorized in these matters;
  • date of issue;
  • order number.
  • Step-by-step analysis of points

  1. The “Name of organization” field can be filled out in written or electronic form. The name of the enterprise as established in its constituent documentation must be indicated here. In most cases, the abbreviated name of the organization is also written in parentheses in this column.
  2. In the second field, located next to the first, the form code is indicated in digital format, according to OKUD - this is 0301001. Often companies use standard forms on which this code is initially printed. The company’s own number, which is used in the All-Russian Classifier of Organizations and Enterprises, must also be indicated here. It is installed only once for each company.
  3. The column with information about the position and specialty at the disposal is filled in according to the staffing table.
  4. The next requisite of this legal act is the date. This column consists of two fields, one of which is written “from”, and the other – “by”. The first parameter is always indicated, and the second is noted only in certain cases, for example, if an order is issued for temporary employment for 3 months, that is, a new employee will perform the duties of the absent main employee during the specified period.
  5. Upon joining, each employee is assigned a number on the time sheet containing only numbers, which remains unchanged throughout the entire period of performance of his official duties.
  6. The last name, first name and patronymic of the person being employed are written out from the identity document presented by the latter.
  7. The column with the name of the structural unit is filled in if such an entry is in the contract.
  8. Information about the probationary period is indicated only if it is clearly stated in the employment contract.
  9. The terms of employment must include information about how the new employee will work (temporarily, on a permanent basis, according to the terms of a transfer from another company, as a replacement for a main employee who is temporarily absent).
  10. The column on remuneration and salary must contain the corresponding digital indicators.
  11. In the line with the reason (ground) for drawing up the order, you must indicate the details of the concluded cooperation contract.

Final stage

After all of the above fields have been filled in, the manager or the person acting temporarily must certify the legal act with a signature. At the end of the document the date of its signing is indicated.

Orders are numbered within a calendar year. In most cases, the digital number format is supplemented by a letter index. It is registered in the organization using a special form and must be entered manually.

Then the employment order is registered in a special book, which must be opened by each employer when opening a company. It is also worth remembering that the legislation clearly establishes a three-day period for issuing an employment order, during which the employed employee must be familiar with the contents of this document.

When employing several employees, a group order is drawn up, filled out in a similar way, only indicating information about the entire group of those hired.

The employment order form is a document that can be drawn up either in free form or using a unified template. What comes first: drawing up an employment contract or an employment order? How to draw up this internal document correctly and without errors?

An organization is a small state that has an internal code of laws, a Charter, and is obliged to issue regulations on all important occasions. Hiring new employees is without a doubt one of these significant events. It doesn't matter at all. Who exactly are you going to employ: a simple worker or a department manager? In any case, the entire package of documents must be drawn up, as required by labor legislation. Let's figure out what kind of papers these are and what place among them is the order to hire an employee.

Personnel documentation for employment

First, let's look at the algorithm for hiring a new employee and present the entire package of documents that accompanies it. After all, before we look at the hiring order template itself, we need to understand on the basis of what documents it can be drawn up and what the HR officer needs to have on hand before starting to register a new employee.

So, the organization conducted the necessary interviews and selected a worthy candidate for employment as a specialist in the sales department. The future employee of the company brought his documents to the HR department and wrote a job application addressed to the manager. At this moment, many old-school personnel officers begin to print an order, indicating this very statement as the basis for it. This is the most common mistake in modern HR administration. Yes, the order can indeed mention the candidate’s statement, but only as an additional document; the basis for issuing a local regulatory act for the organization is only a signed employment contract. Only after its approval and conclusion can you certify the fact of employment, and only then draw up a registration card and open a personal account in the accounting department.

A set of primary personnel documentation for each employee is compiled in the following order:

  1. Application for admission.
  2. Employment contract.
  3. Reception order.
  4. Employee's personal account card.
  5. Entry in the work book.

All these forms are completed in exactly this order, although most often this all happens on the same day, so all records and documents have the same date, except that the application can be completed earlier.

Sample employment order: how to write it without errors

After we have figured out the sequence of document preparation, we can dwell in more detail on the employment order itself. This internal administrative act can be drawn up in two ways, each of which is acceptable and legal:

  • on a unified form (forms No. T-1 and T-1a, approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1);
  • in free text form.

Unified primary accounting documents are not mandatory for use since January 1, 2013. This is stated in Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N PZ-10/2012. However, those employers who are comfortable with it can continue to use them. If the document is drawn up in the form of text and not a table, it is necessary to indicate all the necessary data in it. Although the Labor Code does not directly regulate the internal regulations of an organization, a sample employment order must necessarily contain a number of information, without which it can be considered invalid. These include:

  • data on administrative action (in our case, order);
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the employee who is employed by the organization;
  • the position (profession) in which the employee will work;
  • name of the department or division of the organization;
  • the procedure for remuneration and the amount of salary (you can refer to the staffing table);
  • probationary period and its conditions (if necessary);
  • details of the employment contract with the employee;
  • the date from which the new employee must begin working duties.

The employer can provide the remaining information at his own discretion. Like every regulatory act, the order must have a number and date of preparation, as well as the signature of the person who issued it. It is not forbidden to register several new employees at once with one order if they are hired on the same day. In this case, all of the above information must be indicated for each of them. For example:

The order of acceptance to work

I order:

1. Hire Marat Sergeevich Koshkin for the position of sales department specialist under the terms of employment contract No. 56 dated April 12, 2019 from April 12, 2019. Establish a trial period of three months, with payment according to the staffing schedule. Head of Department Kurochkin A.P. prepare orders necessary for the performance of his duties by M.S. Koshkin.

BASIS: Employment contract No. 56 dated April 12, 2019.

2. Hire Maria Stepanovna Petrova as a cleaner, under the terms of employment contract No. 57 dated April 12, 2019, without establishing a probationary period, with payment according to the staffing table from April 12, 2019.

BASIS: Employment contract No. 57 dated April 12, 2019.

At the bottom of the document, each employee must sign that he or she has read the order. The details of this order must be indicated in the work book.

If an organization uses a unified form, then drawing up a document is much easier, since you only need to fill in the missing information. True, such a form contains some information that may not be indicated in any document, for example, the exact salary amount, the employee’s personnel number. It is convenient to always keep Form No. T-1 at hand - for example, in the template folder of the most popular personnel documents on your computer; to do this, you just need to download it once - the employment order form will serve you for many years.

Form No. T-1a is intended for registration of a group of workers, it contains identical columns for several people. It can also be downloaded - an order for employment in the T-1a form is convenient in case of mass hiring.

Separately, you need to pay attention to the fact that in some cases the order has a number of features. For example, when registering part-time employees or under a fixed-term employment contract. All these nuances should certainly be indicated in the document. Particular attention must be paid to the issue of registration of minor employees. Let's look at this in more detail.

Order on hiring a minor

Employment of minors, that is, persons under the age of 16, is possible only with the consent of their legal representatives: parents or guardians, as provided for in Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, in order for persons under the age of 18 to be able to work, they are required to Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must provide the results of a preliminary medical examination, which must be paid for by the employer. Only if these documents are available, can an employment contract be concluded with a minor and an order issued on its basis.

Such persons can only be employed for light work that is not associated with harmful and dangerous production factors. Carrying heavy objects and other work, which, as stated in Article 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can cause harm to the health and moral development of a teenager. Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Probation for minors is prohibited. All this must be observed in the employment contract, and also reflected in the order. Separately, the document should indicate the length of working hours of such an employee, which, due to the requirements Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot be more than:

  • 5 hours - for persons aged 15 to 16 years;
  • 7 hours - for persons aged 16 to 18 years.

Children under 15 years old can work no more than 2.5 hours a day, as they are expected to combine work and study. It is prohibited to send such persons on business trips and to involve them in work outside of normal working hours, including holidays and weekends. Otherwise, the sample order for hiring a minor does not differ from the usual internal regulatory act of a personnel nature.

The vacant position at the enterprise is filled by a new applicant. The basis is the prepared order for admission to the staff. There are single unified order forms: T-1 and T-1a (several persons are employed at the same time), their structure is clearly defined and differs only in the terms of employment specified in the employment agreement, which is signed by both parties.

Admission order forms

The fact of hiring an employee is confirmed by the conclusion of an employment contract with his employer, then an order is created, the basis of which is the contract. There is a single form of order, which describes the specific conditions for registration of employment for different cases: with probation for a period, without probation, replacement of an employee of an enterprise employed for a permanent job for a specified period.

Documents for download:

Other documents upon admission

The order (order) is drawn up by an employee of the personnel department or another employee responsible for personnel records. The order is signed by the director of the organization. The accepted candidate familiarizes himself with the contents of the order and confirms his agreement with it by signing. Then a personal card is issued, a note about employment is made in the work book - form T-2, a personal account of the newly hired person is opened in the accounting department - form T-54.

Structure and content of the order

An enterprise has the right to approve its own specific form of employment order; some details cannot be excluded from it. The structure of the order form T-1 (T-1a - a number of persons) is uniform and approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia. The full name of the institution is written at the top. In a special column of the order, its number according to the book of orders and the date of preparation are indicated.

The next part of the document records the candidate’s personal data (full name), position or profession, and the probationary period, if any. In the conditions of admission, you must indicate one of the possible options: permanent work, transfer from a third-party structure, part-time work, temporary replacement of a currently absent employee, performance of a specific job, something else. In the “Date” column of the T-1 form and in the “Work period” column of the T-1a form, the line “to” is unmarked for an open-ended contract.

According to the staffing schedule, the salary, possible bonuses, and the rate according to the tariff are assigned. All details correspond to the data recorded in the employment contract.

Summary order form

Similarly to this form, form No. T-1a is filled out if several people are registering at once. You can also issue an order in any form accepted at the enterprise. In this option, all details are specified for each person separately.

Free order form

If an organization has adopted its own characteristic form of an order for admission to the staff, then the following details must be present in it: the name of the order (what it is about), the full name of the hired employee, his profession (position), the name of the department, the assigned salary, the period and conditions of the probationary period period, if any, number and date of signing of the employment contract that served as the basis for the order.

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Order processing time

Since the forms are unified, they do not create any difficulties and require minimal time. The order must be issued within 3 days, starting from the moment the employment contract is signed by the head of the organization (or his authorized representative) and the candidate for service. There is no need for the employee’s signature indicating his agreement with the working conditions. The HR department prepares all other sheets: safety instructions, medical examination and other necessary ones.

If we compare the free form of the order and the unified one, then the second is preferable. It requires less time to fill out and is simpler. In the approved forms there is no need to mark the employee’s agreement with working conditions, medical examination, or instruction. But you need to draw up the corresponding separate sheets. You will find additional information on the website in the article “”. From this date, the employee must begin his official duties, otherwise the order may be cancelled.