Garnet bracelet analysis of the work presentation. Presentation - “Garnet Bracelet” - a hymn to triumphant love

The history of the creation of the story “Garnet Bracelet”... Over the course of several years
my mother, Lyudmila
Ivanovna, almost every day
letters came from
unknown addressee, who
in his messages he revealed his
feelings for her. Realizing that they
inequalities in social
does not suit him
no hope of response
feeling, he wrote, that it was not in his
strength to stop reminding
to yourself. Letters were kept for a long time
in family. Everyone has already forgotten about

This lasted until
there was no telegraph operator in love
received a garnet bracelet as a gift.
Our family recognized this for
insult. As described in
stories, Prince Lyubimov and brother
Lyudmila Ivanovna - Nikolai -
found an employee with a “strange”
surname Yellow. Father later
told me that the visit to Yellow
shook him. The telegraph operator lived in a squalid
attic on the sixth floor. It smelled there
mice, cats, kerosene and
washing. During Yellow's explanations,
the father was more silent, and the uncle, who
young, hot and arrogant, was without
needs are urgent. Yellow promised not
write more to my mother. That's all
it ended.. Anyway about
we have nothing to do with his further fate

Conceived small, in
printed sheet (twenty-one
page), story
unexpected for the author
was difficult, grew
to the size of a story. Job
lasted more than three
months. First publication
took place in the almanac
“Earth”, winter 1911.

The main character
the story is the princess
Vera Nikolaevna Sheina.
Action of the story
September - name day
Vera Nikolaevna. husband
Vera Nikolaevna was
Prince Vasily Lvovich
Shein. The former passionate
Vera's love for her husband
Nikolaevna moved to
feeling strong, faithful,
true friendship.

All characters, with the exception of Zheltkov - the main one
the hero in love with Princess Sheina, Kuprin collects at the dacha
Shein family. Among the guests, Kuprin singles out the old
General Anosov, a comrade in arms with Vera’s father. Housemaid
handed Vera the package. Having unfolded it, Vera discovers a case,
which contained a gold bracelet with stones and a note.

The note talks about
bracelet about what it is
family jewel, and
that this is the most expensive thing,
which the donor has. IN
at the end of the letters stood
G.S.Zh., and Vera
I realized that this is the secret one
admirer who writes
she has been for seven years now.
This bracelet becomes
a symbol of his hopelessness,
enthusiastic, selfless,
reverent love.

Topic: love.
Idea: Image
the fate of the “little one”
man, his story
Composition: 13 parts,
insert novels,
polemical imagery
Style: impersonal
"book character"


Garnet bracelet
“This is a stone of love, anger and blood. On
hand of a man languishing in
feverish or intoxicated
desire, it becomes warmer and
burns with a red flame... If
crush it into powder and
take with water, it gives blush
face, calms the stomach and cheers
soul. Whoever wears it acquires
power over people. He is a doctor
heart, brain and memory" - so in
story "Sulamith" by King Solomon,
giving to your beloved
jewelry, talks about
"the internal nature of stones, about their
magical properties and
mysterious meanings."

striking attention
"low-grade, very
thick" bracelet and
stones decorating it.
This contrast
projected onto
image social
"little man"
Zheltkov, who
however, it conceals
sense of beauty.

Pearl earrings
The heroine receives and
another jewel -
pear-shaped earrings
pearls from my husband.
Pearls have long been
was a symbol with
one side, spiritual
cleanliness, on the other hand -

also in
Zheltkova Kuprin
draws an analogy
with Bashmachkin
Gogol. Reaches
this author from
with help
hero's handwriting.

Princess Vera Nikolaevna
Georgy Stepanovich Zheltkov
Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein
Nikolai Nikolaevich MirzaBulat-Tuganovsky
Anna Nikolaevna Friesse,
Vera's sister
Mrs. Zarzhitskaya
General Anosov
Jenny Reiter

Heroes about love:

Anosov: “Love must be a tragedy.
The greatest secret in the world! No life
conveniences, calculations, and compromises should not
Vera Nikolaevna: “And what is it: love or
Zheltkov: “...this is not a disease, not a manic idea -
this is the love that God was pleased with for something about me
reward “Let Your Name shine…”
Shein: “ it possible to control such a feeling as
love is a feeling that has not yet found itself

“Now I’ll show you in
gentle sounds of life, which
obediently and joyfully doomed
yourself to torment, suffering and
death. No complaint, no reproach,
I didn’t know the pain of pride. I
There is one prayer before you:
"Hallowed be Thy name." Yes I
I foresee suffering, blood and
death. And I think it's difficult
part body and soul, but
Beautiful, praise be to you,
passionate praise and
quiet love:
"Hallowed be Thy name."

"I remember every
your step, smile,
the look, the sound of yours
gait Sweet
sadness, quiet,
beautiful sadness
my last ones are covered
memories. But I am not
I will cause you grief. I
I'm leaving alone, silently, like that
it was pleasing to God and

Think about me
and I will be with you,
because we are with
loved you friend
only one friend
moment, but
forever... For me
entire life
only in you...

The garnet bracelet itself
is a detail
more brightly
emphasizing all
the tragedy of this man.
The psychological climax of the story is Vera’s farewell
with the deceased Zheltkov, their only “date”. "IN
that second she realized that the love she dreams of
every woman passed by her.”
Love dried up the hero, took away all the best that was in
his nature. But she gave nothing in return. This love can be
call it a unique, miraculous, amazing phenomenon

“Hallowed be Thy name” - the refrain sounds in
the last part of "Garnet Bracelet". Passed away
man, but love did not go away. She seemed to have disappeared into
surrounding world, merged with Beethoven's Sonata No. 2
Largo Appassionato. On this tragic note
the story ends.

First topic for discussion:

Zheltkov is a weak, weak-willed man,
That's why I committed suicide, I couldn't
survive the unrequited love of Yolks -
a great man, he had the talent to love, but
By the will of fate, love did not find reciprocity. His
the feeling is one of pride. He passed away
so as not to interfere with the life of the woman you love, not
be an obstacle.
Weak or great Zheltkov. What was the
Zheltkov's talent of love?

Second topic for discussion:

Love, like Zheltkov’s, happens once in a thousand
years. Strong, Passionate, Eternal Love
Zheltkova is love at a distance, love is
admiration and admiration for the beloved. But if
If he became a husband, then love would turn into
everyday life and soon became a habit.
Does true love exist? What is this

Third topic for discussion

Zheltkov committed suicide because
he had no way out There is always a way out, and
committing suicide is stupidity
Did Zheltkov need to die?
Students' opinions

The ending of the story.

What role does music play in the story?
Love for Zheltkov is higher than everything earthly, it
of divine origin. None
“drastic measures” and “appeals to the authorities” are not
can make Zheltkov stop loving. Not a hint of resentment
or complaints in the words of the hero, only gratitude for
great happiness is love.
Dead Zheltkov acquires “deep importance,
as if he knew before parting with life
some deep and sweet mystery that resolved everything
his human life."

Kuprin shows great talent for love and
equates it with the talents of recognized
Zheltkov dies, but awakens to life
Princess Vera, something was revealed to her
previously inaccessible, that same love, oh
which “all women dream of and which
men are no longer capable”, the one “who
repeats itself once every thousand years.”
The heroes “loved each other for only one thing”
moment, but forever."
Love, according to Kuprin, “is always a tragedy, always
struggle and achievement, always joy and fear,
always resurrection and death."

Hallowed be your name...


A.I. Kuprin, "Garnet Bracelet".
(Kuprin develops the traditional Russian literature theme of “small
person." An official with a funny surname Zheltkov, quiet and inconspicuous, not
As soon as he grows into a tragic hero, he rises above the power of his love
petty vanity, life's comforts, decency. He turns out
a man in no way inferior in nobility to aristocrats. Love
elevated him. Love has become suffering, the only meaning of life.
“It so happened that nothing in life interests me: neither politics, nor science, nor
philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me all life consists
only in you,” he writes in a farewell letter to Princess Vera. Leaving life
Zheltkov blesses his beloved: “Hallowed be thy name.” In that
one can see blasphemy. For a hero, love is higher than everything earthly, it
of divine origin. No “drastic measures” and “appeals to
authorities” cannot make you stop loving. Not a shadow of resentment or complaint in the words
hero, only gratitude for the “tremendous happiness” - love.
Dead Zheltkov acquires “deep importance, ... as if he were in front of
parting with life, I learned some deep and sweet secret that resolved
his entire human life." The face of the deceased reminds Vera of death masks
"the great sufferers - Pushkina Napoleon." This is how Kuprin shows the great
the talent of love, equating it with the talents of recognized Genians."
Zheltkov dies, but Princess Vera awakens to life, something was revealed to her
previously inaccessible, that same “great love that repeats itself every thousand times.”
years". The heroes “loved each other only for a moment, but forever.”

Despite the sad
denouement, Kuprin's hero
happy. He believes that the
the love that illuminated his life -
this is truly beautiful
feeling. She's as beautiful as the moon
clear as the sky, bright as the sun,
constant, like nature. This is
chivalrous, romantic
Zheltkov's love for the princess
Vera Nikolaevna, who absorbed
his whole being. Zheltkov
passes away without complaints, without
reproaches, pronouncing as
prayer: “Hallowed be the name

8. Whose portrait is this: “She was half
lower, somewhat broad at the shoulders, lively and
frivolous, mocking. Her face
Mongolian type with quite noticeable
cheekbones, with narrow eyes.... however,
captivated by some elusive and incomprehensible

9.Name of a famous pianist, friend
Vera at the Smolny Institute?
(Jenny Reiter)
10.Name of Vera’s husband?
(Prince Vasily Lvovich)

11.Whose portrait is this: “Fat, tall,
the silver old man climbed down heavily
He had a large, rough, red face with
fleshy nose and with that good-naturedly dignified, slightly contemptuous
the expression in his narrowed eyes... what
characteristic of courageous and simple
(General Anosov)

12.Vera’s last name before marriage?
13.Who “...laughed loudly and enthusiastically, and
thin, smooth-skinned face, with
slicked, thin, blond hair, with
sunken eye orbits, looked like
a skull revealing its ugly teeth in laughter?
(Anna’s husband is Gustav Ivanovich)

14.Name Zheltkov?
15.Whose portrait is this: “very pale, with tender
girlish face, blue eyes and stubborn
a child's chin with a dimple in the middle; years
he must have been about thirty,
16.Who is this woman who “.... hugged the trunk
acacia tree, clung to him and cried”?

17.Who owns these words: “Where is love?”
Love is unselfish, selfless, and does not wait.
awards? The one about whom it is said, “strong as
You see, the kind of love for which you can do anything
a feat, to give one’s life, to suffer torment is not at all
labor, but only joy. Wait, wait, Vera, you tell me
Now you want to talk about your Vasya again? Really, I
I love. He is a good guy. Who knows, maybe
the future and will show his love in the great light
beauty. But you understand what kind of love I'm talking about. Love
must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world!
No life conveniences, calculations or compromises
shouldn't touch her?
(To General Anosov)

1. “...what was it: love or
madness?" (According to the story of A.I.
Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")
2. “Not in strength, not in dexterity, not in intelligence, not in talent,
not expressed in creativity
individuality.But in love!!!
Write a short reflection about how you
understand these words.


(based on the story “The Garnet Bracelet” by A.I. Kuprin)

The greatest gift you can give or receive is love.


Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing we can give, and yet you still have it.

L.N. Tolstoy


1. What positive feelings can LOVE cause?

2. What negative feelings can LOVE cause?

3. Does LOVE elevate a person or not?

4. Choose epithets for the word LOVE


  • LOVE - it is an intimate and deep feeling, a focus on another person, a human community or an idea. (Large encyclopedic dictionary)
  • LOVE this is 1) deep emotional attraction, a strong heartfelt feeling; 2) a feeling of deep affection, selfless and sincere affection; 3) constant, strong inclination, passion for something; 4) the object of love (one or she whom someone loves, to whom he feels attraction, disposition). (Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov)
  • LOVE 1) a feeling of attachment based on common interests, ideals, and the willingness to devote one’s strength to a common cause; 2) An inclination, disposition, or attraction to something. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by D.N. Ushakov)

The story “The Garnet Bracelet” has a very real basis. However, Kuprin’s talent turned a concrete fact of life into a story that the best minds and souls of humanity have been dreaming and yearning for for centuries: poets, novelists, musicians, artists.

Love is stronger than death. He is grateful to the one who aroused this wonderful feeling in his heart, which elevated him, a little man, above the huge, vain world, the world of injustice and malice. That is why, leaving this life, he thanks her and blesses his beloved: “Hallowed be Thy name.”

The love of a little man ends tragically - he dies. His spiritual vow was the words: “Be silent and perish.”

Love allows heroes to rise above everyday life and vanity. In a letter, Kuprin wrote: “Individuality is expressed not in strength, not in dexterity, not in intelligence, not in talent, but in love.”

  • Work on the story “The Garnet Bracelet” began in the fall of 1910 in Odessa. At this time, Kuprin often visited the family of the Odessa doctor L. Ya. Meisels and listened to Beethoven’s Second Sonata performed by his wife. Beethoven's Sonata "Appassionata", one of the most intense, languid, passionate creations of human genius in music, awakened Kuprin to literary creativity.
  • The sounds of the sonata were combined in his imagination with the story of the bright love that he witnessed. On October 15, 1910, Kuprin wrote about the plot of the story to his friend, critic F.D. Batyushkov: “This, remember, is the sad story of the little telegraph official P.P. Zholtikov, who was so hopelessly, touchingly and selflessly in love with Lyubimov’s wife (D. N. is now the governor in Vilna)".

  • There is another vital source of the work, it is connected with the music of Beethoven. As you know, Beethoven was never destined to marry. While living in Vienna, he gave quite a few private music lessons to girls from wealthy aristocratic families. One of these students was the young Countess Giulietta Guicciardi - the famous “Moonlight Sonata” in C sharp minor op. is dedicated to her. 27 No. 2 (1801), which became a kind of musical monument to tragic, unrequited love. It is impossible not to mention one more important circumstance.
  • After the composer's death, a letter was found in a secret drawer of his wardrobe, called “Letter to a Distant Beloved.”
  • The composer’s romantic love story may have been known to Kuprin and somehow influenced the content, the final appearance of the “Garnet Bracelet” - the idea of ​​impossibility, unrealizability, the tragic doom of high and pure love, which was so important for Kuprin.

The day would fade in my soul,

And the darkness would come again,

If only we would banish love from the earth.

Only he knew bliss

Who caressed the heart passionately,

And who did not know love,

It’s the same as if he didn’t live...


Garnet, according to some sources, was previously called "carbuncle" (from the Latin “carbo” - coal, it was probably believed that the mineral was hot like a coal). The name “garnet” was given to this stone by the famous scientist and alchemist Albertus Magnus.

It was gold, low-grade, very thick, but blown and on the outside completely covered with small old, poorly polished garnets. But in the middle of the bracelet towered, surrounding some strange little green stone, five beautiful cabochon garnets, each the size of a pea. When Vera, with a random movement, successfully turned the bracelet in front of the fire of an electric light bulb, then in them, deep under their smooth egg-shaped surface, lovely, rich red living lights suddenly lit up.

“Definitely blood!” - Vera thought with unexpected alarm.


passion is strong and real feelings that elevate a person, awakening his best qualities, this is truthfulness and honesty in relationships


3. Does ideal love exist?

4. Are loving and being loved the same thing? What's better?

1. “Love” and “infatuation”: how do these concepts differ?

2. Love without reciprocity: happiness or tragedy?

  • Anosov:“Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.”
  • Vera Nikolaevna: “And what is this: love or madness?”
  • Zheltkov:“... this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love with which God was pleased to reward me for something... “Hallowed be thy name...”
  • Shein:“... is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpretation”


1. Does unearthly love exist?

2. How to attract love?

3. Why does love control a person, and not vice versa?

4. How does A.I. Kuprin see true love?

  • For a writer, love is the basis of everything that exists: “Love should be a tragedy, the greatest secret in the world. And no life’s inconveniences, calculations and compromises should concern her.”
  • His heroes are people with an open soul and a pure heart, rebelling against the humiliation of man, trying to defend human dignity.
  • The writer glorifies sublime love, contrasting it with hatred, enmity, mistrust, antipathy, and indifference. Through the mouth of General Anosov, he says that this feeling should not be frivolous, nor primitive, and, moreover, based on profit and selfishness: “Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations and compromises should touch". Love, according to Kuprin, should be based on sublime feelings, mutual respect, honesty and truthfulness. She must strive for the ideal.

And yet a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy.

We must bring into love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…


  • VIOLET-RED garnet is a stone of love, flame, passion. It promotes family happiness, gives mutual love, fulfills cherished dreams, and protects against accidents on the road. The garnet stone is a talisman for people in professions that involve risk.
  • RED garnet is a stone of love, anger and blood, flame and passion. According to legend, the one who wears a red pomegranate gains power over people, he drives away sadness and brings joy. It also makes its owner cheerful and pleasant to others, protects against bad dreams, as well as against witchcraft and the “evil eye”. It helps people who are naturally active and strong-willed to achieve power and high official position. Gives a strong energy boost to its owner. This beautiful gem is considered by many to be the stone of lovers; it protects against betrayal and calls for gratitude. Promotes a good mood for its owner, gives him ease in dancing, strengthens the desire to be a true friend, especially to the one who gave this wonderful red gem.

YELLOW GRENADES symbolize and represent perseverance and strength, glory and beauty, constancy and devotion, health and fidelity, splendor, purity and brilliance.

BLACK garnet helps to better communicate with the world of the dead to understand your future

  • The Persian poet Hafiya wrote: “As a ray of sunshine ignites the pomegranate in your ring, so my heart kindles love for you.”
  • This stone was most readily exchanged between lovers. Rings with garnet were given as proof of friendship, memory, gratitude; these jewelry were especially fashionable in the era of romanticism, when symbolism was given great importance. Small red stones were used to make rings, brooches, and pendants in the shape of connected hearts, flowers, four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, and anchors.
  • In ancient times, profiles of rulers, images of gods, portraits of loved ones were carved on the surface of large polished garnets - these are gems that are usually beautiful and speak of the skill of the engraver, which we can still admire in museums. People of the East valued red stones for their supposed healing properties.

  • Doctors advised wearing jewelry with garnets during illnesses and high temperatures. This belief survived until the Middle Ages, when it was believed that garnet necklaces helped with sore throats and persistent headaches. The pomegranate was also supposed to provide its owner with a good mood and cheerful thoughts, but only on the condition that it was never removed. This stone was considered not only the “talisman of lovers,” it was also called the “stone of honesty.” Whoever took possession of it through robbery and theft could not expect that the pomegranate would bring him happiness.
  • In the 15th century In Italy they told an amusing story about a thief who robbed the shop of a wealthy goldsmith in Florence. Among the stolen valuables was a gold chain studded with sparkling garnets. After some time, the robber was caught, and when they took the loot from him, to everyone’s surprise they discovered that the stones had lost their color, became cloudy and almost blackened, and only when the chain was returned to its owner did the garnets sparkle with full brilliance again.

Pearls - they speak about them as radiant and unique, they sing about them in poetry, only their perfection is comparable to the beauty of a woman. Yellowish and brown pearls have long been valued in the east, but we prefer snow-white pearls with a bluish tint. There have long been many legends telling the story of the origin of precious pearls. These are “frozen raindrops”, and “moonlight”, and “tears of the sea”. Today we know the composition of pearls: calcium carbonate, conchiolin and water. This wonderful gem was created by nature, and it is found in the shells of sea and freshwater mollusks.


  • For a low person, pearls do not last long: they darken and can crumble. During water travel, pearls make sure that they are unhindered, and know how to negotiate with the water element and its population, once you put it in the water. Promotes prosperity and longevity, brings happiness to its owner. The shine of a pearl depends on the health of its owner. After the death of the owner, the Pearl fades. In Ancient Rome, pearls were dedicated to the goddess of love, Venus. A ring with pearls protects against thieves and unfortunate transactions. Pisces must wear it, because... he protects them from rash actions.

  • Mystical properties: Promotes clairvoyance, protects against the evil eye, gives a person the ability to think objectively, not commit rash acts, strengthens fidelity in love. However, it only helps people who are self-confident and fanatical; it can bring tears and loss of hope to everyone else. However, despite its great popularity, pearls are a very dangerous stone. He, as they say, takes off his “rose-colored glasses” - a person sees the surrounding reality without embellishment. At the same time, pearls pacify pride and vanity, deprive them of ambitious aspirations, and bestow humility and constancy. This is the stone of true believers.

“We must be grateful to Kuprin for everything - for his deep humanity, for his subtle talent, for his love for his country, for his unshakable faith in the happiness of his people and, finally, for the ability that never died in him to light up from the most insignificant contact with poetry and write about it freely and easily."

Konstantin Paustovsky


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Slide captions:

"The great power of love!" (based on the story “The Garnet Bracelet” by A.I. Kuprin)

Love is… ?

“Love is the brightest and most understandable reproduction of my Self. Individuality is not expressed in strength, not in dexterity, not in intelligence, not in talent, not in creativity. But in love! A.I. Kuprin

Assignment: Continue the associative chain with concepts close in meaning: Love is...

LOVE? ? ? ? ? Zheltkov Vera Nikolaevna Sheina Nikolai Nikolaevich Tuganovsky General Anosov Vasily Lvovich Shein Love in the understanding of Kuprin’s heroes

Zheltkov: “... God was pleased to send me, as great happiness, love for you...” “You were my only joy in life, the only consolation, the only thought.” “Hallowed be Thy name...” Shein: “... I feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul,... suffering from which people die"

Anosov: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.” “, for which to accomplish a feat, to give one’s life, to undergo torment, is not work at all, but joy...” “... people in our time have forgotten how to love. I don’t see true love!” Vera Nikolaevna: “And what is this: love or madness?” "I feel. That something terrible has intervened in our lives...” “Oh, if you only knew how tired I am of this whole story!”

Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky: “I find this correspondence impudent and vulgar.” “His nonsense needs to be put to an end.” “If a man of our circle had allowed himself such a trick..., Prince Vasily would have sent him a challenge.” “...either you completely abandon the persecution of Princess Vera Nikolaevna, or... we will take measures...” “We would kindly ask you so that such surprises do not happen again” “We are making some kind of melodic declamation instead of action...”

LOVE Happiness Joy Consolation Shrine Tragedy of the soul Suffering Death Tragedy Mystery Feat Madness Something terrible This whole story Insolence Vulgarity Prank Stupidity? ? ? ? ? Zheltkov Vera Nikolaevna Sheina Nikolai Nikolaevich Tuganovsky General Anosov Vasily Lvovich Shein

LOVE Happiness Joy Consolation Sacred Tragedy of the soul Suffering Death Tragedy Mystery Feat Madness Something terrible This whole story Insolence Vulgarity Antics Persecution Loyalty Sacrifice Selflessness Sympathy Guilt Repentance Sadness about what did not come true Confusion Fear Regret Irritation Arrogance Contempt Yolks Vera Nikolaevna Sheina Nikolai Nikolaevich Tuganovsky General Anosov Vasily Lvovich Shein

“And what was it: love or madness?” “, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to undergo torture is not work at all, but joy...”

“... love among people has taken such vulgar forms and has simply descended to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment.” “Is it possible to control such a feeling as love?..”

“...she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.” “Perhaps your path in life has been crossed by true, selfless, true love?”

"Love should be the greatest secret in the world..."

How did you understand the idea of ​​the work? Formulate it by continuing the statement: Assignment: “Loving the best is not love, but selfishness. You must love your equals,” said A.P. Chekhov. I (dis)agree with the writer because... In unhappy love, the one who can be happy is... A “small” person can be great in love if...


Homework: Oral essay on the topic: 1. “The story of a great love that made the greatest impression on me.” 2. “My favorite love poem in the literature of the “golden age.” 3. “My favorite piece of 19th century art is about love.”


TEST on the works of A. A. Akhmatova

Exercise 1 Which literary movement did A.A. Akhmatova belong to:

  1. Acmeism.
  2. Symbolism.
  3. Imagism.
  4. Futurism.

Task 2 Anna Andreevna Akhmatova is a pseudonym. What is the poet's last name?

  1. Anna Suvorova.
  2. Anna Gorenko.
  3. Anna Gumileva.
  4. Another name.

Task 3 The lyrical heroine of A. Akhmatova coincides with the personality of the author:

  1. No.

Task 4 What does A.A. Akhmatova see as the poet’s purpose:

  1. Preserve the tragic national memory.
  2. To be the “voice” of the conscience of your people, their faith, their truth.
  3. Sing about love.
  4. To be a “herald”, “leader” of your time.

Task 5 A. Akhmatova's lyrics, especially in her first books, are almost exclusively love. These are collections of poems (find the odd one):

  1. "Beads".
  2. "Evening".
  3. “Swan Camp”.
  4. "White Flock"

Task 6 Lyrical heroine of A. Akhmatova:

  1. A woman surrounded by everyday life and the concerns of her heart.
  2. Revolutionary fighter.
  3. A woman immersed in feelings, intimate experiences of personal destiny.

Task 7. Who, having literally read the early lyrical revelations of the heroine Akhmatova, will publicly call the poet himself “half-nun, half-harlot” and make sure that these definitions sound like heavy political accusations of Akhmatova’s disloyalty to the Soviet system and the state?

Task 8 Which university awarded Anna Akhmatova the honorary title of Doctor of Philosophy?

Task 9 Which poet, who considers himself a student of Akhmatova, gained world fame?

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“Garnet Bracelet” is a hymn to triumphant love.
Completed by: Gaisina T.S. teacher of Russian language and literature

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The day would darken in the soul, And darkness would come again, If we banished love from the earth, Only he would know bliss, Who cares for the heart passionately, And whoever did not know love would be the same as if he had not lived... Jean Baptiste Moliere

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Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future. O. Balzac

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I came to the sage and asked him: “What is love?” He said, “Nothing.” But, I know, many books have been written: Some write eternity, while others write that a moment... It will either scorch with fire, or melt like snow, What is love? “It’s all human!” And then I looked him straight in the face, “How can I understand you?” He said with a smile: “You yourself gave the answer!”: “Nothing or everything!” no!" Omar Khayyam

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We can get rid of illness with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who die of hunger, but there are even more who die because they lack love. Mother Teresa Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand. Dorothy Parker

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Love is:
LOVE is an intimate and deep feeling, a desire for another person, a human community or an idea. (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary) LOVE is 1) deep emotional attraction, a strong heartfelt feeling; 2) a feeling of deep affection, selfless and sincere affection; 3) constant, strong inclination, passion for something; 4) the object of love (one or she whom someone loves, to whom he feels attraction, disposition). (Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov) LOVE - 1) a feeling of affection based on a community of interests, ideals, on the willingness to devote one’s strength to a common cause; 2) An inclination, disposition, or attraction to something. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by D.N. Ushakov)

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Which statement about love that you heard at the very beginning of the lesson would you use as an epigraph for the lesson? Justify your choice.

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One of the most fragrant and sad works about love is A. Kuprin’s story “The Pomegranate Bracelet”. The romantic Kuprin deifies love. Every word here glows, shimmers, sparkling with a precious cut. Love to the point of self-destruction, readiness to die in the name of the woman you love is the theme of the story.

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The history of the creation of the story “Garnet Bracelet”
Kuprin was told an anecdotal story that happened to the noble family of Prince Dmitry Nikolaevich Lyubimov.

“...For several years, my mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna, received letters almost every day from an unknown addressee, who in his messages revealed his feelings for her. Realizing that their inequality in social status gave him no hope for a reciprocal feeling, he wrote that he was unable to stop reminding himself of himself. The letters were kept in the family for a long time. Everyone has already forgotten about them...

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This lasted until a garnet bracelet was received as a gift from a telegraph operator in love. Our family recognized this as an insult. As described in the story, Prince Lyubimov and Lyudmila Ivanovna’s brother, Nikolai, found an employee with the “strange” surname Yellow. My father later told me that the visit to Yellow shocked him. The telegraph operator lived in a squalid attic on the sixth floor. It smelled of mice, cats, kerosene and laundry. During Yellow's explanations, the father was more silent, and the uncle, who is young, hot-headed and arrogant, was needlessly harsh. Yellow promised not to write to my mother again. That’s how it all ended... In any case, we know nothing about his further fate.”

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What is Kuprin's work about? Why is the story called “The Garnet Bracelet”? What does it symbolize?

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How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph to the story?
L. van Bethoven 2 Son.

(op. 2, no. 2). Largo Appassionato

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Beethoven's music conveys the feelings of the characters in the story

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Who is the main character of the story?

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The main character of the story is Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. The action of the story takes place on September 17 - Vera Nikolaevna’s name day. Vera Nikolaevna's husband was Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein. Vera Nikolaevna's former passionate love for her husband turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship.

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What mood does the landscape create? What unites these descriptions: the feelings of Faith and the garden? What was the author's goal?

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Read the gift description. Compare it with the gifts of the prince and Anna.

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“In the middle, between the large stones, you will see one green one. This is a very rare variety of pomegranate - green pomegranate. has the ability to impart the gift of foresight to the women who wear it..."

What did we learn about the bracelet from Zheltkov’s letter? Why did Zheltkov give Vera a bracelet, a family treasure, the most expensive thing that was passed down from generation to generation to women in Zheltkov’s family?

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The note tells about the bracelet, that it is a family jewel, and that it is the most expensive thing the giver owns. At the end of the letter were the initials G.S.Zh., and Vera realized that this was the secret admirer who had been writing to her for seven years. This bracelet becomes a symbol of his hopeless, enthusiastic, selfless, reverent love.

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“Garnet Bracelet” is a story about love. How many love stories are there in the story?

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Love stories in a story
Vera Nikolaevna and Vasily Lvovich; Anna Nikolaevna and Gustav Ivanovich; General Anosov and his wife; Vera Nikolaevna and Zheltkov

General Anosov and the Bulgarian girl; "Regimental Messalina" and ensign; Lenochka, captain and lieutenant

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What do the characters in the story say about love?

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Anosov: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations, or compromises should concern her.” Vera Nikolaevna: “And what is this: love or madness?” Zheltkov: “... this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love with which God was pleased to reward me for something, “Let Your Name shine...” Shein: “... is it possible to control such a feeling as love, a feeling that I still haven’t found an interpretation.”

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Group work QUESTIONS
First group: “What is the role of the image of General Anosov in the story?” Second group: “How and why did Prince Shein’s attitude towards Zheltkov change?”
Third group: “What is the meaning of the mention in the story of “the great sufferers Pushkin and Napoleon””? Fourth group: “The fate of Zheltkov – the story of a “little man” or a “huge tragedy of the soul”?

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General Anosov
“According to modern customs, this fragment of antiquity seemed to be a gigantic and unusually picturesque figure.”

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"Great Sufferers"
“She remembered that she had seen the same peaceful expression on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon”

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NAPOLEON: “slave of power”
PUSHKIN: “slave of honor”
ZHELTKOV: “slave of love”

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What did General Anosov learn about Zheltkov from Vera? What characteristics of Zheltkov do we find in Vera’s story and in Anosov’s conclusions? (Chapter 8, p. 174) Can Zheltkov’s feeling for Vera be called madness? “Is this love or madness?” (ch. 10, p. 181, ch. 11, p. 187-188)

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Why did Zheltkov “force” Vera to listen to this particular Beethoven work?

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“Hallowed be Thy name” is the refrain in the last part of “Garnet Bracelet”. A person has passed away, but love has not left. It seemed to dissipate in the surrounding world, merging with Beethoven’s Sonata No. 2 Largo Appassionato. The story ends on this tragic note.

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“Now I will show you in gentle sounds a life that has humbly and joyfully doomed itself to torment, suffering and death. I knew neither complaint, nor reproach, nor the pain of pride. I have one prayer before you: “Hallowed be Thy name.” Yes, I foresee suffering, blood and death. And I think that it is difficult for the body to part with the soul, but, Beautiful One, praise to you, passionate praise and quiet love: “Hallowed be Thy name.”

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Love... alone is more valuable than wealth, fame and wisdom... more valuable than life itself, because it does not even value life and is not afraid of death. A.I. Kuprin

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Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare: Her eyes are not like stars, Her lips cannot be called corals, Her open skin is not snow-white, And a strand curls like black wire. With a damask rose, scarlet or white, the shade of these cheeks cannot be compared. And the body smells like the body smells, Not like the delicate petal of a violet. You won’t find perfect lines in her, or a special light on her forehead. I don’t know how goddesses walk, But my dear one walks on the earth. And yet she will hardly yield to those who were slandered in magnificent comparisons.

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the telegraph operator signed G.S.Zh. small official Eight years of great emotions, modest desires and a huge sincere feeling. to Vera Nikolaevna princes Shein and Bulat-Tuganovsky

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General Anosov - Maybe he’s just an abnormal fellow... “And - who knows? Maybe your path in life, Verochka, has been crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

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“to accomplish a feat, to give one’s life, to undergo torture is not work at all, but one joy.” “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.”

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Husband Vasily Lvovich and brother Nikolai Nikolaevich in an apartment on the eighth floor “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old” seven years of hopeless and polite love

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ZHELTKOV - VERA there is nothing like it in the world, there is nothing better, there is no beast, no plant, no star, no person more beautiful and tender than the suicide of the official of the control chamber G.S. Zheltkov. It’s as if all the beauty of the earth was embodied in you... May God grant you happiness, and may nothing temporary or everyday disturb your beautiful soul

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“I remember your every step, smile, look, the sound of your gait. My last memories are enveloped in sweet sadness, quiet, beautiful sadness... I leave alone, silently, as God and fate willed. "Hallowed be thy name."

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VERA ZHELTKOV “It’s not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me, as great happiness, love for you... for me, my whole life lies only in you... I am infinitely grateful to you just for the fact that you exist. I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love with which God was pleased to reward me for something... Leaving, I say in delight: “Hallowed be thy name.”

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Vera, the love that every woman dreams of, passed her by... All day long she walked around the flower garden and orchard and thought about the man she had never seen. Maybe this was the real, selfless, true love that grandfather spoke about

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VERA Princess Vera hugged the trunk of the acacia tree, pressed herself against it and cried... And at this time the amazing music, as if obeying her grief, continued: “Calm down, dear, calm down, calm down. Do you remember about me? Do you remember? You are my one and only love. Calm down, I'm with you. Think of me and I will be with you, because you and I loved each other only for one moment, but forever. Do you remember about me? Remember?.. I feel your tears. Calm down. I sleep so sweetly...” Vera, all in tears, said: “No, no, he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine".

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