Presentation on the topic Andrey Gorodetsky. Gorodets painting

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    Before the October Revolution, the village of Gorodets was a large trading center, a merchant village, which consisted of 10 churches, one cathedral, Fedorovsky monastery, 12 houses of worship, 29 taverns. Gorodets merchants - grain traders - had their own steamships and barges, on which they delivered huge amounts of grain from the lower reaches of the Volga and Kama to Gorodets.

    Gorodets is one of the oldest Russian cities. Founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.
    Gorodets was built as a military base and fortress on the steep and steep left bank of the Volga about 50 kilometers above the confluence of the Oka.
    The name of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky is inextricably linked with Gorodets, the oldest city in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
    Here, back in 1263, the earthly journey of Prince Alexander ended. And although the history of Gorodets - as a fortress city and the center of an appanage principality - continued for another century and a half, this fact became, by far, the most significant in the history of the city, forever inscribing it in the history of the Fatherland.
    Gorodets - city
    1 part


    Teacher MBOU "
    comprehensive school"

    Mishina Alla Anatolyevna
    earthen rampart built in the 13th century,
    - 2100 meters, height - from 5 to 7.5 meters.
    Two ruins of Gorodets
    The Mongol-Tatars in 1238 and 1239 left a terrible trail of fires, which now covers its entire ancient part with a layer of compacted ash up to 5

    was so big that Gorodets was unable to recover after it, and remained desolate for almost 150 years.
    Over time, the village of Gorodets grew on this site, laying the foundation for the modern city.
    The working population was engaged in a wide variety of handicraft and waste trades. Gorodets was a significant center of wooden shipbuilding and woodworking industries. Pottery and gold-embroidery, spinning, weaving, production of painted wooden and clay toys, embroidery, and lace-making were also developed. Decorative wood carving and artistic painting, which are now real folk art, occupied and still occupy a special place among the crafts of the Gorodets land.
    They came to Russian soil for reconnaissance purposes in 1223, but after the defeat of Russian troops on the Kalka River they turned back to the steppe. In 1236, Batu's hordes began the systematic subjugation of the Russian principalities.
    One stream of Mongol-Tatars was purposefully sent by Batu to Gorodets.
    It can be assumed that the city was well known at that time as a large and rich center of Ancient Rus', not only in the Volga region, but far beyond its borders.

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    When did it arise
    gingerbread making in Gorodets
    , difficult to establish, probably in the 17th century. This craft was known in different places in the Nizhny Novgorod province, but the most famous and largest center for gingerbread baking was Gorodets. Initially, gingerbread cookies were baked at home, and later - in special gingerbread establishments.
    The Gorodets merchants also left a glorious memory of themselves, who spared no effort and money to develop their native city.
    Thanks to their efforts, Gorodets became a center of wooden shipbuilding and grain trading with all-Russian fame.
    Gorodets blind wood carving
    Gorodets blind carving embodied the rich imagination of the craftsmen. Beautifully and delicately made drawings depicted leaves of wild chicory and dandelion, vines with thin tendrils of shoots and heavy bunches of berries, fantastic flowers that do not exist in nature.
    Blacksmith craft.
    According to popular legend, in Gorodets for a long time one of the streets was called Kuznetskaya (now named after Kozhanov), there were forges - workshops with a forge for hand forging metal and for shoeing horses
    By 1924, blacksmithing production in Gorodets district was carried out in B.
    parish 30 yards, in
    - 12, in
    - 30

    - 26
    Blacksmithing was an honorable and very necessary profession.
    existed in many places in the Nizhny Novgorod province. However, it should be noted that in different areas there are different techniques and forms: Gorodets baskets are not similar to
    By 1912, in the Gorodets region, basket weaving was carried out in
    volost three people, in
    - 125 people, Vasilevskaya - 430 people, etc.
    Gorodets - the city of craftsmen
    part 2


    Teacher MBOU "
    comprehensive school"

    Mishina Alla Anatolyevna
    In the 18th century, the craftswomen of Gorodets
    started studying
    sewing - embroidery with spun gold and silver threads on velvet, wool, silk.
    Favorite motives
    sewing - rosette flowers, open roses, leaves, bunches of grapes. Not every craftswoman could master the technology of this type of embroidery. Ornaments
    Sewing was done using a pattern cut out of birch bark - a “map”. After the “card” was sewn up with metal (gold or silver) threads, the pattern acquired clear outlines and relief forms.
    Gold embroidery was used in women's festive costume. Such clothes were expensive, they were carefully kept in families and handed down by inheritance.
    masters of making pottery were known in ancient times. Even during the 13th–14th centuries, Gorodets-Radilov was considered a large trading city, had a wide development of trades and
    By the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, there were 93 pottery enterprises producing pottery in Gorodets district.
    Back in the middle of the 19th century, potters from
    , Shadrina, Ulyanov and other villages. The craftsmen oiled the jugs, covered them with boiled oil and applied it over this primer.

    pattern. The traditions of the old masters are currently continued by village potters
    Gorodets traditions
    are continuing and being improved at the Gorodets modern shipyard, which will turn 75 years old next year.

    Gorodets painting
    - folk art craft that developed from the mid-19th century. in the area of
    laconic, contrasting in color, Gorodets painting served to decorate homes (shutters, doors, gates) and household items (the bottom of spinning wheels, furniture, toys, etc.). Surrounded by floral patterns, figures of horses, roosters, fantastic animals and birds, scenes of walks and tea parties were done with a wide, free stroke with a graphic outline of the images with white and black lines, which emphasized the clear rhythm of the composition.
    and the flags of ships were decorated with paintings on subjects of aquatic mythology. The sides of the bark were painted with blind Gorodets carvings and paintings. Various inscriptions, dates, names of the owner of the ship, or wise sayings were made on them and the stern, for example, “God is my hope!”
    The emergence of shipbuilding in
    The district dates back to 1722, when Peter the Great, during his second visit to Nizhny Novgorod, established a shipyard near the village of Cherny for the construction of the then type of ships called “barks”.
    Gorodets carpenters were so famous for their art that Peter the Great called them to build warships in the village of Preobrazhenskoye

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    Love, study, know and take care of your native land!
    City of masters
    - one of the best carved buildings in Russia, made by modern craftsmen and architects. Gorodets Folk Crafts Center. Each house is a workshop (
    embroidery, painting and icon painting, wood carving and inlay, weaving,
    , pottery, baking honey gingerbread). A master class is held in the workshops.
    Holy spring "Nikola-key"
    It is located 28 km northeast of Gorodets near the village of Beloglazovo (road to Kovernino). According to legend, in this place there was an appearance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. A log chapel with a bathhouse was erected at the spring.
    Gorodets - the city of craftsmen
    Part 3


    Teacher MBOU "
    comprehensive school"

    Mishina Alla Anatolyevna
    Samovar Museum
    appeared in Gorodets in 2008 in the house of the merchant Grishaev in the second half of the 19th century. The basis of the collection was the collection of samovars by Nikolai Polyakov, head of the Federal Tax Service for the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Currently, the museum exhibits more than 500 samovars, as well as other tea items.
    House of Countess Panina.
    will greet you with the sounds of ancient melodies. In the music room, along with a beautiful gramophone and various gramophones, you will be surprised by a string gramophone and a music box.
    Ancient scales, steelyards and weights will tell you about the daily life of merchants. The exhibition features more than two hundred different measuring instruments and weights. The exhibition “Secrets of the Ancient Iron” presents more than three hundred exhibits - all the variety of cast iron,
    , alcohol and other irons.
    Gorodets Local Lore Museum
    Today, the collections of the local history museum include more than 15,000 items. The museum contains a huge amount of material on the history of folk crafts of the Gorodets land: solid house carvings, painted spinning wheel bottoms, gold embroidery, gingerbread boards. The museum is also transformed by the works of contemporary masters of decorative and applied arts (Gorodets painting and wood carving, embroidery, clay
    whistles). Of interest is the collection of archaeological finds from the excavations of medieval Gorodets. It includes not only items typical of a medieval city, but also unique finds.

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    The presentation on the topic “The City of Gorodets” (grade 7) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 18 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

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    The work was completed by students of grade 7 “B”: Tatyana Korablina and Anastasia Korablina

    Gorodets and its attractions

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    History of Gorodets The city of Gorodets is almost the same age as Moscow; it was founded, according to some sources, in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky, according to others - in 1163 by Andrei Bogolyubsky. It was first mentioned in chronicles in records dated 1172. In 1238, Batu's troops burned the city; in 1263-1282 it was restored and became the capital of the Gorodets principality, which included Nizhny Novgorod. In 1263, Prince Andrei Alexandrovich (Andrei Gorodetsky, Grand Duke of Vladimir, Prince of Novgorod and Prince Gorodetsky, c. 1255-1304), son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263), became its ruler. On November 14, 1263, Alexander Nevsky died in Gorodets, having accepted the schema under the name Alexy a few days earlier. Under Prince Andrei Alexandrovich, Gorodets became a prominent political center. Subsequently, Gorodets was part of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Grand Duchy, formed in 1341 and existed intermittently until 1425. In 1408, Khan Edigei (1352-1419) completely destroyed the city, after which it was called “Empty Gorodets” for a long time. It was re-populated at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century and turned into a craft village. Local residents were engaged in the manufacture of wooden utensils and traded bread. Around the same time, the Volga changed its course, moving away from the center of Gorodets. At the end of the 18th century we see Gorodets as a rich village, widely known throughout the Volga region. At this time, crafts such as leather dressing and shipbuilding developed here. The second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries was the heyday of Gorodets. The city became rich in shipping, shipbuilding and trade, many of yesterday's peasants became industrialists and merchants. In autumn and winter, the Gorodets Bazaar functioned, second only to the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, where bread, flax, and wood products were sold. The grain trade, flour milling, and folk crafts (embroidery, baking printed gingerbread, making pottery, horse arches, sleighs, and children's toys) flourished. In the 1870s, “Gorodets painting” appeared - narrative painting on spinning wheels.

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    Church of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael

    Brick church built in 1707-1712. A pillarless, single-domed quadrangle with a refectory with a southern aisle of the Nativity of the Baptist and a pillar-shaped hipped bell tower. The Northern Sorrowful Chapel was added in 1860. Closed in 1935. Returned to believers in 1991, restored.

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    Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    A brick cemetery church, built in 1824. A single-domed building in the classicist style with a small two-chapel refectory (Kazan and All Saints chapels) and a bell tower under the spire. Until the 20th century was assigned to the Trinity Cathedral. Closed in 1941, used as a warehouse. Returned to believers in 1992, restored.

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    Gorodets Local Lore Museum

    Opening date – 01.01.1918 May 18 – International Museum Day Description: the museum in Gorodets was created on the initiative of the public. in the summer of 1918, a museum exhibition was opened in one of the rooms of the People's House. In February 1920, the Gorodets Museum moved to a separate merchant mansion. As of January 1, 1921, the museum had 3,774 exhibits - these were donations from citizens, purchases from the public education department, and items transferred to the museum by the nationalization commission. Today, the collections of the local history museum include more than 15,000 items. His collection has not only educational, but also scientific Purpose. The museum has collected a huge amount of material on the history of folk crafts of the Gorodets Land: solid house carvings, painted bottoms of spinning wheels, gold embroidery, gingerbread boards. The museum is also transformed by the works of modern Masters of decorative and applied arts (Gorodets painting and wood carving, embroidery, Clay Zhbannikov whistle)

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    History of Gorodets gingerbread

    Exactly when they started baking gingerbread in Gorodets according to their special recipe is unknown. The oldest Gorodets printed gingerbread boards date back to the second half of the 18th century (they are now kept in the State Historical Museum in Moscow). At the end of the 18th century, up to 8,000 pounds of gingerbread were baked per year. The price of “gingerbread Russian honey” was 4 rubles per pound, “Ukrainian honey” - 3 rubles 80 kopecks. per pound of gingerbread - 2 rubles 50 kopecks. per pood. In the first third of the 19th century, according to a guide to the Volga by the Chernetsov brothers (1838), up to 10 thousand pounds of gingerbread were baked, some weighing up to a pound (16.38 kg) and even more - 25-kilogram Gorodets gingerbreads are known. There were up to 30 varieties of Gorodets gingerbread: small (“snack bars”), large (“arshine”), honey, sugar, molasses, fruit, almond, with liqueur, etc. By the end of the 19th century, there were 15 gingerbread baking establishments in the city, staffed by hereditary masters. At the All-Russian exhibition of 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod, the especially popular gingerbread cookies of Alexander Maksimovich Bakharev were presented. History has preserved the names of other hereditary masters, mainly Old Believers: the Glazunovs, Belyaevs, Lemekhovs, Shcherbakovs. Twice Gorodets gingerbread was presented as a gift to Emperor Nicholas II. After the revolution, the gingerbread industry did not die out. In 1930, the “Red Gingerbread” artel was created, where, in addition to gingerbread, other bakery products were baked, and sweets and montpassiers were produced. In 1956, the artel was transformed into the Gorodets food processing plant. Since 1978, printed gingerbread “Gorodets Souvenir” has been baked here.

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    Recipe for Gorodets gingerbread The composition of the Gorodets souvenir dough includes: 1st grade wheat flour, molasses, margarine, ammonium carbonate salt, soda, vanillin, anise, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mint essence; the filling (“podvarka”) consists of grated raisins and fruit jam. The gingerbread cookies are very beautifully decorated. The weight of Gorodets gingerbreads is 600 grams, 2 and 5 kg.

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    Gallery of Good “Gallery of Good” was opened on July 23, 2011 in the stately house of grain merchant and steamship owner Timofey Alekseevich Plekhanov. The idea of ​​creating the gallery was the desire of the organizers to demonstrate to the general public collections of interesting, unique objects of ancient Russian life, united by a common theme of goodness. Goodness is not only the quality of a person, measured by good deeds and actions, but also a certain well-being, a set of material things. Currently, four gallery rooms are open to the public. At the entrance, guests are presented with a display case with an amazing find - an ancient money treasure. The “Front Hall” features an exhibition of copper utensils, complemented by a unique item – a working cash register from the late 19th century. The “Small Hall” demonstrates a collection of locks of various shapes and sizes: from 5 mm “crumbs” to formidable axes. The “Winter Hall” introduces visitors to the history of the Russian stove and a collection of cast-iron stove doors. Finally, in the depths of the house there is another room - the “Merchant's Bedroom”. A brass bed from the Art Nouveau era, combining functionality and elegance, will not leave anyone indifferent.

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    Worship stone

    The worship stone was installed in Gorodets, on the embankment, in 1995 - on the 775th anniversary of the birth of the great commander Alexander Nevsky. The stone is placed on the same line as the monument to the legendary prince, on the site of the Pavlik Morozov monument that previously stood here. The authors of the memorial sign are sculptors V.M. Purikhov, I.I. Lukin and architects V.V. Ivanov, V.N. Bykov. The worship stone is intended to symbolize the unity of Orthodox Rus' and the historical and spiritual unity of cities that are associated with the name of the famous statesman Alexander Nevsky: St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Vladimir, Pskov, Pereslavl-Zalessky and Gorodets. Capsules with soil brought from these cities are stored under the slabs of Stone.

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  • Milestones in the life and work of S.M. Gorodetsky The presentation was prepared by 11th grade student V. Bezborodov. Teacher N.B. Kurkova. Biography of S. M. Gorodetsky Russia, 01/17/1884 - 06/08/1967 Sergei Mitrofanovich Gorodetsky Russian poet, along with Gumilyov, founder and theorist of Acmeism (its “second founder,” according to Bryusov). S.M.Gorodetsky A.A.Blok Born on January 5 (17 NS) in St. Petersburg in the family of an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a writer-ethnographer, and an amateur artist. After graduating from high school, Gorodetsky entered the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University (1902), where he met student A. Blok, whose friendship continued for many years. He took special interest in Slavic studies, antiquity, Russian literature, art history, philosophy and folklore. Wrote poetry. The first book of poems, “Yar,” was published in 1906, followed by the second, “Perun,” and then the third, “Wild Will.” They brought the twenty-two-year-old poet widespread recognition. In 1908 he married the poetess Nimfa Bel - horse - Lyubomirskaya. S. M. Gorodetsky with his wife. Portrait by I. Repin (1914) Nymph Bel - horse - Lyubomirskaya - pseudonym of Anna Alekseevna Gorodetskaya, nee Kozelskaya. She was friends with A. Blok and other poets of symbolist and acmeist orientation who visited her house. In 1916, Bel-kon-Lyubomirskaya and her husband moved to Tiflis, where she took part in the work of the “Workshop of Poets” founded by S. Gorodetsky, and was the hostess of the literary salon. Disillusioned with symbolism, Sergei Gorodetsky (attended the famous “Wednesdays” of Vyacheslav Ivanov, symbolist theorist), became one of the organizers of the “Workshop of Poets” of the Acmeists, which included N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam and others. They published the magazine “Hyperborea”. In 1913 he published an eight-line book, “The Blooming Staff.” Vyach.Ivanov N.Gumilyov A.Akhmatova O.Mandelshtam Publication of the magazine "Hyperborea" Publication of the book "Blossoming Staff". In 1915, a friendship began with S. Yesenin, in whom he saw the hope of Russian literature and supported him in every possible way. S. Yesenin Yesenin and Gorodetsky During the February Revolution, he was in Persia, finding himself there along with the retreating Russian troops. October 1917 found the poet in the Caucasus: first he lived in Tiflis, then in Baku. In 1918 he wrote the poem "Nostalgia", which speaks of the decisiveness of the choice made by the poet: he takes the side of the revolution. After the October Revolution, while in Baku, Gorodetsky joined the ROSTA (Russian Telegraph Agency), then the Political Directorate of the Caspian Fleet, edits various magazines, gives lectures and articles on Russian poetry, music, painting and the culture of the Caucasian peoples. From 1921 he lived in Moscow, published widely, and translated poetry of the peoples of the USSR. Until 1924 he worked at the Theater of the Revolution, then until 1932 - in the literary department of the newspaper Izvestia. In the 30s I worked a lot on opera librettos - it was a good and relatively safe way to make literary money. During the Patriotic War, he was evacuated, first in Tashkent, then in Tajikistan. Translated poems by Uzbek and Tajik poets. He returned to Moscow even before the end of the war, wrote a lot: a book of poems "Song of Friendship" (1945), poems "Afterword", "In Memory of A.N. Radishchev" (1947), "The Kremlin" (1958), "Homer" (1962 ), “Wisdom”, “Thought” (1964), “My Abode” and many others. In 1958 he published an autobiographical essay “My Path”. In the 1960s he wrote poems dedicated to the feat of astronauts. In the last years of his life he taught at the Literary Institute. named after M. Gorky, working with correspondence students. His last poems are “Hot Time”, “The Road is Visible”. A. Blok and K. Balmont, he is characterized by a return to the motifs of pagan Slavic mythology and primitive forces manifested in connection with nature. After the Bolshevik revolution, Gorodetsky wrote political poems - from agitations of the civil war period, greetings to proletarian poets (1921), to party congresses. (1931, 1958) and astronauts (1962) to the text of the cantata “Song of the Party”.

    Gorodets wood painting is a famous folk art

    fishery of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

    It developed in the second half of the 19th century

    in Trans-Volga villages near Gorodets.

    Residents of the surrounding villages were reputed to be skilled

    artisans, among whom were blacksmiths,

    weavers, dyers, carvers, carpenters and joiners.

    There was a lot of timber in the Volga region, and it provided a lot of cheap

    the material from which everything was made: from children's toys

    to pieces of furniture. Gorodets were especially famous

    spinning wheels, which were sold in large quantities on Nizhny Novgorod

    fair and dispersed throughout Russia. We were happy to buy them

    thanks to the funny painted pictures on the bottom of the spinning wheel.

    After finishing work, the housewives decorated them with such donuts.

    walls instead of pictures. Soon they began to decorate with such painting

    not only spinning wheels, but also many folk items

    everyday life: chairs, baskets, boxes, salt shakers and toys.

    Gorodets painting is unique in its style,

    therefore it is quite difficult to confuse it.

    Not a single Gorodets product is complete without lush garlands,

    bouquets of flowers reminiscent of roses and daisies.

    Gorodets masters did not know the laws of perspective,

    therefore their drawings were flat. But their work was always different

    amazing lightness and transparency.

    Previously, Gorodets painting was done with egg paints, which

    lay on the product in large color spots, without prior

    contour. The drawing was applied with free strokes with a graphic outline

    black or white. The predominant colors were blue, red, white and black.

    Nowadays, craftsmen use oil paint, which has expanded

    color scheme. But the technology remains the same.

    The main elements of Gorodets painting are considered to be

    “roses”, “kupavki”, “daisies”, “bells”.

    The main characters of Gorodets painting are a bird and a horse.

    These are all mostly fantastic birds,

    horses that came to us from a good fairy tale. Remember the fairy tales

    “Sivka-Burka”, “Firebird”, “Scarlet Flower”...

    The subjects of Gorodets products had their own unique plot.

    The masters depicted gentlemen walking with ladies, riders on horses,

    scenes of tea drinking in rich interiors, decorated with columns, high

    windows, lush curtains, wall clocks. But we met

    and scenes from simple life: hunters in the forest, spinners at work, construction

    Let's take a closer look at the stages of execution of each element

    and their variety.

    1 . Name the birthplace of Gorodets painting.

    2. What products with Gorodets painting could be found at fairs?

    3. List the features of Gorodets painting.

    4. Look again carefully at the step-by-step execution of the painting elements and create your own composition .