How can you find a part-time job for your main job? Additional income - how, what and where to find it

To repay the loan, and just to feel more confident. And although we do not believe that money is the most important aspect of life, we are still confident that extra ways to earn money will not hurt anyone - especially these days, when prices for everything around are rising every day (even faster than the dollar exchange rate), and salaries, of course, remain at the same level. This list contains the simplest and at the same time effective ways to earn money.

1. Recycle your old phone

Almost everyone has an old, killer phone called Nokia hidden somewhere in their bins. It could be thrown against the wall a hundred times a day, but it still worked properly. So, it turns out that many companies offer compensation for recycling old phones. You can check the list of these companies and try your luck to make money from it. You won't use old phones anyway, right?

2. Invite people to dinner

And your friends and family members can eat your cooking without fear, then you will like the following information. There is such a bourgeois site - “Eat With” - where people set a fixed fee for participating in a party, dinner, and the like. If anyone needs it, they simply sign up and send money. And you are already doing the whole holiday, which is described in detail in your ad. This service, in our opinion, is very cool. But it still lacks scale. No, it is distributed almost all over the world, but only two cities from Russia, St. Petersburg and Moscow, are listed in its database. Maybe smaller cities will appear soon, who knows.

3. Find a hack with moving

Offices often change their location. And all these tables, shelves, glass counters, cups, computers do not move on their own. Usually, movers are hired from companies, but this is not always the case. You can force yourself to drag all this for a fee, you can enter into a contract with a loading company for a specific date. Usually they pay as they go. You do the work and you get paid the same day. If you study this market, then this is a good way to earn a little extra money in your free hours - they pay well.

4. Be a taxi driver

There are many applications that allow you to find a car that is moving in the direction you want. Professional taxi drivers are tearing up and running because their jobs are being taken away from them. But this cannot be stopped - progress. So why not take advantage? If you have a car, then you can easily register in the application and set your own working hours, as well as pay. Keep in mind that it should be lower than that of official taxi drivers. Now more and more people are using this, especially when there is a crisis.

5. Distribute leaflets

It doesn't sound very good, I agree. But some companies offer decent pay for such work. It doesn't take much time - 4-5 hours a day in total. Usually they pay either by the hour or by the number of promotional materials distributed. One piece of advice: don’t throw stacks of advertisements in the trash. Believe me, they can watch you, you will still owe money.

6. Sell your unwanted junk

If on Saturday you set yourself the goal of sorting out your wardrobe, you will be very surprised that you have a huge amount of things that you don’t wear, that you don’t like, that you no longer fit into (less burgers, dude!). Unwanted clothes scattered around the house can turn into cash. There are stores that accept all sorts of junk, but in our situation the best option would be to put everything up for sale ourselves. There are a lot of groups on social networks dedicated to all kinds of flea markets, and there are also specialized websites. Well, if you have a busy area, you can have a sale right on the street, in your yard. If the Americans do it, then why can't we?

7. Test the site

Sometimes you come across such offers: test our site, fill out this form, what do you think and blah blah blah... So, many sites pay money for testing. Quite a bit, but you can make a couple of hundred from this.

8. Place your bets

We do not recommend this position to overly gambling players, but for people who are excellent at equestrian sports, football or hockey, there is a good opportunity to earn money. But first, test yourself without investing money, try to guess the outcome of the match based on your knowledge, and not at random. If you manage to guess correctly with enviable regularity, then place your first bet. We have familiar dudes who earn an extra 7-10 thousand rubles a month from this.

9. Sell your records

If you were a good student and studied while all the dudes were partying and indulging in drink, sex and violence, you can put your student records up for sale. It is best to scan the notes into PDF format, but this only works if your hand wrote in normal handwriting and not in Cthulhian scribbles. In Europe there is a whole service for selling such student notes. We don’t have anything like this yet, but that doesn’t mean that your notes won’t be useful to anyone.

10. Sell old books

You probably have a lot of books that are just waiting for you to re-read them for the tenth time. Any bookworm knows how hard it is to part with even the worst book in the collection, but sometimes the phrase: “If you love, let go,” is very true. In addition, books have now increased in price, and if the condition is good, you can make a good profit from the sale. In general, you can build an entire business on this - buying and selling books. I remember an acquaintance once bought a 19th-century book on fishing for a bottle of vodka. Now this book can probably buy ten cases of vodka, or even more.

11. Enter data

A very sad job that can bring you 3-5 thousand a month. You don’t need to invent anything, you just work for a company and enter data in documents: copy-paste, copy-paste, edit, send. And so on for several hours a day. If you can tolerate a boring routine, you can try it.

12. Become a secret shopper

Come over to the dark side of the force. Almost every city has such a vacancy, and you often come across such people in stores, but you never notice them. For you, they are ordinary customers, and for the store this is a great way to check the quality of the staff’s work. Usually they hire girls, but here you have to look at the specifics of the store. The pay is good - it doesn't take much time at all.

13. Sell your old CDs

Do you have a few boxes of old games? No? Did you throw them away last week? Idiot! In general, old-school games sell like cakes on the relevant forums. People collect rarities, and if you have a license, you can make good money. Some discs cost 2-3 thousand rubles, some won’t even cost 30 rubles. It all depends on the rarity and condition. In any case, it’s not worth hoarding all this. It's the digital age, but many people just squeal with joy when they see a disc of a '96 game.

14. Sell what you made yourself

It can be anything: from wooden beer stands to leather diaries, from glasses cases to knives. Of course, you will have to have some skill, but many people enjoy learning something like this. All this can develop into good additional income, the main thing is not to forget about marketing and advertising, and also do good things. We hope that factory production will continue to lose its audience - it’s more pleasant to hold in your hands something that has its own history.

15. Become a stringer

If you have a camera or are good at journalism, you can become a stringer - a journalist who works for himself and appears in the thick of things. The footage can be sold to various publications or channels, but you must understand that only hardcore stuff is bought from stringers: footage of fires, military conflicts, murders, etc. In general, the work is not for everyone, but it’s worth it.

16. Become an online tutor

If you have some skill, you can try your hand at tutoring. People who know English speak best. And you know, judging by the tutors we know, this doesn’t require any special teaching knowledge. If you know how to play the guitar decently, you can teach it too. Everything is in your hands, the main thing is that your students do not mark time, after all, they will pay the money.

17. Sell advertising

Now almost everyone has their own public page or website. If your community is quite large, you can look for people who will want to buy advertising from you. It will be best if your group has a purely regional flavor. Then it will be possible to cooperate with local stores. The main thing is not to spoil the group with clumsy advertising, let it be unobtrusive and exciting.

There is never too much money, and an additional source of income has never bothered anyone. If you are ready to try your hand at being an individual entrepreneur in your free time, or if you have lost your job and cannot find a new one, think about possible alternative sources of income. To get you started, we invite you to try out 10 ideas for creating your own solo business venture. It is possible that after reading you will have some interesting ideas of your own.

If you have special professional skills...

Idea No. 1. If you speak a foreign language, you can earn extra money by interpreting or translating. You can carry out orders for small companies that do not want to pay significant sums to specialized service firms or have a full-time translator, but who from time to time have a need for translation of documents and letters, assistance in telephone or regular negotiations. If, in addition to knowing the language, you also have knowledge in a specific area, you can offer a niche translation product. For example, if you have knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, you can offer yourself as a specialist translator of legal documents. You can find your first clients on freelance sites such as Weblancer, Freelance Freelancejob, etc.

Idea No. 2. If you have knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting, and also know how to work with special software, your services may also be in demand by small companies. It is not uncommon for one specialist to keep records for 3-4 or even smaller companies.

Idea No. 3. Perhaps you can do something that others can't. And it is possible that others are willing to pay to learn this. Do you speak a foreign language, play tennis well, do you know mathematics or literature perfectly? Consider making money through tutoring.

If you have culinary talent...

Idea No. 4. Man does not live by bread alone, but few people can deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying fresh baked goods or confectionery. If you have a knack for baking bread or muffins, or even making intricate and intricate pastries, why not try to make some extra income out of it? First, decide what niche you would like to occupy and offer to taste your creations with your friends. Let them recommend you as a supplier of the freshest bread or custom cakes. The cost of a home bread maker, for example, varies from 2 to 8 thousand rubles. And recently we talked about...

Idea No. 5. The number of people who are willing to pay more for natural and environmentally friendly products is growing every year. And there will probably be some among your friends, because now it’s very difficult to find products without preservatives and dyes, etc. At home, you can make cheeses and jams, beer and marinades, and much more. However, depending on what you decide to do, you may need to buy additional equipment. For example, an amateur microbrewery can be purchased for 7-8 thousand rubles.

Idea No. 6. Everyone who organizes a family event or party thinks about how to do it with the least amount of expense and effort. But not everyone is willing to pay significant amounts for catering. If you can easily think through a menu and organize a festive table, offer your services to friends or colleagues for a reasonable fee.

The ideas listed above have one significant drawback. If you want to do any of the above seriously, you will need to obtain special permits (for more details, see). And this is not easy to do in Russian conditions.

If you can work with your hands...

Idea No. 7. If you know how to use a drill, and can hang a chandelier, and replace a faucet, and paint, why don’t you work on the weekend as a “husband for an hour.” Specialized companies charge from 900 rubles per hour, and you can start by posting an ad on a special free site like OLX or Slando, or acquire your first clients through the recommendations of friends.

Idea No. 8. Almost every woman knows how to do a manicure and style her hair, but some have remarkable knowledge and talent in this matter. If this is your case, no one is stopping you from trying your hand as a hairdresser-stylist or manicurist. The main thing is to find among your friends those who are ready to give themselves into your hands for free in exchange for further recommendations to friends. The lack of special education diplomas, if you have really good work results, will not prevent you from acquiring a circle of regular customers.

Idea No. 9. If you make toys, jewelry, or accessories as a hobby, look at them as a source of additional income. Unique, one-of-a-kind items created by the author were and will always be appreciated. There are resources on the Russian-language Internet where masters offer their works for sale, for example, “Masters Fair”. If you want to expand the circle of potential buyers to an international scale, you have a direct route to the Etsy website.

If you love animals...

Idea No. 10. If you truly love animals and are willing to take on the responsibility of caring for someone else's four-legged, feathered, or scaly friend, you can earn extra income by offering yourself as a "pet sitter." The cost of staying in a special hotel for animals costs from 300 rubles per day, but many owners, going on vacation or a business trip, would prefer that their pets stay at home under the reliable supervision of a trusted person, rather than experience the stress of moving to an unfamiliar place.

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The economic crisis is not going away. And for many of us, finances continue to sing mournful romances. You can grieve about this ad infinitum, or you can, clenching your will into a fist, find an additional source of money. Moreover, there are not so few ways to earn extra money. Here are a few tips to help make the pleasant rustle in your wallet a little louder.

Get more out of your day job

Try to work part-time in your main job. Talk to the manager. Perhaps he will agree for you to combine your basic job with another position for an additional fee, performing the duties of, for example, a secretary, a watchman, a cleaner or a temporarily absent employee. Yes, you will have to stay late at work or arrive a couple of hours earlier. But this way you won’t have to waste time on the road, rushing from one end of the city to the other. And, you see, working in a familiar environment among familiar employees is much more pleasant.

Expand the scope of your professional skills

Think about where else, besides your main job, you can use your skills. It's time for experience and skill to work for you.

If you are a teacher, take up home tutoring. Perhaps someone needs injections or an IV? This kind of part-time job for a doctor will come in handy. An accountant will be able to help entrepreneurs with filing a tax return, or, alternatively, with monitoring shift sellers when reconciling the actual balance with the accounting balance.

Whatever your job: photographer, plumber, builder, hairdresser - you can always earn extra money on the side.

No specific qualifications? And it doesn't matter!

Job advertisements often contain low-skilled vacancies: advertiser, loader, promoter, flyer distributor. Such vacancies can be searched in the “Work for students” or “Work without qualifications” sections. These positions often offer hourly pay and flexible schedules.

In particular, for those who want to earn extra money On the website, vacancies are offered in the section. You can also search for relevant work In chapter. Or use the advanced search, where you can set the necessary parameters. As a result, you'll see part-time jobs sorted by experience required or salary offered, for example.

Channel your culinary talent in the right direction

If you are a good cook, you can try baking cakes, pies, and pastries to order. Today people want to see exclusive culinary creations on the festive table - so that it is pleasing to both the eye and the stomach. And the owner himself has less fuss in the kitchen.

Another option is to prepare lunches for office workers, market sellers, and bus drivers. Healthy and tasty homemade food will come in very handy for people in these professions.

Why not make money from your favorite hobby?

Do you like creating with your hands? Then you have every chance to turn your favorite activity into a profitable business. Nowadays, handmade designer items are in great demand. They are unique and inimitable.

Well, if you sew, embroider, weave, make jewelry, soft toys, accessories, wooden crafts, artificial flowers (you never know what different creative ideas) - go for it! Be creative, give free rein to your imagination, and then your favorite activity will bring not only moral pleasure, but also material benefit.

Selling handmade items is not a problem. Online stores and small shops in markets are looking for such craftsmen themselves.

Earn money comfortably - via the Internet

There are many positive aspects to earning extra money via the Internet. By providing services remotely, you will be able to manage your time yourself and arrange your schedule in a way that suits you. In addition, you can earn extra money without getting out of your warm slippers and cozy home chair.

What can you do while working via the Internet?

In some cases, provide services related to the main profession. For example, lawyers can provide online consultations and assist in drafting or reviewing contracts. Accountants and economists will be able to generate reports, draw up estimates, and fill out financial documentation. Engineers - make drawings or calculations in computer programs, photographers - retouch and process photographs, programmers - write programs, translators - compose translations, teachers - write coursework.

Nowadays, almost all professional activities are computerized, which means that a file with completed work can always be sent via the Internet and payment accepted in the same way.

However, you can earn extra money via the Internet without any special skills. Now there are a lot of offers on the Internet for people who are ready to administer groups on social networks, upload product cards to online stores, write texts for websites, process music and do other work that won’t be difficult to master.

Where to look for such a part-time job? Everything is on the same Internet: on freelance resources, thematic forums and, of course, By and large, to find a part-time job on the Internet, you just need to enter a question in the search bar regarding the online job you are interested in. There is now more than enough advice, discussion and exchange of experience on these topics on the Internet.

The main thing, as they say, is to start, and then word of mouth will do its job. In a little time, you will not even notice how you will form a regular client base and become more independent financially.

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A lot of free time or a difficult financial situation forces you to try to figure out how to find a part-time job in your free time. Most often, this problem is faced by students who have enough free time. But not finances. Correcting the situation is not so difficult; it is necessary to “exchange” working hours for material goods. But everything simply happens only in theory.

Part-time job

If the situation is not critical and there is no urgent need for funds, the choice of a part-time job should be approached with all responsibility:

  • Choose only what you like;
  • Focus on further development in the industry and work in your specialty;
  • Check the number of job responsibilities;
  • Make sure you pay fairly.

You don’t have to “rush” to the first option that comes your way. Now many employers are ready to hire part-time employees, because this solves many problems:

  1. Distribution of duties;
  2. “Balancing” with the number of bets per organization;
  3. Elementary financial savings.

For a person working part-time, there are also a couple of advantages - the work experience is in full, vacation is granted for the same period as full-time employees.

How to find a part-time job for the weekend?

Not everyone can afford a well-deserved rest, these include:

  1. Nannies;
  2. Cleaners and cleaners;
  3. Promoters;
  4. Cashiers;
  5. Builders;
  6. Bartenders;
  7. Waiters and waitresses.

The list goes on and on, but the main message is clear. You should look for those establishments that continue to work on weekends. The nearest supermarket is 100% likely to be one of these establishments. Just go to the information stand and ask about vacancies, given the high level of turnover, they are always available.

A similar “trick” can be performed with the nearest bar, restaurant or cafe. Be interested in any options, from cleaning rooms and washing dishes, to working in the kitchen and behind the bar. If you choose the second option, certificates of completion of a technical school or some courses will not hurt.

Hospitals, by the way, are also open on weekends. Hospitals almost always require nurses and orderlies, but there are some nuances:

  • For nursing staff, a medical college diploma is required.
  • Employees are responsible, including for the lives of patients.
  • The work of a nurse is dirty, in the truest sense of the word.

If you get along well with children, it is better to take the opportunity to work as a nanny, to look after the child while the parents are resting or busy with other things.

It is not necessary to independently run around every possible place of future work; it is enough to familiarize yourself with vacancies on the most popular job boards on the Internet. Or do it the old fashioned way - buy a newspaper at the nearest kiosk.

Working remotely - freelancing

If at the workplace:

  • The relationship was not the friendliest;
  • The employer has financial problems;
  • There is a lot of free time;
  • There's really nothing to do.

Then you should think about looking for a part-time job, preferably in your specialty. Working remotely can be very helpful in this regard.

For some positions, especially in small offices, it makes no sense to hire a person full-time, or even part-time. After all, the amount of work performed is too small, but at the same time other employees cannot cope with the task. In this case, you have to invite an outside specialist who will come every month for a certain time, cope with the allocated load, receive payment and leave until the next month.

This type of cooperation is convenient not only for the employer, but also for the “free player” himself. With much less time spent, you can receive comparable wages. Why sit in the office for 40 hours a week if you can spend only 15 hours and get the same money?

Find a part-time job in the evening?

Life does not stop after sunset, and in some areas the main “movement” begins at this time of day.

First of all, we are interested in:

  1. Entertainment establishments;
  2. Convenience stores;
  3. Emergency services.

The list of vacancies is again colossal:

  • Waiter;
  • Bartender;
  • Security guard;
  • Dishwasher;
  • Cook;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Cashier;
  • Promoter;
  • Packer;
  • Dispatcher;
  • Paramedic.

Some entertainment establishments start working in the afternoon, and in some places you can get night shifts. To roughly outline the boundaries of your search, imagine your city at night and remember what might be working at that time. All these organizations and establishments are potentially your new place of work. Subject to the availability of a vacancy from the employer and the necessary specialization from you.

A few words should be said about private transportation; this is one of the options for working with a “flexible” schedule. Working independently or joining some service is a personal matter. The second option increases the number of clients and reduces their degree of inadequacy. What can we say about the law and the tax service. But that same “flexibility” may begin to suffer.

How to get hired quickly?

Before looking for a part-time job, you should answer a couple of questions yourself:

  1. Who can provide a vacancy anyway?
  2. What positions are you interested in?
  3. What resources can help you find what you want?

You should clearly formulate your desires and needs, “tailor” a specific job to them and start looking. But this is the case when there is time and a “financial cushion”. Otherwise you will have to:

  • Watch all the advertisements on job sites.
  • Buy newspapers and call numbers.
  • Walk through nearby shops, cafes and bars, asking about vacancies.
  • Don’t go overboard with the available options.

A good option would be freelancing or private transportation. These two points are united by “working for yourself” and a free schedule. But for the first you will need talent or useful skills, and for the second you will need your own car.

Part-time work does not always mean unskilled labor. But most often, employers who have too much staff turnover resort to this type of hiring option. In such conditions, we are no longer talking about any kind of continuity and normal relations in the team.

It's never too late to start wondering how to find a part-time job, regardless of your motives. Whether it’s a desire to pass the time or improve your financial situation, any work is worthy of respect. But carefully monitor the employer so as not to be left without a salary.

Video about searching for part-time work

In this video, Boris Volya will talk about all the possible ways to find part-time work through advertisements and in person:

What ways to make extra money at home are suitable for beginners? What can you do in your free (evening) time to increase your income? What ideas on the Internet really work without investment?

Hello, friends! The founder of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov, is in touch.

Today, thousands of people want to have additional income in addition to their main job.

For some, this is part-time work in the evening, while others prefer to get a second job or even work part-time on night shifts, which is not very convenient and is even harmful to health.

Some of my friends do this, but their results in monetary terms leave much to be desired.

I suggest you use more progressive methods of earning extra money, including on the Internet.

If you need money right now, then in this article you will receive working tips on how to earn income through additional earnings in just a few hours.

1. What types of additional income exist on the Internet and not only

As you know, there is never too much money. This expression is especially relevant when financial resources are absolutely insufficient, and demands and expenses are growing. Making extra money at home is the dream of many, but not everyone can make it a reality.

Why does this dream remain with her?

The reasons for failure in this field are very different - lack of time, skills, education, basic laziness, competition and other factors.

Most obstacles can be easily overcome if you approach the issue with purpose and pragmatism. For some, additional part-time work via the Internet or in “real life” is so successful that over time it turns into the main source of income.

I sincerely wish that everything turns out exactly like this for the readers of our site!

For example, this happened to my friend Evgeniy Korobko, who did not even leave his main job.

Let's look at what ways to earn extra money exist, how to find extra income, how to correctly calculate your strengths, and, finally, how to start earning money via the Internet without initial investments.

The most popular and advanced way to improve your financial affairs is to earn extra money on the Internet, but there are also many options for thinking and hardworking people to earn money offline.

It is not at all necessary to unload the cars - there are much more efficient and at the same time less energy-consuming methods.

Additional income on the Internet is the first thing people should think about when they decide to find a part-time job in their free time.

The point is not even in the huge number of earning options, but in their relative accessibility.

Today, almost everyone has a computer and access to the Internet: instead of entertainment, games, watching videos, communicating on social networks (often aimless), you can spend time on more profitable and creative activities. After all, as you know: time is money. Don't waste it, but invest it in earning money or acquiring the skills you need to earn money.

The scope for creativity is unlimited - design, copywriting, creating your own web resource, etc.

For some people, making money using the network and a computer seems like something like alchemists mining the philosopher's stone: due to their views, upbringing and other reasons, such people simply do not believe that it is possible to make a profit without leaving home.

There are other ways for them - without involving Internet resources.

There is a saying: “the best job is a paid hobby.”

Try looking for income related to your passion area.

Right off the bat, without much thought, you can name more than 10 ways:

  • growing pets (fish, algae) at home and selling them;
  • independent production of products from beads, wood, stone and other materials;
  • guitar lessons (accordion, piano, Japanese folk instruments);
  • teaching foreign languages ​​at home;
  • organizing and holding street concerts;
  • accounting at home for companies and entrepreneurs;
  • organizing a home kindergarten (if you have the appropriate documents and skills);
  • work as a graphic designer;
  • design, journalistic and any other freelance;
  • seasonal acting work (the demand for Father Frosts and Snow Maidens during the New Year holidays is stable, especially in large cities);
  • part-time work as a photo reporter or videographer (how to make money selling photos is described in detail in the Hollywood film “Stringer”);
  • walking dogs and/or cats and other help at home.

Some of the above ideas for earning extra money in your free time will work more effectively if, again, you use the worldwide information network.

For example, to teach English at home, it is not at all necessary to invite students to your place and spend their and your time on face-to-face meetings: you can conduct it using other methods of Internet communications.

In practice, the main difficulty is not the work itself, but inability to sell your skills, qualifications and abilities as a full-fledged product.

Another obstacle is improper organization of your own time.

Even if you only have weekends and a few hours a week after your main job, you can learn to distribute your efforts effectively and competently.

The ideal option for creating additional income is to receive it as a result of a one-time competent action to invest money or implement your own business idea.

The Internet expands the list of additional sources of income to infinity: in the following sections we will take a closer look at the most current options for earning additional money online with and without investments.

2. How not to fall into the trap of scammers when trying to get extra income from home without investment

Searching for additional income online and offline is fraught with some dangers. Beginners on this path are faced with numerous pitfalls, fraught with, at best, loss of time and faith in humanity, and at worst, deprivation of their own financial savings.

There are a lot of overt and covert fraud on the Internet. For unscrupulous, enterprising people, the online space is an unplowed field, daily providing many options for enrichment at someone else’s expense.

Even experienced users cannot always identify a scammer, let alone beginners.