The procedure for calculating vacation pay. How vacation pay is calculated: new accrual rules How vacation is calculated



Personal income tax Since 2016, personal income tax on vacation pay can be transferred until the end of the month. Until 2016, it was necessary on the day vacation pay was issued. However, compensation for unspent vacation must still be paid no later than the day following the dismissal.

Data entry (all free!):

Comparison with minimum wage

The average daily earnings cannot be lower than the minimum wage calculation for the month in which the employee goes on vacation.

Federal minimum wage (in the month when the employee goes on vacation): (if an employee works part-time, then the minimum wage must also be divided in half)

Number of calendar days (in the month when the employee goes on vacation):


The calculation in case of absence of days worked is very simple:

Calculation of days workedAverage monthly earnings
0 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 0 daysnet(earnings) / 29.3 * 0 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 0 rub.
28 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 28 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 28 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 9556.31 rub.
31 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 31 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 31 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10580.2 rub.
30 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 30 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 30 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10238.91 rub.
31 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 31 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 31 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10580.2 rub.
30 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 30 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 30 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10238.91 rub.
31 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 31 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 31 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10580.2 rub.
31 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 31 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 31 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10580.2 rub.
30 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 30 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 30 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10238.91 rub.
31 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 31 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 31 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10580.2 rub.
30 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 30 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 30 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10238.91 rub.
31 (calendar days) - 0 (excluded days) = 31 days10000 (earnings) / 29.3 * 31 (calendar days) * 1 (indexation coefficient) = 10580.2 rub.
Total days: 0 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 = 334 amount of settlement daysTotal earnings: 0 + 9556.31 + 10580.2 + 10238.91 + 10580.2 + 10238.91 + 10580.2 + 10580.2 + 10238.91 + 10580.2 + 10238.91 + 10580.2 = 113993.17 amount of earnings

this one (there is accounting there). The issue price is 1000 rubles per month. But for this price you can calculate and submit all 25 reports for employees via the Internet.

Examples of using the calculator

The employee goes on vacation on August 15, 2018 for 20 days. He has been working since November 6, 2016 (earning 9,500 rubles). In December 2017, he received (officially) a New Year's bonus of 2,000 rubles (earnings of 12,000 rubles). In January 2017, I was sick for 7 days (earning 8,000 rubles). Salary 10,000 rubles.

The billing period, in this case, will be from August 2017 to July 2018 (inclusive), but since If the employee has worked for this organization for less than a full year, then the period will be from November 5, 2017 to July 31, 2018 (i.e., 3 months will be “net” in the earnings column).

92346.94 (amount of earnings) / 261 (sum of settlement days) = 353.82 rubles

Vacation pay calculation: 353.82 20 (vacation days) = 7076.39 rubles

The employee goes on vacation on May 25, 2018 for 7 days. He has been working since May 2, 2018 (earning 7,720 rubles).

The billing period, in this case, will be only one month. We exclude 1 day of start of work and 7 days, because the month was not fully worked out (i.e. 11 months will be “net” in the earnings column).

Average daily earnings will be: 8140.14 (amount of earnings) / 23 (sum of settlement days) = 353.92 rubles

Vacation pay calculation: 353.92 (average daily earnings) * 7 (vacation days) = 2477.43 rubles


From April 2, 2014 (and in 2014), a new coefficient for calculating vacation pay is in effect - 29.3 (previously it was 29.4).

What to do if your vacation started in one month and ended in another. All insurance premiums and personal income tax must be paid in full no later than three days before the start of the vacation. If there are deductions, then the personal income tax base is reduced by the entire amount of deductions due to the employee for the first month. There is no need to distribute deductions between months.

Personal income tax Since 2016, personal income tax on vacation pay can be transferred until the end of the month. Until 2016, it was necessary on the day vacation pay was issued.

An employee is entitled to compensation for 28 days of vacation if he has worked from 10.5 to 12.5 months (according to the rules of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR dated April 30, 1930 No. 169).

Calculation of vacation pay in 2018

Amount of vacation pay: The amount of vacation pay is equal to the product of the average daily earnings by the number of paid calendar days of vacation. Average daily earnings: Average daily earnings are equal to earnings (salary, official bonuses) for the 12 months (payroll period) preceding the month the vacation began, divided by the number of calendar days in the payroll period.

Calculation of vacation pay in 2018 with excluded days. Example: An employee’s salary from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018 is 5,000 rubles. From June 1, 2017, the employee takes 28 days of vacation. The employee was ill for 10 calendar days - from March 14 to March 23 (in March 31 days of which 21 were worked) of 2018 inclusive

Vacation pay = salary: 29.3 days. *(M + 29.3 days : Kdn1 * Kotr1) * D

Vacation pay = salary [for 12 months. 5000*12=60 000] : days. *(M + 29.3 days: Kdn1 * Kotr1 * D) = 4,893.45 rub.

D - number of calendar days of vacation.

M is the number of fully worked months in the billing period;

Kdn1... - the number of calendar days in months not fully worked;

Kotr1... - the number of calendar days in “incomplete” months falling on the time worked:

According to such a complex (but legal) scheme in small businesses, few people consider it; they often simply give vacation pay = salary and that’s it.

Days an employee works that are excluded from the calculation of vacation pay. This is when the employee was absent from the workplace:

  • received hospital benefits or maternity benefits (any hospital benefits (at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund or the employer) are also excluded from the calculation);
  • had the right to average earnings in accordance with labor legislation (was on vacation or on a business trip). Exception - the employee is entitled to average earnings during breaks to feed the child, but this time is not excluded from the billing period;
  • did not work due to downtime due to the fault of the employer or for reasons beyond the control of management or staff;
  • was released from work for other reasons provided for by law (for example, leave without pay).

In the case where an employee had no accrued salary for 12 months of the pay period or do they consist entirely of excluded periods? Then, to determine the average earnings, you need to take a period equal to the calculated one - 12 months that precede the excluded time.

Easier to use for calculations. The issue price is 1000 rubles per month. But for this price you can calculate and submit all 25 reports for employees via the Internet.

General rules for granting leave and paying compensation

An employee is entitled to paid leave every year. This refers to the working year, not the calendar year. The working year is also 12 full months. But unlike the calendar calendar, it begins not on January 1, but when the person was enrolled in the state. For example, an employee started working on April 1, 2013. This means that his first working year will end on March 31, 2014. The second working year is the period from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2016, etc.

The employee did not work out the vacation taken in advance. In the first year of work, the right to leave arises for the employee after six months of continuous service in the given company. At the same time, he can take the entire annual vacation, that is, all 28 calendar days at once (this is the standard vacation). But a person can quit without working for a year. Then he will have to return part of the vacation pay received to the company - Article 137 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation insists on this. Although there are exceptions to this rule - in particular, dismissal due to staff reduction.

The employee did not take the required vacation. If a person quits without using his legal leave, he is entitled to compensation. Money is paid for each day that the employee does not take time off. But without dismissal, you can replace with money only that part of the annual leave that exceeds 28 calendar days. Let's assume that every year an employee is entitled to a vacation of 35 calendar days. Then he can take 28 days off and receive compensation for the remaining 7. If the employee did not use 7 of the 28 days of rest due to him, then he will not be able to receive money instead.

Example. The employee was hired on November 17, 2014, and left on June 30, 2015. During this period he was on vacation for 14 calendar days. In total, the employee is entitled to 28 days of main leave and 7 days of additional leave.

The employee worked a full 7 months and an additional 14 days in November. This is less than half a month, so they are excluded from the calculation. Thus, he “earned” 20.42 days of vacation (35 days: 12 months x 7 months). Consequently, he is entitled to compensation for 6.42 days (20.42 – 14).

If you went on vacation on the first day of work?

Vacation will be the rate per shift multiplied by vacation days (quantity) (letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 5, 2016 No. 14-1/B-429).


Since holidays are not included or paid in the number of days of annual leave, there is no need to exclude them from the calculation. Let's say an employee was on vacation from February 16 to March 1, 2015. Meanwhile, February 23 is not included in the number of vacation days, like a holiday and a day off. And it must be taken into account when calculating calendar days attributable to time worked. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the periods from February 16 to 22 and from February 24 to March 1.

Holiday non-working days that fell on the employee’s previous vacation must be included in the calculation of the current vacation (letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 15, 2016 No. 14-1/B-351).

How long can a vacation last?

In Russia, a regular vacation, according to labor law, lasts 28 calendar days. In this case, the rest can be divided into parts, one of which must be at least 14 days. The remaining parts can be of any length. That is, the employee has the right to take 5 days (from Monday to Friday). Another option common in enterprises is not prohibited - a vacation of 9 days (from Saturday of one week to Sunday of another).

In this case, non-working holidays are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation and are not paid. Let’s say an employee is going to rest for 6 calendar days starting from June 8, 2015. This means that the last day of vacation will be June 14th. After all, June 12 is a holiday.

What is the billing period?

As a general rule, vacation pay is calculated based on the employee’s average earnings over the last 12 calendar months. That is, if a person plans to go on vacation in June 2015, then the calculation period for average earnings is from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015.

A different billing period may be established in the following cases.

If the employee has not yet worked for the company for 12 months. In this case, the calculation period will be the period of time during which the person is registered in the organization. For example, an employee joined the company on December 8, 2008. Since July 6, 2015, he has been granted annual leave. The billing period is from December 8, 2014 to June 30, 2015.

If a person got a job and took a vacation in the same month. Then the calculation period is the actual time worked. Let’s assume that an employee joined the organization on July 6, 2015 and asked for leave starting July 20. The billing period begins on July 6 and ends on July 19.

If the employee did not actually work during the last 12 months and was not paid a salary. Here we must take into account the last 12 calendar months during which the employee was paid a salary. Let's say that since March 14, 2012, a woman was first on maternity leave and then on parental leave. In March 2015, without going to work, she wrote an application for a two-week leave. The standard billing period - 12 months before vacation - falls on maternity leave, when there was no income. Therefore, you need to take the period from March 1, 2011 to February 28, 2012.

If it is more convenient for the company to establish a special billing period. However, in such a situation, each vacation pay will have to be calculated twice (for 12 months and for the established billing period) and the results must be compared. The fact is that vacation pay cannot be less than the amount calculated on the basis of annual earnings.

Which periods are taken into account when calculating length of service for vacation, and which are not?

Experience includes:

Time of actual work;

Intervals when a person did not work, but a place was reserved for him;

Forced absenteeism due to illegal dismissal or suspension from work and subsequent reinstatement;

Days when an employee could not work because he failed to undergo a mandatory medical examination through no fault of his own.

Let's say an employee quit in July 2015. By this time, he had been with the company for nine full months. But he was ill for six of them in total. Despite this, compensation for unused vacation must be calculated for all nine months. After all, during an illness, average earnings are maintained.

Thus, the employee is entitled to compensation for 21 days (28 days: 12 months x 9 months).

Please note: the period when a woman, while on maternity leave, works part-time is included in her vacation experience. The fact is that working part-time does not affect either the duration of annual leave or the calculation of seniority. This is indicated by Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Experience does not include:

The time an employee is absent from work without good reason (including due to suspension from work under Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Thus, the beginning of the second working year is delayed by 32 days (46 – 14). Hence the second working year for which vacation is due is from December 18, 2008 to May 15, 2015 inclusive (date of dismissal). From January 11 to January 20, the employee was on leave without pay for 10 days. This period is fully included in the length of service. In total, it turns out that the employee worked for 4 months and 28 days, which is rounded up to 5 months.

Thus, for the time worked in the second working year, the employee is entitled to compensation for 11.67 calendar days (28 days: 12 months x 5 months). And in just 39.67 calendar days (28 + 11.67).

If the employee quits before the end of his first working year, the calculation will be as follows.

Example. The employee was hired on February 2, 2015. From May 6 to June 7 inclusive, he was on leave without pay, and on June 15 he resigned. Annual paid leave in the company is standard 28 calendar days.

The period from February 2 to May 1 inclusive, this is three full months, was fully worked by the employee. In the period from May 2 to June 15 (the date of dismissal), the employee worked for 12 days. Plus, you need to include 14 days of vacation at your own expense in the calculation. The total is 26 days, which are rounded up to a full month.

Thus, compensation is due for 4 months or 9.33 days. (28 days: 12 months x 4 months).

It’s easier to use for calculations (without used) or this one (there is accounting there). The issue price is 750 rubles per month. But for this price you can calculate and submit all 25 reports for employees via the Internet.

Who is entitled to paid study leave?

A company is required to provide an employee with paid study leave if the following several conditions are met.

First: the educational institution has state accreditation. Second: employee receives education at this level for the first time. Third: the employee studies correspondence or evening departments. And fourth: successful studies(that is, the employee has no debts in the disciplines studied).

At the same time, the employer has the right to provide for paid study leave in the employment or collective agreement in other situations. For example, for workers receiving a second higher education or studying at a university without state accreditation.

How long can study leave last?

The duration of educational leave is determined based on the summons certificate issued by the educational institution. This period is set in calendar days and depends on what kind of education the employee receives - higher or secondary.

Types of paid study leaves (correspondence and evening studies)

Reason why leave is granted

Vacation period depending on education level



Session in I and II courses

Session in III and subsequent courses

Preparation and defense of a diploma, as well as subsequent state exams

State exams (if the university does not provide for diploma defense)

When study leave is granted in accordance with internal company documents, a summons certificate is not required. In this case, the duration of the vacation is determined by agreement of the parties.

Please note: the company must pay for all calendar days of study leave, including non-working holidays. Let’s say an employee is granted study leave from May 22 to June 30, 2015 inclusive. This means that you need to pay for all 40 calendar days, including the holiday - June 12. Otherwise, study leave is paid according to the same rules as annual leave.

What the billing period may be, see above in the description of a regular vacation


Article 114. Annual paid holidays

Employees are provided with annual leave while maintaining their place of work (position) and average earnings.

Article 115. Duration of annual basic paid leave

Annual basic paid leave is provided to employees for 28 calendar days.

Annual basic paid leave of more than 28 calendar days (extended basic leave) is provided to employees in accordance with this Code and other federal laws.

Article 116. Annual additional paid leave

Annual additional paid leave is provided to employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, employees with a special nature of work, employees with irregular working hours, employees working in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas. cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

Employers, taking into account their production and financial capabilities, can independently establish additional leaves for employees, unless otherwise provided by this Code and other federal laws. The procedure and conditions for granting these leaves are determined by collective agreements or local regulations, which are adopted taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization.

The annual additional paid leave of at least 7 calendar days specified in Article 117 of this Code must be provided to all employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, including those whose professions, positions or work performed are not provided for by the List of productions, workshops , professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day, but whose work under conditions of exposure to harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the production environment and the labor process is confirmed by the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions (Definition Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2013 N 135-O).

Article 117. Annual additional paid leave for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions

Annual additional paid leave is provided to employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions: in underground mining and open-pit mining in open-pit mines and quarries, in zones of radioactive contamination, and in other work associated with the adverse effects on human health of harmful physical, chemical, biological and other factors.

The minimum duration of annual additional paid leave for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, and the conditions for its provision, are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.

Article 118. Annual additional paid leave for the special nature of work

The list of categories of employees for whom annual additional paid leave is established for the special nature of the work, as well as the minimum duration of this leave and the conditions for its provision are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 119. Annual additional paid leave for employees with irregular working hours

Employees with irregular working hours are provided with annual additional paid leave, the duration of which is determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations and which cannot be less than three calendar days.

The procedure and conditions for granting annual additional paid leave to employees with irregular working hours in organizations financed from the federal budget are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in organizations financed from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and in organizations financed from local budget - local government bodies.

Article 120. Calculation of the duration of annual paid leave

The duration of the annual main and additional paid leaves of employees is calculated in calendar days and is not limited to a maximum limit. Non-working holidays falling during the period of annual main or annual additional paid leave are not included in the number of calendar days of leave.

When calculating the total duration of annual paid leave, additional paid leave is summed up with the annual main paid leave.

Article 121. Calculation of length of service giving the right to annual paid leave

The length of service that gives the right to annual basic paid leave includes:

actual work time;

the time when the employee did not actually work, but in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, an employment contract, he retained his place of work (position), including the time of the annual paid leave, non-working holidays, days off and other rest days provided to the employee;

time of forced absence due to illegal dismissal or suspension from work and subsequent reinstatement to the previous job;

the period of suspension from work of an employee who has not undergone a mandatory medical examination (examination) through no fault of his own;

the time of unpaid leave provided at the request of the employee, not exceeding 14 calendar days during the working year.

The length of service that gives the right to annual basic paid leave does not include:

the time the employee is absent from work without good reason, including due to his removal from work in the cases provided for in Article 76 of this Code;

time of parental leave until the child reaches the legal age;

The length of service that gives the right to annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions includes only the time actually worked in the relevant conditions.

Article 122. Procedure for granting annual paid leave

Paid leave must be provided to the employee annually.

The right to use vacation for the first year of work arises for the employee after six months of continuous work with this employer. By agreement of the parties, paid leave may be granted to the employee before the expiration of six months.

Before the expiration of six months of continuous work, paid leave at the request of the employee must be granted:

for women - before maternity leave or immediately after it;

employees under eighteen years of age;

employees who adopted a child (children) under the age of three months;

in other cases provided for by federal laws.

Leave for the second and subsequent years of work can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the order of provision of annual paid leave established by a given employer.

The order of granting paid leave to employees of FIFA, FIFA subsidiaries, FIFA counterparties, confederations, national football associations, the Russian Football Union, the Organizing Committee "Russia-2018", its subsidiaries, whose labor activities are related to the implementation of activities for the preparation and conduct of sports in the Russian Federation competitions - the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, is determined annually in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the employer, taking into account the action plans of the relevant organizations for the preparation and holding of sports competitions (Part 5 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of 06/07/2013 N 108-FZ).

Article 123. Sequence of granting annual paid leave

The order of provision of paid vacations is determined annually in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year in the manner established by Article 372 of this Code for the adoption of local regulations.

The vacation schedule is mandatory for both the employer and the employee.

The employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation by signature no later than two weeks before it begins.

Certain categories of employees, in cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws, are granted annual paid leave at their request at a time convenient for them. At the request of the husband, he is granted annual leave while his wife is on maternity leave, regardless of the time of his continuous work with this employer.

Article 124. Extension or postponement of annual paid leave

Annual paid leave must be extended or postponed to another period determined by the employer taking into account the wishes of the employee in the following cases:

temporary disability of the employee;

the employee performs state duties during his annual paid leave, if the labor legislation provides for exemption from work for this purpose;

in other cases provided for by labor legislation and local regulations.

If the employee was not promptly paid for the period of annual paid leave or the employee was warned about the start time of this leave later than two weeks before its start, then the employer, upon a written application from the employee, is obliged to postpone the annual paid leave to another date agreed with the employee.

In exceptional cases, when the provision of leave to an employee in the current working year may adversely affect the normal course of work of an organization or individual entrepreneur, it is allowed, with the consent of the employee, to transfer the leave to the next working year. In this case, the leave must be used no later than 12 months after the end of the working year for which it is granted.

It is prohibited to fail to provide annual paid leave for two years in a row, as well as to not provide annual paid leave to employees under the age of eighteen and employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

Article 125. Division of annual paid leave into parts. Review from vacation

By agreement between the employee and the employer, annual paid leave can be divided into parts. Moreover, at least one part of this leave must be at least 14 calendar days.

Recall of an employee from vacation is permitted only with his consent. The part of the vacation unused in this regard must be provided at the employee’s choice at a time convenient for him during the current working year or added to the vacation for the next working year.

Employees under the age of eighteen, pregnant women and employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions are not allowed to be recalled from vacation.

Article 126. Replacement of annual paid leave with monetary compensation

Part of the annual paid leave exceeding 28 calendar days, upon written application of the employee, can be replaced by monetary compensation.

When summing up annual paid leave or transferring annual paid leave to the next working year, monetary compensation can be replaced by a part of each annual paid leave exceeding 28 calendar days, or any number of days from this part.

It is not allowed to replace with monetary compensation annual basic paid leave and annual additional paid leave for pregnant women and employees under the age of eighteen, as well as annual additional paid leave for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, for work in appropriate conditions (with the exception of payment of monetary compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal).

Article 127. Exercise of the right to leave upon dismissal of an employee

For information on the procedure for paying compensation for unused vacation, see the Rules on regular and additional vacations, approved. NKT USSR 04/30/1930 N 169.

Upon dismissal, the employee is paid monetary compensation for all unused vacations.

The employer, in order to properly fulfill the obligation established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to formalize the dismissal and pay the dismissed employee, must proceed from the fact that the last day of work of the employee is not the day of his dismissal (the last day of vacation), but the day preceding the first day of vacation (Definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2007 N 131-О-О).

Upon written request from the employee, unused vacations may be granted to him with subsequent dismissal (except for cases of dismissal for guilty actions). In this case, the day of dismissal is considered the last day of vacation.

Upon dismissal due to the expiration of the employment contract, leave with subsequent dismissal may be granted even when the vacation time completely or partially extends beyond the term of this contract. In this case, the day of dismissal is also considered the last day of vacation.

When granting leave with subsequent dismissal upon termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee, this employee has the right to withdraw his resignation letter before the start date of the leave, unless another employee is invited to take his place by transfer.

Article 128. Leave without pay

For family reasons and other valid reasons, an employee, upon his written application, may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employee and the employer.

The employer is obliged, based on a written application from the employee, to provide leave without pay:

participants of the Great Patriotic War - up to 35 calendar days a year;

for working old-age pensioners (by age) - up to 14 calendar days per year;

parents and wives (husbands) of military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, the federal fire service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, who died or died as a result of injury, concussion or injury, received while performing the duties of military service (service), or as a result of an illness associated with military service (service) - up to 14 calendar days a year;

for working disabled people - up to 60 calendar days per year;

employees in cases of the birth of a child, marriage registration, death of close relatives - up to five calendar days;

in other cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws or a collective agreement.

Article 139. Calculation of average wages

For all cases of determining the amount of average wages (average earnings) provided for by this Code, a uniform procedure for its calculation is established.

To calculate the average salary, all types of payments provided for by the remuneration system and applied by the relevant employer are taken into account, regardless of the sources of these payments.

In any mode of operation, the average salary of an employee is calculated based on the salary actually accrued to him and the time he actually worked for the 12 calendar months preceding the period during which the employee retains his average salary. In this case, a calendar month is considered to be the period from the 1st to the 30th (31st) day of the corresponding month inclusive (in February - to the 28th (29th) day inclusive).

Average daily earnings for vacation pay and compensation for unused vacations are calculated for the last 12 calendar months by dividing the amount of accrued wages by 12 and by 29.3 (the average monthly number of calendar days).

The average daily earnings for payment of vacations granted in working days, in cases provided for by this Code, as well as for payment of compensation for unused vacations, are determined by dividing the amount of accrued wages by the number of working days according to the calendar of a six-day working week.

A collective agreement or local regulatory act may provide for other periods for calculating average wages, if this does not worsen the situation of employees.

The specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages established by this article are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.

Show/hide: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 922 “average wages” with the latest amendments and additions.





(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009 N 916,

dated March 25, 2013 N 257)

In accordance with Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages.

2. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation shall provide clarifications on issues related to the application of the Regulations approved by this Resolution.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2013 N 257)

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2003 No. 213 “On the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 16, Art. 1529) shall be declared invalid.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation


Government Decree

Russian Federation




1. This Regulation establishes the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages (average earnings) for all cases of determining its size provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as average earnings).

2. To calculate average earnings, all types of payments provided for by the remuneration system and applied by the relevant employer are taken into account, regardless of the sources of these payments. Such payments include:

a) wages accrued to the employee at tariff rates, salaries (official salaries) for the time worked;

b) wages accrued to the employee for work performed at piece rates;

c) wages accrued to the employee for work performed as a percentage of revenue from sales of products (performance of work, provision of services), or commission;

d) wages paid in non-monetary form;

e) monetary remuneration (monetary allowance) accrued for hours worked to persons holding government positions in the Russian Federation, government positions in constituent entities of the Russian Federation, deputies, members of elected local government bodies, elected officials of local government, members of election commissions operating on a permanent basis;

f) salary accrued to municipal employees for time worked;

g) fees accrued in editorial offices of mass media and art organizations for employees on the payroll of these editorial offices and organizations, and (or) payment for their labor, carried out at the rates (rates) of author's (production) remuneration;

h) wages accrued to teachers of primary and secondary vocational education institutions for hours of teaching work in excess of the established and (or) reduced annual teaching load for the current academic year, regardless of the time of accrual;

i) wages, finally calculated at the end of the calendar year preceding the event, determined by the remuneration system, regardless of the time of accrual;

j) allowances and additional payments to tariff rates, salaries (official salaries) for professional excellence, class, length of service (work experience), academic degree, academic title, knowledge of a foreign language, work with information constituting state secrets, combination of professions (positions) , expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work performed, team management and others;

k) payments related to working conditions, including payments determined by regional regulation of wages (in the form of coefficients and percentage bonuses to wages), increased wages for hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions labor, for night work, payment for work on weekends and non-working holidays, payment for overtime work;

l) remuneration for performing the functions of a class teacher to teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions;

m) bonuses and rewards provided for by the remuneration system;

o) other types of wage payments applicable to the relevant employer.

3. To calculate average earnings, social payments and other payments not related to wages (material assistance, payment for the cost of food, travel, training, utilities, recreation, etc.) are not taken into account.

On including the time of a strike in the calculation period for calculating average earnings, see letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 1996 N 149-KV.

4. The calculation of the average salary of an employee, regardless of his mode of work, is based on the salary actually accrued to him and the time actually worked by him for the 12 calendar months preceding the period during which the employee retains his average salary. In this case, a calendar month is considered to be the period from the 1st to the 30th (31st) day of the corresponding month inclusive (in February - to the 28th (29th) day inclusive).

Average daily earnings for vacation pay and compensation for unused vacations are calculated for the last 12 calendar months.

5. When calculating average earnings, time is excluded from the calculation period, as well as amounts accrued during this time, if:

a) the employee retained his average earnings in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the exception of breaks for feeding the child provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) the employee received temporary disability benefits or maternity benefits;

c) the employee did not work due to downtime due to the fault of the employer or for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee;

d) the employee did not participate in the strike, but due to this strike he was not able to perform his work;

e) the employee was provided with additional paid days off to care for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood;

f) the employee in other cases was released from work with full or partial retention of wages or without payment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. If the employee did not have actually accrued wages or actually worked days for the billing period or for a period exceeding the billing period, or this period consisted of time excluded from the billing period in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Regulations, the average earnings are determined based on from the amount of wages actually accrued for the previous period, equal to the calculated one.

7. If the employee did not have actually accrued wages or actually worked days for the billing period and before the start of the billing period, the average earnings are determined based on the amount of wages actually accrued for the days actually worked by the employee in the month of occurrence of the event that is associated with the retention average earnings.

8. If the employee did not have actually accrued wages or actually worked days for the billing period, before the start of the billing period and before the occurrence of an event associated with maintaining the average earnings, the average earnings are determined based on the tariff rate established for him, salary (official salary ).

9. When determining average earnings, average daily earnings are used in the following cases:

to pay for vacations and pay compensation for unused vacations;

for other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, except for the case of determining the average earnings of workers for whom summarized recording of working time is established.

The average employee's earnings are determined by multiplying the average daily earnings by the number of days (calendar, working) in the period subject to payment.

Average daily earnings, except in cases of determining average earnings for vacation pay and payment of compensation for unused vacations, are calculated by dividing the amount of wages actually accrued for days worked in the billing period, including bonuses and remunerations taken into account in accordance with paragraph 15 of these Regulations, by the number of days actually worked during this period.

10. Average daily earnings for payment of vacations provided in calendar days and payment of compensation for unused vacations are calculated by dividing the amount of wages actually accrued for the billing period by 12 and by the average monthly number of calendar days (29.3).

If one or more months of the billing period are not fully worked out or time is excluded from it in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Regulations, the average daily earnings are calculated by dividing the amount of actually accrued wages for the billing period by the sum of the average monthly number of calendar days (29.3) , multiplied by the number of complete calendar months, and the number of calendar days in incomplete calendar months.

The number of calendar days in an incomplete calendar month is calculated by dividing the average monthly number of calendar days (29.3) by the number of calendar days of this month and multiplying by the number of calendar days falling on the time worked in this month.

11. Average daily earnings for payment of vacations provided in working days, as well as for payment of compensation for unused vacations, are calculated by dividing the amount of actually accrued wages by the number of working days according to the calendar of a 6-day working week.

12. When working on a part-time basis (part-time, part-time), the average daily earnings to pay for vacations and pay compensation for unused vacations are calculated in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Regulations.

13. When determining the average earnings of an employee for whom a summarized recording of working time has been established, except for the cases of determining the average earnings for paying for vacations and paying compensation for unused vacations, the average hourly earnings are used.

Average hourly earnings are calculated by dividing the amount of wages actually accrued for hours worked in the billing period, including bonuses and remunerations taken into account in accordance with paragraph 15 of these Regulations, by the number of hours actually worked during this period.

Average earnings are determined by multiplying average hourly earnings by the number of working hours according to the employee’s schedule in the period subject to payment.

14. When determining the average earnings for payment of additional educational leaves, all calendar days (including non-working holidays) falling during the period of such leaves provided in accordance with the educational institution’s certificate are subject to payment.

15. When determining average earnings, bonuses and rewards are taken into account in the following order:

monthly bonuses and rewards - actually accrued in the billing period, but no more than one payment for each indicator for each month of the billing period;

bonuses and remunerations for a period of work exceeding one month - actually accrued in the billing period for each indicator, if the duration of the period for which they are accrued does not exceed the duration of the billing period, and in the amount of the monthly part for each month of the billing period, if the duration of the period for which they are accrued exceeds the duration of the billing period;

remuneration based on the results of work for the year, a one-time remuneration for length of service (work experience), other remuneration based on the results of work for the year, accrued for the calendar year preceding the event - regardless of the time the remuneration was accrued.

If the time falling within the billing period is not fully worked or time is excluded from it in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Regulations, bonuses and remunerations are taken into account when determining average earnings in proportion to the time worked in the billing period, with the exception of bonuses accrued for actual hours worked. time in the billing period (monthly, quarterly, etc.).

If an employee has worked an incomplete working period for which bonuses and rewards are accrued, and they were accrued in proportion to the time worked, they are taken into account when determining average earnings based on the amounts actually accrued in the manner established by this paragraph.

16. When tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), and monetary remuneration increase in an organization (branch, structural unit), the average earnings of employees increase in the following order:

if the increase occurred during the billing period, payments taken into account when determining average earnings and accrued in the billing period for the period of time preceding the increase are increased by coefficients that are calculated by dividing the tariff rate, salary (official salary), monetary remuneration established in the month of the last increasing tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration, by tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration established in each month of the billing period;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009 N 916)

(see text in the previous edition)

if the increase occurred after the billing period before the occurrence of an event that is associated with maintaining the average earnings, the average earnings calculated for the billing period increase;

if the increase occurred during the period of maintaining average earnings, part of the average earnings is increased from the date of increase in the tariff rate, salary (official salary), monetary remuneration until the end of the specified period.

If, when an organization (branch, structural unit) increases tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration, the list of monthly payments to tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration and (or) their amounts changes, average earnings increase by coefficients that are calculated by dividing the newly established tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration and monthly payments by the previously established tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration and monthly payments.

(paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009 N 916)

When increasing average earnings, tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration and payments established to tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration in a fixed amount (interest, multiple), with the exception of payments established to tariff rates, are taken into account. salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration in a range of values ​​(percentage, multiple).

When average earnings increase, payments taken into account when determining average earnings, established in absolute amounts, do not increase.

17. The average earnings determined to pay for the time of forced absence are subject to increase by a coefficient calculated by dividing the tariff rate, salary (official salary), monetary remuneration established for the employee from the date of actual start of work after his restoration to his previous job, by the tariff rate, salary (official salary), monetary remuneration established in the billing period, if during the forced absence in the organization (branch, structural unit) tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), monetary remuneration were increased.

At the same time, in relation to payments established in a fixed amount and in an absolute amount, the procedure established by paragraph 16 of these Regulations applies.

18. In all cases, the average monthly earnings of an employee who has worked the full working hours during the billing period and fulfilled labor standards (job duties) cannot be less than the minimum wage established by federal law.

19. For persons working part-time, the average earnings are determined in the manner established by these Regulations.

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An accountant specializing in payroll is often faced with the accrual of vacation pay.

Moreover, there are such cases as granting leave to a part-time worker, a new employee who has not worked for six months since joining, and other interesting points.

After reading this article, you will learn how to calculate vacation in 2019 and get acquainted with examples of calculating vacation payments.

Legislative regulation

The most important regulatory document in terms of organization and remuneration of labor is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To account for vacation, it has a whole chapter numbered 19.

In addition, to regulate certain issues regarding the provision of leave to employees, Federal laws and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation were adopted.

In particular, Resolution No. 922“On the peculiarities of the procedure for calculating average wages” dated December 24, 2007, solves possible problems in calculating average wages.

The basic local act at the enterprise is collective agreement, which is concluded between the employees of the organization and the employer. It spells out all the main nuances of providing annual leave. In addition, the key points in granting leave to a specific employee are established in the employment contract.

Types of leave and conditions for its provision

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees employees of organizations the following types of recreation:

  • leave without pay.

The first two types of vacations are paid. Main holiday is given for 28 calendar days. An employee of an organization can go on vacation after six months of continuous work.

The employer has the right to send specialists of certain categories on leave with their consent, without waiting for 6 months of experience In the organisation.

  • representatives of the fairer sex before and immediately after him;
  • employees who are adoptive parents of children under 3 months of age;
  • employees under 18 years of age.

In subsequent years of work at the enterprise, the employee can take vacation at any time.

Installed for certain specialists extended annual leave. It is provided on the basis of the Labor Code and other federal laws.

In particular, they are:

Additional holidays while maintaining the average salary, the following are established for the organization’s employees:

  • for deviating from normal;
  • for the special nature of the work;
  • for irregular working hours;
  • for work in the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • in other legally established cases.

In addition to the above, the collective agreement may provide for special additional holidays for employees to rest.

How is the number of vacation days calculated?

If the employee’s length of service is a full year with the employer, then calculating the number of vacation days will not be difficult. The duration of vacation for a particular working person is prescribed in the employment contract when he is hired for a position. Usually, after a year of work in an organization, they provide vacation in the number of days established in this document or half of it.

There are cases when an employee requests leave before the end of a year of fulfilling his duties or decides to resign. In such cases, it is necessary to calculate how many days of rest this employee is entitled to.

It can be calculated by formula:

K = (M * Ko) / 12,

  • K is the number of vacation days due for the time he worked in the organization,
  • M – number of months fully worked,
  • Ko – the number of vacation days established per year of work.

For example. The employee's continuous length of service in the organization is 7 months. The employment contract states that he is entitled to 44 days of vacation per year of work. The number of vacation days that he is entitled to at this moment is: (7 months * 44 days) / 12 months = 25.67 days.

When calculating vacation days, the number of months worked is required round to the nearest month. According to the rules, rounding should be done as follows. Surplus amounts of less than two weeks are not taken into account. If the surplus is more than two weeks, then it must be rounded up to the whole month.

For example, an employee started work on April 8. He has been asking for leave since December 19 of the same year. It turns out that he worked in this organization for 7 months and 9 calendar days. These 9 days are discarded since this number of days is less than half a month. The calculation is based on 7 months of continuous operation.

Typically, when calculating vacation days, you end up with a fractional number. To make calculations easier, many accountants use rounding to a whole number, although the law does not stipulate that this action is mandatory anywhere. It should be remembered that rounding should be done in favor of the employee, and not according to the logic of arithmetic.

For example, the number of vacation days that an employee is entitled to when calculating was 19.31 days. Rounding results in 20 days.

What is taken into account when calculating

Russian Government Decree No. 922 dated December 24, 2007 addresses issues related to the calculation of average daily earnings. It states that the calculation of the average salary per day must be carried out taking into account all payments that relate to remuneration for labor.

To them relate:

  1. Wage. This is an official salary, tariff rate, payment at piece rates, payment as a percentage of revenue and others, including non-monetary wages.
  2. Various allowances and surcharges. These are all kinds of incentive and compensation payments, northern coefficients and regional allowances.
  3. Performance bonuses and other rewards.
  4. Other types of payments related to labor remuneration.

To calculate the average salary, you need to take only those accruals that were made for the actual work time and for the work that was actually performed. It follows from this that when calculating the average daily salary no need to take into account the following charges:

  • benefits and other payments financed by the Social Insurance Fund;
  • payments made on the basis of average earnings (these include vacation payments, payment during a business trip);
  • one-time bonuses not related to wages (bonuses for certain holidays);
  • gifts and financial assistance;
  • other accruals not related to remuneration for labor.

In a relationship periods of work included in the vacation calculation, the same principle applies. The 12-month calculation period includes only the time that was actually worked by the employee.

To calculate vacation from the total annual experience the following periods are discarded:

  • the time when the employee retains the right to receive the average salary;
  • the time the employee was on or at ;
  • days off with pay, which are allocated for caring for the disabled;
  • the period of release of the employee from work (absenteeism, downtime, etc.).

Calculation order

The period for calculating vacation payments is the 12 months preceding the vacation.

There are situations when an employee of an organization does not have accruals for wages for this period of time or he did not actually work at this time. In this case, the calculation time must take those 12 months that precede the calculation year. If there are no accruals and days worked and 2 years before the vacation, the average daily salary is calculated based on the data of the month in which the employee goes on vacation.

With full time worked

The ideal case is when the employee did not go on vacation or sick leave for the entire pay period. Then he will have his working hours fully met.

In such a situation, vacation pay is accrued according to a specific formula:

3g = 3g / (12 * 29.3)

  • Zd – average daily earnings,
  • Zg – annual salary,
  • 29.3 – average monthly number of calendar days.

The annual amount of accrued remuneration for labor is obtained by summing the accrued salary for the 12 months preceding the vacation.

With incomplete hours worked

The formula discussed above is not suitable for calculating vacation in situations where the employee has not fully worked 12 billing months.

Here you need to use another, more complex formula:

Zd = Zg / (M * 29.3 + D * 29.3 / Dn)

  • M – number of months worked in full,
  • D – number of calendar days worked in unworked months,
  • Day – the norm of calendar days in unworked months.


Case 1. An employee wants to go on vacation from February 20 for 15 days. From February last year to January this year he worked without interruption. During this time, he was accrued 198,750 rubles, of which 13 thousand rubles were a bonus for his professional holiday. When calculating your vacation, you must subtract the amount of this bonus from your total earnings. It turns out 185,750 rubles. The average daily salary will be 185,750 / (12 * 29.3) = 528.30 rubles. As a result, the employee will receive 528.30 * 15 = 7924.50 rubles for 15 days of vacation.

Case 2. An employee takes 21 days off from December. During the billing period, he was on advanced training courses for two weeks in March and on vacation for 10 days in September. Data on his earnings and actual time worked are shown in the table.

MonthAmount of time worked in calendar daysStandard working hours in calendar daysAmount of accrued wagesAdditional payments
December31 31 20000
January31 31 20000
February28 28 20000
March17 31 27000 13,000 rub. – travel payment
April30 30 20000
May31 31 20000
June30 30 20000
July31 31 20000
August31 31 20000
September20 30 30000 18,000 rub. – vacation pay
October31 31 20000
November30 30 20000
TOTAL: 341 365 257000 31000

The calculation of average earnings will include a salary in the amount of 257,000 – 31,000 = 226,000 rubles. The standard working time of 10 months has been fully worked out. In March and September, he worked only 37 days against the norm of 61 calendar days.

It turns out that on average per day this employee receives: 226,000 / (10 * 29.3 + 37 * 29.3/61) = 727.20 rubles. The vacation amount for 21 days will be: 727.20 rubles. * 21 days = 15271.20 rub.

Rules and examples of calculations are presented in the following video:

Instructions for using the vacation days calculator

  1. Change the data in the "Duration of annual leave" field if you have a different duration. Also enter the number of days used if you know it.
  2. In the Hiring Date and Estimated Date fields, enter your dates. The settlement date is the date on which you want to receive a settlement. These fields are required.
  3. The data entered into the fields of the tables “Absence from work without reason” and “Parental leave” will proportionally deduct vacation days.
  4. The data entered into the fields of the “Leave without pay” table will also proportionally deduct vacation days with the exception of the first 14 calendar days in each year.
  5. Click "CALCULATE". You can save the result as a doc file.

Please also take into account:

  • Use the Today button (circle with a dot) to quickly insert the current date.
  • Use the appropriate buttons to add, delete and clear required fields for faster and more convenient entry and change of information.

About the calculator for calculating the number of vacation days

The vacation days calculator will easily allow you to find out how many days of vacation the employee has accumulated at one time or another.

Legislative basis for calculating vacation days

The calculation of vacation time is made in accordance with Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Why know your vacation record?

The time spent working for one employer, which gives the right to take annual leave, which will be paid, may be needed not only to directly calculate this period, but also to know how many days are subject to compensation upon dismissal.

What is included in the vacation experience?

An employee who works continuously for the same employer will be entitled to annual leave, taking into account the following periods:

  • the time when he actually performed his duties;
  • periods when the employee was absent from work, but his place was retained (vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, military service, etc.);
  • weekends and other non-working days;
  • forced absence from work due to illegal dismissal;
  • suspension due to untimely completion of a medical examination (if this is not the employee’s fault);
  • additional administrative leaves (no more than two weeks per calendar year).

IMPORTANT! Changes were made to the legislation regarding the accrual of length of service during administrative leave:

  • from December 30, 2001 to October 5. 2006, no more than 7 days of vacation at your own expense per year were taken into account;
  • from 10/06/2006 this limit increased to 14 days.

What is not included in the vacation experience

Some periods of time will not be taken into account when calculating the length of service required for leave, namely:

  • employee absenteeism;
  • suspension due to alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication;
  • denial of permission to work due to ignorance or failure to pass safety regulations;
  • the employee did not undergo a mandatory medical examination due to his own fault;
  • inability to perform work according to a medical report;
  • termination of a license required for work (for example, a driver’s license, a weapons permit, etc.);
  • leave to care for a child over 1.5 years old.

Counting Features

The basis is the duration of annual leave of 28 days, unless otherwise established for special categories of employees.

In the first year of work, the minimum length of service to be able to go on vacation must be at least six months. This is not included in the calculator, just keep it in mind.

In case of dismissal, employees who have worked for at least 11 months will be able to receive 100% compensation for unused vacation days.

If an employee went on vacation before 11 months of continuous work and was then dismissed, then part of the vacation pay received in advance upon dismissal will have to be returned to him.

It is prohibited not to take annual leave for more than 2 years in a row.

It is allowed to break the vacation into parts, but one of the parts should not be shorter than 2 weeks.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employers are annually required to provide and pay 28 days of vacation to employees with whom an official employment contract has been concluded. The accrual of vacation pay is an issue that concerns any accountant. But it is no less important for ordinary employees.

Procedure for granting leave

The procedure for granting leave during the first working year is different compared to subsequent years. It is allowed to divide annual leave into parts, but one of them must be no shorter than 14 days.

An employee can take leave after working for 6 months for the employer. By agreement of the parties, it is possible to provide leave before the expiration of this period, and all 28 days, that is, in advance.

  • employees before or after maternity leave;
  • workers who have not reached the age of majority;
  • employees who have registered the adoption of a child under 3 months;
  • husbands during their wives' maternity leave;
  • part-time workers during vacation at their main place of work;
  • military spouses during military leave.

The following are not included in the length of service when calculating vacation pay:

  • days of absence from work without good reason;
  • days of suspension from work;
  • periods of parental leave for up to one and a half or three years.

In subsequent years of work, vacations are provided according to a schedule that takes into account the wishes of employees, the specifics of the employer’s activities and the current laws of the Russian Federation. The employee is notified of the date of leave against signature no later than 14 days before its start.

Video - vacation schedule:

To calculate vacation payments, you first need to establish the billing period and the average earnings received in this period.

Nuances of establishing a billing period

Typically, the calculation period corresponds to the 12 months preceding the month of going on vacation. In practice, it is often less, since the following are excluded:

  • days of illness certified by sick leave certificates;
  • business travel days;
  • days of leave to care for children up to one and a half or three years;
  • days of leave without pay for more than 14 days, provided at the request of the employee;
  • days of absence from work without a valid reason, including days of suspension from work;
  • days of organized strikes and downtime.

If an employee has worked for the employer for less than the established billing period and goes on vacation, then the calculated time period is considered to be the time of actual work until the month of going on vacation.

Calculation of average salary for vacation

Another main indicator for calculating vacation pay is total (total) earnings for the estimated period of time and average earnings per day, calculated using it.

Payments taken into account when determining total earnings (SZ):

  1. Salary.
  2. Additional payments and allowances for special or harmful working conditions.
  3. Bonuses established by the Regulations on remuneration.
  4. Increases for length of service and class.

The following are excluded from it:

  1. Reimbursement for travel and food expenses.
  2. Material aid.
  3. Income from deposits and shares, loans.
  4. Payment of sick leave.
  5. Business trips.

The procedure for calculating average daily earnings depends on whether the employee worked the full pay period or not.

How vacation pay is paid

Vacation pay and other deductions are paid from the wage fund, which is compulsorily formed at each enterprise. Labor standards clearly stipulate the period within which vacation payments must be made - 3 calendar days before the vacation date.

If this deadline falls on a weekend, the funds are transferred before it occurs. No exceptions are made whether employees receive payments in cash or via bank card.

Unfortunately, ordinary employees are not always aware of these regulated deadlines for the payment of vacation pay, and management, especially of small private companies, often violate them.

How vacation pay is calculated

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 922 of December 24, 2007 “On the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages” is the fundamental document of the accountant who calculates vacation pay.

The main possible situations when you need to calculate vacation pay:

  • an employee goes on vacation after working for a full year;
  • an employee goes on vacation after working in the organization for less than a year;
  • it is necessary to accrue compensation for vacation days not taken off to the resigning employee;
  • An employee goes on vacation before resigning.

All these situations need to be considered.

Calculation formula

1.Calculation of vacation pay if an employee has worked a full year, is the simplest, but almost never occurs in practice.

First of all, average daily earnings (ADE) are determined using the basic formula:

SDZ = SZ:12: 29.3

SZ – the employee’s total (cumulative) earnings in the billing period (for 12 months);

29.3 – average monthly number of days per year (until April 2, 2014, the indicator was 29.4. The change occurred due to an increase in public holidays).

Formula for calculating vacation pay:

SDZ * number of vacation days

2.Billing period not fully worked out- the most common situation encountered in practice, since employees often use the right to leave after working for six months; there are periods that must be excluded from the calculation period. If the billing period was not fully worked, the time actually worked is taken.

The sequence for calculating vacation pay for a non-integer billing period is as follows:

1) Determine how many days there are in full months worked:

29.3 * Number of complete months

29.3: sum of days in partial calendar months * number of days worked in partial months

3) Adding the results obtained in the two previous paragraphs, we get the total number of days worked

4) Calculate the average daily earnings - divide the total earnings in the billing period by the total number of days worked (3rd point).

SDZ (4 points) * number of vacation days

How is compensation for unused vacation calculated?

Cash compensation for unused vacation can be paid in two situations:

  • instead of a vacation exceeding 28 days;
  • upon dismissal of an employee.

This paragraph discusses the first option.

Compensation is considered similar to vacation pay, only instead of the number of vacation days, the number of vacation days for which monetary compensation is due is taken:

SDZ * number of compensated vacation days

The most important thing in this case is to determine whether the employee can be paid monetary compensation instead of part of the vacation over 28 days.

Employees who are entitled to:

  • additional leaves (athletes, coaches, medical personnel, workers with irregular working hours, regions of the Far North);
  • extended vacations (teachers, disabled people).

It should be noted that the law gives the employer the right, but not the obligation, to pay compensation, that is, the employer can send the employee on full leave by refusing compensation.

Replacement of vacation with monetary compensation is not acceptable:

  • pregnant workers;
  • minor employees;
  • workers of hazardous and hazardous industries;
  • drug control, customs and internal affairs officials.

Video - monetary compensation instead of vacation:

Employees must be sent on vacation every year; its transfer to the next year is possible only in exceptional cases by agreement of the parties, and not granting vacation for more than 2 years is a gross administrative violation. But in reality, unpaid vacations from past periods often accumulate.

Important! It is impossible to financially compensate for vacation for the previous year that is equal to or less than 28 days; the employer must sum up the days and send the employee on vacation, refusing compensation.

How is compensation for vacation upon dismissal calculated?

Upon dismissal, an employee who has unused vacation must receive monetary compensation for it. The amount of compensation is calculated similarly to the calculation of vacation payments for an incomplete billing period.

Only the last point changes: the average daily earnings are multiplied by the amount of unused vacation days.

If an employee quits in the middle of the year, then the amount of unused vacation is directly proportional to the months worked. For each fully worked calendar month, 2.33 vacation days are due.

To determine compensable vacation days, the formula is used:

number of full months worked * 2.33

Important! If an employee is dismissed after the 15th day of the month, he is added as a whole, but before the 15th day he is not taken into account.

Upon dismissal, certain categories of employees are entitled to full compensation:

  • have worked for at least 11 months with this employer;
  • those who worked from 5.5 to 11 months and were dismissed due to liquidation or reorganization, staff reduction, identification of unsuitability for work, or entry into military service.

Calculation of vacation and vacation pay with subsequent dismissal

Labor law regulations allow an employee to go on vacation followed by dismissal, but the length is not specified. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, after 6 months of continuous work with the employer, the employee receives the right to 28 days of paid leave.

If an employee goes on vacation followed by dismissal for 28 days, but the pay period has not been fully worked, vacation pay is calculated using the basic formula:

Average daily earnings (ADN)*28,

when calculating, the amount for days not worked will be withheld from this employee, but not more than 50% of the total amount of vacation pay.

The most common situation is if an employee goes on vacation with subsequent dismissal and the number of vacation days is proportional to the days worked.

The sequence for calculating vacation pay in this case will be the same as when calculating compensation for unused vacation.

Calculation examples

1. Calculation of vacation pay if an employee has worked for a full year.

An employee earned 500,000 rubles in 12 months and goes on vacation for 28 days.

Average monthly earnings:

500000: 12 = 41667 rub.

Average earnings per day:

41667: 29.3 = 1422 rub.

Amount of vacation pay:

1422 * 28 = 39816 rub.

2. Calculation of vacation pay if an employee works for less than a full year.

The employee has been working for 7 months and has applied for a 14-day vacation. The accountant must summarize the income for these 7 months, let’s say that it turns out to be 280,000 rubles.

The same formula is used as in the first example, only when calculating the average monthly income, the total earnings are divided not by 12, but by 7:

280000: 7 = 40000 rub.

Average earnings per day:

40000: 29.3 = 1365 rub.

Vacation pay amount:

1365 * 14 = 19110 rub.

3. An example of calculating compensation for unused vacation days upon dismissal.

An employee quits after working for 8 months, did not go on vacation, and the last working day falls on the 8th of the month.

Determining the number of unused vacation days:

8 * 2.33 = 18.64 days

Rounded up to 19 days in favor of the employee

Determining the amount of compensation using the data from the second example:

1365 * 19 = 25935 rub.

The same example applies when calculating compensation for vacation over 28 days and vacation pay with subsequent dismissal.


Calculating holiday pay is a few simple math calculations. The main thing is to establish the length of the billing period, the total earnings in it and the average daily earnings.

Having understood the details of granting vacation and accruing vacation pay, any employee can independently calculate the amount of vacation pay due to him.

First, calculate how much you received in the last twelve months, then divide this number by the number of months in the year (12), and then divide again by the average number of days in a month (which equals 29.4 days). Multiply the resulting number by the number of days, and you will get the number of vacation pay that you are entitled to.

Let's say you now receive 10,000 rubles a month. For the first four months you were paid 7,000 rubles. It turns out that over the last 12 months you received: 7000*4+10000*8 = 108,000 rubles. This amount is divided first by 12 and then by 29.4: 108,000: 12: 29.4 = 306.12. That is, your average salary per day is 306 rubles 12 kopecks. Now we multiply this number by 28 vacation days (for most employees). We have 306.12*28 = 8571.36. In total, you should receive 8571 rubles 36 kopecks.

In cases where the last month was not fully worked, vacation pay for the last 12 months is calculated as follows: 11 months is multiplied by 29.4 (the average number of days in a month), and the number of days worked in the last month is multiplied by 1. 4. The resulting products are summed up, and the earnings of the last 12 months are divided by the amount, after which the resulting number is multiplied by the number of vacation days.

For example, if an employee received 100,000 rubles over the last 12 months, but 20 days were not enough for 12 working months, that is, he worked for 11 months and 10 days, his salary is calculated as follows: 100,000: (11*29.4+10* 1.4)*28 = 8298.75, that is, he will receive 8,298 rubles and 75 kopecks.

And lastly: it must be remembered that the above calculations take into account only those incomes that are accrued to the employee for performing his job duties; in this case, dividends, financial assistance, and loans that were accrued to the employee’s salary during these months are not taken into account.


  • How is 30 days counted?
  • Calculation of vacation pay in 2013

According to the Labor Code, every person working under an employment contract has the right to annual paid leave for 28 calendar days. As a rule, this number can be increased, for example, in the case of work in the Far North or areas close to it, as well as when working in harmful and dangerous working conditions. The length of leave depends on length of service. How to calculate it?

You will need

  • - working time sheet.


First, it should be said that an employee’s right to leave arises after 6 months from the date of hire. But if you are a minor, a veteran, a wife or husband, then leave is granted in advance, regardless of the days worked.

When calculating labor time, you should include the days you were actually at work, days spent, and days of forced absenteeism (in case of illegal removal from work). This does not take into account care leave, absenteeism without pay (if it was more than 14 days).

To calculate the duration vacations, find out the number of calendar days of rest per month, for example, if according to the law you have the right to count on 28 calendar days of vacation per year, then per month you are entitled to 2.33 (28 days/12 months), in the case of 36 days - 3 days per month every month, etc.

After this, add up all the days of work minus those described above. Then multiply the resulting number by 2.33 (in the case of a vacation lasting 28 days).

It should also be taken into account that if an employee worked less than 15 days in a month, the number is rounded down, and vice versa. For example, engineer Ivanov V.V. In 2010, he worked for 8 months and 18 days. Thus, when calculating vacation, 9 months are taken, that is, 2.33 days (for each month) * 9 = 21 days of vacation

According to the Labor Code, employees working part-time (minors, pregnant women and other categories) also have the right to leave, and a part-time day is taken as one.

If the vacation period includes holidays, for example, New Year's holidays, then their number is added to the vacation, that is, they are not included in the number of required rest days.

Helpful advice

It is advisable to calculate the required vacation days using a working time sheet. Vacation pay must be paid to the employee no later than three days before the required rest.

The order of granting vacations in the organization in accordance with Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is established by a special schedule in a strictly unified form. Such a schedule is always drawn up as a local regulatory act. It is binding on both parties - the employer and his subordinates.


Are you an employer and don’t know how to regulate the procedure for granting vacations and determine their periods for your employees? First, add a clause on the mandatory use of vacation according to schedule to the internal labor regulations and enshrine this provision in employment contracts. Secondly, having drawn up a schedule, notify each employee of the start time of vacation against signature. When drawing up a vacation schedule, take into account the specifics of vacation classification under the Labor Code.

There are the following types of vacations:
- annual paid (basic and additional);
- leaves without pay;
- study holidays;
- maternity leave;
- maternity leave;
- leave for employees who have adopted children.

When drawing up a vacation schedule, keep in mind that certain categories of employees have different vacation durations:
- for workers under 18 years of age, vacation is 31 calendar days;
- for seasonal workers - 2 days for each month of work;
- for disabled workers (any group) - at least 30 calendar days;
- vacation - 42-56 calendar days;
- for workers involved in working with chemical weapons - 49 and 56 calendar days;
- for workers of professional emergency rescue services and units - 30-40 days.

Analyzing the composition of employees in your organization, determine the categories of those persons who are entitled to leave.
- all employees (including those working part-time: Article 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- seasonal workers (Article 295 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- persons working under fixed-term employment contracts for a period of up to 2 months (Article 291 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- homeworkers (Article 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Leave can be granted after 6 months of continuous work. The probationary period is included in this half-year.
By agreement between the employer and the employee, leave can be granted before the expiration of 6 months (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Legal vacation (28 working calendar days) also includes non-working days. An exception is non-working holidays.


If the employee does not want to lose a few days off included in the period of 28 calendar days, he can divide it into two parts. But at the same time, the part must include at least 14 calendar days.

Helpful advice

The vacation schedule is approved taking into account the opinion of the trade union body, if there is one in the organization, two weeks before the start of the calendar year.

Businessmen and managers find it difficult to find time for vacation. If you do a little analysis and make adjustments to your work process, you can even take a vacation several times a year!

It is easier for people who know their vacation date in advance to plan their travel and vacation. These are civil servants and employees of large enterprises. As a rule, they receive vacation pay before going on vacation and have the necessary amount for entertainment and buying souvenirs. It is more difficult for individual entrepreneurs in this regard.

We track seasonality

Any business depends on the time of year, weather and other parameters. Pull up your financial statements for the last couple of years and see when there was a maximum and minimum flow of clients. Send most of your employees on vacation and plan your vacation exactly when the company is at its minimum workload. The remaining employees will also be able to cope with a small flow - and you will have a rest. In addition, important issues can be resolved remotely.

If you can't go away for a long time

Usually, serious control and personal participation is required by the young person, when the manager takes on some of the tasks. Taking a couple of weeks off work schedule is an unaffordable luxury, but working without rest can lead to overexertion. You can complete some of the work in advance, freeing Friday. Three days are more than enough to take a mini-vacation in a country sanatorium. This policy will have a good impact on the work process - employees will have additional days off, and the work will be completed efficiently and on time.

We leave a deputy

It’s not worth leaving for a long time without leaving anyone who has the right to sign documents or pay bills. You can control the debiting of funds and confirm payment documents remotely. A service business may require purchasing parts and supplies - your employees should have some degree of freedom. By controlling your business from a distance and teaching your team to work independently from the first day, you get the opportunity to plan your life and vacation, rather than becoming its hostage.

Video on the topic

As a rule, every year workers and employees enjoy the right to paid leave given by labor legislation. At the same time, the accounting department of the employing enterprise issues vacation pay in advance. However, few people can figure it out on their own and calculate the amount required to pay for annual legal leave.

In the matter of calculating the amount of vacation pay, many are accustomed to counting on the knowledge and experience of accountants who actually deal with this procedure. Even if the competence of an accountant is difficult to question, it will not hurt anyone to get up to speed and personally understand the process of accruing “hard money”. In addition, this can help not only to avoid various errors in the accrual process, but also makes it possible to correctly plan the budget for the upcoming event.

Time relax

Any person who has been on the staff of the employing company for at least half of the calendar year has the right to rest. The period allotted is on average 28 days, but other options are also acceptable, for example, increasing the duration of rest due to harmful working conditions, irregular working hours, etc. Such information must be clarified with the director or chief accountant; moreover, it is not possible to open and an employment contract where such subtleties are spelled out.

Vacation pay calculation

The accrual of vacation pay amounts is carried out by an accountant; it is based on the employee’s average annual earnings and the actual period of his activity. These two elements determine the future amount of vacation pay in monetary terms.

Vacation pay, at the request of the employee, can compensate for unused vacation.

From the outside, one may get the impression that the billing period is a permanent value and does not cause any particular difficulties. In fact, the average earnings are calculated for all the past 12 months of the year, during which various events and changes could occur, for example, an employee could be sick, take unpaid days, or for other reasons of a production nature. All this determines the calculation and naturally affects the accrual.

Average earnings are the sum of payments for the entire past year, which does not include various bonuses and any social benefits; it is divided into 12 months, as well as the average number of days in a month, 29.4. The number resulting from the division is multiplied by the days allocated for rest - this is the calculation used in organizations.

If an employee wants to take a vacation after six months, then only these six months need to be taken into account. The calculation period implies the exclusion of only days on which the employee was on sick leave, days of his absence due to the fault of management or any force majeure circumstances. Holidays are also included in the calculation period.

As a general rule, vacation pay must be accrued no later than 2 weeks before the start of the vacation and paid no later than the last working day.

If during the billing period or the vacation itself, unexpected changes occurred in the organization, for example, related to a salary increase that also affected your position, then the average earnings should be indexed, and the remaining amount of vacation pay should be accrued and paid additionally.