What does it take to be an entrepreneur. How to open your IP? Below is the cry of my soul and personal experience

For many who want to do business, the question arises: to become an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a legal entity (JSC, LLP)? Everyone chooses for himself independently, based on the individual situation, needs, desires and focus on results.

Advantages of sole proprietorship

Let us consider in more detail the concept of "individual entrepreneur" and dwell on the advantages of registration as such.

Firstly, unlike a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur pays a significantly smaller amount of taxes, and secondly, the rates for these taxes often have low interest rates.

The rate itself depends entirely on the tax regime in which the entrepreneur’s activities are carried out:

  • work based on a patent - 3% of income;
  • work on the basis of a simplified declaration - 3-7%;
  • work according to the generally established procedure for calculating taxes - 5-30%.

At the same time, income is understood as the summed amount of money for the sale of services, goods and work in general. Despite the fact that individual entrepreneurs will also have to pay social tax and contributions to savings funds, one way or another, the percentage of the rate will vary greatly from the legal entity.

For individual entrepreneurs, the accounting system has been greatly simplified. So, an entrepreneur is not required to hire an accountant, he can handle most of the accounting on his own.

In addition, when working on a patent, the need for accounting is minimized. A legal entity needs a special person for these actions.

Ease of registration. An entrepreneur needs to collect a number of necessary documents, while he does not require any constituent papers.

The only thing is a certificate of state registration. In addition, all registration activities are carried out at the local tax committee.

Minimum costs. So, if you want to become an individual entrepreneur, you must pay a registration fee, which is equal to 4 MCI (monthly calculation index).

If necessary, you will have to pay for the manufacture of various stamps and seals, however, for the most part this is not necessary.

How to Become a Sole Proprietor: Legal Framework

Like many things in our country, the concept of individual entrepreneurship came to us relatively recently and previously bore the designation "entrepreneur without forming a legal entity." Later it became "private", then familiar to all "individual".

One way or another, the IP remains the one who works for himself. He can engage in any kind of activity: trade, scientific activity, provision of services, art, production.

In addition, he has the right to carry out all the work both independently and by hiring people for various positions. In some cases, an individual entrepreneur may not work, but, for example, rent out real estate.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, any type of activity that allows you to extract profit must be registered in the prescribed manner. If the “entrepreneur” does not do this, then he violates the law, therefore, falls under the article of the Criminal Code and must be punished.

As in many other areas, there are loopholes here, however, experience shows that official registration is much more profitable. Firstly, this will allow both the individual entrepreneur and his staff, if any, to receive pension contributions.

Secondly, contrary to the common stereotype about the restriction of activities due to the status of an individual entrepreneur, in fact, on the contrary, this implies legality, protection and economic independence.

Conditions for obtaining IP status

All conditions are described in the Civil Code. The most significant criterion is the age of the person wishing to register.

By law, an individual entrepreneur can become an adult citizen. However, under certain circumstances, the age can be 16 years old, and sometimes even 14.

You can become a 16 individual entrepreneur after marriage, but even this does not guarantee full legal capacity, since it is necessary to recognize a person as emancipated.

In this case, when registering, you will need one of these documents:

  • certificate of state guardianship authorities confirming legal capacity;
  • judgment;
  • notarized consent of representatives - parents or guardians, allowing business activities;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate, which must be notarized.

Also, according to approximately the same criteria, you can get the right to conduct certain types of commercial transactions from the age of 14, however, in this case, much is complicated by law. For example, tax liability comes into force from 16, while there is also property liability, which a 14-year-old citizen simply cannot bear.

By law, it is prohibited to become an individual entrepreneur in the following cases:

  • the citizen is an employee of special services and bodies;
  • the person is in military service;
  • a person holds a position of an official of any level (municipal, regional, state).

Choice of activity

Before going to register as an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to clearly decide what type of activity will be, and which branch of the economy it will belong to. It is important to note that an individual entrepreneur can actually choose an unlimited number of activities, but at the same time he will need to choose one as the main one.

Therefore, you need to evaluate what exactly will be (or already is) the primary source of income.

In addition, when registering, it is not just some specific branch of the economy that is indicated, but it must comply with OKVED - the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. Further, the state statistical authorities will list the future IP in a certain branch of the economy.

Some activities require a license, or they will have to be coordinated with regulatory authorities. Although the number of specified types is not limited, you should avoid those that imply any additional solutions and choose those that you have already worked with.

There are also areas that are not available for IP:

  • military sphere;
  • production and trade in alcoholic products;
  • private security services;
  • production and sale of pyrotechnics;
  • employment of citizens of the Russian Federation abroad;
  • activities related to space;
  • sphere of securities;
  • pension and investment funds;
  • sale of electricity.

If the desired type of activity belongs to one of the listed ones, it will be impossible to create an IP and it will be necessary to register as an LLC.

Learn how to become an individual entrepreneur from the video.

Choice of taxation

The next step is the choice of taxation, which is a rather time-consuming process.

There are several types of them:

  1. The general taxation system is a list of all taxes that an individual entrepreneur will need to pay, is one of the most common, but at the same time a rather complex system, everyone who has not made certain additional instructions to choose a different type falls under it.
  2. The simplified taxation system (STS) is applied voluntarily if the individual entrepreneur has no more than 100 employees and the profit does not exceed 45 million in 9 months.
  3. The patent system may exempt individual entrepreneurs from paying certain taxes.
  4. The unified tax on temporary income (UTII) replaces some other payments, such as property and value added tax, as well as personal income tax.
  5. The unified agricultural tax (UAT) also replaces some payments: property tax, VAT and personal income tax and is used directly by agricultural entrepreneurs.

One way or another, the choice of taxation is extremely important, and you need to take into account many secondary criteria that will further affect the whole work as a whole.

Preparation of documents

This stage turns out to be no less difficult, the main thing is to clarify all the points so as not to “fly by”.

The list of required documents includes:

  • signed application and certified by a notary;
  • certified by a notary: an identity document (passport or something else), as well as confirming the place of birth (for example, a birth certificate);
  • a document confirming the place of residence;
  • receipt confirming the payment of state duty.

With the listed documents, it is already necessary to come to the branch of the Federal Tax Service and register.

Drawing up an application

The application process must be taken very seriously, since an accidental error in the text or inaccuracy in the data can cause a refusal to assign the status of an individual entrepreneur.

So, the main points:

  • when specifying the series and passport number, there must be two spaces;
  • the phone number is written starting with +7;
  • in the paragraph "district" the area where the city is located, and not part of a particular city, is indicated;
  • if sheet 003 remains blank, it is not provided upon submission;
  • it is forbidden to indicate the full name on sheet B using a computer - only manually with a black pen, while often the signature is put under the supervision of a representative of the tax service;
  • email is not required unless it is an electronic submission;
  • do not print documents on both sides of the paper.

It is advisable to discuss the details with knowledgeable people, perhaps seek help directly from tax officials.

IP insurance premiums

Each individual entrepreneur, one way or another, will have to pay insurance premiums, whatever their tax regime. This fee is annual and the amount is fixed.

Contributions are paid in FFOMS and PFR. At the same time, they will have to be paid even when no business activity is conducted. They are transferred to social security, health insurance and retirement account.

The tax regime used by an individual entrepreneur may affect the amount of tax payments. For example, if the work is carried out under a patent or UTII, the profit received does not affect the payment in any way.

According to the simplified tax system, it will be necessary to pay a single tax. The general system turns out to be rather unprofitable, since entrepreneurs have to pay not only personal income tax, but also VAT, as well as property tax.

In addition, if a businessman receives more than 300 thousand a year, then an additional contribution to the PFR is also paid.

Submission of documents and terms of consideration

After collecting all the necessary documents, they are directly submitted to state bodies.

To do this, you can use three methods:

What to do after registering an IP

After registering an individual for the status of an individual entrepreneur, the applicant is issued the following documents by the tax service:

  • OGRNIP certificate;
  • extract from the EGRIP.

After that, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • register with the FIU, as well as with the FSS, while the latter must be contacted no later than 10 days after registration;
  • decide which taxation system to use in the future, and this also cannot be delayed (for example, to be on the simplified tax system, you need to submit papers no later than 30 business days);
  • if necessary, place an order for printing, and for some activities - a cash register;
  • notify the state control bodies, most often - Rospotrebnadzor;
  • pick up a letter from the statistics department;
  • open an account in a bank.

The notification is submitted in paper form, usually in two copies. The transfer of papers is carried out both personally and through a trusted person.

In addition, documents on the start of entrepreneurial activity can be sent by mail, as well as in electronic form. In ten days, the data will be updated and will be in the register of Rospotrebnadzor.


Almost any citizen, especially an adult, can become an individual entrepreneur in Russia. However, for this you need to collect a significant package of documents.

In addition, individual entrepreneur status may be denied, so it is necessary to approach this issue as carefully as possible.

Citizens of 16 and even 14 years of age can also receive the status of an individual entrepreneur, but in this case it will be difficult to achieve, and subsequently a collapse of activity is possible, since customers may not be able to trust the young entrepreneur.

The matter is not limited to filing documents and becoming an individual entrepreneur. Further, it is necessary to perform many more manipulations, just to be admitted to work, what can we say about the activity itself.

You can learn how to become an individual entrepreneur from the video.

In contact with

Every entrepreneur has their own reasons for starting a business. But most agree on one thing: being an entrepreneur is cool. Market Domination Media founder Jonathan Long has written down 50 reasons why he finds running a business exciting.

  1. You control your destiny. You are in charge, you make the decisions that will lead you to success or bankruptcy. Nobody will tell you what to do.
  2. Entrepreneurs are innovators. Think about the problems that have arisen over the past five years. At first it was just an idea. Then an amazing person appeared who brought it to life - an entrepreneur.
  3. You become part of the family. Business culture is a big family. And if you need advice, this is the best place to find it.
  4. You control respect for your brand. The team of people you surround yourself with plays an important role in your success. You can select like-minded people who will share your passion for the cause.
  5. No dress code. You can at least wear a cap with the company logo at all times. Nobody will say anything. You are the leader and dress the way you want.
  6. You have the ability to change lives. If you have an idea for a product or service that can positively impact people's lives, go for it. Nobody can stop you.
  7. You are in complete control of your workplace. Do you work better in a creative environment? Do you need an office with marker-painted walls so you can draw on the walls? Or maybe you need a real express cafe in the office in order to maintain your tone with caffeine? Do it!
  8. You get a boost of energy that you will not find anywhere else. Nothing brings such adrenaline as achieving a goal and realizing that this is what you worked hard for.
  9. You serve as an example. You will be looked up to as an entrepreneur. You can be an example for family, friends, co-workers or members of the community. Your success will serve as a source of motivation and inspiration.
  10. You will never get bored. You will never be left without work. Chances are your to-do list will be very long. Every day there are new challenges and opportunities, so you will always be on your feet.
  11. Freedom to travel. While running a business, you can still travel thanks to modern technology, remote workers and the internet. It is quite possible to create a business while traveling at the same time.
  12. There is no age limit. Entrepreneurs start at a young age: some after college, some while still in high school. Even children of nine years old want to make tasty and healthy sweets.
  13. Your brain will work constantly. You are responsible for every business decision, whether it's the initial concept, branding, growth or goal setting.
  14. The pleasure of presenting yourself as a business owner. It is very nice to say something like “this is my company” and at the same time proudly turn up your nose. Business requires constant work, so these words tickle your lips pleasantly.
  15. No one to blame. In the event that something goes wrong, you cannot, as an entrepreneur, point your finger at someone and say that they are to blame for everything. Knowing that all my daily decisions affect my business is the best motivation for me.
  16. You don't feel underappreciated. If you have ideas to improve your business, you can apply them right away. You don't have to wait for someone higher up to take the time to listen to you.
  17. Create something from nothing. Every business starts with an idea. You can create everything from scratch.
  18. Possibility to make an improved mousetrap. Do you know how to make something better and more efficient? Do it!
  19. You get what you put in. If you want to work more than others, you will get more out of it. Want to see more growth and opportunity? Just work harder.
  20. The opportunity to give. The business owner may be involved in charities, support local schools or non-profit organizations. The opportunity to contribute provides an incomparable sense of satisfaction.
  21. Get healthier. Flexible schedule gives you the opportunity to play sports. Go to the gym in the morning, afternoon or evening - whenever you want.
  22. Enjoy your hobby. As long as you "do the job" and give 100%, in your free time you can do what you like: go to more sporting events, play more golf or fish more. As an entrepreneur, you can enjoy your hobbies more often.
  23. You contribute to the development of society. Through your product or service, you can directly impact society.
  24. No more nervously watching the clock. How often do people working a standard five-day week check the time? It is important for an entrepreneur to manage their time in a balanced way. Your day ends when you have taken care of everything.
  25. This will be one of the biggest challenges of your life. Leading a company during its growth can be a major challenge. But thanks to the obstacles on the way to success, you will have an experience that you will not get anywhere else.
  26. No hopeless career wheel. Imagine that at work you do the same thing day in and day out. As an entrepreneur, you don't have to worry about this. You do many things and play many roles during the day.
  27. Ability to change strategy. If things start to falter, you can change the business model. Imagine how many companies have disappeared because of the Internet. The survivors had good leaders who changed their strategy in time and adjusted the business model.
  28. You are working with great minds. As an entrepreneur, you have to work with very smart people from all over the world. You will get to know them by recruiting a team and building business relationships.
  29. You create a legacy. The opportunity to take a successful brand to the point where it can leave its own legacy seems attractive and motivates many entrepreneurs.
  30. Turn your passion and beliefs into a business. Are you a health and fitness freak? Become a nutrition consultant or open a fitness club. Through business, you can influence people by infecting them with your passion and beliefs.
  31. You can make people happy. Yes, she makes billions, but her products make her customers happy.
  32. You won't reach the ceiling. Some jobs have a growth limit that you can't rise above. The entrepreneur has no ceiling.
  33. It's nice to feel appreciated. It's nice to receive emails or calls from people who choose to let you know how your business has affected them.
  34. You are constantly learning. As an entrepreneur, you will continually learn lessons (some will come at a heavy cost). This is the invaluable education that you will not receive in school.
  35. No fear of downsizing or layoffs. Businesses are constantly cutting staff and laying off people. You may feel extremely stressed about this. Entrepreneurs have no problem with this.
  36. You don't need a degree. Paper won't get in your way. You don't need a university degree to start a business. Moreover, some well-known billionaires dropped out of their studies at the university.
  37. You can go beyond. No limits - create, invent and break patterns as you please. This is how great ideas are born.
  38. No boring meetings. Gone are the days of boring meetings. If you happen to find yourself in this situation, you have no one to blame but yourself.
  39. Satisfy your curiosity. Many entrepreneurs are concerned about whether their idea will work, whether they can turn it into a working business, whether they can be good leaders.
  40. Create your own corporate culture. You can do this based on your own beliefs. Want to let your employees work from home on Fridays? Do you want to organize a children's room right in the office so that employees can bring their children to work? Develop a corporate culture that will help you build all the conditions for success.
  41. Experiencing personal growth. It's nice to look back and realize how much you've grown. The growth and success of the enterprise directly depends on the personal growth of the entrepreneur.
  42. You become an expert problem solver. As a business owner, you will become much more resourceful over time, learn to overcome any obstacles and solve any problems that arise.
  43. It doesn't seem to work. Some will disagree with this idea. But this only means that they have not found a favorite pastime for themselves. Once you discover what you love, you will never treat it like a job again.
  44. Endless life path. You will visit new places, meet new people and so on. What for someone is a business conference, for you it is an opportunity to visit another country and meet people you would not otherwise meet.
  45. You become thick-skinned. You will be knocked down. But you will learn to take the hits and keep going your own way. So you will become much stronger as a person and an entrepreneur.
  46. You can "go all out". When, believing in something, you put all your wealth and finances on the line, you get an indescribable thrill from action.
  47. You evaluate your own performance: sales, team spirit, growth and customer feedback can all be used to measure your performance. And this is not the same as a person with a tablet and a list of questions to assess productivity.
  48. You start competing with yourself. Entrepreneurs are rivals by nature. Is the goal of continuous improvement and growth? Turn it into your personal competition. Can you make more contacts today than yesterday? And to motivate the team to exceed yesterday's performance?
  49. It allows you to dream so much more. If you are an entrepreneur, no idea is too crazy, no goal is too big. Think as big as you want!
  50. You don't need luck. Luck has nothing to do with success, and such thoughts hinder its achievement.

How to become an entrepreneur?

How to become an entrepreneur? Many people ask themselves this question at some point in their lives. The reasons for this may be dissatisfaction with their main place of work, or because of the appearance of some tempting business idea, or other reasons for this. In particular, those people who want to do their own, new, interesting things, including to feel freedom, want to become entrepreneurs.

What does it take to become an entrepreneur?

In order to become an entrepreneur First of all, you need a great desire. The desire to be an entrepreneur is the biggest factor in your success. Since such factors as: the ability to come up with brilliant business ideas, higher education (or two higher ones), connections, good initial capital, talent, etc. Of course, they are only a plus, but they are not the main ones. Having a great desire, you just need to act, using the trial and error method, while not stopping to go to the bitter end.

Before opening your own business, you need to understand the niche that you have chosen, study it thoroughly and know all the pitfalls. It is best if this niche is your profession or hobby. For example, you love fishing, and you had an idea to offer something new for people who are fond of fishing, but no one offers it yet.

What to do? Search for an idea for a business.

Before becoming an entrepreneur you need to know what you will be doing! What business to do? What services to provide? What to produce? What is the best business idea? - here is a list of questions that torment future entrepreneurs. I would like to immediately give advice: if you want to open your own enterprise that would function successfully, then you do not need to pay attention to banal ideas, such as “open a stall near the house”, “make a tire fitting shop”, etc. and so on. Why create it when it's already enough? No, no one dissuades you, open if you want. But there are simply a huge number of ideas and ways to create a more or less unique business, which is not yet highly developed in your city, region, and even country. And creating such a business will allow you to develop entrepreneurial skills, extract the most profit, and enjoy the process.

Where to find the best way for business? Try looking around! What do people need? What do they want but don't have yet, and what might be in demand? Walk around the city to shopping centers, look at the newspapers, maybe you will see an opportunity for yourself. Usually, when a person tunes in to search for the necessary information, he will definitely find it. Ask people, acquaintances, friends, yourself in the end, asking questions like - "what product or service do I need, but they are not provided here." Or what already exists in the place where you live, but you can do it much better, for example, in terms of the quality of goods or the quality of service. After all, in fact, competition in Russia is, by and large, just a terrible word that scares everyone away. Real entrepreneurs are not afraid of competition, but are looking for ways to be more successful in their niche. Therefore, you should not be afraid, but you just need to act, become unique, which is not as difficult as it seems.

You can also look for ideas on the Internet, the network is full of sites with business ideas that people from all over the country send. The disadvantage of these ideas is that they can be undeveloped and unlivable. Therefore, here you will have to seriously select possible ideas, and check for performance, identifying pitfalls.

It is also worth looking on the Internet for various business technologies, all kinds of techniques, methods and even equipment. Pay attention to all kinds of business proposals from companies that themselves are engaged in some kind of business, and also offer technology (possibly equipment and consumables). Especially if this business is not in your area, then you should pay close attention to such proposals, not forgetting to test such a business for relevance.

Franchising. Another way to open your own business, which is good in that you are offered a ready-made methodology, product (if this is a retail company), methods and a complete guide on opening and running this business (which premises to choose, how to recruit staff, etc.). The difference between franchising and the simple business proposals discussed above is that the company represents not only the methodology, technologies and methods, but also the right to use its brand and corporate identity (which may not always be popular). But franchising requires large financial investments, and possibly some kind of monthly deductions or percentages from sales. Today, there are quite a lot of franchise offers (a package with a methodology, technologies, etc.), from a variety of industries, many of them are actually very interesting. And also their cost varies from several tens of thousands of rubles to several million dollars. Aspiring entrepreneurs with various initial investment amounts can choose the best franchise offer for themselves, while gaining vast experience.

Bringing an idea to life.

As many great businessmen say, “An idea in itself is worth nothing, even the best one”, in fact it is, the main thing is its implementation, implementation. You have to work so that the idea that you have chosen can earn and bring you profit as a result. Here you will need an assessment of the viability of this idea, the search for all possible pitfalls, risk assessment, customer search and much more. Drawing up a business plan is of course the main point, but you should not get carried away with it, calculate everything to the smallest detail, and take into account unnecessary facts. And even more so, you will not succeed, since a professional business plan is created by professionals who do this. A business plan with a simple business idea that describes all your activities will be enough for you.

Mistakes of new entrepreneurs.

Some people who want to become entrepreneurs try to completely get rid of their old way of life, "burning bridges" so to speak. And if failure overtakes them, then they receive a serious blow, because of their inexperience. Firstly, if you have a job, then you should not leave it immediately, as soon as you open your business without having cash reserves for several months in advance. Yes, the business brings money, but when you just opened, there will not be much profit, and if you “burn out”, then you will not lose money for living. Second, don't take loans. Especially if you are just a novice entrepreneur, since you do not have much experience and you can lose it all, plus if you mortgaged an apartment, then this will be a serious blow. Of course, “Risk is a noble cause”, and an entrepreneur must be able to take risks, but if he is an experienced entrepreneur who is very confident that he will succeed. Third, don't listen to anyone. Even close relatives and friends, with their "good" advice and horror stories about business that can lead you astray. If you have 100% inner confidence, then do as your heart tells you. Many prominent entrepreneurs (in particular, Andrei Korkunov, Oleg Tinkov and others) did just that, and did not go bankrupt. Fourthly, first the registration of the enterprise, then everything else. It is possible to search for clients and suppliers with personnel even before opening a legal entity. Many people think that it is better to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC first, and then look for clients. Whatever the case, customers are top priorities. At the same time, evaluate the demand for your products / services. And fifthly - “no one will do better than me”, this is actually not the case, do not be afraid to look for people and delegate to them the execution of all or most of the work. Remember, an entrepreneur is one who TAKES, that is, he keeps in mind the structure of the functioning of his business, and creates conditions for increasing efficiency. But an entrepreneur is not like a person who is engaged in production, sales, advertising, etc. simultaneously. Such spraying of great success will not bring you, and will quickly beat off all interest in your business!

Entrepreneurship involves an active and independent activity for the production of goods or services aimed at making a profit. Each businessman conducts his own business at his own peril and risk. This means that only he himself will determine his goals and is responsible for the results of the enterprise.

Are you ready to take full responsibility for your life? This is a question you need to answer before you get started on your business plan, fundraising, and product development. It often happens that a novice entrepreneur follows fashion or imitates one of his friends or good acquaintances. And then, in practice, he is convinced that the best option for him was and remains a job for hire.

Objectively assess your business qualities. An entrepreneur is a person who is prone to reasonable risk, has developed self-control and the ability to plan his activities. Business requires initiative and activity. An important quality of an entrepreneur is the ability to "take a hit", to resist an aggressive environment in which everyone strives to win.

Even highly successful entrepreneurs experience setbacks and serious financial losses from time to time.

If your decision to become an entrepreneur is a deliberate one, not a momentary one, take the first steps towards future success. Try to immediately tune in to a long and serious work that does not tolerate lazy and indecisive people.

The first steps of a budding entrepreneur

Determine for yourself the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity where you feel most confident. It is best if your business is directly related to your main profession or life interests. Remember that your own business will take up almost all your free time, especially at the first stage. Therefore, it will be difficult for you to maintain your motivation by doing something in which you have no interest.

Think about what the product or service you will bring to market will be. The product does not have to be something unique. You can easily make yourself known in the market of already existing products if you can build an effective system of production and distribution of products that distinguishes you from competitors.

The winner in the market is the one who is able to offer the consumer a cheaper and better product that satisfies the urgent need of the client.

Make a detailed business plan for the future enterprise. The better you do this part of the work, the more likely you are to find initial funding for the project. But even if you plan to use your own savings to start a business, the plan will provide an opportunity to put everything on the shelves and not miss important details, each of which can become both a success factor and the cause of the collapse of your undertaking.

Give your business an official status. The easiest option is to register an individual enterprise by registering it with the tax authority at your place of residence. The registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur is extremely simple and takes no more than a week. Once you receive a certificate of registration, you will be able to fully carry out actions aimed at achieving the goals of your business. From now on, the success of your business will depend only on your initiative, hard work and ability to organize other people into a well-coordinated work team.

For every extraordinary person, endowed with the ability to earn money in a different way than the majority of officially employed, the society presses mercilessly. This is because “it is not customary for us”, “everyone works - and you work”, “you will be left without a pension, you are guaranteed a hungry old age”, etc. A way out of the situation is possible: opening an individual entrepreneur, that is, registering with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur. The seniority in this case will go from the date of registration, and social guarantees for a comfortable old age are provided. Ideal for freelancers.

The opening of an individual entrepreneur is also relevant for those people who already have an official place of work: the status of a legal entity provides new business opportunities and allows you to additionally attract third-party investor capital. There are many advantages, and for each type of activity, for each individual entrepreneur, they have their own.

We present you a step-by-step instruction for opening an IP from scratch.

A package of documents for opening an IP

By the way, about the types of activities. The OKVED classifier contains a complete list of them, and before writing an application, you will need to familiarize yourself with it and select several types “for yourself”. It is better to choose a few, with a perspective on the future. This foresight will help you save money: in the future, when adding (changing) OKVED codes, you will be required to pay a state duty. The very first OKVED you choose must correspond to the main type of activity, the rest - additional or related. If in doubt, you can consult a specialist.

The correct choice of OKVED is not a mere formality: there are a number of activities for which an entrepreneur can be provided with some preferential conditions for his business activities. Therefore, it is in your interests to approach this matter with all responsibility.

The application is filled out in the form P21001 (you can take it from the tax office or download it on the Internet). Your personal data and pre-selected OKVED codes are entered there. If you submit the application yourself (not by mail or through a proxy), then the signature can not be certified by a notary, although in order to avoid filling out errors (and there can be many of them, despite the seeming simplicity of the document), it is still recommended to contact this specialist . It will cost several hundred rubles: a quite reasonable price in exchange for ensuring that the application is accepted the first time. Copies of all pages of the passport should also be certified there.

The state duty for opening an individual entrepreneur is now 800 rubles. This payment can be made at any branch of the bank, the main thing is not to lose the receipt. So, what does the package of documents submitted to the tax office include:

  • IP registration application;
  • Copies of all pages of the passport (including empty ones);
  • Copy of TIN (if any);
  • Receipt for payment of contribution to the treasury, that is, state duty.

If you do not have a TIN, then in parallel you can apply for registration, although usually this document is done when the IP registration is already underway (within 5 days after the submission of the corresponding application), or even after registration is completed. This point can be clarified with an employee of the tax inspectorate.

IP registration application

Please note: you need to submit documents to the IFTS according to your registration address, that is, taking into account the territorial affiliation of the tax. Otherwise, your application will be rejected and you will lose time.

So, the reasons for the refusal to register an IP:

  • The wrong body of the IFTS was selected;
  • Documents are incorrectly drawn up;
  • Not the entire package of documents has been submitted;
  • One year has not passed since the day you were declared bankrupt (for the previous type of economic activity);
  • The ban imposed on your business activities by the court is in force.

In addition, for a person who has not reached the age of majority, there must be a conclusion of the court or guardianship authorities, indicating that he has reached the state of full legal capacity. The marriage of a person under the age of 18 is also considered a condition for providing the opportunity to open an individual entrepreneur.

In all other cases, subject to consultation with a notary on filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you are guaranteed a positive response. The deadline for registering an individual entrepreneur in the tax office is five working days. You will receive two documents: OGRNIP and EGRIP plus TIN, if a corresponding application was submitted. They can be handed over to you either in person or by mail at the place of residence. It is better, of course, to pick up such securities yourself.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur in the tax

Next, you will need to decide on the tax system. Many individual entrepreneurs choose the simplified tax system (simplified), but pay attention to the fact that since 2013 it has been called the patent taxation system. If you plan to work closely with companies that take into account VAT in prices, then you are better off choosing OSN (main system). Then the income tax will not be 6%, as in the case of the "simplified", but 13%. Plus property tax, personal income tax, VAT and other deductions. However, if you plan to hire more than 15 employees, DOS is unavoidable. UTII ("imputation") is now rarely used, this issue is resolved in the municipality.

If you choose the simplified tax system, and at the same time your expenses (according to estimates) will be 60% of income or more, then it makes sense to choose a tax not of 6%, but of 5-15%. Then the rate will be calculated individually and multiplied not by the amount of profit, but by the difference between income and expenses. On this issue, it makes sense to consult an economist.

When choosing a taxation system other than the DOS, which is applied by default, you will need to write an appropriate application, and within a few days the procedure will be completed. You will then acquire tax reporting obligations as part of your business activities.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund

After receiving the relevant documents, you will need to apply to the pension fund. The tax office will inform you about the "birth" of a new entrepreneur immediately, but you will need to come in order to clarify the amount of mandatory monthly insurance premiums, which will ensure your retirement future. To obtain the necessary details, you will need copies of the following documents:

  • OGRN;
  • USRIP;
  • SNILS;
  • Passport.

If you hire employees (become an official employer), then an employment contract, a work book and SNILS (payer certificate) are additionally provided to the PF, and in addition, you will also have to register with the FSS. You can register with the FSS (social insurance) even if you personally need vacation, maternity leave or sick leave. In a word, registration with the FSS provides additional social guarantees. Contributions to both the PF and the FSS can be paid either every month, or immediately pay the amount for the entire year. The staff will help you calculate it. The total payment is usually a little over 1000 rubles.

Do you need a business account?

Additionally, you will have to register with Rosstat. It will also take a maximum of several days, and at the end of the procedure you will receive an extract that you will need to present at the bank when opening a current account (r / s) of an individual entrepreneur. R / s is not a prerequisite for registering an individual entrepreneur, however, if you plan to receive significant amounts from counterparties under one contract, the law obliges you to this formality. Yes, and it will be more convenient for you. After opening a bank account, you will be connected to the client-bank service for convenient payments (and their acceptance) by bank transfer.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship?

If you do everything yourself, then the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur will not exceed more than 2,000 rubles, including state duty and overhead costs (notary, photocopies, etc.). If you open a settlement account, then add another 800 rubles. A simple seal without a coat of arms will cost 300 rubles.

If you contact an office that will do everything for you, then opening an IP will cost you 5000-7000 tr.

It is done

After all the formalities have been settled, you can safely proceed to exercise your rights as an individual entrepreneur, without forgetting, however, about your obligations. In the case of choosing the simplified tax system, it is quite possible to conduct tax reporting independently, the same applies to UTII, but entrepreneurs usually hire an accountant to work on the main system. Depending on the chosen system, the duration of the reporting period may be different: once a month, once a quarter or once a year.

Video about step-by-step registration as an individual entrepreneur:

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