Work books, rules for filling out yearly. How to fill out a work book

Often, mistakes made by personnel officers a long time ago surface when issuing pension applications along with the work book.

Since the pension fund cannot accept an incorrectly drawn up and filled out document, it does everything to ensure that the employee can correct the errors, and the pensioner will be forced to run around to his former places of work restoring the correct filling.

That is why special attention must be paid not only to how to correctly enter data into the work book, but also filling out the title page.

Unfortunately, many workers do not know how to ideally fill out the first page of a work book and, when receiving the work book, cannot see the error.

That is why our article will be useful for both employees and employers.

Our task is to learn how to correctly fill out all the columns of the work book, and if this is impossible, to do everything to find errors in the filling. You will also find here example of filling title page. So, let's start in order and talk about writing the first name, last name and patronymic.


After reading this article, designing the title page of the work book will not be difficult. Of course, all information must be properly formatted.

Entries are made only black or blue pen.

Filling out the title page can also be done on the computer, but without experience in such filling it is better not to experiment.

Also, as for the rules for filling out the work form, it must first of all be filled out carefully. Try to avoid mistakes, underlining and other shortcomings. Your entry should be clear to everyone, so write carefully and legibly.

Follow this rule by filling out all sheets work book. At this point, the basic information about filling smoothly flows into the specification of each line.

How to fill out the cover page of a work book? (filling sample)

Full Name

The first page of the work book contains information about the employee. The surname, name and patronymic of the citizen must be written down as much as possible neat and correct. The fact is that a mistake made in this information can result in dire consequences, even before changing the work book.

The full name must be written separately so that each entry has its own line.

Try not to make mistakes in writing. Fill in each of the components of the name with the same paste.

If one of the written words has many letters, write them as small as possible. Also work book provides for word hyphenation from one line to another.

An example of filling out the first sheet (page) of a work book (Last name, First name, Patronymic)


If you write information about your education, be sure to have your employee’s diploma in front of you so as not to make mistakes.

Exist three degrees of education, upon the fact of which employment is possible, this is higher, that is, postgraduate, secondary, that is, graduation from school, as well as specialized secondary, after a technical school or college.

You write one of these words on a specially designated line.

Sample of filling out the first page of a work book (education)

Date of Birth

As for the date of birth, first of all you must fill it out based on passport citizen, and not from his words.

The question often arises: should the date of birth in the work book be entered in words or in numbers?

The date of birth should be written in numbers and not in letters (see example). Unfortunately, any other form of recording is considered incorrect.

Enter each number correctly. There's nothing wrong with being wrong. An error can always be corrected by crossing out one number or by moving the entry to the other side of the title page.

Sample of filling out the first page of the work book (date of birth)

Employee signature

Who signs the work book? After the work book is completed, The employee's signature is affixed.

It must be clear and repeat the signature in the passport.

If an employee changes his last name over time, the signature with the old last name is crossed out with a thin stripe, and a new signature is placed next to it.

As a rule, the signature in the employee’s work book is marked at the top organization seal.

Profession, specialty

If we talk about specialty, then there is a huge range of opinions about what really needs to be written in the work book in the column profession, specialty. Some people think that you need to write down a specialty that you mastered in college, while others will try to fit it into your desired specialty at work.

In fact, everything is extremely simple - the current specialty is entered into the work book. an employee works under an employment contract.

Date of completion

The date of filling out the work book on the title page should not be fictitious. That is, if you filled out the work report a week later than promised, then you cannot enter the desired number incorrectly. For this, both HR department employees and the employer may be held accountable. to administrative responsibility.

The date of completion is written in the same format as the date of birth.

As for the place where the date is set, it should be in the area of ​​the seal, to the right or left of it, but in no case should it affect other entries, thereby overlapping them.

Date of filling out the work book and date of hiring must match. It is at the moment of hiring that the HR department employee creates a labor report, which means, in accordance with the law, he must simultaneously enter information about the employee and about his hiring.

Of course, such little things are not always paid attention to by various inspection bodies, but still sometimes use links to the rules for filling out work books, because he who is forewarned is forearmed.

When can you use the letter “ё” in writing your full name?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to use the letter “е” in writing a first or last name.

Focus on employee passport.

If this letter is written in your passport, then you can safely put it.

If “e” is written in your passport, then you should not deviate from the passport data. Everything is extremely simple.


The work book is a very important document that requires a reverent attitude towards itself.

Try to be accurate in filling out the work books, because by filling out the pages of the work book, you become a kind of representative of your organization and it is by your record that they will judge not only the employee, but also your company. Therefore, comply with the law and think about the employee who gave you the work report to fill out. He trusts you not just with a document, he trusts you with his work history.

Useful video

For more information on how to fill out a work book - the first sheet, see the video below.

A work book is a document informing about the areas of human activity. It is on this that attention is focused when applying for a job and applying for a pension.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Instructions and useful tips will help you make the necessary notes accurately.

The legislative framework

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 225 - rules for maintaining and storing work books.
  2. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 69 - requirements for filling out documents recording the areas of activity of citizens.
  3. Labor Code: Art. 66 - work book (LC), features; Art. 192 – 193 – liability for failure to comply with the procedure for maintaining the Labor Code; Art. 83 – termination of the contract due to circumstances beyond the control of both parties.
  4. Letter of Rostrud from N 656-6-0 – responsibility for storage of Labor Code.
  5. Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses – consequences of non-compliance with the legislation regarding the maintenance, recording and storage of books.

You can view the documents here:

Who is responsible for maintenance, accounting and storage?

Based on the Rules, the issuance of technical documentation is the responsibility of the manager. By his order, an employee is appointed who is responsible for their maintenance, accounting and storage.

The job description must be prescribed in the Order. If the requirement is violated, the employer bears responsibility.

There are situations when an employee asks to temporarily hand over a book (for example, for submission to the Pension Fund).

Remember that in case of loss, all the blame falls on the authorized person, that is, a HR specialist or manager.

Possible punishment:

  • for personnel officer– for violation of Articles 192-193 of the Labor Code, an administrative fine of 1000-5000 rubles is paid;
  • for the manager– according to Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses, penalty in the amount of 30,000-50,000 rubles. or suspension of the company's activities for 3 months.

Even having a receipt from an employee confirming the return of a document does not exempt you from liability.

What to do to avoid negative consequences:

  • independently present the technical documentation to the required authorities;
  • provide the employee with a notarized copy of the document.

Rules for filling out work books in 2020

The enterprise is obliged to issue a Labor Code for each employee who has worked on a permanent basis for more than 5 days.

A similar requirement applies to those who employ seasonal, temporary or socially insured employees.

According to legislative acts, the rules for registering books in 2020-2016 remained unchanged.

The general procedure for filling out is as follows:

  • each record is numbered with a continuous type;
  • all information entered must be in Russian; if an enterprise from another state operates on the territory of the Russian Federation, duplication of the text in another language is allowed;
  • Abbreviations cannot be used;
  • the date has the format DD.MM.YYYY;
  • Arabic numerals are written, “0” is placed before single numerals;
  • all entered information is certified by the seal of the organization;
  • allowed font colors: blue, purple, black.

How to make an entry in a document?

The instructions for filling out work books in 2020 will help you get the answer to this question.

Title page

To be filled out if the employee is officially employed for the first time.


  • Full name- indicated in full. The data is taken from a passport, driver's license or military ID. The use of initials is not permitted.
  • Date of birth– is prescribed in compliance with the rules discussed above.
  • The level of education– information from a diploma or certificate is entered (higher professional, general secondary, etc.).
  • Profession, specialty– indicated on the basis of educational documents.
  • Filling date– the current number is entered. The month can be written in words or numbers.
    Signature of the owner and personnel officer (manager).
  • Seal- is entered in the work book to certify the entered data.


Information about work activity

A section intended for entering information about the employee’s work. Acceptance, transfer or is noted here.

The page has four columns:

  • serial number of the record;
  • date of modification;
  • field for entry - enter the company name (including abbreviated name), position, name of the structural unit;
  • number and date of the document that influenced the decision.

The basis document for making an entry is an order certified by the company’s seal and the employer’s signature.


Achievements and awards

A section intended for noting promotions, conferring new titles, receiving certificates or badges, etc.

All of them are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or, but are not provided on a regular basis.

How to complete this page:

  • the first two columns contain the serial number and date;
  • Column No. 3 indicates the name of the company, position and type of award;
  • in the last column - the date and number of the order on the basis of which the employee is rewarded.

An example is shown in the figure:

No disciplinary notices are issued. Exception - .


There are situations when an employee was and went to court.

If the claim is satisfied, the employer may be forced to return the employee to the company.

In such a situation, the personnel specialist must cancel the information about the termination of the employment contract.

A sample entry is shown in the figure:


Upon dismissal, an entry in the Labor Code must be made in a timely manner and coincide with the number noted in.

Otherwise, the organization may have conflicts with regulatory authorities. This threatens the payment of an administrative fine and financial compensation to the employee.

To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to make the following entries on the day of dismissal:

  • No. 2 – date of termination of the contract (last working day -);
  • No. 3 – information about the ongoing event: reasons and links to articles of legislation;
  • No. 4 – details of the document on the basis of which the dismissal occurs.

The work book is stamped and signed by the personnel officer (manager) and the former employee.

A sample for 2020-2016 is shown in the figure:

Death of an employee

In this case, the legislation requires the correct entry to be made in the Labor Code - about the termination of the contract due to circumstances independent of the will of the parties (clause 6 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The date of death noted on the certificate must be indicated (to be presented by relatives). The field for a signature confirming familiarization remains empty.

Sample filling:

Correcting errors and making changes to TC

Sometimes an incorrect entry is made in a document, but according to established rules, strikethroughs are not allowed.

To do this, in the columns of the “Job Information” table, write:

  • No. 1 – serial number of the record;
  • No. 2 – date of correction;
  • No. 3 – information about invalidating the entry.

Valid data is then recorded. The last column indicates the details of the document on the basis of which the corrections were made.

This is how an erroneous entry is canceled:

Renaming the company

An entry must be made in the Labor Code, otherwise the employee may subsequently have problems with the Pension Fund when determining their length of service.

Using two different seals will be misleading.

To prevent this from happening, the HR specialist puts down:

  • in column 3 - company name, information about renaming, date.
  • in column 4 – the basis for the changes made (employer’s order, date and number).

Filling example:

Rules for filling out the insert

If you run out of books, you don’t have to start a new one – just insert a special insert.

It is drawn up and filled out according to a principle similar to the design of the Labor Code, only you will need to sew it in - this is what the established rules say.

An example is shown below:

The legislation does not regulate the specifics of sewing. Most enterprises use stiff threads, make 4 punctures and attach a sheet at the end of the work book.

The specialist must indicate in it the series and number of the insert, which must be certified by a seal.

Duplicate TC and its design

you may need:

  • when ;
  • as a result of wear and tear or serious physical damage;
  • if there are records canceled by court decision;
  • in case of an emergency at the enterprise (copies can be mass produced).

The HR officer is obliged to issue the employee a new Labor Code within 15 working days from the date of submission of the application. The title page of the finished document must contain the inscription “Duplicate”.


S.S. Sidorov lost his work book, so on July 15, 2016, he applied for a duplicate.

The employee received a new document on 08/01/2016:

How are IP records made?

A work book is an official document, the main purpose of which is to reflect a citizen’s work experience, including general, continuous and special.

Accounting is carried out strictly by dates. In this article we will look at the main points related to filling out, storing and recording this document.

Legislative regulation of maintaining this document

The main legislative acts that are currently regulate issues of storing, maintaining and filling out work books are:

  1. The Labor Code of our country with all its changes and amendments since its adoption.
  2. Resolution of the executive body - the Government of Russia number 225 “On work books”.
  3. Instructions for filling out work books, specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation number 69.

Often, a considerable number of contradictions are found in the above documents. If you are faced with a similar situation, remember - you should be guided by the main act - the Labor Code.

Who is responsible for filling, maintaining and storing

According to current Russian legislation, responsibility for issues related to work books in the organization lies on the shoulders of employer. Direct responsibility for all issues related to work books (maintenance, storage) is the responsibility of his appointed person– for example, HR director. Thus, if this employee is absent from the organization, all personnel matters, including filling out work books, are in charge of the manager.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
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General filling rules

A work book is a document that every employee of an organization who has been working for at least 5 days and for whom this place of work is the main one is required to have.

Registration of work books should also be carried out in relation to seasonal and temporary workers and those who are subject to social insurance.

Abbreviations when filling out a work book not allowed– all entries must be written in full. In addition, each entry is numbered with Arabic numerals. If it is necessary to enter a number up to 10 - for example, March 7, then a 0 is placed in front of it.

When hiring each employee, the person in charge must verify authenticity the document presented to them. Firstly, on the title spread of the work book there must be a seal - the stamp of the first organization in which the citizen worked. Without this element, the work book is considered invalid. The personnel officer also needs to verify passport data. If the document is not properly executed, a duplicate is drawn up at the employee’s expense.

It is not permissible to enter information about any penalties from management in the work book. An exception to this rule is a notice of dismissal.

Instructions for proper management

The document we are considering has a simple structure - it contains only three sections:

  • information about the citizen;
  • information about his career;
  • information about awards.

Employee details are located on the title page of the work book and provide information about the person’s name, date of birth, level of education and profession acquired. The above information can only be entered in full, reductions are not allowed.

As confirmation the appropriate documents are used - the original passport or other identification document and a diploma of professional education. The registration of the main page of the work book is secured with the seal of the organization, as well as with the signatures of the employee and the personnel officer.

The second section of the work book - job information– involves entering information about the employee’s hiring, transfers and the fact of dismissal. In this case, the date, position and legal name of the company must be indicated. Also, all entries are accompanied by the number of the corresponding document - for example, an order and the stamp of a legal entity.

In the third section, the HR manager or other responsible person all achievements are recorded employee received during the period of work in this company. The date of receipt of the award, its name and order number are indicated.
Upon completion of any of the above sections, a so-called insert in the work book is drawn up at the employee’s expense.

The rules and nuances of maintaining work records at enterprises are outlined in the following video:

Common errors and inaccuracies

To the main mistakes allowed by personnel service employees when filling out a work book and subsequently making entries in this document are:

  1. Inaccuracies in the name, surname and patronymic of the person.
  2. Errors when indicating the date - for example, indicating the month in words, while this should be done in Arabic numerals.
  3. Incomplete indication of information about the citizen’s level of education – for example, lack of information about the citizen receiving a second diploma.
  4. Lack of information about the employee’s specialty.
  5. Lack of signatures - both from the employee himself and from the person responsible for his hiring.
  6. Lack of organization stamp.
  7. Using the HR department seal instead of the legal entity seal.
  8. Confusion in labor sections - for example, entering data about work in the awards section.

Sample of filling out a work book

According to the existing rules, crossing out for errors in any section of the work book is not allowed. The situation can be corrected only by declaring the incorrect entry invalid and making a new one.

Rules for filling out the insert

Upon expiration of the work book, it is not at all necessary to create a new document - it is enough make an insert. The procedure for registering it is absolutely similar to the procedure for registering a work book. In accordance with the rules, there must be an insert, but the legislation does not say how to do this - in what place to place it, what threads to use.

Despite the fact that from a technical point of view it is most rational to sew the insert into the middle of the work book, it is still better to do this at the end of the document, since in the first case there may be inconvenience with the breakdown of entries. In the vast majority of cases, harsh threads are used for this and about 4 punctures are made.

In the work book itself, the responsible person is obliged to indicate the series and number of the insert and put the appropriate stamp. The stamp can be placed in several places - for example, on the title spread or on the inside of the back. The main requirement is that the seal must be placed in such a way that it does not overlap other inscriptions.

The responsibility for paying the costs for issuing the employment slip falls entirely on the employee. However, in some cases, for example, if a document is damaged through no fault of his own, the culprit will need to contribute funds.

Duplicate: when it is necessary, the procedure for its registration

Among the main circumstances under which a duplicate is required labor, one can attribute its loss and severe wear and tear, which makes further use of the document impossible.

According to existing rules, if an employee loses his work book, a personnel service employee is obliged to issue the employee a new document within 15 working days. The countdown of this period begins from the moment the responsible person receives a citizen’s statement about the loss of the work book, which will indicate all the circumstances under which this incident occurred.

When issuing a new document - a duplicate - the HR manager must make a note “Duplicate” on the title page at the top right side.

In the event that the loss of a work record book occurred before a person joined this organization, and he already had an official place of work, then the first thing the personnel officer must indicate is the citizen’s work experience. In this case, the employee will need to provide certificates, orders and other documents as proof of his experience.

Storage and accounting

Labor documents are among the documents of strict accountability, therefore the procedure for their storage and recording is clearly established at the legislative level.

Thus, according to one of the resolutions of the Russian Government, every company must have work record books. The first of them is called income and expense and is intended to control the forms and inserts of the personnel document in question. The second is a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them. In both cases, compliance with certain rules for maintaining this kind of documents is required - numbering of each sheet, binding, certification by the signature of the responsible person (usually the head of the organization), affixing with an appropriate seal or sealing.

When ignored by management legal entities require to maintain accounting books and store work books, they face punishment in the form of an administrative fine, the amount of which ranges from 1,000 to 50,000 rubles.

When there are changes in the employee's professional activities, appropriate entries must be made in the document confirming the length of service. The rules for filling out a work book by an employer are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and for 2015-2016 the samples remained unchanged.

Correctly filling out a work book: why is it needed and who makes the entries?

A work book is a document containing all the information about the professional activities of an employee. Upon reaching the legal age, it is used to register and calculate a pension. The employer needs the books of his subordinates to calculate various payments, so it is very important to fill out everything correctly.

Regardless of what actions are taken in relation to an employee, changes are made in a company by an individual entrepreneur or in an enterprise by a specialist in the personnel department, accounting department, or the director himself. The rules for filling out a work book in 2015-2016 and samples for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are the same.

It is worth noting that an individual entrepreneur or LLC represented by a director should not create this document for themselves: in Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that only employees can have a book, because The length of service of an entrepreneur is counted from the moment of registration with the Tax Service and thanks to cash receipts into the Pension Fund.

The book must be completed no later than a week from the first day of employment, and only if the employee has worked for 5 days or more, and this is his main job. If he only plans to combine, then entries are made at his request and on the basis of a document that is an official confirmation of his activities in another company.

What should be reflected in the book:

  • Information about hiring.
  • Receiving a transfer to another company or to another position.
  • Change of full name in connection with certain events.
  • Serving in the ranks of the Russian Army, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service and other government agencies.
  • Advanced training or receiving awards.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16. 2005 No. 225 established individual rules for making changes to books:

  • Any entries are made in black or blue ink in great detail; abbreviations are not allowed. The information is assigned a specific serial number according to the section.
  • The employee's passport details are indicated exclusively on the title page.
  • Further changes in the business process must be reflected no later than seven days from the date of issuance of the Director’s Order. If the employee resigns, then the information is entered on the same day taking into account the text of the Order, as well as referring to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

You cannot indicate in the document information about regular bonuses, which are usually paid every month.

Work book: sample filling when applying for a job

The title page must be completed first and upon presentation of the passport.

It is very easy to fill out the title page of the work book using the sample. To do this you need to enter certain data:

  • Full Name. They can be viewed in your passport or other identity document.
  • Date of birth is indicated by numbers: for example, 10/02/1990.
  • Education. To confirm its availability, a diploma, certificate, or a certificate of incomplete training is provided if the employee is still a student.
  • Speciality. This refers to a profession acquired in an educational institution.
  • Date of completion. It can be indicated either completely in numbers or separately by month - in words.
  • Signatures: they are placed by the employed specialist and the employee who prepares the book.
  • Finally, a company specialist or the individual entrepreneur himself puts a stamp.

Extract from the employment record: sample of filling out the book

The column “Information about work” is an extract. Most often, employees ask to make a photocopy of several pages from it, and it contains the following information:

  • Date and number of entry in numbers.
  • Information about admission, dismissal, etc. For example: LLC "Mercury", accepted into the planning department for the position of economist.
  • What is the reason for such an entry: it is usually served by the publication of the Executive Order. Example: Order No. 762 dated 10/11/2015.

Filling out a work book upon dismissal: sample 2015-2016

If a specialist decides to resign, then this is also recorded on the lines immediately following the previous information:

  • As before, the number is indicated in order, and the date of the last working day is indicated in Arabic numerals.
  • Reasons for dismissal: for example, if he leaves at his own request, it is necessary to refer to clause 3 of Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Seal of the organization: it must be affixed by the director or specialist of the company authorized to use it. It is also necessary to put your signatures on the person who filled it out, and on the person resigning.

Filling out work books when transferring to another position in examples

The document, which is very necessary for a specialist, includes adjustments even when he was transferred to another position:

  • Mandatory entry number in order of priority.
  • Date of official translation in simple numbers.
  • In the third column, designated as “Information...”, the data where the transfer was made and to what specific position is entered.
  • Reasons for transfer. The Order data is entered here.

Entering information about awards

Information about received awards is displayed in a number of cases: when the employee was thanked, a one-time bonus was issued, he was nominated for a title, or was awarded a valuable gift or certificate.

How to fill in the following data:

  • The entry is assigned a serial number, followed by the date it was made.
  • Under the line with the name of the company and the title of the position, an entry with approximately the following content is written: “gratitude was expressed for the development of an effective economic plan for the enterprise.”
  • Next, the Order and information about it are indicated: date and number.

Instructions for filling out work books when changing your last name

If the employee got married or there were other reasons for changing her last name, then all information is entered on the basis of the passport or other official documents she brought.

How the adjustment occurs:

  • On the title page, the previous surname is crossed out with a solid line, and a new one is written in the same space.
  • The bases are indicated on the inside cover. Example: the surname was changed to the surname Nesterenko on the basis of the Marriage Certificate dated 10.10.2015 No. I-PK

Duplicate work book: sample filling in 2015-2016.

If his book is lost or misplaced, the employee has every right to submit a written application to the employer or the personnel department from the last place of employment for the issuance of a duplicate; it is issued within 15 days. If the company is to blame for the loss, then all restoration responsibilities fall on it. To make a duplicate, the following documents are required:

  • Orders or their copies certified by management on hiring, dismissal, promotion, transfer.
  • Certificates from the State Archive in case the previous enterprise was liquidated.
  • Employment contracts and certificates of length of service from previous places of work.
  • Salary statements.
  • Personal accounts of a specialist in a company where it is necessary to confirm his work activities.
  • When the length of service has been restored in court, an appropriate decision is needed.

The book must be filled out by the employer personally. If the structure of the organization provides for the presence of a special department for working with personnel or a separate employee in charge of personnel records, responsibility is assigned to the personnel service or personnel employee.

At the same time, his activities must be supervised by the employer, since he is entrusted with responsibility for working with documents of increased reporting and control, which include work books and inserts for them.

If the staffing table does not provide for the position of a personnel officer, all entries are made by an authorized person who is appointed by order of the manager. After this appointment, the specialist will have to receive information about the correct maintenance and completion of the technical documentation and other important documents, since he will be responsible for them along with the manager.

What records should be in the TC?

The work record of each employee must contain certain information about him, which indicated on the title page:

  • personal data (full name);
  • Date of Birth;
  • education;
  • speciality;
  • Date of completion.

This information should contain:

  • appointment date;
  • date of dismissal;
  • information about work;
  • subdivision;
  • rank or position;
  • grounds for hiring or dismissal.

For examples of records of various professions, such as driver, accountant, collective farmer, etc., see.

If the work book has expired, how can I continue recording? Under no circumstances should you:

  1. Continue making entries in the Labor Code, correcting the inscription “information about the award” to “information about the work.”
  2. Paste in blank sheets of labor forms or lined sheets on a computer (by hand) yourself.

If the work book runs out of pages of information about the work, you must sew in a completed insert.

Deadlines for making entries in the work book: When hiring an employee, an entry in his book must be made within a calendar week or within 5 working days, but no later.

– on the day of dismissal, in some cases – no later than 3 working days.

If hiring is carried out, an appointment can be made on the day of the appointment, since the employer is obliged to employ such an employee. Naturally, if it is done within the organization, the recording must be made on the same day. It must be the day of transfer.

At the request of the employee, a record can be made about. It is not worth taking such an initiative on your own, since the length of service at your permanent place of work will be taken into account.

The following information is not included in the TC:

  • about sick leave;
  • on maternity leave and child care leave;
  • about labor holidays and business trips.

Information about the probationary period when hiring is also not included.

In this case, a certain algorithm is used based on the corresponding order.

What pen should I use to fill out a work book?

When entering information about work into a book or insert, as well as when filling out the title page, entries must be made carefully, without any erasures. To do this, the personnel officer must have ballpoint pen blue, purple or black, which does not smudge, and is not too pale.

The recording must last a long time and be clear. If it gets smeared, it will have to be restored. They can rewrite the entry and declare it invalid even if the color of the information text is excessively dull, which makes it difficult to read.

The instructions also cover the use of ink. Currently, this permission is actively neglected by personnel officers, since there are practically no specialists left who master calligraphy, which requires the use of ink. If an ink blot is created when using them, the book may be considered damaged.

Is it possible to fill out a work book with a gel pen? Regarding gel pens, there are no direct instructions prohibiting their use. In the same time, their use is strictly not recommended:

  1. Their use can lead to damage to the work page, where entries have already been made on the reverse side. Helium paste can damage them, making the text illegible.
  2. Helium paste does not always make the recording legible, as it leaves a wider groove.
  3. Gel pastes are more easily smeared and even erased, which can ultimately render the TC unusable.

If the pen is used improperly or if smudged or poor-quality entries are made, the labor inspectorate may impose a fine.

How to fill out a work book correctly: nuances in examples

No work book entry can be made arbitrarily. All of them are strictly regulated by specialized, legally approved rules and standards. The Labor Code, in chapters 10 and 11, examines the main provisions relating to personnel records management. Work with filling out the labor report is reflected in Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The main provisions of the norms under consideration reflect the Rules and Instructions:

  1. The rules for maintaining and storing TC were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225.
  2. Instructions for filling out the Labor Code have been approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Development of the Russian Federation 10.10.03 for No. 69.

— Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 N 69
“On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 11, 2003 N 5219)

The rules for filling out a work book determine by law all the details related to organizational work with the Labor Code, and also indicate how, in general, work books should be filled out and stored. The rules have the form of a legislative document that regulates almost all actions performed with books, with inserts and forms of labor and inserts for them.

They regulate:

  1. Deadlines for making entries.
  2. The nature and completeness of the information entered in the work columns and on the title page.
  3. No abbreviations in entries.
  4. Necessary for signature with the entries made.
  5. The procedure for entering information about incentives and awards.
  6. The procedure for purchasing work forms and inserts.
  7. Rules and regulations for correcting errors in records.
  8. The question of responsibility for compliance with the Rules.

Unlike the Rules, the Instructions determine the nuances of making entries, the nature of their content and the acceptable form. It defines normative phrases that can be used in certain cases when making entries.

Following the Instructions is not only necessary, but also very convenient, since the main points are defined here in a ready-made form. When making entries, you only need to be guided by the fact that due to the Instruction, which defines:

  1. The procedure for entering information about work.
  2. Using continuous sequential numbering in Arabic numerals.
  3. Recording dates using Arabic numerals.
  4. Corresponds to the date entered in the Labor Code - the first day of going to work.
  5. Form of information about work that is entered into the Labor Code.
  6. Correctness of wording and references to articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  7. The correctness of entering the order for admission (dismissal).
  8. Missing dots when making entries.
  9. Lack of numbering when entering the name of the organization.
  10. No stamp upon hiring.
  11. Availability of a seal upon dismissal from a position.

Based on the instructions, see an example of filling out a work book:

The entries made in the work book must follow one after another, and each employer or personnel officer must ensure that all serial numbers are present.

Is it possible to make an entry in the work book retroactively? In some cases, the entry is made “retroactively”. This is not surprising, considering that entries can be made within 5 working days after hiring the employee.

The main thing is that the date in the column does not differ from the date specified in the employment contract. If, judging by the documents, the employee does not inspire confidence, it is quite advisable to make an entry in the work book on the fifth day, but not earlier.

In practice, there are often cases when undisciplined workers did not show up for work on the second or third day. And the recording made turned out to be a burden on the employer’s conscience.

But if the entry has already been made, you will have to enter information about dismissal for absenteeism, based on the dismissal rules.

Special rules for filling out the Labor Code are provided for directors and individual entrepreneurs who are founders of organizations.

It is not uncommon for an employee to die without retiring. In this case, the TC is also drawn up in accordance with a certain algorithm. A record of death is made in it, and the book is given to the relatives of the deceased employee or transferred to the archive.

Filling out a work book - sample filling:

First entries in the Labor Code: features of making them

To make the first entry in the work book, which is opened at the enterprise by the employer or an authorized person, certain requirements must be met. Information is entered on the basis of documents:

  • passports;
  • diploma or certificate;
  • certificates, certificates, etc.

When filling out, the presence of the person who owns the work book is required. After filling out the title page, we proceed to entering information about the work. If, before entering work, a citizen studied at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, this fact must be reflected before making all entries, putting the first serial number. The first entry in the work book is a sample “I had no experience before joining”:

How to correctly fill out a work book sample:

If, before entering work, a citizen is in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, then the first entry, also made under serial number No. 1, will be a record of service.

date Information about hiring, translation... Name No. and date of document...
1 01 10 2015 Service in the Russian Armed ForcesMilitary ID
Federation from 09/20/2014 to 09/24/2015ST No. 987654
Limited Liability Company
"Gran" (LLC "Gran")
2 01 10 2015 Accepted as assistant reupholstererOrder dated 10/01/2015
upholstered furnitureNo. 77-K

After entering information about education or military service, enter the name of the organization without a serial number, and then the first entry about employment. If a citizen applying for a job:

  • did not work anywhere;
  • not trained;
  • did not serve in the RF Armed Forces,

then this (and other) information is not indicated.

Some inexperienced personnel officers believe that an explanation must be given regarding a citizen’s previous work history.

Therefore, it is completely unlawful for them to enter into the employment record for No. 1 that they had no work experience before starting work. This post is deeply flawed. should not be present in documents due to its inappropriateness.

If a first-time employed citizen actually had no work experience, then this should be clear from the context, due to the lack of records. In this case, a record of employment must be directly made for No. 1.

Please note that if the position does not require qualifications, and the organization does not have departments, the job information will not contain them.

What to do if an entry is missed?

Entries must not violate serial numbers. If this happens, making an entry should be based on the general algorithm in the TC. That is, under the next serial number you need to make an entry stating that an error was made (an entry was missed), and under the next serial number you need to make it.

But such actions cannot be carried out arbitrarily. In order for such an error to be corrected, a special order and grounds for correction are required. If the entry was missed by another employer, you must:

  1. Make a request regarding an error.
  2. Receive the necessary documents from the person responsible for the error.
  3. Force him to correct his mistake.

Keep in mind that the mistake must be corrected by the employer who made it. In some difficult cases, it is necessary to seek correction of the error through the courts. Arbitrary interference is unacceptable.

This is very important because a missing entry can appear in two cases:

  1. By mistake of one of the employers.
  2. In case of fraudulent transactions with the work book on the part of the employee himself.

In both cases, vigilance and caution must be exercised.

Peculiarities of entering certain types of entries into the Labor Code

The book contains information both about disciplinary violations. It must be entered on the basis of an order. In the event that an award order is issued, but no entry is made, GIT inspectors will impose a lawful fine. Penalties themselves are punishment and are not included in the Labor Code.

Other violations may be made, depending on what they are. For example, almost all personnel officers know that recording a dismissal based on violations is made on the basis of an “article.”

That is, when dismissing such an employee, the grounds indicate that he was “dismissed for absenteeism,” “dismissed due to disciplinary action,” etc. Of such a type Dismissals must be accompanied by documents:

  • acts;
  • reports or memos;
  • explanatory;
  • by decision of the CCC or the disciplinary commission.

The employer has no right to make such entries in the work book at his whim.

A reprimand is not entered in the book (as well as a remark). As a disciplinary sanction, it can be entered in a personal file, in accordance with the order and properly executed documents.

Its validity period is 1 year.

In the column profession, specialty, qualifications are indicated:

  • by diploma;
  • for courses with a total volume of at least 70-100 teaching hours;
  • based on work experience.

This information should always be up to date. If an employee is employed in a specialty that is not reflected in the information about the profession, it must be added by entering it, separated by commas, to the existing information.

The book must necessarily reflect information that is preferential in nature upon retirement. To do this, it is necessary to use the Classifier of Occupations and qualification directories, making entries in strict accordance with the standards established in it.

Also the nature of the work must be indicated, which involves permanent work, work during maternity leave, seasonal work, etc. Other insignificant information is not indicated in the Labor Code, but can be specified in detail in the employment contract.

It is mandatory to indicate in what position and in what department the employee is accepted. Shift work refers to information that, in the opinion of many employers, is not required. But this opinion is ambiguous.

After all, a shift is not only working conditions, it is a determination of the place of work in the absence of any other reference to the unit. That's why an indication of shift work is appropriate in two cases:

  1. At the request of the employee.
  2. If necessary, instead of specifying another unit.

Is it possible to skip lines in TC?

Inscriptions must be made without skipping lines. However, if there is a stamp on the previous entry that takes up one or two lines, then they need to be skipped.

It is unacceptable to enter information about your organization on someone else's seal.


Working with technical documentation is a very painstaking task that requires careful handling of the document. In this work, almost all forms of making entries are regulated, and the slightest defects will be subject to correction and may be punished by the labor inspectorate.

An unlawful entry discovered in advance will be fraught with fines for the employer, with the ensuing administrative consequences for the personnel employee.