Presentation on the topic of vector graphics. Raster and vector graphics

Literature 1.S.V.Glushakov, G.A.Knabe Computer graphics // Training course. – M.: AST, – 503 p. 2.V.N.Porev Computer graphics. – St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, – 432 p. 3. L.A. Zalogova Workshop on computer graphics. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, – 320 p.

Comparison criterion Vector graphics Raster graphics Method of image representation A vector image is described using a sequence of graphic commands A raster image is constructed from many discrete objects Quality of image change (transformation) Conversion of images without loss of quality Conversion of images is severely limited due to loss of quality and the occurrence of distortions Display of an image with using technical devices If the display device implements the corresponding principle, then the quality is of a high level. Display on a device of the opposite principle, the quality of the display can be ensured with any predetermined accuracy. If the display device implements the corresponding principle, then the quality is of a high level. When trying to display on a device of the opposite principle, the display quality is either low or not at all practical. Reflection of real world objects. The display is characterized by some artificiality. The display is extremely realistic.

Fundamentals of the theory of image transmission using color, features of color perception by the human eye; the essence of color reproduction in the main models: RGB, CMYK, HSB, L*a*b; main parameters of the models; additive and subtractive colors; areas of application of color models; features of image formation (color transmission) by technical means: computer monitor and printing devices

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Format, in cm Resolution, in dpi or ppi Size, in dots or pixels Image mode Volume of graphic data Note 5 x x 170 Monochrome (Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 3 KB For viewing on a monitor Grayscale (black and white) , (8 bit per grayscale) 24 KB RGB, (8 bit per color) 71 KB CMYK, (8 bit per color) 95 KB X 628 Monochrome (Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 41 KB For rough printing Halftone ( black and white), (8 bit per shade of gray) 322 KB RGB, (8 bit per color) 966 KB CMYK, (8 bit per color) 1.26 MB X 1417 Monochrome (Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 205 KB For high-quality printing Halftone (black and white), (8 bits per shade of gray) 1.6 MB RGB, (8 bits per color) 4.8 MB CMYK, (8 bits per color) 6.4 MB X 2835 Monochrome ( Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 820 KB For high quality (photographic) printing Halftone (black and white), (8 bit per shade of gray) 6.41 MB RGB, (8 bit per color) 19.2 MB CMYK, ( 8 bit per color) 25.6 MB

9 x X 369 Monochrome (Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 12 KB For viewing on a monitor Halftone (black and white), (8 bit per shade of gray) 92 KB RGB, (8 bit per color) 276 KB CMYK, ( 8 bit per color) 368 KB X 1364 Monochrome (Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 158 KB For rough printing Halftone (black and white), (8 bit per shade of gray) 1.23 MB RGB, (8 bit per color ) 3.69 MB CMYK, (8 bit per color) 4.91 MB X 3076 Monochrome (Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 800 KB For high-quality printing Halftone (black and white), (8 bit per shade of gray) 6 ,24 MB RGB, (8 bit per color) 18.8 MB CMYK, (8 bit per color) 25 MB X 6151 Monochrome (Bitmap), (1 bit per color) 3.13 MB For high-quality (photographic) printing Halftone ( black and white), (8 bit per grayscale) 25 MB RGB, (8 bit per color) 74.9 MB

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Raster and vector graphics Lesson topic:

EXAMPLES: RASTER VECTOR Scanned photos Images Pictures Drawings Autoshapes Flowcharts Drawings Objects Word Art WordArt

COMPOSITION: RASTER VECTOR Consists of pixels, for each of which you can set a color. It consists of graphic primitives, for each of which the coordinates of anchor points are specified, as well as the color, thickness and style of the line. X 1 ,Y 1 X 2 ,Y 2 X 1 ,Y 1 X 2 ,Y 2 X,Y R X,Y

FORMATION: RASTER VECTOR When scanning When using digital photo and video cameras When watching TV programs on a computer Using raster graphic editors Using vector graphic editors Using converters in the process of converting raster images into vector drawings

Paint gallery

IMAGE QUALITY: RASTER VECTOR You can create an image that is close to artistic (real). There is always a clear boundary of the object, which gives the image an artificial appearance.

EDITING: RASTER VECTOR Individual pixels or selected fragments. Each object separately.

SCAling: RASTER VECTOR When scaling, the image quality deteriorates (step effect). When scaling, the quality is not lost.

MEMORY SIZE: RASTER VECTOR A drawing takes up a lot of memory, since the color of each pixel is encoded in 2-3 bytes. The image takes up significantly less memory, since only the type of object and its parameters are encoded.


Graphic editor is an application program designed for creating and editing graphic images.

GRAPHICS EDITORS: RASTER VECTOR Paint Adobe Photoshop Corel Photo- Paint Photo Finish Micrografx Picture Open Office Image Gimp Portable Corel Draw Adobe Illustrator Micrografx Designer Microsoft Draw Open Office Draw Compass 3-D

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Raster and vector graphics

Subject: Informatics and ICTClass: 7 Program: N.D. Ugrinovich, 2008 Textbook: “Informatics and ICT. 7th grade" N.D. Ugrinovich – BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007....

RASTER GRAPHICS A raster image is made up of dots of different colors (pixels) that form rows and columns. Each pixel has a specific

The quality of a raster image depends on: n n image size (number of pixels horizontally and vertically); the number of colors that pixels can accept.

Files storing raster images have a large information volume. Especially raster graphic images of multi-color photographs and illustrations obtained using a scanner.

Raster images are very sensitive to scaling (enlargement or reduction). n n When reduced, several neighboring points are converted into one, so the legibility of small details of the image is lost. As you zoom in, the size of each dot increases and a step effect appears, which can be seen with the naked eye.

Vector graphics. n n the optimal means for storing high-precision graphic objects (drawings, diagrams, etc.), for which maintaining clear and clear outlines is important. images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, rectangle, etc.)

Vector graphics objects are described by mathematical formulas. a point is specified by its coordinates (x, y); n line – coordinates of the beginning (x 1, y 1) and end (x 2, y 2); n circle – coordinates of the center (x, y) and radius R; n rectangle - the size of the sides and the coordinates of the upper left corner (x 1, y 1) and lower right corner (x 2, y 2), etc. n FOR EACH PRIMITIVE A COLOR IS SET. n

Advantages of vector graphics n n files storing vector graphic images have a relatively small volume. vector graphics can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality.

Raster graphic editors n n are the best means of processing photographs and drawings, since they provide high accuracy in transmitting gradations of colors and halftones. Paint, Imaging, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photo-Paint

Paint graphic editor window The window has a standard Windows system appearance, with the addition of a color palette that allows you to select not only the image color, but also the background color. Most of the window is occupied by empty space - the drawing area. To the left of it is a group of icons – the toolbar. At the bottom of the window there is a color palette.

Imaging - Image Viewer is designed to work with graphics exported by digital cameras and scanners for viewing fax documents.

Using the toolbar buttons, you can get small thumbnails, enlarge, reduce, rotate the drawing, display the drawing in grayscale, add text and other graphic elements to the drawing

Adobe Photoshop is a tool for professional editing of raster graphics and photographs, allowing you to perform almost any necessary image modification

Corel Photo-Paint, unlike Corel Draw, works exclusively with raster images and includes a huge number of tools and effects for manipulating raster images for professional work and creativity

Launching the Paint program n n Click on the Start button In the Main menu, select the Programs command. In the submenu that appears, select the Standard command. In the next submenu, select the Graphic Editor Paint command.

Palette Using the Color Picker, you can select two colors: this is the color with which we draw, and an additional one – the background color. When the program starts, the default image color is set to black and the background color to white.

Stage of creating a drawing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select a tool. Set line width, brush shape, or rectangle type. Select image color. Select background color. Start drawing.

Selection This tool is called Selection and is used to select a rectangular fragment of a picture. See the previous slide for how to select a custom area. Return

Eraser / Color eraser is designed to erase individual parts of a drawing. Selecting eraser color by right-clicking in the color picker

Color Picker The Color Picker tool changes the image color or background color to the color of any point in the picture.

Magnifier Zoom allows you to enlarge individual fragments of the picture. You can select with the left mouse button how many times you want to enlarge the image

Caption places text in the drawing. Having selected the tool, you need to draw a frame where the text will be located, enter the text, and click outside the frame. When you work with text, you can edit and format it using the Text Attributes panel (View: Text Attributes Panel)

Line is used to draw straight lines. You can select the line thickness. If you hold down the Shift key while drawing a line, you will get either a strictly horizontal, or strictly vertical, or a line at an angle of 450.

Rectangle is used for drawing rectangles and squares. To obtain a square, you need to hold down the Shift key. Types of rectangles: 1. border only 2. filled rectangle with border 3. filled rectangle without border

Ellipse is used to depict ellipses and circles. A circle will be created if you draw while holding down the Shift key. The types of ellipses and circles are the same as those of a rectangle

Rounded Rectangle allows you to draw rectangles and squares with rounded edges. The views are the same as other figures.

This can be done in a special area, which is located directly under the toolbox. You can draw lines from one to five points thick and use several types of brushes and rectangles.

To select the color you want to draw with, place the mouse pointer on the square with the desired color in the palette and click the left mouse button.

To select a background color, position the mouse pointer over the desired color in the palette and right-click. This step is necessary if you are working with a tool that creates objects using a background (rectangle, polygon, ellipse, rounded rectangle).

To use any tool for drawing, you must perform the following steps: 1. Place the mouse pointer on the tool with which you want to draw at the moment and click on it. 2. Place the mouse pointer on the square with the color in the palette and. left click. 3. Move the pointer in the drawing area to the place where you want to start drawing. 4. Press the mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the pointer in the desired direction. 5. Release the mouse button at the point where you finish drawing.

Constructions using the SHIFT key. Draw a cube. 1. 1. Select the Rectangle tool. In the Options bar, select the shape's borders. 2. Draw a square, holding down the SHIFT key while drawing. 3. 3. Select the Line tool. In the settings panel, select the thinnest line type. 4. From the three vertices of the square, draw slanted lines while holding down the SHIFT key. 5. 4. Draw horizontal and vertical lines for the back wall of the cube. 6. 5. Using an eraser, carefully remove any protruding parts of the lines. 7. Using the Fill tool, fill the sides of the cube with different colors.

Perform various operations with drawings. selecting a fragment of a picture copying a fragment of a picture mirroring a fragment of a picture Next rotating the image

To select a fragment of a picture you need to 1. Select one of the selection tools 2. Make a frame near the desired fragment of the picture by dragging the mouse and holding the left button.

To rotate a fragment by an angle of 900, 1800, 2700 you need to: 1. Select a fragment of the picture. 2. From the Picture menu, select the Flip/Rotate command. When you select this command, a dialog box appears. 3. Click in the Rotate by angle boxes and specify an angle of 900.

To get a copy of a fragment of a picture you need to: 1. Select a fragment of the picture. 2. Copy it. Paste it. Edit - Copy Edit - Paste Return

To flip a copy of a picture you need to: 1. In the Picture menu, select the Flip / Rotate command. 2. Select the Flip Left to Right or Flip Top to Bottom action.

COMPUTER IMAGES - Formed from points of different colors (pixels), which form rows and columns - Formed from basic graphic objects, for each of which the coordinates of the reference points are specified, as well as the color, thickness and style of the line of its contour

RASTER GRAPHICS Raster graphic images are formed in the process of converting graphic information from analogue to digital form, for example, during the scanning process, when using digital photo and video cameras, using a graphics editor. Raster graphic images are formed in the process of converting graphic information from analogue to digital form, for example, during the scanning process, when using digital photo and video cameras, using a graphics editor.

When a raster image is reduced, several adjacent dots are converted into one, and therefore the clarity of fine details of the image is lost. When a raster image is reduced, several adjacent dots are converted into one, and therefore the clarity of fine details of the image is lost. Raster images are sensitive to scaling (enlargement or reduction).

When you enlarge the image, the size of each dot increases and a step effect appears that can be seen with the naked eye. When you enlarge the image, the size of each dot increases and a step effect appears that can be seen with the naked eye. Normal image Enlarged image fragment

VECTOR GRAPHICS Vector graphics are the optimal means of storing high-precision graphic objects (drawings, diagrams), for which it is important to maintain clear and clear contours. Vector graphics are the optimal means of storing high-precision graphic objects (drawings, diagrams), for which it is important to maintain clear and clear contours.

Vector images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, rectangle), which are stored in computer memory in the form of graphic primitives and formulas describing them. Vector images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, rectangle), which are stored in computer memory in the form of graphic primitives and formulas describing them. The advantage of vector graphics is that files storing vector graphic images are relatively small in size. The advantage of vector graphics is that files storing vector graphic images are relatively small in size.

Vector graphics objects are described by mathematical formulas. a point is specified by its coordinates (x,y); a point is specified by its coordinates (x,y); line – coordinates of the beginning (x1, y1) and end (x2, y2); line – coordinates of the beginning (x1, y1) and end (x2, y2); circle – coordinates of the center circle – coordinates of the center (x, y) and radius R; (x, y) and radius R; rectangle - the size of the sides and the coordinates of the upper left corner (x1, y1) and lower right corner (x2, y2), etc. rectangle - the size of the sides and the coordinates of the upper left corner (x1, y1) and lower right corner (x2, y2), etc. FOR EACH PRIMITIVE A COLOR IS SET. FOR EACH PRIMITIVE A COLOR IS SET.

Vector graphic images can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality. (This is possible because scaling occurs using simple mathematical operations - multiplying the parameters of graphic primitives by a scaling factor.) Vector graphic images can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality. (this is possible, since scaling occurs using simple mathematical operations - multiplying the parameters of graphic primitives by a scaling factor) Normal image Small image Enlarged image

GRAPHICS EDITORS To process images on a computer, special programs are used - graphic editors. A graphics editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images. A graphics editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images.

Raster graphic editors are the best means of processing photographs and drawings, since they provide high accuracy in transmitting gradations of colors and halftones. They are the best means of processing photographs and drawings, as they provide high accuracy in transmitting gradations of colors and halftones. Simple raster GR Paint. Simple raster GR Paint.

To create a drawing the traditional way, you need to select the drawing tool from the toolbar. To create a drawing the traditional way, you need to select the drawing tool from the toolbar. Paint Word Selection tools Drawing tools Object creation tools Selection tool settings Object creation tools Drawing tools Grouping, ungrouping, rotation tools Toolbars of raster and vector graphic editors

Questions: 1. Why does its quality deteriorate when a raster image is reduced or enlarged? 2.What are the main differences between raster graphics file formats? 3.What is the difference between raster images and vector images? 4.Which graphic (vector or raster) will you use: A) To develop the organization’s logo, taking into account that it will have to be printed on small business cards and large posters; B) for digital photo editing