Results of implementing the ERP BAAN system at industrial enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries. ERP for machine-building enterprises Application of erp system at a machine-building enterprise

Today, in terms of production management tasks, we have two paradigms. One of them is to draw up optimal schedules for the operation of technological equipment in workshops. This task is solved with the help of appropriate tools - at the shop level with the help of MES systems (Manufacturing Execution Systems) and at the enterprise level with the help of APS systems (Advanced Planning & Scheduling Systems). The initial data for product planning are based on the technological processes of manufactured products (TP) and the timing of their release.

The second paradigm of enterprise management is business process management (BP). Business processes usually include all processes in an enterprise that do not belong to technological processes. These include design processes, development of technological processes, production preparation, all operational activities of warehouse, logistics and other services of the enterprise. The choice of tools for the process of power supply management is quite wide - from individual software shells that support either IDEF notations or the universal language UML (Unified Modeling Language), to the corresponding modules of ERP systems (Enterprise resource planning).

If production management as scheduling the operation of technological equipment is a well-studied task that can be automated and controlled over time, then the tasks of power supply management are currently still at the stage of development, at the stage of formalization of description and regulation. This is explained quite simply. The processes of regulation and formalization of TP have stood the test of time; the image of the formal presentation of TP has been worked out for almost a whole century. Thanks to this, TP described in one country can be easily understood by specialists from another country. Concepts such as operation, transitions, machined surfaces, cutting and measuring tools, machine tool equipment, processing order and modes, operational and route map - everything that constitutes the essence and form of process technology has long been understood unambiguously by all specialists in the field of mechanical engineering. And this fact makes it easy to plan TP, since all the necessary parameters are known - the number of operations of each TP, composition, duration, required resources and other parameters.

With regard to BP, attempts at management and planning are only being made, as already mentioned, at the level of process regulation. The constructions used to describe the BP in the notations IDEF0, IDEF3, etc. serve to describe individual processes. With the help of these constructions it is possible to understand the logic of only one process under consideration - composition, order, precedence conditions, required resources, but with the help of these constructions it is impossible to create a model for managing n processes over time. And such processes, even if all technical processes are excluded, in a large enterprise there may be up to several thousand. In this case, the same resource can be involved in several operations of different processes. Which of these processes should be completed first? What happens if we allow some delay in the execution of one or another BP? How to take into account resources when planning business processes?

Many questions arise and we see that in order to manage business processes, it is necessary not only to find them at the enterprise and regulate them, for example, in the process of implementing an ERP system. It is necessary to take them into account in the general production planning model and obtain a schedule for the BP over time. BP management should be subject to the same management paradigm as TP management - time planning.

Managing any processes in an enterprise consists of sequentially solving three tasks:
1) Drawing up a complete list of processes at the enterprise.
2) Regulation of processes.
3) Planning processes over time.

From a planning point of view, all processes, including technological processes (production of products in the workshops of an enterprise) are equivalent to each other, since any process can be represented as a set of operations (stages), each operation can be associated with one or another resource for execution.

Since the problems of determining a set of TPs and their regulation have been solved, at the first stage it is necessary to solve similar problems for BPs. The task of compiling a complete list of BP should be solved by analyzing all orders of the enterprise on its structural and functional diagram (Fig. 1).

In this case, the order life cycle is subject to analysis. The entire path that the order goes through is tracked, from the request from the customer to the shipment of the finished product, and at each stage, for each department through which the order passes, the composition of the BP associated with this particular order is determined. Having analyzed all incoming applications, it is possible to determine the composition and power of the entire set of power supply units.

In fact, most BP arises as a consequence of the need to perform TP, i.e. the implementation of most BP can be attributed to the TP configuration.
By the task of completing the TP and the corresponding planning units (PU) in the tasks of drawing up work schedules for an enterprise, we will understand the procedure that is responsible for the fact that for the production of a given PU we have available: all the necessary materials, all technological and auxiliary resources, all components, all equipment, all tools, all standards and all documentation. If all this is available, then the production of this unit can be safely planned in time. This procedure must be carried out in relation to the entire composition of the launch nomenclature, which will subsequently be operated by the APS system.

Fig.1. Order life cycle analysis

Despite the obviousness of this seemingly simple picking procedure, the overall planning task for APS systems very often turns into a kind of snowball that grows as the range of products intended for launch is analyzed. Let us consider these problems in detail.

Let's say that we have a certain EP e i (Fig. 2), represented by the technological process in the form of a set of operations { e ij , j=1,...,pi } . For each operation, the necessary resources to perform it are known: resources, equipment, tools, fixtures, components, documentation, etc. During the assembly process, when checking any j-th operation, it may turn out that it requires a special tool that cannot be purchased in due to its uniqueness, and therefore must be manufactured earlier than the jth operation begins according to plan. On the j+1th operation it may turn out that it requires a special device and this device is not only not available, but it is not even designed. And finally, at any kth operation, the analysis will show that, firstly, it is necessary to purchase standard components that are not in the enterprise’s warehouse, and there is no special measuring tool that has yet to be developed and manufactured. All that we indicated as the missing resources for performing technological operations - our EPs - must be provided by the time they begin.

Fig.2. Planning unit picking processes

We see that even one TP for manufacturing a unit can give rise to many other processes - business processes, auxiliary production processes. The simplest way to achieve the goal of timely provision of resources to any PU is to plan in time only the TP of the PU under consideration and postpone the duration of all other processes on the time axis to the left so that the end times of all auxiliary processes do not exceed the start times of the corresponding technological operations of the PU. But, unfortunately, this can only be done on paper. Since all auxiliary planning units and processes in relation to TP are performed by people, specialists, and machines, who are also employed at the current time. This means that it is necessary to plan not only the many product ranges of the order portfolio. All processes are subject to time planning in APS systems, both the main ones related to MUs from the order portfolio, and auxiliary ones, without which it is not possible to produce these MUs.

Consequently, the set of PUs, after the configuration procedure, will consist of PUs received both from part-assembly units (DSE) and from all other works, the list of which was determined at the configuration stage, i.e.

Where M - many units from the order portfolio for APS, M K , M T , M b , M V , - sets of EP associated, respectively, with such auxiliary processes as: design, technological, various business processes, auxiliary production processes.

The entire set of OUs for the planning process in APS can be reflected accordingly, taking into account the configuration:

Where is the set of work centers (WC) of the enterprise used to produce the products of the order portfolio, N K , N T , N b , N V , - a set of such service devices (OU), such as: designers, technologists, specialists involved in business processes, DCs involved only in auxiliary production, respectively.

It should be taken into account that in addition to the above-mentioned BPs related to the production of products, there are a number of BPs that are not directly related to production and the release of the enterprise’s order portfolio.

In addition to BP related to production, there are a number of BP related to the functioning and life support of the enterprise. Such processes include:
- preventive and scheduled repairs of equipment (PPR);
- processes for providing the enterprise with electricity and repairing energy networks and electrical automation equipment;
- processes of heat supply, water supply and similar processes;
- processes of construction and repair of buildings and communications of the enterprise;
- and other processes.

These processes, which at first glance are not always related to the main production, also need to be planned in the total body of work, i.e. be taken into account in large quantities over a certain planning horizon, since it may turn out that due to repairs, a particular production site may have a reduced time fund at a certain time. Or it may turn out that workshop adjusters are involved in preventive maintenance activities, i.e. A case may arise when certain resources will be involved both in the group of power supply systems related to production and in the life support power supply systems of the enterprise. Thus, taking into account these BPs, our sets (1) and (2) will be rewritten accordingly

Where M y - many power supply units not directly related to production and auxiliary power supply units, and Ny - a set of op-amps on which it is planned to execute a set M y .

The entire set of processes can be presented enlarged in Fig. 3, where it can be seen that, along with TP, which can be the initiators of several different business processes - from design design and ordering materials to production processes for manufacturing tools or equipment, there are BP that do not intersect with others . In this case, the generation of BP can occur hierarchically - when the BP necessary for the manufacture of the main product generates new BP, i.e. Several levels of subordinate power supply units may appear.

All BPs related to the same i-th order from the total order portfolio have one thing in common - the moment of order delivery. This greatly simplifies the task in the sense that it becomes clear that the order of execution of any BP generated by orders depends, first of all, on the delivery date of the order itself. The only thing that needs to be added to the planning model is the precedence relations between individual BPs (in Fig. 3 this is shown by arrows connecting individual BPs), for example, for our case (see Fig. 2) the following entries will be valid: And . In order to ensure in such a complex structure of processes their timeliness relative to the production time of the main DSE, there is no need to set target dates for the remaining auxiliary processes. It is enough that the planning model will include a target release date for the DSE itself.

It should be noted that the appearance of all BP at the enterprise is due to certain orders.

After we receive the complete set of processes (3) and OS - (4), and all these processes have passed the regulation stage, we can begin to plan them. For planning all processes at the enterprise level, APS systems can be the most convenient tool.

Fig.3. Hierarchy of enterprise business processes

The planning task in APS systems, taking into account the presented configuration method, becomes somewhat more complicated when, according to the results of the TP analysis, certain DSEs require such preliminary support as the development and design of unique equipment and tools, as was presented in our example (see Fig. .2).

The fact is that until the design is developed, the TP is not developed, until the TP is developed indicating the exact time standards for operations, it is impossible to start planning operations.

An even bigger problem arises when the enterprise receives third-party orders that require the development of the design and technological process of the product itself. At the same time, the APS system is required to determine in a short period the possibility of fulfilling an order within the time frame specified by the customer, or to determine the possible timing of issuing a finished order. In these cases, it is recommended to use integrated processes and time standards for all stages - design, technological and production, based on the processes of similar products that have already been produced by the enterprise previously. At the same time, it is advisable to include a certain safety margin in the time standards. If this is not possible, then before you start planning such orders, you must first develop the design and technical specifications of the product, and only then begin its planning. In this case, the general order is essentially divided into two orders, where the first order is the development of the design and technical specifications, and the second order is the manufacture of the product.

The diagram of such a comprehensive plan will include all OUs, as the main ones - RCs on a set N , and auxiliary (Fig. 4).

Fig.4. General Gantt chart for APS systems

In the future, this large schedule must be divided into separate schedules - for main production, for auxiliary production, for design and technological departments, for other services of the enterprise participating in the general production plan on sets (3 - 4).

All private schedules will be compiled with the same accuracy, since they are part of the general schedule. Each department will work in accordance with its own schedule, but the accuracy of this schedule will directly affect the overall work schedule of the enterprise. These features increase the requirements both for the planning algorithms of APS systems in terms of their accuracy, and for the processes of standardizing all work, and the discipline of implementing private work schedules. In addition, the main requirement for full planning using APS class systems is the scientific validity and reliability of all time standards, both for technological and for all operations associated with auxiliary processes.

Thus, we can say that any BP appears either as a consequence of the need to carry out production processes associated with the manufacture of products, or as a consequence of the need to maintain the life of the enterprise.

As a result of planning, we will receive a complete picture of the execution of all enterprise processes over time. In this case, each division of the enterprise receives its own schedule (see Fig. 4), which is connected with the schedules of other divisions, although at first glance it may seem independent. In this case, the implementation of the plan by each division of the enterprise must be subject to a general planning criterion, for example, the criterion of maximizing the profit of the enterprise. If there are different private criteria for each department, the planning problem is solved as the problem of creating a schedule for several workshops with a heterogeneous set of criteria included in the general functionality of the planning model.

2010 Zagidullin Ravil Rustem-bekovich,
doc. tech. sciences, prof. Department of ATP of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University


1. Zagidullin R.R. Operational scheduling in flexible production systems. - M.: MAI Publishing House. - 2004, - 208 p.
2. Zagidullin R.R., Zoriktuev V.Ts. Issues of operational scheduling and management in mechanical engineering. Mechatronics, Automation, Control, - 2005, - No. 8, - P.49 - 55.
3. Eliferov V.G., Repin V.V. Business processes: Regulation and management. M.: INFRA-M. - 2009, - 319 p.
4. Zagidullin R.R. Construction of models of intershop schedules in subsystems of operational scheduling of automated production. STEEN, - 2004, - No. 8, - P.3 - 8.

Implementation of an ERP system at a machine-building enterprise: goals, strategy, experience

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Implementation of an ERP system at a machine-building enterprise: goals, strategy, experience. PromIT '13 Minsk May 21, 2013. Contents. 1. About EPAM Systems. 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project. 3. Strategy for implementing an ERP system. 4 . Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects.

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Implementation of an ERP system at a machine-building enterprise: goals, strategy, experience

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    Enterprises Impact of the ERP system Impact Indicators Produce what the market needs Meet and reduce order deadlines Produce quality products Provide quality service Release new products on time Revenue Optimize finished goods inventories Optimize work in progress Optimize material inventories Shorten the production cycle (reduce production delays) Working capital needs means Optimize purchasing costs Optimize production costs Reduce inventory storage costs Costs

    High-quality planning Principles of planning Objectives Maintain and reduce order deadlines The production schedule of the GP must correspond to the shipment schedule, reduce the intervals between deliveries (split large deliveries into several smaller ones). The production schedule for batches of DSU must correspond to the production schedule of GP (prevent premature production of DSU), and be produced in smaller batches. The schedule for the release of materials into production must correspond to the schedule for the production of DSE (avoid premature release of materials), release them in smaller batches. The schedule for purchasing materials must correspond to the schedule for releasing them into production (avoid premature purchases), and purchase in smaller batches. Optimize finished product inventories Optimize WIP volumes Optimize material inventories Shorten the production cycle (reduce production delays) Optimize purchasing costs Optimize production costs Reduce inventory storage costs

    Flow Sales Supply Production GP Warehouses MTO Warehouses Suppliers Buyers Mechanical processing production Assembly production Procurement production Fulfill the shipment schedule with minimal GP stocks. Carry out the production schedule of GP (evenly) with minimal volumes of work in progress and materials inventories. Do not allow the formation of premature reserves - do not divert resources, do not work to create “blood clots”.

    High-quality planning Enterprise management using an ERP system - Effective management based on resource planning By linking the planning of sales, production, purchasing and financial flows, you can increase production volume with the same or even less volume of working capital. High-quality operational scheduling of production tasks, capacities and logistics will allow you to reduce the lead time for fulfilling customer orders, while simultaneously reducing warehouse stocks and work in progress, and ultimately reduce costs in production, procurement, and warehouses. Result Increased profit Increased market value of the enterprise

    1. About EPAM Systems 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project 3. ERP system implementation strategy 4. Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects 5. RDS-EPAM solution

    The management of the enterprise wants to increase the viability of the business and understands that it is necessary to improve business processes. Business processes change based on progressive methodologies and the potential of IT systems that implement these methodologies. Option 1 Option 2 The company has a strategy for increasing efficiency. A new methodology for planning and production management is being developed, business processes are being reengineered with maximum use of the best global practices. Automation is performed on the basis of the standard functionality of the ERP system that implements these practices. The company does not have a clear strategy for increasing efficiency. The existing methodology for planning and production management, and the current organization of business processes are automated. The standard functionality of the ERP system changes significantly and/or non-standard functionality is developed. Successful completion Business project IT project Return on investment

    Business reorganizations as part of ERP implementation Design Development Implementation Operation Corporate strategy Functional strategy IT strategy Analysis of current business efficiency Business consulting Assessment of economic efficiency from implementation Target model of business processes Organizational structure System of performance indicators Functioning of the Competence Center Formation of the Central Committee Conceptual design of the IT system Development Research and development information Prototype creation IT consulting Prototype integration Solution development Testing and stabilization Replication Integration and other IT initiatives Carrying out changes in business processes, organizational structure and user training Program management Risk management and quality control Program management center

    Example: Functional area - Production management and logistics Prerequisites The enterprise strategy contains the task of developing production management. A production top manager has been appointed as the head of the program for the development of production management. Activities Determine performance indicators whose values ​​are not satisfactory to the company's management. Determine target values ​​for these indicators. Identify negative situations in current production and supply planning and management processes that need to be addressed. Develop a target methodology for planning and managing production and supply, based on “best world practices” (international experience). Develop a set of performance indicators for the new methodology. Develop an IT system development strategy to provide information support for the target methodology for production planning and management. Approve the decision of the board of directors to switch to a new methodology. Train managers and specialists on the new methodology. Develop target business process models. Develop and approve a plan for the transition to new business process models, including the implementation of appropriate SAP ERP functionality for these business processes.

    ERP systems Master data Registration of purchase agreements Registration of sales agreements Production and supply planning Sales orders Purchase orders Warehouse stocks State production plan Production orders Deployment by workshops/factories? Transfer requisitions Purchase requisitions Planned production orders

    Solutions Service maintenance Manufacturing KTP Supply Sales Continuous production Discrete production Production to warehouse Assembly to order Production to order Single custom production Project production…

    1. About EPAM Systems 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project 3. ERP system implementation strategy 4. Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects 5. RDS-EPAM solution

    Organizational scale Controlling area - 1 Company codes - 24 Plants - 27 Warehouses >500 Shops involved in main production (MRP areas) >50

    Costs Settlements with suppliers Settlements with buyers Financial assets Income Expenses Results Supporting processes: Quality management Personnel management Maintenance management Project management SAP implementation on Gomselmash software Functional scale Included in the project scale ENTERPRISE Project development Strategic planning and analysis of enterprise activities Technical preparation of production Long-term ( for the year) planning of production, purchases and costs Purchasing (execution and accounting) Sales (execution and accounting) Inventories of materials. GP inventories Operational planning of production and supply Supplies of materials (raw materials, services) Supplies of products (products, services) SUPPLIERS Production (execution and accounting) CONSUMERS WIP semi-finished products

    Calculation of costs for a product Sales - Production - Costs - Results Start of the planning procedure Analysis of planned expenses and income Planning results Sales planning Planned cost of production and sales Product sales plan Manufacturing option Technical map Specification Production planning Production plan Planned volume of work Planned volume of purchases Planned tariffs of work Cost planning (cost centers, types of work)

    1. About EPAM Systems 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project 3. ERP system implementation strategy 4. Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects 5. RDS-EPAM solution

    Problems of manufacturing enterprises Advantages of SAP RDS for business Effective use of standard business processes pre-configured for a manufacturing enterprise Ensuring transparency and efficiency of business processes Unification of business processes Management and control of production processes Conducting business in a single flexible corporate information system Rapid adaptation of users and increasing their productivity work, minimizing costs for personnel training Reducing overall investment risks associated with the RDS project - Rapid Deployment Solutions - Rapid Deployment Solutions

    RDS solution Quick results, thanks to standard business processes with pre-configured system functionality containing everything that is needed to manage a manufacturing enterprise SAP authority Stable technology Powerful solution Seamless integration Developed support system Fast and cost-effective Well-defined scope Pre-configured business processes and documents for knowledge transfer Predefined implementation methodology with tools and accelerators Launch into commercial operation within up to 19 weeks Cost-effective Affordable pricing model Attractive services at fixed prices Reduced implementation time, costs and risks Reduced resource requirements for business and IT departments

    SAP combines software and services into a new offering that gives you the business functionality you need quickly and affordably SAP Software RDS Implementation Software: SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 SPS03 RDS Operations Software: SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 SPS04 SAP Standard Methodology for RDS Implementation Pre-configured business processes SAP Best Practices Package of documents, instructions, accelerators

    LLC "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - URALTRAK"- a machine-building enterprise for the development and production of wheeled and tracked road construction equipment (bulldozers, pipe layers, front-end loaders, mini tractors), internal combustion engines, spare parts and other high-tech engineering products. The company is part of the structure of OJSC Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod. He is a member of the Association of Defense Industry Enterprises of the Chelyabinsk Region.

    Automation goals

    The key task that the plant needed to solve at the time of the start of work was the creation of a unified business management system. Therefore, it was decided to automate and standardize all processes and regulatory reference information of the enterprise, introducing a single comprehensive management system "Galaktika ERP" .

    The project was implemented by the Ural regional branch of the Galaktika corporation.


    Collaboration with the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant began in 2012. Pre-project work included determining the goals of the work, a detailed examination of the enterprise’s business processes, studying the features of its work, and fixing key tasks. The implementation of the Galaktika ERP system itself began in 2014.

    The functions of accounting for the acquisition of inventory, works and services were automated, as well as accounting for the receipt of inventory items from suppliers, material accounting in terms of the movement of inventory items in warehouses and in a number of workshops of auxiliary production, accounting for settlements with accountable persons, currency settlements and calculation of exchange rate differences. A special feature of the project was the painless integration of business processes of a large industrial enterprise into an ERP system, including the use of proprietary software. For example, the integration of operations for the movement of inventory items through warehouses for workshops and specifications of contracts with suppliers, which are recorded in the existing software, has been implemented.

    A partner of the Galaktika Corporation, the Business Service company, took part in working with the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - URALTRAK.


    The use of the Galaktika ERP system allowed the company to reduce data processing time. This has a positive effect on the speed and correctness of management decisions, which increases the efficiency of the plant as a whole. In total, during the first stage of the project, about 10 areas of accounting were automated, the number of users at the time of completion of the work was about 120.

    01/30/2008, Wed, 15:01, Moscow time , Text: Andrey Arsentiev

    In the Russian mechanical engineering industry, over the past 5 years, 387 ERP projects have been implemented based on products from 14 vendors. Almost 40% of the market in unit terms was occupied by the 1C company. Experts note that domestic solutions have grown in functionality, and local players with extensive expertise are leading in the field of ERP implementation in the industry. Basically, machine builders focus on simple solutions and rarely order an ERP project costing more than $500 thousand.

    Over the past 5 years, 387 projects have been implemented in the Russian mechanical engineering industry to implement ERP systems (corporate information systems). Such data is contained in a study by the Tadviser Center. In total, customers used systems from 14 vendors. As it turned out, solutions from 1C are the most popular; its share in unit terms was 39.5% (TAdviser only includes “1C UPP 8.x” solutions from 1C as ERP-class systems). In total, 153 projects were implemented based on 1C solutions. At the same time, a number of analysts and market participants emphasize that 1C solutions are not suitable for real mechanical engineering, when, for example, it is necessary to maintain specifications for complex products, organize new routes, plan and balance capacities.

    In second place in terms of the number of projects in mechanical engineering are the solutions of the American company Infor 74 projects. This is not least due to the fact that the once very popular BaanERP system currently belongs to Infor. Of the 74 ERP projects, 37 are from BaanERP. According to Tadviser, Infor’s own development, the Infor ERP SyteLine system (27 projects based on it), is also in considerable demand in the industry.

    Next comes the Compass company with an ERP system of the same name. Its solutions have been implemented 37 times. The fourth place is occupied by one of the world's largest corporate software developers, the German company SAP. It accounted for 29 developments of mySAP ERP and SAP Business One. The top five also includes Microsoft Dynamics 25 projects.

    As for the question of the demand for certain ERP products by domestic mechanical engineering enterprises, here, according to a number of analysts, it makes sense to talk not only about the popularity of solutions for the segment as a whole, but also to consider which ERP systems are in greatest demand among these customers when implementation of the most large-scale projects, which vendors the “tops” of Russian mechanical engineering are betting on. In particular, according to CNews Analytics, Infor solutions (14 projects) are in the lead among the thirty largest in Russian mechanical engineering. Three ERP projects in this list are for Oracle and Microsoft Nav solutions, two each for Microsoft AX., IFS and 1C. The remaining vendors (Compass, Parus and SAP) each have only one project.

    “Industrial enterprises (and mechanical engineering in particular) have begun to realistically assess their own IT needs in recent years,” says the CNews Analytics expert Eleonora Ershova. Today they understand how many licenses of which product and for what tasks they need. This is good for vendors: it is more convenient and pleasant to work with such customers. At the same time, mechanical engineering is one of the most innovative sectors of the economy, particularly sensitive to the accuracy and speed of processing incoming market information. This requires effective information processing systems, so the key point in the development of industrial enterprises is the information and technological support of internal business processes and external production relations. These tasks are solved, among other things, through the implementation of modern ERP systems. However, in general, it cannot be said that mechanical engineering enterprises are very active consumers of complex information systems. They are mostly limited to simpler IT tools.” According to CNews Analytics, the average transport engineering enterprise can afford to order IT projects costing no more than $300-500 thousand.

    ERP vendors in Russian mechanical engineering

    Vendor Number of projects Share in the total number of projects, %
    1C 153 39,5
    Infor 74 19,1
    Compass 37 9,6
    SAP 29 7,5
    Microsoft Dynamics 25 6,5
    Infosoft 18 4,7
    Sail 14 3,6
    Galaxy 13 3,4
    Epicor 8 2,1
    KST-M-3 6 1,6
    Business console 4 1,0
    Informcontact 3 0,8
    Oracle 2 0,5
    QAD 1 0,3

    Source: Tadviser Center

    “Budgets for ERP implementation in general are growing, interest is emerging in human resource management functions, and not just in payroll and personnel accounting,” notes the head of the marketing department of the Compass company. Lev Yakobson. There is interest in Western “heavy” ERP systems. But at the same time, very few people implement Western personnel management subsystems. As a result, the percentage of implementations is very high when a Western ERP system is combined with a domestic personnel management system. Domestic solutions have grown in functionality and are already able to provide the user with all the capabilities he needs for much more adequate money. This is especially true for the cost of services, since domestic systems, on average, are easier and faster to implement, and the price per hour of a consultant’s work is usually much lower.”

    In addition to the growth of “gross” indicators - the number of projects and their functional volume, and therefore the number of purchased licenses - the qualitative characteristics have also changed significantly, says senior architect of industry business solutions at SAP Alexey Nasakin. - Firstly, the main focus of customer requirements has changed: if earlier the main question sounded like “what do you have for managing a machine-building enterprise?”, now the first thing they ask is “what do you have for planning and managing production, if we see “that everything is fine with this functionality, then we’ll look at everything else.” Thus, the industry has come to realize that industrial specifics and the expected implementation efficiency are concentrated, as a rule, in the logistics part of the functionality. And either your software product has full-featured production management, you have implemented it in practice more than once, and then you are really a vendor of a “solution for mechanical engineering,” or you don’t have all this and your product is a “solution for something else very important.” "". According to the specialist, another important industry trend is following structural changes in the industry, namely, the organization of large holdings. The more holdings, the more in demand are solutions related to the functioning of holdings - consolidation, budgeting, portfolio project management, etc. .P.

    According to Tadviser, in the top five largest ERP integrators in terms of the number of projects in mechanical engineering, there is only one company that can be said to specialize in implementations in this industry Frontstep (the share of mechanical engineering enterprises in the implementation of ERP systems out of the total number of ERP projects here exceeds 56%). The remaining integrators have wider industry diversification. In addition to being in third place in the list of vendors, the Compass company boasts leadership in the number of ERP system implementations. It accounts for over 8.3% of the total number of implemented projects. “The need to take into account the specifics of business processes of machine-building enterprises leads to the fact that local players with accumulated expertise are leading the market for implementation of ERP systems in this industry,” the researchers note.

    “Gradually, there is a growing understanding that implementation is impossible with the help of consultants alone, that it is necessary to create a joint working group, that this is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process,” Lev Yakobson emphasizes, speaking about integration. Previously, many people believed that it was possible to solve the problem of implementing even a separate subsystem instantly, “out of the box.” Now there are fewer of them."

    “In addition to the shift in the main emphasis of choice, there has been an increase in the level of competence of those who choose,” adds Alexey Nasakin. “Is the APS algorithm implemented in your solution?” - this question comes up quite often.”

    Industrial enterprises are faced with the task of increasing the intensification of labor and production. Solving these problems is impossible without the use of modern enterprise management systems. For comparison, let’s look at software products that are of interest to enterprises in the aviation and mechanical engineering complex: “1C: Enterprise 8”, “Parus-Enterprise 8”, “SAP R/3”, “Microsoft Dynamics Navision” or its other name “Microsoft Business Solutions” Axapta" (authors' note: hereinafter referred to as "Axapta").

    Among the domestic systems, it is worth noting the “1C: Enterprise 8” solutions necessary for an industrial enterprise: “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8”; "1C: Consolidation 8"; "1C: Corporate Finance Management 8"; "1C: Accounting 8"; "1C: Integrated Automation 8"; “1C: Salaries and personnel management 8”; "1C: Trade Management 8"; "1C:Web extension 8".

    “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8” covers the main business processes of the enterprise, ensuring the creation of a unified information space to display the financial and economic activities of the entire enterprise, which allows you to quickly assess the efficiency of work and obtain information for making management decisions. In configuration 8.2, the system allows you to load work stations using the sequential movement of objects of labor in time and space (parallel movement of parts is not provided) and reflect it on a graph. When a quantitative change in the production program is made or a new item is added to the plan, the work center load schedule is modified taking into account the added conditions and it is visualized.

    Functional composition of "PARUS-Enterprise 8": Financial management; Logistics management; Production process management; Personnel Management; Customer relationship management; Business process management; PARUS-ON-Line.

    The comprehensive functionality of the Microsoft Business Solutions Axapta solution, covering absolutely all aspects of doing business, allows you to introduce modern Western management technologies, optimize key business processes and generally increase the efficiency of enterprise management. As part of localizing the system for the Russian market, the tasks of maintaining accounting and tax records were implemented in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation, modules for fixed assets, tax accounting, payroll and personnel records were developed.

    "MBS Axapta" covers the enterprise's business as a whole, both from the point of view of internal business processes and in terms of interaction with partners and clients, and in particular, such aspects as: analysis and strategic management; Production Management; trade and logistics; financial management; project management; relationships with clients.

    SAP R/3 supports most operating systems. Server and client sites can run under different operating systems. However, about 50% of SAP software installations run on the Windows platform.

    The SAP R/3 system consists of a set of application modules that support various business processes of the company and are integrated with each other in real time. The composition of the modules is varied: “Finance”, “Controlling”, “Fixed Asset Management”, “Project Management”, “Production Planning”, “Material Flow Management”, “Sales”, “Quality Management”, “Equipment Maintenance and Repair”, “Human Resources Management”, “Information Flow Management”, “Industry Solutions”.

    The hardware requirements for the systems under consideration are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1 - System hardware requirements.

    System type

    Client place





    Amount of free hard disk space

    "1C: Enterprise 8"

    Pentium IV, 2.4 GHz

    not less than 512 MB

    Pentium III, 1.2 GHz

    128 MB and above

    "PARUS-Enterprise 8"

    Pentium IV, 2.4 GHz or higher

    516 MB and above

    250MB and above

    Pentium III, 1.2 GHz

    128 MB and above

    250 MB and above

    Pentium IV, 2.4 GHz

    1024 MB and higher

    520MB and above

    Pentium III, 1.2 GHz or higher

    516 MB and above

    520 MB and above

    Pentium IV, 2.4 GHz or higher

    Pentium III, 1.2 GHz or higher

    128 MB and above

    500 MB and above

    The cost and implementation time of the presented software products are shown in Table 2.

    Table 2 - Cost and timing of implementation of ERP systems

    ERP system

    Implementation period

    Implementation cost

    "1C:Enterprise 8"

    3-9 months and more

    License for one workplace USD150-600. Implementation cost per workplace USD200-1000

    "PARUS-Enterprise 8"

    4 months – 1 year or more

    License cost per workstation USD1-2 thousand. Implementation cost 100-200% of the solution price

    "Microsoft Dynamics Ax 4.0"

    6 months – 2 years or more

    On average, the cost of a solution per workplace is USD2 thousand. The cost of implementation is 100-250% of the cost of the solution

    1-5 years or more

    A license for 50 workstations costs about USD350 thousand. The cost of implementation can be several times higher than the cost of the solution

    It cannot be said that “1C: Enterprise 8” is a full-fledged program for industrial accounting. The disadvantage of this software product is that production accounting is focused on calculating the cost of finished products and the profit from its sale, i.e. This product does not have a block for production planning, purchasing planning, or tracking technological cycles. Working in the system becomes difficult if the production is multi-product (with the number of product items more than a thousand), the complex structure of the product and a large number of industrial production personnel (more than 5 thousand people).

    The disadvantages of the Parus Corporation include a poorly developed partner network and a lack of production planning solutions for aircraft engineering enterprises.

    An overview of the functions of the SAP R3 system shows its ability to solve the main problems facing large organizations. SAP R/3 is the most extensive system to date. Many leaders of the world economy have chosen it as their main corporate system.

    SAP R/3 is a configurable system, so by purchasing it, an enterprise will work with an individual version, customized specifically to its parameters. The wider the possibilities for configuring and customizing the system, without the need to rewrite it, the higher the technical level of this system. According to this indicator, SAP/R3 occupies a leading position in the world. The system has an open and standard user interface, provides graphical modeling of business processes and can work in interactive mode. In addition, the SAP R/3 solution suite includes industry-specific solutions for the aerospace industry.

    Distinctive features of the MBS-Axapta system are scalability and a wide range of possibilities for its individual configuration. They make this software product the optimal solution for medium and large enterprises with specific and complex business processes, whose staff does not exceed 10,000 people.

    Let us highlight the main advantages of Axapta: exceptional scalability; optimal price-quality ratio (for its level of functionality); ease of updating applications; comprehensive analysis and ease of business control; availability of planning modules; ability to manage finances for international business; compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation; balance of excess information.

    Of the presented software products, therefore, the most suitable for industrial enterprises in the mechanical engineering and aviation industries are the Axapta and SAP R3 systems.

    To estimate the amount of investment in an ERP system, it is necessary to present an investment scheme. It consists of separate blocks, representing a completed stage of financial and economic costs:

    1 Cost of implementation of the ERP system;

    2 Cost of hardware and software of the complex;

    3 Total cost of ownership of the ERP complex (annual costs).

    The specified cost sharing scheme is used in the well-known TCO (total cost of ownership) methodology - this is a calculation technique created to help consumers and business managers determine the direct and indirect costs associated with any component of computer systems. The purpose of its application is to obtain a final picture that would reflect the real costs associated with the acquisition of certain tools and technologies, and take into account all aspects of their subsequent use.

    The cost item “cost of work on implementing an ERP system”, as a rule, is specified in detail in the estimate of work on implementing the system in an agreement concluded with the company carrying out the process of integrating the ERP space at the enterprise. The estimated costs for the implementation of the systems under consideration are as follows:

    - “SAP R3” - about 0.8 million rubles. in year. The implementation period is about two years.

    - “Axapta” – about 1.0 million per year. The implementation period is about a year.

    The cost of the hardware and software of the complex includes costs associated with the purchase of licenses for the entire complex of software products, such as the operating system (OS), service software (software) and the ERP product itself. This article also includes the cost of the entire fleet of machines, both personal and server stations, and related communications equipment. The total cost of all personal computers (PCs) in the ERP complex is calculated based on data on their number and the average cost of one PC involved in the ERP complex (Table 3).

    In the comparative analysis, it is assumed that the calculation is carried out for 50 computers or client places, which are covered by one license.

    Estimating the cost of ownership of an ERP complex includes two types of costs: indirect costs and direct costs.

    Indirect costs include costs associated with information technology that are not budgeted or measured by most information technology departments. The most significant part is usually the user's support of his computer and software, as well as assistance to colleagues. This includes self-debugging systems when errors occur, backing up and restoring valuable information, file and directory manipulation, unscheduled training during office hours, and programming small (or large) applications.

    Direct costs include costs associated with the costs of equipment, software, personnel servicing the ERP system, communications, etc.

    When trying to reduce direct costs, many organizations simply cut IT budgets, not realizing that the result will be an increase in indirect costs - users will spend more time supporting themselves, friends and colleagues. There is no accurate way to measure how much time a user spent on information technology (IT) tasks without detailed time tracking or statistically valid observations. For those who do not have the ability or resources to take many hours of measurements, there are industry averages for each category.

    An estimate of the direct costs of the total cost of ownership of an ERP complex is shown in Table 4. This estimate is an annual cost item for the maintenance and servicing of the entire ERP complex; it will also help justify the company’s budget for the development of information technology for the enterprise.

    According to conservative estimates, the value of the total cost of ownership of one computer will differ significantly from the declared values ​​of ERP system manufacturers. So, for example, for Microsoft Business Solutions Navision this value is 1,500–2,500 euros, or at the current exchange rate (41 rubles/euro) 61,500–102,500 rubles, while the calculated value is 221,765.78 rubles.

    This assessment gives a fairly accurate value of the cost part of the implementation project, and will also make it possible to make a forecast of the effectiveness of investments in ERP technology.

    The main difficulty in determining the income from the implementation of an ERP system and calculating efficiency lies in identifying the economic benefits for the company. It is believed that if a company does not introduce an innovation, it means that it is missing out on the opportunity to make a profit and is losing “lost profits.” It can be found from the analysis of problems and work deficiencies that could be corrected by introducing enterprise management systems.

    Based on the analysis of data from the company’s financial report, the “lost profit” from failure to use the opportunity to eliminate deficiencies was generated according to the following indicators:

    Average annual indicator for a 10-year period of shortages of tangible goods (materials and materials) and fixed assets (Fixed Assets), which was obtained due to poor accounting, rub.

    Average annual indicator for a 10-year period of surplus inventory items that were accumulated due to poor accounting, rub.

    Rental of fixed assets in the amount of 5% of their cost, due to irrational planning of production capacity, (annually), rub.

    Based on the enterprise’s statistical data, the average annual “lost profit” for the above indicators amounted to 155,944,738.878 rubles, which exceeds the sum of one-time and annual costs of the SAP/R3 and Axapta systems by 5.89 and 7.85 times, respectively, and proves efficiency of their use. This approach may not be accurate, but it shows a degree of seriousness about the issue of efficiency in the use of enterprise resources.


    1 Official website of the company "1C"

    2 Axapta. Work for results

    3 Industry solutions CMD SOFT. What is Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Microsoft Navision)?

    4 Independent ERP portal

    5 Abramova, I.G. Fundamentals of organization and management of production preparation of a machine-building enterprise [Electronic resource]: electron. textbook allowance /I.G. Abramova; Samar. state aerospace University named after S.P. Koroleva (national research university); - Electron. text data – Samara, 2011. – 1 email. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).