What can a biochemist do? Profession biochemist

A biochemist is who, what are the requirements for her and what a specialist should be able to do.

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Features of the specialty

The term itself appeared in the 19th century, and only thanks to the German scientist Karl Neuberg, it firmly entered the scientific ranks.

The scientific discipline includes chemistry and biology, while studying the reactions of various substances, as well as chemical reactions occurring in a human cell, or. It was thanks to biochemistry that it was possible to develop methods that make it possible to separate various heterogeneous masses and particles using a centrifuge.

Chromatography can be used to study molecular or cellular biology in more detail. These and many other technologies will make it possible to obtain greater results in the study of biological species and processes occurring in the body.

What are they doing?

Specialists involved in biochemistry are required to have knowledge of various biological sciences. Can conduct research on issues in theoretical as well as applied biology and.

The results of research conducted by scientists are used in such areas as industrial biology, vitaminology and in certain areas of genetics.

Experiments in biochemistry are used in various institutions related to education, enterprises specializing in production related to biochemistry, and agriculture.

Biochemist specialists work not only in laboratories, but also directly in production, using special equipment and sophisticated instruments.

What should you be able to do?

The biochemist is obliged:

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  1. be able to conduct a variety of scientific research;
  2. analyze the results and draw conclusions;
  3. perform certain technological operations in various types of production;
  4. perform certain types of work to take and study the blood of people or animals;
  5. know and comply with the technological regulations of the working biochemical process;
  6. control reactions of reagents;
  7. control raw materials;
  8. study the chemical compositions of materials and properties of finished products.

Requirements for personal characteristics

In order to become a professional biochemist, you will need to have the following personal characteristics:

  • Be careful;
  • have an analytical mind;
  • have a good memory;
  • be prepared for long and painstaking work;
  • have perseverance;
  • great patience;
  • observation will be required;
  • You need to know and follow all current safety rules and be very careful.

To work in a team of a laboratory or an enterprise, good communication skills and personal responsibility for your obligations will not hurt. Specialists are in great demand on the labor market and therefore their salaries will be very good.

Now you know the basics of the biochemist profession - who it is, as well as what opportunities open up for those who choose it.

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Biochemists are specialists in the field of biochemistry (the science that studies the structure, distribution, transformation and biological functions of chemical substances that make up living organisms).

Everyday life of a biochemist includes experiments in the laboratory, discussions at scientific conferences, competition with competitors, and searches for sponsors.

Biochemistry is at the intersection of several sciences, primarily biology and chemistry.

Historically, biochemistry is usually divided into the biochemistry of plants and microorganisms, which was formed mainly in the depths of botany and plant physiology, and the biochemistry of animals and humans (otherwise: medical and physiological chemistry), with the development of which numerous schools of physiologists, chemists, pathologists, and doctors are associated.

In the most distant times, the technology of such industries based on biochemical processes as bread baking, cheese making, wine making, and leather dressing was already known. The need to fight diseases forced us to think about the transformations of substances in the body and to look for explanations for the healing properties of medicinal plants. The use of plants for food and for making paints and textiles also led to attempts to understand the properties of substances of plant origin.

The talented Arab scientist and doctor of the 10th century, Avicenna, described in detail many medicinal substances in his book “The Canon of Medical Science”.

The great Italian scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci, based on interesting experiments, made an important conclusion that a living organism can only exist in an atmosphere in which a flame can burn.

The 18th century was marked by the brilliant works of M.V. Lomonosov. Based on the law of conservation of mass of substances discovered by him and the French chemist A.L. Lavoisier and the experimental data accumulated by the end of the century, the essence of respiration and the exclusive role of oxygen in this process were explained.

The study of the chemistry of life already in 1827 led to the still accepted division of biological molecules into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The author of this classification was the famous English chemist and physician William Prout. In 1828, the German chemist F. Wöhler synthesized urea: first from cyanic acid and ammonia (by evaporating a solution of the resulting ammonium cyanate), and later in the same year from carbon dioxide and ammonia. Thus, it was proven for the first time that chemical substances of a living organism can be synthesized artificially, outside the body.

A new impetus to the development of biological chemistry was given by the work on the study of fermentation initiated by Louis Pasteur. In 1897, Eduard Buchner proved that sugar fermentation can occur in the presence of cell-free yeast extract, and this process is not so much biological as chemical. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the largest German biochemist E. Fischer worked. He formulated the basic principles of the peptide theory of protein structure, established the structure and properties of almost all of their constituent amino acids. But it was only in 1926 that James Sumner managed to obtain the first pure enzyme, urease, and prove that the enzyme was a protein.

Biochemistry became the first biological discipline with a developed mathematical apparatus thanks to the work of Haldane, Michaelis, Menten and other biochemists who created enzymatic kinetics, the basic law of which is the Michaelis-Menten equation.

The discovery of enzymes made it possible to begin a grandiose work on a complete description of all metabolic processes, which has not yet been completed. Some of the first significant discoveries in this area were the discoveries of vitamins, glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

In 1928, Frederick Griffith first showed that an extract of heat-killed pathogenic bacteria could transmit pathogenicity to non-dangerous bacteria. The study of bacterial transformation subsequently led to the purification of the pathogenic agent, which, contrary to expectations, turned out to be not a protein, but a nucleic acid.

Modern biochemistry covers a very wide range of issues related to theoretical and applied biology, chemistry and medicine, and is a set of related scientific disciplines - including, in addition to those mentioned, technical and industrial biology, vitaminology, biochemistry of hormones, enzymology, evolutionary and comparative biochemistry , histochemistry and cytochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, molecular biology and molecular genetics.

Biochemistry methods

Biochemistry is primarily a laboratory science. Its methods are diverse: electrophoresis and chromatography, fluorometry, spectrophotometry and mass spectrometry, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis, ultracentrifugation and the use of isotopes, as well as traditional methods used in physical and organic chemistry.

Where are biochemists trained?

Chemical and biological faculties of universities. Biochemists of a narrower profile are also trained in medical, technological, agricultural, veterinary and other universities.

The career of a biochemist depends not only on intelligence, but also on his communication skills, the ability to defend his ideas, and find like-minded people.

Demanding professionally important qualities: attentiveness, accuracy, perseverance, analytical thinking.

Occupational diseases

Allergies to any substances, fatigue and diseases of internal organs caused by the biochemist’s work with harmful substances are possible.

Medical contraindications


Medical biochemistry is a broad specialty, because the interests of a specialist in this field include everything from bacteria and viruses to humans. The qualifications of a biochemist allow him to participate both in making a diagnosis and in monitoring how the treatment is progressing and whether it is adequate. This specificity of work implies fundamental training, therefore the curriculum in the specialty includes cycles of natural sciences, medical (general medical and highly specialized) and biotechnological disciplines, as well as workshops in clinical and educational laboratories. Students study clinical immunology, general immunology, molecular biology, medical biochemistry, general biochemistry, pathochemistry, measurement technologies in biochemistry, medical genetics. They learn to conduct molecular research, study microorganisms, viruses, single cells and multicellular organisms.

Who to work with

Graduates of the specialty apply for positions as a virologist, a laboratory assistant, a bacteriologist, a geneticist, a forensic doctor, a laboratory diagnostician, a teacher, and a doctor-researcher. The most promising area of ​​employment is genetic and immunological research. The first jobs for young professionals can be public and private clinical, bacteriological and biochemical laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, research centers, medical institutions, family planning centers and medical genetic consultations, educational institutions and forensic laboratories.

To the question in what areas can a biochemist work and whether a biochemist can work as a geneticist asked by the author Anton Griboyedov the best answer is Maybe, according to qualification requirements.
Geneticist - biologist
1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate. A biochemist carries out activities to study the structure and properties of chemical compounds that make up living organisms, metabolism and its regulation. Develops regulatory documents in his field of activity, organizes and carries out expeditionary work and laboratory research; analyzes the received field and laboratory information, summarizes and systematizes the results of the work performed, using modern computer technology; prepares scientific and technical reports and other established documentation; monitors compliance with established requirements, current norms, rules and standards in the field of its activities. Conducts experimental research in his field, formulates its task, participates in the development and implementation of new methodological approaches, discusses, evaluates and publishes results, conducts patent work, participates in seminars and conferences, and drafts patent applications.
In manufacturing and medical organizations, he carries out biochemical analytical work, participates in diagnostics and examination, and certification of production products.
Based on his qualifications, a biochemist is prepared for independent work in the positions of biochemist, laboratory assistant, biologist, research laboratory assistant, research engineer, researcher in research and scientific-production institutions, and other positions in accordance with requirements of the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37.
A biochemist is prepared for research work with the aim of developing and introducing into medical practice the achievements of biomedical sciences, biochemistry and molecular biology, for teaching work in medical universities. A biochemist is intended to work in therapeutic and preventive, clinical, diagnostic, research and educational institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences as a laboratory assistant, virologist, bacteriologist, allergist-immunologist, geneticist , doctor-laboratory geneticist, forensic doctor for the study of material evidence, head of the forensic chemistry department of the department of forensic medical research of material evidence (forensic laboratory) of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine, researchers and teachers.

Answer from Alexey Mikhailin[guru]
Well, it can’t, it can’t! These are completely different specialties, with different training, with different tasks and, accordingly, different working conditions. To put it simply, Mendeleev came up with the periodic table, and Michurin crossed poplar with watermelon. Besides the beard and native language, what do they have in common?
A biochemist works in a biochemical laboratory, at the Damned Goblin plant (i.e. Proctor & Gamble), at Bayer, DuPont, Michelin - yes, yes, rubber is also a biochemical product.

Biotechnology is the past, future and present of humanity. Her competence includes not only the identification of new forms of medicinal plants and the discovery of new abilities of living organisms, but also genetic engineering - one of the most complex and controversial areas of science. If you want to become a biotechnologist, then perhaps you will be the one to clone a person one day. Because there are no scientific barriers to this, and ethical issues will certainly be resolved in the near future. Next, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the profession, we will tell you how to get it, how to build a career and achieve success.

Biotechnologist - who is he?

Biotechnologist is a specialist who studies biotechnology in general or in one of its varieties. Biotechnology is a science that studies the possibility of using biomaterials to solve certain technological problems, as well as to implement projects in the field of hybridization and genetic engineering. The basis of the specialization is genetics, as well as key areas of biology and embryology. Biotechnology is also based on some applied disciplines, in particular robotics.

The profession is respectable, well paid and quite ancient. One of the first biotechnologies, by the way, was brewing. Today, the work of scientists and practitioners is concentrated on solving problems in medicine, genetics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, industry and other industries that use their developments. Many discoveries are global in nature and change not only the specifics and effectiveness of a particular direction, but also the life of humanity as a whole. A striking example is selection and genetic modification of plants and cloning.

Types of biotechnology and specialist’s responsibilities

The work instructions of a biotechnological engineer depend not only on specialization, but also on the specific place of work. A university teacher focuses on pedagogy, a breeder on improving the qualities of plants, a genetic engineer on the study of, say, mutations or, for example, cloning. The scope of responsibilities also depends on the type of biotechnology the specialist is engaged in. Key areas:

  • Bioengineering– aimed, in particular, at solving medical problems and improving human health.
  • Biomedicine is one of the theoretical branches of medicine that studies the human body, pathologies and methods of their treatment.
  • Biopharmacology– works in the interests of pharmacology, studying the characteristics and properties of substances of biological origin.
  • Bioinformatics– de facto, this is the use of mathematical technologies and computer analysis in biology.
  • Bionics– applied science based on the application of the features of living organisms and the principles of living nature in technology.
  • Cloning– implementation of asexual reproduction, obtaining organisms identical in genome (remember the female sheep Dolly).
  • Hybridization– creation of hybrids by combining genes from different cells into one.
  • Genetic Engineering– is aimed at studying, copying and changing the genome, in particular at DNA transformation.

The tasks of a biotechnologist include studying an object, conducting research and implementing projects. The object usually depends on the field of biotechnology in which the specialist works. Accordingly, the range of tasks changes depending on the place of work and the project on which the engineer or scientist is working.

Rating of the TOP 11 best online schools

International school of foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Where to study to become a biotechnologist

Required at a university and preferably at a state university. The authority of the educational institution does not play a special role; the level of the department and the opportunities that the educational institution provides to students in the learning process are important.

You must have the opportunity to practice, contact the scientific community, you must have the necessary resources (laboratories, internship sites, etc.).

Try to find out as much as possible about the department of your chosen university. Separately evaluate the level of the teaching staff, in particular the practical achievements of the professorship.

The TOP 5 best universities in Russia where biotechnologists study include:

  1. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  2. Research University named after Pirogov.
  3. RUDN University
  4. St. Petersburg State University.
  5. Agrarian University named after. Timiryazev.

You can also obtain a profession through an accelerated program as part of your first or second higher education. To do this, you must have a graduate diploma from a secondary specialized educational institution in a specialized specialty, or a higher education in any specialty. Several distance learning programs are also being implemented, but their effectiveness raises reasonable doubts among experts.

What personal qualities should you have?

First of all, it is perseverance. Behind the most important discoveries are years of hard, complex and not the most dynamic work in the laboratory or in the office. A scientist can spend a lot of time and effort on a project that ultimately turns out to be a failure. You must have nerves of steel and determination; it is important to believe in your strength even when everything turns against you.

At the same time, you need to have developed intelligence and logical thinking, and be open to constant learning and advanced training. Another important personal quality of a potential biotechnologist is communication skills. It is important to maintain contact with the scientific community and be able to work in a team, find a common language with project managers and sponsors, and competently build communication with subordinates.

Where do biotechnologists work?

Research centers. Here the work of a biotechnologist is aimed at implementing projects of global significance. These are serious research and practical developments that are carried out at the request of companies or in the name of science. Here, new abilities and properties of living organisms are identified, the genome is studied, DNA transformation is carried out, and so on.

Medicine. Biotechnology is inseparable from medicine. As part of the research of specialists, methods of treating many diseases were found, features of genetics and human anatomy were studied, and rehabilitation methods were created. Developments of biotechnologists are used in almost all areas of medicine – from plastic surgery to bone marrow transplantation.

Production. Pharmaceuticals, agricultural production, food industry - biotechnology is inseparable from the activities of companies that work with living organisms. Hybridization, genetic engineering, bionics and biopharmacology play special roles here.

Educational institutions. Often specialists remain to work in the same universities where they received their education. They receive additional pedagogical education and become teachers, or develop their scientific potential. According to statistics, at least 30% of university graduates remain to work in universities, institutes and academies.

It is important to note that this is not a complete list of areas in which biotechnologists work. This is a sought-after, relevant profession - vacancies are open for specialists in hundreds of enterprises, research companies and industries. It is simply impossible to cover all possible places for employment at a glance.

Pros and cons of the profession

The key advantage of the biotechnologist specialty is its relevance - this direction not only does not become obsolete, but also takes on new forms.

In particular, it is integrated into robotics and the rapidly changing food production. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the profession becoming obsolete.

Other pros biotechnologist professions:

  • Respectability and possible recognition.
  • Decent wages for qualified specialists.
  • Unlimited career prospects.
  • A huge variety of areas of work and areas for employment.
  • The opportunity to make discoveries that will change the life of mankind.

At the same time, it is important to note flaws specialties. Thus, university graduates should not count on high salaries in the first 2-3 years of building a career. In addition, this is a complex, extremely responsible job. Too much depends on the place of work and even on simple luck. If your manager is biased and the sponsor is frankly incompetent, problems with the implementation of the project cannot be avoided.

Salary of a biotechnologist in Russia and abroad

On average, biotechnologists with three years of work experience in Russia receive 33-34 thousand rubles. Salary largely depends on qualifications and place of work. According to unofficial statistics, employees of educational institutions receive the least, and the most are heads of research centers and employees of private industries and pharmaceutical companies.

Overseas salaries also vary greatly. There are no official statistics, but according to experts, the income of an ordinary biotechnologist in the USA exceeds 2.5 thousand dollars a month, in Canada - 2 thousand dollars. In France, specialists earn on average 1.8 thousand euros per month, in Germany – 2.2 thousand euros.


Biotechnologist is a sought-after and respectable profession that has no tendency to lose relevance. The specialty has many directions. It is in demand in medicine, pharmacology, manufacturing, agriculture, the food industry and dozens of other industries. No less relevant is biotechnology as a theoretical and applied science focused on research and development.


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