Entertainment on a spring theme for the senior group. Spring leisure for children of the senior group “Spring has come - children play” methodological development (senior group) on the topic

Spring fun for older children

The red spring has come to us"

(Children come in to spring music and stand by the chairs.)

Presenter: Hello guys.

If the river is blue

Woke up from sleep

And he runs, sparkling in the fields,

So spring has come to us!

Let the sun's rays warm

Will add mood.

May you always be lucky in everything

Not only on a spring day!

And now they will read poems about spring to us...

1 child : Have you heard the song

resounding miracle -

she arrived

I know where.

From distant lands

along with the first ray

and it says,

I know what!

2nd child:

And it says

and it says that

that you woke up

funny birds.

Like the sun on the earth

sent hello

and the first leaf

came into being.

3 child :

And the wind took off

to the top of a pine tree,

I know what is it

gift of spring!

Presenter: Guys, let's call spring not with words, but with a song!

(stand by the chairs)

Children perform a song"Spring" Sat. 36 p. 8

(after the song they sat down on the chairs)

music sounds and comes into the hall Spring

Spring: I hear, I hear. Hello guys. How long did it take me to get to you?

I know they're waiting for me everywhere,
Everyone in the world needs me.
I bring joy to people
And my name is Spring!
Hello guys.

I came to you to play and have fun together.

Spring: And to make it more fun,

Let's play quickly.

a game

Children playing game "Who can decorate the cactus faster"

(Children are divided into 2 teams. One child is a cactus, standing with his fingers spread out. Each player has satin ribbons attached to a ring in his hands. Children take turns running up to the cactus and hanging a ring with ribbons on his finger. The team that completes the task first wins .)

Children sit on chairs.

4 child :

Buds swell in spring

And the leaves hatched.

Look at the maple branches -

How many green noses!

5th child:

On the trees -

Look, -

Where the buds were

Like green lights

The leaves flashed.

Spring : And I also prepared a surprise for you guys. I have greetings from Summer - A lovely, complex flower. All its leaves are multi-colored, and on the petals there are tasks for you.

What tasks are hidden in the flower,
Do you kids want to know?
Then let's get started quickly!
Let's pick the petal and read the task!

A melody sounds. Spring picks a petal and reads the assignment.

Spring: 1 task (blue petal) Question: Do you know what birds come to us in the spring? What are their names?
Answer: Starlings, rooks, nightingales, and swallows fly to us. These are migratory birds.

Presenter: It's spring, and our guys have prepared a beautiful dance for you. And now they will dance it.

Polka dance

Spring: Thank you, wonderful dance. So, I have the following task for you.

Game "Spring words" (characteristic signs of spring)All players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The person who catches the ball must name something spring, and immediately throw the ball to another child or adult.

Presenter :
Well done guys!
We played from the heart.

(Sit down on the chairs)

Presenter: And now I’ll tell you riddles (green petal)

    She comes with affection
    And with my fairy tale,
    He waves his magic wand -
    The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.(Spring)

    Blue handkerchief
    Scarlet ball
    Rolls across the sky
    Smiles at people.(Sky, sun)

    Palace on a tree
    There is a singer in the palace.
    What kind of palace is this? (birdhouse)

    Lying between the trees
    Pillow with needles.
    She lay down quietly,
    Then suddenly she ran away.(Hedgehog)

    In a white sundress
    She stood in the clearing.
    The tits were flying,
    They sat on their braids.(Birch)

Spring: Well done, Let's look further, what task is on the petal?

Task 4 (yellow petal)
Let's continue the holiday, let's play fun!

Relay race

Spring: Guys, do you know what I dream about? So that it would always be warm, so that the leaves would bloom on the trees faster, the sun would warm more strongly.

What are you dreaming about?

Children's answers ………

Spring: Wow, what interesting dreams you have.

I still have a petal left for you.

Task 5 (orange petal)

dance game Search. Do you know what this means?

Children: Yes!

Spring: Can you teach me how to play this game?

Children : Yes!

Everyone plays the game together. Then we sat down on the chairs.

Spring : You greeted me kindly
They greeted us with song and dance.
I will give everyone a gift,
I won't deprive anyone!

Treats are brought out for children

Now it's time for me to go to the fields and forests.
Come visit, my friends.(Spring is leaving).

We are ending our fairy tale,
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye
We wish you good health!
Thank you all for your attention!
And of course for your efforts,

The children leave the hall to the music.

Natalia Ryabova

TARGET: Continue introducing children with seasonal changes in nature through various activities. Consolidate knowledge children about spring during an entertainment event.

TASKS: Organization of leisure activities for preschoolers in the spring. Raised by children a friendly attitude towards living beings around us - birds, animals, insects, caring attitude towards nature. Creating a festive and friendly atmosphere, positive emotions children.

Progress of entertainment.


The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown from the south,

The sun is warming in the morning -

Came to visit us spring!

U Spring has three sons, three months - March-thaw, April-snow, and May-grass.

Guess the riddles.

1. The sun is shining brighter and brighter,

The snow is thinning, softening, melting.

The loud rook flies in.

What month? Who will know?

Children: March!

2. It’s frosty at night

In the morning - drops,

So in the yard...

Children: April!

3. The distance of the fields is turning green,

The nightingale sings,

The garden is dressed in white,

The bees are the first to fly

Thunder rumbles.

What month is this?

Children: May!

Educator: Guys, do you know the signs? spring?

Answers children.

1. in spring The first thawed patches appear.

2. The first snowdrop flowers appear in the thawed areas.

3. in spring nature awakens.

4. Birds arrive in spring: rooks, starlings, swallows, larks, etc.

Educator: Right! Well done boys. I invite you to take a fascinating trip to a spring meadow. Look who's greeting us.

Grows through the snow

To the sun's rays, flower,

Small and tender

Little white snowdrop.

(N. Masley)

Gathered at the forest edge little animals:

Hedgehogs, bunnies, bears and squirrels.

The birds have arrived, the birds are not big.

Butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers too.

Educator: Guess the riddles.

1. She buzzes over the flower and flies quickly towards the hive,

I gave my honey to the honeycomb. What is her name? ... (Bee)

2. Like a nail on a magnet, he rushes at us -

Without bells it rings, without teeth it bites. (Mosquito)

3. On a warm day, in the spring, in May everyone will know about me.

I'm not a fly, not a spider. I'm buzzing! I am May... (Bug)

4. All four petals of the flower moved.

I wanted to pick it off - it took off and flew away. (Butterfly)

5. I jumped around in the grass all day and lost my violin somewhere.

And now our little green one is sad by the river... (Grasshopper)

6. The first flower, beautiful and delicate, with a white little eye, is called…. (Snowdrop)

7. In the trees "knock" Yes "knock"- there is a loud knock. Again the doctor of trees, the motley one, set up his fraction... (Woodpecker)

8. In winter, in a white fur coat, he sat timidly under a bush, and spring I came - I need to change my fur coat again. Our little coward will turn brown. What's his name? (Bunny)

9. He slept in a den all winter, now summer is on the doorstep, once spring - time to get up, you need to gain fat. (Bear)

10. 3 The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird, the talkative bird, the most talkative.

The witch is white-sided, and her name is (Magpie)

Educator: Guys, what else makes us happy? spring?

Of course, fun and games.

Favorite pastime children- launching paper boats. I suggest you make boats and send them sailing.

Game - competition "Paper boat".

A game "Stream".

A game "Burners".

A game "Burn, burn clearly..."

Educator: Pro spring many songs and poems have been composed.


The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field,

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split it.

The clouds are moving faster

The sky has become higher

The sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

It's getting darker every day

Stitches and paths,

And on the willows with silver

The earrings glow.


Run away, streams!

Spread out, puddles!

Get out, ants,

After the winter cold!

A bear sneaks through

Through the dead wood,

The birds began to sing songs,

And the snowdrop blossomed.


The starlings have arrived -

Young spring messengers.

They peck at worms

And they sing, they sing, they sing!


The breeze is cheerful, brave

The green one flew into the forest.

The white lily of the valley perked up

And it rang softly.


Violets, lungworts

Blooms in the forest in spring,

And oxalis stars

They turn white here and there.


And the blue snowdrop,

Spring's dear son,

Trustingly and tenderly

He looks at you and me.


Came to visit us spring

Brought people joy

The sun shone brightly,

The cold snow melted.

It's getting warmer outside -

And freedom for children

Everyone is squinting from the sun,

After all spring outside!

Round dance « Stonefly» .


We had a nice walk in the spring forest!

What, Spring, did you bring it?

And she answered spring:


I tell you guys

Watering cans, rakes

And shoulder blades

The first snowdrops

Yellow birdhouses.

I brought you rooks,

And starlings and finches.

And carries any stream

A whole fleet of boats.

And I also brought

Lots of light and warmth

Jumping and tag,

New counting rhymes.

All the guys were surprised:

Sticky buds in the forest,

Grass at the edge

And on Masha’s nose

First freckles.

(G. Sapgir. Gifts spring.)

It's time for us, guys, to head back.

Don't forget a spring walk with friends!

Publications on the topic:

“Spring has come to us again.” Entertainment for middle group children Presenter: If the blue river has awakened from sleep and runs through the fields, sparkling, then spring has come to us. If the sun turns our cheeks red.

“Spring, spring on the street” Collective work of children from the middle group. Spring has come. Nature has awakened. Warm days have arrived. Smiles.

“Spring is coming to us with quick steps!” Spring environmental entertainment for the middle group Characters: Adults: Presenter, Spring Children: bear - Ayu, hare - Kuyan, woodpecker - Postman. Presenter: Girls and boys! Get ready.

Abstract of the educational activity “Music” on the topic “Spring” for middle-aged children Goal. - Consolidating children’s knowledge about spring in all types of music.

Summary of a lesson on the sound culture of speech of middle group children. Topic: “Snow-white winter” (thematic lesson). Summary of a lesson on the sound culture of speech of middle group children. Topic: “Snow-white winter” (thematic lesson). Tasks: 1. O. -Teach children.

Entertainment in the middle group “We welcome spring with games”

The children and teacher enter a beautifully decorated room.

IN: dawns early in the morning,
All the snow melted here and there,
The stream roars like a waterfall,
Starlings fly to birdhouses.
Drops are ringing under the roofs,
The bear got up from the spruce tree.
The sun caresses everyone with warmth,
Who knows this time of year? Spring.
After a cold winter, spring has come to us.
Today we have gathered here to welcome spring.

Oh, what beauty!

Spring has come to the forest again:

The birds sing merrily

The nests are diligently made,

The streams are ringing merrily,

They rush to the river.

The sun is shining brightly, inviting everyone to the round dance.

Movement exercise “Into the forest”

We'll go to the woods

We will find flowers.

Lyuli, Lyuli, let's go,

Lyuli, Lyuli, we’ll find it (children holding hands and walking in a circle).

We walk along the paths

Along the winding

Lyuli, Lyuli, let's go

Along the winding ones (they follow the leader like a snake).

We'll pick a flower

We'll pick the azure one,

Lyuli, lyuli, let's pick it,

Lyuli, lyuli, let's pick it.

We will weave a wreath (rotate fists in front of chest).

We will weave a wreath

Lyuli, lyuli, let's weave,

Lyuli, lyuli, let's weave.

How well do you know the signs of spring? Let's check it out.
I invite you guys to guess spring riddles:
- What is blue, tall, clean in spring? (sky).
- what is light, white, fluffy in spring? (clouds).
- What runs and murmurs in the spring? (Creek).
- What drips and rings in the spring? (drops).
- What warms, shines, bakes in spring? (Sun).

IN: Yes, indeed, in spring the sun not only shines, but also warms.
Are you happy about the spring sun? Let's call him, let him warm us with his warmth.
Children pronounce the chant “Sunshine”
Red sun, burn, burn clearly.
Fly into the sky like a bird, illuminate our Earth,
Swim into the sky like a fish, revive our Earth,
Keep all the children in the world warm and healthy!

IN: So our sun came out, it became warmer, brighter and more cheerful.

The sunshine child comes out

Game-exercise “SUNNY”
(For the development of general motor skills, carried out to music)

Little sun
I hold it in my palms (the children show the little sun with their hands)
And the big sun
I see from the window (they show the big sun with their hands)
I take the little sun with my hands (they show the little sun with their hands)
And the big sun
High above the clouds (raise your arms above your head and look up)
Little sun
It shines in my palms (shows a little sun with his hands)
And the big sun
Shines on the whole planet! (raise your arms above your head and spread them to the sides)

Now imagine that we are in a spring forest. In spring, everything in the forest comes to life, wakes up and is filled with thousands of sounds. It's the birds singing.

Game "Lark"

- Guys, do you know poems about spring? (Children read poems about spring).

1.Spring is coming towards us with quick steps,

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet,

Black thawed patches are visible in the fields,

You can see very warm feet in spring.

2. The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field,

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split it.

The clouds are moving faster

The sky has become higher

The sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

3. The evil blizzard has passed away.

The night became shorter than the day.

A warm wind blows from the south,

The drops fall, ringing.

The sun warms the earth,

Ice is driving off our hill.

The snow woman is melting

And tears flow in streams.

The Russian people love spring and have come up with proverbs and sayings that talk about the signs of spring. Do you know the signs of spring? (Children's answers). “I saw a rook, welcome spring.” “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.” “Spring rain is never too much.”

And now, guys, let’s play the game “Springfly”, stand in a circle.

Game "Vesnyanka"

Sunshine, sunshine, golden bottom,

(children walk in a circle).

Burn, burn, clearly, so that it doesn’t go out!

A stream ran in the garden,

(children run in a circle).

A hundred rooks have flown in,

(children wave their hands while standing still).

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

(children squat in place).

And the flowers are growing.

(children get up slowly).

It's good in this clearing!

Listen to what it is babbling (phonogram of a stream). That's right, it's a spring stream.

Game "Stream"

Children stand in a circle.

Q: Guys, what are the definitions for the word “SPRING”. What is she like? (warm, kind, green, beautiful, early)
The bear crawled out of the den,
Looked around at the threshold, (turns left and right)
He stretched out of sleep: (stretching his arms up)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear turned his head (rotating his head)
Leaned back, forward, (leans)
Here he is walking through the forest (we imitate the movement - walking)
The bear is looking for roots,
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
For the bear - vitamins. (bending forward)
Finally the bear has eaten
And he sat down on a log (they sat down on the carpet)

Outdoor game “Sun, rain, breeze”(the sun - freezes, the rain - they jump, the breeze - they run in all directions.)

The “Plant a Flower” relay race is held

Children are divided into two teams (boys and girls). On command, the children take turns running in a straight line to the clearing and planting their flower. Double-sided tape is glued to the flowers on the back side, and the clearings are made of green cardboard.

Playing with the tape “Vanya went out for a walk...”

Software tasks:

Introduce children to the ancient customs of welcoming spring.

Continue to learn how to solve riddles about spring, memorize chants about spring.

Invite children to learn how to bake buns traditional for this holiday - “larks”

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we have an unusual activity. Today you and I will turn into chefs, but first we’ll talk to you a little.

Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you must guess it:

The beauty walks
Touches the ground lightly
Goes to the field to the river
And by the flower and by the snow. (spring)

That's right it's spring!

Let's learn a funny call and call for spring.

“Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, joy,
With great mercy.
With tall flax,
With deep roots
With rains, downpours,
With abundant bread."

According to popular beliefs, spring will not come on its own; it must be invited. So they called for spring, performing “chants” with a kind of recitative.

Since migratory birds began to return from warmer climes in March, it was believed that it was they who brought spring on their wings.

Wanting to hurry them up, the housewives baked dough figurines of birds with wings, eyes made of currants and bird cherry “larks”. They were distributed to all family members. You had to go out into the street and, throwing up a bird made of dough, say:

My mothers,
Fly to me
Bring it to me
Red spring...

Today we will learn how to bake such dough buns, which are called “larks”.

Now you and I will turn into chefs. Let's put on our aprons and start working with the dough. You need to work with the dough carefully, with great love, so that you get “larks”.

First, roll out the sausage from the dough (as you did from plasticine). Then tie it in a knot so that one end is longer (tail). Make a raisin eye on top. So we got birds, “larks”.

Now we will take the birds to the kitchen, and the cook will bake them in the oven.

While our birds are baking, guess another riddle:

The river roars furiously.
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up. (April)

Oh, guys, look, our larks are already ready. Who brought them?

Well, of course, spring. The "larks" brought spring with them. Let's say together in unison:

You see, we didn’t work in vain today. Our birds brought us Spring on their wings.

This concludes our lesson.


1. Zaretskaya N.V. “Holiday scenarios for kindergarten.” – M.: Iris-Press, 2008.

2. Davydova M.A. “Scenarios of musical and folklore holidays.” – M.: “Vako” 2007

GBOU Secondary School No. 2093 named after A.N. Savelyev

Preschool department No. 2

Musical director

Viskova Nadezhda Semyonovna

Spring leisure for older children

“Spring has come - kids play”

Children enter the hall and perform a spring round dance


Where are you, sunshine, wake up!

Where are you, little bird? Come back!

Winter is tired of sending the cold.

Drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!


1. Mother Spring is coming - open the gates!

2. The first of March has arrived - the white snow has melted!

3. Here comes April - open the window and door!

4. And when the May sun comes, invite you into the house!

5. Sunny, show yourself!

Red, gear up!

Come out quickly

Be kinder to us.

Sit on a tree stump

Shine all day!

Sunny comes out

Finger gymnastics is carried out

And the sun is clear /smoothly raise their hands up/

It's hot, it's hot./swing your arms straight in front of you/

And gold spilled and spilled everywhere.

/They lower their hands down and move their fingers/

The streams on the street are still babbling, still babbling.

/Swing their arms left and right/

The cranes are crowing /the fingers of both hands are folded into beaks/

And they fly, they fly.../ perform swings with crossed palms/

Snowdrops bloomed

Yes in the fishing line, in the fishing line /both palms are folded into a bud, which gradually opens/

Soon the whole country will be wearing a wreath

/ put on imaginary wreaths/

Oh, honey, honey, please, please.

/Raises hands up, wiggling fingers/

And Mother Earth, ugly, ugly./Bow/


I am the radiant sun
I bring warmth and light.

I return your smiles

And I give you joy!


Sunny, don't frown,

He doesn't take his eyes off us.

Because the sun

We like it.

Playing with the sun


And now we will tell the sun about the signs of spring

4. spring ice, that someone else’s threshold is unreliable.


Well done, children. How well they spoke about spring. Do you know that spring loves fun? In this sunny meadow, you and I will now play folk games that your grandparents played.


Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny jumped onto a tree stump.

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites everyone to play blind man's buff!

The game "Zhmurki" is being played

Driving cat. He is blindfolded. Children sing in a round dance: go to the threshold - there is sour cream and cottage cheese. Turn around five times, catch the mice, not us.

The cat and the children are talking:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

To us little oak tree.

What are you holding on to?

For the bitches.

What the fuck?


What's in the hive?


What do the bees have?


Honey to whom?


What do we need?


/children begin to bother the cat/


We have your cat

Fell into kvass!

/They step back and clap/

Let them catch us without opening their eyes!

They stop. The cat begins to search and catch. Children are allowed to dodge, but without moving from their spot. You can squat down.


Tai, Tai, come on!

Play with us!

An interesting game

I won’t tell you which one.

Guess for yourself

Girls with mustaches

Boys with braids.

Let's play the game "Tsapki"

/ The driver extends his hand forward, palm down. Each player places his index finger under his palm.

LEADING: gather yourselves, sorcerers,

With hot pancakes.

Cat, toad,


When they hear the word “Tsapa,” they quickly remove their fingers, and the driver quickly squeezes his palm and tries to claw them. The one whose finger is grabbed is eliminated/


In the old days, every village had its own merry grandfather, who knew more jokes, proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters than anyone else.

Do you children know tongue twisters?

The game “Turning into a merry old man” is being played.

/To the music, the children pass the hat. Whoever the music stops on puts on a hat and says a tongue twister/

Tongue twisters for the game:

  1. The knitting of dryers was dried by Sashka on dry land
  2. Seryozha's earrings were falling into his boots.
  3. A weaver weaves fabric onto a Tane scarf.


How cheerful, dexterous and skillful you are. Can you solve riddles?

/The presenter takes off the flowers and reads the riddles/


The rooks are flying,

They trumpet all over Rus':

“Gu-gu, gu-gu!

We are bringing spring.

What birds still come to us?

/children's answer/

Let's sing a song about a starling.


And now we will play the game “Occupy the House”


Children, today we played Russian folk games and heard a lot of sayings, tongue twisters, and riddles. The Russian people have collected and invented a huge number of them. And all this is carefully stored and passed on from generation to generation. They came to us from our grandparents. Today we ran, jumped, stomped and clapped! Tired? Let's say goodbye then, say: “until we meet again!”